Rio Hondo Community College District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES November 11, 2009, Pre-Meeting Mixer, 5:15 p.m. Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. MINUTES Location: Rio Hondo College 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90605 Members Present: André Quintero, President (Presiding) Angela Acosta-Salazar, Vice President Gary Mendez, Clerk Maria Elena Martinez, Member Garry Couso-Vasquez, Member Julio R. Flores, Student Trustee Members Absent: None. Staff Members: Dr. Ted Martinez, Jr., Superintendent/President Dr. Paul Parnell, Vice President, Academic Affairs Ms. Teresa Dreyfuss, Vice President, Finance and Business Mr. Henry Gee, Vice President, Student Services Mr. Mike Javanmard, President, Academic Senate Dr. Adam Wetsman, President, RHCFA Ms. Lisa Sandoval, President, CSEA Mr. Samuel Castillo, President, ASB Ms. Sandy Sandello, (Recorder) I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pre-Meeting Mixer (5:15 p.m.) B. Call to Order (6:00 p.m.) Mr. Quintero called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. C. Pledge of Allegiance (Led by RHC Color Guard) Mr. Brent Sanchez, ICC Alternative Representative of the RHC Veteran’s Club led the pledge of allegiance along with the Rio Hondo College Color Guard. D. Roll Call All members were present. E. Open Communication for Public Comment Ms. Sandra Rivera and Mary Ann Pacheco spoke on a personnel matter. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: André Quintero, Angela Acosta-Salazar, Gary Mendez, Maria Elena Martinez Garry Couso-Vasquez, Julio R. Flores, Student Trustee F. 130. Approval of Minutes: October 3, 2009, October 14, 2009 It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Flores and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted the minutes of October 3, 2009 and October 14, 2009 as presented. G. VI. Commendations • La Serna High School – Distinguished School of the Year (Drew Passalacqua, Principal) • Tim Keeler, California High School • Cheryl Estep, President, Whittier Chamber of Commerce • Mary Ann Bakotich, Executive Director, Whittier Chamber of Commerce COMMENDATIONS FOR OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS This item was moved out of order. H. II. Presentations • Accountability Report for Community Colleges (ARCC) - Indicators of Student / Institutional Success – Howard Kummerman • Enrollment Strategies Report (Dr. Paul Parnell) CONSENT AGENDA 131. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Ms. Acosta-Salazar and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the Consent Agenda as presented. A. FINANCE & BUSINESS 1. Finance and Business Reports a. Purchase Order Report Attached is the Purchase Order Report reviewing purchases for the preceding 60 days. Funds have been budgeted for these purchases in the funds shown. Individual purchase orders are available in Contract Management and Vendor Services prior to the meeting for Board review. The purchases have been processed in accordance with Administrative Procedure No. 6334. b. Payroll Warrant Report Attached is the Payroll Warrant Report for the month of October, 2009. 2. Authorization for Out-of-State Travel and Conferences The Board of Trustees approved the following staff and Board Members to attend the educational conferences and meetings as listed below: Alyson Cartagena to attend the Athletic Business Conference Expo in Orlando, FL, Dec. 2-4, 2009. Rory Natividad to attend the Athletic Business Conference Expo in Orlando, FL, Dec. 2-5, 2009. Jodi Senk to attend the Athletic Business Conference Expo in Orlando, EL, Dec. 2-5, 2009. Robin Siara to attend the Athletic Business Conference Expo in Orlando, FL, Dec. 1-5, 2009. November 11, 2009 Minutes 2 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Biana Urquidi to attend the Athletic Conference Expo in Orlando, FL, Dec. 1-6, 2009. Ted Martinez, Jr. to attend the U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA/HACU Leadership meeting in Washington, D.C., Dec. 10-12, 2009. Sheila Lynch to attend the 98th Annual College Art Association Conference in Chicago, IL, Feb. 10-13, 2009. Shin Liu to attend the Course Technology Conference 2010 in Tampa, FL, March 10-12, 2010. 3. Revenue Agreement – City of Commerce Emergency Response Team This is an agreement between the City of Commerce and Rio Hondo Community College District – RHC Public Safety Fire Training Center to conduct Commerce Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. CERT training will be held and taught at Rio Hondo College Santa Fe Springs Public Safety Training Center. Training will be provided six hours a day, once a month for twelve months for up to 20-members of the City of Commerce Emergency Response Team. City of Commerce will pay the College $4,800.00 upon execution of the agreement. 4. Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste College and Roundup Annually, the City of Santa Fe Springs in conjunction with the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, requests the use the Santa Fe Springs Regional Public Safety Facility site for the annual Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste Roundup. Staging and preparation for the Roundup will begin January 29, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. The Roundup is advertised by the County of Los Angeles for the public to begin delivering their electronic waste to the site between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for January 30, 2010. Cleanup and closeout is not to exceed 24-hours following termination of the Roundup. Household hazardous waste includes but is not limited to pesticides, cleaning solvents, automotive fluids, waste oil, paint and related products, hobby and art chemicals, batteries and similar items. The County of Los Angeles will submit a certificate of liability insurance to cover the event. The Sanitation District will contract with an environmental disposal service to collect the electronic waste at the SFS site. The Sanitation District and the County of Los Angeles will assume all legal permits and liability. 5. November 11, 2009 Minutes Community Services a. Blake Champion – To instruct “Help Desk 101 for Windows”. Dates of service will be November 12, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Payment will be split 60% to Rio Hondo and 40% to consultant. b. Art Blair – To instruct “CPR for the Healthcare Provider Course”. Dates of service will be December 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Payment will be split 60% to Rio Hondo and 40% to consultant. 3 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting c. B. Kathleen M. Hannah – To instruct “First Degree Reiki”. Dates of service will be December 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Payment will be split 60% to Rio Hondo and 40% to consultant. PERSONNEL The following recommendations are submitted within budget allocations: 1. Academic a. Employment Hourly as Needed, 2009-2010 BEWLEY, Ellie, Physical Ed. 2. VAN DOMMELEN, Louise, Phys. Ed. Classified a. Employment NGUYEN, Quoc, Research Specialist, Institutional Research, 100%, 12 months, effective October 5, 2009 Short Term, 2009-2010 HARTINGER, Tim, FA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2010 MARTINEZ, M. Lea, Clerk Typist III, Career Technical Education, ending date June 30, 2010 Substitute, 2009-2010 TERRAZAS, Tina, Registration Clerk, Admissions & Records, effective November 2, 2009 3. Unrepresented, (AP 7130), 2009-2010 a. Employment Hourly ARZATE, Carolina, Tutor II HAMMER, Mychael, P.E. OSCAR, Lun, Tutor II GARCIA, Alexander, Tutor II HUANG, Angela, Tutor II ROMO, Ervin, Tutor II SANCHEZ, Isaac, Tutor II Community Services PICHARDO, Dulce, Upward Bound Volunteer FLORES, Jesus, Career Tech. Ed. LOUERA, Andrews, Career Tech. Ed. November 11, 2009 Minutes 4 GONZALEZ, Anamaria, Counseling Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Students ARROYO, Michelle, Math/MSC DEL RIO, Sarah, Arts & Cultural IBARRA, Crystal, Arts & Cultural MARRON, Mandie, Public Safety RAMIREZ, Rocio, Gov’t. & Comm. ROMO, Ervin, LAC YOULZUM, Eric, Arts & Cultural 4. BATEMAN, Carissa, EOPS GALLARZO, Gabriel, Facilities LUN, Oscar, LAC NGUYEN, Ngoc, LAC REYES, John, Comm. /Lang. TAOATAO, Lucas, Disabled Students Order of Employment a. Per Education Code 97413, et seq. following is the revised Order of Employment List. We have added those faculty members employed during the Spring and Fall Semesters of 2009, and deleted those who have separated/retired as of 2009. See attached list. C. ACADEMIC SERVICES 1. Curriculum Items a. New Courses that are Part of an Existing Program The following courses have been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: PSY 170: Introduction to Learning and Memory (Social Science) Degree Applicable; (3 Units) Transfers to: CSU Justification: The development of this course reflects a need to increase our variety of psychology course offerings. Learning and memory is viewed as one of the “pillars” of psychology and we currently offer a handful of “pillar” like courses (research methods, biological psych, abnormal psych, developmental psych) so this course will expand our key offerings. This course will also serve our students to better prepare them for some of the upper division courses that are more focused on learning and memory theories. PSY 180: Positive Psychology (Social Science) Degree Applicable; (3 Units) Transfers to: CSU Justification: The development of this course reflects a new movement in Psychology. As a response to “abnormal psychology” courses, many psychologists started a movement to focus on healthy people and lifestyles. These courses are very new (less than 10 years old) but will serve Psychology majors and other interested students. November 11, 2009 Minutes 5 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 11, 2009 Minutes 6 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 11, 2009 Minutes 7 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 11, 2009 Minutes 8 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PSY 190: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Social Science) Degree Applicable; (4 Units) Transfers to: CSU Justification: Statistics is currently only taught in the math department (MATH 130) at Rio Hondo. At the four year level, most Psychology majors (as well as many others in the Social Sciences) are required to take Statistics courses from within the Psychology department (8/10 of the UC campus, 15/22 CSU campuses). These schools have expressed a desire for our Psychology students to get a statistics course that is more focused on hypothesis testing and applications of statistics and less on probability. At the Presidential Summit Psychology Workshop, CSU participants agreed that, when feasible, lower division psychology statistic courses were preferred for use as a transfer course to meet CSU lower division psychology statistics requirements. Representatives from the community colleges were encouraged to advise students accordingly and where applicable, foster the development of such courses in the psychology department. Thus, this course will satisfy the desires of our transfer universities, offer students a strong preparation for Research Methods in Psychology, and prepare other social science students (Sociology and Political Sciences in particular) with a more applied statistics course. b. New Program The following degrees have been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: A.S. Degree – Biology (36 Units) A.S. Degree – Engineering (36 Units) c. Program Change The following degree has been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog with the following changes: A.S. – Environmental Technology Land Use Planning and Environmental Restoration Add: ET 280 Alternative & Efficient Energy Systems Add: AET/ET 070, AET/ET 072, AET/ET 074, AET/ET 076, AET/ET 078, ET 181, ET 182, ET 282 d. Unit Change The following courses/programs have been recommended for a unit change to reflect an increase/decrease in course content: FTEC 121: Emergency Response (From 2 Units to 3 Units) III. ACTION ITEMS A. FINANCE & BUSINESS November 11, 2009 Minutes 9 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 1. 132. Annual Bond Audit Report It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accept the Bond Financial & Performance Audit for Fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 2. 133. Ratification of Change Order #8, Bid #1136 Applied Technology Building Renovation Project: W.E. O’Neil Construction Company It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees ratified Change Order #8 for a net increase to the contract in an amount of $100,925.00 for a new total of $11,911,263.69 payable from State and Bond funds and authorized the Administration to execute the change Order on behalf of the District. 3. 134. Student Material Fee Increase – Administration of Justice and Fire Academy Courses of Instruction It was moved by Mr. Couso-Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the material fee increase as outlined and authorized the administration to sign the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 4. 135. Professional Services – McCallum Group, Inc. It was moved by Mr. Flores, seconded by Ms. Acosta-Salazar and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the agreement with the Mc Callum Group, Inc. for legislative advocate services November 16, 2009 through November 15, 2010, not to exceed $2,500.00 per month from unrestricted General Funds and authorized the Administration to execute contracts on behalf of the District. 5. 136. Acceptance of Donation – City of South Pasadena It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accept donations of a 1994 Horton Rescue Ambulance from the City of South Pasadena and authorized the Administration to sign the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 6. 137. Mass Grading Project – Shoring Engineering Peer Review, Cefali & Associates, Inc. It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved awarding a contract to Cefali & Associates, Inc. for temporary shoring engineering peer review in the amount not to exceed$1,680.00 to be paid from Bond Funds and authorized the Administration to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 7. 138. Proposal for Architectural / Engineering Services for the South Whittier Educational Center, Quatro Design Group, Inc., It was moved by Mr. Couso-Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the Architectural/Engineering Services for the monument signage at the South Whittier Educational Center to Quatro Design Group, Inc., in a contract amount not to exceed $4,000.00to be paid from Bond funds. November 11, 2009 Minutes 10 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 8. 139. Emergency Resolution – Temporary Hot Water Boiler: Boss Air Mechanical It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees declared an emergency resolution, authorizing immediate procurement of the temporary hot water boiler from Boss Air Mechanical for a not to exceed amount of $54,500.00 from Bond funds, and authorized the Administration to execute the appropriate documents with the Los Angeles County Office of Education emergency Resolution to acquire the proper approval. 9. 140. Resolution to Participate in Piggybackable Bid Awards Made by Other Public Agencies It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees determined that it is a better application of resources and in the best interest of the Rio Hondo Community College District, to piggyback bid awards made by other public agencies thereby saving considerable time, effort and cost. 10. 141. P.E. Facilities Project – Temporary Modular Buildings It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Mr. Flores and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved awarding a contract to Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the rental of five modular buildings in the amount not to exceed $207,229.00, using the Santa Ana unified School District Bid #14-05 piggybackable contract to be paid from Bond and State funds and authorized the Administration to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 11. 142. Bid #1159 Refurbish Drafting Tables – Culver Newlin, Inc. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted and awarded Bid #1159 Refurbish Drafting Tables in the amount of $42,802.50 submitted by Culver Newlin, Inc., from State/Bond funds and authorize the Administration to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 12. 143. SB 70 Grant Funding for San Gabriel Valley Career Technical Education Community Collaborative (SGVCTECC) – Citrus Community College District as Fiscal Agent It was moved by Mr. Flores, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved SB70 Grant Funding for San Gabriel Valley Career Technical Education Community Collaborative in an amount not to exceed $127,000.00, authorizing the Superintendent/President or designee to sign the appropriate document on behalf of the District. 13. 144. Disclosure Dissemination Agent: Keygent LLC It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees awarded Professional Services agreement to Keygent LLC as exclusive Disclosure Dissemination Agent with respect to each series of municipal bonds and any additional financing by the College and authorized the Administration to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. 14. 145. Surplus Property – A/V and Computer Equipment It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees rejects all bids #1161 CAD/GIS Computer Systems. November 11, 2009 Minutes 11 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 15. 146. Reject All Bids #1161 CAD / GIS Computer Systems It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously that the Board of Trustees, that the Board of Trustees B. PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 1. Approval of Revision of Board Policies (Final Adoption) 147. It was moved by Ms. Acosta-Salazar, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees made the motion for the purposes of discussion. 148. After discussion, it was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously to reconsider the motion. 149. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Martinez, and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved Board Policies BP 2740 and BP 7600 and excluded BP 4106 which was tabled to the next meeting. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Building Program 2. Revised Board Policy / New Administrative Procedures V. STAFF AND BOARD COMMENTS VI. COMMENDATIONS FOR OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS This item was moved to the beginning of the meeting. VII. CLOSED SESSION Mr. Quintero recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 9:15 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:20 p.m. and the following action was reported from Closed Session. Pursuant to Section 54956.8: • CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR o 3017 Tyler Avenue, El Monte, California Pursuant to Section 54956.9: • CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LIGITATION (ONE CASE) 150. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried that the Board of Trustees approved the contract termination of TELACU Construction Management service with Rio Hondo College and authorized the Administration to sign the appropriate document on behalf of the district. • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION o 151. Vice President, Finance & Business It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted the Superintendent/President’s recommendation to extend a two year contract to Teresa Dreyfuss as the Vice-President of Finance and Business effective July 1, 2010 with the same salary and benefits as she currently as per Ed Code 72411. November 11, 2009 Minutes 12 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting o 152. Vice President, Academic Affairs It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Ms. Acosta-Salazar and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted the Superintendent/President’s recommendation to extend a two year contract to Dale Paul Parnell as the Vice President of Academic Affairs effective July 1, 2010 with the same salary and benefits as he currently has as per Ed. Code 72411. o 153. Vice President, Student Services It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Ms. Acosta Salazar and carried, that the Board of Trustees accepted the Superintendent/President’s recommendation to extend a two year contract to Henry Gee as the Vice President of Student Services effective July 1, 2010 with the same salary and benefits as he currently has per Ed. Code 72411. Mr. Mendez voted no. • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT o 154. Director, Facilities Services It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees directed the Superintendent President to take the appropriate action to employ Gustavo Gonzalez as Director of Facilities as per Ed Code 72411. Pursuant to Section 54957 • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE / DISMISSAL / RELEASE 155. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the employment termination of employee #000572945. Pursuant to Section 54957.6 • CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR Agency Negotiator: Teresa Dreyfuss Employee Organization: CSEA, RHCFA No action taken on this item. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Quintero adjourned the meeting at 10:28 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Annual Organization/Swearing In of new Board Members will be held on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 6:00 p.m., Rio Hondo College, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California. November 11, 2009 Minutes 13 Rio Hondo Community College District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting