RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Board Adopted: 1/9/02; 11/12/03 Board Policy BP No. 2305 Page 1 of 1 I. The annual organizational meeting of the Board will be held within a fifteen (15) day period that commences with the date upon which a governing board member elected at the regular election of governing boards takes office. In years in which no governing board election takes place, the organizational meeting shall be held during the same fifteen (15) day period. This is generally at the regular meeting held within the first two weeks in December. II. The purpose of the annual organizational meeting is to elect a president, vicepresident, and clerk, appoint a secretary, and appoint representatives of the Board to committees as requested by state and county organizations. Any other business as required by law or determined by the Board shall also be conducted. III. Source/Reference Former Board Policy 1005, Section I-J; Education Code Section 72000(c) (2) (A).