A Publication of the Madison Public Schools Office of Curriculum and Instruction February 2015 A Walk in the PARCC aims to provide all those with an interest in the Madison Public Schools with the latest information about the Common Core State Standards and PARCC assessments. PARCC Launches in Madison Schools During the week of March 2, fifth grade students at all three elementary schools and eighth grade students at Madison Junior School will begin taking PARCC performance-based assessments in mathematics and literacy. Preparations have been under way in the district for several years to ensure our curriculum and instruction practices are in alignment with the Common Core State Standards on which these assessments are based. Like we did during field testing last year, we will survey our participating students about their experience with PARCC so that we can identify local lessons learned about the content and technological requirements and develop strategies to strengthen our preparation for the endof-year assessments in May and testing in subsequent years. The results of these surveys will be shared broadly later this spring. More than 20 New Jersey high schools began administering PARCC assessments in late February. Madison administrators have been in touch with some of those schools to gain knowledge related to managing large-scale computer-based testing. Based on these conversations and initial reports, testing has gone pretty smoothly so far across the state. We are confident that our technology infrastructure, leadership teams, and teachers are ready to successfully support our students as they demonstrate their knowledge and skills related to mastery of the Common Core State Standards. A weather plan is in place should there be delayed openings, early dismissals, or school closures during PARCC testing. The plan can be found on the district website. NJ PTA Launches PARCC Support Website The New Jersey Parent Teacher Association launched a website called “Best Foot Forward” to “provide timely information and resources to help parents support their child in the transition to PARCC in whatever way they see fit.” This includes test-taking tips, text alerts, answers to frequently asked questions, background on PARCC development, and much more. All of the resources are geared towards New Jersey parents. The website is available at bestfootforwardnj.org. PARCC Score Reports Unveiled Masthead Design: Dani Bratton Madison High School Teacher In an update to the state Board of Education on February 4, New Jersey Department of Education officials provided a preview of what PARCC score reports would look like. The full presentation includes background about how the new reports will change from existing NJASK and HSPA reports. The sample PARCC reports begin on page 12. You can see the full presentation here. 1 Elementary Students and Parents Participate in Family Math Nights Parents and students joined with the staffs of the three elementary schools to discover the wonders of math together on February 5, 2015. This evening of hands-on learning activities and games was designed to bring the Math in Focus / Common Core State Standards math classroom alive for parents. The 2014-15 school year marks the first full year of implementation of Math in Focus in grades 3-5 and the second year of implementation in grades K-2. NJDOE Publishes Assessment Information for Students with IEPs The New Jersey Department of Education published an informational guide for parents and families of students with IEPs. The guide addresses PARCC assessments but also Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM), the alternate state assessment system administered to students with the most significant intellectual disabilities. The full document is available here. Office of Curriculum and Instruction Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison. NJ 07940 www.madisonpublicschools.org @MadisonNJPS Matthew A. Mingle, Director What Do You Think? “A Walk in the PARCC” is designed to keep the entire Madison learning community informed as we transition to new educational standards and assessments. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey to guide the development of future newsletters. The survey can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/AWalkInTheParcc. 2