Finance and Consulting Resumes Hiatt Career Center Welcome Introduction Objectives: • Understand what makes a strong finance resume • How the process works and your part • Next steps Recruiting Process Reality: Non-target school Leverage alumni connections 15+ students had internships in top-tier investment banks Many more students in diverse business internships Possible, but requires a lot of preparation Recruiting Process Final resume due Nov 26 in JAMIN Other steps: researching, preparing for the interview, networking Recommendation: • Work with Hiatt counselors IN PERSON • Utilize your classmates and alumni • Submit your final resume in consultation with Hiatt counselor Create an OptimalResume Start with Finance page: Build an OptimalResume – follow finance template Resume MUSTs: Format Cumulative GPA No periods at end of sentences Relevant courses (must for Juniors, if applicable for Sophomores) Arial or Times No more than 4 bullets per experience Begin with action verb Consistency: font size, dates, etc. Un hyperlink your email address Resume MUSTs: Content Construct based on THEIR job description Match experience to expectation Accomplishments and results of your work Be quantitative Demonstrate: • • • • • leadership and hard work analytical skills ability to work in teams strong attention to detail communication skills Resume MUSTs: Look Clean – everything is matched up One page Absolutely pristine: grammatically, spelling, consistency Visually appealing Easy to scan Most pertinent info on top Resume Tips Highlight major GPA if higher Highlight language skills Supplement resume with: • On-campus leadership • Part-time jobs • Other internships in or outside the field • Upper-level courses Next Steps Create or revise resume based on Hiatt’s recommendations Get feedback from as many people as possible Come to Hiatt: • • Bring final draft on paper and flash disk Submit to resume book after or during the meeting with counselor Resume Books Name your document: lastname_firstname_Hiatt.Resume.Book Submit before 11.26 in JAMIN Select this resume as your DEFAULT You will be sent an evaluation asking for your specific interests Important Notice To maintain high standards, Hiatt will exclude resumes with poor formatting, typos, poor descriptions Avoid this by working with the counselors in person After Resume Submission Will hear from our contacts in Dec or Jan Apply on-line through company web sites Track applications and networking contacts through spreadsheet Attend CIC, Networking panels and Information Sessions Research Student Point of View Nadine Feingold-Studnick • Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Katie Wrynn • Northwestern Mutual, Citigroup, James Altucher Hedge Fund, Gromwell Group David Magid • Credit Suisse, Bank of America, Moors & Cabot Questions and Answers Thank you!