RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Board Reviewed: 6/10/09; 11/14/12 AP No. 5400 Page 1 of 1 I. Rio Hondo College shall have one Associated Students Organization called Associated Students of Rio Hondo College. II. Both day and evening student representatives shall be encouraged. III. A governing body shall be elected that shall keep an account of its meetings, expenditures, authorizations, and policies established. IV. A simple majority of the elected voting members of the ASRHC governing body shall constitute a quorum. V. The ASRHC shall be composed of two governmental bodies – the Senate and Supreme Court. VI. The Road Runner shall be the Mascot of ASRHC. VII. The official colors of this organization shall be black and gold. VIII. The Executive and Legislative powers of the ASRHC shall be vested in the Senate. The judicial powers shall be vested in the Supreme Court. IX. The elected officers of the Senate shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and eighteen (18) Senators. X. The Senate shall be chaired by the ASRHC President. The President shall make appointments to form a working cabinet upon ratification of a simple majority by the Senate. XI. Each elected officer shall have one vote on the Senate. XII. Meetings of all governmental bodies shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised. XIII. Reference: Education Code Section 76060, ASRHC Constitution amended April 2012.