News From Our Hive May 13, 2016

News From Our Hive
May 13, 2016
The kids did a great job at their music performance on Wednesday night. Thanks for helping
them prepare at home!
I hope you received the invitation to Writer’s Expo. Please plan to join us at school on
Tuesday, May 24 to celebrate the wonderful writing we’ve done this year. If you are unable
to attend, any special adult (a family friend, grandparent, etc.) can attend in your place. If
no one is able to make it, please let me know.
We are done with our first grade word sorts. The children will take some district spelling
assessments over the next couple of weeks instead.
Sarah Adams
Next week our ABC Countdown continues with: M-The Mouse and the Motorcycle Movie
Day, N-Neckwear Day, O-Open a Book Outside Day, P-Pen Day, Q-Queen Day.
Our field trip to Brookfield Zoo will be Wednesday, June 1.
I am still looking for two
I am looking for a volunteer to bind Caldecott projects anytime next week. This project
needs to be done at school. Please let me know if you are willing/ able to help. Thank you
in advance!
Important Dates:
Early Release: Friday, May 20
First Grade Writer’s Expo: Tuesday, May 24 11:30AM-12:15PM
Early Release: Friday, May 27
Brookfield Zoo Field Trip: Wednesday, June 1
Today we welcomed employees from Baxter to our school for Junior Achievement. The students spent the
morning learning about families, neighborhoods, and jobs.
Reading: The students discovered that poems convey moods and feelings. We examined several poems
and determined the mood and feelings of each poem. We learned that poets carefully select their words
in order to create a mood. We also learned how word choice can make an ordinary object seem
During Literacy Stations, the students read to themselves, read to a partner, listened to Lazy Lion on the
iPods, visited on the laptops, sorted their word study words/ pictures, labeled a land and
water habitat and some animals that live there, and practiced reading and writing words with various long
o patterns.
Word Wall: We reviewed reading and spelling our third trimester word wall words.
Math: This week we worked on subtracting a two-digit number from another two-digit number (without
regrouping). The students learned how to do this using a hundred chart and base ten blocks. Our week
ended with some end of the year math assessments.
Continued on the next page…
News From Our Hive
May 13, 2016
Writing: The students continued to work on the first draft of their all-about book.
Science: We learned about the forest and desert and the plants and animals that make their home in
these habitats.
4R’s: We wrapped up our social emotional curriculum by celebrating what we learned during 4R’s this
year. Each child shared something he/ she learned this year.
We finished our pill bug
journals by doing a closeup of our pill bug. We also
let our pill bugs go back
out in nature.
I am writing an all-about book
on rattlesnakes. My book has
a table of contents, fun facts
and a glossary.
We are learning about
subtracting with two-digit
numbers. I know that 2520=5.
We dressed up like animals
for our music show. We
sang about habitats. We
are also learning about
habitats in our classroom.