MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS MADISON, NJ APPLICATION FOR EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY POSITION TO THE APPLICANT: Please complete the information requested. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Current Employer:_________________________________________________ If NOT a Madison Public School employee, please attach the following: Teaching Certificate or Current Substitute Certificate Verification of Mantoux Immunization Verification of Fingerprinting – Approval Letter Extra-Curricular Position: ____________________________________________ School Location of Position: __________________________________________ Duration of Position (during the school year): ______________________________ Prior Experience (experience relating ONLY to extra-curricular position): Years Experience Date (s) Location (School/Other) Position Held ___________________________________________________________________________ Employee Signature Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Director of Student Activities/Student Athletics & School Principals: When nominating an individual for an ECA (extra-curricular activity), please complete the information requested. Years experience should be for ONLY the individual sport (i.e., prior football coaching experience for football ECA) NOT a total of all athletic experience. Placement on the guide should be calculated on prior school experience. _________________________________________________________________________________ Director of Student Activities or Director of Student Athletics Date Placement on the ECA Guide: STEP ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Principal Signature Date Return to Personnel Office