Compile MS Access Pertemuan 18 Matakuliah : F0712 / Lab MS Access Tahun

Matakuliah : F0712 / Lab MS Access
: 2007
Compile MS Access
Pertemuan 18
Getting Ready for the Backup
Bina Nusantara
Open the Database
Close all database objects
Select Back Up Database
Choose a Backup File Name
Click the Save Button
Converting a Microsoft Access
Database to an MDE File:
• The situation may arise when you quickly need to
secure and distribute a Microsoft Access database
that also contains Microsoft Access VBA code. You
will protect the database from editing by
restricting the database users access to the design
views, however you will need to allow the users to
process their data as normal.
Bina Nusantara
Converting a Microsoft Access Database to
an MDE File:
• It may be that you haven't got the time to fully
create Microsoft Access User Accounts or to set
Microsoft Access Security Permissions. By knowing
what can and cannot be done by using the
Microsoft Access MDE file format, will allow you to
make a decision and to quickly release a secure
database to the users.
Bina Nusantara
Microsoft Access
MDE File Format
• The MDE file format is a special extension of the
standard Microsoft Access MDB format, and is used
to distribute an application. An MDE file compiles
all of the modules, removes all editable source
code and compacts the database. The resulting
MDE file allows the database users to perform
normal database operations, however it prohibits
any changes from being made to the objects that
support, or the code that runs the application.
Bina Nusantara
Bina Nusantara
Benefits of an MDE File
• There are various benefits to be had by creating and distributing the
database as an MDE file:
• Reducing the size of the database - the size of the database will be
reduced due to the removal of the code, so memory usage is
optimized, which will improve performance.
• Allowing VBA code to run, but protection from the code being
viewed or edited.
• Security of objects without requiring additional Microsoft Access
user-level security to be set.
• Allowing database users to update data and run reporting options
without having to provide the full database.
Bina Nusantara
Forms and Reports in an MDE File
• By converting your Microsoft Access database into an MDE file you will
prevent your database users from tampering with your VBA code.
When a user accesses an MDE file, they cannot:
• View, modify or create Microsoft Access forms in design view.
• View, modify or create Microsoft Access reports in design view.
• View, modify or create Microsoft Access modules in design view.
• Add, delete or change references to databases or to object libraries.
• Change any VBA code - there is no source code available.
• Import or export any forms, reports or code modules.
Bina Nusantara
MDE File Requirements
• There are some requirements to saving your Microsoft Access MDB
file as a Microsoft Access MDE file, and the following conditions
• You must have password access to the Visual Basic code in the
• You must save all references to other Microsoft Access databases.
• You must have removed replication from a replicated database.
• If you want to remove user-level security options, you must do so
prior to converting the file to the MDE format.
• If your database does have user-level security and you do need to
preserve this, you must do:
Bina Nusantara
MDE File Requirements
• Be a member of the workgroup that defines the user
accounts used to access the database, or that was in use
when the database was created.
• Have Open/Run and Open Exclusive permissions for the
• Have Modify Design or Administer permissions for any
tables in the database, or be the owner of any of the
tables in the database.
• Have Read Design permissions for all objects in the
Bina Nusantara
How to Convert a Microsoft Access Database to
an MDE File
• Once you have determined that you meet the
above criteria for converting an Access
database in MDB format to the MDE format, it
is a simple process to make the conversion
happen. You will need to perform the
following actions:
Bina Nusantara
How to Convert a Microsoft Access Database to
an MDE File
Bina Nusantara
If necessary, convert the database into the latest Microsoft
Access version - if the file format is Access 2000 and you are
working in Microsoft Access 2003 you will need to convert the
database file format to Access 2003:
From the Tools menu, choose Database Utilities » Convert
Database » To Access 2003 File Format.
Navigate to the database that needs to be converted and click
Enter a name for the database and click Save.
Click OK to dismiss the message box.
Open the database to confirm the name change.
How to Convert a Microsoft Access Database to
an MDE File
1. Choose Tools » Database Utilities » Make MDE
2. Select the database to be converted and click
Make MDE.
3. Confirm that the file has been converted to MDE
and click Save.
4. Open the new file, and confirm that the Code
toolbar is disabled and that the application works
as expected.
Bina Nusantara