2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: Accounts Payable Peer Assistant Accounting Alphabetizing, filling, xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, scanning, shredding Some office experience is helpful, ability to organize, and strong attention to detail CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Hayde Gonzalez, (562) 463- 7095, hgonzales@riohondo.edu Accounting Practicum Accounting Simple Excel calculations, filing documents, use of adding machines, assist accounting staff Willing to follow directions OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Xuan Lam, (562) 463- 7092, xlam@riohondo.edu Admissions and Records Student Assistant Admissions & Records Primarily filing, making labels, shredding of documents, envelope stuffing Requires a responsible person with good alphabetizing abilities OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Mary Becerril, (562) 463- 7627, mbecerril@riohondo.edu Ceramics Laboratory Assistant Art & Cultural Programs Student will assist in various areas of the Ceramic Lab, pending on need. Student will help maintain the ceramic lab and kiln room. Students will help mix galzes and load kilns. Other duties as assigned. General Qualifications: Must have ceramic experience Status: OPEN Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Robert Miller, robert.miller@riohondo.edu Position Title: Secretary Assistant Department: Arts & Cultural Programs Division Job Description: Answer telephone, light typing, filing, Xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, occasionally assist with special events on campus such as Art Gallery OPENings and receptions as well as Performing Arts events in the Wray Theatre General Qualifications: Ability to work well with others, ability to listen and take direction. Good customer service skills, both over the phone and in person. Previous office experience helpful not required. We will train Status: CLOSED Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Audrey Boyce, (562) 463- 4662, aboyce@riohondo.edu Position Title: Peer Clerk Department: Assessment Center/ Office Job Description: Answering phones, making reminder calls, picking up mail, proctoring, assist in testing procedures General Qualifications: Willingness to learn, good cusomer service skills, punctual Status: OPEN Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Eva Menchaca, (562) 463- 7225,emenchaca@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Laboratory Assistant Biology Clean glassware and other related equipment, assemble and remove equipment used in laboratory exercises, inventory and organize supplies Able to follow directions report to work at the specific time/ day with safety guidelines OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Robbie Wright, (562) 463- 7508, rwright@riohondo.edu CalWORKs Student Advocate CalWorks answer basic program questions through email and telephone. Create a welcome environment for students, greeting, scheduling appointments, providing community resource referrals All majors accepted: Child Development and Human Services majors are encouraged to apply OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Dr. Rosa Prado, (562) 463- 7313, rprado@riohondo.edu Shop/ Tool Room Assistant Career & Technology Assist with marking tools and equipment, maintain tool room and lab area in a clean and orderly condition. Wash lab vehicles. Must have knowledge of different tools and equipment used in an auto shop environment. Must be able to operate a manual transmission vehicle. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- William Fox, (562)463-7384; wfox@riohondo.edu Career Peer Assistant Center for Career & Re-Entry Services Answer phones, greet students at the front counter, mail pick-up/sorting, inter-office deliveries post job/internship flyers, run photocopies, and assist with special events on campus Candidate should have good interpersonal skills and perform in a professional manner OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Liz Chavez, (562) 908- 3407, lchavez@riohondo.edu Laboratory Assistant Chemistry Clean glassware and other related equipment, assemble and remove equipment used in laboratory exercises, inventory and organize supplies Willing to follow directions OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"-Justina Chen, (562) 463- 7523, jchen@riohondo.edu Office Clerk Child Development Center Answer telehpne, light typing, filing, xeroxing, faxing, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, assist with special events on campus Bilingual preferred and knowledge of Miscrosoft Word helpful OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Dr. Sondra Moe, (562) 463- 7319; smoe@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Lab Assistant Communications & Languages Sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, assist students taking ENLA (ESL) Lab classes Knowledge of Ms Office; prefer student worker completed one or more language classes (such as French, Chinese, Japanse). CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Hao Vo (562) 4633751, hvo@riohondo.edu Continuing Education Assistant Continuing Education General clerical duties: answering phones, public contact, xeroxing, faxing registration and admissions applications, draft event or class flyers and data input. Bi-lingual Spanish preferred OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Jennifer Lee, (562) 463- 4606; jlee@riohondo.edu Counseling Department Work Study Student Counseling & Student Success filing, assisting students with inputting appointments, conduct reminder calls for appointments, Answer telephone, light typing, filing, Xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, answering student questions. Knowledge of how to sort files alphabetically, general clerical experience. CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Veronica Rodriguez, (562) 908-3467 vrodriguez@riohondo.edu Drafting Technician Drafting Department Scanning and digitizing department instructional materials and blue prints. Renaming and archiving all scanned images into appropriate folders/ databases. Tutoring students in basic drafting/software Preferably a current Drafting student- Sophomores only. Understaning of drafting standars and drafting software (AutoCAD/ MicroStation). Ability to learn th eoperation of general office equip. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Ruben Agus, (562) 463- 7382; ragus@riohondo.edu DSPS Student Aide DSPS Note-taking services, working as a reader and/or scribe, assistance with typing, provide general assistance in the DSPS computer lab, assist with special events and projects. Good reading and written English skills; basic typing skills; general computer knowledge; ability to take effective class notes, ability to follow verbal instructions OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Calire Caplis, (562) 463- 3420; ccaplis@riohondo.edu Educational Center Peer Assistant El Monte Educational Filing, xeroxing, sorting mail, posting flyers, answering basic questions, passing out flyers and informational material, serving students at the counter, assisting with special events. Bilingual preferred and knowledge of Microsoft Word helpful. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Helia Gomez, (562) 463- 7086; hgomez@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: EOP&S Peer Assistant EOP&S Appointment scheduling, filing, copying, preparing documents for scanning, organizing & distributing educational supplies, updating files, interoffice deliveries, managing social media (facebook/ Instagram), assiting with events on campus (i.e. CARE workshops, informational table) General Qualifications: No specific qualifications Status: CLOSED Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Gloria Reyes, (562) 463- 7262; greyes@riohondo.edu Position Title: Garage Worker Department: Facilities Services Job Description: Assist the staff in maintaining vehicles (light duty) assigned for academics and athletic field trips maintaining cleaniness and operation of vans, i.e, checking fluids, lights, tire air pressure, perform safety checks, fueling; occasional tidiness of shop. General Qualifications: Must possess a valid California driver's license; general knowledge of vehicle maintenance Status: OPEN Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Liz Haney, (562) 908- 3441; lhaney@riohondo.edu Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: Maintenance Peer Worker Facilities Services Scanning, sorting, categorizing, filing of blueprints and binders Drafting experience and familiar with blueprints OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Liz Haney, (562) 908- 3441; lhaney@riohondo.edu Finance and Business Peer Support Finance and Business Office Review incoming documents for completeness, and assist in filing, interoffice deliveries. Prepare documents for image scanning, sort, date stamp, and file documents in alphabetical order. General Qualifications: No specific qualifications Status: OPEN Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"-Alice Yu, (562) 463-3404; ayu@riohondo.edu Position Title: Financial Aid Staff Support Department: Financial Aid Office Job Description: Answer basic financial aid questions through email and telephone, scanning, filing documents in alphabetical order. Employees will gain an understanding of financial aid eligibility requirements General Qualifications: Previous experience working in an office environment Status: CLOSED Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"-Monika Acosta, (562) 463-3360; macosta@riohondo.edu Position Title: New Students Mentor and Staff Support Department: First Yeasr Success Center Job Description: To assisr the First Year Success center in basic office needs and at events hosted by the center. Answer telephone, light typing, filing, Xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveroes posting flyers, assist with special events on campus such as: Men of Color Conference, front counter informational coverage, input data to SARS/ GRID software. General Qualifications: Bilingual plus, basic cimputer and office knowledge helpful. Status: OPEN Contact: Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"-Monica Villa, (562) 463-6650; mvilla@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: FKCE&IL Program Peer Assistant Foster/ Kinship Care Education & Independent Living Program Data input, typing, internet research, filing, prepare mailings, running errands, photocopying, maintaining class registration logs, answering and making telephone calls, greet students and parents, answer questions regarding rpocess for program/ county services (filling out paperwork) Bilingual preferred and knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word/ Excel) helpful. CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"-Deborah Lopez, (562) 463-3435; dvlopez@riohondo.edu GCR Student Office Assistant Government and Community Relations Organizing file cabinets, along with filing, faxing, xopying, organizing, storage room, making labels and binders, organizing office supplies, posting directional signs for meetings and other flyers Bilingual is a plus, but not mandatory. Knowledge of Word and Excel is helpful. Must know how to type and have good organization skills are a plus. Student should be able to develop strong management skills and shouls be punctual. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Russell Castañeda- Calleros (562) 463- 7268 Email: ; rcastaneda-calleros@riohondo.edu HR Student Assistant Human Resources Phones, typing, xeroxing, creating files, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers Prefer a Business student or one majoring in and planning a career within an office/ professional HR type of environment OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Shari Magnus, (562) 463- 5153; smagnus@riohondo.edu Office Assistant Institutional Research and Planning Typing, data entry, material preparation for meetings and events, document preparation, mail distribution. Support office staff. Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel is required OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Rebecca Rayas, (562) 908-3412; rrayas@riohondo.edu Peer Events Technician IT Audiovisual Organization of audio visual work areas, assisting in setting up of equipment for campus events, assist in the inventory care of audio visual equipment on campus. Interest in live sound, Excellent organizational skills, Comfortable using and understanding current and new technologies. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Carlos Monteros, (562) 463- 3752; cmonteros@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Fitness Center Clerical Kinesiology, Dance and Athletics Clerical- filling, answering phones, collecting mail, Fitness Center- greet students, file, work with instructional aide, Assist equipment staff as needed Customer service skills, ability to alphabetize files, telephone indicate, ability to follow directions when working in the fitness center with assigned tasks. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Margie Munoz, (562) 908- 3409; mmunoz@riohondo.edu Fitness Specialist Peer Assistant Kinesiology, Dance and Athletics Filing, xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, posting flyers, answering basic questions, creating exercise informational material, helping with special events such as: Speaker series, health fairs, specialty workshops, fitness assessments for the community and students Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Fitness Speacialist Certificate Program or Kinesiology majors. Bilingual preferred, knowledge of copy machines and Microsoft Office Helpful OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Jodi Senk, (562) 463- 7012; jsenk@riohondo.edu Help Desk Assistant/ Tutor Learning Assistance Center To ensure that students who utilize the learning assistance center are receiving the course related help they require through direct tutoring with students or through availing the centers' resources to students. Helping students maintain good academic standing as well as achieving long term academic success. Answering telephone, scheduling tutor appointments, assist with informational table coverage, and tutoring of students. Be in good academic standing. No previous clerk work experience is necessary for the help desk position. For tutoring, the applicant must have a grade of 'B' or higher in the disciplines they will tutor (Unofficial Transcripts or a teahcer's referral will suffice as proof). OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Moises Mata, (562) 463-3102 , mmata@riohondo.edu Library Student Assistant Library Cleaning of computer area, cleaning of copy room, filling paper in copy machines, clean whiteboards in group study rooms, clean the book and magazine stacks, pick books off shelves that have been used and misplaced, remove pencil markings in library books. Mail pickups and dropoffs Able to follow instructions as well as work independenlty, sensitive to patrons of the library, willingness to clean, be a team player, be of good nature CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- KJ Lodico, (562) 908-3417 , kjlodico@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Tutor Math & Science Center Meet with students one-on-one or in a small group basis to give learning assistance. Help students with study strategy and techniques. Demonstrate knowledge with in the specific academic area to which assigned in to work with students. Provide individualized tutoring sessions on basic skills and other math or science related course work. Provide other instructional support as needed. Grade & proctor exams, Clerical duties such as, but not limited to: answering phone, answering questions, filing, sorting, some manual labor. Satisfactory completion of at least Math 70, be able to provide tutoring in these areas. Satisfactory completion of a college level math or science transferable course is preferred, be able to provide tutoring in this area. Communicate instructional material effectively. Must be able to establish a good relationship with staff. Work with a diverse population of student OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Enrique Bravo, (562) 463- 7574, ebravo@riohondo.edu Tutor 2 MESA/ TRIO SSS STEM Assist in the MESA center, tutor and help other students with their science course, conduce and Academic Excellence workshop which are held twice a week. This includes preparing worksheets meeting with course instructor to whom workshop is connected to. Student should be a STEM major with the goal to transfer to a four-year university in STEM. Their mathematics level should be at a minimum math 70. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Gisela Spieler-Persad, (562) 463- 3222, gspieler@riohondo.edu Outreach Staff Support Outreach and Educational Partnerships Answer phones, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, assist with special events on campus such as: Senior Preview Day, Campus tours for local high schools, assist at local community and high school fairs and workshops. Ability to communicate to the general public and provide excellent customer service to those that we serve in the office and in the community. Bilingual preferred and knowledge of how to use a computer is helpful. Someone who is willing to help and communicate to others about our campus. Hardworking and reliable. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Vanessa Chavez, (562) 463- 3212, vchavez@riohondo.edu Office Assistant President's Office/ Academic Affairs/ Student Services General office duties: Board agenda and meeting preparation; shredding, copying or delivering documents; clearing scanner memory; maintaining kitchen and supply areas; filing & record keeping, light typing/ word processing; answering the telephone and taking messages as needed. No specific qualifications necessary CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Rachel Garcia, (562) 463- 3489, rgarcia@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Public Safety Practicum Public Safety Provide office support while being involved in a hands on learning environment. Student is monitored and supervised at all times but is given sufficient independence to explore the various career paths within the division. Student will assist with answering phone, filing, copies, pick-up/ drop off mail, interoffice deliveries, assist Academies and Range, greeting visitors, restocking. Some office experience desired but not required, above all willingness to learn. Customer service oriented and possibly with the interest to explore careers in Public Safety. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Delbia Orozco, (562) 463- 7748, dorozco@riohondo.edu Reading Lab Student Assistant Reading Assist instructors in the Reading Department and assist students in the Reading Lab. Work on instructional materials and projects. Deliver materials to an pick up materials from campus offices. Copy materials. Type handouts as well as help monitor instructional materials. Check out leading library materials. Completed Read 23, able to type and knowledgeable in Microsoft Office. Good communication skills, able to interact with students, faculty and staff in a professional and friendly manner OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Kathy Gomez, (562) 463- 3104 kgomez@riohondo.edu Clerk Student Assistant Student Health & Psychological Services will perform various duties under the direction of an assigned supervisor: perform specialized clerical and technical duties in a student health & psychological servoces; must be able to be flexible and work evenings: students should be able to interact with diverse populations such as students and staff. Answer phones, operate office equipment including computers, fax machines. Computer literate, able to work minimum of 10 hours per and max 20 hours Knowledge of Microsoft Word and medical terminology and Bilingual helpful OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Maria Ordaz, (562) 908-3438 , mordaz@riohondo.edu Program Assistant Student Life & Leadership Assist staff with coordination, outreach, marketing, and evaluation of events and programs. Rotating desk duties, Greet visitors in a professional manner, Answer the phone and take messages, Make deliveries on campus as needed, Check mailbox, help with various events such as: event set up, decorate, and clean up. Provide detailed information on clubs to interested individuals. No specific qualifications necessary OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Cynthia Morales, (562) 908-3427, cmorales@riohondo.edu Theatre Student Assistant Theatre Department Interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, assist with the setup of events, help to clean and organize the Theatre. Have an interest in the Arts, shop skills such as being familiar with Tools. Eager to learn. customer service. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Gabriel Carrasco, (562) 463- 7705; gcarrasco@riohondo.edu 2015-2016 Work Study Job Positons Pay Range is $10 per hour *ONLY CONTACT STAFF IF YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED WORK STUDY* Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Position Title: Department: Job Description: General Qualifications: Status: Contact: Clerical Assistant Transfer Center Answer telephone, light typing, filing, Xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, making reminder phone calls, posting flyers, assist with special events on campus such as: Transfer Fairs, Transfer Talks, Transfer Conference. Preferred but not required clerical experience such as: Knowledge of Microsoft Word, filing, customer service. OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Aracely Tamayo, (562) 463- 4619 atamayo@riohondo.edu Program Staff Assistant TRIO Programs- Student Support Services Office duties: Answering telephone, light typing, filing, making copies, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, posting flyers, assist with maintenance of TRIO Computer Lab, support with cultural and educational field trips. Great Communication Skills both oral and written, Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel preferred OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Jasmine Mageno Lopez, (562) 908-3473, jlopez@riohondo.edu Office Assistant Veterans Service Office Student will be trained on the best practice related to VA educational benefits and office protocol. Greeting new incoming students, answer relephones, filing, xeroxing, faxing, sorting mail, interoffice deliveries, handling database, creating files, assist with special events on campus Good customer service skills, punctual and a willngness to learn and follow procedures CLOSED Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Pat Malave, (562) 463-3362, pmalave@riohondo.edu Warehouse Office and Labor Assistant Contract Management and Vendor Services- Warehouse Receiving materials, writing and logging orders, deliver materials across campus, interface with the campus community. Student will learn about receiving orders, computerized receiving, warehousing,stocking, inventory and delivery on campus. Able to lift 50 lbs, Be in good physical condition in order to deliver items througout the campus, able to communicate effectively, able to read and write at college level OPEN Only contact staff if status is "OPEN"- Kevin O' Connor, (562) 463-7214, koconnor@riohondo.edu