Count/Non Count Nouns: Sentence Practice

Count/Non Count Nouns: Sentence Practice
Directions: Complete the sentences with much or many and the singular or plural form of
the noun. Choose the correct word in parentheses as necessary.
1. (land) There is not __________ available for a new football field.
a) much land
b) many land
c) much lands
d) many lands
2. (clothing) How __________ are you going to pack for your trip?
a) many clothing
b) much clothings
c) much clothing
d) many clothings
3. (deaf teacher) Are there __________ at Gallaudet University?
a) much deaf teacher
b) much deaf teachers
c) many deaf teacher
d) many deaf teachers
4. (handout) Did our teacher provide __________ for us?
a) much handout
b) many handouts
c) many handout
d) much handouts
5. (textbook) Do you know if there are still __________ available in the bookstore?
a) many textbooks
b) many textbook
c) much textbooks
d) much textbook
(news) Have you heard __________ from home?
a) many news
b) many new
c) much news
d) much new
(violence) I think there is too __________ on television.
a) many violences
b) much violences
c) many violence
d) much violence
(traffic) Was there __________ on the beltway this morning?
a) much traffic
b) much traffics
c) many traffic
d) many traffics
(research) Have you done __________ for your project?
a) much researches
b) much research
c) many research
d) many researches
10. (essay) Do you have to write __________ for your class?
a) much essay
b) many essay
c) much essays
d) many essays
11. (time)
I have too ________________ on my hands. I am bored.
much time
many times
much times
many time
12. (time) I had to ask her _______________ before she agreed to go with me.
a) much time
b) many times
c) much times
d) many time
A. Write each noun and label it concrete or abstract and common or proper.
1. We went the Graywood Park and got an idea when we saw the birds in the pond.
2. Using a piece of wood, we saw that Robert could actually lift the men sitting on the
benches next to us.
3. Because we live at Hawaii, all we see is water, sand, and waves.
4. Communication is a very important process to all people.
5. Mary is filled with happiness today because justice has been served by the judge.
6. My folder fell out of my briefcase and landed somewhere on Green Drive.
7. During the storm, the Raymonds lost our power, but nevertheless, they were still
8. The Statue of Liberty displays love to everyone.
9. The ability to talk is a very powerful advantage.
10. The muffins sat in the oven as the fire crackled.