A Publication of the Madison Public Schools Office of Curriculum and Instruction May 2014 Madison Students Complete PARCC Field Testing In addition to the students who completed performance based assessments earlier this year, six classes of Madison students at Kings Road School (Grade 5 English Language Arts), Madison Junior School (Grade 7 Mathematics), and Madison High School (Grade 9 English Language Arts) completed PARCC end of year field testing in May. As part of our efforts to learn as much as possible from our students’ testing experience in order to improve our instructional practices in Madison, all participating students were asked to complete a survey about their experience. The links below will bring you to summaries of those survey results: A Walk in the PARCC aims to provide all those with an interest in the Madison Public Schools with the latest information about the Common Core State Standards and PARCC assessments. Central Avenue School Kings Road School Madison Junior School Madison High School What Do These Tests Look Like? For a while now, reporters have been explaining to their readers that the Common Core assessments go beyond multiple choice and require critical thinking, writing and the use of evidence. But what do the test items actually look like? The most important message is that there is no “test prep” for these tests; these are the kinds of test items that require understanding of concepts and application that come only through a year of good teaching, not last minute practice. In a typical prompt on NJASK, students might be asked to write a letter to a cafeteria supervisor suggesting new menu items and explaining why they should be added. While this does require writing and making a persuasive argument, it doesn’t require the students to use evidence from a text. On PARCC, students might read a passage from the Declaration of Independence and a Patrick Henry speech and watch a short video before writing about the purpose of government according to the colonists based on the multimedia they consumed during the test itself. You can find two examples of what this might look by clicking here. Article adapted from “What Do They Look Like” published at http://parcconline.org. Masthead Design: Dani Bratton Madison High School Teacher “The questions are thinking questions.” A Kings Road School 5th grader reflecting on PARCC field testing 1 PARCC Test Blueprints and Test Specs For educators or others who really want to dig into the nitty-gritty of the PARCC assessments, PARCC has released a set of test specification documents, including assessment blueprints and evidence statement tables, to help educators and the general public better understand the design of the PARCC assessments. Blueprints are a series of documents that together describe the content and structure of an assessment. These documents define the total number of tasks and/or items for any given assessment component, the standards measured, the item types, and the point values for each. Evidence statement tables and evidence statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to the Common Core State Standards, and highlight their advances especially around the coherent nature of the standards. The various documents, explanatory PowerPoint presentations, and frequently asked questions are available by clicking here. Article adapted from “Blueprints & Test Specs” published at https://www.parcconline.org. Practice PARCC Tests Now Available Want to see PARCC items in action? Would you like to know how PARCC is different from previous standardized tests like NJASK and HSPA? Follow PARCC on At this time, practice Performance-Based Assessment tests are available for grades 3-11 in English Language Arts and End-of-Year tests are available for grades 3-8 mathematics and Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Although scoring is not built into the practice test, answer keys and rubrics are posted. Access the practice tests by visiting practice.parcc.testnav.com/. Twitter @PARCCplace Need a Common Core State Standards Primer? The Council of Great City Schools published a three-minute video animation that explains “how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.” You can see the video by clicking here. Office of Curriculum and Instruction Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison. NJ 07940 www.madisonpublicschools.org @MadisonNJPS Matthew A. Mingle, Director What Do You Think? “A Walk in the PARCC” is designed to keep the entire Madison learning community informed as we transition to new educational standards and assessments. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey to guide the development of future newsletters. The survey can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/AWalkInTheParcc. 2