i INTEGRATED MODELLING FOR COASTAL ALLUVIUM AQUIFER AT KG. TEKEK, TIOMAN ISLAND LIEW KUET FAH A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil - Hydraulics and Hydrology) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER, 2006 iii To my beloved parents and family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the accomplishment of this master project, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhan Abd. Rahman, for his enthusiastic effort, suggestions, advices and guidance during the preparation of this report. Appreciations are also dedicated to my cosupervisor, Professor Toshiharu Kojiri of Water Resources Research Centre, D.P.R.I Kyoto University for his willingness to comment and provide suggestions for improvements on the results of this project. I also gratefully acknowledge the panels of my project presentation, consisting of Dr. Noor Baharin, Dr. Supiah Shamsudin, Ir. Ahmad Kamal and Prof. Narayanan for their comments, opinions and suggestions to produce a better report. I would like to extent my appreciation to my friends especially Siti, Shah, Kamarul, Zulkifli and Hakim for their supports, cooperation and assistances during my studies in Master program. Last but not least, deepest thanks are expressed to my beloved parents and family members for their moral support on my decision to further study. Without them, I would not have been able to complete my course. v ABSTRACT Sufficient water supply plays an important role in busting the continuous growth of tourism industry for an island. Tioman Island as one of the well-known marine tourism attraction in Malaysia still highly relies on the limited surface water source to supply water for the local residents and tourists. Thus, exploration for the groundwater source is essential as an supplement for the existing water supply system to cater for the increasing water demand in the future. Utilization of surface water and groundwater will prevent the total reliance on a single resource which avoids the water scarcity problem during drought seasons and also occurrence of groundwater overdraft. Groundwater modellings in this study are developed with MODFLOW2000 based on the available data to determine the hydraulic heads and drawdowns of groundwater due to different pumping rates and saline intrusion effects are simulated with the SEAWAT2000 model. The linear optimization problem is solved with GAMS to maximize the rate of pumping for groundwater to fulfill the quantity and quality requirements. The aquifer system would be capable to support withdrawal of groundwater up to 5.8 MLD and cater for water demand till year 2015. The hydraulic drawdown has greater influence for the optimization of pumping rate compared to saline intrusion effects. With additional supply from surface water source of 4 MLD, the combination system could cater for the water demand up to year 2025. vi ABSTRAK Bekalan air yang mencukupi memainkan peranan penting bagi perkembangan industri perlancongan yang berterusan di sebuah pulau. Pulau Tioman sebagai salah satu tumpuan perlancongan marin yang terkenal di Malaysia masih bergantung kepada sumber air permukaan yang terhad untuk membekalkan air kepada penduduk tempatan dan pelancong. Dengan itu, penerokaan sumber air bumi adalah penting sebagai sumber tambahan bagi sistem bekalan air yang sedia ada untuk menampung keperluan air yang semakin meningkat pada masa depan. Penggunaan air permukaan and air bumi akan mengelakkan masalah kekurangan air pada musim kemarau dan berlakunya pengepaman air bumi yang berlebihan. Model MODFLOW2000 telah digunakan dalam kajian ini untuk membentuk model simulasi berdasarkan kepada data yang sedia ada untuk menentukan turus hidraulik air bumi disebabkan oleh pengepaman pada kadar alir yang berbeza. Model SEAWAT2000 pula menganalisa kesan pencerobohan air masin pada setiap kadar pengepaman. Masalah penyelesaian linear diselesaikan dengan GAMS untuk memperolehi kadar pengepaman yang maksimum dan memuaskan syarat kuantiti dan kuality. Hasil kajian menunjukan sistem akuifer mampu mengeluarkan air bumi sebanyak 5.8 MLD dan menampung keperluan air sehingga tahun 2015. Penurunan turus hidraulik menunjukkan pengaruh yang lebih besar berbanding dengan pencerobohan air masin dalam proses mengoptimumkan kadar pengepaman. Dengan bekalan tambahan sebanyak 4 MLD daripada sumber air permukaan, sistem kombinasi dapat menampung bekalan air sehingga tahun 2025. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY AND EXCLUSIVENESS ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF APPENDICES xv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 1 CHAPTER 2 Background of the study 1.2 Objectives of study 2 1.3 Scope of study 3 1.4 Importance of study 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Groundwater Hydrology 5 2.1.1 Groundwater and Hydrologic Cycle 5 2.1.2 Groundwater Movement 7 2.1.3 Groundwater Recharge and Discharge 8 2.1.4 Aquifer and Confining Beds 8 2.2 Groundwater Quality 10 2.2.1 11 Saline Intrusion in Coastal Zones viii 2.3 Type of Groundwater Models 2.4 Historical Review of Groundwater Modelling in Malaysia 2.4.1 15 Historical Review of Previous Studies of Alluvial Aquifer in Tioman Island 2.5 15 Historical Review of Groundwater Modelling in Kelantan 2.4.2 13 17 Historical Review of MODFLOW and SEAWAT Application for Tymbaki Aquifer, South Central Crete, Greece (2005) 20 2.5.1 Site Description and Basin Hydrogeology 21 2.5.2 Simulation Models 23 2.5.3 Discretization, Boundary Condition and 2.5.4 2.6 2.7 Aquifer Parameters 23 Simulation Results and Conclusion 25 Optimization Modelling 27 2.6.1 28 Linear Programming Historical Review of GAMS Application for Groundwater Management in the Goksu Delta 2.8 CHAPTER 3 At Silifke, Turkey (2001) 30 2.7.1 Objective Function and Constraints 31 2.7.2 Results and Discussion 34 Summary 36 METHODOLOGY AND STUDY AREA 37 3.1 Modelling of Groundwater and Optimization 37 3.2 Description of the study area 37 3.2.1 Geology and Hydrogeology 42 3.2.2 Climate 44 3.2.3 Topography 44 3.2.4 Water Resources of Study Area 46 3.2.5 Hydrology 46 ix 3.3 Groundwater Modelling 46 3.3.1 MODFLOW2000 47 Spatial and Time Discretization 49 Governing Equation 50 3.3.2 SEAWAT2000 51 Temporal Discretization 53 Head and Equivalent Freshwater 54 Head in SEAWAT2000 Variable-Density Groundwater 55 Flow Equation 3.4 3.5 Simulation Setup 56 3.4.1 Simulation Time Steps 58 3.4.2 Boundary Condition 58 3.4.3 Data Input Parameters 58 3.4.4 Model Assumptions 59 Optimization Model 3.5.1 CHAPTER 4 59 General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS) 60 3.5.2 Objective Function 60 3.5.3 Constraints 60 3.5.4 Water Consumption Projection 63 3.6 Integrated Modelling Approach 63 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 66 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Simulation Results for MODFLOW2000 67 4.2.1 Calibration Process 67 4.2.2 70 4.3 4.4 Simulation Analysis Simulation Results for SEAWAT2000 79 4.3.1 Calibration and Validation Process 79 4.3.2 81 Simulation Analysis Optimization Results 94 x CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 97 5.1 Conclusions 97 5.2 Recommendations 98 REFERENCES 99 APPENDICES 102 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Application of groundwater modelling at Tioman Island 20 2.2 The calibrated model parameters 24 2.3 Application of groundwater management and Optimization modelling in coastal aquifer of Malaysia 28 3.1 Processes and Packages of MODFLOW-2000 48 3.2 Projected water consumption for Kg. Tekek 63 4.1 Values for constant parameters 67 4.2 Cases considered for the calibration process 68 4.3 Calibration analysis results for Case (1) 69 4.4 Calibration analysis results for Case (2) 70 4.5 The aquifer influence coefficients of drawdown for TEK1 76 4.6 Calibration results for SEAWAT2000 80 4.7 Validation results for SEAWAT2000 80 4.8 Calibrated parameters for SEAWAT2000 model 81 4.9 Optimization results for pumping well TEK1 95 4.10 Water supply for combine system 96 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Location of Tioman Island 4 2.1 Hydrological Cycle 6 2.2 Flow paths associated with local, intermediate and regional flow systems 7 2.3 The aquifer and the confining beds 9 2.4 Saltwater intrusion occurrence due to pumping well 12 2.5 Location map of the Tymbaki and Mesara basin 21 2.6 Geological map of Tymbaki basin 22 2.7 Geological cross section of Tymbaki basin 22 2.8 Rainfall and streamflow infiltration recharge zone 25 2.9 Simulated extent of seawater intrusion into the Tymbaki aquifer at various depth 2.10 Seawater intrusion along section C1 at the end of 120th stress period 2.11 26 26 Seawater intrusion along section C1 at the end of 240th stress period 26 2.12 The Goksu Delta 31 2.13 Correlation between simulation model results and optimization model results for hydraulic heads 2.14 Correlation between simulation model results and optimization model results for chloride concentrations 2.15 3.2 35 Trade-off curves between maximum pumping rate and chloride concentration limit 3.1 34 35 Groundwater simulation and optimization model for the study 38 Methodology Flow Chart 39 xiii 3.3 Groundwater modelling process flow chart 40 3.4 Location of Kg. Tekek in Tioman Island 41 3.5 Geologic map for Tioman Island 42 3.6 Geological cross section for Kg. Tekek aquifer system 43 3.7 Topography map for Tioman Island 45 3.8 Finite difference grid 50 3.9 Simulation modes available with the SEAWAT2000 programme 3.10 53 Horizontal plane and vertical section of the Groundwater models 57 3.11 Input and output for integrated modelling 65 4.1 Hydraulic conductivity zoning plan for Kg. Tekek (isotropic heterogeneous) 68 4.2 Location of pumping wells at Kg. Tekek 69 4.3 Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 1 MLD 71 4.4 Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 2 MLD 72 4.5 Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 3 MLD 73 4.6 Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 4 MLD 74 4.7 Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 5 MLD 75 4.8 Hydraulic head at TEK1 77 4.9 Hydraulic head at TEK3 and TEK4 78 4.10 Relationship between hydraulic drawdown and pumping rate at TEK1 4.11 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 0.5 MLD 4.12 85 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 1.5 MLD 4.16 84 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 1 MLD 4.15 83 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 1 MLD 4.14 82 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 0.5 MLD 4.13 79 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on 86 xiv vertical section due to pumping of 1.5 MLD 4.17 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 2 MLD 4.18 92 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 3 MLD 4.23 91 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 3 MLD 4.22 90 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 2.5 MLD 4.21 89 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 2.5 MLD 4.20 88 Concentration contour (saline intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 2 MLD 4.19 87 93 Relationship between saline intrusion length and pumping rate 94 xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A1 PAGE Analysis results of groundwater in Kg Tekek 103 (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 28 March 2003) A2 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 104 (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 28 March 2003) (continue) A3 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 105 (source : FELDA AGRICULTURAL SERVICES SDN. BHD. 8 July 2004) A4 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 106 (source : FELDA AGRICULTURAL SERVICES SDN. BHD. 8 July 2004)(continue) A5 Water Quality Monitoring (6 June- 7 June 2004) 107 by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia A6 Water Quality Result During Pumping Test In Kg. Tekek 108 by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia A7 Water Quality Result During Pumping Test In Kg. Tekek 109 by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. (continue) A8 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg Tekek 110 (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 December 2003) A9 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 111 (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 December 2003) A10 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 112 xvi (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 December 2003) A11 Analysis results of groundwater in Kg. Tekek 113 (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 December 2003) A12 Analysis results of groundwater at various depths in Kg. Tekek 114 (source : Department of Environment 2001 - 2005) A13 Analysis results of groundwater at various depths in Kg. Tekek 115 (source : Department of Environment 2001 - 2005) B1 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Tek 1) 116 B2 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Tek 3) 117 B3 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Tek 4) 118 B4 Recovery Test (Tek 1) 119 B5 Recovery Test (Tek 3) 120 B6 Recovery Test (Tek 4) 121 B7 Recovery Test (Piez 7) 122 B8 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 1) 123 B9 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 2) 124 B10 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 3) 125 B11 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 4) 126 B12 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 5) 127 B13 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 6) 128 B14 Constant Discharge Pump Test Record (Piez 7) 129 C Optimization Model 130 - 132 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Tioman Island, as one of the marine tourism destination in Malaysia, is located in the South China Sea, 56 km off Mersing. The island having a total area of about 131 km2, spanning about 11 km from west to east and 20 km from north to south, is the largest among a group of 64 volcanic islands in the South China Sea. Noted for its crystal clear water and marine life, the island in the vicinity of 2°43’00” to 2°54’00” N latitude and 104°06’00” to 104°12’30” E longitude, have attracted many tourists both local and abroad annually. In addition to fishing activities, tourism has become a very important income generating activity on the island. Due to the importance of water as the basic criteria for the development of tourism, many studies have been carried out to determine the water availability on the island. Based on this purpose of study, Nazan Awang (1988) had suggested Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara to be the potential areas for surface water and groundwater extraction on the island. The study also explored into annual water yield from surface as well as groundwater sources in Kg. Tekek by using simulation model based on the site collected data. Presently, the limited availability of surface water sourced from the river system serves as the main source of water supply in the vicinity for domestic and tourism demands. Groundwater utilization is only available in certain parts of the 2 area on the island in the form of individual wells. Groundwater system for public water supply is still virtually non-existent. The government’s intention to promote Tioman Island as a tax-free tourist based island will further burden the water stress. Thus exploration for new reliable water sources is essential to cater for the increasing water demand due to population and tourist growth. The extraction of available groundwater will be the best solution for the water crisis problem on Tioman Island other than water transfer from the mainland. The main concern for groundwater aquifer to be developed as public water supply will be the maximum yield available. Pumping of groundwater may cause deleterious side effects if proper management and water conservation aspects are neglected. For coastal aquifer system, water quality degradation due to saline intrusion effects may limit the application of groundwater, therefore careful study should be carried out on groundwater aquifer to ensure a sustainable water supply of the area. 1.2 Objectives of Study The objectives of this study include: a. To predict the available yield of the groundwater flow system due to different pumping rate on Tioman Island. b. To study the saline intrusion effects under different pumping rate. c. To study the maximum pumping rate of groundwater for optimization. 3 1.3 Scope of Study The study on groundwater aquifer system at Tioman Island involves scopes as listed below: a. The study will focus on the groundwater system in Kg. Tekek, Tioman Island (Figure 1.1). b. The simulation process involves groundwater numerical models, which include MODFLOW for groundwater flow and SEAWAT for saline intrusion effects. c. The optimization of pumping rate that involves application of simulated results into linear programming for GAMS. 1.4 Importance of Study As the basic human need, water is an essential criterion that enables the continuous growth in tourism industry of Tioman Island. The analytical data in 1999 provided by Hassan indicated that the surface runoff is limited and inconsistent, with fluctuating water amount following the annual climatic changes. In order to ensure continuous availability of water supply to local residents and tourists, alternative water sources will be required to supplement or replace diminished surface water supplies. Groundwater resources available in several areas on the island will be a potential option to the solution of the crisis, but extensive studies are still required to determine the advantages and disadvantages of implementation. 4 Figure 1.1: Location of Tioman Island. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Groundwater Hydrology Groundwater is commonly understood as water that occupies all the voids within a geologic stratum. Groundwater is an important natural resource, especially in countries that are having limited surface water sources. As defined by the U.S. National Research Council (1991), hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the Earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on Earth. As a whole, groundwater hydrology may be defined as the science of the occurrence, distribution and movement of water below the surface of the earth. 2.1.1 Groundwater and the Hydrologic Cycle The hydrologic cycle can be thought as a series of reservoir, or storage areas and a set of processes that cause water to move between those reservoirs. Groundwater is part of this continuous cycle as water evaporates, forms clouds and 6 returns to earth as precipitation. The hydrologic cycle begins with the water evaporation from the soil, plant and water surfaces to form water vapor. The vast majority of evaporation occurs from the oceans. The continuous processes of the hydrological cycle are shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Hydrological Cycle (Source: http://techalive.mtu.edu.htm) Water vapor is drawn into the atmosphere by temperature gradients. When water vapor cools, it condenses to form clouds. As water condenses within clouds, water droplets increase in size until they fall to the earth’s surface as precipitation such as rainfall. The water that falls to the earth’s surface and enters into the soil can become groundwater but most of it will evaporate or is used by vegetation. Water that passes through the root zone may continue to move downward to reach the groundwater. Once passed the root zone, water enters the unsaturated zones which are soil and geologic materials located between the land surface and the saturated zone. In the unsaturated zone, the voids are filled with a combination of air and water. After a significant rain, the zone may be almost saturated, but may be almost dry after a long dry spell. After the water requirements for plant and soils are satisfied, any excess water will infiltrate to the water table. The entire region below the water table is called the saturated zone with all the voids filled with water that moves slowly 7 through the aquifer to streams, springs or wells from which the water is being withdrawn. 2.1.2 Groundwater Movement The groundwater flow system comprises the subsurface water, the geologic (porous) media containing the water, the flow boundaries, the sources and the sinks. Water flows through and is stored within the groundwater system. Groundwater flow is very slow compared to surface water movement. Under natural condition, the travel time of groundwater can range from less than a day to more than a million year. Flows within groundwater systems can be on a local, intermediate and regional basis as illustrated in Figure 2.2. The recharge and discharge areas in a local system of groundwater flow are adjacent to each other. The recharge and discharge in an intermediate groundwater flow system are separated by one or more topographic high and low. In regional groundwater flow systems, recharge areas are along groundwater divides and discharge areas are located at the bottom of major drainage divides. Figure 2.2: Flow paths associated with local, intermediate and regional flow systems 8 2.1.3 Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Recharge is the process by which groundwater is replenished. A recharge area is where water from precipitation is transmitted downward to an aquifer. Most areas, unless composed of solid rock or covered by development, allow a certain percentage of total precipitation to reach the water table. However, in some areas more precipitation will infiltrate than in others. Areas which transmit the most precipitation are often referred to as "high" or "critical" recharge areas. The amount of water that infiltrates into soil depends on vegetation cover, slope, soil composition, depth to the water table, the presence or absence of confining beds and other factors. Natural vegetation cover, flat topography, permeable soils, a deep water table and the absence of confining beds increase the recharge rate. Discharge areas are the locations at which ground water leaves the aquifer and flows to the surface. Groundwater discharge occurs where the water table or potentiometric surface intersects the land surface. Springs or seeps are usually found in the intersection area. Springs and seeps may flow into fresh water bodies, such as lakes or streams, or they may flow into saltwater bodies. Under the force of gravity, groundwater generally flows from high areas to low areas. Consequently, high areas, such as hills or plateaus, are typically where aquifers are recharged and low areas, such as river valleys, are the discharge points. However, aquifers occur beneath river valleys in many instances, so river valleys can also be important recharge areas. 2.1.4 Aquifer and Confining Beds An aquifer is a geologic unit that can store and transmit water at rates fast enough to supply reasonable amounts of water to wells. A confining bed or aquitard is a geologic unit which is relatively impermeable and restricts movement of groundwater into and out of adjacent aquifers. Aquifers may be classed as 9 unconfined or confined depending on the presence or absence of a water table, while a leaky aquifer represents a combination of the two types. (Figure 2.3) Figure 2.3: The Aquifer and the Confining Beds (Source: http://www.usgs.gov/) Unconfined aquifer has no confining bed above it and is usually open to infiltration from the surface. The upper groundwater surface in an unconfined aquifer is called the water table. The depth to the water table varies according to factors such as the topography, geology, season and tidal effects and the quantities of water being pumped from the aquifer. Unconfined aquifers are usually recharged by rain or stream water infiltrating directly through the overlying soil. Confined aquifers are permeable rock units that are usually deeper under the ground than unconfined aquifers. They are overlain by relatively impermeable rock or clay. Groundwater in a confined aquifer is under pressure and will rise up inside a borehole drilled into the aquifer. The level to which the water rises is called the potentiometric surface. Confined aquifers may be replenished, or recharged through cracks or openings in impermeable layers above or below them. Confined aquifers in complex geological formations may be exposed at the land surface and can be directly recharged from infiltrating precipitation. For a adjacent highland area such 10 as a mountain range, water can infiltrate through the fractured rock in the mountain to flow downward and then move laterally into confined aquifers. The most productive aquifers, whether confined or unconfined, are generally in sand and gravel deposits. The aquifers tend to have large void spaces for holding water. Rocks with large openings such as solution cavities or fractures can also be highly productive aquifers. Generally, the smaller grain size or the less fracturing less water and aquifer will produce. This is because there are fewer void spaces for holding water. 2.2 Groundwater Quality Groundwater quality is a consequence of the natural physical and chemical state of the water as well as any alterations that may have occurred as a result of human activities. Groundwater quality is determined by the solutes and gases dissolved in the water, as well as the matter suspended in the water. The quality required of a groundwater supply depends on its purpose, therefore the standard requirements for drinking water, industrial water and irrigation water vary widely. The natural quality of groundwater varies substantially from one place to another. Natural groundwater generally acquires dissolved constituents by dissolution of aquifer gasses, minerals and salts. Consequently, soil zone and aquifer gases and the most soluble minerals and salts in an aquifer generally determined the chemical composition of groundwater in an aquifer. The suitability of groundwater usage for different purposes can be assessed through sampling for key indicators which include: a. General parameters, (electric conductivity, pH, alkalinity) b. Major cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese) c. Major anions (chloride, suphate, nitrate and phosphorus) d. Biological indicators (Faecal coliforms) e. Biocides (pesticides, herbicides and insecticides) 11 2.2.1 Saline Intrusion in Coastal Zones Alluvium groundwater aquifers at coastal regions are usually encountered with saline intrusion problem. Intrusion of saline water occurs where saline water displaces or mixes with freshwater is an aquifer. The phenomenon can occur in deep aquifer with the upward advance of saline waters of geologic region, in shallow aquifers from surface waste discharges and invasion of seawater in coastal aquifers. Saltwater intrusion into fresh groundwater formations generally results inadvertently from human activities. The saline intrusion commonly occurs due to groundwater pumping that causes local decline of groundwater levels in the vicinity of pumped. Some coastal wells in Washington, USA are now functioning properly due to saltwater intrusion problem and the situations are particularly obvious in coastal areas with high population growth that results in increasing water demand. Freshwater is less dense than saline water and tends to flow on top of the surrounding or underlying saline groundwater. Under natural conditions, the boundary between freshwater and saltwater maintains at stable equilibrium as shown in Figure 2.4a. The boundary is typically not sharp and distinct, but rather is a gradation from fresh to saline water known as the zone of diffusion, zone of dispersion or the transition zone. When water is pumped from an aquifer that contains or is near saline groundwater, the boundary for saltwater and freshwater will move in response to this pumping. If the boundary moves far enough, some wells become saline, thus contaminating the water supply as illustrated in Figure 2.4b. The location and magnitude of the groundwater withdrawals with respect to the location of saline water will determines the rate of saltwater intrusion. 12 Figure 2.4: Saltwater Intrusion Occurrence due to Pumping Well (Source: http://www.usgs.gov/) The physical formulations of saltwater intrusion were made by Badon (1889) and Ghyben-Herzberg (1901). They derived analytical solution to approximate the intrusion behaviour, which are based on a number of assumptions that do not hold in all field cases. Due to the development in technology, the higher computing power allowed the use of numerical methods, usually finite differences or finite elements that required less assumptions and can be applied more generally. Thus, many models have been developed as tool to aid in the study and proposal for management plans. The solute transport models, suitable for the simulation of saltwater intrusion and commercially available include SUTRA (Voss, 1984), FEFLOW, HST3D and SEAWAT. These models provide solutions of two simultaneous, non-linear, partial differential equations that describe the “conservation of mass of fluid” and “conservation of mass of salt” in porous media. Even so, the modelling of saltwater intrusion is considered difficult for the typical difficulties arise, which include: a. The possible presence of fissures and fractures in the aquifer, whose precise positions are unknown but have great influence on the development of the saline water intrusion. 13 b. The possible presence of small scale heterogeneities in the hydraulic properties of the aquifer, which are too small to be take into account by the model but may also have great influence on the development of the saline water intrusion. c. The change of hydraulic properties by the saltwater intrusion. A mixture of saltwater and freshwater is often under-saturated with respect to calcium, triggering dissolution of calcium in the mixing zone and changing hydraulic properties. d. The non-equilibrium state of saline intrusion makes it harder to model. Aquifer dynamics tend to be pretty slow and it takes the intrusion cone a long time to adapt to changes in pumping schemes, rainfall and others. Therefore, the situation in the field can be significantly different from the expectation based on sea level and pumping scheme. e. For long-term models, the future climate change forms a big unknown. Model results often depend strongly on sea level and recharge rate. 2.3 Types of Groundwater Models Several types of groundwater models have been developed for the purpose of groundwater flow systems study. The groundwater model can be divided into three broad categories (Herbert, 1982): sand tank models, analog models, including viscous fluid models and electrical models, and mathematical models, including analytical and numerical models. A sand tank model consists of a tank filled with an unconsolidated porous medium through which water is induced to flow. A major drawback of sand tank models is the problem of scaling down a field situation to the dimensions of a laboratory model. Phenomena measured at the scale of a sand tank model are often different from conditions observed in the field, and conclusions 14 drawn from such models may need to be qualified when translated to a field situation (Herbert, 1982). The groundwater flow can be described by differential equations derived from basic principles of physics. Other processes, such as the flow of electrical current through a resistive medium or the flow of heat through a solid, also operate under similar physical principles. In other words, these systems are analogous to the groundwater system. The two types of analogs used most frequently in groundwater modelling are viscous fluid analog models and electrical analog models (Herbert, 1982). Viscous fluid models are known as Hele-Shaw or parallel plate models because a fluid more viscous than water (for example, oil) is made to flow between two closely spaced parallel plates, which may be oriented either vertically or horizontally. Electrical analog models were widely used in the 1950’s before highspeed digital computers became available. These models consist of broads wired with electrical networks of resistors and capacitors. They work according to the principle that the flow of groundwater is analogous to the flow of electricity. This analogy is expressed in the mathematical similarity between Darcy’s law for groundwater flow and Ohm’s law for the flow of electricity. Changes in voltage in an electrical analog model are analogous to changes in groundwater head. A drawback of an electrical analog model is that each one is designed for a unique aquifer system. When a different aquifer is to be studied, an entirely new electrical analog model must be built (Herbert, 1982). A mathematical model consists of a set of differential equations that are known to govern the flow of groundwater. Mathematical models of groundwater flow have been in use since the late 1800s. The reliability of predictions using a groundwater model depends on the efficiency of model to approximate the field situation. Assumptions simplification must always be made to construct a model because the field situations are too complicated to be simulated exactly. Usually the assumptions necessary to solve a mathematical model analytically are fairly restrictive. For example, many analytical solutions require that the medium be homogenous and isotropic. To deal with more realistic situations, it is usually 15 necessary to solve the mathematical model approximately using numerical techniques. Since the 1960s, when high-speed digital computers became widely available, numerical models have been the favored type of model for studying groundwater (Herbert, 1982). 2.4 Historical Review of Groundwater Modelling in Malaysia Water supply system in Malaysia mainly depends on surface water, except for Kelantan that rely heavily on groundwater water sources, contributing 70% of the state total water supply. Therefore, Kelantan state is the main concentration for groundwater modellings study in Malaysia. Groundwater studies and modellings were also actively carried out for Tioman Island since 1988 with groundwater flow and contamination transport as the main purpose of the studies. 2.4.1 Historical Review of Groundwater Modelling in Kelantan In Kelantan, the first evaluation was conducted in 1974 at the northern part of the state which includes Kota Bahru, Pengkalan Chepa, Bachok and Pasir Puteh. Several groundwater models were developed in those areas to study and forecast groundwater flow and contaminant transport (Kuan, 2003). In 1989, Hossain used the runoff analysis method and groundwater model developed by Rushton (1975) and Ismail (1979) to simulate a conjunctive model for surface and groundwater management in North Kelantan. However, the modelling works for groundwater contamination started only after the groundwater flow and management systems have been explored for a long time in Northern Kelantan (Kuan, 2003). Environmental assessment for impact of water supply by groundwater source in North Kelantan was conducted by a consultancy firm, Sepakat Setia Sdn. Bhd. 16 under Public Work Department (JKR), Kelantan in 1990. This model is based on an existing suite of programs developed by Howard Humphreys and Partners Ltd. From the original codes produced by Prickett and Lonnquist in 1971. The model can be developed either in steady state or transient flow, which then needs to be calibrated by a calibration tool. The programs were adopted to develop the groundwater management systems in the studied area. The model was then calibrated against actual river, groundwater level and climatic data available from 1970’s till to date. Saim (1996) then developed the regional well head protection areas (WHPAs) simulation to help minimize the effect and protect the resources for further contamination, which covered most of the area in Northern Kelantan. In his study, groundwater model was developed using Arc View GIS (version 3.1) together with the MODFLOW model to simulate the groundwater flow and pollutant transport. In his model, several detected pollutants in Northern Kelantan such as nitrates, ammonium, pesticides, and mircorbial have been considered in this model (Nadia, 2004). Department of Environment Malaysia has assigned BW Consultants Sdn. Bhd. to evaluate the groundwater quality system in Northern Kelantan in 1997. The groundwater model was developed in a local scale and was applied to evaluate the simulated mercury plume in the Panji landfill. In this study, the information available from the site was insufficient to provide data on the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity values directions of groundwater flow and subsurface geology. Therefore, the flow and transport model was not properly calibrated as only two well pairs were available at the site. Since lacking of site-specific data for model parameters, sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the effects of uncertainty in model parameters on plume migration (Samira, 2001). Visual MODFLOW and MT3D model have also been applied by Samira (2001), to develop a 3-dimensional groundwater model. The model was then simulated and calibrated in steady-state and transient to simulate and predict the flow and contaminant transport of Kg. Puteh well field. The aquifer was simulated in a single layer with covered area of 4200 m x 4200 m. The calibrated model in transient flow was used to predict the concentration plumes of nitrate at recharge 17 concentration of 100, 200, 400 mg/L. The result of simulation of 20 years showed that the highest designate recharge concentration of contaminant might contaminate the wellfield and the estimated range of nitrate plume is low if compared with the allowable value of 45 mg/L (Kuan, 2003). In 2002, Faizal used Aquifer Simulation Model to predict the level of groundwater at local scale for well field in Kg. Puteh, Kelantan which are influenced by the recharge, leakage from surface water and changes in the pumping rate. The result from his study show that groundwater heads in wellfield area ranges from 2.45 to –6.56 m below mean sea level (Nadia, 2004). Suhana (2002) also used ASMWin to give an overview of groundwater level in Kota Bahru until year 2020. The study predicts the maximum groundwater capacities for the wellfield in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. The result shows that groundwater level at Kg. Puteh wellfield area ranges from –2.3 m to –2.55 m from mean sea level. The simulation results shows that the maximum pumping rate that can be done at Kg. Puteh wellfield until 2020 is between 7197 m3/day to 7776 m3/day. Harun (1998) studied about the variations of groundwater electrical conductivity in the sandy aquifer of Pulau Manukan, Sabah by using SUTRA. Skimming of fresh phreatic water were carried out through dug well and to evaluate the current electrical conductivities (EC) of phreatic water and dug well water. From his study, the groundwater EC of lowland-sandy aquifer varies with rainfall seasons. Rainwater plays a significant role in recharging such aquifer and sustains its groundwater freshness. 2.4.2 Historical Review of Previous Studies of Alluvial Aquifer in Tioman Island Nazan Awang (1988) from Geological Survey Department Malaysia (Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia) has studied the groundwater yield in Kg. Tekek and 18 Kg. Juara using water balance approach since 1988. This study was based on the available rainfall data for Kg. Tekek (11 years) and Kg. Juara (9 years) respectively. The result of the study has shown that the groundwater yield in Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara could achieve rate of withdrawal at 2,270 m3/day and 310 m3/day respectively (Kuan, 2003). The groundwater yield study in Tioman Island was continued in 1991 (Nazan Awang). Geological Survey Department conducted site investigations on the groundwater yield in Kg. Tekek, Kg. Juara, Kg. Salang, Kg. Genting and Kg. Mukut. According to their investigations, only Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara showed a good potential for exploitation of groundwater. Therefore, two well-point fields were constructed each in Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara to abstract water. The results have shown that 6 wellpoints in Kg. Tekek were capable to withdraw water at 696 m3/day (Kuan, 2003). Modelling of Kg. Tekek aquifer started since early 90’s by Mohammed Hatta (1991) from Geological Survey Department using 2 dimensional numerical models ‘FLOWPATH’. This model was used to simulate the aquifer as shallow unconfined aquifer in Kg. Tekek and was calibrated at steady state. The result showed that the aquifer in Kg. Tekek could supply groundwater at pumping rate of 2400 m3/day without any undesirable effect to the aquifer system and to the consumers. In 2001, Hasan (2001) continued the study on the aquifer in Kg. Tekek. His study focused on Kg. Tekek to assess the maximum annual yield of groundwater from the aquifer. He used a numerical model of Kg. Tekek aquifer using ASM (Aquifer Simulation Model) to simulate and the model was calibrated in steady state. The result showed that the Kg. Tekek aquifer could be exploited by maximum pumping rate of 6000 m3/day. Following Hasan, Rahim (2002) also studied on the Kg. Tekek aquifer using numerical model but with different modelling tool, Visual MODFLOW. The parameters adopted by Rahim referred to the calibrated model developed by Hasan (2001). His study also included the pollutant (nitrate) transport using the calibrated model developed by Hasan. His study also included the pollutant (nitrate) transport 19 using the calibrated model at different pumping rate and recharge concentration. The result of his study showed that the contaminant, nitrate concentration comply with WHO drinking water standard. Kuan (2003) continued the study on the aquifer in Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara. His study focuses on the drawdown of water table at different mode of pumping rate and pumped wells distribution and potential point source contaminant migration at a given pumping rate of different recharge concentration and distribution coefficient, kd. From his study, the flow analytical results have showed that both aquifers are sufficient to pump at the rate of 4000 m3/day and 300 m3/day in Kg. Tekek and Kg. Juara respectively. In pollutant transport modelling, resultant migration path of contaminant resultant headed towards South China Sea in steady state. While the estimate concentration of contaminant, nitrate in the pump well in transient state due to withdrawal at a given pumping rate and recharge concentration is generally low and complied with World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standard. Nadia (2004) continued the study on the aquifer in Tioman Island that concentrates on groundwater flow system to predict the available yield of the alluvial aquifer in the island by studying the drawdown of water table at different mode of pumping rate. Aquifer Simulation Model for Windows (ASMWin) is used to simulate the groundwater flow of the aquifer in Kg. Tekek, Kg. Juara, Kg. Salang and Kg. Paya based on the available data. The groundwater simulation results showed that the alluvial aquifer at Kg. Tekek is sufficient to pump at 10 MLD and 3 MLD at Kg. Paya and Kg. Salang. The aquifer in Kg. Juara is only sufficient to pump at 0.4 MLD. The quality of groundwater in Kg. Tekek, Kg. Paya and Kg. Salang also complies with World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standard. The application of groundwater modellings at Tioman Island are tabulated in Table 2.1. 20 Table 2.1: Application of groundwater modelling at Tioman Island Groundwater Modelling at Tioman Island Year User Models Location 1991 Mohamad FLOWPATH Kg. Tekek Scopes Of Study Groundwater Flow Hatta, JBA Pahang 2001 Hasan Basyri, ASMWin Kg. Tekek Groundwater Flow Kg. Tekek Groundwater Flow and UTM 2002 Rahim (MSc), UTM 2003 Kuan Visual MODFLOW Contaminant Transport Visual Kg. Tekek and Groundwater Flow and MODFLOW Kg. Juara Contaminant Transport ASMWin Kg. Tekek, Kg. Groundwater flow based on with Adillah Paya, Kg. Juara pumping/no pumping under (MSc), UTM & Kg. Salang. steady state Kg. Tekek Saltwater intrusion (MSc), UTM 2004 Nadiatul 2005 Norasman bin SUTRA Othman (MSc), UTM 2.5 Historical Review of MODFLOW and SEAWAT Application for Tymbaki Aquifer, South Central Crete, Greece (2005) The apparent importance for the regional economy of both Tymbaki and the adjoining Mesara basins had prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Development Programme to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the hydrogeology and water resources of the area during 1967-1970. However the potential seawater intrusion into the Tymbaki aquifer was not taken into consideration in the investigation. Thus, Savvas N. Paritsis had conducted a study in year 2005 on behalf of the Department of Management of Water Resources of the region of Crete regarding the saltwater intrusion into the Tymbaki aquifer. 21 2.5.1. Site Description and Basin Hydrogeology The Tymbaki aquifer comprises the alluvial fill of the 50 km2 coastal Tymbaki basin that was morphologically differentiated by subsequent blockfaulting into a coastal plain to the west and a hilly area to the east. The basin is located by the south western tip of the Heraklion prefecture in Central Crete and represents a westwards tectonic extension of the larger alluvial plain of Mesara (Fig 2.5). Figure 2.5: Location map of the Tymbaki and Mesara Basin The basin is filled with Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial deposits and is fault bound to the north and south by Neogene aquitards and to the east by Mesozoic aquifuge flysch. The alluvial sediments are underlain by Neogene sediments and at the eastern tip of the basin, by the Mesozoic flysch. The alluvial deposits fill erosion troughs within the Lower Pleistocene and comprise upper Pleistocene reddish and brown clay, silt, and gravel beds and grey Holocene deposits of gravel, sand, silt and clay, often with organic matter. (Figure 2.6 & 2.7) At the Geropotamos river, the alluvial deposits extend from a few hundred metres in the east to about 1.5 km in the 22 west and their corresponding thickness increases from about 60 m in the east to around 100 m in the west. Figure 2.6: Geological map of Tymbaki Basin Figure 2.7: Geological cross section of Tymbaki Basin 23 Groundwater level maxima are observed around May and minima during October –November. There is usually a 5 month time lag between maximum rainfall and the maximum ground water level. Hydraulic gradients in the basin are of the order of 2.5 to 3.5 %. Transmissivity values in the alluvium exceed 1 x 10 -1 m2 /s. Storage coefficient values are on average around 10 % and in coarser grained layers probably reach 15% or more. Transmissivities for the Lower Pleistocene range from 5 x 10- 3 to 4 x 10-2 m2/s, Storage coefficients are estimated to be around 6 %. Well yields in the alluvium can exceed 300m3/h with a drawdown of a few metres. The pumping levels range between 3 and 7m above sea level. 2.5.2 Simulation Models For the constant-density groundwater flow simulations the widely accepted by the modelling community program MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988) was used whereas the variable density simulations were carried out with SEAWAT. The source code for SEAWAT was developed by combining MODFLOW and MT3DMS into a single program that solves the coupled flow and solute-transport equations. 2.5.3 Discretization, Boundary Condition and Aquifer Parameters To simulate the groundwater – seawater interaction in the Tymbaki basin, a regularly spaced, finite-difference model grid was constructed so that the y-axis is roughly parallel the coast so that numerical dispersion problems resulting from solving the transport equation are minimized. Each cell is 250 by 250 m in the horizontal plane. The grid consists of 30 rows and 47 columns with the top of layer 1 is apatially variable and corresponds to the land-surface elevation derived from a 1:50000 scale topographic contour map. 24 The simulation is divided into 240 monthly stress periods from October 1968 to September 1987. For each stress period, the average hydrologic conditions are assumed to remain constant. Further temporal discretization is introduced in the form of transport steps. For the regional scale model, 10 transport steps were required for each stress period. No flow cells represent the Mesozoic aquifuge and Neogene aquitards which bound and underlie the aquifer. At block 1, no flow cells are assigned at depths below -160, at block 2, below -110, at block 3, below -50 and at block 4, below -10. Time Variant Constant Head and Constant-Concentration cells represent the sea with head value set to 0 and constant salt concentration set to 35000 mg/L. The General Head Boundary cells extent down to depth 30m below sea level and posseses the hydraulic parameters of block 1. The recharge from rainfall and streamflow infiltration is distributed according to Figure 2.8. The calibrated model parameters for the study are summarized in Table 2.2: Table 2.2: The calibrated model parameters Calibrated parameters Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) Value Block 1: Kx=Ky=Kz = 0.0001 Block 2: Kx=Ky=Kz = 5E-6 Block 3: Kx=Ky=Kz = 5E-7 Block 4: Kx=Ky=Kz = 5E-7 Specific yield Uniform value Sy=0.2 Effective Porosity Uniform value 0.15 Total Porosity Uniform value 0.3 Dispersivity (m) Uniform value αL=10 Uniform value αT=0.1 25 Figure 2.8: Rainfall and streamflow infiltration recharge zone. 2.5.4 Simulation Results and Conclusion The extent of the simulated seawater intrusion into the Tymbaki aquifer at various depths (500 mg/L salt contour at 38, 78, 118 and 158 meters below sea level), at the end of the last stress period (20th year), is depicted in Fig. 2.9. It is apparent that for southern end of the coast by the Geropotamos alluvium, the toe of the saltwater intrusion front lies 550 to 600 m from the coastline. For the northern end of the coast at the Makrymaliana area, the toe of the saltwater intrusion front is located 1500m from the coastline. 26 Figure 2.9: Simulated extent of seawater intrusion into the Tymbaki aquifer at various depth The extent and pattern of the seawater intrusion along the section C1 on the 10th and 20th year of simulation are depicted in Figure 2.10 and 2.11. Figure 2.10: Seawater intrusion along section C1 at the end of 120th stress period Figure 2.11: Seawater intrusion along section C1 at the end of 240th stress period 27 According to the model results, the toe of the saltwater intrusion front lies 550 to 600 m from the coastline at the southern end of the coast. At the northern end of the coast (Makrymaliana area), the toe of the saltwater intrusion front is located 1500 m from the coastline. This apparent differential behavior of seawater intrusion between the southern and northern part of the coast, is attributed to the effects of the Geropotamos infiltration recharge. With replenishment amounting on average 4 Mm3, 36% of the total recharge, Geropotamos is by the far the most important water supplier to the Tymbaki aquifer. 2.6 Optimization Modelling Optimization theory is an analytical analysis to determine the best solution from a series of alternatives without evaluating all the options available. Optimization models are used extensively in almost all areas of decision-making such as engineering design, and financial portfolio selection. Knowledge in basic vector matrix, linear algebra and calculus are required for the optimization theory. Most of the optimization problems involve a large amount of mathematical calculations, therefore computer software is usually used to assist for the solution. The types of optimization models for solving problems are linear programming, non-linear programming and dynamic programming. A mathematical optimization model consists of an objective function and a set of constraints expressed in the form of a system of equations or inequalities. The basic goal of the optimization process is to find values of the variables that minimize or maximize the objective function while satisfying the constraints. The result is called an optimal solution. The objective function is a mathematical (i.e., analytical) model that describes the behavior of the measure of effectiveness or the quantity that required to be maximize or minimize. The objective function must capture the relationship between the effectiveness measure and those variables that cause it to change. System variables can be categorized as decision variables and parameters. A decision 28 variable is a variable that can be directly controlled by the decision-maker. There are also some parameters which the values might be uncertain for the decision-maker. In practice, mathematical equations rarely capture the precise relationship between all system variables and the measure of effectiveness. This mathematical relationship is the objective function that is used to evaluate the performance of the system being studied. Constraints are relations between decision variables and the parameters. A set of constraints allows some of the decision variables to take on certain values, and exclude others. Constraints are not always essential. In fact, the field of unconstrained optimization is a large and important one for which a lot of algorithms and software are available. In practice, answers that make good sense about the underlying physical or economic problems, cannot often be obtained without putting constraints on the decision variables. The applications of groundwater optimization modelling in Malaysia are presented in Table 2.3. Table 2.3: Application of groundwater management and optimization modelling for coastal aquifer in Malaysia Groundwater Management and Optimization Modelling in Malaysia Year User Models 1989 Afzal Hossain Parametric (Ph D) 2001 Mohd. Location Scopes Of Study North Kelantan Optimization on conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater Dynamic Faisal GAMS Kota Bharu (Ph D), UTM 2.6.1 of groundwater of groundwater hydraulic head. (MSc), UTM 2001 Mohd. Harunl SUTRA Optimization Pulau Manukan, Optimization Sabah extraction. Linear Programming Linear programming is the most widely used method for solving optimization problems. Linear programming deals with a class of optimization problems, where 29 both the objective function to be optimized and all the constraints, are linear in terms of the decision variables. The linear programming problem is solved by using Simplex algorithm, an algebra method introduced by Dantzing (1963). The linear programming utilized the combination of simultaneous concept and other method like Simplex method to check for the optimum solution. Linear programming able to check all the possible solution for a problem and give the best and appropriate solution based on the objective function which must be stated specifically and comprehensively. The objective function and constraints set for the linear programming must be specified in the form of linear equation. Objective function is stated in linear equation to maximize or minimize the required parameters. Linear constraints are the requirements for the solution of optimization problems. The general form of linear programming must fulfill the following requirements: ¾ Contain only equality for the main constraints ¾ Contain non-negative variables only ¾ Contain objective function and constraints which are written in simple form where variables on the left-side of equation and constant on the right side. The standard format of linear programming with m constraints and n variables is represented as follows: Maximum or minimum, Z = C1X1 + C2X2 + ………………CnXn` (2.1) Referring to constraint set, a11X1 + a12X2 + ………………..a1nXn = b1 (2.2) a21X1 + a22X2 + ………………..a2nXn = b2 (2.3) am1X1 + am2X2 + ………………..amnXn = bm (2.4) X1 > 0, X2 > 0, ………………..Xn > 0 (2.5) until, where, 30 b1 > 0, b2 > 0, …………………bn > 0 (2.6) Inequity of the constraint set can be changed to equation with the introduction of slack variables. The slack variables shall be added or deducted for the inequity that involves ≤ and ≥ respectively. 2.7 Historical Review of GAMS Application for Groundwater Management in the Goksu Delta at Silifke, Turkey (2001) The Goksu Delta (also known as the Silifke Plain), which is located in south central Turkey on the Mediterranean Sea, was chosen as the study area (Figure 2.12). An optimization model was developed to manage the supplemental use of groundwater in the coastal aquifer subject to saline intrusion problem of the study area. The response of the aquifer system was linked to the optimization model using the response matrix method. The aquifer response coefficients at specific well locations were obtained through execution of a calibrated groundwater simulation model using SUTRA (Saturated-Unsaturated Transport). It was assumed that pumping occurs from two wells and linear optimization model was constructed under steady-state condition to maximize the total pumping rates from the two wells subject to water demands and chloride concentration and drawdown limitations. The GAMS model was used to execute the optimization model. 31 Figure 2.12: The Goksu Delta 2.7.1 Objective Function and Constraints The objective of the optimization model was to maximize the total pumping rate from the two wells located in Bahce and Kurtulus town, while meeting the demands of five municipal areas that were reduced to two demand areas in the optimization model. Besides that, the chloride concentrations must be maintained equal to or less than specified level in the optimization model since the water will be used for drinking and irrigation purpose. The objective of the model is: Max ∑ QT j j where: QTj = the pumping rate at well j (m3/s) (2.7) 32 Seven observation nodes were considered in this study to calculate and constrain the aquifer drawdown and chloride concentrations. The following drawdwon constraint for each observation node includes a linear superposition of aquifer responses to the wells: si = ∑αijQT j (2.8) j where si αij = drawdown at observation node I (m) = aquifer influence coefficient describing the change of head at node i with respect to change in pumping rate at well j The hydraulic heads at an observation node were estimated by subtracting the drawdown at node i from the initial hydraulic head: H i = ( H 0 )i − si where Hi (H0)i = hydraulic head at node i (m) = initial hydraulic head at node i (m) (2.9) The linear superposition of aquifer responses in terms of chloride concentration to the pumping wells gives the change in chloride concentration at each node as follows: Ci = ∑ βijQT j (2.10) j where Ci = change in chloride concentration (mg/L) βij = aquifer influence coefficients describing chloride concentration change at node i due to a change in the pumping rate at well j The final chloride concentration at a node was estimated by adding the change in chloride concentration to the initial concentration, which was obtained from the calibrated groundwater simulation model such that: CCi = (CC0 )i + Ci where CCi = (CC0)i = chloride concentration at each node i (mg/L) initial chloride concentration at node i (mg/L) (2.11) 33 Since the water pumped in the field is used for drinking and irrigation purposes, the chloride concentration was limited at each well by taking the average of the chloride concentrations of the nodes assigned to each well. CC j ≤ CL (2.12) where CCj = chloride concentration at well j (mg/L) CL = chloride concentration limit (mg/L) ∑ CCn CC1 = Well 1 n 3 CC2 = Well 2 where n m n = 1, 2, 3 (2.13) ∑ CCm m 4 = the nodes assigned for well 1 = the nodes assigned for well 2 m = 1, 2, 3, 4 (2.14) In addition to the drawdown and concentration constraints the model was subject to the following constraints as well: (a) Water demand limitations: ∑ Q jk ≥ Dk (2.15) j where Qjk = pumping rate of well j supplying water for demand area k (m3/s) Dk = the amount of water required for demand area k (m3/s) (b) Distribution of water from pumping wells to the demand areas: QTi = ∑ Q jk (2.16) k (c) Well capacity limitations: QTi ≤ CAPQ j where CAPQj = maximum capacity of well j, (m3/s) (2.17) 34 (d) Avoidance of dewatering the well nodes: H i ≥ Bi + 1.0 where Bi = (2.18) bottom elevation of the aquifer at node i below mean sea level (m) (e) Non-negativity constraints: QTi , QT jk , CCi ≥ 0 2.7.2 Results and Discussion The model was solved for five levels of chloride concentrations. Each solution sought an optimal pumping strategy for the different chloride concentration limits. The optimal pumping strategies determined by the optimization model were incorporated into the groundwater simulation model to verify the optimization model. The correlation of aquifer responses between the simulation model estimates and the optimization model results for hydraulic heads and chloride concentration were shown in Figure 2.13 and 2.14. Figure 2.13: Correlation between simulation model results and optimization model results for hydraulic heads 35 Figure 2.14: Correlation between simulation model results and optimization model results for chloride concentrations The results of the optimization model were expressed in the form of a tradeoff curve as illustrated in Figure 2.15 to assist the water resource managers in evaluatig different management scenarios. The curve relates the chloride concentration to the maximum pumping rate for each well. The optimization model tends to maximize the pumping rate at well 2, which is farther from the saltwaterfreshwater interface until the chloride concentratins reach 100 mg/L. After this point, the influence that pumping from well from well 2 has on the well 1 becomes significant and then the optimization model begins to maximize the pumping rates for both wells. Figure 2.15: Trade-off curves between maximum pumpng rate and chloride concentration limit 36 2.8 Summary Groundwater serves as an important alternative source of the water supply system to meet the water demand, especially for regions with limited catchment area. During dry weather season, water shortage is an issue that usually occurs for area depending on surface water. Extraction of groundwater thus can supplement the surface water source in water supply system. Tioman Island with its potential continuous growth in tourism industry required sufficient water for the tourists and local residents. Groundwater studies had been carried out since year 1988 for Tioman Island to determine the suitability of groundwater extraction to supply water in the future to cater for the increasing water demand. The studies focused on groundwater flow and groundwater quality by developing various types of groundwater numerical models as mentioned in the previous section. However, the groundwater flow and quality issues were studied separately without consideration of the relationship between the two aspects. Thus this study involved the application of integrated numerical models that simulate simultaneously to predict the groundwater drawdown and quality. Savvas N. Paritsis (2005) had implement the same approach in his study on saline intrusion for Tymbaki Aquifer, South Central Crete, Greece. In order to fulfill the requirement of quantity and quality, optimum pumping rate was determined in this study for management purpose. Linear programming of optimization modelling provides the best solution from a series of constraints based on the simulation results and site collection data. Nevertheless, optimization model was not widely applied for groundwater management in Malaysia. The application of optimization model for groundwater extraction was presented by F. Gordu, R. Yurtal and L.H. Motz (2001) to optimize the pumping rate for aquifer system in Goksu Delta at Silifke, Turkey. 37 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY AND STUDY AREA 3.1 Modelling of Groundwater and Optimization The study of the groundwater condition in Tioman Island involves the groundwater flow, solute transport and optimization modelling. In order to satisfy both water demand and water quality requirements, the simulation models results are integrated to obtain optimum solution through linear programming. The groundwater numerical models for the simulation process consist of MODFLOW and SEAWAT, whereas GAMS will be utilized for the optimization purpose. The methodology applied for this study as shown in Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 will be further discussed in this chapter. 3.2 Description of the Study Area Well-known for its scenic and natural beauty, Tioman Island is one of the main marine tourism destinations in Malaysia. The island with total area of about 131 km2, has 6 main villages namely Kg. Genting, Kg. Paya, Kg. Tekek, Kg. Salang, Kg. Mukut in the west coast and Kg. Juara in the east coast. The study will focus on Kg. Tekek which encompasses area between X:684200 to 686200 and Y:311000 to 313000 is shown in Figure 3.4. 38 Figure 3.1: Groundwater Simulation and Optimization Model for the Study 39 Study Area: The study will focus on Kg. Tekek on Tioman Island. Collection of data: (a) Existing and projection of water demand (b) Hydrology data including historical rainfall data and flow for modelling (c) Groundwater and surface water level and parameter values of aquifer (T, K, S) MODFLOW2000 Simulation Modelling • Determine nodal drawdown • Determine the minimum hydraulic head • Groundwater flow equation (Finite Difference Method) ∂ ⎛ ⎜K ∂x ⎝ • • • xx ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎟+ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎛ ⎜⎜ K ⎝ yy ∂h ∂y ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ⎟⎟ + ⎜K ⎠ ∂z ⎝ zz ∂h ⎞ ∂h ⎟+W = Ss ∂z ⎠ ∂t Calibration – Steady State (without pumping) o Based on data collected on 4th June 2004 to determine the best value of k. Calibration – Unsteady State (with pumping) o Based on pumping test data on 4th June 2004 after pumping for 1 day. Case Analysis – Unsteady State o Run pumping from 1MLD to 5 MLD in 1, 3, 7, 15 and 31 days. SEAWAT2000 Simulation Modellling • Determine the saline intrusion due to groundwater pumping. • Finite Difference Method • Conservation of mass fluid ∂ ερ = −∇ (ερ V ) + Q ∂t p • Conservation of mass of solute • Calibration – Unsteady State (with pumping) o Based on pumping test data on 4th June 2004 after 1 day of withdrawal. Validation – Unsteady State (with pumping) o Based on pumping test data on 8th July 2004 after 1 day of withdrawal. Case Analysis - Unsteady State o Run pumping from 1MLD to 3 MLD in 1, 3, 7, 15 and 31 days. • • [ ] ∂ (ε C ) = −∇ (ε VC ) + ∇ ε D ij • ∇ C + Q p C ∂t OPTIMIZATION • GAMS numerical Model • Linear programming o Z = C1X1 + C2X2 + ...CnXn • To maximize the pumping rate, Q • Constraint set o am1X1 + am2X2 +…amnXn = bm RESULTS, DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Figure 3.2: Methodology Flow Chart 40 Groundwater Numerical Models MODFLOW2000 SEAWAT2000 Discretization and Boundary Conditions Specification • Numbers of columns and rows with spacing • Numbers of layers with thickness • No flow cell • Time stepping for the simulation Calibration and Validation of Model • Constant and calibrated parameters • Validation of Model Model Simulations • Different pumping rates Simulations Results • Hydraulic drawdown and concentration contours for each time step • Hydraulic head profile in vertical section for each time step Figure 3.3: Groundwater modelling process flow chart 41 Figure 3.4: Location of Kg. Tekek in Tioman Island 42 3.2.1 Geology and Hydrogeology Tioman Island is made up of mainly Triassic granite with Permian volcanic at the eastern part of the island. In low lying areas such as Kg. Tekek, they are generally made up of thin layers of alluvium consisting silt, sand and gravel with some clays and corals. The aquifer in the study area is classified as an unconfirmed aquifer which comprise mainly of about 12 m thick medium to coarse sand with coral along the coast. Gravity method was used for the geophysical investigation and the over all coral thickness is found to be within 7 to 20 m. The geologic map for Tioman Island and geological cross section for Kg. Tekek aquifer system are indicated in Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6 respectively. Figure 3.5: Geologic map for Tioman Island 43 Figure 3.6: Geological Cross Section for Kg. Tekek Aquifer System Hydro-geological factors, comprising of the permeability and porosity of the rocks and sediments, and the presence as well as distribution of small cave system and solution cavities, have a major influence on the distribution of groundwater on an island. Surface water resources prevail only on islands with relatively low permeability. Groundwater resources are most abundant on small islands with moderate to high permeability and porosity. The geology of Tioman Island is well described by Bean (1972). This island is underline mainly be granite rock/hard rocks which mean it has the least groundwater potential and a thin narrow belt of metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks along the north and east coast of the island. Meanwhile the alluvium which has a better prospect for groundwater development were found only on the limited areas, patches along coastlines at low-lying area such as Kg. Tekek, Kg. Salang, Kg. Juara, Kg. Paya, Kg. Genting and Kg. Mukut. 44 3.2.2 Climate The study area has a tropical climate characterized by uniformly high temperature and high relative humidity. As the location of Tioman Island within the Asian monsoon regime, the climate is modified by the monsoon effects. As the effect of the northeast monsoon, the rainy season in Kg. Tekek falls between July and January whereas the dry season occurs from February to June. 3.2.3 Topography Tioman Island is a volcanic island covered in rainforest. It is fairly rugged, with little flat land, mainly limited to the coast. Much of its terrain is more or less steeply sloping and there are several large and often spectacular rocky outcrops. There is a series of peaks and ridges running along the central spine of the island, of which Gunung Kajang is the highest point with altitude 1038 m. Other peaks that are able to be seen are Gunung Rombin Tioman (976 m), Gunung Seperak (958 m), and Bukit Nenek Semukut (766 m). There are many small rivers, and the largest river is Sungai Mentawak (about 5.5 km). Size, shape and topography of a small island are major influences on the occurrence of both surface and groundwater resources. The topography map for Tioman Island is illustrated in Figure 3.7. 10 0 45 200 100 Kg. Salang 10 0 100 0 40 Kg. Penuba Kg. Air Batang 20 0 100 0 30 0 20 20 0 200 30 0 0 30 Lapangan Terbang 0 10 0 20 30 0 300 Kg. Tekek 0 10 500 0 30 Kg. Juara 200 Kg. Paya 10 0 ROMPIN 300 100 500 100 0 70 300 0 80 200 300 Kg. Genting 0 30 200 300 600 0 60 0 10 50 0 200 500 700 0 10 0 30 80 0 Kg. Nipah 600 10 50 0 40 0 0 300 400 600 0 10 Batu Sirau 0 10 100 Nenek Si-Mukut 0 20 Kg. Mukut 100 Kg. Asah 100 Figure 3.7: Topography map for Tioman Island 46 3.2.4 Water Resources of Study Area Water resources for the study area can be divided into surface water and groundwater resources. The water supply system still depends on the surface water to cater for the water demand for local residents and tourists. Untreated water is supply directly form small collecting dam, which was constructed on the hilly terrain at the upstream of the catchment. In Kg. Tekek, the surface water for domestic uses is obtained mainly from Sg. Ayer Besar. Based on the study done by Awang and Loganathan (1991), the aquifer in Kg. Tekek has good potential of groundwater resource and is able to produce water of 1368 m3/day. 3.2.5 Hydrology Kg. Tekek is covered with a limited catchment area of approximately 6 km2. The recorded average annual precipitation between year 1975 and 1985 for Kg. Tekek was 2,912.7 mm/year, which means a total amount of water rainfalls annually equilibrium to 17.48 x 106 m3/year. The evapotranspiration on the other hand resulted in total water losses of 7.63 x 106 m3/year, therefore the surface water runoff and groundwater recharge is 9.85 x 106 m3/year. With the groundwater runoff of 7.42 x 106 m3/year, surplus groundwater recharge that can be exploited is 2.43 x 106 m3/year or 6,658 m3/day. 3.3 Groundwater Modelling In this study, the simulation for groundwater flow will involve application of two numerical models for different purposes. In order to determine the optimum solution for the adverse effects of groundwater pumping to the hydraulic heads and saline intrusion must be identified. Therefore, MODFLOW simulation model will be utilized to predict the available yield of the groundwater flow system due to different pumping rate, whereas study on saline intrusion effects will depends on SEAWAT. 47 Both the numerical models of MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000 are included in the package of Groundwater Vista 3.3.1 MODFLOW2000 MODFLOW is a computer program that simulates three-dimensional groundwater flow through porous medium by using a finite-difference method. MODFLOW was designed to have a modular structure that facilitates with objectives of ease understanding and enhancing. MODFLOW was originally documented by McDonald and Harbaugh (1984) and underwent several overall updates. Although MODFLOW was originally designed to facilitate change, solving equations other than groundwater flow equation were not included in the design concepts. Therefore, the latest version of MODFLOW-2000 has been developed to facilitate the addition multiple types of equations with ease of understanding still remains as an objective of the design. The MODFLOW2000 computer programme is divided into a main program and a series of independent subroutines called modules. The modules are grouped into packages that deal with a single aspect of the simulation. The packages are listed and briefly described in Table 3.1. Individual packages may or may not be required, depending on the problem being solved. 48 Table 3.1: Processes and Packages of MODFLOW-2000 Processes Packages GWF1- Groundwater Flow Process BAS6- Basic Package SEB1- Sensitivity Process BCF6-Block-Centered Flow OBS1-Observation process LPF1-Layer-Property Flow Package PES1-Parameter-Estimation Process RIV6-River Package DRN6-Drain Package WEL6-Well Package GHB6-General Head Boundary Package RCH6-Recharge Package EVT6-Evapotranspiration Package CHD6-Time-Variant Specified-Head Package HFB6-Horizontal Flow Barrier Package SIP5-Strongly Implicit Procedure Package SOR5-Slice Successive Over-Relaxation Package PCG2-Version 2 of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Package DE45-Direct Solver STR6-Streamflow-Routing Package ADV2-Advertive-Transport Observation Package RES1-Reservoir Package FHB1-Flow and Head Boundary Package IBS6-Interbed Storage (Subsidence) Package HUF1-Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow Package LAK3-Lake Package ETS1-Evapotranspiration with a Segmented Function Package DRT1-Drains with Return Flow Package MODFLOW2000 can simulate steady and unsteady flow in an irregularly shaped flow system in which aquifer layers can be confined, unconfined or a combination of confined and unconfined. Flow from external stresses, such as flow to wells, area recharge, evapotranspiration, flow to drains and flow through river beds can be simulated. The hydraulic conductivities or transmissivities for any layer 49 may differ spatially and be anisotropic, and the storage coefficient may be heterogeneous. Specified head and specified flux boundaries can be simulated, as can a head-dependent flux across the model’s outer boundary, which allows water to be supplied by a boundary block in the modelled area at a rate proportional to the current head difference between a source of water outside the modelled area ant the boundary block. MODFLOW-2000 has been expanded to simulate solute transport and parameter estimation. Spatial and Time Discretization The physical size of the finite difference grid is provided through input to the program. In all version of MODFLOW, the finite difference grid is assumed to be rectangular horizontally and can be distorted vertically as illustrated in Figure 3.8. The horizontal grid dimensions are specified by the cell widths DELR and DELC. Columns are numbered starting from the left side of the grid and rows are numbered starting from the upper edge of the grid. All cells in a column have the same width and all cells in a row have the same width. Layers are numbered starting from the top layer down. The elevation of the top of Layer 1 and the bottom elevation of each layer for each cell are used to determine the thickness of each cell. A confining bed through which only vertical flow exists can be simulated below each layer except the bottom layer. This simulation of confining bed is referred to as the quasi-threedimensional (quasi-3D) approach. 50 Figure 3.8: Finite Difference Grid (Harbaugh et al., 2000) Governing Equation The partial-differential equation of groundwater flow used in MODFLOW is (McDonald and Harbaugh), ∂ ⎛ ⎜K ∂x ⎝ xx ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎟+ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎛ ⎜⎜ K ⎝ yy ∂h ∂y ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ⎟⎟ + ⎜K ⎠ ∂z ⎝ zz ∂h ⎞ ∂h ⎟+W = Ss ∂z ⎠ ∂t (3.1) 51 where, Kxx, Kyy and Kzz are values of hydraulic conductivity along the x, y and z coordinates axes which are assumed to be parallel to the major axes of hydraulic conductivity [L/T] h is the potentiometric head [L] W is a volumetric flux per unit volume representing sources and/or sinks of water with W < 0.0 for flow out of the groundwater system and W > 0.0 for flow in [T-1] Ss is the specific storage of the porous material [L-1] t is time [T] When Equation 3.1 combined with boundary and initial conditions, it describes the transient three-dimensional groundwater flow in a heterogeneous and anisotropic medium, provided that the principal axes of hydraulic conductivity are aligned with the coordinate directions. The Groundwater Flow Process solves Equation 3.1 using the finite-difference method in which the groundwater flow system is divided into a grid of cells as shown in Figure 3.4. The head at a node is calculated for each cell. 3.3.2 SEAWAT2000 The SEAWAT2000 programme is designed to simulate variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in three dimensions. SEAWAT2000 was designed by combining a modified version of MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS into a single computer program. The code was developed using the MODFLOW-2000 concept of a process, which is defined as “part of the code that solves a fundamental equation by a specified numerical method. SEAWAT2000 contains all of the processes distributed with MODFLOW2000 and also includes the Variable-Density Flow Process. Processes may be active or inactive, depending on simulation objectives, however, not all processes are compatible. 52 The processes in SEAWAT-2000 can be used in many different combinations, called modes. Figure 3.9 illustrates all the possible modes in SEAWAT-2000. The files types listed in the name file determine the active mode for the simulation. Four simulation modes are available for constant-density simulations without solute transport (Figure 3.9a). These four simulation modes correspond with the modes available in the standard version of MODFLOW-2000. Four simulation modes are available for constant-density groundwater flow if solute transport is included (Figure 3.9b). The OBS, SEN and PES process are currently not compatible with the IMT process, but they can be used with the GWF Processes. Only two simulation modes are available for variable-density groundwater flow without transport. The two simulation modes in Figure 3.9c are new features in SEAWAT-2000 provide advantage that a variable-density flow simulation can be performed without simulating solute transport. The modes allow for relatively quick simulations but the application of these modes should be avoided if the fluid density will change in response to the imposed hydrologic stresses. For the two simulation modes in Figure 3.9d, flow and transport are uncoupled, meaning that the flow solution is affected only by the specified density array. Therefore the flow field is not affected by the solute concentration simulated with the IMT Process. The simulation of coupled variable-density flow and solute transport can be carried out with the two modes in Figure 3.9e. The fluid density is calculated by using an equation of state and the simulated solute concentration. For problem involving coupled flow and transport, the computer run-times may be exceedingly long because time step lengths are subjected to stability criteria, which are necessary for accurate transport solution. 53 Figure 3.9: Simulation Modes Available with the SEAWAT-2000 programme Temporal Discretization The time discretization used in SEAWAT-2000 depends on the active simulation mode. For the simulation modes without solute transport (Figure 3.9a, c), time discretization follows the standard MODFLOW approach. The simulation is divided into stress periods, and each stress period may be divided into flow time steps. The flow time step lengths can be increased according to a geometric series, which results in shorter flow time steps at the beginning of the stress period. 54 For the simulation modes that include solute transport (Figure 3.9b, d, e), flow time steps are further divided into transport time steps. Lengths of transport time steps are calculated according to stability criteria. In SEAWAT-2000, the flow and transport equations are both solved for each transport time step. Solutions to both flow and transport are required for each transport time step because changes in solute concentration can affect flow patterns. In a constant-density system, however, flow time steps may be much longer than transport time steps because ground-water flow patterns are unaffected by solute concentrations. Head and Equivalent Freshwater Head in SEAWAT2000 The Variant-Density Flow Process in SEAWAT2000 uses equivalent freshwater head as the dependent variable in the variable-density ground-water flow equation. By using equivalent freshwater head rather than pressure, the MODFLOW2000 structure and subroutines can be used with few modifications to solve the variable-density ground-water flow equation. The concept of equivalent freshwater head is best explained by using water levels measured in a well. Consider a monitoring well with a short screened opening in a saline aquifer. The water level in the well is a measurement of head, h, in terms of aquifer water. If the saline water within the well were replaced with freshwater, the water level in the well would be higher because more freshwater would be required to equal the weight of the saline aquifer water. The new water level in the well would be a measurement of head in terms of freshwater, called the equivalent freshwater head, h f. Conversions between h and h f can be made using the following equations (Guo and Langevin, 2002): hf = and ρ −ρ ρ h− ρf ρf f Z (3.2) 55 h= ρ f ρ hf − ρ −ρ ρ f Z (3.3) f where ρ is the density of the native aquifer water [ML -3 ] ρ f is the density of freshwater[ML -3 ] Z is the elevation at the measurement point [L] Variable-Density Groundwater Flow Equation Guo and Langevin (2002) derive the governing equation for variable-density ground-water flow, in terms of equivalent freshwater head, as: ⎛ ∂h f ρ − ρ f ∂Z ⎞ ⎤ ∂ ⎡ ⎛ ∂h f ρ − ρ f ∂Z ⎞ ⎤ ∂ ⎡ ⎟⎥ + ⎟⎥ ⎢ ρ K fα ⎜ ⎢ ρ K fβ ⎜ + + ⎜ ∂α ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎥ ∂ ∂ ρ α β β ρ β ∂α ⎢ ∂ ∂ ⎥ ⎢ f f ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ + ⎛ ∂h f ρ − ρ f ∂Z ⎞⎤ ∂h f ∂ρ ∂C ∂ ⎡ ⎟⎥ = ρS f ⎢ ρK fγ ⎜ + +θ − ρ s qs ⎜ ∂γ ⎟ ∂γ ⎢ ∂ ∂ ρ γ t ∂ C ∂ t ⎥ f ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ (3.4) where α, β, γ are orthogonal coordinate axes, aligned with the principal directions of permeability; K f is equivalent freshwater hydraulic conductivity [LT -1] S f is equivalent freshwater specific storage [L -1] t is time [T] θ is effective porosity [dimensionless] C is solute concentration [ML -3] ρs is fluid density source or sink water [ML -3] qs is the volumetric flow rate of sources and sinks per unit volume of aquifer [T -1 ] 56 The VDF Process in SEAWAT2000 has two different options for treating the density terms in Equation 3.4. The simplest option and would result in the fastest computer runtimes is specification of a fluid density array by user. The fluid density can also be calculated by using the equation of state and solute concentrations from the IMT Process. With this type of simulation, flow and transport are coupled and thus the lengths of time steps may be subjected to stability criteria. For a coupled variable-density flow and solute-transport simulation, fluid density is assumed to be a function only of solute concentration, the effects of pressure and temperature on fluid density are not considered. A linear equation of state is used to represent fluid density as a function of solute concentration: ρ =ρ 3.4 f + ∂ρ C ∂C (3.5) Simulation Setup The groundwater numerical models were developed for both horizontal and vertical section. The discretization of vertical section was done for the purpose of SEAWAT2000 simulation. The horizontal plane was discretized into grid of 80 rows and 80 columns with uniform spacing of 25m. The vertical section of the aquifer was divided into 12 layers with thickness of 5m for layer 1 and 1m for layer 2 to 12 as shown in Figure 3.10. The aquifer system was assumed to have a constant thickness of 16m with the bottom elevation of the unconfined aquifer is 12m below the sea level. 57 LEGEND: Well Location A A Constant Head & Concentration Representing Sea Constant Head & Concentration Representing River No Flow Cell Figure 3.10: Horizontal plane and vertical section of the groundwater models 58 3.4.1 Simulation Time Steps The simulations of groundwater flow for unsteady conditions involve one stress period with 5 time steps which represent 1, 3, 7, 15 and 31 days after pumping of groundwater. Each groundwater flow time steps is further divided into 5 transport steps to simulate the saline water movement. The hydrologic conditions are assumed to be constant within the stress period. 3.4.2 Boundary Condition Model boundary are set in the groundwater flow simulations to coincide with the aquifer hydrogeological boundaries such as impermeable hydraulic barriers and areas that can be represented with a constant head or flux. The boundary conditions that are applied for the groundwater models are as stated below: (a) No flow cells which represent aquitards that bound and underlie the aquifer are assigned at depth 12 m below sea level within the whole groundwater system. (b) Constant head and concentration represents the sea with hydraulic head value set at 0m and constant salt concentration of 35 kg/m3. (c) The recharge rate due to rainfall infiltration is taken as 10% of the average rainfall. 3.4.3 Data Input Parameters For the simulation of MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000, aquifer parameters that pertain to groundwater flow and solute transport are required to be assigned to the models. The parameters are classified into constant and calibrated parameters where calibration and validation processes are carried out to obtain calibrated parameters values that enable the model becomes a reasonable 59 representation of the physical system. The constant and calibrated parameters are as follow: 3.4.4 (a) Constant parameters 1. Freshwater Density 2. Seawater Density 3. Seawater Concentration 4. Seawater hydraulic head 5. Porosity (b) Calibrated parameters 1. Hydraulic conductivity (horizontal and vertical) 2. Longitudinal dispersivity 3. Transverse dispersivity 4. Molecular diffusivity Model Assumptions In this study, model assumptions were made based on the limited data collected from previous study and field works, which include: a. The aquifer is assumed to be unconfined. b. Single layer unconfined aquifer with a bottom layer defined by the position granitic bedrock. c. Recharge rate is assumed to be constant within the study area. 3.5 Optimization Model With the objectives of satisfy both quantity and quality requirements for the extraction of groundwater, optimization modelling is applied to obtain the best solution available. The simulated results from the groundwater modellings of 60 MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000 are applied for the development of optimization model. 3.5.1 General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is specifically designed for modelling linear, non-linear and mixed integer optimization problems. The system is especially useful with large, complex problems. GAMS structures good modeling habits itself by requiring concise and exact specification of entities and relationships. The GAMS language is formally similar to commonly used programming languages, therefore it is familiar to anyone with programming experience. 3.5.2 Objective function The objective of the optimization model is to maximize the total pumping rate from three wells in Kg. Tekek, consisting of TEK1, TEK3 and TEK4, in order to meet the water demands within the study area. Therefore the objective function of the model can be written as: Maximize Q (3.6) where, Q 3.5.3 = Total pumping rate of wells Constraints The water demand and saline intrusion due to groundwater pumping will act as constraints for the optimization model. The withdrawal of groundwater must be able to cater for the water demand based on the projection done by Uni-Technologies 61 in year 2003. The quantity of water supply only based on the groundwater draft to study the capability of the groundwater to support the water demand when surface water source is not considered. Thus the water demand limitation: QT ≥ DT (3.7) where QT = The total pumping rate (m3/s) DT = The total water demand (m3/s) As mentioned earlier, the pumping activities will be carried out for three existing wells in Kg. Tekek and the total pumping rate is distributed equally among the wells in this study. The distribution of water from pumping wells is: QT = ∑Qi (3.8) where Qi = The pumping rate of each well (m3/s) i = 1, 2, 3. The hydraulic drawdown which relates to the aquifer yield is essential to be determined to avoid overdraft of groundwater. The simulation of MODFLOW2000 will enable a development of relationship between hydraulic drawdown and pumping rates and obtain an aquifer influence coefficient. In this study, only the pumping well that produced maximum drawdown will be considered for the constraint. The maximum hydraulic drawdown is defined as the sum of hydraulic drawdowns for each pumping rate at pumping well. The maximum hydraulic drawdown must be compared with the well screen level of the pumping well as the benchmark. S max = ∑α jQ j S max ≤ WSL min where Smax = The maximum drawdown of the well (m) α = The aquifer influence coefficient describing the change of drawdown with respect to pumping rate WSLmin = Minimum screen level of well j = 1, 2, 3, …n (3.9) (3.10) 62 Besides the maximum drawdown, the hydraulic drawdowns at the location 25m and 50m from pumping well are also been monitored. ∑ α k Qk S 50 = ∑ α l Ql S 25 = (3.11) (3.12) where S25 = The drawdown at location 25m from pumping well (m) S50 = The drawdown at location 50m from pumping well (m) k, l = 1, 2, 3, …n Since the withdraw water will be supply for drinking purpose, the water quality problem related to saline intrusion must also be taken into consideration besides the hydraulic drawdowns. The groundwater simulation model of SEAWAT2000 was executed for several pumping rates in order to develop a relationship between pumping rate with saline intrusion length. Before the pumping activities, a certain level of concentration can be traced at the study area. The drinking water quality standard limits a maximum total dissolved solid concentration of 1000mg/L in order for the water to be considered safe for drinking purpose. The simulation of SEAWAT2000 model was carried out to determine the saline intrusion length under non-pumping condition and pumping condition with different rates. The pumping well that is constructed at a location nearest to the coastline is chosen as the reference point for water quality monitoring. Lint = βQT + L0 (3.13) Lint ≤ L min (3.14) where Lint = The length of saline water intrusion (m) L0 = The lenght of saline water intrusion before pumping activities (m) Lmin = The minimum distance between pumping well and coast line (m) β = The aquifer influence coefficient describing the change of saline intrusion length with respect to pumping rate 63 3.5.4 Water Consumption Projection Long term projection of water demand is essential to forecast whether the existing water supply would be capable to support the increase water demand. In year 2003, Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd. had prepared a report on 5-year interval water demand projection for Kg. Tekek from year 2001 to year 2025. The projection basically concentrated on the growth of local residents and tourists as shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2: Projected water consumption for Kg. Tekek Type of Demand MLD, million liters per day 2001 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Local Residences 0.41 2.12 2.12 3.25 5.06 6.45 Tourists 1.45 1.78 2.11 2.43 2.67 2.84 Total 1.86 3.90 4.23 5.68 7.73 9.29 3.6 Integrated Modelling Approach MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000 are included in the whole package of Groundwater Vistas. Groundwater Vistas is a unique modelling environmental for Microsoft Windows that couples a powerful model design system with comprehensive graphical analysis tools. The MT3DMS computer program (Zheng and Wang, 1999), which normally runs as a separate program from MODFLOW2000, was integrated directly into SEAWAT2000 and this new capability is called the Integrated MT3DMS Transport (IMT) Process. The main purpose for integrating MT3DMS directly into SEAWAT2000 is for variable-density simulations where flow and transport are coupled processes, and thus, the flow and transport equations must be solved sequentially (explicit) or simultaneously (implicit) for each time step. The IMT process was created for SEAWAT2000 by adding the subroutines from the MT3DMS programme directly to MODFLOW2000. Minor modifications were required for the MT3DMS source code to integrate the programme directly into 64 SEAWAT2000. The data requirements for both groundwater models are similar which will be discussed in the later section. The IMT process simulates advective and dispersive transport and simple chemical reactions for multiple species. The IMT Process solves the following form of the advection-dispersion equation (Zheng and Wang, 1999): ( ) ∂ θC K ∂ = ∂t ∂xi K ⎛ ⎜ θ Dij ∂C ⎜ ∂x j ⎝ ⎞ ∂ ⎟− θv C K + q z C Ks + ⎟ ∂x i ⎠ ( ) ∑R n (3.15) where C κ is dissolved concentration of species κ [ML -3] Dij is the hydrodynamic dispersion tensor [L 2 T -1] vi is seepage or linear pore water velocity [LT -1] Csk is concentration of the source or sink flux for species κ [ML -3] Rn is the chemical reaction term [ML -3 T -1] One of the potential limitations of the SEAWAT2000 program is that the dispersive term in the transport equation for variable-density ground-water flow should contain a density gradient term. This term is only necessary for dense brines and has not been incorporated into the transport equation because it would require extensive modifications to the MT3DMS subroutines. Comparing to the groundwater models that were already integrated through IMT process in Groundwater Vistas package, the integration between groundwater models and optimization model was carried out manually with application of simulation results from groundwater models. The simulation results were utilized to define the aquifer influence coefficients for groundwater drawdown (α) and saline intrusion length (β) under different pumping rates. The influence coefficients were applied for developing the constraints of linear programming optimization model. 65 Groundwater Model (Groundwater Vista) MODFLOW2000 Input: a) b) c) d) e) Hydraulic Conductivity Constant Head of Sea and River Recharge Rate Porosity Top & Bottom Elevation Output / Input of SEAWAT2000: a) Hydraulic Head b) Groundwater Drawdown SEAWAT2000 Input: a) Freshwater Density b) Seawater Density c) Slope of Density over Concentration d) Seawater Concentration e) Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersivity f) Molecular Diffusivity Optimization Model (GAMS) Input: a) Aquifer Influence Coefficient for Hydraulic Drawdown, α b) Aquifer Influence Coefficient for Saline Intrusion Length, β c) Minimum Screen Level of Well d) Minimum Distance between Well and Coastline e) The Length of Saline Intrusion Without Pumping Activities f) Total Projected Water Demand Output: a) Optimum Flow Rate Output: b) Saline Intrusion Concentration Figure 3.11: Input and output for integrated modelling 66 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000 are numerical models that are included in the package of Groundwater Vista, thus the models have a same presentation of the simulation results. The hydraulic head and concentration are presented as contour line on horizontal and vertical section. In order for the numerical models to represent the physical system reasonably, calibration processes were carried out to adjust the input parameters. For this study, calibration was achieved by adjusting the input parameters for the model within a reasonable range until simulated results of head and position of the saltwater interface show approximate values with the observed data. MODFLOW2000 model was calibrated for both steady and unsteady condition, whereas calibration for SEAWAT2000 only involved unsteady condition. However, additional process of validation for SEAWAT2000 was executed to validate the calibrated values with water quality data collected under unsteady state condition. The calibrated models were executed for several pumping rates to determine the relationship between pumping rate with hydraulic drawdown and saline intrusion length. The numerical models simulation results were applied to the optimization models for optimization purpose. The results of groundwater simulations and optimizations will be presented in detail in this chapter. 67 4.2 Simulation Results for MODFLOW2000 MODFLOW2000 was developed to simulate the groundwater flow system in this area and predict the available yield due to different pumping rate. The simulation results will provide information on hydraulic head and drawdown at different location under unsteady state condition. The constant parameters that were applied to the groundwater model are listed in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Values for constant parameters Constant Parameters Recharge Rate (R) Porosity (θ) Values 255 mm/year 0.3 Freshwater Density (ρf) 1,000 kg/m3 Seawater Density (ρs) 1,025 kg/m3 Slope of density over concentration (∂ρ / ∂C ) Seawater Concentration (C) 4.2.1 0.7143 35 kg/m3 = 35,000 mg/L Calibration Process The purpose of MODFLOW2000 calibrated was to determine the best value of hydraulic conductivity, K. The calibration process involved both steady and unsteady state condition with consideration of two cases. The aquifer system is considered to be isotropic homogeneous in Case (1), whereas in Case (2), the hydraulic conductivity varies in certain area (isotropic heterogeneous). The calibrations were carried out based on the observed head data on 4th June 2004. The initial hydraulic head is taken as the water level of Sg. Air Besar on the considered day which range from 1.11m to 2.20m. For aquifer as isotropic homogeneous, the value of hydraulic conductivity was taken as 31 m/day based on Kuan research on year 2002. In Case (2), Kg. Tekek is divided into 2 areas with hydraulic conductivity of K1 = 25 m/day and K2 = 10.9 68 m/day respectively as illustrated in Figure 4.1. The values of hydraulic conductivity taken into consideration for the calibration purpose are summarized in Table 4.2. Case study with isotropic heterogeneous aquifer was considered because the pumping test results on 4th June 2004 indicated that pumping well TEK4 showed lower hydraulic drawdown although the groundwater was pumped at higher rate compare to the other two wells. Furthermore, the geological cross section for Kg. Tekek also showed varies composition of soil at the area where well TEK1 and TEK3 are located. The calibrated results for both cases were compared with the observed hydraulic head at the three pumping wells, which are TEK1, TEK3 and TEK4 (Figure 4.2). Table 4.2: Cases considered for the calibration process Case Anisotropy and Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity Values Case I Isotropic homogeneous K = 31 m/day Case II Isotropic heterogeneous K1 = 25 m/day K2 = 10.9 m/day Figure 4.1: Hydraulic conductivity zoning plan for Kg. Tekek (isotropic heterogeneous) 69 Figure 4.2: Location of pumping wells at Kg. Tekek From the calibration analysis, both cases (1) and (2) for steady state condition showed results that range in small percentage of difference between simulation results and observed data. However, when pumping activities were considered, Case (2) showed better results compared to Case (1). The calibration analysis results for Case (1) and Case (2) are stated in Table 4.3 and 4.4 respectively. Thus the calibrated model will consider the aquifer system as isotropic heterogeneous. Table 4.3: Calibration analysis results for Case (1) Well Steady State Unsteady State (after 1 day with pumping rate 4.428MLD) Observed Calibration % Observed Calibration % Head Results Different Head Results Different TEK1 1.601 1.6322 1.95 -2.19 0.5098 123.28 TEK3 1.752 1.8352 4.75 -2.31 0.6039 126.14 TEK4 2.036 1.9409 4.67 -0.79 0.1467 93.67 70 Table 4.4: Calibration analysis results for Case (2) Well Steady State Unsteady State (after 1 day with pumping rate of 4.428MLD) Observed Calibration % Observed Calibration % Head Results Different Head Results Different TEK1 1.601 1.5957 0.33 -2.19 -2.244 2.45 TEK3 1.752 1.8365 4.80 -2.31 -2.434 5.37 TEK4 2.036 1.9433 4.65 -0.79 -0.751 4.73 4.2.2 Simulation Analysis The calibrated model was used to predict the hydraulic head and drawdown at different location under unsteady state condition. Simulation runs were conducted with pumping rate range from 1 MLD to 5 MLD. The total pumping rate was distributed equally between the three pumping wells considered. The simulation results were utilized to determine the aquifer influence coefficient of drawdown against the pumping rate. The hydraulic head contours after 1 day till 31 days of pumping for 1MLD to 5 MLD are shown in Figure 4.3 to Figure 4.7. 71 Figure 4.3: Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 1 MLD 72 Figure 4.4: Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 2MLD 73 Figure 4.5: Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 3MLD 74 Figure 4.6: Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 4MLD 75 Figure 4.7: Hydraulic head contour due to pumping of 5MLD 76 The simulation results indicated that pumping well TEK1 suffered greater hydraulic drawdown compare to TEK3 and TEK4 (Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9). Thus well TEK1 was chosen to determine the aquifer influence coefficient that to be applied to optimization model. The screen of well TEK1 was between 6.1m and 10.1m below the sea water level, thus the withdrawal of groundwater must not cause drawdown greater than the minimum screen level. The relationship between hydraulic drawdown and pumping rate at pumping well TEK1 and surrounding location (25 m and 50 m from TEK1) is illustrated in Figure 4.10. The groundwater drawdown at the pumping well TEK1 showed a non-linear relationship with the pumping rate. Since the results required to be applied to linear programming of GAMS, the aquifer influence coefficients were determined by sections of the graph, which means the aquifer influence coefficients varies for each pumping rate as shown in Table 4.5. In contrary, the groundwater drawdown at location 25 m and 50 m from well TEK1 relate linearly with the pumping rates, thus the aquifer influence coefficients are presented by the slope of graph. The aquifer influence coefficients for drawdown at location 25 m and 50 m from TEK1 are 0.0003117 and 0.0001151 respectively. Table 4.5: The aquifer influence coefficient of drawdown for TEK1 Pumping rate Influence Pumping rate Influence (MLD) Coefficient, α (MLD) Coefficient, α 0 to 1 0.00081 5 to 6 0.005065 1 to 2 0.000915 6 to 7 0.010545 2 to 3 0.001169 7 to 8 0.02481 3 to 4 0.001686 8 to 9 0.065956 4 to 5 0.002749 9 to 10 0.19813 77 Hydraulic Head at TEK-01 3 2 1 0 -80 -60 Hydraulic head (m) -100 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 No Pumping 1 MLD 2 MLD 3 MLD 4 MLD 5 MLD -7 Distance (m) Pumping Rate -100 -75 0 MLD 1 MLD 2 MLD 3 MLD 4 MLD 5 MLD 1.585 1.585 1.585 1.585 1.585 1.585 1.618 1.618 1.618 1.618 1.618 1.618 Location -50 -25 TEK1 25 Hydraulic Head 1.561 1.569 1.59 1.608 1.444 1.257 0.78 1.207 1.3235 0.934 -0.141 0.784 1.196 0.594 -1.343 0.321 1.063 0.239 -3.046 -0.183 1.031 0.1062 -6.074 -0.393 Figure 4.8: Hydraulic Head at TEK1 50 75 100 1.636 1.352 1.056 0.731 0.382 0.268 1.673 1.389 1.093 0.768 0.422 0.2977 1.719 1.413 1.094 0.743 0.37 0.2 78 Hydraulic Head at TEK-03 and TEK-04 3 2 1 Hydraulic head (m) 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 -1 -2 No Pumping 1 MLD 2 MLD 3 MLD 4 MLD 5 MLD -3 -4 -5 -6 Distance (m) Pumping Rate 0 25 50 0 MLD 1 MLD 2 MLD 3 MLD 4 MLD 5 MLD 1.723 1.706 1.687 1.665 1.642 1.63 1.747 1.747 1.747 1.747 1.747 1.747 1.779 1.779 1.779 1.779 1.779 1.779 Location 75 TEK3 125 150 TEK4 Hydraulic Head 1.801 1.835 1.877 1.913 1.944 1.506 1.035 1.531 1.666 1.532 1.201 0.135 1.126 1.473 1.099 0.882 -1.073 0.792 1.145 0.635 0.548 -2.561 0.388 0.863 0.13 0.4008 -4.794 0.148 0.6441 -0.2771 Figure 4.9: Hydraulic head at TEK3 and TEK4 200 225 250 275 1.983 1.838 1.691 1.539 1.386 1.232 2.038 2.038 2.038 2.038 2.038 2.038 2.071 2.071 2.071 2.071 2.071 2.071 2.109 2.107 2.079 2.076 2.072 2.086 79 Graph of Drawdown Vs Pumping Rate At TEK1 9 8 7 Drawdown (m) 6 5 Pumping well TEK1 4 25m from TEK1 50m from TEK1 Li 3 (25 f 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pumping Rate, Q (MLD) Figure 4.10: Relationship between hydraulic drawdown and pumping rate at TEK1 4.3 Simulation Results for SEAWAT2000 SEAWAT2000 was carried out to simulate variable density flow of groundwater. The numerical model present the dissolved solid movement through concentration contours in horizontal and vertical section. The simulation results enable the prediction of saline intrusion length due to pumping activity. 4.3.1 Calibration and Validation Process For SEAWAT2000, the numerical model was calibrated for the aquifer hydrogelogic parameters that relate to sediment transport, including longitudinal dispersivity, transverse dispersivity and molecular diffusivity. The hydraulic conductivity values as calibrated in MODFLOW2000 were applied to the SEAWAT2000 model, so no further calibration on hydraulic conductivity value was carried out for this model. The calibration process involved unsteady state condition 80 with comparison to the water quality data collected during the pumping test by Bina Juta Construction on 4th June 2004. The measured concentrations of total dissolved solid at the three wells were inserted as the initial concentration of SEAWAT2000 model. The initial concentration considered for TEK1, TEK3 and TEK4 are 80mg/L, 70mg/L and 40mg/L respectively. Table 4.6 stated the calibration analysis results for SEAWAT2000 model. Table 4.6: Calibration results for SEAWAT2000 Calibration Process Well Observed TDS Calibration Concentration Results TEK1 180.00 96.90 46.17 TEK3 80.00 68.50 14.38 TEK4 50.00 42.80 14.40 % Different After the calibration process, validation of model was done to compare the simulation results with water quality data during pumping test activity on 8th July 2004 by FELDA Agricultural Services Sdn. Bhd. The calibrated model was executed for a time step of 30 hours. The validation results of SEAWAT2000 model is shown in Table 4.7. The calibrated aquifer parameters that were applied to SEAWAT2000 model in this study are listed in Table 4.8 Table 4.7: Validation results for SEAWAT2000 Validation Process Well Observed TDS Calibration Concentration Results TEK1 97.00 126.76 30.68 TEK3 34.90 35.28 1.09 TEK4 20.40 19.37 5.05 % Different 81 Table 4.8: Calibrated parameters for SEAWAT2000 model 4.3.2 Calibrated parameters Value Longitudinal Dispersivity αL = 0 Transverse Dispersivity αT = 0 Molecular Diffusivity Dc = 1.629 m2/day Simulation Analysis The calibrated SEAWAT2000 model was run for different pumping rates that range from 0 MLD to 3 MLD in order to study the effects on saline intrusion length. The simulation involved 25 time steps with total period of 31 days. The initial concentration of the pumping well is taken as the observed total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration on 4th June 2004. Pumping well TEK1 is constructed at the location nearest to the coastline, thus the well was chosen as the reference point for the monitoring of groundwater quality. The distance between TEK1 and coastline is approximately 350m. The concentration contours for horizontal plane and vertical section due to groundwater pumping of 0.5 MLD to 3 MLD for 1, 3, 7, 15 and 31 days are shown in Figure 4.11 to 4.22. 82 Figure 4.11: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 0.5 MLD 83 Figure 4.12: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 0.5 MLD 84 Figure 4.13: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 1 MLD 85 Figure 4.14: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 1 MLD 86 Figure 4.15: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 1.5 MLD 87 Figure 4.16: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 1.5 MLD 88 Figure 4.17: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 2 MLD 89 Figure 4.18: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 2 MLD 90 Figure 4.19: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 2.5 MLD 91 Figure 4.20: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 2.5 MLD 92 Figure 4.21: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on horizontal plane due to pumping of 3 MLD 93 Figure 4.22: Concentration contour (seawater intrusion) on vertical section due to pumping of 3 MLD Similar to MODFLOW2000 model, the simulation results were applied to obtain a relationship between saline intrusion length and pumping rate as specified in 94 Figure 4.23. Under the non-pumping situation, the saline intrusion length was identified as 80m. The saline intrusion length relates linearly with the pumping rate, thus the aquifer influence coefficient can be determined easily through the slope of plotted graph. The value of aquifer influence coefficient for saline intrusion length is 0.0093. Graph Of Intrusion Length Vs Pumping Rate 120 y = 9.2967x + 80 100 Intrusion Length, L (m) 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Pumping Rate, Q (MLD) Figure 4.23: Relationship between saline intrusion length and pumping rate 4.4 Optimization Results A groundwater management model was developed under unsteady state condition with the objective to maximize the total pumping rate of the three wells considered. GAMS was employed for the execution of the optimization model. The simulation results of the groundwater numerical models, MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000, were applied to form the constraints of the model. Appendix C shows the linear programming model that was developed from the simulated results. 95 In order to meet the increasing water consumption, the other source of water supply was explored as an supplement for the surface water source currently rely on. The groundwater management model provided an optimal solution that avoid overdraft of groundwater and fulfill the water quality standard. Based on the constraints that were developed from simulation results, the aquifer system in Kg. Tekek would be able to support total pumping rate up to 5.8 MLD. The maximum hydraulic drawdown allowable for Kg. Tekek is 11.6 and it was noted that hydraulic drawdown has greater influence in the determination of optimal solution. The saline intrusion line is still far away from the pumping well when the hydraulic drawdown had already reached it maximum value. The summarized results of the optimization model are stated in Table 4.9. Table 4.9: Optimization results for pumping well TEK1 Optimum Pumping Distance from Drawdown Distance between Rate, Qmax (m3/day) well TEK1 (m) (m) saline intrusion and well TEK1 (m) 5843.24 0 11.60 25 1.91 50 0.72 75 0.00 215.66 Without the consideration of surface water source, the groundwater aquifer system in Kg. Tekek is capable to cater for the water demand up to year 2015, which is 5.68 MLD. However, the surface water source is still available in the area even during dry season for purpose of water supply. Table 4.10 illustrates the combination of surface water and groundwater system that will enable the projected water demand up to year 2025 to be catered. Table 4.10: Water supply for combine system 96 Surface Water Groundwater Total Water Year that water Supply (MLD Supply (MLD Supply (MLD) demand can be catered 0 5.8 5.8 2015 3 5.8 8.8 2020 4 5.8 9.8 2025 Based on the results as stated in Table 4.10, with the groundwater extraction till maximum flow rate and supply of 4 MLD from surface water source, the residents and tourists will still not facing water scarcity problem till year 2025. Thus, the aquifer system in Kg. Tekek can be considered as a reliable water source to cater for the water demand in the future. However, the surface water will still serve as the main source of water supply and groundwater only function as the supplement source when water shortage occurs during draught season. 97 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions The developed optimization model in this study integrated the simulated results from MODFLOW2000 and SEAWAT2000 numerical models to provide the maximum pumping rate. The optimal solution shows that the aquifer system in this study area would be able to support water supply of 5.8 MLD. The water quantity and quality were the main considerations in this study. The results highlighted that hydraulic drawdown has greater influence to the determination of maximum pumping rate comparing to saline intrusion effects. The intrusion length only encountered minor changes with the increment of pumping rate. The groundwater aquifer system alone would be able to support water consumption up to year 2015. With the combination of surface water supply up to 4 MLD, the local residents and tourism industry in this study area will still relief from water scarcity problem till year 2025. Therefore, the groundwater aquifer system poses an good option for the supplement to surface water supply system especially during dry season. 5.2 Recommendations The total pumping rate considered in this study is distributed equally among the three wells considered. However, the wells showed different hydraulic drawdown for the same value of pumping rate. As mentioned in the previous section, the well 98 TEK4 suffered lower hydraulic drawdown comparing to the other wells although higher pumping rate was applied to TEK4. Thus, the pumping rate may be adjusted according to the rate of hydraulic drawdown for each pumping well instead of applying the same pumping rate for all wells. Currently on site, a constructed pumping well, TEK2 is abandoned for application of pumping activity. Additional well, either well TEK2 or new production well, can be considered to obtain a better value of optimum pumping rate. 99 REFERENCES Christian D. Langevin (2001). “Simulation of Ground-Water Discharge to Biscayne Bay, Southeastern Florida.” U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigation Report 00-4251. Christian D. Langevin, Eric D. Swain, Harry L. Jenter and Raymond W. 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(2006). “MODFLOW/MT3DMS – Based Simulation of Variable-Density Groundwater Flow with Simultaneous Heat and Solute Transport.” Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Denmark, 18 - 22 June. 102 APPENDICES 103 A1: Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Tekek (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 28 March 2003) TEK 01 Parameter Unit TEK 02 TEK 03 TEK 04 WHO Water 36 72 36 72 36 72 36 72 hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours 6.89 4.85 5.79 4.03 6.61 6.75 6.01 6.39 6.5 – 9.0 C 23.00 22.50 24.00 23.50 23.00 21.50 24.00 23.50 - Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 3.86 4.05 3.91 3.01 3.98 4.01 4.21 3.45 - Color Unit Hazen 28.00 25.00 33.00 28.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15 TCU Turbidity NTU 18.10 14.90 23.40 23.80 26.20 4.01 5.50 1.80 5 NTU TDS mg/l 94.40 29.30 37.40 32.00 43.00 53.00 26.00 34.00 1000 Conductivity uS 183.00 50.30 51.00 55.60 80.00 79.10 52.00 69.80 - Chloride (Cl) mg/l 15.70 16.40 14.30 15.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 250 Ammonia (NH4) mg/l < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 15 Arsenic (As) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.05 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.003 Clacium (Ca) mg/l 3.40 3.90 4.10 3.90 4.20 4.30 2.50 3.80 - Aluminium (Al) mg/l 0.05 0.22 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.22 0.20 Barium(Ba) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.7 Chromium (Cr) mg/l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.050 Copper (Cu) mg/l 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.11 1.0 Cyanide (CN) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.07 Fluoride (F) mg/l 0.12 0.15 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.5 – 0.7 pH Temperature 0 Raw 104 A2: Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Tekek (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 28 March 2003) (continue) Parameter Unit TEK 01 TEK 02 TEK 03 WHO Water TEK 04 36 hours 72 hours 36 hours 72 hours 36 hours 72 hours 36 hours 72 hours Raw Iron (Fe) mg/l 8.660 12.850 6.780 6.400 11.220 10.230 4.570 7.230 0.3 Lead (Pb) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.10 Magnesium (Mg) mg/l 1.40 2.30 1.00 0.90 1.50 1.50 11.40 0.70 150 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.07 007 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.11 0.04 0.08 0.20 Mercury (Hg) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002 Nickel (Ni) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.1 Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 0.04 0.04 0.14 0.24 < 0.01 0.19 0.04 0.12 10 Phosphate (P) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 - Silica (SiO2) mg/l 17.60 18.70 15.00 14.90 20.20 20.20 16.40 15.90 - Selenium (Se) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.01 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.05 Strontium (Sr) mg/l 0.01 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.03 0.03 < 0.01 < 0.01 - Potassium (K) mg/l 1.90 2.30 1.30 1.40 1.90 1.90 1.0 1.40 - Sodium (Na) mg/l 14.10 25.40 1.00 6.90 8.90 9.20 1.80 4.50 - Carbonate (C) mg/l < 0.1 < 1.0 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 - Zinc (Zn) mg/l 0.08 0.68 0.26 0.10 0.21 0.18 0.09 6.77 1.50 E. Coli MPN/100ml < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 0 - 50 105 A3 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Tekek (source : FELDA AGRICULTURAL SERVICESS SDN.BHD. 8 July 2004) Parameter Unit pH TEK 01 TEK 03 WHO Water Raw TEK 04 30 minutes 36 hours 30 minutes 36 hours 30 minutes 36 hours 4.3 4.3 5.3 5.1 5.2 5.5 6.5 – 9.0 Temperature 0 C 29.9 29.3 29.2 28.9 29.0 30.0 - Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 2.19 2.32 2.09 2.24 2.84 2.89 - Color Unit Hazen 175 100 150 125 125 100 15 TCU Turbidity NTU 80.1 48.2 37.7 55.9 31.6 34.3 5 NTU TDS mg/l 126.5 97.0 29.0 34.9 18.3 20.4 1000 Conductivity uS 183.2 140.4 41.8 51.4 27.5 30.4 - Chloride (Cl) mg/l N.D 21.2 7.3 9.2 5.8 5.9 250 Ammonia (NH4) mg/l 3.81 10.90 8.17 5.31 2.59 6.13 15 Arsenic (As) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.05 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.003 Clacium (Ca) mg/l 3.35 3.88 1.88 2.52 0.95 1.17 - Aluminium (Al) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.20 Barium(Ba) mg/l 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.7 Chromium (Cr) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.050 Copper (Cu) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 1.0 Cyanide (CN) mg/l 0.015 0.016 0.008 0.004 0.008 0.005 0.07 Fluoride (F) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.5 – 0.7 106 A4 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Tekek (source: FELDA AGRICULTURAL SERVICESS SDN.BHD. 8 July 2004) (continue) Parameter Unit TEK 01 TEK 03 TEK 04 30 minutes 36 hours 30 minutes 36 hours 30 minutes 36 hours WHO Water Raw Iron (Fe) mg/l 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.06 N.D 0.3 Lead (Pb) mg/l N.D 0.06 0.01 N.D 0.05 N.D 0.10 Magnesium (Mg) mg/l 2.79 0.92 0.78 0.95 0.19 0.79 150 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.17 0.18 0.11 0.14 0.04 0.06 0.20 Mercury (Hg) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.002 Nickel (Ni) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D 0.1 Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.09 10 Phosphate (P) mg/l 0.41 0.50 0.82 0.69 0.23 0.69 - Silica (SiO2) mg/l 6.88 8.63 9.43 9.68 6.58 12.53 - Selenium (Se) mg/l N.D N.D 0.01 N.D N.D N.D 0.05 Strontium (Sr) mg/l N.D N.D N.D 0.09 0.03 0.05 - Potassium (K) mg/l 1.88 1.78 0.88 1.05 0.36 0.56 - Sodium (Na) mg/l 17.28 16.42 13.07 6.68 5.05 4.73 - Carbonate (C) mg/l N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D N.D - Zinc (Zn) mg/l 0.10 0.09 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.08 1.50 E. Coli MPN/100ml - - - - - - < 2.0 107 A5 :Water Quality Monitoring (6 June 2004 - 7 June 2004) by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia , Skudai Parameter Stn. pH Cond. (µS/m) Turb. (NTU) DO (mg/L) Temp. Salinity (%) TDS (g/L) TKW 1 6.5 49 47 4.1 27.10 0 0.32 6-Jun-04 6.3 49 50 3.4 27.60 0 0.32 TKW 3 6.3 13 13 7.8 27.1 0 0.08 6-Jun-04 6.4 13 10 7.3 27.1 0 0.08 TKW 4 6.2 15 18 8.2 27.1 0 0.1 6-Jun-04 6.2 15 13 7.4 27 0 0.1 3:00 PM 3:00 PM Upstream 6.3 0.42 (S/m) 48 9.3 27.2 0.2 2.6 6-Jun-04 6.3 0.41 (S/m) 48 9 27.2 0.2 2.6 TKW 1 6.1 52 74 8.5 28.1 0 0.33 7-Jun-04 6 52 74 7.5 28.2 0 0.33 Upstream 6.6 0.47 (S/m) 27 9.6 26.9 0.3 3.1 7-Jun-04 6.6 0.49 (S/m) 25 9.1 26.9 0.3 3.2 TKW 1 6.2 54 93 4.6 28.7 0 0.34 7-Jun-04 6.2 54 90 4.6 28.7 0 0.34 Upstream 6.1 0.87 (S/m) 22 8.8 26.8 0.3 4.2 7-Jun-04 6.2 0.67 (S/m) 18 8.8 26.8 0.3 4.6 3:00 PM 12.00pm 12.00pm 12.12 m 3:00 PM 3:00 PM TKW 1 5.9 54 100 4.6 28.5 0 0.34 7-Jun-04 6.5 53 100 3.7 28.5 0 0.34 Upstream 6.4 0.69 (S/m) 38 8.8 26 0.4 4.8 7-Jun-04 6.4 0.73 (S/m) 41 8.4 26 0.4 4.7 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 108 A6 : Water Quality Result During Pumping Test In Kampung Tekek by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Location Date 2004 Time Hour Time am,pm TK1 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 30 min 30 min 1hr45min 9.50am 9.50am 11.05am 12.20pm 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 12.20pm 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm 9.20am 12.20am 9.50am 12.20pm 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm JMG TK3 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 30min 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr JMG pH microS/m Cond mS/m 5.8 5.7 5.9 6.4 6 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 13 110-JMG 13 13 14 14 27 28 29 26 6.1 45 5.8 6.1 6.1 6 6 6 6.1 244 249 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 4 38 3 4 10 79 8 6.1 13 14 Turb NTU DO temp 21 5.4 27.8 22 32 16 26 8 15 9 38 4.2 3.2 8 6.6 6.9 7.1 2.5 6.7 470 7 o/o Sal o/o TDS g/L Qpam m3/hr 0.08 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 0 0.04-JMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.17 27.6 0 0.29 6 2.4 7.5 4.8 4.7 5.5 6.6 27.1 27.6 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.1 27.1 0.12 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 3.5 27.3 0 0.08 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5 109 A7 : Water Quality Result During Pumping Test In Kampung Tekek by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (continue) Location TK4 Date 2004 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun u/stream 5-Jun Time Hour 30 min 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr Turb NTU 20 DO temp 5.8 microS/m Cond mS/m 7 6.1 12.20pm 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20am 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 9.20pm 3.20pm 9.20pm 3.20am 6.4 6.1 5.8 6 5.9 6.1 7 7 7 7 8 8 23 35 23 5 86 13 6 11 12.20pm 6.1 1.5 Time am,pm 9.50am JMG pH 26.5 o/o Sal o/o 0 TDS g/L 0.04 6.9 7.8 6.8 7.4 5.3 6.8 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.7 26.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 10 5.2 26.8 0 0.07 11 5.8 28.1 0.9 9 JMG 16.8 5-Jun 6-Jun 4.30pm 9.20am 6 6.2 0.11 9 13 12 7.7 8.5 26.9 26.3 0.1 0 0.8 0.06 5-Jun 4.30pm 6 0.14 20 8.8 26.6 0.1 0.9 d/stream Qpam m3/hr 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 110 A8 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Paya (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 Dec 2002) Parameter Unit pH PP02 PP03 PP07 PP08 PP10 WHO Water Raw 4.44 5.28 5.63 5.52 5.65 6.5 – 9.0 Temperature 0 C 23.00 22.00 22.50 22.00 24.00 - Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 6.31 6.62 5.76 6.21 6.68 - Color Unit Hazen 67.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 8.00 15 TCU Turbidity NTU 15.00 5.25 3.12 7.67 6.34 5 NTU TDS mg/l 10.00 10.00 190.00 80.00 20.00 1000 Conductivity uS 43.20 35.00 179.60 152.10 39.20 - Chloride (Cl) mg/l 8.00 10.00 17.00 23.00 6.00 250 Ammonia (NH4) mg/l 0.10 0.10 0.20 < 0.10 0.10 15 Arsenic (As) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.05 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002 0.003 Clacium (Ca) mg/l 1.50 1.60 14.30 8.00 3.00 - Aluminium (Al) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.20 Barium(Ba) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.7 Chromium (Cr) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.013 0.050 Copper (Cu) mg/l 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.04 0.04 1.0 Cyanide (CN) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.07 Fluoride (F) mg/l 0.52 0.48 0.45 0.52 0.45 0.5 – 0.7 111 A9 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Paya (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 Dec 2002) (continue) Parameter Unit PP02 PP03 PP07 PP08 PP10 WHO Water Raw Iron (Fe) mg/l 2.120 0.570 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.020 0.3 Lead (Pb) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.10 Magnesium (Mg) mg/l 0.5 0.5 6.0 4.2 0.9 150 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.20 Mercury (Hg) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002 Nickel (Ni) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.1 Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 10 Phosphate (P) mg/l < 0.03 < 0.03 0.07 < 0.03 < 0.03 - Silica (SiO2) mg/l 18.00 18.20 46.00 50.70 16.30 - Selenium (Se) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.05 Strontium (Sr) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 0.16 0.14 0.03 - Potassium (K) mg/l 1.00 1.40 4.00 2.70 1.60 - Sodium (Na) mg/l 6.80 6.30 19.80 19.00 4.70 - Carbonate (C) mg/l <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 - Zinc (Zn) mg/l 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.01 1.50 E. Coli MPN/100ml < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 0 - 50 112 A10 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Salang (source : ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 Dec 2002) Parameter Unit pH PS01 PS02 PS06A WHO Water Raw 6.90 6.20 6.80 6.5 – 9.0 Temperature 0 C 22.50 22.50 22.50 - Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 6.00 6.15 6.80 - Color Unit Hazen 23.00 39.00 14.00 15 TCU Turbidity NTU 144.40 18.20 1.38 5 NTU TDS mg/l 610.00 160.00 280.00 1000 Conductivity uS 283.00 274.00 442.00 - Chloride (Cl) mg/l 16.00 31.00 11.00 250 Ammonia (NH4) mg/l 0.30 0.10 < 0.1 15 Arsenic (As) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.05 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.002 0.003 < 0.001 0.003 Clacium (Ca) mg/l 53.20 40.00 93.70 - Aluminium (Al) mg/l 3.34 0.15 < 0.01 0.20 Barium(Ba) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.7 Chromium (Cr) mg/l 0.010 0.002 0.002 0.050 Copper (Cu) mg/l 0.03 0.05 0.06 1.0 Cyanide (CN) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.07 Fluoride (F) mg/l 0.50 0.48 0.51 0.5 – 0.7 113 A11 : Analysis Results Of Groundwater In Kampung Salang (source: ALS Technichem (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31 Dec 2002 (continue) Parameter Unit PS01 PS02 PS06A WHO Water Raw Iron (Fe) mg/l 8.910 0.002 0.002 1.000 Lead (Pb) mg/l < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.10 Magnesium (Mg) mg/l 0.13 13.60 4.10 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.13 0.08 0.24 0.20 Mercury (Hg) mg/l < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.001 Nickel (Ni) mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.012 Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 0.04 0.02 0.03 Phosphate (P) mg/l < 0.03 0.04 0.11 Silica (SiO2) mg/l 40.90 27.40 27.90 Selenium (Se) mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Strontium (Sr) mg/l 0.86 0.08 1.70 Potassium (K) mg/l 2.20 1.20 0.90 Sodium (Na) mg/l 7.20 12.50 12.10 Carbonate (C) mg/l < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Zinc (Zn) mg/l 0.06 0.04 0.05 1.50 E. Coli MPN/100ml < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 0. - 50 0.01 114 A12 : Analysis Results of Groundwater at Various Depths In Kampung Tekek (source: Department of Environment 2001 - 2005) NO. TELAGA (MW (7)-) C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m LOKASI TELAGA Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek TARIKH SAMPEL 22-Feb-01 23-May-01 22-May-01 23-May-01 As (mg/l) 0.0150 <0.0002 0.0010 0.0150 Hg (mg/l) <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 Cd (mg/l) 0.0030 0.0010 <0.0002 0.0030 Cr (mg/l) 0.0010 <0.0002 0.0010 0.0010 Cu (mg/l) 0.0110 <0.0003 <0.0003 0.0110 Fe (mg/l) 4.2000 0.0020 0.1700 4.2000 Pb (mg/l) 0.0090 0.0090 <0.0002 0.0090 Mn (mg/l) 0.3000 <0.002 0.0380 0.3000 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 7-Aug-02 3-Oct-02 7-Aug-02 3-Oct-02 0.0030 0.0003 0.0002 0.0011 0.0001 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0002 0.0006 0.0002 0.0097 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.0002 0.0017 0.0021 0.0016 0.0023 0.2669 0.0625 0.0422 0.2666 0.0014 0.0020 0.0018 0.0013 0.0291 0.0329 0.0047 0.0299 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 29-Apr-03 16-Sep-03 29-Apr-03 10-Jun-03 0.0004 0.0004 0.0010 0.0009 0.0006 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0.0012 0.0002 0.0009 0.0002 0.0007 0.0008 0.0006 0.0017 0.0667 0.0789 0.1194 0.1792 0.0011 0.0010 0.0008 0.0010 0.0041 0.0064 0.0143 0.0169 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 8-Mar-04 1-Jun-04 21-Jul-04 1-Jun-04 21-Jul-04 <0.0002 0.0900 0.0003 0.005 0.0007 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0016 <0.0002 0.0016 0.0064 0.0010 0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.0023 0.0010 0.0031 0.002 0.0034 0.0323 34.0000 0.0770 0.2810 0.2510 0.0007 0.0040 0.0028 0.0010 0.0017 0.0049 3.1800 0.0037 0.0230 0.0137 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 30-Mar-05 26-May-05 27-Jul-05 30-Mar-05 26-May-05 27-Jul-05 7-Sep-05 0.00010 0.00030 0.00030 0.00030 0.00060 0.00050 0.00060 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00010 0.00005 0.00005 0.00080 0.00130 0.00060 0.00040 0.00090 0.00070 0.00040 0.00100 0.00010 0.00090 0.00200 0.00010 0.00060 0.00230 0.00015 0.00840 0.00160 0.00180 0.00530 0.00040 0.00040 0.02200 0.01800 0.01700 0.18700 0.15500 0.21600 0.20500 0.00280 0.00180 0.00130 0.00130 0.00350 0.00220 0.00050 0.01180 0.00340 0.01700 0.01720 0.01580 0.01300 0.01610 A13 : Analysis Results of Groundwater at Various Depths In Kampung Tekek (source: Department of Environmental 2001 - 2005) 115 (continue) NO. TELAGA (MW (7)-) LOKASI TELAGA TARIKH SAMPEL Zn (mg/l) Se (mg/l) C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 22-Feb-01 23-May-01 22-May-01 23-May-01 0.0150 <0.0002 0.0050 0.0150 <0.0005 0.0010 <0.0005 <0.0005 HARDNESS (CaCO3) (mg/l) 19.00 70.00 93.00 19.00 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 7-Aug-02 3-Oct-02 7-Aug-02 3-Oct-02 0.0492 0.0099 0.0242 0.0310 <0.0005 0.0006 <0.0005 <0.0005 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 29-Apr-03 16-Sep-03 29-Apr-03 10-Jun-03 0.0056 0.0038 0.0030 0.0098 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 8-Mar-04 1-Jun-04 21-Jul-04 1-Jun-04 21-Jul-04 C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-5.52 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m C18-1-18.95 m Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek Kg. Tekek 30-Mar-05 26-May-05 27-Jul-05 30-Mar-05 26-May-05 27-Jul-05 7-Sep-05 Cl (mg/l) NO3 (mg/l) SO4 (mg/l) SAL (%) TDS (mg/l) 1.80 3.10 6.00 1.80 0.05 0.39 <0.1 0.05 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 50.0 4.2 190.0 50.0 150.00 120 33.00 55 5.10 19.00 14.00 5.50 0.08 6.40 0.56 <0.05 1.94 5.90 2.90 1.90 - 205.0 130.0 76.0 210.0 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 28.00 25.00 87.00 113.00 4.96 5.60 5.80 10.00 0.59 0.48 <0.05 0.11 3.05 3.29 2.98 2.71 - 60.0 53.0 200.0 190.0 0.0111 0.0820 0.0302 0.0100 0.0114 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 34.00 35.00 39.00 170.00 145.00 5.10 6.50 11.00 6.90 5.90 0.30 <0.05 15.00 0.10 0.10 2.60 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.50 - 84.0 62.0 44.0 202.0 191.0 0.01310 0.00880 0.00640 0.01350 0.01130 0.00400 0.00200 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 36.0 20.0 36.0 73.0 150.0 145.0 140.0 8.8 10.0 14.0 5.3 33.0 6.6 4.0 30.0 1.3 10.0 2.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 9.4 4.9 4.3 4.4 3.6 3.6 3.3 - 121.0 66.0 117.0 199.0 200.0 195.0 220.0 116 Appendix B1 117 Appendix B2 118 Appendix B3 119 Appendix B4 120 Appendix B5 121 Appendix B6 122 Appendix B7 123 Appendix B8 124 Appendix B9 125 Appendix B10 126 Appendix B11 127 Appendix B12 128 Appendix B13 129 Appendix B14 Appendix C 130 *Optimization for pumping rate based on seawater intrusion free variable Q "pumping rate" positive variables Q1 "pumping rate at Kg. Tekek", Qcap "maximum capacity of pump", Dw "Drawdown due to different pumping rate at TEK1", D25 "Drawdown due to different pumping rate at 25m from TEK1", D50 "Drawdown due to different pumping rate at 50m from TEK1", Qa "Drawdown due to 1MLD", Qb "Drawdown due to 2MLD", Qc "Drawdown due to 3MLD", Qd "Drawdown due to 4MLD", Qe "Drawdown due to 5MLD", Qf "Drawdown due to 6MLD", Qg "Drawdown due to 7MLD", Qh "Drawdown due to 8MLD", Qi "Drawdown due to 9MLD", Qj "Drawdown due to 10MLD", Lint "Length of seawater intrusion"; equations obj "max pumping rate", pump1 "required water demand", pump2 "maximum pump capacity", pump3 "total pumping rate", drawdown1 "maximum drawdown", drawdown2 "total drawdown", drawdown3 "drawdown at 25m from TEK1", drawdown4 "drawdown at 50m from TEK1", int1 "length of seawater intrusion", int2 "maximum length of seawater intrusion", 131 con1 "condition 1", con2 "condition 2", con3 "condition3", con4 "condition4", con5 "condition5", con6 "condition6", con7 "condition7", con8 "condition8", con9 "condition9", con10 "condition10"; obj.. Q1 =e= Q; pump1.. Q1 =g= 5000; pump2.. Q1 =l= 10000; pump3.. Q1 =e= Qa+Qb+Qc+Qd+Qe+Qf+Qg+Qh+Qi+Qj; drawdown1.. Dw =e= 0.00081*Qa+0.000915*Qb+0.001169*Qc+0.001686*Qd+0.002749*Qe +0.005065*Qf+0.010545*Qg+0.02481*Qh+0.065956*Qi+0.19813*Qj; drawdown2.. Dw =l= 11.6; drawdown3.. D25 =e= 0.000317*Q1; drawdown4.. D50 =e= 0.0001151*Q1; int1.. Lint =e= 0.0093*Q1+80; int2.. Lint =l= 355; con1.. 132 Lint =g= 0; con2.. Qa =l= 1000; con3.. Qb =l= 1000; con4.. Qc =l= 1000; con5.. Qd =l= 1000; con6.. Qe =l= 1000; con7.. Qf =l= 1000; con8.. Qg =l= 1000; con9.. Qh =l= 1000; con10.. Qi =l= 1000; model gw/all/; solve gw using lp maximizing Q;