Spanish 3B


Spanish 3B
Examination for Acceleration/Credit by Exam Study Guide
This EA/CBE Study Guide can help you prepare for the exam by giving you an idea of
what you need to study, review, and learn. To succeed, you should be thoroughly familiar
with the subject matter before you attempt to take the exam.
Every item that appears on the EA/CBE is grounded in the knowledge and skills
statements and student expectations within the state-mandated standards, the Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). It should be noted that the exam will not test
every student expectation. However, it is important that students study and know the
entire scope of the TEKS so that they can develop a complete understanding of the
content. The EA/CBEs are global exams grounded in the TEKS and are not designed to
be a final exam for The University of Texas High School courses. You can view the
TEKS for this exam online at Since items are not taken
from any one source, you can prepare by reviewing any of the state-adopted textbooks.
About the Exam
The EA/CBE consists of the following:
Part 1: Listening Comprehension, 10 selected response items, 10 points
Part 2: Speaking, 5 short answer items, 20 points
Part 3: Grammar & Vocabulary, 40 multiple-choice questions, 40 points
Part 4: Reading, 10 multiple-choice items, 10 points
Part 5: Writing, 10 short-answer items, 20 points
You will be allowed 3 hours to take the exam.
A computer-graded answer sheet is provided, and a #2 pencil is required. For the audio
portions of the exam, you have the following options:
Online Audio: Testing site provides computer with Internet access and headset
with microphone.
Tape Recorder Method: Testing site provides exam tape and tape player.
Student provides blank tape.
CD Method: Testing site provides exam CD and listening/recording device.
Student provides blank, recordable CD.
The University of Texas at Austin
Division of Continuing & Innovative Education
K-16 Education Center
SPN 3B 41956
Study Guide
Concepts and Objectives
This list may not refer to all the material that will be on the exam. This list only provides
additional information for some of the student expectations tested in the Spanish 3,
Second Semester. Ultimately, you should use the TEKS to guide your exam preparation.
Talk about events in the past (imperfect vs. preterite)
Know phrases used in telling stories
Talk about careers and professions
Talk about plans for the future (future tense)
Talk about skills and abilities needed to get a job
Understand job classified ads
Talk about opportunities for volunteer work
Talk about community services
Talk about rights and responsibilities in school
Talk about rights and responsibilities at home
Talk about the role of government
Talk about the law system
Talk about equality and injustice
Use direct and indirect object pronouns together
Use the present perfect
Use the past perfect
Use the present perfect subjunctive
Use the present subjunctive when there is uncertainty used for the present tense
Use the imperfect subjunctive when there is uncertainty used for the past tense
Use the imperfect subjunctive with si
Use the conditional tense
The University of Texas at Austin
Division of Continuing & Innovative Education
K-16 Education Center
SPN 3B 41956
Study Guide
Sample Items
These sample items will give you a better idea of the types of items you can expect on the
EA/CBE. These are provided to illustrate the format of the exam. They are not the actual
exam. In order to be successful on the exam, you must study the TEKS and all of the
concepts previously listed.
Part 1: Listening Comprehension
You will listen to several recorded conversations in Spanish and answer items about each
conversation. After hearing a conversation, you may have items similar to the following
Listen to the interviews of each student to find out if the job is (A) part-time or (B) fulltime. You will hear each interview twice.
1. Enrique
A. Part-time
B. Full-time
Part 2: Speaking
You will record your answers to several items. Your grade will be based on vocabulary
usage, sentence structure, and noun, adjective, and verb agreement. You may have items
similar to the following one.
1. ¿Qué esperas que pase este año que viene?
Part 3: Grammar & Vocabulary
You will answer a variety of multiple choice items in Spanish. You may have items
similar to the following one.
1. En el futuro ella __________ a hacer investigaciones científicas.
A. se dedicó
B. se dedicará
C. se dedique
D. se dedicaba
The University of Texas at Austin
Division of Continuing & Innovative Education
K-16 Education Center
SPN 3B 41956
Study Guide
Part 4: Reading
You will read several writings in Spanish and answer items about each piece. You may
have items similar to the following one.
Read these articles about the opinions of famous people that fight for the rights of others.
Then, decide if the following statements are true or false.
El Dr. Vicente Amado, famoso médico veterinario, asegura que los derechos de los
animales domésticos, como los gatos y los perros, siempre son violados por los seres
humanos. Él insiste que es injusto que maltratemos a nuestros animales como lo
hacemos. Dice, por ejemplo, que los animales tienen que esperar a que les demos agua y
comida porque no tienen la libertad de buscar sus alimentos ellos mismos. Desde el
punto de vista del Dr. Amado, esto es un abuso y es necesario que tratemos a nuestros
animales con respeto y compasión.
1. El veterinario cree que los animales sufren porque no jugamos con ellos.
A. True
B. False
Part 5: Writing
You will answer several items in Spanish using complete sentences. Your grade will be
based on spelling, sentence structure, and noun, adjective, and verb agreement. You may
have items similar to the following one.
Answer the following question in Spanish and in a complete sentence.
1. ¿Dónde estarás dentro de 20 años?
The University of Texas at Austin
Division of Continuing & Innovative Education
K-16 Education Center