Team 10: The Calvin Bolt Final Report Laura Boluyt Daniel DeVries Christine De Zeeuw Vincent Rovedatti Engineering 340 Senior Design Project 10 May 2016 2016 © Team 10 and Calvin College Executive Summary Calvin College’s Engineering Program culminates in a year-long senior design project, integrating a Christian faith into the engineering design process. Christian perspectives factor into the decision making process of design as well as traditional engineering design norms. Team 10 is the senior engineering design team responsible for the Calvin Bolt. The team consists of two mechanical and two electrical engineers. The Calvin Bolt will be designed as a four person electric vehicle that will be used for transportation across Calvin’s campus. The Calvin Bolt is an electrically powered vehicle with an aluminum frame to provide a larger vehicle while still maintaining a low overall weight. The larger frame design allows for a more spacious interior of the vehicle, which also incorporates power front seats to provide maximum driving comfort for the driver. Suicide doors allow the passengers to enter and exit the vehicle more freely, increasing the accessibility of the vehicle. The Calvin Bolt also features an electronic dashboard, providing useful information such as speed of the vehicle and a map of Calvin’s campus. The conclusion of the Project Proposal and Feasibility Study determined that the construction of a fully functional prototype was feasible. After completing the construction of the prototype and testing the Calvin Bolt successfully met the team’s requirements, providing a vehicle that is safe and comfortable for the passenger. Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ v Table of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... vii 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Calvin College Engineering ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Senior Design Course ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 The Team ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 Laura Boluyt .............................................................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Vincent Rovedatti ...................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3 Christine De Zeeuw ................................................................................................... 2 1.2.4 Daniel DeVries .......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Project Definition ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Safety ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 Ease of Use ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.3 Quality ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.4 Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 3 1.3.5 Aesthetics ................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.6 Seasonal Outdoor Usage ............................................................................................ 4 1.4 Motivation .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.5 Customer .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 Design Norms ............................................................................................................................ 5 2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Functionality .............................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Capacity ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Speed.......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Time feasibility .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.6 Budget ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2.7 Project Deliverables ................................................................................................................... 6 3 Project Management .................................................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Project Breakdown .................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 7 i 3.1.2 Braking System .......................................................................................................... 7 3.1.3 Steering ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.4 Motor ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.5 Frame Design ............................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Team Meetings .......................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Budget ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Team Roles ................................................................................................................................ 9 4 Design Alternatives and Decisions .......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Electronic Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................... 10 4.1.2 Data Processor ......................................................................................................... 10 4.1.3 Touchscreen ............................................................................................................. 11 4.1.4 Features .................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.5 Sensors ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.6 Data Communication ............................................................................................... 13 4.1.7 Power ....................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.8 Operating Specifications .......................................................................................... 14 4.1.9 Case.......................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.10 Final Design ........................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Dashboard GUI ........................................................................................................................ 18 4.2.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................... 18 4.2.2 Coding Language ..................................................................................................... 19 4.2.3 System automation .................................................................................................. 19 4.2.4 Layout ...................................................................................................................... 21 4.2.5 Continually Updating GUI ....................................................................................... 21 4.2.6 Final Design ............................................................................................................. 21 4.3 Brakes ...................................................................................................................................... 23 4.4 Steering .................................................................................................................................... 24 4.5 Electric Motor and Controller .................................................................................................. 25 4.5.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................... 25 4.5.2 Electric Motor .......................................................................................................... 25 4.5.3 Motor Controller ...................................................................................................... 26 4.5.4 Throttle Potentiometer ............................................................................................. 26 4.5.5 Batteries ................................................................................................................... 27 ii 4.5.6 Final System configuration ...................................................................................... 27 4.6 Frame Design ........................................................................................................................... 28 4.7 Suspension systems .................................................................................................................. 29 4.7.1 Front suspension and Wheel Brackets ..................................................................... 29 4.7.2 Rear suspension ....................................................................................................... 30 4.8 Seats ......................................................................................................................................... 30 4.9 Doors........................................................................................................................................ 31 4.10 Auxiliary Electrical System ................................................................................................... 32 4.10.1 Requirements ......................................................................................................... 32 4.10.2 DC to DC Converter .............................................................................................. 32 4.10.3 Front and rear lights ............................................................................................... 33 4.10.4 Turn signal system ................................................................................................. 33 4.10.5 Brake light.............................................................................................................. 34 4.10.6 Power Seat Motor .................................................................................................. 34 4.10.7 Final Design ........................................................................................................... 34 5 Prototype Construction ............................................................................................................................ 35 5.1 Electrical System ..................................................................................................................... 35 5.1.1 Cabling ..................................................................................................................... 35 5.1.2 Dashboard Integration.............................................................................................. 35 5.1.3 Vehicle Integration................................................................................................... 36 5.2 Electronic Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 37 5.2.1 Case Assembly ......................................................................................................... 37 5.2.2 Sensor Package ........................................................................................................ 39 5.2.3 Vehicle Integration................................................................................................... 39 5.3 Prototype Construction ............................................................................................................ 41 5.4 Final Product ............................................................................................................................ 53 5.5 Future Work ............................................................................................................................. 54 5.5.1 Mechanical Future Work ......................................................................................... 54 5.5.2 Electrical Future Work............................................................................................. 54 6 Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 56 6.1 Electronic Dashboard and GUI ................................................................................................ 56 6.2 Primary Electrical System........................................................................................................ 57 6.3 Full Vehicle.............................................................................................................................. 57 7 Business Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 59 7.1 Market Research ...................................................................................................................... 59 iii 7.2 Breakeven Analysis ................................................................................................................. 60 8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 61 8.1 Final Results ............................................................................................................................ 61 8.2 Project Reflection..................................................................................................................... 61 9 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 63 10 Works Cited ........................................................................................................................................... 64 11 References .............................................................................................................................................. 66 12 Appendices............................................................................................................................................. 68 iv Table of Figures Figure 1: The Team....................................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 2: Raspberry Pi 7” Touchscreen with Raspberry Pi board in front ................................................. 12 Figure 3: Front Piece of a Touchscreen Case Design ................................................................................. 15 Figure 4: Third Piece of a Touchscreen Case Design ................................................................................. 16 Figure 5: ModMyPi Touchscreen Case and Display Stand Design ............................................................ 16 Figure 6: 3D Printed Touchscreen Case Design ......................................................................................... 17 Figure 7: Final Case Design as seen from the Back (L) and Front (R) ....................................................... 17 Figure 8: Final Circuit Design for the Electronic Dashboard ..................................................................... 18 Figure 9: Instructions for Automatically Logging in to the Raspberry Pi .................................................. 20 Figure 10: Instructions for Automatically Starting the Raspberry Pi X Server .......................................... 20 Figure 11: Instructions for Automatically Running a Python Script .......................................................... 20 Figure 12: Dashboard GUI Process Flow Chart ......................................................................................... 22 Figure 13: Final Design for the Main Dashboard Tab ................................................................................ 22 Figure 14: Final Design for the Calvin Map Tab ........................................................................................ 23 Figure 15: Jake’s Hydraulic Disc Brake Kit ............................................................................................... 23 Figure 16: Front Wheel Support and Brake Design .................................................................................... 24 Figure 17: Rack and Pinion System ............................................................................................................ 24 Figure 18: Mars ME0708 Electric Motor ................................................................................................... 25 Figure 19: Alltrax SPM 48400 Motor Controller ....................................................................................... 26 Figure 20: View of the Broken Lead on the Potentiometer of the Throttle Box......................................... 27 Figure 21: Electric Motor System Schematics ............................................................................................ 28 Figure 22: Original Front Suspension Design............................................................................................. 29 Figure 23: Front Wheel Bracket Design ..................................................................................................... 30 Figure 24: Rear Suspension Design ............................................................................................................ 30 Figure 25: Front Power Seat Design ........................................................................................................... 31 Figure 26: Seat Frame ................................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 27: Dead Bolt Latching Mechanism ................................................................................................ 32 Figure 28: Turn Signal Schematic .............................................................................................................. 33 Figure 29: The Full Schematic for the Calvin Bolt ..................................................................................... 34 Figure 30: The Cut Power Cables for the Electrical Systems ..................................................................... 35 Figure 31: Dashboard Console.................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 32: The Four Batteries Aligned as they would be in the Trunk ...................................................... 36 v Figure 33: Motor Controller Mounting Location ........................................................................................ 37 Figure 34: The Layers of the 3D Printed Touchscreen Case ...................................................................... 37 Figure 35: The Front View of the Assembled Touchscreen Case .............................................................. 38 Figure 36: The Back View of the Assembled Touchscreen Case ............................................................... 38 Figure 37: The Sensor Package ................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 38: Dashboard Console.................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 39: Rear View of Dashboard Console ............................................................................................. 40 Figure 40: Base Frame ................................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 41: Front Suspension Support.......................................................................................................... 41 Figure 42: Rear Suspension Support ........................................................................................................... 42 Figure 43: Setback Day ............................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 44: Front Suspension Support Reattached ....................................................................................... 43 Figure 45: Vertical Circular Tubing Beams ................................................................................................ 43 Figure 46: Rear Suspension and Axle ........................................................................................................ 44 Figure 47: Front A-arm Suspension ............................................................................................................ 44 Figure 48: Complete Front Suspension....................................................................................................... 45 Figure 49: Front Coilover Suspension ........................................................................................................ 45 Figure 50: Front Exterior Design ................................................................................................................ 46 Figure 51: Rear Exterior Design ................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 52: Roof Construction ..................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 53: Frame Transported to Digital Fabrication ................................................................................. 47 Figure 54: Frames for Seats ........................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 55: Calvin Bolt with Panels ............................................................................................................. 48 Figure 56: Calvin Bolt with Seats and Doors ............................................................................................. 49 Figure 57: Addition of Support Beams ....................................................................................................... 49 Figure 58: Completed Steering and Disc Brakes ........................................................................................ 50 Figure 59: The Calvin Bolt before Paint ..................................................................................................... 50 Figure 60: The Calvin Bolt in the Paint Studio ........................................................................................... 51 Figure 61: Battery Box Covers ................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 62: Installation and Detailing .......................................................................................................... 52 Figure 63: Component Installation ............................................................................................................. 52 Figure 64: Final Prototype (Front View) .................................................................................................... 53 Figure 65: Final Prototype (Rear View) ..................................................................................................... 53 Figure 66: A Chart Showing the Speed Readouts Based on Different Modes of Walking ........................ 56 vi Table of Tables Table 1: A comparison of smart tablet devices considered for the electronic dashboard ........................... 10 Table 2: A comparison of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi ........................................................................... 11 Table 3: A comparison of an Adafruit and Parallax GPS unit .................................................................... 13 Table 4: Estimated Fixed and Variable Costs for Production ..................................................................... 59 Table 5: Production Costs Estimates .......................................................................................................... 60 vii 1 Introduction 1.1 Calvin College Engineering Calvin College’s Engineering Program is a four-year program that culminates in a senior design project. Calvin’s Engineering program is designed to have students take engineering courses from all four concentrations (electrical/computer, mechanical, chemical, and civil/environmental) for the first two years. The last two years of the program are spent in the student’s chosen concentration with concentration-specific courses. 1.1.1 Senior Design Course The Senior Design project is split between the ENGR 339 and ENGR 340 courses, taken in the fall and spring semesters respectively. The Senior Design project is 6 credit hours in total and serves as the senior capstone class for Calvin College engineering students. The Senior Design capstone class focuses on team and project development as well as various topics on professional development. The first half of the project, ENGR 339, focuses more on developing the project and completing a feasibility study and the second half of the project, ENGR 340, focuses more on how to complete the final design and analysis of the project. At Calvin College, Christian perspectives and faith are the foundation of each class, and the senior design capstone class is no different. The senior design course aims to not only teach students about the skills and techniques for completing a senior design project, but also integrates a Christian faith into each design element and strategy. 1.2 The Team Team 10 consists of Laura Boluyt, Vincent Rovedatti, Christine De Zeeuw, and Daniel DeVries. The team consists of two electrical engineers, Boluyt and De Zeeuw, and two mechanical engineers, DeVries and Rovedatti. The dynamic range of experiences for the team makes them well suited for the project. Figure 1: The Team 1 1.2.1 Laura Boluyt Laura is an electrical and computer concentration engineering student from Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has industry experience in control systems and project engineering at Consumers Energy. Laura also has managerial background through her work experience at Calvin College. Her interest and experience with control systems and design of automation solutions will be beneficial to this project. In her free time, Laura enjoys dancing, playing musical instruments, traveling, and serving in the high school youth group at her church. 1.2.2 Vincent Rovedatti Vincent is a mechanical concentration engineering student with a math minor, and is from Ripon, California. Vincent hopes to pursue graduate studies in automotive systems, but would not mind working for automotive or aeronautical companies. Vincent’s knowledge in automotive work (primarily restoration of old cars), general knowledge of how cars work and run, and simulating programs will aid in the aerodynamics and construction of the vehicle. As a research assistant at Calvin College, Vincent provides experience with CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamics), as well as being very knowledgeable about the metal and wood shop. In his free time (or lack thereof), Vincent enjoys watching movies, working out, and making latte art for the customers of the Fish House. After graduation, Vincent will be working for Temper Inc. in Rockford, MI. 1.2.3 Christine De Zeeuw Christine is an engineering student with an electrical/computer concentration from Dexter, Michigan. She is an active member of the Calvin College Wind Ensemble, and is Secretary for the IEEE Student Chapter at Calvin College. Christine has gained research experience through an internship at the University of Michigan, and industry experience working as an intern for SeaLandAire Technologies. Her experience and interest in data collection and analysis will be valuable for the dashboard design and interface. In her free time, Christine enjoys teaching herself piano, playing tennis, cross stitching, and watching movies. After graduation, Christine will be working for SeaLandAire Technologies in Jackson, MI. 1.2.4 Daniel DeVries Daniel is pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Engineering with a Mechanical Concentration at Calvin College. He is from Grand Rapids, MI. He has gained experience in mechanical engineering through several summer internships. In his free time Daniel enjoys cycling, rock climbing and disc golf, and is involved with music at Calvin. After graduation in May 2016 he plans to either pursue a graduate level degree in medical based mechanical engineering or seek a full time position working in mechanical design and manufacturing. 2 1.3 Project Definition The objective of Team 10’s project is to design and build a 4-person electric vehicle. The design of this vehicle will use a previous senior design team’s final product as a starting point, improving the functionality and design of this final prototype. The Calvin Bolt will be a cross between a golf cart and a standard car, combining design aspects from both types of vehicles to provide greater comfort and ease of transportation across campus for guests of Calvin College. The primary elements of this vehicle include the brakes, steering, electric motor, electronic dashboard, and overall aesthetic design. The specific goals that pertain to this project are as follows. 1.3.1 Safety Passengers will be contained within the vehicle during standard travel and sharp or moderate turns. Road obstacles such as bumps and holes will not compromise the integrity of the vehicle or the safety of the passengers. 1.3.2 Ease of Use Driving forwards and backwards, turning, braking, accelerating, and using vehicle lights should not be more difficult than operating a golf cart or other vehicle. The dashboard elements will be user-friendly, and the vehicle controls easy to navigate and operate. The vehicle aims to fill a need for those who have mobility challenges (i.e. elderly community members or those with a temporary or permanent disability) and difficulties climbing in and out of a golf cart. 1.3.3 Quality The vehicle will be fully functional and will be a quality-engineered final product. No element of the vehicle should be partially functional, and care to produce quality parts shall impact every design decision. 1.3.4 Maintenance The vehicle will be easy to maintain and repair so that it will be fit for continued use in the future. Any necessary documentation for the vehicle will be provided by Team 10. 1.3.5 Aesthetics The vehicle will be visually appealing and present Team 10’s project in an effective way to Calvin College’s campus. The vehicle should effectively represent the Calvin Engineering Department through a vehicle that is aesthetically pleasing. 3 1.3.6 Seasonal Outdoor Usage Taking Michigan’s weather into account, the vehicle will have the capabilities of driving in the winter months. A front windshield will protect the driver from precipitation and wind that may obstruct the driver’s view while driving. 1.4 Motivation Team 10 found this project appealing because there were many aspects of the original design that the team felt could be improved and modified. This project is a great learning experience because it allows the team to learn from the strengths and weaknesses of the Volts-Wagon design, incorporating that into Team 10’s project. This experience will be very relatable to industry and will provide valuable experience for future jobs and design experiences. Members of the team have personal experience using a golf cart to provide transportation across campus for those who have mobility challenges. Members of the team have also become aware of the inability for the parents of fellow Calvin peers to accompany their child on a campus tour due to their low mobility and the lack of a vehicle designated for this purpose. Team 10 saw this as an opportunity to improve the accessibility of Calvin’s campus. As Christian engineers, this project was appealing because it provided an opportunity to design a system with the community in mind. Team 10 wished to design the Calvin Bolt to be a vehicle that would both make the campus more accessible and provide a unique service to the community. God asks his children to love their neighbors as themselves, and a small piece of this could be providing a vehicle that can allow all guests of Calvin College to experience the campus. Throughout the design process, the team took the time to think about what design elements would make the vehicle helpful and meaningful to the Calvin community, taking the engineering scope of the project and expanding it to fit the needs of the community. 1.5 Customer The Calvin Bolt will be designed and built for Calvin College. The original design, completed by last year’s senior design team, was made for the Calvin Admissions Department, but the Admissions Department has indicated that they no longer desire an admissions vehicle. Despite this, the team is still designing the vehicle with the Admissions Department in mind in case they should want the vehicle after the completion of the project. Should the Admission Department not want the vehicle, it could be used to promote the Engineering department and provide a service for those who have trouble walking long distances across campus instead. Indirect customers for this project are those who have mobility challenges or those who have trouble walking long distances across campus. The vehicle is being designed to accommodate that group of people, but not for one particular person. 4 1.6 Design Norms Design norms provide a way for Calvin Engineering students to integrate relationships with God and those around them into the engineering design process. These guidelines challenge the engineer to consider outside relationships and consequences. One design norm that characterizes Team 10’s project is Trust. One of the top priorities for this project is safety, and the passenger should trust the design and know that it is dependable and reliable. The passenger puts their safety into the team’s hands, and it is the team’s job to make sure that the customer can trust the design. Another design norm that fits into the project is Integrity. Team 10’s design strives to be pleasing and intuitive to use, demonstrating a complete harmony between form and function. The design also strives to make Calvin’s campus accessible to all, especially those with mobility challenges or limitations, promoting human relationships and interaction through this vehicle. A third design norm that fits into the project is Stewardship. The electric motor provides an excellent way to minimize the degradation of the environment. Other design elements strive to be an efficient use of resources such as materials and money. 5 2 Requirements To achieve the project goals listed above in accordance with Calvin College’s policies, there exists a certain set of requirements. 2.1 Functionality The vehicle must be fully functional and able to withstand minor and possibly major road disturbances and weather conditions. The vehicle must be in a stable state at all times, and the brakes must be fully operational and effective. The frame must be able to withstand the load of up to four passengers and provide some protection in the event of a crash. 2.2 Capacity The vehicle must be able to hold 4 passengers safely, and provide the electrical power to transport them across Calvin’s campus. The vehicle must also be able to fit on Calvin’s sidewalks. 2.3 Speed The vehicle must operate within the maximum 25MPH speed limit set on Calvin’s campus grounds. 2.4 Safety The vehicle must include safety features for the driver and passenger such as doors, a parking brake, turn signals, headlights, and brake lights. 2.5 Time feasibility The vehicle must be designed, constructed, tested, and fully functional before May 7, 2016. 2.6 Budget The team has a $500 budget set by the Calvin College Engineering Department. Additional funds can be acquired upon an approved request, but the team should honor the $500 budget as much as possible. 2.7 Project Deliverables By the end of the project, the team will have completed a Project Proposal and Feasibility Study (PPFS) and a Final Report. The team will also provide all drawings, relevant calculations, team notebooks, and a team website in addition to the final vehicle prototype. 6 3 Project Management 3.1 Project Breakdown 3.1.1 Dashboard The Calvin Bolt will feature an electronic dashboard system to display various instruments and readings, including, but not limited to: the current speed, remaining battery life, time of day, current date, outside temperature, and a map of Calvin College. To achieve this, a touch screen display will connect via a programmable device to serve as a straightforward user-interface for the driver. 3.1.2 Braking System Similar to most modern day ground transportation vehicles, the Calvin Bolt will implement disc brakes for stopping. Unlike traditional vehicles, however, the Calvin Bolt will have brakes on just the front wheels rather than all four. The braking system needs to be able to bring the vehicle to a complete stop in a distance similar to that of a traditional automobile. 3.1.3 Steering The Calvin Bolt will implement a rack and pinion steering system. This system is proven to be reliable with little to no maintenance needed and is very easy to install. The steering system must to be able to maneuver corners with ease for the driver as well as remain stable when going over a bump in the road. 3.1.4 Electric Motor The Calvin Bolt will be powered by an electric motor and a 48V battery pack, following the zeroemissions trend for golf carts and other related vehicles. The Calvin Bolt will be using an electric motor and controller obtained from the 2014/2015 senior design Team 04’s Volts-Wagon, which has the required capacity to properly propel the vehicle. The motor needs to have enough power to allow the vehicle to travel at least 5 miles or 30 minutes on a single battery charge. 3.1.5 Frame Design The Calvin Bolt will be made of aluminum pipe rather than steel in order to decrease the weight and increase the power to weight ratio. The Calvin Bolt will be created with a design that imitates a modern hatchback, but still has the soul characteristics of an electric golf cart. The design for the Calvin Bolt needs to look aesthetically pleasing while keeping its passengers safe and comfortable. 7 3.2 Schedule Each team member maintains a Google Calendar, which is shared amongst the whole team; this allows the team to remain organized and updated on any potential schedule conflicts. For the second semester, Team 10 primarily focused on prototype construction and implementation of the team’s designs. A weekly schedule was outlined on the team’s whiteboard, listing the tasks that were to be completed by the end of the week. This schedule would be updated each week with new tasks or tasks that carried over from the previous week. One section of the whiteboard was reserved for upcoming deadlines and goal completion dates. This allowed the team to keep track of upcoming assignment or report deadlines as well keeping track of the target completion dates for elements of the prototype construction. In addition to the whiteboard, the team also generated a daily work calendar for the final month of the project, which was the month of April 2016. This daily work calendar was created to ensure that the team kept moving forward in prototype construction so that the vehicle could be completed and painted before the Senior Design Banquet on May 7, 2016. One version of this calendar can be found in Appendix A. 3.2.1 Team Meetings The team chose Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm as the time when all group members would be working on the project in the engineering building. This created a time when all team members would be available for team meetings and progress reports. If no official team meeting was called for that day, each member was still available and located in the engineering building should the circumstances for a meeting arise. 3.3 Budget For the entirety of the project, Daniel DeVries maintains the budget for The Calvin Bolt. This includes keeping records of all costs associated with the purchase of components and materials, including shipping costs. While the team collectively acknowledges the necessity of any changes in the design process that might affect budget, DeVries is responsible to ensure that the budget and bookkeeping are accurately reflected. An Excel Spreadsheet to organize material costs for the project may be useful. In efforts to build a cost-effective prototype, The Calvin Bolt will employ as many salvageable parts from the original vehicle as possible. The team is also fortunate enough to have some parts donated or made available free of charge. A contingency in budget will be kept to allow for unforeseen costs to be covered. The detailed breakdown of the budget is presented in Appendix B. 8 3.4 Team Roles Each member of Team 10 is responsible for one aspect of the design project. While one member is in charge of a particular design aspect, each member will report their progress to the team for design verification and assistance. In particular, the members in the same engineering concentration will check the other’s work to ensure safety and quality of design. Laura Boluyt is taking the lead on the time, temperature, speedometer, and the design of the main dashboard tab on the electronic dashboard. She is also the team webmaster, responsible for designing and maintaining the team’s website. Daniel DeVries is the head of the braking and steering, and is working on the design process of the frame and other body elements. He is also the budget manager for the team. Christine De Zeeuw is the head of the electric motor system, and is taking the lead on the battery life, Calvin map, turn signal system, and the design of the Calvin Map tab on the electronic dashboard. Vincent Rovedatti is the head of the design of the frame, powertrain and manufacturing of the Calvin Bolt, and is working on the design process of the frame and other body elements. 9 4 Design Alternatives and Decisions 4.1 Electronic Dashboard The Electronic Dashboard for the Calvin Bolt will display a variety of metrics and tools that the user would typically find in newer car dashboard. The dashboard aims to provide the user with features that will display safety information, such as speed and remaining charge, as well as helpful information such as a map showing the current location of the user on Calvin’s campus. 4.1.1 Requirements To guide the design of the electronic dashboard, there exists a set of requirements that must be fulfilled to create the intended functionality. The first requirement for the electronic dashboard is that it must be portable, so that it may be installed in the vehicle’s dashboard without the need for a wall outlet to provide power. Another requirement is that the dashboard must be able to display all the features adequately. The dashboard must also have the hardware to transmit data efficiently and accurately, using safe and reliable techniques. Another requirement is that the device chosen must be able to process incoming data and modify it as necessary. The requirements for the electronic dashboard must be met by the hardware, operating in the desired fashion. 4.1.2 Data Processor The microprocessor that would serve as the platform for the electronic dashboard would take care of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that the user interacts with. The team first considered a tablet or smart tablet, which would provide about a 7-10 inch screen. Table 1 lists some of the options for smart tablets on the market today that the team researched. The prices for the various tablets was higher than the team desired, and there was no guarantee that each tablet would allow the team to program an app that would allow outside data coming in from the sensors to be manipulated and displayed as desired. Since the team required that the dashboard device have the capability to modify data from outside sources (such as sensors), the team decided not to pursue a smart tablet. Table 1: A comparison of smart tablet devices considered for the electronic dashboard TG-TEK Tablet [1] Apple iPad 2[2] Samsung Galaxy Tab A [3] 10.1 inches 9.7 inches 7 inches Screen size $59.99 $189.99 $149.99 Price 16 GB 16 GB 8 GB Memory Size 4000mAh 10 hours 11 hours Battery Size/Life 1 micro USB, 1 3.5mm 3.5mm audio jack 3.5mm audio jack, USB 2.0 Ports audio jack out Android 5.1 iOS Android 5.1 Software OS Outside of a smart tablet, two alternatives were considered for the dashboard microprocessor: an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. 10 Both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino were low in cost, but each had individual strengths that the other could not provide. Table 2 below lists the various capabilities and strengths of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, taking into consideration the article in [4]. Table 2: A comparison of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi Arduino Raspberry Pi Low Cost Easy sensor collaboration Easy GUI programming Large Memory Multiple USB ports Open-source documentation C programming Python programming Code available for sensors Display cooperation Since the dashboard system requires both GUI and sensor integration, the team decided to use both an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi. Table 2 illustrates that the Arduino is superior for sensors while the Raspberry Pi is superior for graphics programming; therefore, the Arduino would be used for the sensor data collection and conditioning while the Raspberry Pi would be used for the GUI platform. An Arduino was donated to the team, and a Raspberry Pi was made available by Calvin College, which eliminated the costs for the hardware despite the low cost for each unit. 4.1.3 Touchscreen The screen for the dashboard had to be small, portable, and easily integrated into the Raspberry Pi with the screen still big enough for the features to be visible. The team then researched a variety of touchscreens that were tied directly to the Raspberry Pi. A listing of products on the Adafruit website showed a range of screen sizes from 2.4” to 7” [5]. The team did find a 10.1 inch option at, but the screen was purely a monitor with no touchscreen capability [6]. While the largest size for touchscreens was 7 inches, the touchscreen feature allowed the user to select different features to view. The team chose a 7 inch Touchscreen Monitor for the Raspberry Pi, as shown in Figure 2 below. This particular screen was chosen due to its larger size for Raspberry Pi related touchscreens, its relatively low cost for a larger screen, and the available documentation of set-up and operation instructions provided by both the manufacturer and users. The screen allows for the Raspberry Pi to be directly connected to the back of the touchscreen onto a minimized electronics board, creating a simple a compact system. 11 Figure 2: Raspberry Pi 7” Touchscreen with Raspberry Pi board in front [7] 4.1.4 Features Team 10 considered several different features to be displayed on the electronic dashboard. During the brainstorming session during the fall semester, the team determined that the necessary features of the dashboard included the speed of the vehicle, a map of Calvin’s campus, the remaining battery charge of the vehicle’s batteries, and the current date and time. The team had considered adding in a lighting control system to the dashboard to add a fun, colorful to the vehicle, where the dashboard would control an array of multi-colored LED lights to change the color or brightness. However, the team determined that this was not an essential feature to the dashboard, so the team decided to pursue this feature only if the team had extra time after developing the primary features of the dashboard. Since the team used current car dashboards as an inspiration for the team’s design, the team decided to add a current outdoor temperature feature. The final features to be displayed on the electronic dashboard include the current time, current temperature, current date, speed of the vehicle, remaining charge of the vehicle batteries, and a map showing the vehicle’s current location on Calvin’s campus. 4.1.5 Sensors Given the list of dashboard features, the team had to determine which sensors could provide the data for those metrics and meet the data reliability requirement. Since the map of Calvin’s campus requires the current location of the vehicle, a GPS sensor was required. Two alternatives were considered for the GPS sensor as listed in Table 3: 12 Table 3: A comparison of an Adafruit and Parallax GPS unit Adafruit Ultimate GPS Parallax GPS Cost $39.95 $37.49 Positional Accuracy 1.8 meters < 2.0 meters Update Rate Arduino compatibility? 1 second Yes 1 second Yes Source code available? Yes Yes Power Regulation? No Yes While both GPS units were nearly identical in offered features, the team chose the Parallax GPS sensor because it provided power regulation for the sensor and was the brand choice for the 2014/2015 VoltsWagon. The power regulation was an important feature since regulation ensures that any variations (peaks or minimums) in the power supply to the GPS do not damage the circuitry. Parallax GPS units have also been used by Senior Design teams in the past, and the teams who used them were happy with the performance of the GPS. Both the power regulation and the successful use results convinced the team the Parallax GPS was the best choice. The GPS sensor would be able to provide the data for the mapping, speed, date, time and battery life features of the dashboard. Therefore, the temperature feature required another sensor. The team chose to purchase a Texas Instruments LM35 Temperature Sensor because of its low price, available documentation for integration with an Arduino, and evidence of its widespread use. 4.1.6 Data Communication Since the Arduino was utilized to collect sensor data, it would have to transfer that data over to the Raspberry Pi so the Pi could plug the data into the GUI application. The team found three different alternatives for communicating between the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, as described by Oscar Liang in three articles that described these different methods of data transfer [8, 9, 10]. The first alternative was to connect the Arduino and Raspberry Pi using a USB connection [8]. This was the simplest connection because it required only a USB A to B cable. This connection was also a safe connection because the USB cable is a high quality cable and current overloading of the port is not a huge issue. The second alternative was to send data by connecting the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi to the Serial pins on the Arduino [9]. This alternative requires a voltage divider or logic level converter for the circuit since the Arduino Serial pins have a different voltage than the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. The third alternative was to send data by connecting the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) pins, setting the Raspberry Pi as the master device and the Arduino as the slave to the Pi [10]. The team chose to send data using the first alternative, which was the USB connection. The team chose this alternative because it was the simplest to integrate through coding, a safe method of data transfer, and required the least amount of materials. Another reason for choosing the USB connection was that it allowed for the Arduino to be located farther away from the Raspberry Pi than with the other alternatives. 13 The GPS sensor requires an open view of the sky and this means that it would possibly have to be installed in a location that was farther away from the Raspberry Pi, and the USB cable allows for this extra distance. 4.1.7 Power The Raspberry Pi required an operating voltage and current of 5V and 2A respectively, which also was enough to power the Arduino through the USB port. The touchscreen also required 5V and 2A to power and function properly. Since the DC to DC power converted used in the overall electrical system of the vehicle provides 12V, the team decided that it would be better for the dashboard to have its own independent power supply instead of dealing with stepping down the voltage to the Raspberry Pi and touchscreen. The documentation for the touchscreen and the Raspberry Pi also suggest that the power supply should provide a steady 5V and minimum 2A, where the power input is in the form of a micro USB. Research into portable Raspberry Pi power supplies, such as the article found in [11] by Christian Cawely, found that common solutions involved portable battery designed to charge cell phones. Portable battery banks provide a range of output voltages, output currents, and capacity, and certain battery banks can provide the desired combination for the Raspberry Pi. The team chose an Innogie 10400mAh Portable Charger with 5V/2.4A USB output because the output met the voltage/current requirements and it had a low price point of about $15 per unit. The team purchased two battery packs because the documentation for the touchscreen recommended that the touchscreen be powered by a separate power supply from the Raspberry Pi. While there were other alternatives for powering the screen through the Raspberry Pi, the team decided to follow the suggestion of the manufacturer to ensure that the proper amount of voltage and current was being supplied at all times. Additional ports connected to the Raspberry Pi such as the USB cable to the Arduino pull additional current, and the team decided not to risk overloading current from the Raspberry Pi. 4.1.8 Operating Specifications Electronics are often not as robust as mechanical systems, and since the electronic dashboard would be operated outdoors the operating specifications had to be observed. The Raspberry Pi has several microchips made with Silicon that provide the main processing power. The microchips have a temperature rating of -25° to 80° C, and the capacitors on the board have a temperature rating of -25° to 85° C [12]. These temperature ratings are the temperatures when the silicon will die, and do not take into consideration the heat generated when the system is in use. To ensure that the team remains safely in the temperature range, ventilation holes on the case or enclosure must be added to allow heat to escape during operation. According to the touchscreen’s manual, the screen was “designed for reliable operation at normal ambient room temperatures”. However, the team has taken the screen outside for testing purposes when temperature were around 40° F and 85° F and the screen was fully functional. The team decided that the 14 touchscreen could handle a wider range of temperatures, but caution should be observed when operating in extreme temperatures. The Arduino’s microchip can handle a temperature range of -40° to 85° C, while the other components on the board can handle -20° to 80° C [13]. The Raspberry Pi, touchscreen, and Arduino are not waterproof, requiring their enclosures to have both a way to keep the components away from water and provide adequate ventilation. 4.1.9 Case To provide protection for the touchscreen and Raspberry Pi, a case had to be designed to cover the exposed electronics. The current designs for the Raspberry Pi Touchscreen case were either expensive for the solution provided or were simply a stand instead of a surrounding case. Since no immediate solutions were readily available and the team had a time constraint, the team decided to design their own case for 3D printing. Research into a variety of different case types provided inspiration for the team’s design. Figure 3 shows the front piece from a multi-piece design found in [14], which has an indented slot on the back that the screen would slide into. This allows the screen to be surrounded and supported by the case. Figure 3: Front Piece of a Touchscreen Case Design [14] Figure 4 shows another piece from the same design, showing a clear acrylic piece that surrounds the mounting holes on the back of the screen. The team chose to incorporate this idea because it would hold down more of the screen while still leaving the mounting holes available. 15 Figure 4: Third Piece of a Touchscreen Case Design [14] Figure 5 shows another case design, which can be found in [15]. Much like the case design from [14], the case is comprised of several layers of clear and black acrylic. The team chose to model the case with the overall shape and size as seen in Figure 5 since it was the most appealing and had aesthetically pleasing locations for the screws. Figure 5: ModMyPi Touchscreen Case and Display Stand Design [15] Figure 6 shows the design for a case the team had originally wanted to use. The source provided all of the 3D printed files, but the team found that the files could not be modified to fit the needs for the team’s 16 application. Instead, the team chose to design a case that fits over the Raspberry Pi, using the designs in Figure 6 as a guideline for how the final product should look. Figure 6: 3D Printed Touchscreen Case Design [16] Figure 7 shows the final design for the case as seen from the front and back. The case consists of 4 layers that screw together to form one unified case. The first three layers surround the touchscreen and the fourth layer covers the extended Raspberry Pi that protrudes from the back of the screen. Figure 7: Final Case Design as seen from the Back (L) and Front (R) 17 4.1.10 Final Design The final schematic and connections for the electronic dashboard can be found in Figure 8 shown below. Figure 8 represents the final schematic that would be implemented in the prototype. The power supply is connected through a USB to micro-USB cable, the Arduino is connected through a USB Male A to B cable, the touchscreen and Raspberry Pi are connected through a 15-way FPC connector, and the other connections will be connected through jumper wires. Figure 8: Final Circuit Design for the Electronic Dashboard 4.2 Dashboard GUI The dashboard interface that will appear on the touchscreen for the user to interact with is called a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This GUI is created through code that handles all of the data coming in from the Arduino and sensors and displays them in an accessible interface for the user. 4.2.1 Requirements Requirements for the dashboard GUI helped the team decide how the features were to be implemented and what techniques would be used to achieve the desired results. One requirement is that the GUI must implement all of the features so that they are clearly visible to the user. Another requirement is that the GUI must update every second to match the data output rate of the GPS sensor. To ensure that the user only has to power the dashboard on to have the GUI appear requires that the system be fully automated, running the code automatically when power is supplied. Another requirement is that the GUI must be user-friendly, displaying the information in a clear way and allowing the user to navigate with ease. 18 4.2.2 Coding Language The coding language that was chosen for the GUI on the Raspberry Pi was the Python programming language. The team chose this language because of the availability of libraries that would provide the functions that would allow the team to make the interface look as desired. The team had considered the C programming language, but the lack of GUI programming functionality pushed the team towards Python instead. The team chose to use the Python PySide library for writing the GUI application itself. Members of the team have previously used the PySide libraries to create a GUI application at previous internships. The team chose this library because it provides far more functionality and high-level programming than default libraries; there is also a large amount of documentation to go with the library including sample code other users have written for a variety of applications. The coding language for the Arduino is the C programming language, which is the default programming language for Arduino files. The team decided not to pursue changing the programming language to Python to maintain a common programming language since the documentation for writing Arduino code for the GPS/temperature sensor was in C. The bulk of the coding to be done was on the Raspberry Pi, so the team determined that the minimal Arduino coding could be accomplished in C. 4.2.3 System Automation To ensure that the user does not have to do anything to run the code for the dashboard, a number of changes to the Raspberry Pi system files had to be made so the dashboard GUI would start up automatically when powered on. For the GUI code to start up automatically when the Raspberry Pi was turned on, a specific list of steps had to be achieved: the Raspberry Pi had to be logged into, the Raspberry Pi server had to be started, and the code had to be run. Figure 9 illustrates the commands that had to be entered into the files listed to automatically start the Raspberry Pi, taken from the article in [17]. 19 Figure 9: Instructions for Automatically Logging in to the Raspberry Pi [17] Figure 10 illustrates the commands that had to be entered to automatically start the Raspberry Pi GUI on the X server. Figure 10: Instructions for Automatically Starting the Raspberry Pi X Server [17] The final step in the automation process was to start the dashboard GUI code once the server and Raspberry Pi. Figure 11 shows the steps taken to automatically run the dashboard GUI code. Figure 11: Instructions for Automatically Running a Python Script [18] 20 4.2.4 Layout The features displayed on the dashboard as listed in Section 4.1.4 above are the speed, date, time, temperature, remaining battery charge, and a map of Calvin College. A multi-tab layout was chosen for the GUI since all of the listed features cannot fit onto one screen. The Calvin Campus map was placed onto a second tab since it would require as much screen space as possible to see clearly. The multi-tab layout also allowed the team to split up the design of the two tabs among the team’s two electrical engineers, Boluyt and De Zeeuw. Each tab could be designed and tested individually before combining them into a multi-tab widget. 4.2.5 Continually Updating GUI Since the sensors are continually sending new data to the Raspberry Pi once every second, the dashboard GUI would also have to be updated once a second to keep up with the incoming data. The data is sent out from the Arduino through serial communication at a 9600 baud rate; the Raspberry Pi watches the serial port for new data coming in, which essentially acts as an infinite loop, stopping only when the system is stopped or shut down. The GUI application also runs like an infinite loop, quitting only when the user kills the application. Through preliminary coding, the team found that only one infinite loop could be run at a time. The team considered two possible solutions to this problem: interrupt signals or multithreading. Interrupt signals are signals sent by external devices that tell the current process to stop and execute a set of instructions as specified by the interrupt signal [19]. In the case of the dashboard GUI, an interrupt signal could be triggered when new data comes in over the serial port, prompting the GUI to update the dashboard screens. Multithreading is when a program can run multiple threads at the same time, where threads allow the program to run several actions at once [20]. Multithreading allows the program to perform multiple operations at once, which in the case of the dashboard GUI would be to watch the serial port for new data and run the GUI application. The team learned from previous coursework that dealing with interrupt signals that they can be very challenging to work with and require exact and specific instructions for the signals to operate properly; as a result, the team chose to pursue multithreading. As the team began looking into multithreading, the team found documentation for setting up a continually updating GUI using multithreading on the GitHub found in [21]. According to [21], one thread would be used for watching the serial port for new data, storing the results into a queue, and one thread would be used to run the GUI application itself. 4.2.6 Final Design Figure 12 shows a block diagram for the basics of the dashboard GUI with the functions as seen in the final code found on the team’s website [25]. This process flow runs continuously until the application process is terminated. 21 Figure 12: Dashboard GUI Process Flow Chart Figure 13 shows the final design for the main dashboard tab. The team sought to create a design that was as familiar as possible to dashboards users would have seen elsewhere, such as in a car. Figure 13: Final Design for the Main Dashboard Tab Figure 14 shows the final design for the GPS mapping tab. Included on this tab are the map of Calvin College, a campus doors checkbox, a map view selection box, the name of the serial port, a compass, and the quit button. 22 Figure 14: Final Design for the Calvin Map Tab 4.3 Brakes The team decided to use hydraulic disc brakes in order to give the Calvin Bolt the maximum braking power and efficiency possible. A hydraulic brake kit containing the items shown in Figure 15 was purchased and implemented into the design as shown in Figure 16. Figure 15: Jake’s Hydraulic Disc Brake Kit [22] 23 Figure 16: Front Wheel Support and Brake Design The main cylindrical brackets on which the wheel bolt were taken from the 2014-15 Volts-Wagon and modified to accommodate the rotor spacers from the brake kit. A golf cart brake pedal assembly was purchase which could be mounted directly to the components included in the brake kit. 4.4 Steering The team decided to use a rack pinion system (Figure 17) found in the engineering storage room in order to give the Calvin Bolt the best possible stability while steering and is a widely used steering system for most production cars today. Figure 17: Rack and Pinion System 24 4.5 Electric Motor and Controller The electric motor and controller are two of the most powerful and important electrical components of the vehicle. They provide the electrical power necessary to move the vehicle, drawing power from the four high capacity batteries. 4.5.1 Requirements The requirements set for the electric motor and controller were to ensure that the vehicle could operate safely to perform the tasks required. One requirement is that the motor must be capable of moving 1400lbs of load weight in addition to the 200lbs of the frame under any road conditions found on Calvin’s campus, such as hills and bumps. Another requirement is that the motor controller should safely handle the battery charge and control the motor according to the throttle input of the user. It is also required that the vehicle must be able to drive across Calvin’s campus on a single battery charge. 4.5.2 Electric Motor The Calvin Bolt uses a Mars ME0708 8HP electric motor, as seen in Figure 18, which was taken from the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon. Calculations for the motor, found in Appendix C, demonstrate that the motor is capable of providing the power to transport the vehicle. Despite the larger size of the vehicle as compared to the previous year, the calculations in Appendix C show that the motor was still within the rated horsepower limits. The motor can be considered water resistant, meaning that some water splatter generated from the axle spinning on a puddle will not completely damage the motor. However, the motor is not waterproof and the user should take precautions to ensure no motor gets into the motor. Detailed specifications of the motor can be found in Appendix D. Figure 18: Mars ME0708 Electric Motor 25 4.5.3 Motor Controller The team used an Alltrax SPM 48400 motor controller, as seen in Figure 19, which was also taken from the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon. The controller reads a 0-5K throttle potentiometer and turns on the motor when the driver pushes the gas pedal. The controller can handle up to 400 Amps, which is within the motor’s current output of 100A continuous and 300A maximum. The Alltrax controller includes a programmable feature, which allows the user to program a variety of settings on the controller using a PC. Some of the most important settings on the controller are the maximum current drawn from the batteries, maximum current drawn from the motor, maximum voltage input from the batteries, and minimum voltage input from the batteries. These values allow the controller to shut down or reset if the current or voltage through the system reaches dangerous levels, telling the controller under what conditions it is allowed to operate or run the motor. The controller has an operating temperature range of -25° C to 85° C with a controller shutdown temperature of 95° C. The controller itself is waterproof, but the wire connections coming into the controller are only waterproof if the user has taken the steps necessary to make the terminals waterproof. Images of the programming settings can be found in Appendix E. Figure 19: Alltrax SPM 48400 Motor Controller 4.5.4 Throttle Potentiometer The throttle for the Calvin Bolt is a Curtis PB-6 0-5K potentiometer box (pot box), which was taken from the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon. The accelerator pedal is attached to a lever on the pot box, which changes the resistance of the potentiometer as the lever is rotated. As the resistance changes, differing amounts of current flow to the motor controller, and the level of current tells the controller how fast the motor should be running. 26 When the team inspected the pot box and the connections from the previous team, it was discovered that the leads of the potentiometer were bent to the point where there was almost contact between the leads. As the team bent the leads away from each other, one of the leads snapped off to the point of no repair, as seen in Figure 20. Figure 20: View of the Broken Lead on the Potentiometer of the Throttle Box While replacing the entire component would cost roughly $110, the team discovered that the potentiometer itself could be replaced for roughly $10 since the pot box could be disassembled. The team replaced the broken potentiometer and reassembled the fully functioning pot box. 4.5.5 Batteries To meet the requirement that the vehicle should be able to drive across Calvin’s campus in a single battery charge, the batteries used by the Calvin Bolt needed to have the proper capacity to meet this requirement. The team originally intended to use the batteries from the Volts-Wagon, which were 12V VMAX Tanks Solar Charge Tank batteries with a 60Ah capacity. After more careful consideration of the required capacity of the batteries, the team decided, with the advice of a VMAX Tanks consultant Abraham Ghaleb, to pursue a larger capacity. The team purchased two 12V VMAX Tanks Solar Charge Tank Extreme batteries with a capacity of 155Ah while VMAX Tanks generously donated the other two. The team anticipates a trip length around 45~60 minutes, depending on the driving conditions. 4.5.6 Final System Configuration The final system configuration for the electric motor, batteries, motor controller, and throttle potentiometer can be seen in Figure 21. Figure 21 shows the connections between these components, and the full schematic can be found in Section 4.10.7. The connections shown in blue used 1/0 AWG power cable while the red connections used 4 AWG based on the power line ratings specified by the Alltrax documentation found in Appendix F. 27 Figure 21: Electric Motor System Schematic 4.6 Frame Design The frame design, as you can see in Appendix G - Original Frame, went through multiple iterations. At first, the team wanted to make the vehicle small with constant radius pipes. The team decided against the first design due to harshness of manufacturing the constant radius pipes and not being able to find a supplier able to produce these parts nearby. The team then decided to change the first design to only straight pipes, shown in Appendix G - Revision A. This resulted in a large decrease in cabin room compared to that of the original design. Therefore, the team decided to redesign the vehicle so that the Calvin Bolt was bigger - feeling more like a car - and more spacious than the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon. The redesign can be seen in Appendix G Revision B, in which only straight pipes are utilized, but the vehicle still remains aesthetically appealing. After initially running tests in FEA on strength and loading capacity of the frame, the team noticed that the new design was using excess material to get the desired strength and capacity. Due to the FEA findings, the team decided to design the base of the frame using square tubing instead of straight piping, as shown in Appendix G - Revision C. The square tubing base gave the Calvin Bolt a more rigid platform and helped with the strength and capacity that was desired. This particular design was changed 5 times to accommodate for the front and rear suspension, depicted in Appendix G - Revisions D-H. The final design that met all the team’s goals for both cabin room, load capacity, and aesthetics can be seen in Appendix G - Revision H. 28 4.7 Suspension Systems 4.7.1 Front Suspension and Wheel Brackets In order to minimize the cost of the Calvin Bolt, the front suspension system was initially designed to reuse the coilovers and front wheel brackets from the 2014-15 Volts-Wagon project. A new set of control arms were designed to fit within the new frame and mate with the old wheel brackets. The design is shown in Figure 22. Figure 22: Original Front Suspension Design The model shown in Figure 22 was created in Solidworks and was created in such a way that allowed the wheels to be turned to simulate the turning radius of the wheels. This simulation revealed that the front wheel well of the vehicle was not long enough to accommodate the steering system. One reason for this interference was the distance between the center of the wheels and the center of rotation of the wheel bracket around the front suspension control arms. A new wheel bracket was designed to decrease this distance and improve the turning radius of the vehicle. The bracket, as shown in Figure 23, was designed to wrap around the brake calipers in order to get the wheel closer to its center of rotation around the control arms. The front wheel axles were also moved slightly towards the rear of the vehicle in order to give the system a castering effect. 29 Figure 23: Front Wheel Bracket Design 4.7.2 Rear suspension The team decided to reuse the rear axle and leaf springs from the 2014-15 Volts-Wagon project in order to reduce the total cost. New brackets were designed to mount the front end of the leaf springs to the vehicle and a new set of shackles and shackle mounts were designed to allow the leafs to properly extend within the frame. The design is shown in Figure 24. The elements were designed using aluminum so that they could be welded directly to the aluminum frame. Figure 24: Rear Suspension Design 4.8 Seats The 2014/2015 Volts-wagon design included seats that were extremely low to the floor of the cabin, causing passengers to feel very uncomfortable while sitting in their vehicle. Team 10 wanted to address this issue by designing front and rear seats to help make the passengers feel comfortable. 30 The team accomplished this by designing adjustable front seats, allowing the driver to adjust his or her seat to properly reach the gas and brake pedal. The team decide to utilize an electric power seat rather than a mechanical adjustable seat because the latter is very rigorous to manufacture and design. The front power seat design can be seen in Figure 25. The back seat design can be seen in Figure 26. Figure 25: Front Power Seat Design Figure 26: Seat Frame 4.9 Doors Team 10 wanted to make the Calvin Bolt the width of a golf cart but the feel of a car. To make the Calvin Bolt feel like a car, the team decided on making doors instead of a more traditional safety slide off bar that one typically finds on golf carts. To make the Calvin Bolt feel more spacious, the team decided to implement suicide doors. Suicide doors are when front and back doors open in different directions, allowing more space for the user to get in and 31 out very easily. The advantage of a suicide door design requires no B pillar to support the rear door, whereas a traditional door requires a B pillar. To open and close the door, the team designed a dead bolt latching mechanism as seen in Figure 27. Figure 27: Dead Bolt Latching Mechanism 4.10 Auxiliary Electrical System The auxiliary electrical system of the Calvin Bolt includes all of the electrical elements that are not critical for the functionality of the system: headlights, rear lights, a brake light, turn signal lights, a seat gearmotor, and an LED strip for underbody lighting. These components include necessary safety features as well as features that provide greater functionality to the vehicle such as power seats. 4.10.1 Requirements The requirements for the auxiliary electrical system are to ensure that the system can operate safely and reliably. The system must operate at a maximum of 12VDC and 20ADC. Another requirement is that the system must be able to integrate smoothly into the vehicle. 4.10.2 DC to DC Converter To meet the 12VDC and 20A requirement, a DC to DC converter was used to take the 48V of the battery pack and safely convert it into 12V. The converter is rated at 20A of output, and has a 10A fuse at the input to protect the converter from any current surges. In addition to providing a safe 12V, the DC to DC converter also ensures that the batteries are equally drained. Connecting directly to one of the vehicle’s 12V batteries would drain that particular battery much faster than the other three, which will push the batteries to an under-voltage situation much faster. The DC to DC converter pulls voltage/current from all four batteries at once, therefore draining the entire pack equally. 32 4.10.3 Front and rear lights Both the front and rear lights were reused from the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon. The lights were rated at the proper voltage and current, so the team decided to reuse these parts. The headlights are Roadshock Clear Lens Halogen Lights and the rear lights are Optronics Rectangular Clearance Lights. 4.10.4 Turn signal system The team conducted research into turn signal kits that could be purchased for universal vehicle applications. The team found that complete turn signal kits could be purchased for around $100 such as the kit found in [23]. The team decided to pursue a ‘homemade’ solution to save on money and to make the system simpler. Turn signal systems can be made using just a switch, flasher unit, and lights/bulbs [24]. The team found four cheap 2” LED amber lights, which meant an LED flasher unit was required: the team purchased a United Pacific 12V electronic LED 2-prong flasher. Figure 28 shows a schematic for a turn signal system that the team used to guide the design. Figure 28: Turn Signal Schematic [24] 33 4.10.5 Brake light The team wanted to add a brake light feature so the other drivers on the road and any other observers would be aware of when the vehicle was braking. Purchasing an LED strip to serve as the brake light was considered, but the team wanted to reuse as many parts as possible to promote stewardship in the vehicle. A cuttable 5m red LED strip was used by the 2014/2015 Volts-Wagon project as underbody lighting, of which Team 10 decided to cut a portion to use for the brake light, saving money and reusing available materials. 4.10.6 Power Seat Motor One of the primary goals of the Calvin Bolt was to provide more accessibility to a variety of body types and physical needs. One way to provide such accessibility was through the addition of adjustable front seats to the vehicle design. Movable front seats provided the ability for drivers of different heights to feel comfortable reaching the pedals and driving the vehicle safely. The team chose to use a gearmotor to provide power seats instead of a slide-and-lock system, as explained in section 4.8. To meet the 12V and 20A requirement, the team purchased a Bosch 62 RPM 12V 2A Gearmotor that is reversible and intermittent duty. 4.10.7 Final Design Figure 29 shows the complete electrical system of the Calvin Bolt, combining the primary and auxiliary electrical systems. The arrows indicate the direction of current flow through the system. Figure 29: The Full Schematic for the Calvin Bolt 34 5 Prototype Construction 5.1 Electrical System 5.1.1 Cabling The team purchased new power cabling for all of the power cable connections that had to be made to ensure the team had enough length to the cable, and that the cable was properly rated for the team’s application. The team cut all of the power cables that were shown in red and blue in Figure 21 of Section 4.5.6 based on the various lengths between connections .The ring terminal connectors were crimped to the cable using a vice grip in the machine shop and then wrapped with electrical tape to ensure the connections were insulated and well covered. The cut cables can be found in Figure 30. Figure 30: The Cut Power Cables for the Electrical System 5.1.2 Dashboard Integration Figure 31 shows the dashboard console that was built for the integration of the vehicle’s switches into the dashboard area: Forward/Reverse, Power, Lights, and underbody lighting. The electronic dashboard was mounted to the upper face of the console with the power switches for the Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen. 35 Figure 31: Dashboard Console 5.1.3 Vehicle Integration The four batteries were mounted in the trunk space at the back of the vehicle, as seen in Figure 32. The motor controller was mounted below the batteries, as seen in Figure 33. According to the wiring diagram for the Calvin Bolt’s electrical system, shown in Figure 29, six cables connect from the forward/reverse switch to the motor controller, which would essentially mean running these cables the length of the vehicle. To reduce the amount of cable required to achieve this, two short jumper cables were cut to connect the two positive leads together and the two negative leads together, eliminating the need for two of the long cables. Figure 32: The Four Batteries Aligned as they would be in the Trunk 36 Figure 33: Motor Controller Mounting Location 5.2 Electronic Dashboard 5.2.1 Case Assembly The case for the dashboard touchscreen and Raspberry Pi was printed using Calvin ASME’s 3D printer, and the results can be seen in Figure 34. The pieces stack on top of each other in the numerical order shown in the figure. Figure 34: The Layers of the 3D Printed Touchscreen Case 37 The case was held together using ¼ inch screws, washers, and nuts for the four mounting holes on the outside of the case. The fourth component of Figure 34 above was mounted using four M3.0 screws. Figures 35 and 36 show the case as seen from the front and the back. Figure 35: The Front View of the Assembled Touchscreen Case Figure 36: The Back View of the Assembled Touchscreen Case 38 5.2.2 Sensor Package The Parallax GPS and the LM35 temperature sensor were mounted on top of the Arduino through the use of a plain protoboard as seen in Figure 37. Stackable Arduino pin shields extended the pin connections of the Arduino to be above the protoboard layer while holding the protoboard flat on top of the Arduino. The GPS was connected into a pin shield that was mounted perpendicular to the extended Arduino pins as seen in Figure 37. This allowed the GPS to be easily removed without damaging the leads in the event of a part replacement or a reconfiguration of the system in the future. Figure 37: The Sensor Package 5.2.3 Vehicle integration The electronic dashboard was mounted to right of the steering wheel, as shown in Figure 38, so that the touchscreen could be easily accessed in an intuitive manner. A dashboard console was designed to conceal the back of the electronic dashboard, including the Raspberry Pi, wiring, battery packs, Arduino, and sensors. This console also allowed for natural accessibility to the various switches and can be seen in Figure 38. Figure 39 shows a view from the rear of the console where the team added a door that could allow the team to access components inside the console from the hood area. 39 Figure 38: Dashboard Console Figure 39: Rear View of Dashboard Console 40 5.3 Prototype Construction The Figure 40, the team constructed the base square tubing frame and the base front suspension. Figure 40: Base Frame In Figure 41, the team constructed the front suspension supports and finished the front bumper. Figure 41: Front Suspension Support 41 In Figure 42, the team constructed the rear suspension support and started to drill holes for the circular tubing that hold the panels. Figure 42: Rear Suspension Support In Figure 43, the team had a setback. The team had to cut off the front suspension support to add 2 extra inches of wheel well to have enough room to steer. The team also added the rear bumper. Figure 43: Setback Day 42 In Figure 44, the front suspension support is reattached. Figure 44: Front Suspension Support Reattached In Figure 45, the vertical circular tubing is constructed. Figure 45: Vertical Circular Tubing Beams 43 In Figure 46, the rear suspension and axle are assembled. Figure 46: Rear Suspension and Axle In Figure 47, the front A-arms are constructed and attached to the frame. Figure 47: Front A-arm Suspension 44 In Figure 48, the front A-arm suspension with the coilover shocks from last year’s project, tires, wheel bracket and hydraulic disk brakes. Figure 48: Complete Front Suspension In Figure 49, the coilover shocks from last year were replaced because the coilover shocks were too small and insufficient for a large vehicle like the Calvin Bolt, so the team decided to buy a bigger coilover shock to maintain the ride height and stability of the vehicle. Figure 49: Front Coilover Suspension 45 In Figure 50, the team constructed the front exterior design of the Calvin Bolt. Figure 50: Front Exterior Design In Figure 51, the team constructed the rear exterior design of the Calvin Bolt. Figure 51: Rear Exterior Design 46 In Figure 52, the team constructed a wooden apparatus to hold up the roof while we welded the A and D pillars on. Figure 52: Roof Construction In Figure 53, the team loaded up the frame to send to digital fabrication to get the panels welded on Figure 53: Frame Transported to Digital Fabrication 47 In Figure 54, the team constructed the seat frames for both the front and back seats. Figure 54: Frames for Seats In Figure 55, the team transported the frame with the panels welded on from digital fabrication back to Calvin College. Figure 55: Calvin Bolt with Panels 48 In Figure 56, the team constructed wood flooring and roof top, and constructed door frames. Figure 56: Calvin Bolt with Seats and Doors In Figure 57, three square aluminum support beams were welded to the vehicle to reduce the deflection of the frame. The team found that the doors could not close when just one person was on the frame, so the team added the support beams to decrease the deflection allowing the doors to close when people were inside the vehicle. Figure 57: Addition of Support Beams 49 In Figure 58, the team completed the rack and pinion steering system and installed the brake pedal, connecting the hydraulic disc brake fluid lines as well. Figure 58: Completed Steering and Disc Brakes Figure 59 shows the vehicle as it appeared before being sent off to paint. As seen in the image, the vehicle also has a liftable hood panel to allow both access to the front of the vehicle and visibility of the front components for educational opportunities. Figure 59: The Calvin Bolt before Paint 50 Figure 60 shows the vehicle in the paint studio of the Calvin College Physical Plant. The color chosen was Calvin maroon, and two coats were applied by the Calvin College Physical Plant. Figure 60: The Calvin Bolt in the Paint Studio In Figure 61, the battery box covers for the vehicle’s four 12V batteries were mounted, ensuring that the passengers cannot touch the live terminals of the battery while the vehicle is in operation. Figure 61: Battery Box Covers 51 In Figure 62, the lights and wiring were installed and the detailing for the vehicle was in progress. The team obtained decals from Signmakers, Ltd and also spray painted a bolt shape onto the doors. Figure 62: Installation and Detailing In Figure 63, the team installed the seats, carpet, steering wheel and electronic dashboard. The team also would install a black canvas roof supported by a wood piece. Figure 63: Component Installation 52 5.4 Final Product The final prototype as seen on May 7, 2016 can be found in Figure 64. Figure 65 shows the view of the vehicle from the rear. Figure 64: Final Prototype (Front View) Figure 65: Final Prototype (Rear View) 53 5.5 Future Work During the construction of the prototype, the team found that certain design features could not be implemented in the desired manner due to a lack of time. Certain features were dropped or modified from their original design to allow the prototype to be finished with the basic functionality. The elements that were eliminated or modified from the project were elements that were not critical to the structural integrity or operational integrity of the vehicle. 5.5.1 Mechanical Future Work The Calvin Bolt needs to have its hydraulic disc brakes bled with a vacuum press and obtain a collar for the steering wheel. While bleeding the hydraulic disc brakes by hand, the team noticed that the master cylinder is very small and did not have enough internal pressure to get all of the air out of the brake lines, giving the Calvin Bolt unreliable braking. The team suggests that the hydraulic disc brakes get professionally bled by a vacuum press or an adaptive pump. The steering wheel for the Calvin Bolt also needs to have a collar so the steering wheel does not come out while driving. Both the brakes and steering are simple fixes and will allow the drive not to worry about losing control of the vehicle while driving. The team also simplified the door locking mechanism by making the lock just a lever that is mounted on one door and falls to hold the other door in place. This mechanism allow the locking system to be simpler to implement, saving time to manufacture and install a deadbolt locking mechanism. The team also removed the adjustable front seat feature due to both a lack of time and a lack of parts. The team required a threaded rod that was one inch in diameter, 13 inches long, and had 4-6 threads per inch. The team was unable to find an appropriate rod in the Calvin Metal Shop, and the team could not find a threaded rod that would be able to arrive in time for installation. Due to the other delays experienced by the team, the team decided to drop the power front seat option. The team then considered implementing a mechanical adjustable front seat mechanism, but the team decided to drop the adjustable front seat feature altogether to allow for more construction time of the critical elements such as brakes and steering. 5.5.2 Electrical Future Work For the electronic dashboard, the team encountered an issue with the automatic start-up of the dashboard program. The team got an error message stating, “QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme”, which caused the GUI application to only display some of the features that were to be presented on the screen. After consulting with professors in Calvin’s computer science department, the team still had not found a solution to the error. The team decided to write an instructional file on the desktop that would guide the user through the steps required for set-up once the Raspberry Pi and touchscreen booted. While not ideal, the team could not run the code automatically, so an instruction file was determined to be the best option. The battery life feature of the Calvin Bolt was unable to be tested and implemented due to a lack of time. The team wrote code that would determine the remaining battery life of the vehicle based on whether or 54 not the vehicle was accelerating or climbing a hill (change in elevation). The team had planned on modifying the code calculations based on real time data taken during testing, but the team did not have the testing time to modify or implement this feature. The team was also unable to complete the lighting system in the Calvin Bolt. The team simply did not have time to properly integrate all of the wires and test the system due to the mechanical delays experienced earlier in the project. Given more time, the team is confident that the lighting system could be finished and operational. 55 6 Testing 6.1 Electronic Dashboard and GUI The communication between the sensors and the dashboard GUI was tested several times before integration with the vehicle. The Parallax GPS sensor, LM35 temperature sensor, and serial communication from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi were all tested individually to ensure that each piece worked on its own before integrating them with the entire system. The dashboard GUI was first tested using a test Arduino script that would send out dummy values for all of the metrics that would be sent from the sensors: speed, date, time, temperature, lat/lon positions, and battery charge remaining. The Arduino script would repeatedly send out these dummy values to test that the GUI was updating once every second and the application accurately placed the incoming values into the correct slots. This test allowed the team to fix some small bugs in the code, and after a few rounds of edits the GUI responded as desired: the values updated once every second and each feature had the proper data values. The next test was to have real-time data from the sensors sent from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi GUI. This test was conducted several different times under different conditions. One test tested the accuracy of the GPS location and the speed when there was no motion. The data values were printed out and saved, and then reentered into Google Maps to ensure that the position reading was adequately accurate. The speed values were compared to the various changes of motion recorded by the user; this test aimed to see if the noise floor for the signal was large enough to make the speed reading indicate the car was moving when it was in reality stationary. Figure 66 shows the results of the speed accuracy test, demonstrating that a speed value rounded to the nearest integer is sufficient to cancel out the stationary noise floor. Figure 66: A Chart Showing the Speed Readouts Based on Different Modes of Walking 56 Another test tested the signal integrity, current map view, and accuracy of the position marking on the map. The team carried the dashboard through Calvin’s campus, trying to walk as many sidewalks as possible. The team walked close to building and through tighter spaces where the buildings may cause signal interference. The team conducted this particular test twice: the first test lost the GPS signal for a few minutes before it came back on and the GUI began to function normally again while the second test never lost the GPS signal. The test that lost signal was on a cloudy day, which may have contributed to the loss of signal. Both the current map view and accuracy of the position marking were found to be functional and accurate in both tests: the current map view changed according to the section of the campus map the tester was in and the position marking only had minor deviations from the marked paths on the map. This deviation is most likely due to the fact that the GPS positional coordinates are being converted from 5 decimal places of accuracy to integer accuracy in the mapping of the coordinates to the corresponding pixel location on the image. A final test tested the accuracy of the speed reading when driving and the position marking on the map. The primary purpose for this test was to determine if the speed readings matched the true acceleration of the vehicle and if there was any time delay of the speed readings. This test was conducted in De Zeeuw’s car, with one person driving the car while the other held the dashboard and watched the readings. The team drove around the campus roads, watching to the position marking to ensure the points were smoothly following the path. The position marking was successful and demonstrated its functionality when driving at average speeds for the Calvin Bolt (15~20 mph). The speed reading was tested by having the driver shout out the speedometer readings on the car as the car accelerated while the passenger watched the speed reading on the GUI to see how the two matched. The results of the test saw a 1~2 second delay in the speed shown on the GUI to the actual speed of the car. The team determined that this was an acceptable delay since the data transfer process from the Arduino passes through many stages before reaching the GUI on the Raspberry Pi. Videos of the various tests performed can be found on the team’s website [25]. 6.2 Primary Electrical System The primary electrical system of the Calvin Bolt was tested before it was integrated into the vehicle. This system includes the electric motor, motor controller, batteries, throttle potentiometer, and power switch. The team successfully tested both the forward and reverse modes of the motor, increasing the speed of the motor by moving the lever of the throttle. 6.3 Full Vehicle The team planned to conduct a variety of tests on the full vehicle once it was completed, including tests for the maximum speed, braking distance, acceleration time to top speed, steering ability, turn radius, ease of use of the electrical system, and overall safety and comfort of the vehicle. Unfortunately, the team was unable to conduct thorough testing of the vehicle due to time delays experienced both mechanically and electrically. 57 The team was able to test the vehicle briefly on May 6, 2016, and videos of the team’s tests can be found on the team’s website [25]. The team tested the vehicle in both forward and reverse, demonstrating that the motor could successfully switch between the two directions. The team drove the vehicle around the commuter parking lot, investigating both top speed and handling of the vehicle. The team estimates that the vehicle hit a top speed of about 20 mph, which is within the team’s project requirement of a top speed of 25 mph. The vehicle’s steering was easy to handle and was able to turn cleanly without any bumps in the turn process. The brakes were not as powerful as the team had hoped, but the brakes did bring the vehicle to a stop in the approximate location the driver had desired. The team riding in the vehicle experienced a smooth ride as the road disturbances did not jostle the passengers around inside the vehicle. The team sought to conduct more thorough tests on May 7, 2016, but as the team was slowing driving out to conduct the tests, the steering wheel slightly popped out which locked the steering system and the brakes were not functional. Since the steering and brakes could not be tested until the whole vehicle was operational, those components would likely need some final adjustments after observing how the components behaved when the vehicle was in operation. The team believes the brakes and steering are simple fixes, but due to time constraints the team did not have time to repair the components to complete more testing. As a result, the team was unable to test the acceleration time to top speed, turn radius, and exact measurements for the maximum speed and braking distance. On the night of the Senior Design Banquet and Open House on May 7, 2016 the team was able to obtain some insight on the ease of use of the electrical system and overall layout and comfort of the vehicle. The two power switches for the Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen were confusing to a majority of people, and in the future the team would figure out a new way to provide power to the electronic dashboard that would involve only one power switch. The team received a lot of positive feedback about the comfort of the vehicle, voicing praise for the leg room, comfortable seats, and suicide doors. Overall, the team received a lot of positive feedback about the layout and design on the vehicle, demonstrating that the team was successful in creating an aesthetically pleasing vehicle that could provide more comfort to the passengers. 58 7 Business Plan 7.1 Market Competition The small electric vehicle market is well established due to the increased demand for golf-cart like vehicles in sports venues, university campuses, and senior living communities in addition to the traditional gold course. The three main competitors for the Calvin Bolt are Club Car, E-Z-GO, and Yamaha. Club Car manufactures golf, utility, and transportation vehicles that can fulfill a variety of needs. Club Car currently has about 40 base models in their stock, and is continuing to grow with an increased demand for these types of vehicles. Accessories and other parts can be added to any Club Car to make it customizable to the customer’s application. E-Z-GO manufactures primarily golf carts with a line of personal vehicles that still maintain the golf cart style and layout. E-Z-GO’s vehicles are primarily designed to carry people, lacking the hauling capabilities of certain Club Car models. E-Z-GO offers additional parts and accessories as well, ranging from audio systems to seating. Yamaha is a manufacturer of a wide range of transportation vehicles, including speedboats, snowmobiles, motorcycles, ATVs, and golf carts. Yamaha boasts a 6.7 horsepower A.C. motor in their electric golf cart models, surpassing both E-Z-GO and Club Car, who have horsepower ratings of 4.4 and 3.3 respectively. Just like Club Car and E-Z-GO, Yamaha offers a variety of additional parts and accessories to customize the vehicle. For its electric golf cart line, only two person vehicles are available; a gas motor powers all four-person vehicles. The marketing strategy for Calvin Bolt is to create a vehicle that is a cross between a golf cart and a car, making the vehicle more comfortable and accessible. In the case of mass production, the Calvin Bolt would be marketed as a product that promotes accessibility for those who have mobility challenges while maintaining a high aesthetic standard; the product would also be a cheap option for businesses looking to have a larger capacity vehicle with a larger passenger seating space than a traditional golf cart. Table 4 lists the price points of the Calvin Bolt’s major competitors based on price research for a brand new cart. Table 4: Competitor Prices for Electric Golf Carts Competitor Base Price Club Car (4 seater) $6,700 E-Z-GO (4 seater) $7,500 Yamaha (2 seater) $5,500 59 7.2 Breakeven Analysis The costs for the materials and labor to construct the Calvin Bolt was researched and can be found in Appendix H. The team estimated that mass production of the Calvin Bolt would produce 250 units per year. The annual fixed and variable costs as well as the per-unit variable costs can be found in Table 5. The break-even analysis found that 127 units must be sold for the company to start generating a profit. Table 5: Estimated Fixed and Variable Costs for Production Cost Per Unit Annual Parts/raw materials (+10%) $2,997.50 $749,375 Labor and Burden $720 $180,000 Overhead $500 $125,000 Factory $150 $37,500 Total Variable Costs $4,368 $1,091,875 Building Rent Building Utilities Building Operating Costs Insurance Engineering Staff (with benefits) Welding Staff (with benefits) Linemen Staff (with benefits) Administration Staff (with benefits) Marketing Staff (with benefits) Finance Staff (with benefits) Total Fixed Costs Total Costs Profit Company Contingency Selling Price Profit ----------------------- $55,938.75 $34,309.1 $117,993.30 $100,000 $351,000 $236,250 $506,250 $94,500 $67,500 $67,500 $1,631,241.15 --35% margin 40% margin 20% margin $17,288 --- $2,723,116.15 ------$4,322,000 $1,598,884 60 8 Conclusion 8.1 Final Results Throughout the academic year, Team 10 successfully designed and built a 4-person electric vehicle. This was determined based on the fact that the project fulfilled all of the requirements laid out at the beginning of the project, which were previously stated in section 2. While all specific project goals but one were also met in the final product, the one goal that was not able to be met comes into play with the seasonal outdoor usage. Team 10 originally desired to implement a front windshield to protect the driver and passengers from precipitation and wind, this was not a feature that was possible to include in the final design due to budget restrictions. This is something that the team would love to see implemented as future work to the vehicle. 8.2 Project Reflection The Engineering 339 and Engineering 340 courses, commonly referred to as ‘Senior Design,’ provided immense opportunity for Team 10 to experience and learn skills necessary for projects and teamwork. After completing the designs for the Calvin Bolt, the team took some time to reflect on the final designs and contemplated aspects of the design that the team would do differently if given the chance to work on a second prototype. The team learned valuable lessons about materials, manufacturing and design over the course of the project, and this new knowledge gave the team insights about different alternatives that could have been pursued. In regards to materials, the team would still have picked aluminum as the frame material because of the lightness the material offers. The team would have liked to have bought new sprocket gears and a higher power DC motor. In regards to manufacturing, the team would have designed the vehicle to be more easily manufactured. The team would make sure all the angles and lengths of cut the team designed would be to the nearest whole number in degree and inches. Also, the frame would have been designed with more appropriate tolerances between parts, and construction wouldn’t begin until after all parts have been simulated. On the electrical side of the project, the team would have integrated the electronic dashboard into the vehicle’s main electrical system. The team would have accomplished this by adding more sensors tied directly to the motors and batteries to give a more accurate representation of the current conditions of the system. The team also would have considered making the charging system for the vehicle more userfriendly. Currently, the devices that need to be charged are spread out, forcing the user to remember to charge multiple devices; in another design, the team would have centralized all of the devices that needed to be charged to make it as simple to use as possible. In another design the team would also have spent more time making the system waterproof. While some of the electronics were enclosed in cases that would help keep most water out, most of the microelectronics were still exposed in some way which would present problems if the vehicle was driven in rain. The team would have made sure all of the electronics were protected better from water, while still maintaining the aesthetics of the vehicle. 61 Through this project, the team learned a valuable lesson about system integration, that while components and smaller systems can work separately when tested and designed, the larger picture must be focused on as well. A component is not successful unless it can be successful within the full system, which was the case for the lighting system. While the lights were all designed and tested successfully before integration, unfortunately, due to the time constraints at the end of the project, the team was not able to functionally integrate the system into the prototype. There were scheduling setbacks at the end of the project that caused there to only be about one day for the team to integrate and install all of the electronics into the vehicle. The team learned a valuable lesson about the realities of prototyping and setting priorities for certain components of a project. On the aesthetics side of the vehicle, there were also multiple ways in which the final product differed in how the team originally planned. Again, due to time constraints, the painting of the exterior did not turn out how the team had hoped, but other components in the system were given a higher priority. Carpet was placed in the interior, which was not originally planned, but gave the vehicle a very polished look with which the team was very pleased. The team also had to recognize that the final prototype was only the first attempt at the design, and in reality multiple prototypes are built for a project of this type before a final product is reached. This project experience gave the team valuable exposure to engineering projects, team dynamics, scheduling and budgeting, communication, and more that will be translated to each member’s personal experiences and careers to come. 62 9 Acknowledgements Team 10 would like to acknowledge the following companies and individuals for their support, advice, donations and overall assistance with the Calvin Bolt. Thank you for all of your help and generosity that has made this project a success. Digital Fabrication, Inc. - Cutting and welding of sheet metal Harbor Steel - Donation of sheet metal Grand Rapids Chair Company - Donation of seats Signmakers, Ltd. - Donation of exterior decals Temper - Donation of labor costs for cutting and welding of sheet metal VMAX Tanks Battery Company and Abraham Ghaleb - Donation of two batteries and industry advice Professor Randy Brouwer - Electrical advice and expertise Professor Yoon Kim - Electrical advice and expertise Professor Mark Michmerhuizen - Electrical advice and expertise Professor Ned Nielsen - Team advisor Professor Ren Tubergen - Industry advisor Phil Jasperse - Manufacturing advice and expertise Bob DeKraker - Parts and ordering Michelle Krull - Administrative assistance Calvin College Physical Plant - Painting facilities and vehicle transportation Bob Doornbos - Industry advice Jim VanderVeen - Industry advice Andrew De Zeeuw - 2012/2013 Senior Design Team 13 - senior design advice and donation of Arduino Michael De Zeeuw - Raspberry Pi/touchscreen case design Mike Boluyt - Fabrication construction, use of woodshop, donation of console materials Josiah Markvluwer - Welding assistance Alltrax - Technical support and expertise with controller software troubleshooting Friends and Family for their constant support and enthusiasm 63 10 Works Cited [1] [2] CKCNnNmBqMwCFQyNaQodZfcANA [3] 4943611&lsft=ref:212,loc:1&ksid=fe3d200c-6b88-4b9d-b2c41a0f1764dfc&ksprof_id=12&ksaff code=pg8388&ksdevice=c&ref=212&loc=1 [4] Bourque, Brad. “Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi: Mortal Enemies, or Best Friends?”. DigitalTrends. 8 Mar. 2015. Web <> [5] “Raspberry Pi / PIFTS”. Adafruit. Web. <> [6] =shopping&utm_content=jude&utm_campaign=ele-xie-us [7] [8] Liang, Oscar. “Connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino with Serial USB Cable”. Web. <> [9] Liang, Oscar. “Raspberry Pi and Arduino Connected Over Serial GPIO”. Web. <> [10] Liang, Oscar. “Raspberry Pi and Arduino Connected Using I2C”. Web. <> [11] Cawley, Christian. “Pi to Go? 3 Ways of Powering a Raspberry Pi for Portable Projects”. 28 May 2015. Web. <> [12] “Compute Module Hardware Design Guide”. Raspberry Pi. Web. < documentation/hardware/computemodule/> [13] “Temperature Range for Arduino” Arduino Forum. 03 May 2010. Web. < /index.php?topic=27228.0> 64 [14] BalearicDynamics. “Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Frame and Case Assembly Guide”. Instructables. Web. < -/?ALLSTEPS> [15] “Raspberry Pi 7” Touch Screen Display Case Assembly Instructions”. ModMyPi. 2 Sept. 2015. Web. < -instructions> [16] “Case for Touchscreen 7” - Raspberry Pi 2B - Cam”. Thingiverse. 5 Dec. 2015. Web. <> [17] “RPi Debian Auto Login”. 24 Feb. 2013. Web. < Login> [18] “How to Autostart Apps in Rasbian LXDE Desktop”. RaspberryPiSpy. 3 May 2014. Web. <> [19] “1.5. Basics of How Operating Systems Work”. Web. < /tim/ossg/Introduction/OSworking.html> [20] Christensson, Per. "Multithreading Definition." TechTerms. Sharpened Productions, 26 September 2008. Web. 24 April 2016. <> [21] [22] [23] [24] “How to Add Turn Signals and Wire Them Up”. Web. <http://www.> [25] ** ** If Team 10’s website is no longer available, please contact Christine De Zeeuw at 65 11 References A/ref=pd_sim_107_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41tMCjQjOUL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_ SR160%2C160_&refRID=1B9F04FMZ38BJW44TFP4 66 C-BOSCH-GEARMOTOR-5-1832.axd 67 12 Appendices Table of Contents A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Daily Schedule for the Final Month Project Budget Motor Calculations Motor Specification Drawing Motor Controller Program Images SPM 48400 Motor Controller Wiring Diagram Frame Design Drawings Business Plan Production Cost Estimates 68 Appendix A – Daily Schedule for the Final Month Schedule During Open Machine Hours March Monday 28 – Finish Front Suspension Mounts th Tuesday 29 – Weld Front Suspension and Tack all vertical beams th Wednesday 30 – Weld Back Tubing th Thursday 31 – Continue Welding Back Tubing, Start on Front Tubing st April Friday 1 – Continue Welding Front st Monday 4 – Continue Welding Front th Tuesday 5 – Finish Welding Front, Start on Roof, Vince is speaking at seminar from 3:30 to 4:30 th Wednesday 6 – Continue on Roof th Thursday 7 – Finish Roof, Start on Cross Members th Friday 8 – Complete Frame or Continue Cross Members till Frame is completed th Monday 11 – Completed Frame – Get Ready to Transport to Design Fab to get Sheet Metal Cut and Sheets Welded th Tuesday 12 – Transport Frame and Metal, Start on Seat Frames (Time of completion 3 to 4 days) th Wednesday 13 – Vince is gone for SAE Conference, Continue on Seat Frames th Thursday 14 – Finish Front Seat Frame. Start on Back Seat Frame th Friday 15 – Continue on Back Seat Frame th Monday 18 – Continue/Finish on Back Seat Frame th Tuesday 19 – Finish Back Seat Frame, Start on Doors th Wednesday 20 – Continue on Doors th Thursday 21 – Finish Doors (Structure) and Attach Doors to Frame and Figure out how to stick panels on doors (glue or silicon), Mechanism to Latch Doors st Friday 22 – Start Bondoing Car nd Monday 25 – Finish Bondoing Car th Tuesday 26 – Send Vehicle in for Paint, Create Mechanism to Latch Doors + Make Sure Automatic Seats Work and are ready to be put into the car after paint. th Wednesday 27 – Get Car Back from Paint/Make sure electrical systems work th Thursday 28 – Get Car Back from Paint hopefully and install all electrical components + stickers / detailing stuff with spray paint and install seats. th Friday 29 – Keep on installing….. Make sure door latches work… Make sure everything works. th May Last Week – Test Runs and Report May 2nd -- Final In-Class Oral Presentation May 7th -- Senior Design Openhouse, Banquet and Presentation Night 69 May 9th -- Final Website Upgraded May 11th -- Final Design Report Due Not During Machine Shop Hours (Things that need to get finished or bought)! Detailing Work and Getting Stickers Ready Connect Rack and Pinion System Seat Motor Installed on Front Seat Buy Pedals Brake Pedal Mechanism Gas Pedal Mechanism Steering Mechanism 3D Print Dashboard Holder Front Suspension Angle and Adjustment Back Suspension (Done) Back Tubing Alignment Front Tubing Alignment Connect Rods (Pillars) Buy Wood for Floor Buy Wood for Rear Buy Windshield Buy Canvas for Roof Buy Paint for Physical Plant Get Sheet Metal cut list Updated and Sent to Design Fab Buy Gears for Transfer Case to Motor Efficiency Get Stickers Designs to Professor Nielsen 70 Appendix B – Project Budget 71 Appendix C – Motor Calculations 72 73 74 75 76 Appendix D – Motor Specification Drawing 77 Appendix E – Motor Controller Program Images 78 Appendix F – SPM48400 Motor Controller Wiring Diagram 79 Appendix G – Frame Design Drawings Original Frame Revision A - Replaced all bent tube with straight tube to make assembly easier. Revision B - 80 Converted line model to 3D tube model Eliminated cross-members from roof Eliminated B Pillars Increased detail in front end Revision C - - Replaced base with square tubing to increase the strength of the frame Added support member in rear wheel well Revision D - Removed seat frame support members in center of frame Revision E - 81 Modified front suspension area of frame to accommodate the front suspension design Revision F - Converted members on top of rear wheel well to square tube to increase the strength of the frame Revision G - Added support members for rear suspension Revision H - 82 Added additional support members for rear of frame Appendix H – Business Plan Production Cost Estimates Item Building Rent Building Utilities Building Operating Costs Insurance Engineering Staff Administration Staff Marketing Staff Labor and Burden Annual Units Sold Cost $3.75/sq. ft. for 14,917 sq. ft. $2.30/sq. ft. for 14,917 sq. ft. $7.91/sq. ft. for 14,917 sq. ft. $100,000 per year 3-5 engineers @$65,000/yr each 1 @ $70,000/yr 1 @ $60,000/yr $12.50/hr per worker – 8-10 workers 250 83