Matakuliah Tahun : G0362/Sociolingustics : 2007 What is Sociolinguistics? Pertemuan 1 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Menjelaskan apa yang dipelajari dalam Sosiolinguistik • Menjelaskan faktor sosial yang mempengaruhi penggunaan bahasa 3 Bina Nusantara Outline Materi • • • • Definisi Sosiolinguistik Faktor Sosial dalam penggunaan bahasa Dimensi Sosial Penjelasan atas beberapa fenomena bahasa 4 Bina Nusantara What is covered in this course? • What is sociolinguistics? • What do sociolinguists study? • Why does someone use one language instead of another? • What are varieties? • Can a language become extinct? • What can we do to keep a language alive? • Do men and women talk differently? Bina Nusantara What is sociolinguistics? • Sociolinguistics is a field of study that observes the use of language in the society. • In Sociolinguistics, the object of study is the speakers, how they use the language, and what factors influence them to do so. Bina Nusantara • In pure linguistics, the object of the study is the language alone, independent of the speakers and other social factors. • Pure linguistics is about learning the grammar and how the language works. Short Definition • In short, we can say that Sociolinguists study Who speaks to whom, where, what about, and for what purpose – Who, whom the participants – Where the setting – What about the topic – What purpose the function Bina Nusantara Social Factors What language people choose to speak in an exchange is determined by social factors: The Participants: e.g. age, ranks, relationships; The Setting: e.g. at home, in a formal meeting, etc. The Topic: e.g. my tennis skills, cooking, exams; The Function: e.g. getting a loan, hiring a maid, asking permission to leave the room, etc. Bina Nusantara The Participants • The person you speak to and the kind of relationship you have with the person determines your choice of – Terms of Address: Mr., Madam, Sir, Your Honor/ Majesty, Pak, Mbak, Mas, or just Memet – Language: formal/informal – Tone of voice or intonation Bina Nusantara The Participants Discussion Task: How would you ask for some money to a. A bank teller? b. Your mother or father? c. Your brother (younger/older)? d. A good friend? e. A total stranger? Bina Nusantara The Setting • What we mean by settings are the contexts in which the language exchanges occur: – – – – At school, university At home At a law court In an inauguration ceremony, etc. • The settings would dictate the use of language: formal or informal. Bina Nusantara Topics • The topic of a language exchange can be – A subject matter at a school (Maths, English) – A new computer game – Fashion – Mother’s cooking – Father’s new car, etc. Bina Nusantara Function • The function of a conversation is the reason why two people are speaking to each other at a given moment. e.g. to ask permission, to scold a naughty child, to carry out a wedding ceremony, etc. Bina Nusantara Social Dimensions Within the social factors above, there are social dimensions: 1. Social Distance (solidarity) scale 2. Status scale 3. Formality scale 4. Functional scales: referential and affective Bina Nusantara • Solidarity scale: intimate ______________________ distant High solidarity Low solidarity (language is (language is less formal) formal) Bina Nusantara • Status Scale Superior Subordinate Bina Nusantara High status Low status Functional Scale Referential Low ________________________________high Low ________________________________ high Affective The news on TV would be high in referential content but low in affective scale. A gossip will be highly affective but lowly referential. Bina Nusantara Conclusions • Sociolinguistics is a field of study that research on how language is used in the community. • The way a person speak to another depends on some social factors (the participants, setting, topic, and function) and social dimensions (solidarity scale, status scale, formality scale, and functional scales). Bina Nusantara