UXML An XML Gateway !

An XML Gateway
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For more information about UXML software product, please write or call
Universal Data Warehousing Limited,
Block B, 4/F, 15 Hongning Road,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 8119 0835
Fax: (852) 2788 8614
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subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
52.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is UDW Ltd., Block B, 4/F, 15 Hongning Road, Kwun
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
General notice: Other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes
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Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
UXML User’s Guide, Release 1.0
Copyright © 2005 by UDW Ltd.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Universal Data Warehousing Limited has been dedicated in the researches and software
developments in the area of relational database and various XML technologies. Since the
establishment of the Company, various software applications have been released that facilitate
the adoption of latest technologies in relational database and XML.
With extensive experiences in software developments for relational database and XML
technologies, we developed UXML as a comprehensive and user-friendly database and XML
technology software utility. UXML can verify structures, constraints and data of the tables in
relational databases and XML documents and provide you insightful information of the
relational databases so that you can have a better understanding of the relational databases and
the XML documents. Furthermore, UXML can provide you all necessary functionalities that
you need to bridge the world of relational databases and XML technologies, such as exporting
and importing XML document from and to a relational database with a few mouse clicks.
Besides, UXML supports web services that enables you to send and receive XML documents
between heterogeneous platforms through the Internet.
UXML provides a user-friendly interface so that all options and features are accessible via
system menus, toolbars and context sensitive pop-up menus that can be shown by right-mouse
clicking at particular items or regions on the user interface. Besides, most operations are
dialog driven and you are guided and you are provided the necessary data for performing
particular operations.
The UXML User’s Guide documents the graphical user interface of UXML. The operations
performed by UXML are based on the theories, algorithms and methodologies that are the
research results of our researchers. Besides, UXML concerns various data semantics among
the tables and data in relational databases and Appendix A provides you the list of data
semantics with detailed descriptions.
Available versions
UXML is developed with pure Java technologies and it can therefore be executed on various
platforms provided that there is a compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5 or
higher. There are three versions of UXML, which are simplified, full and enterprise versions.
Evaluation version – This version is a light version of the enterprise version that can connect
to the embedded HSQLDB relational database only..
Simplified version – This is a complete version that can connect to all commercial relational
database servers, but this version does not support web services for sending/receiving XML
Full version – This version is also a complete version that is to be deployed by enterprises
and customization services are provided.
As UXML is developed with pure Java technologies, it can be executed on most popular
platforms that a compatible JRE with version 1.5 or newer exists, such as Microsoft Windows
(98 Second Edition/NT/2000/XP), Solaris and Linux, which are officially support by Sun
Microsystems. If you are using a platform other than the above three platforms, please contact
the vendor of your hardware for the availability of a compatible JRE.
Serial Numbers
Each copy of the enterprise version of UXML is associated with a serial number and such
number is your identification number with UDW Ltd. You need to provide such serial number
when you contact UDW Ltd. regarding support, payment and information enquiry.
The serial number can be found on the CD of the software that comes with the box-set
package if you purchase it via a retail store or the number is provided in the confirmation email if you download and purchase the enterprise version from our official web site.
Customer Service
Contact our Customer Service at (852) 8119 0835 if you have any questions regarding the
shipment of the software to you or payment. Please provide us your serial number for
identification purpose.
End-user Trainings
UDW Ltd. provides regular and on-demand end-user trainings. All training sessions are
instructor led and feature hands-on workshops. For more information on end-user trainings,
contact us at our Customer Service.
Technical Support
UXML Technical Support services registered customers of UXML only. Customers that are
entitled to phone-support may contact Technical Support at (852)8119 8035. Be prepared to
identify yourself and the serial number of your UXML copy.
All registered customers are entitled to e-mail support and customer may send email to
dbx@udw.com.hk regarding the usage, installation help and bug reporting.
Lend Us Your Thoughts
We value you comments. So send us a letter or e-mail and let us know about your experiences
with UXML. We especially like to hear about new and interesting features that you may think
UXML could provide that facilitate your day-to-day operations. Write to UDW Ltd.,
Universal Data Warehousing Limited, Block B, 4/F, 15 Hongning Road, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.
OVERVIEW OF UXML........................................................................................................................ 1
GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................... 2
INSTALLATION OF UXML.............................................................................................................. 15
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................... 15
OTHER REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 15
GETTING THE SOFTWARE UXML ....................................................................................................... 15
INSTALLING UXML ........................................................................................................................... 15
INSTALLING UXML WITH AN INSTALLATION SCRIPT FILE .................................................................. 21
STARTING UXML .............................................................................................................................. 22
INSTALLING SUPPLEMENTARY JDBC DRIVERS ................................................................................... 22
UNINSTALLING UXML ...................................................................................................................... 23
STARTING UXML FOR THE FIRST TIME .............................................................................................. 24
RELATIONAL DATABASE ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 27
CREATING A NEW PROJECT ................................................................................................................. 27
STARTING EMBEDDED DEMONSTRATION DATABASE .......................................................................... 33
SAVING A PROJECT ............................................................................................................................. 33
VIEWING THE STRUCTURE OF THE ASSOCIATED RELATIONAL DATABASE ........................................... 34
MANIPULATING THE ASSOCIATED DATABASE WITH SQL ................................................................... 36
DETERMINING DATA SEMANTICS ........................................................................................................ 38
VIEWING THE EXTENDED ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP (EER) DIAGRAM ................................................... 42
DATA EXPORT/IMPORT ................................................................................................................. 47
EXPORTING RELATIONAL DATABASE AS XML DOCUMENTS ............................................................... 47
VISUALIZING XML DOCUMENT WITH XML TREE MODEL ................................................................. 62
IMPORTING XML DOCUMENTS TO RELATIONAL DATABASE ............................................................... 63
DATA COMMUNICATION WITH WEB SERVICES.................................................................... 73
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 73
STARTING A WEB SERVICES SERVER ................................................................................................... 75
STOPPING A WEB SERVICES SERVER.................................................................................................... 85
SENDING XML DOCUMENT VIA WEB SERVICES .................................................................................. 85
OPERATING SETTINGS................................................................................................................... 89
SAVING THE OPERATING SETTINGS ..................................................................................................... 89
LOADING THE OPERATION SETTINGS .................................................................................................. 90
DATA SEMANTICS............................................................................................................................ 91
ONE-TO-ONE RELATIONSHIP ............................................................................................................... 91
ONE-TO-MANY RELATIONSHIP ............................................................................................................ 92
MANY-TO-MANY RELATIONSHIP ........................................................................................................ 92
ISA (SUBTYPE) RELATIONSHIP ........................................................................................................... 93
DISJOINT GENERALIZATION ............................................................................................................... 94
OVERLAP GENERALIZATION ............................................................................................................... 95
CATEGORIZATION RELATIONSHIP ...................................................................................................... 95
AGGREGATION RELATIONSHIP ........................................................................................................... 96
TOTAL PARTICIPATION ....................................................................................................................... 97
PARTIAL PARTICIPATION .................................................................................................................... 98
WEAK ENTITY .................................................................................................................................... 98
N-ARY RELATIONSHIP ........................................................................................................................ 99
UXML is a user-friendly software application that can be both an end-user tool and an
enterprise strength server for end-to-end data communication with Extensible Markup
Language (XML) documents.
As an end-user tool, UXML enables you to analyze a relational database for determining the
data semantics behind the table structures, constraints and data. In addition, UXML can
visualize the determined data semantics as an Extended Entity Relation (EER) diagram.
Documents in XML format is getting more and more popular and most software applications
accept XML documents as the data source. UXML is a handy software application for you to
create XML documents in various structures based on the contents of a relational database.
UXML can visualize the structure of an XML document as an XML tree model diagram so
that you do not have to study its clumsy schema. On the reverse direction, UXML can help
you to store XML documents to any relational database based on the contents of XML
documents with optional schema. Last but not least, UXML enables you to specify the criteria
so that only data satisfying them are exported to the created XML documents and you can
subsequently send it right away with the web services based data communication functions.
Figure 1.1 visualizes the functionalities of UXML as an end-user tool.
Figure 1.1
As an end-user tool, UXML can bridge RDBMS with EER, XML and XML Tree
UXML can also be a mission critical enterprise level software application for end-to-end
transmission of XML documents via web services. Since web services has been a de facto
enabling technology for distributed computing, you can make use of UXML to send XML
documents to other platforms or systems with web services through the Internet. Besides,
UXML can communicate with a native XML database, such as Tamino server by Software
AG, so that the received and transmitted XML documents are stored natively, so that you can
Overview of UXML
use X-Query, the native query language for XML, to retrieve XML documents from it. Figure
1.2 depicts the usage of UXML in an enterprise environment.
Figure 1.2
Using UXML as an enterprise tool for real-time communication with XML
As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the XML documents exported from relational databases can be
sent to other software applications over the Internet or Intranet, which can be any web
services enabled server processes or another up and running UXML. This is also a typical
scenario of business-to-business (B2B) applications through the Internet, and various
departments of an enterprise can also make use of UXML for synchronizing the business data
among them.
Getting Started
This section presents you a walk-through of UXML for its core features so that you can have
a rough idea what UXML can do for you. The detailed descriptions and usages of the features
can be found in their respective chapters.
Starting UXML
The way of starting UXML depends on the platform on which you install UXML. (If you
have not installed UXML, you can download an evaluation copy from the official web site
and following the instruction of Chapter 2 for the installation instructions.)
The installation process will create a target directory for the software and there exist two
script files, UXML.sh and UXML.bat, which are the start up scripts for UNIX clone (or
Linux) and Windows platforms respectively. Execute the suitable script on your machine to
start UXML and its GUI will be shown. If you are running the evaluation version of the
software, a notification dialog will appear stating that the software is for evaluation purposes
only and the number of days before its expiry.
Figure 1.3
The information dialog that is shown by the evaluation version
UXML User’s Guide
System menu
System toolbar
Project explorer pane
Property viewer pane
Working pane
Server message pane
Figure 1.4
The various parts of the GUI of UXML
With respect to the GUI shown in Figure 1.4, the various parts and their functions are
presented in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
The various parts of the GUI and their functionalities
viewer pane
Its menu items can be selected for performing a particular operation. If a
particular operation is not applicable at the moment, the corresponding menu
item is disabled and its caption is dimmed.
Whenever a new window appear in the Working pane, a new menu item will
be added to the Window menu of the System menu, which provide you a
quick way to switch to a particular window by selecting its corresponding
menu item from the menu. When the software is started, there is no window
in the Working pane and hence the Window menu contains no menu item.
Each icon on the System toolbar can be used to start a frequently used
operation or feature of the software. If you want to have a description of the
operation that is associated with the icon, place the mouse pointer on it for a
while, a descriptive tool-tip will appear.
In UXML, a project associates with a relational database and all projects that
you create in UXML appear in the Project explorer pane in a tree structure.
By expanding a node in the tree, you can explore the tables that are
determined from the relational database and further information of the tables.
Whenever you select an item in the Project explorer pane, such as a project,
table, column, key and so on, the Property viewer pane shows its property.
While you are using the software, new windows will be shown in Working
pane, such as SQL Commander, XML Viewer, whenever necessary. All
these windows appear in the Woring pane, a corresponding menu item will
be created under the Window menu of the System menu. If you want to
switch to another window in the Working pane, other than minimizing the
current top-most window in the Working pane and select another window,
you can select its corresponding menu item under the Window system menu.
When the software is started, the Working pane contains no windows, and
the Window system menu is therefore initially blanked.
Overview of UXML
It shows the server messages whenever UXML receives XML document by
up and running embedded web services server. Initially, no XML receiver
processes are started and such pane is therefore initially hidden.
The four panes, Project explorer pane, Property Viewer pane, Working pane and Server
message pane of UXML can be resized by dragging the boundary in between two panes with
your mouse and the boundaries are highlighted in Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5
The boundaries to be used for resizing the panes
Table 1.2 illustrates the icons that can be found in the System toolbar with descriptions.
Table 1.2
The icons on the System toolbar and their functionalities
Create a new project that associates with a relational database.
Save the currently selected project to your computer drive.
Refresh the project by retrieving the database structure from the
associated relational database again. If data semantics have been
determined for the current database structure, these data semantics
will be removed.
Export as
Export contents of tables in a relational database as an XML
Import an XML document to a relational database.
Start XML
Start a XML Receiver, which is a web services server, to accept XML
document sent via web services.
Access to the help materials that comes with the software.
Creating a new project
Before performing any operation on a relational database, you have to create a project for the
relational database so that its database structure is firstly retrieved. To create a new project,
UXML User’s Guide
click New Project from the System toolbar or select File > New Project from the System
menu, and the New project dialog as shown in Figure 1.6 appears.
User entry pane
Help message pane
Figure 1.6
The New project dialog for creating a new project
Being a user-friendly software application, UXML uses dialogs to guide you step by step for
getting the necessary input for performing the operations, such as the New project dialog as
shown in Figure 1.6. The dialog is partitioned into the User entry pane and the Help
message pane. Depending on the data to be collected, GUI components, such as text boxes,
tables and drop-down lists, are shown in the User entry pane for collecting the necessary
user entries. At the same time, context sensitive help message will appear in the Help
message pane providing you the descriptions and usages of the GUI components shown in
the User entry pane.
After you provide the data that are required by the dialog and click Next, UXML will validate
the data you provided and proceed to the next step, if any. If there is any problem in the data
you provide, a dialog with error messages and recommendations will appear so that you can
rectify your entries. If the data provided are valid, you will proceed to the next step and
another set of GUI components will appear for getting another set of entries. If such step is
the last step of the dialog, the title of the Next button will be changed to be Finish.
For detail operations of the New project dialog, please refer to Chapter 2.
After a new project is created successfully, a new item is shown in the Project explorer pane
as shown in Figure 1.7 and you can further manipulate and analyze the associated relational
Figure 1.7
The Project explorer pane of UXML with a new project demo
Showing structure and records of a table
Once a project is created, you can expand the project item in the Project explorer pane by
clicking the handle
at the left of the project name or double clicking the project name for
the TABLE item and subsequently the list of tables that exist in the associated relational
database. By further expanding a table item, you can view its definition or structure, such as
Overview of UXML
the list of its columns, keys and foreign keys in the Project explorer pane as shown in Figure
Figure 1.8
The structure of a table shown in the Project explorer pane
Besides, you can choose Tools > Database Utilities > Show Table Structure while you are
selecting a particular table in the Project explorer pane, and a Table Structure Viewer
window will appear in the Working pane as shown in Figure 1.9.
Figure 1.9
The Table Structure Viewer showing the structure of a table
Besides showing the structure a table, you can select Tools > Database Utilities > Show All
Records to retrieve all records from the currently selected table, and a SQL Commander
window will appear that looks like the one as shown in Figure 1.10.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 1.10 The SQL Commander window showing the records obtained from the relational
The SQL Commander window enables you to enter SQL statements to be sent a relational
database for executions. Showing all records in the table is actually one of the possible ways
to use such window.
Discovering data semantics from a project
Each project is associated with a relational database and you can determine data semantics
from a project, which is actually from the associated relational database. With these
discovered data semantics, UXML can further construct an extended entity-relation (EER)
To determine data semantics from the associated relational database of a project, select the
desired project from which data semantics are to be discovered, and select Tools > Discover
Data Semantics, and the Discover Data Semantics dialog will appear as shown in Figure
Figure 1.11 The Discover Data Semantics dialog
Overview of UXML
Complete the Discover Data Semantic dialog by choosing a discovery mode and clicking
Finish, UXML will determine data semantics from the associated relational database and a
new item is shown in the Project explorer pane as shown in Figure 1.12.
Figure 1.12 The Project explorer pane of UXML with data semantics discovered for a project
By expanding the Data Semantics item in the Project explorer pane, you can further access
to the discovered data semantics that are classified under different data semantic names.
Clicking a particular data semantic and UXML will show its details in the Property viewer
pane as illustrated in Figure 1.13.
Figure 1.13 Property Viewer pane with details for a particular data semantic
Showing Extended Entity-Relation (EER) diagram
Even the Property Viewer pane can provide the details of each data semantic, it would be
even better to have a complete picture of the relationships among the tables in the associated
relational database, and Extended Entity-Relation (EER) diagram is an elegant facility for this
UXML User’s Guide
To view an EER diagram for the tables in a relational database, select the corresponding
project and select Tools > Show EER Diagram and the EER diagram will be constructed and
shown in the Working pane of UXML, such as the one shown in Figure 1.14.
Figure 1.14 An EER diagram shown in the Working pane
The EER Diagram window that appears in the Working pane is further partitioned into two
panes, the miniature and the actual EER diagram that are on the left pane and the right pane
respectively. If the associated relational database defines plenty of tables and hence a
complicated EER diagram is constructed, the entire EER diagram is most probably unable to
be entirely shown on the screen and you can therefore view a particular region of it. To view
another region of the EER diagram, you can click the miniature pane at the desire location
with your mouse pointer or use the scrollbars on the right and at the bottom of the actual EER
diagram pane.
UXML enables you to generate hardcopies of the EER diagram by selecting File > Print…
and the native Print dialog of the platform will be shown enabling you to select the printer to
be print and the settings.
Exporting and importing XML documents
UXML is not only a relational database visualizing and analysis tool, but also a handy
software utility for data conversion between relational databases and between relational
databases and XML technologies. UXML can generate XML documents based on the
contents stored in relational databases. In the reverse direction, it can import XML documents
to relational databases.
To export an XML document from a relational database, you have to firstly select a table as
the top-most elements (other than the root element) to be exported. UXML will determine the
Overview of UXML
related records in other tables to be exported as sub-elements in the XML document. Besides,
you can set the criteria with which the records to be exported must satisfy. Furthermore,
UXML can generate the corresponding schemas, either a Document Type Definition (DTD)
or an XML Schema, which can validate the generated XML documents. The entire export
operation is carried out by using a user friendly dialog that guides you the operations step by
step, and the options of schema generation are shown in Figure 1.15.
Figure 1.15 The possible options for the schema to be generated with a exported XML document
The exported XML documents are shown in the XML Viewer window in the Working pane
of UXML, as shown in Figure 1.16.
Figure 1.16 The XML Viewer window showing the content of the exported XML document
UXML User’s Guide
The two buttons Previous and Next at the bottom of the XML Viewer window are enabled if
necessary, for you to view large XML documents.
On the other way round, UXML enables you to import XML documents to relational
databases. Given an XML document, UXML will verify the existences of the corresponding
tables in the desired destination relational database. For example, while importing an XML
document to a relational database, the Import XML to database dialog appear and one of
the step of operating the dialog as shown in Figure 1.17 enables you to map XML elements
with corresponding tables in that relational database.
Figure 1.17 The Import XML to database dialog enabling the user to specify the table to be
performed on different XML element types stored in the XML document
Different XML element types stored in the XML document are to be stored in the
corresponding tables in the destination relational database, and the corresponding tables can
be created, if they do not currently exist. Then, the Import XML to database dialog
provides you the options to specify the table structures to be created as shown in Figure 1.18.
Overview of UXML
Figure 1.18 The dialog enabling the user to specify the table structure to be created for a
particular XML element type
Complete the Import XML to database dialog, UXML will process the specified XML
document and store the XML elements in the XML document to their corresponding tables. If
there is any error in importing the XML document, UXML will show the error messages so
that you carry out remedial actions.
For further details of the options and operations of exporting and importing XML document,
please refer to Chapter 4.
Sending and receiving XML documents via web services
XML document format is currently the de facto standard of documents to be transmitted
through the Internet. On the other hand, web services is becoming the nature choice of
communication standard in the world of XML technologies. In view of this, UXML supports
sending and receiving XML document via web services, so that a user can use UXML to send
exported XML document to another user who is using a web services enabled software
application, such as another copy of UXML. In case the recipient user is using UXML, the
received UXML can be stored seamlessly into his/her relational database.
On the XML Viewer pane, there is a Send button that enables you to send the current XML
document to a web services enabled software that can be specified by the Send XML via
HTTP dialog as shown in Figure 1.19.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 1.19 The dialog for sending XML document via web services (or HTTP)
If you are the recipient who is going to receive XML documents, you can start an XML
Receiver so that UXML will wait for the arrival of the XML documents and the Server
Message pane will be shown below the Working pane as shown in Figure 1.20 for you to
inspect the statuses of the processes XML documents.
Figure 1.20 UXML with Server Messages pane
Overview of UXML
Storing and loading of operation settings
UXML enables you to store the operation settings so that you can reuse the settings
repeatedly, especially those operations that need to take plenty of user entries. As such, you
can specify all the necessary settings once and you can then perform the same operation with
a few mouse clicks.
For those operations that support setting storage and retrieval, the first step and the last step of
the dialog are for loading and storing settings respectively as shown in Figure 1.21 and Figure
Figure 1.21 The dialog for loading operation settings
Figure 1.22 The dialog for saving the operation settings
For further details of the operations mentioned in this chapter, please refer to the
corresponding sections in the following chapters.
Thanks to the Java technologies, UXML is a true cross-platform software application that can
be installed on various platforms with a compatible Java Runtime (JRE) version 1.5 or higher.
In this chapter, you will be guided the procedure of installing UXML on your machine.
System requirements
UXML is written in pure Java technology that requires a compatible Java Runtime (JRE)
version 1.5 or higher for run-time execution. For hardware requirements, a machine with
256M is required and the hardware requirements for x86 platforms, including Microsoft
Windows (NT/2000/XP), UNIX clone or Linux, are:
Pentium III 800MHz or higher (Pentium 4 2.0GHz preferable)
256M memory (512M preferable)
Hard drive with at least 20M free space
Network interface for connecting remote database servers
Other requirements
Besides software and hardware requirements, you mostly have to obtain access privileges
from database administrators for accessing the database servers, especially in an enterprise
environment. For performing analysis related operations, access with read-only privilege is
sufficient, whereas update privilege is required for operations that need to update the data
stored in the database servers.
On UNIX clone platforms, if you are going to use UXML for receiving XML documents with
network points less than 1024, you mostly need the super-user (or root) privilege so that
UXML can listen to those ports.
Getting the software UXML
UXML is available on CD-ROM and can be downloaded from our official web site,
http://www.udw.com.hk/, via the Internet. If you cannot obtain the software via the Internet,
please contact our customer services for the details of getting the software CD-ROM.
Installing UXML
UXML is packaged with a user friendly software installation module with a graphical user
interface (GUI) so that you are guided the every step during the installation. Therefore,
although the ways of starting the installation module for different platforms are different, the
installation details are roughly the same once it is started. However, a prerequisite is that your
computer must be installed with a JRE version 1.5 or higher and the executable java (or
Installation of UXML
java.exe for Microsoft Windows platforms) can be located according to the search path on
your platform, such as specified by the environment variable PATH on Microsoft Windows
platforms and UNIX clone.
If your computer is not yet installed with a compatible JRE and you are installing UXML
with an installation CD, you can find various Java Development Kit (JDK) installation files
for common platforms in the directory /jdk of the installation CD. Otherwise, you can
download a JRE (or JDK) version 1.5 or newer from the official web site of Java technology,
http://java.sun.com/ or the official web site of your hardware vendors.
Starting the installation for Microsoft Windows (NT/2000/XP)
If you install UXML from a CD, inserting the CD to the CD-ROM reader of your computer
mostly will start the installation process automatically and the installation dialog as shown in
Figure 2.1 will appear.
Figure 2.1
The installation dialog for UXML
In case the auto-start feature of your computer is disabled, you can browse at the root
directory of the CD-ROM reader of your computer and double-clicking the file setup.bat,
as shown in Figure 2.2 and the installation dialog as shown in Figure 2.1 will appear as well.
Figure 2.2
The setup.bat file stored in the root directory of the installation CD
Once the installation dialog appears, you can follow the instructions provided on the dialog to
complete the installation. Further details of the installation will be presented later in this
UXML User’s Guide
If you still failed to start the installation process and the installation dialog is not
shown, it is highly possibly that neither JRE nor JDK is installed properly on
your machine, or the executable java.exe cannot be located according to the
environment variable PATH.
To verify whether the executable can be located automatically by the computer,
you can start a Command Prompt, such as by selecting Start > Accessories >
Command Prompt for Microsoft Windows XP or start a shell to the UNIX
clone machine, and enter the following command,
java -version
and message that looks like the following should appear in the Command
java version "1.5.0_05"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_05-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_05-b05, mixed mode, sharing)
Otherwise, it confirmed that neither JRE nor JDK is not properly installed and
set up, and you should download a JRE (or JDK) version 1.5 from the official
web site of Java or use a JDK installation file that stored on the installation CD
for installing a compatible JRE.
Starting the installation on other platforms
To install UXML on other platforms, such as UNIX clone and Linux, you can firstly access to
the root directory of the installation CD and execute the command,
java -jar install.jar
and the same installation dialog as shown in Figure 2.1 will appear.
The installation process
Once the installation process is started and the installation dialog as shown in Figure 2.1
appears, you can follow the installation provided on the dialog to continue the installation
procedure. During the entire installation process, there are two buttons, Previous, Next and
Quit appear at the bottom of the dialog for returning to the previous step, proceeding to the
next step and terminating the installation process immediately respectively.
Click Next on the dialog as shown in Figure 2.1, the dialog as shown in Figure 2.3 will appear.
Figure 2.3
Installation of UXML
The second step of the installation that provides you the detail information about
The dialog as shown in Figure 2.3 provides you further information about the software
UXML before the software is actually installed to your machine. Read the information and if
you feel comfortable with the software, click Next to proceed to the next step and the dialog
as shown in Figure 2.4 will appear.
Figure 2.4
The third step of the installation for you to confirms you accept the license
The dialog as shown in Figure 2.4 shows you the license agreement that you have to comply
with if you are going to install and use UXML, and the Next button on the dialog is initially
disabled unless you select the option I accept the terms of the license agreement. Select the
option and click Next to proceed to the next step as shown in Figure 2.5, or you have no
choice but to click Quit to abandon the installation process.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 2.5
The fourth step of the installation for you to provide an installation path
A proposed installation path is provided on the dialog and you can choose your own one.
Click Next and the installation path will be verified. You will be prompted with a dialog that
looks like the one in Figure 2.6 to confirm whether to create the directory if it does not
currently exist, and the dialog as shown in Figure 2.7 appears.
Figure 2.6
The confirmation dialog to confirm the creation of the installation path
You have to make sure that you have the necessary privileges to access and
create files for the specified installation path, or the installation will fail. If you
want to enable all users of the machine to use a same copy of UXML, please
make sure that the installation path can be accessed by those users of the
Figure 2.7
Installation of UXML
The fifth step of the installation showing the files to be installed to your computer
You should keep all options shown in Figure 2.7 selected to ensure all necessary files are
installed and click Next to start installing the files to the specified installation path. The dialog
will show you the progress throughout the entire installation of the files. When all files are
installed, the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 2.8.
Figure 2.8
The sixth step of the installation after all files are installed
Click Next to proceed to the next step for the status of the installation as shown in Figure 2.9.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 2.9
The final step of the installation showing the installation has completed and some
supplementary options
On the dialog shown in Figure 2.9, you can click Generate an automatic installation script
to prepare a script so that UXML can be installed again using the script without any user
intervention. It is especially useful if you are going to install UXML to more than one
computer with the same configurations. Click Generate an automatic installation script and
a Save dialog will appear, such as the one shown in Figure 2.10 on Windows platforms, for
you to specify the directory and the file name of the installation script.
Figure 2.10 The Save dialog for specifying the installation script
Specify the directory and the file name of the installation script with the Save dialog and click
Save to save the installation script file and close the dialog.
Click Done on the installation dialog to close it and UXML is installed successfully.
Installing UXML with an installation script file
To install UXML with an installation script that you prepared by a previous installation, you
can start a Command Prompt or a terminal for Windows platforms and UNIX clone (or
Linux) respectively and enter the following command:
java -jar install.jar <installation script>
For example, on a Windows platform, if the installation script is stored on a floppy drive A
named install.xml and the UXML installation file on a CD-ROM that can be accessed
via drive D. The command will be,
Installation of UXML
java -jar D:\install.jar A:\install.xml
The installation will start and complete without user intervention.
Under some special circumstances, it is necessary for you to install UXML to a
machine that does not equipped with a graphical user interface, such as
Microsoft Windows or X-Windows for UNIX clone (and Linux). For example, a
server machine executes UXML as a background process for receiving XML
If so, you can install UXML to another machine with similar configuration but
with a windows system. During the installation process, you create the
installation script and you can then install UXML to the target machine with the
installation script.
Starting UXML
Once UXML is installed successfully, you can start using it.
In the installation path that you specified, there are two start-up scripts, UXML.bat and
UXML.sh, for Microsoft Windows platforms (NT/2000/XP) and UNIX clone (and Linux)
respectively. Execute the corresponding script file on your computer and UXML will be
started. If you are executing an evaluation version of UXML, a message dialog will appear
telling you the number of days before the expiry date.
A possible way to execute the start-up script is to start a Command Prompt or a terminal for
Windows platforms and UNIX clone (and Linux) respectively and execute the start-up script
from within it. Then, you can follow the instructions provided in the subsequence chapters to
use UXML.
If you are executing UXML on a Microsoft Windows platform (NT/2000/XP),
you can create a short-cut to the start-up script, UXML.bat, so that you can start
it conveniently.
To create a short-cut for the script, UXML.bat, on the desktop browse the
directory of your installation path and dragging the UXML.bat file to the
desktop while you are pressing the right mouse button. When you release the
mouse button, a pop-up menu appears and you can select Create shortcuts Here
and a new icon named Shortcut to UXML will be created on the desktop for the
script file. You may further change the name of the icon to be just UXML for
Installing supplementary JDBC drivers
UXML uses JDBC to connect various relational database servers, and the JDBC drivers for
most common relational database servers are installed during the installation process, except
some JDBC drivers are the restricted by the corresponding relational database vendors, such
as the native JDBC driver for Oracle is the property of Oracle that cannot be re-distributed
with UXML.
In case you are going to connect a relational database that UXML does not support, you are
running UXML on a Windows platform and the relational database can be accessed via
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), you can set up a Data Source on your
machine and connect that relational database server via ODBC. However, some features may
be restricted if you are connecting to a relational database via ODBC.
UXML User’s Guide
Another scenario is that you can select a particular database server in UXML but you are
prompted that the necessary driver does not exist, such as the case for Oracle, it is because the
necessary JDBC driver is the property of the database vendor and it is not possible for UXML
to redistribute the binary. In such case, you must install the necessary JDBC driver manually.
You mostly can find the necessary JDBC driver from the installation package of that
relational database or can be obtained from the official web site of the relational database
vendor. Then, you can place the necessary file, such as the classes12.jar file for Oracle,
in the directory lib under the installation path. Restart UXML and you can connect to that
relational database.
As an example, if the installation path of UXML is
C:\Program Files\UXML, the directory to which the JDBC driver file to be
placed is C:\Program Files\UXML\lib. Similarly, if UXML is installed to
the /home/user/UXML on UNIX clone (or Linux), you should place the JDBC
driver file to the directory, /home/user/UXML/lib.
If the name of your relational database cannot be found in the option, UXML cannot connect
it for instance. Please contact our customer service so that we could provide you the necessary
files and instructions for connecting your specific relational database.
Uninstalling UXML
During the installation of UXML, a uninstall module named uninstaller.jar is stored in
the Uninstaller directory under the installation path. On Windows platforms, browse at
such directory as shown in Figure 2.11 and double-clicking the uninstaller icon to start
the un-installation process as shown in Figure 2.12.
Figure 2.11 The Uninstaller directory with the uninstaller icon on a Windows platform
Figure 2.12 The un-installation dialog
An alternative approach is you can start the uninstaller module manually via Command
Prompt on Windows platforms or a terminal on UNIX clone (or Linux). The commands to
start the uninstaller module are,
Installation of UXML
java -jar <installation path>\Uninstaller\uninstaller.jar
java -jar <installation path>/Uninstaller/uninstaller.jar
for Microsoft Windows platforms and UNIX clone (or Linux) respectively. The uninstallation dialog as shown in Figure 2.12 will appear no matter you start the module via a
windows user interface or with a command.
Select Force the deletion of <installation path> on the dialog will remove the files in the
installation path one by one. Otherwise, the software is uninstalled by deleting the directories
in the installation path on directory basis, that is, an entire directory one at a time. In general,
no matter you select the option or not, the software UXML will be removed successfully.
If you start the installation module via a windows user interface, such as the
Windows Explorer on Microsoft Windows platform by selecting Start >
Accessories > Windows Explorer, and browse at the <installation
path>\Uninstaller to start the uninstaller.jar to uninstall the
software, the directory <installation path>\Uninstaller will not be removed
because the Windows Explorer process is using the directory and hence cannot
be removed.
For a clean un-installation with all directories and files removed, use the former
command line approach that starts the uninstaller.jar explicitly while the
current directory is out of the installation path can remove all directories and
Starting UXML for the first time
Every time UXML starts, it searches for a license file for verifying the software is properly
registered. Otherwise, especially the first time when you start UXML, you will be prompted
with a message dialog, and a UXML Registration dialog as shown in Figure 2.13 and Figure
2.14 respectively.
Figure 2.13 The dialog to be shown if you start UXML without a license file
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 2.14 The UXML Registration dialog
Click OK on the dialog as shown in Figure 2.13 and you can start registering UXML with the
UXML Registration dialog.
In the UXML Registration dialog, you have to provide your name, company name and email
address that are required for the registration. An email with registration data is to be sent to
UDW Ltd for generating the necessary license file, and you are therefore necessary to provide
the host name or IP address of the SMTP server to be used for sending the registration email.
After you have provided all these four data, click Send registration email and a registration
email will be sent and you have to wait for the arrival of reply email that will attach the
necessary license file.
In general, a reply email will be arrived at mailbox of the email address that you provided
above in less than 10 minutes. Upon the arrival of the email, you can continue to install the
license file to your UXML.
There are three ways to install the license file.
1. You can use your usual email software, no matter web-based or not, to check for the reply
email. The subject of the reply email is “License file for UXML by UDW Ltd” and there
is an attached file that is the necessary license file. Then, you can firstly save the attached
file to your computer drive. With UXML, you can enter the path of the license file that
you saved in the License File box or you can locate the file by clicking the Browse…
button. Afterwards, click Install to install the license file to your UXML.
2. UXML can check your mailbox for getting and installing the necessary license file
automatically. You can firstly click the Check E-mail tab and the dialog will become the
one as shown in Figure 2.15. Then, you can provide the username, password and the
POP3 server for the email address that you specified during the registration. Finally, click
Check Mail and UXML will connect to your POP3 server for checking the reply email
and installing the license file.
3. The final approach of installing the license file is that you can copy and paste the values
in the attached license file to UXML so that the license file is created on the fly. You can
click the Paste Values tab and the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 2.16.
Then, you can copy and paste the license code, start code and expiry date that are
obtained from the contents of the license file. Finally, you can click Save License Data to
create the license file.
Installation of UXML
Figure 2.15 The entries for getting license file directly from the mailbox
Figure 2.16 The entries for copying the values from the attached file for creating the license file
No matter which approach you use to install the license file, click Finish and UXML will reverify the license file. If the license file is valid, the UXML Registration dialog will
disappear and you can start using UXML. Otherwise, the UXML Registration dialog will
retain until either the license file is installed properly or you click Cancel to close and
terminate the registration process.
UXML provides powerful analytical features that can help you to analyze relational databases
regarding their structures, constraints and the data semantics among the tables.
A typical sequence of analyzing a relational database is,
creating a new project that associates with the desired relational database,
inspecting the structures and contents of the tables of the relational database,
determining the underlying data semantics among the tables, and
visualizing the data semantics with a Extended Entity-Relationship diagram (EER
Creating a new project
UXML uses a project to associate with a particular relational database and to maintain all the
data obtained from it. Therefore, before you can perform any analytical operation on the
relational database, it is necessary for you to create a project for the desired relational
To create a new project, you can either,
select File > New Project from the system menu, or
click New Project on the system toolbar
and the New project dialog as shown in Figure 3.1 will appear.
Figure 3.1
Relational database analysis
The first step of the New project dialog for getting a project name
As a reminder, most dialogs used by UXML are partitioned into two panes, the User Entry
pane and the Description pane at the top and at the bottom of the dialog respectively. You
provide your entry with the GUI components, such as text field, drop-down list and so on
appear in the User Entry pane, whereas the Description pane provides you context sensitive
description or help message.
The first step of the New project dialog prompts you for the name of the project, and you can
enter the project name in the Project name box that composes of alphanumeric characters
only. To proceed to the next step, click Next and the second step of the dialog will appear as
shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2
The second step of the New project dialog for getting the necessary information for
connecting the relational database
UXML User’s Guide
For the second step of the New project dialog, the Server type list shows you all relational
database products that your copy of UXML can connect. Click the down-arrow at the right of
the Server type list or click the Server type list with your mouse pointer, a drop-down list
will appear showing you all relational database products that can be connected, and you can
select the corresponding one for your desired relational database.
Most relational database servers are accessible remotely via the network, or in general the
Internet. Therefore, the typical parameters for connecting a remote relational database are,
Host/IP Address. The host name or the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the machine that
hosts the relational database server process. You can provide a host name that can be
resolved to an IP address or an IP address in the format of four numeric values (ranged
from 0 to 255) delimited with periods, such as If you are using
UXML to access the relational database that is hosted on the same machine, you can enter
either the IP address of the machine, host name localhost or the default loop-back IP
Port number. Another necessary parameter for starting a network connection, other than
the host name or IP address, is the port number to which the relational database server is
listening. Every relational database product has its own default network port number for
handling the incoming network connections. You can provide the port number of the
desired relational database server or leave it blank and UXML will connect to the server
with the default port number of that relational database product.
Database. A relational database server mostly can support more than one database at the
same time, which is identified by a database name. You can provide the database name in
the Database box to which your project is referring to.
After you provide all the above entries, click Next and UXML will verify the host name or IP
address and the port number immediately. In case any entry is invalid, a dialog with error
message will appear so that you can determine the necessary changes in the entries for
retrying the connection. Otherwise, the next step of the dialog as shown in Figure 3.3 will
On Windows platforms, UXML (full version and enterprise version) supports
connecting a relational database via Microsoft Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC), and you can select “ODBC” from the Server type list and enter the
Data Source Name (DSN) in the Database box and UXML will connect to the
desired relational database via ODBC.
Please be reminded that connecting a relational database via ODBC may prevent
UXML from getting complete database structure from the underlying relational
database specified by the DSN, and it is therefore always preferable to connect
relational database servers via their corresponding JDBC drivers.
If you are running UXML on a machine with proper DNS settings, you can
provide either host name or IP address, as the DNS server will be inquired for
resolving the IP address from the specified host name. Otherwise, you should
provide an IP address explicitly so that no IP address resolution is required,
especially if you are connecting a remote database server on your Local Area
Network (LAN) and no DNS server is available for you LAN.
Relational database analysis
The valid range of port number is from 1 to 65535. If you know the desired
relational database is using the default port number, you can leave it blank.
Otherwise, you have to specify the port number of the desired relational database
Figure 3.3
The third step of the New Project dialog for login information
For the third step of the New project dialog, you are prompted to enter the user name and
password for logging on the relational database. Please consult the database administrator of
the desired relational database server for the combination of the user name and password.
Both User name and Password are optional that you can leave it blank if no user name
and/or no password is/are required. Click Next and the fourth step, which is the last step of
the dialog will appear as shown in Figure 3.4.
In general, most relational database servers maintain the combinations of user
name and password and authenticate the user themselves. However, some
relational database servers support other authentication methods, such as the
Windows authentication approach by Microsoft SQL Server, and the JDBC
driver that comes with UXML does not support such authentication method.
In case it is necessary for you to connect a relational database server using
authentication method that is not supported by UXML, you have to find the
necessary JDBC driver, such as from a third-party company that supports that
authentication method and contact our customer service for a customization
service so that you are provided the necessary files for making use of your own
JDBC driver from within UXML.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 3.4
The last step of the New project dialog for confirming the user entry provided
The dialog as shown in Figure 3.4 provides you all the information to be used for connecting
with the relational database server. If necessary, you can click Back to a previous step for
amending the user entries you provided. If you are satisfied with the information shown, click
Finish and UXML will actually connect to the desired relational database. While UXML is
connecting to the desired relational database and getting the database structure from it, a
Progress dialog will appear telling you the progress as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5
The Progress dialog that appears while UXML is accessing the relational database
for getting the database structures information
If there is any error in accessing the relational database or getting database structures
information, a dialog with error message will appear telling you the cause of the failure, such
as the one shown in Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6
A sample dialog with error message if UXML fails to access a relational database
The message shown in the dialog that is similar to the one as shown in Figure 3.6 provides
you some insight the way to resolve the problem. In case you still have no idea of the cause of
the problem, please contact our technical support with the message shown in the dialog so that
we can provide you the necessary technical supports.
Relational database analysis
As most relational database servers are accessed remotely via the network, such
as Intranet and Internet, there may be many network devices on the way between
your machine running UXML (the client machine) and the one hosting the
relational database server (the server machine). As such, there are plenty of
possibilities that a connection to the remote relational database server fails to set
up. The following is a list of some typical causes.
The user entries, especially the host name/IP address and the port
number are incorrect. If you are providing a host name, you should make
sure your client machine can resolve the host name to an IP address. If
you provide an IP address, you have to make sure such IP address is
valid and can be reached with your client machine.
If you are running UXML on a client machine equipped with kind of
firewall software that prevents UXML (or in general a JRE) from
connecting to a remote machine, you can disable the firewall software
temporarily and connect to the desired relational database with UXML
again. If UXML succeeds to connect to the desired relational database,
you can add JRE to the unblocked software list of your firewall software
so that UXML can start a connection even the firewall software is
On the server machine, you have to make sure the port number to which
the relational database is listening matches the one you provided in the
Port number box. Furthermore, there is no firewall like software
running on the server machine that blocks the incoming network
connections to the port. You can disable the firewall like software on the
server machine temporary to see whether it is the cause of the failure in
starting the network connection. If so, unblock the port that your
relational database is listening with the firewall software.
There are many network devices, such as network routers, on the way
from your client machine to the server machine. You have to confirm
with your network administrator to ensure network connections to the
desired port number of the desired machine are enabled or permitted on
all involved network devices.
If UXML can successfully connect to the relational database and obtain the database
structures, a new project with your specified name will appear in the Project Explorer pane
as shown in Figure 3.7 so that you can further manipulate the project and the associated
relational database.
Figure 3.7
The Project Explorer pane showing a newly created project
UXML User’s Guide
Starting embedded demonstration database
If you do not have your own relational database but you want to experience with the features
of UXML, there is a built-in relational database that can be started from within UXML. The
tables defined in such demonstration database exhibit all data semantics so that you can have
a better understanding of them.
To start such demonstration database, select Tools > Database Utilities > Start Demo
Database, and you will be prompted with a dialog as shown in Figure 3.8.
Figure 3.8
The dialog stating the embedded relational database is started with the information
of the necessary connection settings
Now, you can connect to such database with the settings:
Server type: HSQLDB
Database name: demo
User name: sa
such as in dialogs as shown in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 while you are creating a new project.
Saving a project
You can save the information maintained by a project to your computer drive so that it is not
necessary for you to retrieve the structure of the associated database again in the future.
Furthermore, most operations can obtain database connection settings from a project, and it is
therefore highly preferable to save a project so that you do not have to specify the settings
To save a project, select File > Save Project or click Save Project on the system toolbar. If
there are unsaved projects or updated project and you terminate UXML, you will be prompted
with a dialog for confirming you are terminating the software without saving the changes.
Another scenario that you need to save a project is that you determine data semantics again
for a project, and the determined data semantics will overwrite the original ones then you
have to save the project again so that the changes in the data semantics are kept on your
computer drive that can be reused in the future.
If you terminate UXML without saving the projects that you create or amend (such as with
updated data semantics to be discussed later in this chapter), the created project and the
changes to the amended project will not be shown when you start UXML next time.
Refreshing the meta-data of the associated relational database
If the associated relational database of a project is updated, such as new tables are created or
table structures are changed, you can refresh the project so that UXML obtains database
structure again from the associated relational database and the information maintained by the
project is updated.
To refresh a project, select File > Refresh Project from system menu or click Refresh
Project on the system toolbar.
Relational database analysis
If data semantics for the project and hence the associated relational database were determined,
refreshing a project will remove the determined data semantics from the project because some
data semantics may no longer be valid. Further details of determining data semantics will be
provided later in this chapter.
Viewing the structure of the associated relational database
In the Project Explorer pane, the items are arranged in the following hierarchy,
Project Name
o Database Structure
Table Type
• Table
o User Columns
Individual Column Definition
o Indices
Primary Key / Candidate Key
o Foreign Keys
Individual Foreign Key
o Data Semantics
Data Semantic Type
• Individual Data Semantics
You can double click an item or click the handle
at the left of an item to expand it to view
its sub-items. Whenever you select a project, table, column, primary key/candidate key,
individual data semantics, all available properties of the selected item will be shown in the
Property Viewer pane. For example, Figure 3.9 shows that a column is selected and its
properties are shown in the Property Viewer pane.
Figure 3.9
A column is selected and all its available properties are shown in the Property
Viewer pane
Using the Table Structure Viewer window
The Property Viewer pane can only show the properties of an item one at a time, which is
inconvenient for you to inspect the properties of a few related items, such as the column
definitions of a particular table. Instead, you can select Tools > Database Utilities > Show
Table Structure from the system menu or right-mouse click a particular table and select
UXML User’s Guide
Show Table Structure on the pop-up menu appears, and a Table Structure Viewer window
will appear in the Working pane of UXML showing the structure of the selected table. For
example, Figure 3.10 shows the Table Structure Viewer window showing the structure of a
Figure 3.10 The four pages of the Table Structure Viewer window showing the structure of a
table ASSET of project demo
Table Structure Viewer window can show the structures of one than one table. You can use
the tab at the top of the window to select the desired table for viewing its structure. For
example, in Figure 3.10, the tab demo – ASSET indicates structure of the table ASSET of
project demo is currently shown.
The Table Structure Viewer window uses four pages to show the structure of a table, which
Columns page shows the definitions of the columns (or fields) of the table and each
column definition contains the following seven columns:
Primary Key column indicates the primary key columns of the table and the
primary key field contains YES in the cell.
Name column shows the table column name.
Type column shows the data type of the column.
Size column shows the table column size.
Decimal Digits column shows the number of digit for the fractional part of a
numeric type column. For non-numeric columns, the cells are all zeroes.
Nullable column indicates whether the column is null-able or not. The value
YES and NO denotes the table column can be NULL or cannot be NULL
Default Value column shows the default value of the table column, which is
used when a new record is inserted to the table without specifying the value
for such table column.
Relational database analysis
Foreign Keys page shows the foreign key(s) defined for the table and each row
represents a foreign key definition with the following three columns:
Foreign Column Name column shows the list of table column names of this
table used as the foreign key.
Primary Table Name column shows the primary table addressed by this
foreign key.
Primary Column Name column shows the list of table column names of the
primary key of the primary table.
Indices page shows other indices defined for the table, including primary key and
usual candidate indices. Each row represents either a primary key or candidate key
with the following five columns:
Name column shows the index name, which is the name provided when the
index was created explicitly, or a system generated one if the index was
created implicitly.
Type column shows the index type specified by the relational database server
which is relational database server product specific.
Column Name column shows the list of the names of the table columns
involved in the index.
Order column shows the sorting order of the index, either Ascending or
Unique column shows whether the index is unique or non-unique. For a
unique index, it restricts the values in the involved table columns in the table
must be unique. Otherwise, the values in the involved table columns in the
table can be duplicated.
SQL DDL Statements page shows the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements
in Structured Query Language (SQL) that can be used to create such table structure.
You can click Close on the Table Structure Viewer window to close the currently viewing
table structure.
Manipulating the associated database with SQL
You can manipulate the associated relational database of a project directly with SQL
statements and you can therefore use UXML as a front-end user interface of your relational
database server.
The SQL Commander window of UXML enables you to manipulate the associated
relational database of a particular project and UXML can be used as a front-end user interface
of your relational database server. You can start it by selecting Tools > Database Utilities >
SQL Commander and the SQL Commander window as shown in Figure 3.11 will appear.
UXML User’s Guide
SQL statement
input area
Result output
Figure 3.11 The SQL Commander window
The SQL Commander window can contain more than one page and each page is associated
with a particular project and hence the associated relational database. The tab name of the
page is in the format of, <Project Name> (<Page Number>). For example, the tab name,
demo (1), indicates that the page corresponds to the project “demo” (and hence its associated
relational database) and the page number is 1.
The window can be partitioned into three parts, Operation buttons, SQL statement input
area and Result output area. The Operation buttons part contains six buttons and their
functions are:
Execute – Send the SQL statement entered in the SQL statement input area to the
associated database of the specified project as identified by the tab name.
Save – Save the content of the SQL statement input area to a file so that you can
read it and execute it in the future.
Open – Open a file so that its contents are shown in the SQL statement input area
that can be further executed by the associated relational database.
New – Create one more page for the same project and hence the same associated
relational database. As such, you can have more than one input area to enter the SQL
statements at the same time for the same relational database.
Close – Close the current page of the SQL Command window.
The SQL statement input area enables you to enter any SQL statements, such as those
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements or Data Definition Language (DDL)
statement that are to be sent to the corresponding relational database. After you have entered
SQL statement(s) in the text area, you can click Execute to send the statement(s) to the
relational database for actual execution.
If the SQL statement to be executed by the corresponding relational database is an SQL
SELECT statement, records are obtained from the relational database and are to be shown in
the Result output area. The number of records shown depends on the query result, but
UXML will show first 2000 records for each query in order not to use up all computer
resources, especially memory. The number of columns to be shown depends on the SQL
statement. If necessary, you may have to adjust the column width manually by dragging the
mouse pointer on the boundary between two column headings.
Relational database analysis
The SQL statements are to be executed by the corresponding relational database
with the database user name that you provided for the project. As some
operations can only be executed if the database user possesses particular access
privileges, you must ensure the database user for accessing the relational
database possesses the necessary privileges to execute the SQL statements you
enter in the SQL statement input area. Otherwise, executing the statement will
fail and you will be prompted with a dialog containing the details of the error.
Some relational databases (such as Microsoft SQL Server) accept an optional
statement terminator character, such as a semi-colon (;), and may support
executing a sequence of SQL statements that are delimited with statement
terminator characters. On the other hand, some relational databases (such as
Oracle) do not accept any statement terminator character and hence can execute a
SQL statement for each execution.
You should ensure the SQL statements you enter into the SQL statement input
area are valid with respect to the relational database server that is to execute
them. If you are uncertain the syntax of the dialect of the SQL for your relational
database server, please consult its documentation.
Showing all records of a table
You can start the SQL Commander window for a particular project (and hence the
associated relational database) and show the records from a table by executing a simple SQL
SELECT statement. UXML provides you another handy approach to do so by either selecting
Tools > Database Utilities > Show All Records or right-mouse click a particular table in the
Project Explorer pane and select Show All Records from the pop-up menu. Then, a new
page will be shown in the SQL Commander window showing the records of the table and
only the first 2000 records are shown if there are more than 2000 records in the table.
Determining data semantics
Data semantics are referring to the underlying relationships behind the tables and hence their
records. In order to have a better understanding of a relational database or to verify the
relational database, it is valuable to determine the data semantics from the associated
relational database of a project.
The data semantics that UXML can determine are, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many,
n-ary, aggregation, weak-entity, is-a, generalization and categorization. For further details of
these data semantics, please refer to Appendix A.
To determine the data semantics from the associated relational database of a project, select
Tools > Determine Data Semantics or right-mouse click a project name and select
Determine Data Semantics from the pop-up menu. Then, a dialog as shown in Figure 3.12
will appear.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 3.12 The Determine data semantics dialog for choosing the determination mode
There are two options of the determination modes provided on the Determine data
semantics dialog as shown in Figure 3.12, which are:
Original database design – Data semantics are determined based on table structures
without considering the contents of the tables. As such, only one-to-many, n-ary,
aggregation, weak-entity, is-a and generalization relationships can be determined.
Candidate data semantics – Data semantics are determined based on both table
structures and their records. As a result, it is a more complete determination approach
that can determine all data semantics mentioned above.
Comparing the two determination modes, the one-to-one and categorization
relationships cannot be determined without considering the records of the tables,
as they may not be enforced with database structures or constraints.
Besides, as Candidate data semantics approach needs to access the contents of
the tables, the time required for the determination is longer than that of the
Original database design, especially if the table sizes are huge.
Select the desired determination mode on the dialog as shown in Figure 3.12 and click Finish,
UXML will start determining the data semantics from the associated database of the project.
Upon the completion of the determination, a confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 3.13
Figure 3.13 The confirmation dialog that appears upon the completion of the determination
Click OK on the confirmation dialog to close the confirmation dialog and the Determine
data semantics dialog. Then, you will find that the project is refreshed with a new item Data
Semantics under the project name and you can further expand the Data Semantics item to
Relational database analysis
view the data semantic types determined, and the Project explorer pane looks like the one as
shown in Figure 3.14.
Figure 3.14 The project with a new Data Semantics sub-item that subsequently contains other
sub-items for different data semantic types
By further expanding the data semantic types, you can explore individual data semantic.
Select a data semantic and its details are shown in the Property Viewer pane. Some data
semantics are defined based on some primitive data semantics that you can further explore the
details by expanding that data semantic. The presentations of the various data semantics are
shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
The different ways of presenting the various data semantics in the Project Explorer
For each one-to-one relationship, a foreign table
defines a foreign key that addresses the primary
key of the primary table and the foreign key
values in the foreign table are unique. The name
is in the format <Primary Table> - <Foreign
Similar to the one-to-one relationship, a foreign
table defines a foreign key that addresses the
primary key of the primary table and the foreign
key values in the foreign table can be duplicated.
The name is in the format <Primary Table> <Foreign Table>.
UXML User’s Guide
A many-to-many relationship is composed of two
one-to-many relationships with the same table as
the foreign table. Therefore, expanding a manyto-many relationship, there are two sub-items that
are the two child one-to-many relationships. The
format of a many-to-many relationship name is
<First Foreign Table> - <Second Foreign
Table> and the name of the child one-to-many
relationships are the same as the usual one-tomany relationships.
An n-ary relationship is similar to a many-tomany relationship but there are more than two
child one-to-many relationships. The format of
an n-ary relationship name is a list of Foreign
Table delimited with hyphens.
Weak entity
Part of the primary key of a weak entity table is
the foreign key that addresses the primary key of
another table, which is known as the strong
entity. The format of a weak entity relationship
name is <Strong entity> - <Weak entity>.
An is-a relationship involves a super-type and
sub-type, where the entire primary key of the
sub-type is also the foreign key that addresses the
primary key of the super-type table. The format
of a is-a relationship name is <Super-type table>
- <Sub-type table>.
A generalization relationship composes of more
than one is-a relationship with the same supertype table. Therefore, expanding a generalization
relationship shows the child is-a relationships.
The format of a generalization relationship name
is <Super-type table> (<List of sub-type tables
delimited by commas>).
Relational database analysis
A categorization relationship composes of more
than one is-a relationship with the same sub-type
table. Therefore, expanding a categorization
relationship shows the child is-a relationships.
The format of a categorization relationship name
is (<List of super-type tables delimited by
commas>) <Sub-type table>.
An aggregation relationship consists of a manyto-many or n-ary relationship and another one-toone or one-to-many relationship and the foreign
table of the former relationship (many-to-many
or n-ary) is the primary table of the latter
relationship (one-to-one or one-to-many). The
format of a aggregation relationship name is
(<List of foreign tables of many-to-many or nary relationship>) - (<Foreign table>).
The Project Explorer pane and the Property Viewer pane can be used to explore individual
data semantic, but it is not possible to figure out the data semantics a table is involved.
UXML can visualize the data semantics by an Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) diagram
so that all data semantics determined for a relationship database are shown in the diagram and
you can have an even better understanding of it.
Viewing the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) diagram
Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) diagram is a standard approach for visualizing data
semantics of a relational database. To show the EER diagram of the associated relational
database of a project, you should firstly determine data semantics from the database and you
can then select Tools > Show EER Diagram from the system menu or right-mouse click the
Data Semantics item of a project and select Show EER Diagram from the pop-up menu.
While UXML is constructing the EER diagram, the progress dialog as shown in Figure 3.15
will appear.
Figure 3.15 The progress dialog shown while UXML is constructing the EER diagram
The EER Diagram window will be shown upon the completion of its construction. Click
Close on the Show EER Diagram dialog and you can access to the EER Diagram window
as shown in Figure 3.16.
UXML User’s Guide
Scroll bars
Figure 3.16 The EER Diagram window shown in the Working pane of UXML
Viewing an EER diagram
Depends on the number of tables and relationships determined from the relational database,
the EER diagram constructed may not be shown entirely within the EER diagram pane. In
such case, you can use the scroll bars at the right and at the bottom of the EER diagram pane
to view a particular region of the EER diagram.
The Miniature pane of the EER Diagram window shows a reduced version of the EER
diagram and the red rectangle on it indicates the Viewing region of the EER diagram is
currently shown in the EER diagram pane. Besides, you can use the Miniature pane to
view a particular region of the EER diagram by clicking the desired region in the Miniature
The scale of the EER diagram that is shown in the EER diagram pane can be changed by
selecting View > Zoom from the system menu and then a menu item of either 100%, 125%,
150%, 175% or 200%. Viewing the EER diagram with a larger scale shows the text with a
larger font size but less entities and relationships are to be shown in the EER diagram pane.
On the other hand, viewing with a smaller scale can show more entities and relationships but
the texts are in a smaller font size.
You can rearrange the layout of the entities and the relationships on the EER diagram by
dragging an entity or a relationship to a new position and all connection lines to such entity or
relationship will be automatically adjusted.
Clicking an entity or relationship on the EER diagram and the EER diagram pane will
highlight the entity and all related relationships and entities by changing the colour of the
boundaries and connection lines into blue. Furthermore, if you click an entity on the EER
diagram, the corresponding table in the Project Explorer pane will be expanded and
highlighted as well.
If the EER diagram contains a lot of entities and relationship, it is difficult to find a particular
entity or relationship on it. You can search for an entity or relationship by selecting View >
Search entity from the system menu to show the Search Element dialog as shown in Figure
Relational database analysis
3.17. Then, you can enter the desired entity or relationship name in the Search Element box
and click OK. If the entity or relationship can be found on the EER diagram, the EER
diagram pane will scroll to show and highlight that item.
Figure 3.17 The Search Element dialog
Two entities may be directly related if there is a relationship between them, or they can be
indirectly related if they are related via other entities and relationships. To show these
possible paths of direct and indirect relationships, you can use the Cross Reference dialog as
shown in Figure 3.18 that is shown by selecting View > Cross Reference from the system
Figure 3.18 The Cross Reference dialog
On the Cross Reference dialog, select the two desired entities by Start Path and End Path
and enter the maximum number of entities or relationship involved in the path (direct or
indirect) between the two entities to be highlight in the Steps box. Click OK and all paths,
including all involved entities and relationships, will be highlighted.
Printing an EER diagram
Other than viewing the EER diagram on a computer screen, you can obtain the hardcopies of
the EER diagrams from UXML.
You can firstly specify the page setup to be used for printing the diagram by selecting File >
Page Setup… from the system menu and a platform specific Page Setup dialog as illustrated
in Figure 3.19 will appear for you to specify the settings, such as paper size and margins.
After updating the page setup, click OK to close the dialog.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 3.19 The Page Setup dialogs for Windows XP and Linux respectively
If you are satisfied with the current page setup, you can proceed to print the current EER
diagram by selecting File > Print… and a Print dialog, which is also platform specific as
illustrated in Figure 3.20, will appear for you to choose the desired printer and specify its
Figure 3.20 The Print dialog for Windows XP and Linux respectively
Click OK on the Print dialog and the EER diagram will be printed to the desired printer.
Relational database analysis
Other than getting hardcopies of the EER diagram, you may also need to obtain
the softcopies of the EER diagrams for storage or communication electronically
UXML does not natively support the generation of the softcopies, but you can
make use of the services provided by the operating system to do so. A generic
approach that is applicable to most platforms is:
Install a generic Postscript enabled printer to your machine
Print the EER diagram with such generic Postscript enabled printer with
the option like Print to file.
The contents of the file generated by printing the EER diagram in this way are in
the Postscript language that can be viewed by any Postscript viewer, such as
Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview1. Besides, there is software that you can
obtain from the Internet to further convert such file into other image formats,
such as Portable Document Format (PDF). For example, on some UNIX clone
and Linux platforms, you can use the command gs2pdf to convert the
generated Postscript file into a PDF file.
For Windows platforms, there is software (such as a freeware named CutePDF
Writer2) that can set up a virtual printer to your computer so that you can print
the EER diagram with such printer to generate the corresponding PDF file right
The official website of Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview is http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/.
CutePDF Writer is a product of Acro Software Inc. and can be obtained from the website,
!" #$"
In real world enterprise environments, there are plenty of scenarios that there is a necessity of
exporting and importing database from and to a relational database. For example,
various departments of a company are running their own software applications and
some data that are maintained by these software applications have to be shared
among them, and data replications and/or synchronizations are therefore required;
business parties are sending business data among them for business operations, such
as trading, order placing and so on, and the data are mostly in XML format;
it is necessary to backup the databases of a company in a generic way, especially if
they are of different relational database server products;
the database of a relational database server is to be migrated to a different relational
database server product;
an XML document is required to be composed based on the contents of a relational
database that is to be attached with an e-mail to be sent.
UXML provides you comprehensive features for exporting contents of relational databases as
XML documents and importing the contents of XML documents to relational databases, so
that you can use it as a handy data conversion software utility.
Exporting relational database as XML documents
To export an XML document from a relational database, you can
select File > Export > As XML… from the system menu,
click Export XML on system toolbar, or
right-mouse click a table and select Export as XML from the pop-up menu
and the Export table(s) as XML dialog will appear as shown in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1
Data Export/Import
The first step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying the setting file to
be loaded and reused
As the operation settings of exporting a table as an XML document can be stored in your
computer drive, the first step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog enables you to load an
existing setting file for the operation. If you want to use a new set of settings for the operation,
keep the default option Specify new settings or select it and click Next to proceed to the next
step as shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2
The second step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying the source
relational database
You can use the second step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying the settings
of the source relational database from which the XML document is to be exported. The dialog
is divided into two regions, the Source of settings and Database settings regions. If you are
going to use the settings from an existing project, you can select the Obtain settings from
project option and select the desired project from the list at the right of the option and its
UXML User’s Guide
settings are to be shown in the Database settings region of the dialog. Otherwise, you can
select the Enter new database settings option and the user entries in the Database settings
region are enabled for you to specify the settings. The usages of the options are the same as
those for specifying the settings of the associated relational database while you are creating a
new project.
If you are satisfied with the entries, click Next to proceed to the next step of the dialog as
shown in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.3
The third step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying whether XML
document is to be exported based on data semantics or a user-defined query
The third step of the Export table(s) as XML enables you to select on the of two possible
approaches for exporting an XML documents by UXML, which are based on data semantics
and based on a user-defined query. Select Getting records based on data semantics and you
can subsequently select a top-most table and hence its related tables from which records are
obtained to be exported to the XML document and hence the corresponding nested XML
document structure. On the other hand, if you select Getting records by specifying a query,
you can subsequently specify a user-defined query from which records are obtained to be
exported to the XML document.
Select either one of the two options and click Next, you will be prompted the corresponding
step of the dialog. For the option Getting records based on data semantics, the next step to
be shown is the one as shown in Figure 4.4.
Data Export/Import
Basically, there are three different approaches of exporting XML documents that
are supported by UXML. They are,
Exporting XML document based on a user-defined query – This approach
enables you to define a query that can obtain some data from the relational
database, and capability of the query is only restricted by the corresponding
relational database only. Therefore, it is the most powerful approach among
all. However, as you can only specify one query and all records can only be
exported as the XML elements under the root element of the XML
document, it can export simple XML document based on complicated SQL
Exporting XML document based on data semantics – This approach provides
you a handy way to export data from a table and its related tables based on
the data semantics, and the structure of the XML document can be nested for
identifying the relationships among the different tables (and hence the XML
elements). It is especially useful if you are going to export complicated XML
documents with structure that is similar to the table schema of the relational
database. A typical usage of this approach is to export XML documents for
data replication for homo- or heterogeneous relational databases.
The expected
structure of the
XML document to
be exported
Figure 4.4
The step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for selecting the top most table to be
exported and the export mode
The step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog as shown in Figure 4.4 enables you to select
the table to be exported as the topmost elements (other than the root element) in the XML
document to be exported and you can do so by selecting it from the Table as topmost
element list at the top of the dialog. If you start the operation while a table is selected, that
table will be selected in the Table as topmost element list. At any time, the dialog will show
you the expected structure (the nested structure of the XML elements) of the XML document
to be exported.
There are three options on the dialog as shown in Figure 4.4 and their usages are:
UXML User’s Guide
With related table(s) as child elements – if such option is selected, related tables (and
subsequently their related tables) of the topmost table are exported as well. Otherwise,
only the contents of the topmost table are to be exported to the XML document. By
default, the topmost table is exported with all related (directly and indirectly) tables. If
you change this option, the structure of the XML document to be exported will be
refreshed and the expected structure will be updated accordingly as illustrated in Figure
With advanced data semantics – Such option is enabled only if the option With related
table(s) as child elements is selected. If such option is selected, tables are considered to
be related to the topmost table if there are direct or indirect (via other tables) relationships
between the topmost table and them with respect to all data semantics. Besides, extra
attributes will be created for maintaining the data semantics among the tables. Otherwise
(if such option is unselected), related tables are those defines a foreign key that addresses
the topmost table directly or addresses another table that is related to the topmost table
With entire categorization relation – Such option is enabled only if you selected the
With advanced data semantics. If the topmost table is a super-type of a categorization
relational, all other super-types of the categorization relationship are to be exported to the
XML document as well. Otherwise, only the sub-type of the topmost table is considered
to be the related table with respect to the categorization relationship. As such, if the
topmost table does not the super-type of a categorization relationship, the expected XML
structure is identical no matter the option is selected or not.
Figure 4.5
The step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog if the With related table(s) as child
elements is un-selected
Data Export/Import
If the relational database from which you are going to export XML documents
possesses data semantics including one-to-one, one-to-many, weak-entity, is-a
and generalization only, the data stored in the exported XML document with and
without advanced data semantics (that is the option With Advanced Data
Semantics option is selected or unselected respectively) are the same. You
should always refer to the expected structure of the XML document to be
exported to see whether it fulfils you requirements.
Please be noticed that the XML document exported with advanced data semantic
will create synthetic ID/IDREF(S) attributes if necessary for maintaining the
data semantics among the defining XML elements, whereas the without
advanced data semantic approach does not.
The with and without advanced data semantics approaches are using different
mechanisms for exporting XML documents. For the with advanced data
semantics approach, it keeps on querying the relational database by constructing
necessary SQL statements that involve a table at one time only. Therefore, all
relational database products should support such approach.
On the other hand, the without advanced data semantics approach constructs a
single SQL statement for querying all necessary data and the SQL statement may
be optimized by the relational database and hence a faster performance.
However, as the SQL statement is quite complicated, some relational database
products may not be supported those constructed SQL statements.
Exporting XML documents with advanced data semantics
If you select the with advanced data semantics approach by selecting the With advanced
data semantics option in the third step of the dialog as shown in Figure 4.4 and click Next,
you will proceed to the fourth step of the dialog as shown in Figure 4.6 and UXML enables
you to filter the records to be exported to the XML document by specifying the criteria the
records in the tables must fulfil. Otherwise, the dialog as shown in Figure 4.16 will appear.
UXML User’s Guide
The criteria for the
selected table
The expected
structure of the
XML document
Figure 4.6
The step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying the criteria the records
in the table(s) must fulfill so that they are exported to the XML document
The dialog as shown in Figure 4.6 is mainly divided into two regions, the XML document
structure region for the expected structure of the XML document for you to select a table on
the left and the Condition(s) for table [<Table Name>] region for specifying the criteria for
the selected table on the right. If all records in the involved tables are to be exported, you can
simply click Next to proceed to the last step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog.
Otherwise, you can follow the following steps in setting the criteria for the involved table.
1. Select a table from the XML document structure region on the dialog by clicking the
desired table, and you may need to scroll the XML document structure with the scroll
2. The Condition(s) for table [<Table Name>] region will show a table with two columns,
the Column Name column and the Conditions column respectively and it will refresh
whenever you select a different table from the XML document structure region. The
Column Name column shows all table columns defined for the selected table and the
Conditions column shows the conditions for a particular column. For example, for the
dialog as shown in Figure 4.6, the table ASSET is selected from the XML document
structure region and the four columns of the table is shown in the Condition(s) for table
[ASSET] region. As illustrated, there are no conditions specified for the table. You can
specify the conditions to the table by entering an expression in the Conditions column for
the row of the desired table column. The supported expression is in the format. <Literal>,
<Operator> <Literal> and <Literal>-<Literal> for exact match of a value, simple
comparison with a given value and an inclusive range of the specified values respectively.
The possible <Operator> can be <, <=, >, >= and <> (for not equal). A record is to be
exported if all its columns fulfil the conditions specified for the corresponding columns.
Besides, you can specify a list of such expressions, which adhere to the above format, and
are delimited by comma(s) and a record is exported if it fulfils either one of the sub
3. If conditions are specified for the selected table, a pattern (?) is appended to the table
name so that you can easily identify them. On the other hand, if the conditions for a table
are cleared, the suffix (?) that was appended to the table name will be removed.
Data Export/Import
4. You can repeat the above steps to set the conditions for other tables. When you are
satisfied with the conditions set, you can click Next to proceed to the next step of the
Figure 4.7
A condition is specified to the EQUIP_ID column of the table ASSET and the name
of the table ASSET is suffixed with (?)
The following is a list sample conditions that can be set to be a condition.
Records with exact column values 5 will be exported.
Records with column values from 1 to 10 inclusive will be
Records with column values greater than 100 will be
Records with column values 1, 3, 5 to 10 inclusive or
greater than 12 will be exported.
The next step of the dialog as shown in Figure 4.16 is for you to specify the schema to be
exported. If you are exporting the XML document with advanced data semantics that you
specified in the third step of the dialog (as shown in Figure 4.4), a schema file in Document
Type Definition (DTD) format will be generated as well and no schema settings can be
Exporting XML documents without advanced data semantics
If you specify you are going to export an XML document without advanced data semantics,
click Next and you will be prompted with the subsequent steps for customizing the ways of
exporting the XML document.
Click Next in the third step of the dialog as shown in Figure 4.4, the dialog will become the
one as shown in Figure 4.8 for you to specify the namespace to be used in the XML document
to be exported.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 4.8
The dialog for specifying the namespaces to be used in the XML document
In the dialog as shown in Figure 4.8, if the elements in the XML document to be exported
need namespaces, select the option Supports XML namespace and you can then specify the
namespaces for the XML document.
You can provide the default namespace URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in the Default
Namespace box so that all elements in the XML document are considered to be in such URI.
In addition, you can specify a list of namespace prefixes with the corresponding namespace
names (URI’s) so that the prefixes can be used for specifying the XML elements to be
When you are satisfied with the options on the dialog, click Next to proceed to the next step
of the dialog as shown in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.9
The dialog for specifying the export settings for individual tables
Data Export/Import
To specify the settings for a table, you firstly select it in the XML document structure pane
in the dialog and the options on its right will be enabled for you to specify the settings.
The option Export this table indicates whether such table is to be exported. All tables, by
default, are to be exported. If you unselect the option for a table, the table and all its
related tables, which are the sub-elements of the elements for this table in the XML
document, are not to be exported.
The Element name box shows the default element name for the table, which is the name
of the table with all spaces replaced with underscore characters (_). You can use such box
to change the element name for such table. If XML namespaces have been defined in the
previous step, the Namespace prefix box is enabled for you to enter a namespace prefix
that must be pre-defined.
The Must have related records in the following child table(s) shows the child tables of
the current table and you can use this list to specify the child tables so that a record in the
current table is to be exported provided that it has related records in the specified child
If you update any setting of the above, click Update to update the settings.
Click the Attribute settings tab, the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 4.10.
Figure 4.10 The dialog for specifying the attribute settings for the selected table
In the dialog as shown in Figure 4.10, all attributes of the table are shown in the Attribute
settings table. In the table, each row represents a column in the current table. There are five
columns and their usages are:
Column name – The name of the column in the currently selected table.
Export – It indicates whether the values of such column are to be exported. If it is
selected, the column values are to be exported. Otherwise, the column values will not be
exported to the resultant XML document.
Type – There are two options provided for this column, either Attribute or Element. The
default option Attribute indicates that the values of such column are to be exported as an
element attribute. Otherwise, if you change it to Element, the value of such column is to
be exported a sub-element of the XML element. Once a column is specified to be
UXML User’s Guide
exported as sub-element, the list will be reordered so that the column becomes the last
row in the table with a sequence number assigned in the Sequence column.
Name – It is the attribute (or element) name to be used for exporting such column. By
default, it is the same as the column name with all spaces replaced with underscore
characters (_).
More – If a column is set to be exported as Element, you can click the ellipsis (…) of the
row to show the dialog as shown in Figure 4.11 to add a list of predefined attributes with
Figure 4.11 The dialog for adding a list of predefined attributes with values of the element
With the dialog as shown in Figure 4.11, you can specify an attribute name and the
corresponding fixed value in a row of the table. When you are satisfied with the list of
attributes with values, click OK to close the dialog.
Click the Condition(s) tab so that the dialog becomes the one as shown in Figure 4.12 to
specify the conditions for the current table.
Figure 4.12 The dialog for specifying the conditions for the table
Data Export/Import
The Column Name column shows all the columns of the current table and you can use the
Condition column to specify the condition for that table column. The format of specifying the
condition is the same as the dialog shown in Figure 4.6.
To update the settings for another table, you can select it in the XML document structure
pane and you can then change its settings. If you are satisfied with the settings for all tables,
click Next to proceed to the next step of the dialog.
Exporting XML documents with user-defined queries
If you select the option Getting records by specifying a query in the dialog as shown in
Figure 4.3 and click Next, the dialog as shown in Figure 4.13 will appear.
Figure 4.13 The step of the Export table(s) as XML for specifying a user-defined query for
getting the records to be exported
The dialog shown in Figure 4.13 enables you to specify the structure of the XML document to
be exported. The dialog initially denotes an XML document with root element only. You can
then click Add Child Element to create child elements to the root element and the dialog will
become the one as shown in Figure 4.14.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 4.14 The dialog for specifying a child element of the root element
Then, you can provide a name for the query and a query in the Query name and Query (SQL)
statement boxes respectively. The query to be provided can be any valid statement that can
obtain records from the relation database to be accessed, and the record data must be
sufficient to be exported to the XML document. Similarly, you can keep on adding child
element to any existing element shown in the XML document structure pane.
Click Next and the query statement you provided will be validated against the relational
database you specified earlier with the dialog, and you will be prompted with error message if
there is any error in the query. Otherwise, you will be prompted with the steps, as shown in
Figure 4.6 to Figure 4.12 that are mentioned in the section Exporting XML documents
without advanced data semantics, for you to specify namespace, XML document structures,
conditions of the XML document to be exported and the corresponding schema.
Specifying a password for the XML document
You can optionally specify a password to encrypt the XML document to be exported, so that
the document must be decrypted with the same password for processing its contents. It is
especially useful if you are going to store the XML document in a publicly accessible
directory or you have to send the document through an unsecured network, such as Internet.
The dialog as shown in Figure 4.15 enables you to specify the password to be used while you
are importing the XML document with UXML.
Data Export/Import
Figure 4.15 The dialog for specifying the password for encrypting the XML document to be
Specifying the schema to be generated
Otherwise, you can use the next step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog as shown in
Figure 4.16 to specify an optional schema, such as Data Type Definition (DTD) or XML
Schema, to be generated.
Figure 4.16 The step of the Export table(s) as XML dialog for specifying the schema to be
As shown in Figure 4.16, most options in the XML settings region and XML schema
settings regions are disabled for exporting XML document with advanced data semantics.
Otherwise, the options in the two regions are enabled for you to specify the settings.
You can use XML file to specify the file name of the XML document to be exported, and you
can click the Browse button on the right of the XML file box to specify such file.
UXML User’s Guide
In the XML schema settings region, you can specify the schema to be generated:
no associated schema – no schema is to be generated for the XML document to be
exported, it is the default option. This option is preferable if you just want to export an
XML document with the data.
XML with internal DTD – the schema in DTD format will be inserted to the exported
XML document.
XML with external DTD – the schema in DTD format will be exported as an external
DTD file and you can specify its file name with DTD file. You can click the Browse
button at the right of the DTD file to specify the DTD file as well. Besides, you can
specify the PUBLIC ID and SYSTEM ID with the PUBLIC ID and SYSTEM ID boxes
respectively, and the SYSTEM ID is by default the name of the external DTD file.
XML with external XSD – the schema in XML Schema format will be exported as an
external file and you can specify its file name with XSD file. Similarly, you can click the
Browse button at the right of the XSD file to specify the XSD file as well.
Select the View the generated file(s) on screen option so that the files are shown on the
screen after the files are exported.
Specifying a separated log file
Click Next and the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 4.17.
Figure 4.17 The dialog enabling the user to specify a separated log file
The dialog as shown in Figure 4.17 enables you to specify a separated log file to store the
operation messages, so that you can easily identify the messages from others.
Performing the operation and viewing the results
Click Next and you will be prompted the step for storing the operation settings. Please refer to
Chapter 6 for further details. On the dialog, click Finish to start the export process and a
progress dialog will appears that looks like the one as shown in Figure 4.18 and the XML
Viewer window as shown in Figure 4.19 will appear in the Working pane of UXML upon
the completion of the operations.
Data Export/Import
Figure 4.18 The progress dialog that appears while the XML document is exported
The Close and Send
buttons for closing and
sending the current XML
The tabs for the different
exported XML document.
The different pages for the
XML document, schema file
and the DTD Tree for a
particular exported XML
The contents of a particular
file according to the page
you select.
The Previous and Next
button for showing a
different section of the file
Figure 4.19 The XML Viewer window
The XML Viewer window can show the XML document, the schema file and a DTD Tree of
the XML document depends on the files you generated with the export operations. To show
the contents of another file or the DTD Tree, click the corresponding tab name at the top of
the window. Besides, the XML Viewer window can show more than one XML document at
the same time and you can click the tab for the XML document at the top of the window.
If the size of a file cannot be loaded entirely to the computer memory, the file is loaded and
shown section by section. As such, the Previous and Next buttons are enabled for you to
view the previous and next section of the file respectively.
Besides, there are two buttons, Close and Send, shown at the top of the window, for you to
close the pages for the current XML document and send the current XML document via web
services. For the details of sending XML documents via web services, please refer to Chapter
Visualizing XML document with XML Tree Model
The XML elements and hence the data in the exported XML documents may be complicated
that is hard to understand and visualize. In order to enable you to have a better understanding
of the XML document, UXML enables you to visualize an XML document based on its
corresponding DTD file. Therefore, if you export an XML document with external DTD file
as its schema, there will be a page with tab name DTD Tree shown that is similar to the one
shown in Figure 4.20.
UXML User’s Guide
The miniature of the DTD
Tree model
The complete DTD Tree
model of the XML
The Viewing
The scrollbars for scrolling
and viewing a different
region of the DTD tree
Figure 4.20 The DTD Tree page showing the DTD tree of an XML document based on its DTD
DTD tree model is an innovative way to visualize the structure and the relationships among
the XML elements in the XML document. The tree structure of the DTD tree model visualizes
the nested structure of the XML document and the circles on the diagram indicate the
occurrence indicators and the each rectangle represents a particular XML element type that
exists in the XML document. If there are linkages among the entities via ID/IDREF(S) type
attributes, dot arrows are drawn to indicate these relationships.
The DTD Tree page is divided into two panes that show the miniature and the entire DTD
tree model respectively. For the miniature, there is a red rectangle that indicates the Viewing
Region of the DTD tree model that is shown within the pane on the right. To view a different
region of the DTD tree model, you can either use the scrollbars at the bottom and at the right
of the right pane, or you can click on the miniature in the left pane so that the viewing region
of the DTD tree model shown in the right pane is scrolled to show the clicked position
immediately. Besides, if the left pane cannot accommodate the entire miniature, scrollbar(s)
will appear at the bottom and at the right respectively.
Besides, the entire DTD tree model shown on the right pane can be customized by moving the
rectangle for an entity by dragging it to a new position.
Importing XML documents to relational database
If you are given an XML document, especially one exported from UXML, a possible way to
handle such document is to import it to a relational database so that you can further
manipulate the contents stored in the XML document with the relational database tools that
you are familiar with.
To import an XML document to a relational database, you can either,
Select File > Import From XML from system menu, or
Click Import XML on the system toolbar
Data Export/Import
and the Import XML to database dialog will appear. The first step of the dialog enables you
to specify a setting file so that the operation details are obtained. Please refer to Chapter 6 for
further details. Click Next and the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 4.21.
Figure 4.21 The dialog for specifying the project or database settings to which the XML
document is to be imported
The dialog is divided into two regions, Source of settings and Database settings regions. If
you are going to import the XML document to the associated relational database of an
existing project, you can select the option Obtain settings from project and select the
desired project from the list the follows the option. Then, the settings of the desired relational
database will be shown in the Database settings region. Otherwise, you can select the option
Enter new database settings in the Source of settings region and the entries in the
Database settings region are enabled for you to specify the settings. The entries are exactly
the same to the user entries that you provided when you create a new project.
Click Next and the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 4.22 so that you can
specify the transaction option while importing the XML document.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 4.22 The dialog for specifying the transaction option
There are totally four transaction options which are,
Auto Commit for each record – Each database operation, including deriving batch ID
and inserting a record, is considered to be a single transaction. Failure in any single
database operation will not cause other operations, which are otherwise valid, to rollback.
For example, if a single element fails to be inserted to the database, other valid elements
will be inserted, provided that they do not violate other referential integrity constraints.
Transaction for each sub tree in XML document – each sub-tree under the root
element of the XML document is considered to be a transaction unit. That is, if there is
any failure in inserting any element in the sub-tree, all elements in the sub-tree will not be
inserted to the target database.
Transaction for entire XML document with batch ID – The tasks of getting batch ID
from the database and inserting records are all handled as a single transaction. As such, if
there is any failure in inserting the records, the operation of getting batch ID will be
rollbacked as well. As such, the batch ID that is rollbacked will most probably be retried
for the next import operation.
Transaction for entire XML document without batch ID – Importing an XML
document involves two major tasks, which are firstly getting an optional batch ID from
the database and subsequently actual insertions of the records. For this option, these two
tasks are considered to be two separated transactions. As the entire XML document is
inserted as a single transaction, if there is any error while inserting the records, all
elements will not be inserted. However, as the task of getting the batch ID is considered
to be a separated transaction, failure in inserting records for the corresponding XML
elements will not rollback the operation of getting the batch ID.
Select a particular option and click Next, the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure
Data Export/Import
Figure 4.23 The dialog for specifying the option for determining batch ID
You can assign a batch identity (ID) for every import operation, so that the ID is to be stored
in any column of any table or even multiple columns of more than one table in the target
database. As such, you can easily identify the sources of the records in the database. It is
especially useful if you are invoking UXML in script to be executed regularly. Select the
option Batch ID enabled, you can select one of the following approaches for deriving the
batch ID.
Timestamp – A textual representation of the time when the operation is performed is
considered to be the batch ID. Choose this option can provide a pattern for deriving the
textual representation while the import operation is carried out. The default pattern is year,
month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond. You can choose a suitable timestamp
pattern based on your own requirement. For example, if you are going to carry out the
import operation once a day, a pattern of year, month and day suffices.
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) – UXML can derive a Universal Unique Identifier
(UUID) that is unique at any time and by any machine. In other words, different UUID’s
will be derived by the same machine at different time instances and two machines will
derive different UUID’s even if they are deriving the UUID’s at the same time.
Execution of SQL statement(s) – The batch ID is obtained by executing a sequence of
SQL statements, which involves at least one SQL statement. It is expected that the last
SQL statement returns at least one records and the first field of the first record in the
query result is considered to be the batch ID.
UXML User’s Guide
The timestamp approach is suitable if you are using a single machine to import
XML documents to the same relational database. However, if you use multiple
copies of UXML to import XML documents to the relational database or the
date/time of the machine would be adjusted regularly, timestamp approach may
derive the same batch ID for different batch ID’s. As such, UUID approach is a
better choice.
Batch ID’s are determined by UXML for the above two approaches. The third
approach delegates the determination of batch ID’s to the target relational
database, so that there is a single source of batch ID’s. The sequence of SQL
statements must be valid with respect to the target database. You should notice
that if you choose this option and you specify the transaction option to be
Transaction for entire XML document with batch ID, you can only import
one XML document at any instance. It is because the operations of deriving
batch ID by the relational database in a transaction mostly block the same set of
Click Next and the dialog will become the one as shown in Figure 4.24.
Figure 4.24 The dialog for specifying the XML document to be imported
The Import XML to database dialog as shown in Figure 4.24 enables you to specify the
XML document to be imported. You can either enter the full path of the XML document to be
imported or click Browse… to show a file chooser as shown in Figure 4.25 to locate it. With
the file chooser, you can locate the desired XML document and click OK to close the dialog.
Then, the full path of the selected file will be shown in the XML File box.
Data Export/Import
Figure 4.25 The dialog for locating the XML document to be imported
After you have specified the XML document to be imported, click Next on the Import XML
to database dialog to proceed to the next step as shown in Figure 4.26.
Figure 4.26 The second step of the Import XML to database dialog for specifying the destination
relational database
If you are going to import an XML document that was encrypted with a password by UXML,
you can use the dialog as shown in Figure 4.26 to specify a password for decrypting the XML
document to be imported. You can firstly select the option Password Protected and then
specify the password in the Password box and re-enter it in the Password Again box. After
you have specified the settings, click Next on the dialog to proceed to the next step as shown
in Figure 4.27.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 4.27 The dialog showing the structure of the XML document and enable you to specify
the elements to be imported as column of their parent element
UXML will process the XML document to be imported for its structure. If a non-repeatable
element type does not embed any sub element but just text, it can be considered to be an
attribute (or column) of its parent element type (of the corresponding table). You can review
the details of each element type by clicking it in the XML Structure pane and the details will
be shown in the XML element details pane. For those element types that you think they are
just attributes of parent element types, select the corresponding As parent column check
boxes. If you are satisfied with the options, you can click Next to proceed to the next step as
shown in Figure 4.28.
Figure 4.28 The dialog for specifying the mappings between XML element types and tables in
the target database
The dialog as shown in Figure 4.28 enables you to specify the mapping of each element type
with a target table in the relational database. All element types in the XML document are
Data Export/Import
shown in the XML Elements pane. By default, all element types are to be skipped while
importing the XML document and you can select an element type by clicking it in the pane to
set the mapping by the pane on the right of the dialog.
After an XML element is selected, you can then choose a target table from the Target Table
list. Then, the structure of the selected table will be shown in the Element-column Mapping
pane, such as the one as shown in Figure 4.28.
Figure 4.29 The dialog after a target table is selected for a particular XML element type
By default, all columns are to be skipped and you have to specify their settings for the import
operation one by one. Click on the table and the Update Mapping pane will be shown as the
Figure 4.30 The dialog for specifying the import setting for a particular column
The Update Mapping pane is further divided into Column Details region and the Column
Action Mapping region. The Column Details region shows the details of the current column
UXML User’s Guide
and you can use the options shown in the Column Action Mapping region to specify the
import settings.
For each column, you can choose either one of the following options:
Skip – the column is skipped and no value is to be provided to the column while
importing the record. This option is only applicable to null-able column or column with
default values, especially the primary key of the table with automatic generated identity
Literal – a fixed value to be stored to the column. As such, the values of the column for
all records to be inserted are the same.
Batch ID – the value of the batch ID determined by a previous step will be stored to the
column. As such, records inserted by a single import operation will be the same, so that
you can identify the records in the table for each import operation.
Expression – a valid expression or a sequence of SQL statements so that the first column
value of the first record of the last SQL statement will be stored to the column. You have
to make sure the value is compatible with the column type.
XML Document – the values to be stored to the column of the records are obtained from
the XML document. You can specify an attribute of the corresponding element type by
select the first option in the XML Document region and use the corresponding list to
select an attribute, as illustrated in Figure 4.31. Besides, you can specify the source of the
value from a parent element of the current element by selecting the second option in the
XML Document region, and you can use the Column in RDB to select the source of the
values as a column of the corresponding table of its parent element or use the XML
Attributes list to select the attribute of its parent element to be the source of value for the
Figure 4.31 The list in the XML document region for specifying the attribute of the XML
element from which values are obtained to be stored to the column
After you have specified the setting for a column, you can click Update to confirm the
changes, or you can click Cancel otherwise. In either case, the dialog will show the Elementcolumn mapping pane again. Besides, you can use the Next and Previous button to navigate
to the next and previous column of the table respectively, so that you can set their settings.
Data Export/Import
When you navigate to other columns, the settings of the current column will be stored
Specifying the settings for all columns can be tedious. If you are going to store an element
type to a table with the same and with columns named identically to the element attribute, you
can simply click Default Table and the table will be selected and the column import settings
are determined automatically. Furthermore, you can click All Default at the bottom-left
corner of the dialog so that default tables with default settings are to be specified for all
element types in the XML document.
If you found that there is no suitable table for storing XML elements, you can create a new
table right away by clicking New Table, so that you can specify the settings with the new
After you have specified all import settings, click Next to the next step for specifying a
separated log file for each import operation, which is similar to the export operation. Then,
you can click Next on the dialog to navigate to the next step of the dialog for saving the
operation settings. Finally, click Finish and the import operation will be carried out
immediately and dialog will be shown notifying you the operation result.
You can see that importing an XML document to a relational database may not
already succeed, and some of the involved operation may fail. The approach
adopted by UXML is that all operations are performed sequentially no matter
some operations cause problems or not.
In future release of UXML, options will be provided to fine tune the import
operation so that you can have an even better control of it.
& $$' &
Extensible Markup Language (XML) has been the de facto standard of storing structured data
in the era of Internet. Its simplicity and extensibility makes it the ideal format for data storage,
transformation and transmission. On the other hand, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
brings about the success of the World Wide Web (WWW). Since its introduction, more and
more information has been made available via HTTP. Web pages written in HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) obtained from web servers via HTTP are rendered by web
browsers so that they are human readable.
Even web pages written in HTML are quite similar to XML and web designers can use
XHTML, which is an XML application dedicated to web pages, to compose web pages, the
contents of the web pages are mostly for presentation purposes, such as for typeface styles
and the layout of text and pictures. There is currently no standard approach to extract data
from web pages, and web services standard was introduced as an alternative.
Web Services
HTTP is the most welcome communication protocol for obtaining information in various
formats between different parties and in a heterogeneous computational environment.
Furthermore, corporate firewalls are mostly by default allowing network connections via
HTTP. With HTTP, it is possible for two application software to talk with each other by
tailor-made request/response contents. However, such approach is proprietary which is not
preferable, especially due to the fact that there is a well-defined standard out there.
If the contents of web pages are purely XML documents that contain no formatting or
presentation data, the embedded data are ready to be processed by usual software application,
and such approach is know as web services. In order to further standardize the format of the
XML document contents, a set of XML vocabularies has been introduced and it is known as
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
SOAP enables a software application to invoke another software application via HTTP and
the data transmitted on the line are in XML format. Furthermore, the standard SOAP with
Attachment enables supplementary data, even in non-XML format, to be sent.
The support of Web Services by UXML
UXML (non-education versions) can send XML documents to a web services server via
SOAP with Attachment. Besides, UXML can embed a web services server that can natively
retrieve the attached XML document and store the data to a relational database. Therefore, if
both the sender side and the recipient side are running a copy of UXML, records stored in the
source relational database at the sender side can be replicated to the target relational database
at the recipient side via web services. Since the exported data are in XML format and UXML
can handle the data types properly, it makes heterogeneous database replication possible. The
Data communication with Web Services
typical scenario of using UXML for replicating database via web services is illustrated in
Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1
The application of UXML for replicating database via web services
The sequence of operations involved in the replication process illustrated in Figure 5.1 is:
1. The UXML running on the recipient side firstly starts the web services server that
associates with the target database and some settings are pre-defined. Then, a Universal
Resource Locator (URL) will be determined by UXML for sending XML documents via
web services.
2. The UXML running on the sender side exports the necessary data from the source
database as an XML document.
3. Based on the URL of the web services running on the recipient side, the sender side
UXML prepares the SOAP message with the exported XML document as attachment and
sends it to the web services server at the recipient side.
4. The SOAP message will (and mostly has to) pass through the firewalls running on both
the sender and recipient sides. If necessary, Virtual Private Network (VPN) or Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) can be used to provide a secure network communication on the way
via the Internet so that the data will be neither tampered nor read by unauthorized parties.
5. Once the recipient side web services server receives the XML document, the document is
firstly stored in its secondary storage, such as the computer drive. Then, the data stored in
the XML document will be extracted and are stored to its associated database according
to the pre-defined settings. During the process of storing the records, errors may occur
and are recorded by the UXML running on the recipient side.
6. After the entire XML document are processed by the UXML running on receiver side, all
collected error messages are stored in a SOAP reply message and is sent back to the
UXML running on the sender side.
7. Based on the SOAP reply message, the UXML running on the sender side will show the
end user the results of sending the exported XML document.
UXML User’s Guide
The web services server running on the recipient side can support more than one sender
simultaneously with different settings, such as the associated database and the import settings.
The scalability is only limited by the resources of the machine running the UXML, such as its
memory and its network connections with the Internet and the associated database servers.
Starting a web services server
The web services server is responsible for listening to the web services requests, which is
structured according to the SOAP specification, sent from UXML or other web services
enabled software applications. Provided that the messages adhere to the standard specified by
SOAP with Attachment and the attachment is a valid XML document, the web services server
will extract and handle the XML document from the SOAP message accordingly. UXML can
extract the data from the XML document and import them to the corresponding tables in the
desired relational database and the entire XML documents to a native XML database server.
To start a new web services server, select Tools > Start XML Receiver from the system
menu or click Start XML Receiver on the system toolbar, and a dialog as shown in Figure
5.2 will appear.
Figure 5.2
The first step of the New XML receiver dialog for specifying the network settings
In the dialog as shown in Figure 5.2, the first step is to specify the information for the URL of
the web services server, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address, port number and a
context name. As a computer can associate with more than one IP address, you can instruct
the web services server to listen to one of the address or all IP addresses of the machine.
By default, the option (All addresses) is chosen in the IP address(es) to listen list indicating
that the server will listen to all IP addresses of the machine.
You can use the Port number box to specify the port number the web services server is
listening. The default port number for HTTP is 80 but such port number is most probably
reserved. Therefore, a default port number 8000 is specified here.
Data communication with Web Services
You can choose any integer ranged from 1 to 65535 as the server port number,
provided that:
1. the port number is not currently used by another process running on the same
machine, and
2. the firewall running on the firewall and your machine, if any, must allow that
network connection to such port of your machine, and
3. For UNIX clone (and Linux), port numbers less than 1024 are reserved and
you must executing UXML with root privilege if you want to use any one of
them for the web services server.
You can further specify a context name by the Context name box and the default one is just
/ which is the root context.
If the context name is /, which is for the root context, the URL of the server will be:
Otherwise, the URL of the server will be:
Click Next to proceed to the next step as shown in Figure 5.3 for specifying the database
server for storing the data derived from the XML documents to be received by the server.
Figure 5.3
The second step of the New XML receiver dialog for specifying the database settings
For the second step of the New XML receiver dialog, options are provided enabling you to
specify the database settings to be used for importing the data obtained from the received
XML document via web services. The User entry pane is divided into two regions, the
Source of settings and the Database settings regions that are at the top and at the bottom of
the User entry pane respectively.
If you want to use the database settings of an existing project, that is you are going to store
the data derived from the received XML document to the associated relational database of that
project, you can select the project name from the Obtain settings from project list and the
corresponding database settings will be shown in the Database settings pane.
UXML User’s Guide
On the other hand, you can specify new database settings for the relational database to which
the derived data from the XML document to be received are stored. If so, select Enter new
database settings in the Source of settings region and the entries in the Database settings
region will be enabled for you to specify the database settings, which are similar to the
necessary database settings when you create a new project.
Click Next and the dialog will verify the database settings to make sure the database server is
accessible and next step of the dialog as shown in Figure 5.4 will appear. Otherwise, a dialog
with error messages will be shown.
Figure 5.4
The third step of the New XML receiver dialog for specifying a DTD that can valid
the XML documents to be received
As the web services server is opened to receive any SOAP message, which embeds an
arbitrary XML document or even non-XML document, it is necessary to specify a schema of
the XML document, which is a Document Type Definition (DTD), that the server can handle
and the XML document will only be processed if the XML document is valid with respect to
Enter the file name of the DTD file in the DTD File box or you can click Browse… to show a
file chooser dialog for you to locate the desired DTD file. Select the desired DTD file with the
file chooser and click OK to close it. After the DTD file is specified, click Next to proceed to
the next step as shown in Figure 5.5.
Data communication with Web Services
Figure 5.5
The fourth step of the New XML receiver dialog that shows the necessary tables for
storing the data with their current status and action to be performed
Based on the DTD, the XML element types that may exist in the XML document to be
received are determined, and UXML will verify whether the existences of the corresponding
tables in the specified database. Then, the dialog as shown in Figure 5.5 shows all the
necessary tables based on the XML element types specified in the DTD file for you to specify
the action to be performed on them. There are four possible actions from which you can
choose for each table.
All elements of such element type are skipped. No tables will be
created and no records are inserted to the database.
Create temp
For every received XML document, a new temporary table will be
created and all elements of such type will be inserted to the newly
created table.
Create if not
Upon the recipient of an XML document, a new table will be created
if no corresponding table exists. Then, no matter the table is newly
created or originally existing, all elements of such element type will be
inserted to the table.
Create if not
Upon the recipient of an XML document, a new table will be created
if no corresponding table exists. If the table originally exists, all
existing records are firstly removed and all elements of such element
type will be inserted to the table then.
Specify the actions for different tables and when you are satisfied with your entries, click
Next to proceed to the next step of the dialog.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 5.6
The fifth step of the New XML receiver dialog for specifying the structures of the
necessary tables to be created
If you specify some tables are to be created in the previous step as shown in Figure 5.5, the
dialog as shown in Figure 5.6 will appear for you to customize the table structures. On the
other hand, the dialog will be skipped if no tables are to be created specified by the previous
The DTD not only can be used to validate the XML documents to be received and handled,
but also can be used to derive the necessary tables and columns for storing the XML elements
defined in the received XML documents. The methodologies are:
For each XML element type with at least one attribute, a table in the target relational
database with the same name is the corresponding table for storing all instances of
such XML element type.
For each attribute defined for a particular XML element type, a column with the same
name of the corresponding table is the column for storing the attribute values of the
XML elements.
The corresponding column is nullable if the attribute is optional or non-nullable
otherwise (which correspond to #IMPLIED and #REQUIERD specified for an
attribute respectively).
As all data stored in an XML document is in textual format, all column types are by
default text or VARCHAR that is supported by most relational database.
Since it is not possible to specify the maximum attribute length with DTD, the default
column sizes for all are 255.
For example, regarding the following DTD,
<!ATTLIST My_Table
the following table structure will be derived,
Data communication with Web Services
Field_1 VARCHAR(255),
You can find all the tables that are to be created in the previous step in the Table list. Select a
table from the list, the default table structure to be created is shown in the Table structure
table and the following settings can be specified.
Name – the column name to be created.
Key – the corresponding column is one of the columns of the primary key of the table
if it is selected.
Type – the type of the data to be stored in such column and the possible data types
are DATE, DATETIME, NUMERIC and VARCHAR. The default data type is
Size – the column size and the default is 255.
Digit – the number of digits to be used for the fractional part if the column type is
Nullable – the column can contain NULL value if it is selected. Otherwise, the
column is non-nullable and XML elements with the corresponding attribute missing
cannot be inserted into the corresponding table.
Pattern – If the type of a field is set to be DATE or DATETIME, you can specify a
Pattern so that the attribute value are parsed according for the actual date/time. For
example, you can enter dd/MM/yyyy as the pattern for parsing date values, so that
01/12/2005 will be handled as December 1, 2005 and is inserted to such field of the
After you are satisfied with the structure for a table, you can select another table in the Table
list to set the structure for that table. If you are satisfied with all table structures, click Next to
proceed to the next step of the dialog as shown in Figure 5.7.
Figure 5.7
The sixth step of the New XML Receiver dialog for specifying a native XML
database for storing the received XML documents
UXML User’s Guide
You can specify a native XML database in the dialog as shown in Figure 5.7 that can be used
to store all XML documents received by the web services server. To specify a XML database
server, you have to firstly select the option Store received XML document and the other
entries are enabled for you to specify the settings, which are:
Server type – the XML database server type. For instance, only the Tamino XML
database server by Software AG is supported.
Host/IP Address – the host name or the IP address of the machine that hosts the
XML database server.
Database – the name of the database for storing the received XML documents.
Collection – the name of the collection to which the received XML documents are
If you specify to store the XML documents with a native XML database server and you are
satisfied with the specified settings, click Next to proceed to the last step of the dialog as
shown in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.8
The last step of the New XML receiver dialog for you to confirm the properties of
the web services server to be started
If you are satisfied with the settings shown in the dialog as in Figure 5.8, click Finish and the
web services server will be started accordingly. UXML shows you a dialog, which looks like
the one as shown in Figure 5.9, telling you the URL of the web services server if the server
starts successfully.
Figure 5.9
The dialog showing the web services server has been started with the URL for
receiving XML document via web services
Data communication with Web Services
Otherwise, a dialog with error messages will appear telling you the cause of the failure in
starting the server. Based on the error messages, you can repeat the above steps with
corresponding settings adjusted accordingly. As the error messages may due to network
problem or database problem, it may be difficult for you to figure out the actual cause. In such
case, please contact our support team with detailed error messages for assistance.
Once an embedded web services server is started, the Server Message pane as shown in
Figure 5.10 will appear showing the messages generated by the web services server for
handling incoming XML documents.
Server Message pane
Figure 5.10 The Server Message pane is shown after a web services server is started
Whenever the web services server receives an XML document via web services, a message is
shown in the Server Message pane. If you want to investigate the details of the message, you
can highlight the message for handling a particular received XML document in the table and
click Details, the XML Receiver Operation Log dialog as shown in Figure 5.11 will appear.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 5.11 The XML Receiver Operation Log dialog showing the details for handling a
particular received XML document
To show the cause of a particular error message, you can either
double-clicking a particular error message in the table, or
select a particular error message by clicking it and click Show Details
the Details page of the dialog as shown in Figure 5.12 will be shown showing the cause of the
selected error message.
Data communication with Web Services
Figure 5.12 The dialog showing the cause of a particular error message
At any time when a web services server is up and running, you can review its settings by
clicking Properties in the Server Message pane and the XML Receiver Properties dialog
as shown in Figure 5.13, which is pretty much the same as the one shown in Figure 5.8, will
Figure 5.13 The XML Receiver Properties dialog
Multiple web services servers
UXML can host more than one web services servers with different settings and associating
with different databases. As such, you can run a single copy of UXML for replicating the
records to different target databases at the recipient side. However, you have to make sure
UXML User’s Guide
each web services server is listening to a different network port (and hence different port
number) of the machine. Otherwise, starting the second web services server for a used
network port will prompt you with a dialog containing some error messages.
Starting a web services server for a particular port number will add a new tabbed page named
Port: <Port Number> in the web services Server Message pane for that web services server.
Stopping a web services server
A web services server survives as long as UXML is running, and you can explicitly terminate
it. For example, if you want to start another web services server to listen to a currently used
port number or importing received XML document data to another relational database, you
have to firstly stop such web services server.
To stop a particular web services server, you have to firstly identify the web services server
by clicking the tab name in the web services Server Message Pane for the web services
server to be terminated. For example, to stop the web services server associated with port
number 8000, you have to firstly select the tab named Port: 8000 by clicking the tab name.
Then, click Stop at the lower-right corner of the Server Message Pane to terminate the server
explicitly. Once a web services server is stopped, the port number it used will be now
available to be used by another web services server to be started.
Sending XML document via web services
Creating an XML document by exporting records from a relational database with UXML, the
document will be shown in the XML Viewer.
In the XML Viewer Window as shown in Figure 5.14, you can click Send to show the dialog
as shown in Figure 5.15 for sending the XML document to the desired web services server.
The Send buttons for
sending the current XML
Figure 5.14 The Send button on the XML Viewer Window for sending the current XML
document via web services
Data communication with Web Services
Figure 5.15 The Send XML via HTTP dialog for sending the current XML document via web
In the dialog as shown in Figure 5.15, you can specify the IP address, port number and
context name of the web services server to which the XML document to be sent. The IP
address, port number and the context name can be derived based on the URL of the web
services server for receiving an XML document in the format:
http://IpAddress:PortNumber/ContextName /receiveXML
Once the settings are specified, click Finish to send the XML document shown in the XML
Viewer. On return, a Result of sending XML document dialog will appear showing whether
errors occurred while updating the target database. For example, the dialogs shown in Figure
5.16 and Figure 5.17 will appear for the cases with and without error messages respectively.
UXML User’s Guide
Figure 5.16 The dialog for showing the error messages generated and returned by the recipient
web services server
Figure 5.17 The dialog showing no errors were encountered for handling the sent XML
document by the recipient web services server
If a dialog as shown in Figure 5.16 appears providing you the list of errors that were
encountered by the web services server at the recipient side, you can select a particular error
message in the table by clicking it and click Show Details or simply double-clicking it to
show the cause of such error, as shown in Figure 5.18.
Data communication with Web Services
Figure 5.18 The cause of an error message on the Details page
The web services server will keep on handling the XML document it receives via web
services. Therefore, you can continue to send other XML documents to the same web services
server or another one started by another UXML running at another recipient side probably
with a different set of web services server settings.
As UXML is a feature rich and powerful software application, it enables you to control the
every detail of the operation at the expense that you have to provide the entries one by one,
especially for those operations that are started with a dialog. If these operations with the same
setting are performed over and over again, it is both time-consuming and error prone to
specify those operation settings every time the operation is performed.
In view of these, for some operations that you may perform repeatedly, UXML enables you to
save the settings for an operation to a setting file, so that you can load the file to execute
exactly the same operation without specifying the settings again. For instance, the following
is a list of operations that enable you to store the settings.
Export relational databases as XML documents
Import XML documents to relational databases
Start XML Receiver
Further operations may support loading and saving operation settings in newer version of
UXML according to the feedbacks from the end-users. Please contact our customer services
telling us the operations that you want to perform repeatedly with stored operation settings.
Saving the operating settings
For the operations that support setting storage and retrieval, the last step of the dialog will be
the one as shown in Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1
The dialog for storing the operation settings
Operation settings
To save the settings that you specify (other than the settings you provided for the first step if
the first step is to load operation setting from a setting file), select the option Save operation
settings to file and the Setting file box will be enable for you to specify the target setting file
to be created. Besides, you can click Browse… to show a file chooser dialog to specify the
target setting file.
After you specify the setting file, click Finish and all operation settings are stored to the
specified setting file and the operation will be performed accordingly.
Loading the operation settings
For the operations that support loading existing operation settings from setting file, the first
step of the dialog will be the one as shown in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2
The dialog for loading the operation settings
If you want to perform the operation with new settings, select the Specify new settings option,
which is the default one, and click Next to start specifying the new settings. Otherwise, select
the Load settings from file option and you can then use the Setting file box to specify an
existing setting file, or you can click Browse… to locate the setting file. You should make
sure that the setting file is dedicated to the operation you are going to perform.
If you want to perform the operation with the settings stored in the setting file, select Skip
customization option and click Next will perform the operation right away. Otherwise, you
can use the subsequent steps of the dialog to fine tune the operation settings. For the details of
the subsequent steps, please refer to the corresponding chapter in this User’s Guide.
If you want to amend the settings stored in a setting file, you can load the
settings from the file with the first step of the dialog. Then, you can use the
subsequent steps to change the settings. Finally, you can use the last step of the
dialog to store the settings to the same setting file or a new one.
One-to-one relationship
Rule: A foreign key of a child table addresses to a primary key of a parent table in
one-to-one occurrence.
• A parent table consists of a primary key that is addressed by a child table in a
• A child table consists of a foreign key that addresses to a primary key of a parent
table in a relationship.
• A primary key is an attribute (column) that uniquely identifies a tuple (row) in a
• A foreign key is an attribute addressing to a primary key in another table. A data
occurrence is a tuple in a table.
Each patient must have one and only one medical record folder.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.1 One-to-One Cardinality
Relational Model:
Relation Patient (HKID, Patient_Name)
Relation Medical_Record_Folder (Folder_No, Location, *HKID)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Data Semantics
One-to-many relationship
Rule: A primary key of a parent table is addressed by many foreign keys of child
tables in one to many occurrences.
• A parent table consists of a primary key that is addressed by a child table in a
• A child table consists of a foreign key that addresses to a primary key of a parent
table in a relationship.
• A primary key is an attribute (column) that uniquely identifies a tuple (row) in a
• A foreign key is an attribute addressing to a primary key in another table.
• A data occurrence is a tuple in a table.
A director directs many movies.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.2 One-to-many cardinality
Relational Model:
Relation Director (Director_Name, Age)
Relation Movies (Movie_Name, Sales_Volume, *Director_Name)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Many-to-many relationship
Rule: A primary key of a parent table is addressed by many foreign keys of child
tables in one to many occurrence and vice versa. These two tables are in many to
many cardinality.
• A parent table consists of a primary key that is addressed by a child table in a
• A child table consists of a foreign key that addresses to a parent table in a
UXML User’s Guide
A primary key is an attribute (column) that uniquely identifies a tuple (row) in a
A foreign key is an attribute addressing to a primary key in another table.
A data occurrence is a tuple in a table.
The component of the primary key of a relationship relation of two tables in m: n
cardinality must address to the primary key of each one of the two tables.
Many students take many courses such that a student can take many courses and a
course can be taken by many students.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.3 Many-to-many cardinality
Relational Model:
Relation Student (Student_ID, Student_Name)
Relation Course (Course_ID, Course_Name)
Relation Take (*Student_ID, *Course_ID)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
ISA (Subtype) relationship
Rule: A sub-class table is a (ISA) super-class table such that the data occurrence of a
sub-class table is a subset of its super-class table.
• The data occurrences of a subset table reside in its super-class table.
• A super-class table consists of the data occurrences of all its sub-class tables.
• The sub-class table consists of a “dual” (primary and foreign) key addressing to its
super-class table.
Father is Male.
Data Semantics
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.4 Is-a relationship
Relational Model:
Relation Male (Name, Height)
Relation Father (*Name, Birth_Date)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Disjoint Generalization
Rule: Two sub-class tables are in disjoint generalization provided that all of their data
occurrences are mutual exclusive with each other, which are subset of a common
super-class table.
• The data occurrences of a subset table reside in its super-class table.
• A super-class table consists of the data occurrences of all its sub-class tables.
• The sub-class table consists of a “dual” (primary and foreign) key addressing to its
super-class table.
• Two sub-class tables are mutual exclusive if their tuples are not duplicated in each
A refugee and a non-refugee can both be a boat person, but a refugee cannot be a nonrefugee and vice versa.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.5 Disjoint Generalization
UXML User’s Guide
Relational Model:
Relation Boat_Person (Name, Birth_Date, Birth_Place)
Relation Refugee (*Name, Open_Center)
Relation Non_refugee (*Name, Detention_Center)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Overlap Generalization
Rule: Two sub-class tables are in overlap generalization provided that all of their data
occurrences are inclusive with each other, and they are subset of a common superclass table.
• The data occurrences of a subset table reside in its super-class table.
• A super-class table consists of the data occurrences of all its sub-class tables.
• The sub-class table consists of a “dual” (primary and foreign) key addressing to its
super-class table.
• Two sub-class tables are inclusive if their tuples can be duplicated in each other.
A computer programmer and a system analyst can both be a computer professional,
and a computer programmer can also be a system analyst and vice versa.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.6 Overlap Generaliation
Relational Model:
Relation Computer_Professional (Employee_ID, Salary)
Relation Computer_Programmer (*Employee_ID, Language_Skill)
Relation System_Analyst (*Employee_ID, Application_System)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Categorization Relationship
Rule: A sub-class table is a subset of a categorization of its super-class tables.
A sub-class table is a subset of a union super-class tables such that the data
occurrence of a sub-class table must appear in one and only one super-class table.
Data Semantics
A patient record borrower can be a department, a doctor or a hospital.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.7 Categorization Relationship
Relational Model:
Relation Department (Borrower_Card, Department_ID)
Relation Doctor (Borrower_Card, Doctor_Name)
Relation Hospital (Borrower_Card, Hospital_Name)
Relation Borrower (*Borrower_Card, Return_Date, File_ID)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Aggregation Relationship
Rule: An aggregation table must consist of multiple component tables.
• A tuple of an aggregation table must consist of the tuples of its component tables.
• The component of the primary key of an aggregation table is also a foreign key
addressing to the primary key of its component tables.
The process of a student taking a course can form a composite entity (aggregation)
that may be graded by an instructor if the student completes the course.
UXML User’s Guide
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.8 Aggregation relationship
Relational Model:
Relation Student (Student_No, Student_Name)
Relation Course (Course_No, Course_Name)
Relation Takes (*Student_No, *Course_No, *Instructor_Name)
Relation Instructor (Instructor_Name, Department)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Total Participation
Rule: A child table is in total participation with a parent table provided that all data
occurrences of the child table must participate in a relationship with the parent table.
A foreign key of a child table in total participation must address to the primary key of
its parent table and cannot be a null value.
An employee must be hired by a department.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A. 9 Total Participation
Data Semantics
Relational Model:
Relation Department (Department_ID, Department_Name)
Relation Employee (Employee_No, Employee_Name, *Department_ID)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
Partial Participation
Rule: A child table is in partial participation with a parent table provided that the data
occurrences of the child table are not totally participate in a relationship with the
parent table.
A foreign key of a child table in partial participation must address to the primary key
of its parent table and can be a null value.
An employee may be hired by a department.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.10 Partial Participation
Relational Model:
Relation Department (Department_ID, Department_Name)
Relation Employee (Employee_No, Employee_Name, &Department_ID)
where underlined are primary keys and “&” prefixed are foreign keys that can be null
Weak Entity
Rule: The existence of a weak entity depends on its strong entity.
A weak entity depends on its strong entity such that the primary key of the weak
entity is also a foreign key addressing to the primary key of its strong entity, and
cannot be a null value.
A hotel room must concatenate hotel name for identification.
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
UXML User’s Guide
Figure A. 11 Relationship between Strong and Weak Entities
Relational Model:
Relation Hotel (Hotel_Name, Ranking)
Relation Room (*Hotel_Name, Room_No, Room_Size)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys
N-ary Relationship
Rule: Mulitple tables relate to each other in an n-ary relationship.
An n-ary relationship is a relationship relation for multiple tables such that
components of the former’s compound primary key addressing to the primary key of
the latter which are related to each other.
Employees use a wide range of different skills on each project they are associated
Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:
Figure A.12 N-ary Relationship
Relational Model:
Relation Engineer (Employee_ID, Employee_Name)
Relation Skill (Skill_Name, Years_Experience)
Data Semantics
Relation Project (Project_ID, Start_Date, End_Date)
Relation Skill_Used (*Employee_ID, *Skill_Name, *Project_ID)
where underlined are primary keys and “*” prefixed are foreign keys