Final Design Report HomeAlive Team 9 2014 – 2015 Andrew Jo Okkar Moe Myint Hezkiel Nanda Jeremy Ward Engineering 340: Senior Design Project Calvin College May 13, 2015 © Andrew Jo, Okkar Myint, Hezkiel Nanda, Jeremy Ward, and Calvin College Abstract The HomeAlive project was to design a home automation system that allows the monitoring and control of any household device from any remote location using a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Most homes do not utilize the technology available in the modern age, and the electrical devices within them are unnecessarily inaccessible. This project shows that the addition of a cost-effective, aftermarket home automation system to a house would result in productivity, security, and environmental conservation gains. The project’s system prototype allows the reliable control and monitoring of household devices via remote user interfaces. The design of a home automation system that satisfies this need could take many various forms; the implementation that has been chosen includes sample devices, gateways, a server, and user interfaces. These components form a network that allows information and commands to be sent from the user interfaces to a specific device, and from each device to the user interfaces. The server, gateway, and user interface required software design, and each sample device required both hardware and software design. Additionally, the electrical and wireless communication between these components required significant hardware and software design with a focus on protocol selection and utilization. The final prototype that was designed and implemented throughout this project was completed by May 9, 2015. In addition to the development of a functional prototype, this project included giving presentations, recording documentation, writing reports, and maintaining a web presence. A project budget was established and followed, consisting of approximately $600 as allocated to the project by the Calvin College Engineering Department. This funding was spent wisely in order to obtain the development tools and physical parts necessary to implement the design. The team responsible for this project consists of four electrical and computer engineering students: Andrew Jo, Hezkiel Nanda, Jeremy Ward, and Okkar Moe Myint. Calvin College engineering Professor Mark Michmerhuizen, Gentex employee Eric Walstra, and SpinDance Inc. employee David van Geest all generously agreed to support the team for the duration of the project. The progression of the HomeAlive project from September, 2014 to May, 2015 is one of decreasing and increasing scopes. First, the team considered designing an entire home automation system with four sample devices. Eventually, they realized that this was a very large scope, and narrowed the project down to a home automation system prototype with a single sample device. In March, the team reevaluated their schedule and budget, then decided to revisit some of their original goals; they reincreased their scope to include two sample devices and some additional features. The prototype was completed by May 9 with some minor bugs remaining as explained below. However, there are some areas that would require improvement if this project were extended, including performance testing. The HomeAlive prototype home automation system allows the monitoring and control of two households, and each household includes a thermostat and an outlet adapter as sample devices. Users interact with the prototype via an intuitive website user interface, and system communication is managed using the server and one gateway per household. 1 1 Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................. i 2 Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vi 3 Table of Tables .............................................................................................................................. viii 4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... ix 5 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1 5.1 Report & Project Context.............................................................................................................. 1 5.2 Problem Statements ...................................................................................................................... 1 5.3 Project Definition & Objectives .................................................................................................... 1 5.4 Scope & Constraints ..................................................................................................................... 2 6 Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................. 3 7 Project Management ......................................................................................................................... 4 7.1 Team Organization........................................................................................................................ 4 7.1.1 Team Advisor........................................................................................................................ 4 7.1.2 Course Instructors at Calvin College .................................................................................... 4 7.1.3 Industrial Consultants ........................................................................................................... 4 7.1.4 Team Members ..................................................................................................................... 4 7.2 Team Meetings.............................................................................................................................. 4 7.3 Team Documentation & Task Organization ................................................................................. 4 7.4 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 5 7.4.1 Milestones ............................................................................................................................. 5 7.4.2 Schedule Management .......................................................................................................... 5 7.5 Budget Management ..................................................................................................................... 6 7.5.1 Sources of Funding ............................................................................................................... 6 7.5.2 Budget Details ....................................................................................................................... 6 8 System Requirements........................................................................................................................ 8 8.1 Requirements Categories .............................................................................................................. 8 8.1.1 Functional ............................................................................................................................. 8 8.1.2 Performance .......................................................................................................................... 9 9 System Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 10 9.1 Conceptual Diagram ................................................................................................................... 10 9.2 Component Summaries ............................................................................................................... 11 9.2.1 User Interfaces Summary .................................................................................................... 11 9.2.2 Server Summary.................................................................................................................. 11 9.2.3 Gateways Summary ............................................................................................................ 11 i 9.2.4 Devices Summary ............................................................................................................... 11 9.2.5 Component Interactions Summary...................................................................................... 12 10 Component Requirements ........................................................................................................... 14 10.1 User Interface Requirements ....................................................................................................... 14 10.1.1 Functional ........................................................................................................................... 14 10.1.2 Performance ........................................................................................................................ 14 10.2 Server Requirements ................................................................................................................... 15 10.2.1 Functional ........................................................................................................................... 15 10.2.2 Performance ........................................................................................................................ 15 10.3 Gateway Requirements ............................................................................................................... 16 10.3.1 Functional ........................................................................................................................... 16 10.3.2 Performance ........................................................................................................................ 16 10.4 Device Requirements .................................................................................................................. 17 10.4.1 Outlet Adapter ..................................................................................................................... 17 10.4.2 Thermostat .......................................................................................................................... 19 11 Task Specifications and Schedule ............................................................................................... 21 11.1 Work Breakdown Summary........................................................................................................ 21 11.2 Time Tracking Report ................................................................................................................. 22 11.3 Scheduling Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 25 12 Design Norms ............................................................................................................................. 26 12.1 Stewardship ................................................................................................................................. 26 12.2 Justice.......................................................................................................................................... 26 12.3 Trust ............................................................................................................................................ 26 13 Design Criteria, Alternatives, Research, & Decisions ................................................................ 27 13.1 Gateway OS ................................................................................................................................ 27 13.1.1 Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 27 13.1.2 Options ................................................................................................................................ 27 13.1.3 Decision Matrix................................................................................................................... 27 13.1.4 Design Decision .................................................................................................................. 27 13.2 Terminal Device to Gateway Communication Protocol ............................................................. 28 13.2.1 Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 28 13.2.2 Options ................................................................................................................................ 28 13.2.3 Decision Matrix................................................................................................................... 28 13.2.4 Design Decision .................................................................................................................. 28 13.3 Gateway Processing Hardware ................................................................................................... 29 ii 13.3.1 Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 29 13.3.2 Options ................................................................................................................................ 29 13.3.3 Decision Matrix................................................................................................................... 29 13.3.4 Design Decision .................................................................................................................. 30 13.4 Gateway Power Supply ............................................................................................................... 30 13.4.1 Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 30 13.4.2 Options ................................................................................................................................ 30 13.4.3 Decision Matrix................................................................................................................... 30 13.4.4 Design Decision .................................................................................................................. 30 13.5 Server & Gateway Integration .................................................................................................... 31 13.5.1 Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 31 13.5.2 Options ................................................................................................................................ 31 13.5.3 Decision Matrix................................................................................................................... 32 13.5.4 Design Decision .................................................................................................................. 32 13.6 Server Hosting ............................................................................................................................ 32 13.6.2 Database Structure .............................................................................................................. 33 13.6.3 Web Application Framework .............................................................................................. 34 13.6.4 Gateway to Server Messaging Protocol .............................................................................. 36 13.6.5 Web Portal Programming Language ................................................................................... 37 13.6.6 User Interface ...................................................................................................................... 38 13.7 Design Decision Summary.......................................................................................................... 39 14 System Implementation............................................................................................................... 40 14.1 Technical Diagram & Component Explanations ........................................................................ 40 14.1.1 User Interfaces Explanation ................................................................................................ 41 14.1.2 Server Explanation .............................................................................................................. 41 14.1.3 Gateway Explanation .......................................................................................................... 41 14.1.4 Devices Explanation ........................................................................................................... 41 14.2 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 42 14.3 Server .......................................................................................................................................... 47 14.3.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 47 14.3.2 Software .............................................................................................................................. 47 14.4 Gateway ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Hardware ............................................................................................................................................. 50 Software .............................................................................................................................................. 50 14.5 Devices........................................................................................................................................ 52 iii 14.5.1 Thermostat .......................................................................................................................... 52 14.5.2 Outlet Adapter ..................................................................................................................... 58 15 Integration, Testing, and Debugging........................................................................................... 70 15.1 Testing Summary ........................................................................................................................ 70 15.2 Informal System Testing ............................................................................................................. 71 15.3 Informal User Interface Testing .................................................................................................. 71 15.4 Informal Server Testing .............................................................................................................. 72 15.5 Informal Gateway Testing .......................................................................................................... 73 15.6 Informal Devices Testing ............................................................................................................ 73 15.7 Informal Component Interaction Testing .................................................................................... 73 15.8 Formal Testing ............................................................................................................................ 74 16 Business Plan .............................................................................................................................. 75 16.1 Mission & Vision ........................................................................................................................ 75 16.1.1 Mission for the Company .................................................................................................... 75 16.1.2 Vision for the Company ...................................................................................................... 75 16.2 Market Survey ............................................................................................................................. 75 16.3 Market Sizes & Trends ............................................................................................................... 75 16.4 Potential Customers & Target Market ........................................................................................ 76 16.5 Competitive Strategy .................................................................................................................. 76 16.5.1 Differentiation ..................................................................................................................... 76 16.5.2 Response ............................................................................................................................. 76 16.6 SWOT Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 76 16.6.1 Strengths ............................................................................................................................. 76 16.6.2 Weaknesses ......................................................................................................................... 76 16.6.3 External Opportunities ........................................................................................................ 76 16.6.4 External Threats .................................................................................................................. 77 16.7 Cost Estimate .............................................................................................................................. 77 16.7.1 Development ....................................................................................................................... 77 16.7.2 Production ........................................................................................................................... 77 16.7.3 Break-even analysis ............................................................................................................ 79 16.7.4 Ratio Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 79 17 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 81 17.1 Future Tasks ................................................................................................................................ 81 17.1.1 User Interface ...................................................................................................................... 81 17.1.2 Server .................................................................................................................................. 82 iv 17.1.3 Gateway .............................................................................................................................. 83 17.1.4 Devices ................................................................................................................................ 84 17.1.5 System Level ....................................................................................................................... 85 17.1.6 System Testing .................................................................................................................... 86 17.2 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 86 17.2.1 Lessons Learned.................................................................................................................. 86 17.2.2 Project Status ...................................................................................................................... 87 18 Appendices.................................................................................................................................. 88 19 References & Bibliography....................................................................................................... 110 v 2 Table of Figures Figure 1. Conceptual System Diagram .............................................................................................. 10 Figure 2. Component Interaction Diagram ........................................................................................ 13 Figure 3. Team Hours by Category .................................................................................................... 23 Figure 4. Team Hours by Person........................................................................................................ 23 Figure 5. Team Hours by Category and Person ................................................................................. 24 Figure 6. Team Hours by Person and Category ................................................................................. 24 Figure 7. Team Hours by Category per Month .................................................................................. 25 Figure 8. Team Hours by Person per Month ...................................................................................... 25 Figure 9. Technical System Diagram ................................................................................................. 40 Figure 10. Welcome Page .................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 11. User Login Page ............................................................................................................... 43 Figure 12. Home Manager Page......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 13. Home Manager Page continued ........................................................................................ 44 Figure 14. Outlet Adapter Advanced Settings ................................................................................... 45 Figure 15. Outlet Adapter Monitoring Display .................................................................................. 45 Figure 16. Thermostat Advanced Settings ......................................................................................... 46 Figure 17. Thermostat Scheduling Display ........................................................................................ 46 Figure 18. HomeAlive’s Database Structure...................................................................................... 47 Figure 19. Server’s program flow from UI end to Gateway End ....................................................... 49 Figure 20. Server’s program flow from Gateway end to UI End ....................................................... 49 Figure 21. Rabbit MQ Broker and Client System Diagram ............................................................... 50 Figure 22. HomeAlive Messaging Format (bytes) ............................................................................. 51 Figure 23. Gateway Software Diagram .............................................................................................. 52 Figure 24. Thermostat Device Conceptual Diagram .......................................................................... 53 Figure 25. Thermostat Device Schematic .......................................................................................... 54 Figure 26. Thermostat Software Diagram .......................................................................................... 55 Figure 27. Thermostat Feedback Codes Snippet ................................................................................ 56 Figure 28. Thermostat Command Codes Snippet .............................................................................. 57 Figure 29. Thermostat Abbreviated State Machine ........................................................................... 57 Figure 30. Outlet Adapter Device Conceptual Diagram .................................................................... 59 Figure 31. Outlet Adapter Device Schematic..................................................................................... 62 Figure 32. Outlet Adapter Device Filter............................................................................................. 62 Figure 33. Outlet Adapter RMS to DC Calibration ........................................................................... 62 Figure 34. Outlet Adapter Device Voltage Calibration Curve ........................................................... 63 Figure 35. Outlet Adapter Device Current Calibration Curve ........................................................... 64 Figure 36. Outlet Adapter Device Photo ............................................................................................ 65 Figure 37. Outlet Adapter Software Diagram .................................................................................... 66 Figure 38. Outlet Adapter Feedback Codes Snippet .......................................................................... 67 Figure 39. Outlet Adapter Command Codes Snippet ......................................................................... 67 Figure 40. Outlet Adapter State Machine........................................................................................... 69 Figure 41. Statement of Income. ........................................................................................................ 78 Figure 42. Statement of Cash Flows .................................................................................................. 78 Figure 43. Ratio Analysis. .................................................................................................................. 79 Figure 44. Revenue Sheet – If Everything Produced In a Year Is Sold In That Year ........................ 80 Figure 45. Thermostat Device PCB Layout ....................................................................................... 88 Figure 46. Outlet Adapter PCB Layout .............................................................................................. 88 Figure 47. Break-Even Analysis ........................................................................................................ 98 Figure 48. Material Costs Sheet ......................................................................................................... 99 Figure 49. Material Costs Sheet (cont.)............................................................................................ 100 vi Figure 50. Fixed & Variable Costs Sheet Break-Downs with Totals .............................................. 100 Figure 51. Fixed Cost of Goods Sold ............................................................................................... 101 Figure 52. Variable Cost of Goods Sold .......................................................................................... 102 Figure 53. Variable Cost of Operation ............................................................................................. 102 Figure 54. Variable Cost of Operation (cont.) ................................................................................. 103 Figure 55. Fixed Cost of Operation.................................................................................................. 104 Figure 56. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 1 ....................................................................... 105 Figure 57. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 2. ...................................................................... 105 Figure 58. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 3 ....................................................................... 106 Figure 59. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Revenue Explanation. ............................................... 106 Figure 60. Ratio Analysis Calculation Year 1 & 2 .......................................................................... 107 Figure 61. Ratio Analysis Calculation Year 3.................................................................................. 108 Figure 62. HomeAlive Prototype Devices ........................................................................................ 109 Figure 63. HomeAlive Prototype Thermostat ................................................................................... 109 Figure 64. HomeAlive Prototype Outlet Adapter ............................................................................. 109 vii 3 Table of Tables Table 1. Course Instructors for Engineering 339/340 (2014-25) ......................................................... 4 Table 2. Project Milestones .................................................................................................................. 5 Table 3. Project Budget ........................................................................................................................ 6 Table 4. Honors Project Budget* ......................................................................................................... 7 Table 5. Senior Design Grand Total .................................................................................................... 7 Table 6. Functional System-Wide Requirements ................................................................................. 8 Table 7. Performance System-Wide Requirements ............................................................................. 9 Table 8. Functional User Interface Requirements .............................................................................. 14 Table 9. Performance User Interface Requirements .......................................................................... 14 Table 10. Functional Server Requirements ........................................................................................ 15 Table 11. Performance Server Requirements ..................................................................................... 15 Table 12. Functional Gateway Requirements .................................................................................... 16 Table 13. Performance Gateway Requirements ................................................................................. 16 Table 14. Functional Outlet Adapter Device Requirements .............................................................. 17 Table 15. Performance Outlet Adapter Device Requirements ........................................................... 18 Table 16. Functional Thermostat Device Requirements .................................................................... 19 Table 17. Performance Thermostat Device Requirements ................................................................. 20 Table 18. Work Breakdown Schedule Summary ............................................................................... 21 Table 19. Decision Matrix for Gateway OS ....................................................................................... 27 Table 20. Decision Matrix for Terminal Device to Gateway Communication Protocol.................... 28 Table 21. Decision Matrix for Hardware System for Gateway .......................................................... 29 Table 22. Decision Matrix for Gateway Power Supply ..................................................................... 30 Table 23. Decision Matrix for Server & Gateway Integration ........................................................... 32 Table 24. Decision Matrix for Server Hosting ................................................................................... 33 Table 25. Decision Matrix for Database Structure ............................................................................. 34 Table 26. Decision Matrix for Web Application Framework ............................................................ 36 Table 27. Decision Matrix for Web Portal Programming Language ................................................. 38 Table 28. Decision Matrix for User Interface .................................................................................... 39 Table 29. Design Alternative Selection Summary ............................................................................. 39 Table 30. HomeAlive’s Gateway and Database API Summary ......................................................... 48 Table 31. HomeAlive’s User Interface and Database API Summary ................................................ 48 Table 32. Testing Table Parameter & Their Descriptions.................................................................. 71 Table 33. Existing Competitors in the Market with Devices ............................................................. 75 Table 34. Features Comparison among Commercially Available Home Automation Systems ........ 75 Table 35. User Interface Tasks........................................................................................................... 82 Table 36. Server Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 83 Table 37. Gateway Tasks ................................................................................................................... 84 Table 38. Devices Tasks .................................................................................................................... 84 Table 39. Thermostat Tasks ............................................................................................................... 85 Table 40. Outlet Adapter Tasks ......................................................................................................... 85 Table 41. System Level Tasks ........................................................................................................... 86 Table 42. System Testing Tasks......................................................................................................... 86 Table 43. Lessons Learned Summary ................................................................................................ 87 Table 44. Whole System Testing ....................................................................................................... 89 Table 45. User Interface Testing ........................................................................................................ 90 Table 46. Server Testing .................................................................................................................... 91 Table 47. Gateway Testing ................................................................................................................ 92 Table 48. Devices Testing .................................................................................................................. 94 Table 49. Interface Testing ................................................................................................................ 97 viii 4 Abbreviations ACL AMQP CSS DIY FTP GUI HTML HTTP JS JSP LED M2M MOM MQTT MVC ORM PAN PCB PHP PPFS RDBMS RF RoR RTOS SMTP WAF WBS UI Access Control List Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Cascading Style Sheets Do It Yourself File Transfer Protocol Graphical User Interface Hypertext Markup Language Hypertext Transfer Protocol JavaScript JavaServer Pages Light Emitting Diode Machine-to-machine Message Oriented Middleware MQ Telemetry Transport Model-View-Controller Object-Relational Mapping Personal Area Network Printed Circuit Board Hypertext Preprocessor Project Proposal Feasibility Study Relational Database Management System Radio Frequency Ruby on Rails Real Time Operating System Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Web Application Framework Work Breakdown Schedule User Interface ix 5 Introduction 5.1 Report & Project Context The HomeAlive home automation project is being worked on for Calvin College’s engineering senior design course. The senior design course is intended to both give its students experience working on a yearlong project and allow them to showcase what they have learned at Calvin. The capstone project will last from September 2014 to May 2015, and it includes everything from brainstorming project ideas through demonstrating the functionality of a prototype system. The project’s team members consist of four electrical and computer engineering students: Andrew Jo, Okkar Moe Myint, Hezkiel Nanda, and Jeremy Ward. This final design report is intended to explain the home automation project’s purpose, scope, and design implementations. It includes topics focused on scheduling, budgeting, technical decisions and implementation details. 5.2 Problem Statements There are four problems and opportunities that are related to this project: house modernization rates, device inaccessibility, productivity improvements, and home monitoring. House modernization rates refers to the problem that homes in the modern world are not taking advantage of new technologies. This is caused by house longevity and high renovation costs; the home automation system prototype should show that its mass production and installation would be possible at an affordable price. Device inaccessibility refers to the problem that many household devices are unnecessarily difficult to interact with; it should be possible to control any electrical device one owns from anywhere in the world. The home automation system prototype should show that secure access to home devices is possible from remote locations. Productivity improvements refers to an opportunity to introduce time-saving into the daily lives of those who would use the home automation system. Integrating household devices and allowing them to be automatically and remotely managed can increase ease-of-life and decrease wasted time. Home monitoring refers to the opportunity to observe and control household devices more effectively. The home automation system should allow for greater security and reduced energy consumption by providing homeowners with a single interface for interacting with several devices. The system should also address this opportunity by providing automatic device control scheduling and homemode settings. 5.3 Project Definition & Objectives The HomeAlive project is to design a home automation system that allows homeowners to control any electrical device in their house remotely, and to build a prototype model of that system. For example, a system user could turn off her lights from work, let a friend into his apartment while on vacation, setup a thermostat heating schedule using her phone, or perform countless other interactions with any household device. This home automation system should address the following three key opportunities and consistently emphasize the design norms of justice, stewardship, and trust. The first opportunity is that many modern household devices are unnecessarily inaccessible; it should be possible to securely interact with these devices from afar. This relates directly to the design norm of justice by facilitating greater independence for those with limited mobility. The second opportunity is that an intuitive interface could save system users significant amounts of time and increase their daily productivity. The final key 1 opportunity relates to the design norm of stewardship and the enhancing of user’s control over the resources used by their homes. By allowing actions such as thermostat scheduling and power consumption monitoring, especially with the inclusion of automatic limits and real-time notifications, this home automation system could help to reduce household energy costs. Furthermore, the design norm of trust is critically involved in home automation systems because homeowners must be able to rely on the system to behave both robustly and securely. In order to address these opportunities, the HomeAlive team has designed a home automation system that includes four components: devices, gateways, a server, and user interfaces. Devices are the many electric household objects that can be monitored and controlled. There is a single gateway per household; it is a small unit responsible for converting messages between radio signals and internet data packets. The server, which is shared amongst all households, stores all of the HomeAlive data and performs most of the system’s computational processing. Finally, the user interfaces include a website and mobile phone applications. It is their responsibility to offer an intuitive and seamless portal for interaction with the other parts of the system. Additional details on the four components and their interaction can be found below. 5.4 Scope & Constraints This home automation prototype is meant to demonstrate the proper functionality and scalability of the system, not to include every desired system feature. There are countless features and devices that the system could eventually incorporate, but in order to maintain proper project scope, only a single user interface and two sample devices for two households have been designed. Determining an appropriate scope for this project is perhaps the biggest challenge that was faced; however, the prototype includes: four sample devices, two gateways, the server, a web portal user interface, and the communication structures between them. These components were selected to demonstrate appropriate system functionality because they make up the communication network between users and the devices that are being controlled. Once this structure is in place, additional devices, features, and user interface options can be added to the prototype in order to continue development of the home automation system. Features considered out of scope for this prototype due to a lack of financial and temporal resources include: registration of new households, initialization of newly-purchased devices, mobile phone application user interfaces, and high-level security. 2 6 Acknowledgments There are several organizations and individuals that influenced this project and deserve both credit and thanks. First, the Calvin College engineering department for its administrative and financial contributions to the project. The department provided primary funding, quality workspaces, and necessary equipment for the project; it also organized project showcase and set the final prototype due date. Second, SpinDance Inc. for generously providing David van Geest as an industrial mentor. Also, David himself for offering guidance on several technical issues and helping to clarify appropriate project scope. Next, Eric Walstra for serving as an industrial consultant and providing assistance with technical issues and project risk assessment. Additionally, Professor Mark Michmerhuizen for his consistent feedback on schedule management and project deliverables. Also, Professors Brouwer, Kim, VanAntwerp, Wunder, and Nielsen for their varied guidance. Finally, Chuck Holwerda and Bob DeKraker for their help in securing supplies. Without these organizations and individuals, this project would not have been possible. 3 7 Project Management 7.1 Team Organization 7.1.1 Team Advisor Professor Mark Michmerhuizen is an electrical and computer engineering professor at Calvin College and served as the project’s faculty advisor. His role was to provide guidance and evaluate project deliverables. His signature was also required on all project purchases. 7.1.2 Course Instructors at Calvin College The followings served as course instructors for ENGR-339 and ENGR-340 during this project. Table 1. Course Instructors for Engineering 339/340 (2014-25) Name Mark Michmerhuizen Ned Nielsen Jeremy VanAntwerp David Wunder Title Electrical Engineering Professor Mechanical Engineering Professor Chemical Engineering Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor 7.1.3 Industrial Consultants David van Geest is a Calvin College graduate from 2009. He works at SpinDance Inc, a company that specializes in the development of technologies in the “internet of things” field and is based in Holland, Michigan. David graciously offered his time and expertise while providing feedback on system architecture details. Eric Walstra works in Zeeland, Michigan at Gentex Corporation, a company that mainly specializes in developing electronic products in the automotive and aerospace industries. Eric met with the HomeAlive team twice and gave provided insights regarding project scope, task scheduling, risk assessment, design testing, and project presentations. 7.1.4 Team Members The HomeAlive team consisted of four members: Andrew Jo, Okkar Moe Myint, Hezkiel Nanda, and Jeremy Ward. All four team members are electrical and computer engineering students at Calvin College and expecting to graduate in May 2015. 7.2 Team Meetings There were scheduled team meetings every Friday from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM. These weekly meetings gave the team a chance to go over the progress of the last week and to schedule new assignments as needed. This meeting helped to hold the team members accountable and ensured the project’s continued progress. In addition to these regular meetings, numerous other meetings were scheduled at varying times as determined by availability and requirement. 7.3 Team Documentation & Task Organization All of the team documents, including research notes, reports, diagrams, presentations, schedules, budgets, and test results, are kept on a shared Microsoft OneDrive account. These documents are accessible by all team members, allowing collaborative work to take place unhindered. At first, the team assigned tasks using an online scheduling tool called Asana. Asana allows reminders to be sent at preset times, and it allows team members to view each other’s progress on tasks. This tool has proven itself very effective and useful in task organization, time management, and 4 adherence to schedule. Later, meeting frequencies increased to at least one per day and progress was evident without using the Asana tool. 7.4 Schedule In order to achieve its goals and make progress towards its milestones, HomeAlive broke down their workload into manageable pieces and assigned weekly tasks to every team member. Progress on tasks was reviewed every Friday, and the schedule was updated at this time. Large project milestones were tracked using Microsoft Project and include items such as writing the PPFS and completing the website. Weekly tasks were tracked using Asana and include shorter items that made progress towards project milestones, for example adding photographs to the website. During the second semester, HomeAlive decided not to use Asana because simple Word documents proved faster and more efficient for dividing tasks. The primary reason that this become more effective than Asana was the dramatic rise in meeting frequency; daily discussions about tasks reduced the need for group progress reports. This approach to scheduling was implemented as described in the task specifications section below. 7.4.1 Milestones This project had several notable milestones in its schedule as shown in Table 2. These were both design process milestones, with estimated completion dates, and deliverable content milestones, with assigned due dates. Table 2. Project Milestones Milestone Oral Presentation 1 PPFS Rough Draft Oral Presentation 2 PPFS Final Draft Oral Presentation 3 Prototype CEAC Review 2nd Prototype Faculty Review Oral Presentation 4 Testing Project Demonstration Final Website Update Final Draft Senior Design Report Date 10/17/2014 11/10/2014 12/3/2014 12/8/2014 3/2/2015 4/01/2015 4/24/2015 4/30/2015 4/30/2015 5/5/2015 5/8/2015 5/9/2015 5/11/2015 5/13/2015 7.4.2 Schedule Management The scheduling approach for this project involved a master WBS, task lists, estimations, and reevaluations. Originally, a master WBS was generated which included large scale tasks. It incorporated approximate time estimates and due dates. Since then, the process of listing tasks, estimating task lengths, and then reevaluating previous estimations has been repeated each week. First, task lists were generated, which included all relevant small and large scale tasks. Second, each of these tasks was given an updated time-required estimation and goal due date. Third, estimations from the past scheduling iteration were examined for accuracy in order to improve the scheduling estimation process. Reevaluation also helped identify tasks that were behind schedule. 5 A HomeAlive member took on the role of schedule maintenance and also reminded other team members to log their time in the team’s time tracking document. This time tracking tool was created by the HomeAlive team in order to provide efficient and easy access for time logging throughout the year. 7.5 Budget Management HomeAlive originally assigned Hezkiel Nanda to maintain its project budget. Later this role was reassigned to Jeremy Ward because his tasks developing devices required frequent parts purchasing. Jeremy then oversaw that each purchase was documented in the team’s budgeting information. 7.5.1 Sources of Funding HomeAlive had one primary source of funding, the Calvin College engineering department’s senior design fund. Calvin generously provided $531.12 to fund the HomeAlive project as seen in Table 3. Furthermore, they provided electrical equipment and components such as resistors, LEDs, transistors, cables, and connectors. There was one secondary source of funding, the Calvin College engineering department honors program. This budget was used in order to purchase hardware components amounting to $207.35 as seen in Table 4. Two HomeAlive team members did their honors projects in order to support the HomeAlive prototype. With these sources of funding, HomeAlive had sufficient financial support for the prototype design and implementation. 7.5.2 Budget Details The HomeAlive project cost totaled $738.47, including both funding sources, and the purchasing breakdown can be seen in Table 3 - 5 below. It is important to note that the largest costs were purchasing the commercial thermostats, XBee Pro modules, and AD736 ICs. Table 3. Project Budget Component Xbee Modules S1-1mW [1] Xbee Modules S1-60mW [2] Xbee USB Dongle [16] Xbee USB Dongle [16] Xbee Uno Shield [17] Xbee Uno Shield [17] Arduino Uno [18] Xbee Nano Shield [19] Arduino Nano [20] Arduino Nano [20] Arduino Stackable Header 8pin [21] 9V Battery Connector [22] Thermostat [23] AD736 RMS to DC [24] DC Power Inverter [25] Relay [26] Current Transducer [27] AD628ARZ-R7CT [28] AD8436ARQZ [29] Unit Price Quantity $24.22 2 $37.95 3 $29.95 1 $24.95 1 $18.94 1 $14.98 1 $28.90 1 $9.90 2 $14.99 1 $14.80 1 $0.45 10 $1.88 1 $50.77 1 $10.31 9 $3.03 4 $4.48 2 $4.82 3 $5.23 1 $10.81 1 Total Line Total $48.44 $113.85 $29.95 $24.95 $18.94 $14.98 $28.90 $19.80 $14.99 $14.80 $4.50 $1.88 $50.77 $92.79 $12.12 $8.96 $14.46 $5.23 $10.81 $531.12 6 Table 4. Honors Project Budget* Component Kill-a-Watt Adafruit Tweet-a-Watt Thermostat Arduino Uno Total Line Total $28.22 $87.25 $52.98 $38.90 $207.35 *Each Component Quantity Equals One. Table 5. Senior Design Grand Total Project Budget Honors Project Budget Grand Total $ 531.12 $ 207.35 $ 738.47 7 8 System Requirements 8.1 Requirements Categories Requirements for the HomeAlive system can be classified as either functional or performance requirements; they may also apply to either a specific component or the entire system. Functional requirements refer to the capability to accomplish a certain task, for example the system must be able to allow remote control of household devices. Performance requirements refer to the quality with which a task is accomplished, for example the system must exhibit less than a two second delay between sending commands and seeing their results. System-wide requirements are discussed in this section, and component-specific requirements are discussed in greater detail below. 8.1.1 Functional The functional requirements of the system as a whole are laid out in Table 6. They focus on the system’s ability to accomplish the task of remotely monitoring and controlling household devices. Table 6. Functional System-Wide Requirements Requirement Allows remote control of prototype devices Allows multiple distinct devices Allows multiple distinct households Scalable to multiple distinct user interfaces Scalable to 256 devices per household Scalable to numerous households Description The main task of the system, to allow remote control of household devices using a computer, phone, or tablet The system must support multiple devices per household without any interference between them, otherwise it is not useful The system must support multiple different households without any interference between them, otherwise it is only useful for one home The system must be set up in such a way that adding additional user interfaces is possible The system must be set up in such a way that adding up to 256 devices per household is possible The system must be set up in such a way that adding very large numbers of additional households is possible 8 8.1.2 Performance The performance requirements of the system as a whole are laid out in Table 7. They focus on the system’s ability to accomplish the task of remotely monitoring and controlling household devices in a way that is efficient and high-quality. Table 7. Performance System-Wide Requirements Requirement End-to-end Delay Up (single) End-to-end Delay Up (flood) End-to-end Delay Down (single) End-to-end Delay Down (flood) Unexpected Component Shutdown: Gateway Unexpected Component Shutdown: Devices Unexpected Component Shutdown: Server Description The system must exhibit a device to interface delay of less than 2 seconds for a single message The system must exhibit a device to interface delay of less than 3 seconds for a flood of messages (greater than 2 messages per second for 10 seconds) The system must exhibit an interface to device delay of less than 2 seconds for a single message The system must exhibit an interface to device delay of less than 3 seconds for a flood of messages (greater than 2 messages per second for 10 seconds) The system must able to recover from an unexpected shutdown of the gateway with minimal lost messages and no extra user interaction (besides restoring power to the gateway) The system must be able to recover from an unexpected shutdown of any device with minimal lost messages and no extra user interaction (besides restoring power to the device) The system must be able to recover from an unexpected shutdown of the server with minimal lost messages and no extra user interaction (besides restoring power to server) 9 9 System Architecture 9.1 Conceptual Diagram This home automation system has been designed modularly as several components according to both concrete and abstract distinctions between different parts of the system. At its broadest level, system inputs are the user inputs: device control and system control. Broad system outputs include device information and system information, which are displayed to users in order to allow them to make informed control decisions. This can be seen in Figure 1, which also highlights the modular distinctions described below. (A) (B) Gateways Server User Interfaces Devices Figure 1. Conceptual System Diagram The system shown conceptually in Figure 1 is divided into components according to the tasks that each is required to perform. Components include: devices, gateways, a server, and user interfaces. Devices are the many electric household objects that can be monitored and controlled. There is a single gateway per household; it is a small unit responsible for converting messages between radio signals and internet data packets. The server, which is shared amongst all households, stores all of the HomeAlive data and performs most of the system’s computational processing. Finally, the user interfaces include a website and mobile phone applications. It is their responsibility to offer an intuitive and seamless portal 10 for interaction with the other parts of the system. Additional details on the four components and their interactions can be found below. 9.2 Component Summaries 9.2.1 User Interfaces Summary HomeAlive user interfaces are responsible for providing homeowners with seamless and intuitive methods to control and monitor their household devices. In order to do this, they must present available information as it updates in the server’s database, and they must submit action requests to the server. Additional information on inter-component communication can be seen below. The system prototype demonstrates a website user interface, hosted by the same machine as the server component. This website makes use of HTML, PHP scripts, and JS scripts in order to interact with the database and provide a quality user experience. Additionally, it incorporates a login system in order to match homeowners with their own devices. 9.2.2 Server Summary The HomeAlive server performs the bulk of the system’s computational processing as it maintains and manages a database. This database includes information on each device in every household, and it offers user interfaces a channel to submit action requests. Management of the database includes handling these action requests, and also device status updates, by appropriately adjusting database values and generating new system messages. The prototype server exists on a dedicated desktop computer; it uses a MySQL database for information storage and PHP scripts for database management. These PHP scripts use multi-processing techniques to ensure minimal delays in both server-gateway and server-user interface communication. Server communication with gateway units is done using the internet-based Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP); more information on inter-component communication can be found below. 9.2.3 Gateways Summary HomeAlive gateways connect a household’s devices to the server by converting messages between internet packets and XBee radio signals. There should be just one gateway per household, and it should require little to no user interaction or maintenance. Without a gateway component in the HomeAlive system, each controllable device would require an internet connection. Using gateways is preferable for simplifying devices and isolating the HomeAlive system capability from home internet network strengths. A gateway communicates wirelessly with all of its household’s devices and with the server using an internet connection. Additional information on inter-component communication can be found below. The prototype gateway consists of a single-board Raspberry Pi computer and XBee radio chip, which uses a serial USB dongle. The gateway runs using a multithreaded Java program that both converts AMQP messages it receives from the server to XBee radio signals and converts XBee radio signals it receives from its household’s devices to AMQP messages. 9.2.4 Devices Summary HomeAlive devices are the electrical objects being monitored and controlled by home automation system. There is no limit to the number of different possible devices; anything electric and in range of the system XBee network could become a device. Each device can be broken up into two smaller conceptual parts, the object portion and the control portion. The object portion is the actual thermostat, coffee maker, door lock, or other electric machine. The control portion consists of the XBee radio and a microcontroller. 11 The prototype system showcases two device types, a programmable thermostat and an outlet adapter. The object portion of the first device is a purchased Honeywell programmable thermostat. Its control portion consists of an Arduino microcontroller, XBee radio, and control circuit. The Arduino uses the XBee radio to communicate with the rest of the HomeAlive system, and it is programmed to press buttons on the thermostat object. The thermostat control circuit allows the Arduino to press the thermostat buttons electronically and to read physical button presses as electronic signals. The object portion of the outlet adapter is a circuit that is meant to be inserted between any standard American outlet and the item plugged into it. This circuit is capable of toggling power to the plugged-in item, and it is capable of measuring the power being used by that item. The control portion of the outlet adapter also includes an Arduino microcontroller and XBee radio. These are used to communicate with the rest of the HomeAlive system and to report the power measurement results. 9.2.5 Component Interactions Summary The HomeAlive system’s devices, gateways, server, and user interfaces interact as a bidirectional message-passing chain. In order to present homeowners with an interface that allows the monitoring and control of their devices via an internet connection, it is first necessary to establish a communication link between the user interfaces and devices. This is done by granting the user interfaces web-access to the database storage on the server. The server manages its database and sends appropriate messages to and from the gateways using AMQP. The gateways are responsible for converting the messages that they receive between AMQP and XBee, and then resending them in the new format. The XBee radio transceiver chips utilize the DigiMesh® protocol and operate at 2.4GHz. Finally, each device uses an Arduino single-board computer for device control and monitoring; the Arduino uses an XBee radio chip to communicate with its gateway. The chain of communication can be seen in Figure 2 below. 12 Figure 2. Component Interaction Diagram This diagram shows the HomeAlive system component interaction chain in a single direction; the opposing direction is identical with reversed communication channels. The diagram displays two user interfaces, the single server, and two households (each consisting of a gateway and set of devices). 13 10 Component Requirements 10.1 User Interface Requirements 10.1.1 Functional Table 8 shows the functional requirements for the user interface. Most of the functional requirements emphasize user-oriented viewpoints instead of a programmer’s perspective. The user interface requirements focus on its ability to operate intuitively and be easy-to-use for the typical user. Table 8. Functional User Interface Requirements Requirement Sends input forms Hides unselected features Receives database data Follows the original theme view Alerts user for changes Accessible worldwide Description The user interface must have a form to send commands. It has to be accessible across multiple operating systems The user interface must hide unselected input forms when they cannot be accessed correctly The user interface must connect to the API server to receive database information. Furthermore, it must update every 2 seconds without interfering with user inputs The user interface must follow the general shapes, placements, and colors of the original theme to make it easier to control by users The user interface must alert users after commands are sent and updated data is received The user interface must be accessible by computers, tablets, and mobile phones from anywhere in the world with an internet connection 10.1.2 Performance Table 9 explains the performance requirements of the user interface. These requirements emphasize the efficiency of the user experience and its ability run continuously for long periods of time. Table 9. Performance User Interface Requirements Requirement User Interface Message Flood User Interface Continuous Running User Interface Basic Security Knowledgeable User Testing (UI) Unknowledgeable User Testing (UI) Description The user interface must be able receive message from the server’s database at a rate of 500 ms per message The user interface must not decrease in performance after long period of time The user interface must have basic security features in place, for example logins The user interface must exhibit no unexpected behavior (bugs) while being used by individuals familiar with the HomeAlive system The user interface must exhibit no unexpected behavior (bugs) while being used by individuals unfamiliar with the HomeAlive system 14 10.2 Server Requirements 10.2.1 Functional The functional requirements of the server component are laid out in Table 10. They focus on the server’s ability to communicate with the user interface and gateway, and also on its ability to provide the necessary communication and data storage. Table 10. Functional Server Requirements Requirement Handle status request from User Interface Handle status request from the Gateway Handle request to register commands in the database Handle request to register status of the devices in the database Host an AMQP server Host a database Database structure Message Integrity Maintained Send message to the gateway Receive message from the gateway Description The server must have a way to provide many status data required for display in user interface end. The server must have a way to provide many status data such as time and date required for changing the device settings. The server must be able to store the commands sent from user interface in the database. The server must be able to store the status of the devices relayed from the gateway in the database. The server must be able to host an AMQP broker and listen on its port. The server must be able to host a MySQL database and listen on its port. The MySQL database setup in server must have a logical relational database structure. The server must not modify any messages in any manner and keep multiple messages distinct from one another. The server must send users’ commands to the gateway after receiving them. The server must be able to receive message including status request and request to register commands in a real time manner. 10.2.2 Performance The performance requirements of the server component are laid out in Table 11. They focus on the server’s ability to handle requests and communicate with both the user interface and gateway in a timely manner and to store data in accurately. Table 11. Performance Server Requirements Requirement Server Processing Speed Server Operation Environment Server Operation Time Server Bad Message Handling Description The server must be able to handle multiple messages per second without slowing down. The server must be able operate stably in a relatively temperature regulated room. The server must be able to withstand dust accumulated in the room as well. The server must be able to operate constantly with minimal downtime for maintenance. The server must be able to discard bad messages and continue operation without any downtime. 15 10.3 Gateway Requirements 10.3.1 Functional The functional requirements of the gateway component are laid out in Table 12. They focus on the gateway’s ability to accomplish the task of converting messages between the AMQP and DigiMesh protocols. Table 12. Functional Gateway Requirements Requirement Converts messages from AMQP to DigiMesh Converts messages from DigiMesh to AMQP Receives and sends DigiMesh messages Receives and sends AMQP messages Message Integrity Maintained Description The gateway must be able to convert a message from the internet-based AMQP protocol to the RF DigiMesh protocol. The gateway must be able to convert a message from the RF DigiMesh protocol to the internetbased AMQP protocol. The gateway must be able to both send and receive DigiMesh messages using an RF chip and serial connection. The gateway must be able to both send and receive AMQP messages using a preconfigured RabbitMQ broker. The gateway must not change any messages in any way and it should be able to keep multiple messages distinct from one another. 10.3.2 Performance The performance requirements of the gateway component are laid out in Table 13. They focus on the gateway’s ability to accomplish the task of converting messages between the AMQP and DigiMesh protocols in an efficient and high-quality way. Table 13. Performance Gateway Requirements Requirement Gateway Processing Speed Up Gateway Processing Speed Down Gateway Temperature of Operation Gateway Heat Dissipation Gateway Message Flooding Up Gateway Message Flooding Down Gateway Bad Message handling Description The gateway must send a converted AMQP message within 500 ms of receiving the original DigiMesh message The gateway must send a converted DigiMesh message within 500 ms of receiving the original AMQP message The gateway must operate stably at typical room temperatures The gateway must be able to dissipate heat fast enough to continue running indefinitely at room temperatures The gateway must be able to continue performing its role when subjected to message flooding (greater than 2 messages per second for 10 seconds) coming from devices The gateway must be able to continue performing its role when subjected to message flooding (greater than 2 messages per second for 10 seconds) coming from the server The gateway must be able to recognize and discard or repair bad messages without ceasing to function as it is intended 16 10.4 Device Requirements 10.4.1 Outlet Adapter Functional The functional requirements of the outlet adapter are laid out in Table 14. They focus on the outlet adapter’s ability to be controlled and send information wirelessly. Table 14. Functional Outlet Adapter Device Requirements Requirement Description Measure Power (VA) The outlet adapter must compute the power being used by a plugged in appliance. Turn On & Off The outlet adapter must be able to toggle its output socket between the on and off states. The outlet adapter must store the on/off status in Remember previous settings & calibration non-volatile memory to remember the setting and calibrations upon power loss. Bidirectional Communication The outlet adapter must receive commands from the user and also be able to send back status information. Wireless Communication The outlet adapter must use wireless communication to accomplish the message sending and receiving. Safe to use The outlet adapter must be safe to use and comply with electrical safety standards. Dimensions The dimensions of the outlet adapter must be reasonable for everyday use, smaller is better. The adapter must dimensions resulting in a lesser volume than 5x2x2 cubic inches. 17 Performance The functional requirements of the outlet adapter are laid out in Table 15. They focus on the outlet adapter’s ability to be controlled and send information wirelessly, while maintaining adequate precision, accuracy, safety, and response times. Table 15. Performance Outlet Adapter Device Requirements Requirement Description Outlet Adapter Power Rating The outlet adapter must operate in the range of 0 A – 15 A and 0 – 130 V. Thus the power range is roughly 0W – 2000 W. Outlet Adapter Power Precision The outlet adapter should measure to the nearest 1 W. Outlet Adapter Power Accuracy The error on measuring the power should be ï‚±ï€ ï€²ï€ W. Outlet Adapter Response Time Once the command to toggle the on/off state is received, the appropriate action should be taken within 250 ms. Outlet Adapter Operation Environment The outlet adapter must be able to operate stably at typical room temperatures for long periods of time. Outlet Adapter Heat Dissipation The outlet adapter must be able to dissipate heat fast enough to allow 15 A of current at 120 Vrms to be sustained indefinitely. The Arduino must also dissipate heat fast enough to continue operation at room temperature indefinitely. 18 10.4.2 Thermostat Functional The functional requirements of the thermostat are laid out in Table 16. They focus on the thermostat’s ability to be controlled and send information wirelessly. Table 16. Functional Thermostat Device Requirements Requirement Physical Button Pressing Description Pressing the buttons on the thermostat must have the same effect as using the user interface. The Arduino must read manual presses and synchronize this change on its state machine. Electrical Button Pressing The Arduino must be capable of simulating a manual button press by electrically pressing the buttons. Remember previous settings & calibration The thermostat must store all of its state information in non-volatile memory to remember its settings upon power loss. Bidirectional Communication The thermostat must receive commands from the user interface and also be able to send back status information. Wireless Communication The thermostat must use wireless communication to accomplish message sending and receiving. Safe to use The thermostat must be safe to use and comply with electrical safety standards. 19 Performance The functional requirements of the thermostat are laid out in Table 17. They focus on the thermostat’s ability to be controlled and send information wirelessly, while maintaining adequate response times. Table 17. Performance Thermostat Device Requirements Requirement Description Thermostat Operation Environment The thermostat must be able to operate stably at typical room temperatures. Thermostat Heat Dissipation The Arduino must dissipate heat fast enough to continue operating at room temperature indefinitely. Thermostat Processing Speed The thermostat must process the incoming messages and take appropriate action within 500 ms of receiving it. Thermostat Action Speed The thermostat should minimize the amount of buttons being pressed to accomplish every available action. 20 11 Task Specifications and Schedule 11.1 Work Breakdown Summary The HomeAlive project was divided into several broad tasks, each with many subtasks, and intentionally scheduled. These tasks included: determining scope, reports and communication, developing each component, and system testing. The schedule was determined largely by project due dates, but it all also accounted for peripheral conditions such as weeks with heavy workloads and team member vacations. A general schedule and tasks list can be seen in Table 18. Table 18. Work Breakdown Schedule Summary Tasks & Milestones Due Date Due Date Type Date Completed Project Choice 9/10/14 Assigned 9/8/14 Team Name & Facilities Needs 9/15/14 Assigned 9/13/14 Presentation 1 10/17/14 Assigned 10/17/14 Several Adjustments Repeating 9/15/14, 11/10/14, 4/11/15 Presentation 2 12/3/14 Assigned 12/3/14 PPFS 12/8/14 Assigned 12/8/14 Outlet Adapter (early design) 12/8/14 Milestone 12/5/14 Thermostat Device (early design) 12/8/14 Milestone 12/5/14 Gateway 12/5/14 Milestone 12/2/14 User Interface (early design) 2/15/15 Milestone 2/15/15 Server & Database (early design) 2/15/15 Milestone 2/15/15 Presentation 3 3/2/15 Assigned 3/2/15 Gateway Complete 3/5/15 Milestone 3/5/15 Thermostat Design (except debug) 3/29/15 Milestone 3/29/15 User Interface (except debug) 3/29/15 Milestone 3/29/15 Scope Definition 21 Server (except debug) 3/29/15 Milestone 3/29/15 Initial Prototype Testing 4/1/15 Milestone 4/11/15 (late) Outlet Adapter Design (except debug) 4/21/15 Milestone 4/21/15 CEAC Review 4/24/15 Assigned 4/24/15 PCB Fabrication 4/27/15 Milestone 5/7/15 (late) Prototype Functional Testing 4/29/15 Milestone 5/7/15 (late) Faculty Review 4/30/15 Assigned 4/30/15 Prototype Completion 5/1/15 Milestone 5/8/15 (late) Presentation 4 5/4/15 Assigned 5/4/15 Prototype Performance Testing 5/6/15 Milestone incomplete Prototype Demonstration 5/9/15 Assigned 5/9/15 Final Report 5/13/15 Assigned 5/13/15 * Many milestone due dates and completion dates are estimated 11.2 Time Tracking Report It is also useful to view the HomeAlive project tasks and schedule from the perspective of hours spent. The amount of time that the team spent was logged over the course of the project, and this data can be viewed on a per-task, per-person, and per-month basis in the figures below. The timing information in this section reflects project hours from 8/18/2014 to 5/13/2015. The total number of hours logged by the team was 1875 hours. As seen in Figures 3 to 8, the majority of the team’s time was spent designing and implementing the four major components: devices, server, gateways, and user interface. It is important to note that the devices section required by far the greatest amount of time, partly because there were two devices included in this category. Another section requiring a large portion of the hours spent is reports and communication, which encompasses all speeches, reviews, and senior design night preparations. Additionally, the hours spent each month on the project have been increasing steadily since August. The hours logged by each time member have also been separated, and the graphs below show how each team member had varying contributions for each month of the project. The final division of hours per team member was approximately evenly distributed. More detailed hour tracking graphics are available on the project website. 22 Figure 3. Team Hours by Category Figure 4. Team Hours by Person 23 Figure 5. Team Hours by Category and Person Figure 6. Team Hours by Person and Category 24 Figure 7. Team Hours by Category per Month Figure 8. Team Hours by Person per Month 11.3 Scheduling Conclusion The HomeAlive project took 1875 person-hours for four team members over the course of two semesters. This time was allotted as roughly 101 person-hours for project scope discussions, 462 for presentations and reports, 1077 for design and prototype development, 88 for prototype testing, and 147 for miscellaneous other tasks. A reactive scheduling approach was used to ensure the project was completed before 5/14/15. However, it would have been better to spend greater amounts of time doing preliminary system design early in first semester. 25 12 Design Norms Design norms are topics that are meant to facilitate the application of core Christian beliefs into the engineering design process. They provide guidelines for thinking about engineering in the holistic context of life, as opposed to just the product being designed. The design norms that are most important to this project were stewardship, justice, and trust. Together, they influenced the development of the home automation system prototype by encouraging the careful consideration of how the system interacts with people during each stage of its product life-cycle. 12.1 Stewardship Stewardship is defined as conserving finite economic, human, and environmental resources while preserving character and minimizing environmental degradation [6]. This home automation system adhered to the design norm of stewardship in three ways. First, economic resources will not be squandered in either the design or production of the system; care will be taken to use the available project budget as effectively as possible. Second, the system was intended to conserve human resources by increasing its consumers’ ease-of-life and improving the security of their homes. Finally, the system included features that allow the monitoring and reduction of power consumption in consumers’ homes. In this way, the system contributed to the conversation of environmental resources and helped to minimize degradation. 12.2 Justice Justice is defined as respecting the rights of all persons and considering all stake-holders, not just users [6]. This home automation system adhered to the design norm of justice in two ways. First, the system was designed to allow increased access to devices for people with limited mobility. By making the control of home devices possible through a smartphone application, it was possible for many users to achieve things alone that they previously needed help with. For example, a person who is paralyzed from the waist down and living in a multilevel, non-handicap-accessible home, may now easily control devices from any floor. 12.3 Trust Trust is defined as ensuring that the design is trustworthy, dependable, reliable, and avoids conflicts of interests [6]. This home automation system adhered to the design norm of trust in three ways. First, the system functions entirely as intended and was not susceptible to inconsistent performance. This is especially important for a home automation system because users quickly come to rely on it and a lot of time is wasted doing things the old way if the system fails. Second, the issue of security was considered throughout the design of the system. Security was important because unintended access to the system could result in theft or other undesirable circumstances for the system’s owner. Finally, all conflicts of interest by the people involved in the design of this system were avoided. No one participating in the project has stake in any competing organizations or relationships with anyone in a contradictory circumstance. 26 13 Design Criteria, Alternatives, Research, & Decisions 13.1 Gateway OS 13.1.1 Criteria The operating system for the gateway should support real time operations in order to provide seamless experiences to users. The operating system should also perform well under low hardware configurations (e.g., 512 MB of RAM). In addition, it should support multiple messaging protocols. This encourages compatibility and reliability within the design, which relates to the design norm of trust. For the gateway OS, three different operating system were reviewed and evaluated as follows. 13.1.2 Options UNIX variants – Raspbian Raspbian is a Debian Wheezy based operating system with a Unix-like interface. It is developed by the makers of Raspberry Pis. This alternative provides a familiar developing environment. In addition, it is optimized to run smoothly under low hardware configurations. Raspbian has a large number of active developers and is proven to run reliably on Raspberry Pi. Windows - Windows Embedded Windows Embedded is an embedded operating system developed for terminal devices with low system configurations, such as small amount of memory. It allows real time operation and device connectivity support is also provided. Developers in the home automation industry typically avoid the windows platform because of its proprietary licenses status and other administrative difficulties. Real Time Operating Systems – TinyOS TinyOS is an RTOS written in nesC. It is developed jointly by the University of California, Intel Corporation, and Crossbow Technology. TinyOS provides fairly simple interface for developers, and has a rich support for many devices. This alternative is also well documented and well known in the RTOS field. 13.1.3 Decision Matrix Table 19. Decision Matrix for Gateway OS Weight Unix Variants Window Embedded TinyOS Reliability (RTOS) 30% 10 8 10 System Resource Requirements 25% 10 8 10 Reliability (Device Connectivity) 25% 10 5 10 Price 5% 10 10 10 Raspberry Pi Compatibility 15% 10 3 7 Totals: 100% 10 6.6 9.6 Criteria 13.1.4 Design Decision As depicted in Table 19, Raspbian appeared to best satisfy the weighted criteria for a gateway OS. However, real-time operating systems were evaluated as similarly suitable and the chosen operating system must also be compatible with the gateway processor, alternatives for which are examined below. The Raspberry Pi processor choice influenced the usage of Raspbian, a Unix variant, for the gateway OS. 27 13.2 Terminal Device to Gateway Communication Protocol 13.2.1 Criteria The communication protocol should have low latency times and low power consumption, in accordance with the design norm of stewardship. In addition, the protocol should include security measures in order to prevent any intrusion of the system. The communication protocol should also be widely used in order to ensure reliability and continuous support in the future. 13.2.2 Options ZigBee ZigBee is a commonly used communication protocol in the home automation industry. It provides low latency times and has low power consumption. The protocol itself has a security architecture built in to it. However, increasing numbers of developers in home automation industry are abandoning ZigBee due to its non-free, non-open source licensing status. ZigBee is available on XBee Series 2 chips. DigiMesh DigiMesh is essentially identical to the ZigBee protocol; however it is available on XBee Series 1 chips as well. Z-Wave Z-Wave is a widely used communication protocol in home automation industry. It has low latency times, low power consumption, and a decent security architecture. However, Z-wave chips are manufactured only by the company Sigma Designs. Some developers avoid supporting the Z-Wave chip protocol because of the company’s monopolistic nature. Bluetooth Bluetooth is a widely used communication protocol in home automation industry. It is secure with low latency times and average power consumption. Bluetooth is widely used and supported by numerous developers and products. 13.2.3 Decision Matrix Table 20. Decision Matrix for Terminal Device to Gateway Communication Protocol Criteria Weight ZigBee & DigiMesh Z-Wave Bluetooth Reliability (Low Latency Time) Stewardship (Low Power Consumption) Trust (security) Trust (Devoted Developers) Range Totals: 25% 5% 19% 11% 40% 100% 10 10 10 5 8 13.15 10 10 8 7 8 8.49 10 5 8 7 6 9.69 13.2.4 Design Decision As depicted in Table 20, ZigBee and DigiMesh appeared to best satisfy the weighted criteria for a device to gateway communication protocol. The team decided to use DigiMesh, a ZigBee-based proprietary protocol developed by the company Digi. Both ZigBee and DigiMesh operate on the purchased XBee RF chips and use the same frequency, 2.4 GHz. 28 13.3 Gateway Processing Hardware 13.3.1 Criteria The gateway processor should support the OS alternative chosen above, this will dictate its platform architecture and other features. The hardware system should provide the ability to flash the board itself and have strong development tools. The processor should also align with the design norm of stewardship by having a low power consumption. Additionally, the hardware should be compact, and be readily available at a reasonable price. 13.3.2 Options Arduino Uno Arduino boards allow direct programming, but not the ability to flash the board. The Arduino developer GUI is well-developed. The operational voltage for Arduino Uno is 5 Volts[16]. The current draw varies based on the load attached to the board. The size of Arduino Uno is 75 mm x 53 mm, and can be purchased easily at common electronic devices distributor with a price of $28.20[32]. Raspberry Pi – Model B Raspberry Pi boards can be flashed; however, they only support operating systems that have been optimized for use with their hardware. They have strong support and a widely used development environment. The Raspberry Pi is powered by 5V micro USB, and the current usage also varies based on the application. The Raspberry Pi measures 85.60mm x 56mm, and is also readily available at Calvin’s engineering labs with no charge. It can also be purchased with $35[30]. BeagleBone Black Beagle boards can be flashed; however, they only support operating systems that have been optimized for use with their hardware. They have a fairly widely used development environment. The operational voltage is 5V, and the current drawn varies based on the load attached to the board. The BeagleBone Black board measures 86.36 mm x 53.34 mm, and is available at a price of $55[31]. 13.3.3 Decision Matrix Table 21. Decision Matrix for Hardware System for Gateway Weight Arduino Uno Raspberry Pi Model B BeagleBone Black Availability 13% 10 10 10 Reprogrammable 12% 8 10 10 Cost 13% 10 8 5 Development Environment Popularity 12% 10 8 8 Appropriate OS Support 22% 5 10 10 Power Consumption 15% 10 10 10 Size 13% 10 8 5 Totals: 100% 8.66 9.24 8.46 Criteria 29 13.3.4 Design Decision As depicted in Table 21 the Raspberry Pi satisfied the weighted criteria for gateway processor type. Given this and their availability at no additional cost, a Raspberry Pi gateway processor was used. 13.4 Gateway Power Supply 13.4.1 Criteria The Gateway should be portable, although it is designed for stationary use, in order to ensure that it can be placed in various areas. It should also be reliable in the event of a power outage, as suggested by the design norm of trust, and allow any battery operated device to continue communicating with the system. Additionally, and in accordance with the design norm of reliability, the gateway should not require any maintenance once installed. 13.4.2 Options Battery Powered Only A battery powered gateway will allow for portability if it becomes necessary to move the gateway. Batteries would also give the gateway a limited increase in reliability in the event of a power outage (i.e., the gateway would continue to function as long as the batteries last). However, using solely batteries also significantly decreases reliability and increases maintenance needs because they must be checked frequently. Outlet Powered Only A gateway powered only through an outlet would have low maintenance requirements. By allowing the gateway to be plugged into the wall, this alternative provides power in the absence of a power outage. This is highly reliable, but not portable. Each time the gateway would be moved, it would power down and cause system communication loss. This alternative also is not reliable in the event of a power outage. Battery & Outlet Powered A gateway that is both battery and outlet powered embodies the portability, and reliability of both alternatives described above. This alternative allows the gateway to be easily relocated, and also makes the already highly reliable gateway more trustworthy by reducing chances of communication loss in the event of a power outage. However, the appropriate interaction between two unique power systems involves increased design resource usage and monetary cost for the final prototype. 13.4.3 Decision Matrix Table 22. Decision Matrix for Gateway Power Supply Criteria Weight Battery Powered Only Outlet Powered Only Battery & Outlet Powered Portability Reliability (Power Outage) Reliability (Maintenance) Complexity Totals: 10% 35% 35% 20% 100% 10 10 2 10 7.2 0 0 10 10 5.5 10 10 10 7 9.4 13.4.4 Design Decision As depicted in Table 22, using both a battery and outlet power supply in the gateway best satisfied the weighted criteria. 30 13.5 Server & Gateway Integration 13.5.1 Criteria Including the server as integrated into the gateway or as hosted off site, separate from the gateway, will not change the user interface of the system. Nonetheless, these design alternatives greatly affect the quality of the whole system and, indirectly, the user’s experience. These alternatives should be evaluated according to the criteria: reliability, latency, user support, stewardship of resources, and design simplicity. The design solution should build trust by minimizing the probability of system failure, and by reducing both user involvement and the need for expert help in the event of a failure. The system should be highly reliable. The system should also minimize the latency time between a user interface command and the target device’s response. This will improve user experience significantly. Customer support should be considered during system design because it impacts the user’s experience and perception of product quality. The alternative selected should maximize the ability for customer support to handle incidents, such as a user needing help setting the system preferences or a third party device not interfacing well with commands. The design shall embody stewardship through efficient hardware usage. This will result in relative cost savings, which can be passed on directly to customers. It will also result in decreased energy consumption, an environmentally friendly aspect. Finally, the design’s complexity shall be minimized, especially if doing so impacts the stewardship of the design by reducing required human, material, and manufacturing resources. 13.5.2 Options Unique Server & Gateway In this alternative the gateway would still mediate bidirectional communication between the devices and server through translating the information passed using different communication protocols. But different from the alternative below, this one separates the database structure housing, database operation performance and the processing of commands from the gateway to a server. This alternative assumes that the server is not at the user’s house, but instead offsite where it is managed and maintained by the system designers. This alternative has a high reliability in the event of a system failure. The system designers would be in charge of maintaining the server and would be more capable of doing so. It is possible that this might have a high the latency for the response of commands sent by the user. This would be due to the location of the server being offsite from the user’s house. There would likely be a farther distance for commands to travel. This design alternative gives the system designers great ability to support the users. If a user needs help with system preferences or third party device support the system designers would be in a great position to help because they are in control of the server. Separating the server allows the system designers to effectively and efficiently manage the database structure’s size. This also impacts the user because they would not have a limit in devices or system preferences they may have. 31 Implementing a database structure with a server offsite will give greater flexibility in software choices and low complexity in hardware implementation. Server Integrated Into Gateway This alternative integrates the server and its functions into the combined gateway. This would be accomplished by embedding a database structure in the gateway and giving the gateway the capability of processing commands and performing database operations. Integrating the server into the gateway gives low reliability to the system if the server were to crash due from high activity. The user would be required to reset anything needing resetting. This calls for work or expertise out of the user and negatively affects the user’s experience. With the server on gateway the latency of response time for the system would most likely be low, but a user in need of help might have difficulties in receiving user support. For this alternative, the size of the database cannot be changed. If a user has a large variety of devices or system preferences, they will need a larger database structure to accommodate this. Thus, the design would need to plan for the worst case and give a large allocation of memory. This alternative would not allow for minimizing the server’s size and potentially wastes hardware. This would lead to an increase in the products price. This alternative has a high complexity in the system design. Creating a database structure on the gateway might prove difficult and performing operations on an in house database structure might be challenging. 13.5.3 Decision Matrix Table 23. Decision Matrix for Server & Gateway Integration Reliability 10% Unique Server & Gateway 10 Latency 10% 5 10 User Support 40% 10 3 Hardware Usage 20% 10 4 Complexity 20% 10 3 Totals: 100% 9.5 3.6 Criteria Weight Server Integrated Into Gateway 0 13.5.4 Design Decision Table 23 clarifies the decision. Under the criteria listed, with the weights and scores given to each alternative, the design should implement a server separate from the gateway. 13.6 Server Hosting This design alternative assumes that the server is chosen to be separate from the gateway as explained above. Criteria The server should not require high levels of maintenance, be capable of supporting required program sizes, and be financially feasible given the project’s budget. It is directly connected to the design norm of trust as server hosting has to provide reliable and transparent data. 32 Options Server Rented Online A rented server from an online provider would probably not take much time to implement (there would be no need to set up the database structure) and would not be limited in size. But renting is typically expensive and most likely not possible given the operating budget of the project. Calvin College Server Using one of Calvin College’s servers would not take much time to implement, but there may be limitations on program size. This alternative would most likely be free; it would not require additional financial investment to use one of the college’s already existing servers. Decision Matrix Table 24. Decision Matrix for Server Hosting Criteria Weight Server Rented Online Calvin College Server Time to Maintain 10% 10 10 Size 10% 10 7 Cost 80% 0 10 Totals: 100% 2 9.7 Design Decision As depicted in Table 24 using a Calvin College server to host the home automation system’s server met the weighted criteria. Design Decision Amendments The team first decided to user Calvin College’s server to host the HomeAlive server programs. However, the server was later moved to a team member’s personal Linux computer off-campus. This option allowed for the configuration of the system as required and eliminated the need to be compliant with Calvin’s eduroam policies and restrictions. 13.6.2 Database Structure Criteria The database structure must perform its duty well in order to maintain consumer trust. The three basic criteria for the database structure are reliability, database management efficiency, and database development efficiency. Reliability is an important consideration when the system will require multiple data access attempts simultaneously. Management efficiency directly affects how fast the HomeAlive system handles data storing and loading. However, comparing database structure performance times is complex. The final criterion involves project scope and consists of designer familiarity with the database’s programming language. All of the three of these criteria are associated with the design norm of trust. Options SQL Server Microsoft SQL server was first launched for commercial use and could only be used by machines running a Windows operating system. SQL Server is the first database structure that became widely known and has a long history of use beginning when it was released in 1989. This server-based database 33 structure uses Microsoft relational database management system (RDBMS). Although implemented in C++, SQL supports the .Net, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, C++, and Visual Basic programming languages [7]. MySQL MySQL was developed by Oracle in 1995. It is a server-based, open-source database structure, and it is compatible with Linux, Windows, OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD operating systems. MySQL uses client server and an open source RDBMS. Although implemented in C and C++, MySQL supports C, C#, C++, Java, PHP, Python, and other programming languages [8,14]. Oracle DB The Oracle database structure was first published in the year 1980 for commercial use. Oracle uses RDBMS to manage its data storage, and it is compatible with Linux, Windows, OS X, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, and z/OS operating systems. Although implemented in C and C++, it supports C, C#, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, Visual Basic, and other programming languages [9]. Discussion Microsoft’s SQL Server has a significant downside if HomeAlive uses an operating system besides Linux, OS X, or Solaris for its server. In terms of reliability, all of the database structures discussed are widely used and famous for their accuracy; however, the Oracle database has the longest tradition of reliable widespread use (30 or more years). When considering development efficiency, Oracle and MySQL support the languages C and C++ which are familiar to system designers [1]. (need to fixed) Decision Matrix Table 25. Decision Matrix for Database Structure Criteria Reliability Easy to Manage Totals: Weight SQL MySQL Oracle 70% 30% 100% 9 7 8.4 8 8 8.4 10 8 9.8 Design Decision As depicted in Table 25, the Oracle database structure seems to best meet the weighted criteria. Selecting it as the database structure is advised. However, SQL and MySQL were evaluated to be suitable options if any problems arise with Oracle. Design Decision Amendment MySQL was proven to be more reliable and readily available. Thus, a MySQL database was used instead of an Oracle database. 13.6.3 Web Application Framework Criteria The Web Application Framework (WAF) is the software that will be used to design the web portal and other web services associated with this system. The WAF has to follow the design norm of trust as they will integrate two systems with a reliable and transparent connection. When choosing a WAF, there are three key criteria: protocol compatibility, development efficiency, and unique feature sets. Protocol compatibility is important because the web framework should be able to effectively 34 communicate with the remainder of the HomeAlive system. Developer efficiency is important due to project scope considerations and is usually based on designer familiarity with the supported programming language. Routing and templates are also issues common to web framework evaluation [10]. Options Ruby Ruby on Rails (RoR) an open source WAF built in the widely used programming language Ruby, uses an ActiveRecord model-view-controller (MVC), which allows it to represent its data in various ways. RoR manages MVC using push techniques, and its object-relational mapping (ORM) data conversion tool is also ActiveRecord. RoR adds inheritance and associations features; it also incorporates testing, database migration, security assurances, template generation, caching, and form validation frameworks. This alternatives security framework is plug-in [11, 12]. Python Django is a commonly used, open-source WAF built in the programming language Python. Django uses a full stack type MVC and has its own integrated ORM. Like most WAF models, Django supports testing, database migration, security assurances, template generation, caching, and form validation. Django’s security framework uses access control list (ACL), and its template and form validation frameworks use Python. The caching framework that Django uses is a dynamic one [10]. Java There are several WAF models built in the Java programming language, but the most widely used one is Spring. The Spring WAF is one of the most commonly used open source frameworks. Its MVC is a push-typed one, but it is not highly unique. The ORM that Spring uses is called Hibernate; it solves ORM impedance mismatch problems. Like most Java-based WAF models, Spring does not include a database migration framework. Spring’s security framework is unique, like its unit-testing test framework. JavaServer Pages (JSP), software that dynamically generates web pages, is used as its template framework. Spring’s caching framework employs the Echache technique, and this validation framework utilizes Bean Validation strategies [13,14]. PHP The acronym PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it became Hypertext Preprocessor since it is highly related to HyperText Markup Language (HTML). PHP is usually located on the server-side of web processing. The MVC that PHP uses is similar to the one used by Ruby. There are many ORM libraries available for PHP, most notably are the data mappers ORM, PDO/ADO, and Doctrine. Most PHP libraries are fully documented and have complete tutorials available for free. The framework that PHP offers is adaptable and well-developed. [17] Discussion The WAF model associated with the Java programming language is the most familiar to system designers, giving it the highest expected development efficiency. On the other hand, PHP is highly compatible with HTML files that are used for HomeAlive marketing websites, and they are also similar to the familiar C++ programming language. Compatibility considerations must be examined in tandem with server choices. The Spring and Django WAF models include several unique features which adds to both their flexibility and complexity. 35 Decision Matrix Table 26. Decision Matrix for Web Application Framework Criteria Weight Ruby Python Java Familiarity 60% 7 8 9 PHP 9 Compatibility 30% 8 8 8 10 Uniqueness 10% 8 9 10 9 Totals: 100% 7.4 8.1 8.8 9.3 Design Decision As depicted in Table 26, the WAF model that seems to best meet the weighted criteria is PHP WAF. However, each alternative evaluated as similarly suitable and decision matrix estimates require refinement before a WAF is chosen. 13.6.4 Gateway to Server Messaging Protocol In order for the gateway to properly function it must consolidate wireless communication from many devices into a single internet-based communication path. It includes two critical components: a wireless communication module and an internet-enabled processor. The communication protocol for messages passed between the gateway and the server will be chosen from several alternatives as discussed below. The messaging protocol from gateway to the server has to utilize the design norm of trust. Criteria Each messaging protocol should be evaluated according to its reliability, computational requirements, compatibility, and complexity. Reliability refers to the protocol’s assurances that its messages are transmitted successfully, decoded accurately, and received from a trusted source. The reliability of the system connects to the design norm of trust. Computational requirements refers to the idea that minimal hardware and software resources should be needed in order to utilize this protocol; its primary purpose is to transmit information, not process it. Compatibility refers to the fact that the protocol must be capable of interacting with both the wireless communication module and the gateway’s main processor. Finally, complexity refers to choosing the simplest available alternative that satisfies the preceding criteria satisfactorily. Options MQTT One protocol option for internet-based messaging is MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT). It was designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) integration and mobile applications by focusing on the minimization of required computational resources and reliable assurances of message delivery [15]. It utilizes established connections between publishers and subscribers in order to perform message passing. AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) allows messaging providers to send information to a message-oriented middleware (MOM) broker by implementing an open standard application layer. MOM supports messaging distribution over similar platforms. AMQP is utilized for M2M communication, and it is similar to the familiar Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It utilizes established connections between clients and brokers in order to perform message passing. 36 Design Alternative Selection AMQP was first chosen for HomeAlive’s internet-based messaging protocol based on industrial consultant’s recommendation. In addition, AMQP was proven to be more feature-rich than MQTT. This was also based on the fact that the Raspberry Pi processor has the required complexity to support an AMQP application, which offers greater capabilities than the MQTT protocol. 13.6.5 Web Portal Programming Language In order to provide a web portal user interface that is most ideal, it has to satisfy the criteria below. In addition, a programming language for designing the software interface must be chosen. Several alternative languages are identified and evaluated in this section. Criteria Each web portal programming language should be evaluated according to its compatibility, graphical capability, runtime performance, and developer familiarity. Compatibility refers the fact that the web portal must be able to interact with the database system and interface protocols that are chosen when designing the server. Graphical capability refers to ease with which the programming language can be used to develop intuitive and aesthetically appealing user interfaces. Runtime performance refers to the efficiency and speed with which programs written in the language typically run. Finally, developer familiarity refers to selecting the language that is best known by the web portal developer and also satisfies the preceding criteria. Options Ruby on Rails One programming language option for the web portal user interface is Ruby on Rails. Its chief advantage seems to be an integrated web framework that facilitates the development of website user interfaces. The connectivity with the database is easy to use. Ruby serves as the server-side, while all the client-side is handled by JavaScript (JS). The graphical capability mostly depend on the JS handling. PHP Another programming language option is the language PHP, which is often used in back-end or server-side web portal contexts. PHP has a noteworthy integration with the MySQL database language and is easily linked to HTML and CSS files. It is also important to recognize that PHP is easy to connect with JS in order to provide high-quality graphics. Java A third option is the Java programming language. It is commonly used as a server-side development language for web development. Java’s connectivity with the database systems is easy to learn and Java frameworks allow HTML integration for graphical web interfaces. Finally, the inherent connection to JS will help the user interface display the necessary visuals for system data. Discussion PHP is a free software released under PHP license. The syntax is very similar to the C based languages. Since HomeAlive members have previous experiences in coding with C++, PHP provides the highest familiarity. Java is also a familiar language as it is the basic object oriented programming. In terms of compatibility, PHP is compatible with many architectures and operating systems. It runs smoothly on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh systems. 37 Decision Matrix Table 27. Decision Matrix for Web Portal Programming Language Criteria Weight Ruby Java Familiarity 60% 7 9 PHP 9 Compatibility 30% 8 8 10 Performance 10% 7 8 9 Totals: 100% 7.3 8.6 9.3 Design Decision PHP was selected according to the matrix shown in Table 27. However, it is important to note that this web portal programming language will be paired with JS, HTML, and CSS on the client-side. 13.6.6 User Interface Criteria The user interface is the point where product and consumer interact, so it plays a large role in the user’s experience and HomeAlive seeks to maximize the quality of that experience. This project is being conducted with limited resources including time and cost. In light of this, the user interface alternative that is selected should maximize quality of experience while remaining within project budget and scope. The criteria of the user interface is highly connected with the design norm of trust, users should experience transparency and consistency when using the user interface. Options Web Portal Only The web portal would use project resources efficiently by building upon an already required web framework. Developing a web portal interface that is intuitive for users may present a challenge, and the user experience for a web portal is not seamlessly available in daily life. Mobile Application Only A mobile phone application user interface would require development of an Android or an iOS application using Java or objective C. Developing a mobile application may cost money to gain a license to use an environment provided by the related OS. Designing a GUI of this nature would be time consuming, due to team inexperience with mobile development. A mobile application would be a great asset for maximizing the user’s experience; it would serve as an important part of the system’s overall accessibility. Web Portal & Mobile Application Developing both the web portal and mobile application interfaces, in comparison to only doing one, would increase the time required and possibly the cost of this project, but would significantly increase the user’s quality of experience. 38 Decision Matrix Table 28. Decision Matrix for User Interface Weight Web Portal Only Mobile Application Only Web Portal & Mobile App. 20% 2 8 9 5% 10 2 2 Time Required 75% 9 5 1 Totals: 100% 7.65 5.45 2.65 Criteria Quality of User’s Experience Cost Design Decision As depicted in Table 28, developing only a web portal user interface for the system best met the weighted criteria. However, it is important to note the criteria weights favor scope considerations far more than the quality of user’s experience and cost criterion. 13.7 Design Decision Summary Table 29 summarizes all of the design alternative selections discussed above. Table 29. Design Alternative Selection Summary Design Alternative Gateway OS and Networking Terminal Device to Gateway Communication Protocol Gateway Processing Hardware Gateway Power Supply Server & Gateway Integration Server Hosting Database Structure Web Application Framework Internet-based Messaging Protocol User Interface Selection Raspbian DigiMesh Raspberry Pi Battery & Outlet Powered Unique Server & Gateway An independent Server MySQL PHP AMQP Web Portal Only 39 14 System Implementation 14.1 Technical Diagram & Component Explanations The conceptual system diagram explained above can be expanded into a technical system diagram as seen in Figure 9. The technical diagram shows greater detail within each system component from the conceptual diagram, by separating them into even smaller modules. These modules are categorized as either hardware or software, and the interface protocols between them have been explicitly declared. Figure 9. Technical System Diagram This diagram shows system component separation into hardware and software modules. It also clarifies that interface protocols will be needed for communication between components. 40 14.1.1 User Interfaces Explanation The user interfaces component, seen in Figure 9 is separated into two distinct software modules: a web portal client and a smart phone application. The web portal client describes any internet browser that is accessing the server’s web portal module. The phone application functions similarly but interacts directly with the server’s database manager API protocol; it uses a GUI that has been optimized for smartphone screens. Both of these modules allow for users to interact with the home automation system. The UI Webserver module of the server is the code for the website UI, hosted by the server machine, and is referred to as part of the user interface throughout this report. 14.1.2 Server Explanation The server component, seen in Figure 9, is separated into five software modules. The basis of the server is the database storage module which is responsible for containing device and system information. This software element is important because the storage of device information enables actions to be taken based on the past, instead of just the present. Additionally, the storage of system information is crucial to maintaining device pairings and security logins. Next, there is a database manager software module which is responsible for controlling reads, writes, and searches of the database as it communicates with the gateway via an AMQP broker. The manager controls the HomeAlive system and the broker simply coordinates messages between its gateway and server clients. Finally, there is a user interface to database API module which adds a layer of abstraction between the webserver and the database. This is important to facilitate the adding of more user interface options in the future. 14.1.3 Gateway Explanation The gateway component, seen in Figure 9, is separated into two hardware modules, their associated software modules, and two interface protocols. The first main hardware module is the RF communication chip. It is responsible for relaying information from all of the devices to the gateway’s processor, and for relaying information from the gateway’s processor to the correct individual device. The second main hardware module is the processor which is primarily responsible for translating messages received from the RF communication chip into internet-based messages, these are destined for the server’s database manager module. The software module running on the RF communication chip includes basic configurations for the chip. The software module running on the processor includes both a small operating system and a networking structure that allows it to access the internet and pass messages to the server. The two interface protocols include server communication and wireless RF communication. The server communication protocol allows the processor to make and receive understandable requests from the server. Next, the wireless communication interface protocol module is meant to show that the information being relayed by the RF communication module has a logical structure imposed on it. 14.1.4 Devices Explanation The devices component, seen in Figure 9 is separated according to each device; each device is then separated further into hardware and software modules. Hardware modules for each device include the essential device hardware, control circuitry, a microprocessor, and an RF communication chip. The essential device hardware is comprised of the actual lighting system, thermostat, coffee machine, or other household object. The control circuitry is attached to the essential device hardware in such a way that it can execute the desired monitoring and controlling of the household object. The microprocessor is the master of the device and interprets RF messages before taking the appropriate action using control circuitry. It has the device’s main software module which is integrally connected to the microprocessor’s ability to read and drive electrical signals on IO pins. Finally, the RF communication chip is responsible for relaying information wirelessly from the control circuitry to the gateway, and from the gateway to the 41 control circuitry. It also hosts the device component’s other software module, which includes basic configurations for the wireless communication chip. 14.2 User Interfaces The system implementation of the user interface relies on HTML, CSS, PHP, and JS scripts. First, the HTML structure provides the display of the website and its user input forms. These forms use the POST method because it is more reliable and secure than the only alternative, the GET method. Second, the combination of HTML and CSS makes the user interface display more colorful and aesthetically pleasing. The placement and shapes of all objects are defined inside the CSS file; all of the minimalist HTML and CSS files are originally designed by HTML5 Alpha Themes (although they have been significantly altered). The HTML and CSS combination works well with Windows, Android, and Blackberry operating systems, but iOS has notable incompatibilities. Third, the PHP language is used because it provides familiar programming styles and higher security than simple HTML files. The HTML files used for the user login pages and home manager pages are embedded inside PHP scripts using the echo function. In this way, users can only look at the printed result of the PHP script. This is a standard security protocol used to prevent unwanted user permissions for viewing configuration files and database values that the PHP files utilize. The opensource module that was used for developing the login page is called userCake, and it provides a simple and manageable login system that connects directly to the server’s MySQL database. This module also includes logout, sign up, forgot password, and email activation features. Fourth, the JS script files are used as an additional programming tool that works flawlessly with HTML. Multiple JS script files are integrated in order to provide rules for checking time, hiding unselected features, getting live data, and other required functions. The only two libraries involved in the JS scripts are the default JS library and the popular jQuery library. These are relevant to achievement of the user interface’s component requirements. Finally, the JSON add-on is used in these JS scripts to attain undisturbed send and receive capabilities. The following figures (Figures 10 to 17) show screenshots of the user interface’s final appearance. 42 Figure 10. Welcome Page Figure 11. User Login Page 43 Figure 12. Home Manager Page Figure 13. Home Manager Page continued 44 Figure 14. Outlet Adapter Advanced Settings Figure 15. Outlet Adapter Monitoring Display 45 Figure 16. Thermostat Advanced Settings Figure 17. Thermostat Scheduling Display 46 14.3 Server The server component was integral to HomeAlive system, and implemented using many sub system components. 14.3.1 Hardware A desktop computer with an Intel Core i5 processor and a 4GB of RAM was used to install all required software. The server was physically located at engineering building while in development stage, and later moved to Okkar’s house for universal access. The desktop computer with mentioned configuration provided more than adequate system for HomeAlive. The processing speed was 2.7 GHz and data storage capacity was 500 GB. It also had an Ethernet cable interface with a maximum transfer speed of 1Gb/s to handle incoming internet traffic. 14.3.2 Software HomeAlive used an Ubuntu server as a base system for HomeAlive’s server. The software implementation of server involved four main area: a database server, a device and database API, a User Interface and database API, a gateway and database manager and an AMQP server. Database Server A database server for storing system related data was set up using a MySQL database over an existing Ubuntu server. MySQL server listens incoming internet traffic on port 3306. The relationship between tables were shown in Figure 18. Figure 18. HomeAlive’s Database Structure API for communication between a Gateway and a database (Gateway – API) Server was required to provide a way to communicate between a Gateway and a database. In order to do so, functions written in PHP were used as API. API eliminates the need for the Gateway to know the structure of the database or the need for database to know which gateway to communicate to. 47 For example, a gateway sends a status update from a thermostat. By using the API provided, the gateway does not need to know the details of table and rows that need to be updated. The API handles those details. This approach allowed HomeAlive team to design modular system easily with minimal dependent on other components of the system. The followings were the main API functions used. Table 30. HomeAlive’s Gateway and Database API Summary Name sendCmdToHub() Purpose It periodically checks new user commands stored in the database and send the commands to the gateway using the appropriate AMQP queue for the specified household. registerStatus($mysqli,$raw_data) The function insert or update the rows in table using the device and house identification number included in raw data. API for communication between a User Interface and a database (UI-API) Server was also required to provide a way to communicate between HomeAlive’s user interface and tis database. API approach was again used. The UI would call the functions to store the user commands in the database. Similarly, the UI would call the function to get the status of devices. All API function were written in PHP. The followings were the main API functions used. Table 31. HomeAlive’s User Interface and Database API Summary Name Purpose registerUserInput ($Device_ID, The function inserts or updates commands in the appropriate table $House_ID, $Cmd) given the device and house identification numbers. getCurrentStatus The function returns the current status of the specific device from ($Device_ID,$House_ID,$Cmd) the specified household stored in the database. A Manager for communication between a gateway and a database (Gatway-Manager) A manager simply referred to a standalone function that is constantly monitoring the changes in the system and taking action as necessary. For HomeAlive system, a function with infinite loop that was calling the API for communication between a gateway and a database was used. The function was also written in PHP. RabbitMQ Server and Broker A RabbitMQ server is an AMQP server and listens incoming traffic on port 5672. It was readily available through Ubuntu software repository. The configuration of the server was modified to meet the requirements of the HomeAlive system. The Exchange and Queue were set up according to the Figure 21. The RabbitMQ client communicates with the RabbitMQ server residing on the server machine as described above. When receiving AMQP messages, the client is pushed by the broker and its received message handler is called. This handler then calls registerStatus API function to update the contents of the device table. When sending AMQP messages, the client simply publishes the message content to the appropriate queue (see above); from there the broker distributes it to the server manager. This structure is diagramed below in Figure 21. Flow diagram of the software implementation The following figure illustrates the simplified flow of server software implementation. Figure 19 represents the flow of server programs starting from UI-API to RabbitMQ broker. Figure 20 shows the reverse flow of server programs from RabbitMQ Broker to UI-API. 48 UI- API Database Gateway Manger •registerUserInput() : register the incoming user input in the database •stores data in the appropriate table •notice the change and call API Gateway - API RabbitMQ Broker •sendCmdToHub() : send the command to the appropriate gateway •relays the command using AMQP Figure 19. Server’s program flow from UI end to Gateway End RabbitMQ Borker Gateway Manager Gateway - API • receives AMQP message from the gateway • Manager notice the message and call API • registerStatus() : put the message in the database Database UI-API • store the incoming message • getCurrentStatus() : get the current status of the device Figure 20. Server’s program flow from Gateway end to UI End 49 Figure 21. Rabbit MQ Broker and Client System Diagram 14.4 Gateway Gateway hardware was purchased and then carefully configured. Gateway software was written nearly from scratch, utilizing just the Java Simple Serial Connection (jssc) and RabbitMQ libraries. Hardware The gateway hardware was implemented using a purchased single-board computer called a Raspberry Pi. This computer has the required processing power to be capable of converting messages between AMQP and DigiMesh at the required speeds. Furthermore, it has USB serial ports which allow it to easily communicate with a wireless RF communication XBee chip. The XBee chip is another hardware element of the gateway, and it uses a USB serial dongle adapter. Optionally, the gateway can be outfitted with a USB WiFi dongle to provide an internet connection. If not, a standard Ethernet internet connection functions equivalently. Software The gateway software was written in a one multithreaded Java program. This program is basically divided into two sections, a RabbitMQ client and an XBee serial communication module. These sections are closely linked because an incoming message in either one results in an outgoing message on the other. Furthermore, multithreading concerns are handled by congregating all functionality that needs 50 to be thread-safe into a few synchronized functions. These functions are then used instead of directly accessing shared resources in order to guarantee that there will be no race-conditions, deadlocks, etc. Messaging Format Throughout all of the gateway software, messages are treated as sequences of bytes in the HomeAlive message format. This format can be seen in Figure 22 and includes: 4 bytes of house identification, 1 byte of device identification, 1 byte of message payload length, and up to 256 bytes of payload data. House ID numbers are unique per household and device ID numbers are unique within each household. Also note that start sequences are prepended to messages travelling from devices to the gateway, but the start sequence is cut off before messages are delivered to the server. Figure 22. HomeAlive Messaging Format (bytes) RabbitMQ Client The RabbitMQ client communicates with the RabbitMQ broker residing on the server machine as described above. When receiving AMQP messages, the client is pushed by the broker and its received message handler is called. This handler then makes use of the XBee Serial Communication module’s send functionality in order to pass the message on as a DigiMesh message. When sending AMQP messages, the client simply publishes the message content to the appropriate queue (see above); from there the broker distributes it to the server manager. This structure is diagramed below in Figure 23. XBee Serial Communication As seen in Figure 23, the XBee Serial Communication module uses the jssc library to interact with the XBee chip and dongle adapter, and it also does a significant amount of processing to confirm message accuracy. When sending messages using the XBee chip, this module simply writes the byte content to the DigiMesh protocol. However, when receiving DigiMesh messages two additional algorithms are used to confirm message accuracy. First, devices sending message to the gateway must start their messages with a specified 5 byte sequence, the start sequence. If the gateway receives a message that does not begin with this sequence, it purges the serial buffer until it is either empty or locates the correct start sequence. This helps the gateway be resilient against bad messages which originate in the interleaving of DigiMesh messages from multiple sources. A higher quality solution would be to access the XBee firmware and stop message interleaving from occurring in the first place; however, this was considered out of project scope. Second, the gateway checks each message’s header information for that message’s payload length. It will then continue reading bytes into that particular message until the payload length is realized or a timeout event occurs. This helps protect the system against the tendency of XBee chips to divide DigiMesh messages into segments and send each segment separately. If the timeout event occurs, the serial buffer is purged in the same way as previously described. Multithreading The multithreading capabilities of the Java programming language are used in order to more efficiently handle gateway message conversions. As seen in Figure 23, there is a single main loop for the program. The main loop listens for new XBee messages, reads them, and then spawns threads to handle 51 their conversion and resending. In addition, new threads are spawned when the program is pushed by the RabbitMQ broker to receive a new AMQP message. These threads pass their message content on using the XBee radio chip. In order to implement multithreading without running into deadlock, race condition, or other problems, the Java ‘synchronized’ keyword is used. The ‘synchronized’ keyword allows programs to mark functions that have critical sections and cannot be used by multiple threads at once. All shared resources, especially the XBee radio chip, are wrapped in synchronized functions in order to make them thread-safe. Figure 23. Gateway Software Diagram 14.5 Devices 14.5.1 Thermostat The HomeAlive team decided to develop a smart thermostat to show the system’s capabilities. This was accomplished by converting a normal thermostat, which has a programmable schedule for the week and weekend, and other features similar that may be set, into a smart thermostat by adding wireless and scheduling capabilities. To do this a programmable thermostat was purchased and modified to be able to be controlled wirelessly. Hardware This section will describe the hardware required to modify the thermostat and make it smart. Thermostat The Honeywell RTH6350 was selected to be the modified thermostat. This thermostat has 4 programmable periods - wake, leave, return, sleep - for both heat and cool, and the week and weekend. This totals to 4 different schedules: a week heat and cool and a weekend heat and cool. The modified design added the ability to electronically press the buttons, and wirelessly send and receive data. 52 Arduino An Arduino Uno is used to electronically press the buttons, read if buttons are pressed manually, process communications, and maintain a synchronized state with the state machine on the Honeywell. XBee Chip An XBee chip is used to wirelessly communicate with the gateway. Control Circuitry The control circuit of thermostat can be viewed in Figure 24. This section will walk through each area of the circuit at a high level. For a further explanation of the button pressing see the honors report posted on the team website. When a button is pressed manually on the thermostat a terminal on the thermostat’s circuit is shorted. This is accomplished electronically using a transistor (2N3904). The base of the transistor is connected to the digital output of the Arduino. When the digital pin is asserted high the transistor is forward biased and the emitter and collector are essentially connected. By connecting each end of the button’s terminals to either the emitter or collector the transistor is capable of electrically pressing the button. This technique gave control to all six of the buttons, but pressing a button, manually or electronically, can have different effects based on whether or not the thermostat is currently awake or asleep. Thus a way needed to be devised to tell if the backlight is on or not. This is accomplished by reading the voltage across the backlight’s LED on an analog pin. The manual reads are accomplished by reading the voltage across the terminals of the buttons into analog pins. An LED is asserted digitally by the Arduino to show when the Arduino is busy. Lastly, the thermostat has connections for a heater, air conditioner, and fan. To display when the thermostat is turning on the heater, air conditioner, or fan LEDs are digitally asserted by the thermostat. Figure 24. Thermostat Device Conceptual Diagram 53 Figure 25. Thermostat Device Schematic PCB Fabrication The initial circuit designs were built on a bread board, but once the circuit proved working they were moved to printed circuit boards. The PCBs were fabricated at Calvin College. Software The thermostat device’s Arduino software consists of several thousand lines of Arduino code (similar to C code), and it is organized according to the structure shown in Figure 26. This diagram shows how Arduinos are divided into two sections, setup and loop. The setup code executes each time the Arduino boots; the loop code executes repeatedly and endlessly until the Arduino shuts down. Each segment of the Arduino code is explained in greater detail below. 54 Figure 26. Thermostat Software Diagram A: Define Global Variables & Constants This section of the software explicitly declares all the global scope variables and constants for the program. Most of this section is filled with declarations of numerical constants for: recognizing commands from the rest of the system, sending status updates to the rest of the system, and using EEPROM addressing techniques. The constants for communication with the rest of the system must match those used by the other system components exactly. B: Send Status This section of the software causes the Arduino to write bytes of information to the XBee RF chip, where it will be sent to the gateway. These informative bytes are the message payload and are wrapped in appropriate header information and prepended with the correct start sequence according to Figure 26 above. In addition, the status reports follow a specific payload format of alternating feedback codes and byte sub-payloads. A portion of the table detailing these can be seen in Figure 27. 55 Figure 27. Thermostat Feedback Codes Snippet C: Initialize Variables This minor but important section of the code prepares the thermostat to run by setting up its initial state and resetting its internal timers. D: Send Status This section of the software is identical to the similarly named section in the Arduino setup code; however, it is only executed if the custom Arduino chirping timer has expired. The chirping timer length can be set by the HomeAlive system using thermostat commands; it is essentially how often the thermostat should report its state. E: Read Message This section of the code relies heavily on the Arduino’s serial interface with the XBee RF chip. It carefully examines incoming bytes of data in order to recognize only HomeAlive messages that are intended for its specific device ID, discarding the other messages. If it does receive a message that is intended for the thermostat, then it invokes the appropriate message handlers (see below). F: Handle Message This section of the code is the most important part of the thermostat Arduino program. It causes the thermostat to take some action based on the command code and parameter values of the message payload, a snippet of this structure can be seen in Figure 28. These actions involve the Arduino state machine, EEPROM values, and pressing the thermostat buttons using the control circuitry described above. 56 Figure 28. Thermostat Command Codes Snippet G: Manual Button Press Checking This section of code is responsible for recognizing when a user has physically pressed a thermostat button with their fingers. It does this by quickly counting the number of times (corresponds to length of time) that the Arduino analog read pins cross a certain voltage threshold. When that number exceeds another threshold value, a button press has occurred and the appropriate state machine link is forced in order to keep the Arduino and thermostat synchronized. One other important feature of this code is its ability to recognize which of the 6 buttons is being pressed based on the 5 Arduino analog read pin values, these are organized as explained in the hardware paragraphs above. State Machine One of the main functions of the Arduino code on the thermostat device is to maintain a state machine that is always synchronized with the physical thermostat machine. This is necessary in order to know what conditions exist on the thermostat without needing to access its firmware. As explained above, the physical thermostat interfaces with the Arduino only via an analog reading of 6 of its electrical nodes. This complex state machine has 22 states and 132 links where states represent thermostat conditions and links are button presses, an abbreviated version is shown in Figure 29. Figure 29. Thermostat Abbreviated State Machine 57 14.5.2 Outlet Adapter The outlet adapter was created from scratch as a device to mimic a commercial Kill-a-Watt with the added ability of bidirectional communication, other commands, and toggling on/off feature. Hardware Arduino The outlet adapter uses an Arduino Nano to process all of the wireless communications, perform analog reads for current and voltage, and digitally control the a relay. XBee Chip An XBee chip was used to wirelessly communicate with the gateway. Power Monitoring Circuitry The power monitoring circuit is split into two different sections: the measuring of current and voltage. The power factor was not determined, thus multiplying the measured current by the measured voltage produced the apparent power (VA) and not the real power (W). The descriptions below explain the schematic in Figure 32. The basic approach to measuring the voltage is to step down the voltage by a factor of 1000. Next the smaller voltage is used as an input to an rms to DC converter (AD736). The rms to DC converter produces a steady DC value between 0 VDC and the positive voltage supply (5 VDC) proportional to the input’s position in the input range. The input range is from 0 V to 200 mVrms thus 100 mVrms would produce an output of 2.5 VDC. The output is sent to an analog pin on the Arduino. The Arduino was then calibrated to produce valid measurements. The current is measured using a current transducer (ACS712). The output of the ACS712 is a DC value offset halfway (2.5 VDC) from 0 VDC to the positive voltage supply (5 VDC). The voltage output is linearly proportional to the current, but scaled based on the power supply. The maximum input allowed is 15 Arms, as specified by the datasheet. Thus, using a ± 5 VDC supply, the scaling factor is 0.333 and a + 100 mArms current would produce a + 33.3 mVDC from the DC offset and a - 100 mArms current would produce a – 33.3 mVDC from the DC offset. The output would be 2.533 VDC and 2.467 VDC respectively. The next step was to filter the output of the current transducer. A 60 Hz bandwidth filter cancels out the DC and passes only the 60 Hz signal, as would be expected of U.S. outlets. The filter also has the negative effect of attenuating the signal by 70%. After the signal is filtered it is input into an rms to DC converter (AD736), the same part but another one. The AD736 does the same operation and functions the same way as above. The output of the AD736 could be sent straight into the Arduino to be read, but to increase the precision the output of the AD736 if first amplified by a non-inverting operational amplifier with a gain of 5 V/V. Lastly, the output of the operational amplifier is sent to a voltage divider that allows the output to be read at smaller and larger values. The Arduino analog pins have a range of 0 VDC to 5 VDC. To gain precision the analog reference (AREF) can be set as low as 1 VDC. The Arduino then converts the ratio of the input compared to the reference (default 5 VDC) to a number between 0 and 1023. To illustrate, if AREF is set to 3 VDC and the input is 1.5 VDC the number for an analog read will be 512. The output of the AD736 is from 0 VDC to 1 VDC and corresponds to a value of 0 Arms to 15 Arms. By amplifying this output by 5 times the full range of the analog read can be utilized. Next by setting AREF to 1 VDC 58 more precision can be acquired. To make sure that the maximum output of the operational amplifier (5 VDC) is in the range of AREF a voltage divider is used. The voltage divider splits the operational amplifiers output into five equal chunks. To illustrate, 1 VDC is split into 0.2 VDC, 0.4 VDC, 0.6 VDC, 0.8 VDC and 1.0 VDC. Thus, 5 VDC will have at least one reading that is in range. An analog pin reads the voltage divider at each one of these chunks. The chunk with the lowest value is checked first. If it is out of range (it equals 1023) the next lowest chunk is checked. This continues until the highest chunk (the original value) is checked. If that value is out of range the current is determined to be above 15 Arms. The Arduino was then calibrated to produce valid measurements. Figure 30. Outlet Adapter Device Conceptual Diagram 59 D A E B C A B 60 C D E 61 Figure 31. Outlet Adapter Device Schematic Figure 32. Outlet Adapter Device Filter Figure 33. Outlet Adapter RMS to DC Calibration 62 Figure 34. Outlet Adapter Device Voltage Calibration Curve 63 Figure 35. Outlet Adapter Device Current Calibration Curve 64 Figure 36. Outlet Adapter Device Photo Control Circuitry The control circuit for the outlet adapter’s toggling utilizes a relay, controlled by the digital output of the Arduino. The relay (G5CA-1A) needs 5 VDC and 40 mA to be able to control up to 15 Arms through it. To control the switching on and off of the relay a transistor (2N3904) is connected to it. The transistor is forward biased by the digital output of the Arduino. PCB Fabrication The initial circuit designs were built on a bread board, but once the circuit proved working they were moved to printed circuit boards. The PCBs were fabricated at Calvin College. Software The outlet adapter device’s Arduino software consists of a several hundred lines of Arduino code (similar to C code), and it is organized according to the structure shown in Figure 37. This diagram shows how Arduinos are divided into two sections, setup and loop. The setup code executes each time the Arduino boots; the loop code executes repeatedly and endlessly until the Arduino shuts down. Each segment of the Arduino code is explained in greater detail below. 65 Figure 37. Outlet Adapter Software Diagram A: Define Global Variables & Constants This section of the software explicitly declares all the global scope variables and constants for the program. Most of this section is filled with declarations of numerical constants for: recognizing commands from the rest of the system, sending status updates to the rest of the system, and using EEPROM addressing techniques. The constants for communication with the rest of the system must match those used by the other system components exactly. B: Send Status This section of the software causes the Arduino to write bytes of information to the XBee RF chip, where it will be sent to the gateway. These informative bytes are the message payload and are wrapped in appropriate header information and prepended with the correct start sequence according to Figure 19 above. In addition, the status reports follow a specific payload format of alternating feedback codes and byte sub-payloads. A portion of the table detailing these can be seen in Figure 38. For the outlet adapter, status reports are either comprehensive or limited. Comprehensive reports share all status information while limited ones share only frequently changing information. 66 Figure 38. Outlet Adapter Feedback Codes Snippet C: Load EEPROM This minor but important section of the code prepares the outlet adapter to run by setting up its initial state and loading its EEPROM values into its global variables. D: Send Measurements This section of the software is identical to the Send Status section in the Arduino setup code; however, it is only executed if the custom Arduino chirping timer has expired and it only shares a limited status report. The chirping timer length can be set by the HomeAlive system using outlet adapter commands; it is essentially how often the adapter reports the power monitoring values that it is reading. E: Read Message This section of the code relies heavily on the Arduino’s serial interface with the XBee RF chip. It carefully examines incoming bytes of data in order to recognize only HomeAlive messages that are intended for its specific device ID, discarding the other messages. If it does receive a message that is intended for the thermostat, then it invokes the appropriate message handlers (see below). F: Handle Message This section of the code causes the outlet adapter to take some action based on the command code and parameter values of the message payload, a snippet of this structure can be seen in Figure 39. These actions typically set whether or not the adapter has toggled on its relay and whether or not the adapter is chirping its measurement values. Figure 39. Outlet Adapter Command Codes Snippet G: Measure & Sample 67 This section of code is responsible for using the Arduino’s analog read pins in order to determine the voltage and current being used by the adapter hardware. As explained above, voltages are read by a single Arduino pin and the current is read by several Arduino read pins. The values of these pins are sampled over either a certain number of repetitions or a certain amount of time and then averaged. Finally, the averaged values are subjected to a linear calibration curve in order to determine current, voltage, and power values. The calibration curves can be seen in the figures below and were generated by submitting the adapter to several different loads and comparing values to a DMM readout. Custom Floating Point Format Due to the non-integer nature of voltage readings, current readings, and calibration curve values, it became necessary for the HomeAlive system to pass floating point values between its components. This presented something of a challenge because the system deals exclusively with byte data. Two solutions were used, one for power readings and one for calibration values. The solution for power readings (voltage and current) was to pass three bytes of data and interpret them using a one-deci-milli format. For example, the number 214.692 V would be separated into 214 V for the first byte, 6 dV for the second byte, and 92 mV for the third byte. Adding these together results in the original value of 214.692 V. The solution for the calibration values allows four distinct bytes to be used to communicate all positive or negative values of 6 or less significant figures with magnitudes between 1*10^-63 and 999999*10^63. This is done using another custom format wherein the second, third, and fourth bytes are simply the BCD value of each segment of the 6-digit number. For example, 123.456 would have the second byte 12, the third byte 34, and the fourth byte 56. The first byte is handled more complicatedly; its range (0-255) is divided into four equal sections: (0-63), (64-127), (128-191), and (192-255). These sections clarify both the exponential power of 10 to shift the magnitude by, and also the sign of the overall number. The four sections above correspond to (positive value, positive exponent), (positive value, negative exponent), (negative value, positive exponent), and (negative value, negative exponent) respectively. Furthermore, the magnitude of the exponent is given by the first byte’s value minus its sections first value. For example the first byte 67 would show a positive overall value, a negative exponent value, and an exponential magnitude of 3 = 67 - 64. Therefore the bytes 67, 12, 34, and 56 would signify the equation +123456 * 10^-3 and result in the value of 123.456. State Machine One of the main functions of the Arduino code on the outlet adapter device is to maintain a state machine that is always synchronized with the physical outlet adapter. As seen in Figure 40, the adapter’s state machine is a simple one with just 4 states and 8 links. Navigating between these states can be done only by sending the adapter RF commands of the proper format as explained above. Reporting refers to whether or not the adapter is sending its measured power values to the rest of the system. Relay on refers to whether or not the adapter is allowing power to pass through it and turn on whatever is plugged into it. 68 Figure 40. Outlet Adapter State Machine 69 15 Integration, Testing, and Debugging 15.1 Testing Summary Tests for this system will be used in order to ensure proper functionality of the system and its components throughout the development process and in order to evaluate the final prototype. These tests can be categorized as hardware tests, software tests, interface tests, user tests, or some combination, and each category can be further divided into multiple types. Two specific tests that have been established are the end-to-end communication test and the weekend-loop test. Additionally, a ‘fail fast’ methodology will be used whenever possible. A ‘fail fast’ methodology is based on the notion that the earlier in the design process a failure is, the more capable designers are of remedying the issue. This is because less resources have been invested, more time remains before deadlines, and less consecutive design decisions have been made that depend on the failing component. The methodology is acted upon by scheduling frequent, small-scale tests as early as possible during the design of the system. Even a basic proof of concept test can be invaluable when evaluating feasibility and making design decisions. The user interface will be tested in two distinct ways, firstly for functionality and secondly for the quality of user experience. Functionality tests include evaluating the speed at which it communicates with the database, confirming the accuracy of its values, and other tests. Quality tests will be done by exposing unfamiliar individuals to each webpage and asking them to rate it using categories and one-toten scales. The two primary ways in which the server will be tested are by measuring its speed and robustness. Speed tests evaluate the delays between the reception of a message and the handling of that message. They can be performed in both single message situations and message flood situations. Robustness tests help to ensure the server can handle high volumes of information and atypical command sequences. Gateway testing will focus mainly on processing speed and robustness. The gateway will be evaluated to ensure that the duration of time between its reception of a message and its sending of the converted message is acceptably short. The gateway will also be evaluated to ensure that it can run for long periods of time and in high-traffic situations without ceasing to function properly. Device testing for the thermostat and outlet adapter can be categorized as object-related or control-related. Object-related testing for the purchased thermostat will be limited; however, objectrelated testing for the outlet adapter will thorough. It will include evaluations of maximum loads, measurement accuracy, parasitic power draw, and more. Control-related testing for both devices will be used to ensure that system messages invoke appropriate responses in the object and to confirm that the generation of status update messages is handled as intended. Successful component interaction will be tested in several different ways, but the most important of these is the end-to-end delay test. The end-to-end delay test measures the length of time between the generation of a message on either a user interface and the reception of that message on a device; this is also done in the opposite direction. The test also establishes a maximum passable delay duration. Table 32 shows the description of the table title used to describe the testing. Since the testing is not conducted fully, the testing results are not shown in the testing table. 70 Table 32. Testing Table Parameter & Their Descriptions Name of Parameter Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Description Test name identification Name of the tested component The necessity of passing the test? Informal test has been done? Name of Parameter Test Type I Test Type II Test Description Description The first criteria being tested The second criteria being tested Simple description of the testing Test Conditions Initial condition of the testing Test Measured Value The variable being measured in the test Name of Parameter Test Pass Min* Test Pass Max* Description The minimal result of the testing The maximal result of the testing Test Results* The result of the testing Test Passed?* The result of the testing 15.2 Informal System Testing One specific, holistic test that will be used to evaluate this system is the end-to-endcommunication test. This test consists of simply sending a recognizable signal, such as “hello world” or a pattern of bit voltage levels, from device hardware through the communication modules, gateway, and server to the phone application. This test should also be performed in the reverse direction. If successful, the end-to-end-communication test indicates that all relevant parts of the system can feasibly be used as intended in the system. This test should be done as early as possible in keeping with the ‘fail fast’ methodology described above. Another specific tests that will be used to evaluate components in this system is the weekend-loop test. It is primarily an interface test, and consists of monitoring the communication between two modules over a period of time. For example, the gateway should be able to send an integer value to a device and the device should be capable of responding with that same value. Upon receiving the matched acknowledgement, the gateway will increment the integer and send it again. If this continues successfully over the course of a weekend, it is likely capable of running stably for much longer. Table 44 in the Appendices displays the testing that will be conducted. 15.3 Informal User Interface Testing User testing has two main aspects, unexpected use-cases and the user experience. User tests typically involved taking a third-party individual or random of individuals with limited knowledge of the product, and allowing them to interact freely with the system or component under test. This was typically most helpful when the sample users are taken from the target demographic population. User tests could reveal unexpected use-cases for the system. New, unknowledgeable individuals were likely to attempt to interact with the system in ways that system designers did not foresee. Additionally, the user experience can be evaluated using user tests. By watching random users interact with the system, and by surveying 71 or interviewing them afterwards, HomeAlive gained valuable insights into the development of the product. The specific tests performed on the user interface includes continuous running, message flooding, security, and consumer/user testing. These tests prove the robustness, continuous-running performance, and security aspect of the system. Table 45 in the appendices shows the complete testing table. The user tests was done 4 days before the project showcase. Knowledgeable users are the primary candidate because they brought harder issues to fix such as alerts timing, delays in function, and function breakpoints. Within a day, the HomeAlive member fixed the issue and conduct another user tests. This time both knowledgeable and unknowledgeable users took part of the test. Minor and major changes were needed such as cropped logo, unrelated icon, and page links. Finally, the last informal user tests was conducted a day before the showcase. The next test conducted was the message flooding and continuous running. The user interface was saved on the phone browser for 1-2 days. Then the user periodically checked whether the alert system still notify of the send command and database update. The live checking worked continuously for 6 hours as it track changes every 2 seconds. To combine the two tests, the HomeAlive member decided to update the database once every second to check if the user interface still response correctly. In the span of 3-6 hours, the user interface functioned well. Minor fixes needed were alert bubble blocking the display and skipped alert. The skipped alert was fixed a day before the demonstration, but the alert bubble required more time to fix. The security protocol used in the user interface was a standard PHP security. HomeAlive used the security provided by PHP as well as the POST method of the form. These protocols were deemed sufficient for stopping minimal hacker. Brute force and sophisticated hacking system were not tested, therefore HomeAlive could not determine the result of user interface hacker resiliency. 15.4 Informal Server Testing Server tests focus on the server’s availability, processing speed, messaging flood response, error message handling, and security. The processing speed tests involved the server’s timing and consistency when the server is continuously running. The server’s internet connection strength is also an important measure of the robustness of the server. Finally, the security testing includes checking the resilience to inappropriate access by an unqualified party. Table 46 in the appendices shows the complete testing table. Each function in the server’s programs was tested using a unit test during development. After each function was written, the function was called using various input parameters and the results were verified. Such unit testing ensured that individual functions were correct. According to the operating system log, the server was also proven to run around 75 days without any downtime, at which point it was shutdown (it did not crash). The server machine worked better than originally expected considering the dusty and unregulated temperature environment. The ambient environment seemed not to have effect on functionality and performance of the server. In order to test the processing speed and messaging flood response, a HomeAlive system with two households was set up. The server received more than 240 requests per minute from multiple gateways. The AMQP broker received those messages in real time; however, the database management program was found to have a two minute lag due to multiple IO reads and writes. The API functions were then revised and retested. After this, the whole server performed in real time with no significant delays. 72 The security of the server was not explicitly tested. However, a number of additional securities were implemented in the server. The MySQL server used user and password security system. It would not allow logging in from unrecognized computers effectively preventing hackers. Hackers won’t be able to hack unless they obtained HomeAlive’s computers physically. In addition, only the required ports were open on the server. This prevents Hackers from getting access to server using unused ports. The server also used a SSH key based connection. Each team member was provided with a 512 bit AES key file to access the server. AES is a military standard encryption method and hacking such kind of keys required multiple days and proven unsuccessful most of the time. In addition, RabbitMQ broker also used its own independent user and password based security system. Thus, the server was considered to be resilient from most hackers although no explicit tests were performed. 15.5 Informal Gateway Testing Gateway testing is done to ensure the processing speed, hardware, software, and security of the component are high-quality. Processing speed testing involves timing the delay between a message reception and the sending of its converted form in both directions. Hardware testing is related to confirming continued functionality under extreme heats, extreme colds, and also room temperature conditions. Heat dissipation and water resistance were also be part of the hardware testing. For the software testing, unit and module level tests were conducted to ensure that the software is reliable and consistent. Security testing refers to checking whether a hacker could easily corrupt the operations of the gateway. Table 47 in the appendices shows the complete gateway testing table. These tests, with the exception of extreme temperatures, have all been passed informally by the HomeAlive prototype. Informal passing means that the metrics by which these tests were evaluated were consistently noted in the passing range during other, system-level testing. However, informal tests were not explicitly performed with known control groups and careful procedures. 15.6 Informal Devices Testing The devices’ hardware were tested throughout the design via informal unit tests, PSpice simulations, and whole system integration tests. The software testing involved message flooding, intentionally erroneous messages being sent, continuous running, testing the accuracy in the measurement, rapid toggling, and unit and module tests. The design process was iterative and each time the system grew in size informal tests were conducted. First the devices were tested in isolation from the system, no communication with the gateway, server, or user interface. Data was sent via USB and java test programs. Once the devices were sending and receiving data properly and the appropriate actions were being performed in hardware, the devices were connected to the gateway and informal tests were conducted at that level of integration. Next the devices were tested at a fully integrated level via the user interface sending commands and viewing the results. These tests ensured the robustness, power usage, accuracy, and software reliability of devices. Table 48 in the appendices shows the complete list of tests. 15.7 Informal Component Interaction Testing Interface tests focus on confirming the appropriate functionality of the system’s inter-component communications. These tests are crucial because points of component interaction tend to be both the hardest to develop correctly and the most likely to fail over time. Interface tests include both hardware and software tests, as described above. Hardware interface tests are performed on circuitry that connects multiple components by transmitting signals between them. One key aspect they check is the matching between the maximum output signal amplitude and the maximum input rating of the targeted component. Software interface tests are performed to ensure that different programs and platforms are communicating 73 digitally as intended. This is often done by sending a target component a known signal and expecting a certain forthcoming response. The tests conducted for the component interaction specifically involve the XBee and AMQP linkage. The server and the gateway will be tested on their messaging protocol security. The devices and the gateway will be tested on their XBee resiliency. Table 49 in the appendices shows the complete testing table. 15.8 Formal Testing The HomeAlive project was unable to comprehensively and thoroughly complete all of their final testing; however, a significant portion of it was still done. As described above, integrated, functional, system testing was performed over the course of several weeks. During this testing, many of the same conditions that would be formally present in the incomplete tests were realized. This allows the team to declare that many of their performance tests were informally passed. Unfortunately, these performance tests were not explicitly tested in otherwise isolated conditions due to a lack of remaining time in the project. This lack of time ultimately stems from the team’s decision in March to pursue additional features on both devices. The team favored the trade-off of additional functionality over more thorough testing. Finally, the HomeAlive team was able to determine around 80 tests that should be done on the prototype if there was enough time. These can be seen in Figures 44 to 49. 74 16 Business Plan 16.1 Mission & Vision 16.1.1 Mission for the Company HomeAlive’s mission is to provide to homeowners accessible control of any electronic device, smart or non-smart, through a convenient, elegant, and intuitive remote-interface. 16.1.2 Vision for the Company HomeAlive’s vision is to make its way into the home automation market and claim a significant portion of market share. Upon meeting this goal, HomeAlive will seek to expand its product base, which will further HomeAlive’s presence in the market. HomeAlive seeks to become one of the top competitors in the home automation market within ten years. 16.2 Market Survey The home automation market has multiple established, large-company competitors; each of whom offer similar device support and features. To complete in this market, HomeAlive will need to differentiate its features from those competitors. Table 33 and Table 34 show existing competitors their product features. Table 33. Existing Competitors in the Market with Devices Devices Gateways Lights Control Contact Sensors Motion Sensors Water Sensor Door Open/Close Sensor Keypad Outlet Adapter Power Strip Thermostat Range Extender Locks Smoke Detector Camera 3rd Party Support Iris Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y N N Y N Connect Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Wink N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Peq Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y N Y N N N Smart things Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Table 34. Features Comparison among Commercially Available Home Automation Systems Features Iris Connect Wink Peq Smart things Basic Control Y Y Y Y Y Notification Y N N N Y Video Camera Y N N N Y Customizing Rule Set Y N N N Y Voice Control Y N N N Y 16.3 Market Sizes & Trends HomeAlive is targeted towards both new and previous homeowners. Several smart home products already exist, such as Google’s Nest, Philip’s Hue light bulbs, Apple’s HomeKit, and others. 75 However, there is a lack of seamless system integration that would allow the connection of all devices. The home automation market has been changing in order to address that gap. Lowe’s Iris is an example of such an attempt; HomeAlive’s product will be another. The smart home market was valued at $33 billion in 2013, and is expected to boom to $71 billion by 2018 according to Juniper Research. The recent market entrants such as Apple (HomeKit), Google (Nest), and BestBuy (Peq) have strengthened the market; it is clear that the smart home market is increasingly valuable. 16.4 Potential Customers & Target Market HomeAlive targets both new and existing homeowners as potential customers. The specific target market focuses on homeowners who have disposable income, familiarity with electronic devices, or margin to gain from increased accessibility to devices. 16.5 Competitive Strategy HomeAlive seeks to compete based on differentiation. Competing based on cost would not be feasible due to the presence of large-company competitors already in the market. Competing based on response would not be as applicable to this product as differentiation for the reasons explained below. 16.5.1 Differentiation Customers will want to buy home automation product based on up-to-date technology, ease of access, and reliability. HomeAlive provides ease of access by creating intuitive and elegant interfaces. Other key differentiation that HomeAlive focuses especially on customer experience and environmental sustainability of HomeAlive products. 16.5.2 Response HomeAlive’s system design has similar scale compared to other home automation products. This fact leads to a need for better control and focus. HomeAlive brings more flexibility to customers who have prior home technology devices than other products do. HomeAlive offers embedded technology that connects all home devices with the gateway, which helps with increasing ease of access and the apparent quickness of HomeAlive’s products. 16.6 SWOT Analysis 16.6.1 Strengths HomeAlive is built by a passionate and motivated team, which is reflected in the product. The home automation market has a large potential for new product growth and HomeAlive will use this to gain market traction throughout development and support of new devices. Large company bureaucracy will not slow the team down; instead, necessary design modifications will be made quickly and effectively. 16.6.2 Weaknesses HomeAlive is not a recognized name and its executives are not experienced in the market. In the early stages of production, due to lack of name recognition and a small customer base, the cost for HomeAlive will be more expensive. This will be true until demand reaches high enough levels to use economies of scale to lower production costs. 16.6.3 External Opportunities The market that HomeAlive focuses on is relatively new and broad. Rapid technology improvements help the current generation to become familiar when handling technology. This trend is an excellent opportunity for HomeAlive to emerge into the market. New homeowners with higher 76 disposable incomes and who have gadgets are the main target. The uniqueness of HomeAlive’s products will attract additional customers. 16.6.4 External Threats The competition with the established brand products offered by competitors is a strong threat to HomeAlive. They are well funded and have more resources in their research and development branches. Another threat is the lack of differentiation between the home automation products currently on the market. Customers who have home automation devices might not be interested in buying HomeAlive’s products. In order to maintain market share, HomeAlive needs to build customer loyalty and focus on having a flawless product. 16.7 Cost Estimate 16.7.1 Development This section provides a detailed account of the expenditures for the HomeAlive project over the course of the 2014-2015 school year. Table 3 contains every expenditure for the mentioned time period. 16.7.2 Production This section estimates the cost to produce the HomeAlive system. This includes development, manufacturing, operating, and capital expenditures. The purpose of this is to derive the cost to produce each unit. Financial Forecasts Key assumptions HomeAlive LLC’s financial forecasts are based on several key assumptions. Most of the financial predictions are either directly or indirectly based on the revenue received. The assumed revenue affects the cash flows, the amount of money requested, the Gross Margin, Profit Margin on Sales, Total Asset Turnover, Debt to Asset Ratio, and Break even analysis. Each year has its own amount of product produce. The product is assumed to be sold and collected as revenue spaced over four quarters. It is assumed that in the year it was produced 16% (1/6) will be sold in the third quarter and 50% (1/2) in the fourth. Then, in the year following in the first quarter 8% (1/12) will be sold and in the second quarter the final 25% (1/4) will be sold. See Appendix Figures 55 - 57 for the quarterly Cash Flow Statement and its explanation Figure 58. The forecasts assume the necessary loans will be received, and the calculations for paying back the loans are made assuming 10% interest on the principal. HomeAlive LLC assumes that it will break even upon selling 18,021 starter kits and 4,505 servers. Along with this assumption is the supposition that for every four starter kits purchased one server will be sold. Financial statements Income statement An income sheet highlights the profit or loss of a company over a period of time. HomeAlive LLC’s Pro-Forma Statement of Income, Figure 41, shows a positive net income in each year. Assuming sales revenue picks up in the third and fourth quarter of the first year, HomeAlive LLC should be able to make a profit in the first year. The second and third years see an increase in profit through increasing production. 77 Figure 41. Statement of Income. Cash Flow Statement A cash flow is found by taking the amount of cash for a given period and subtracting all of the fixed and variable cost. This is the bottom line amount of cash in the bank account. This number should not be negative. If it is the company cannot pay its bills. HomeAlive LLC has negative cash flow in the first three quarters. This is from the cost of starting and lack of revenue. To pay the bills HomeAlive LLC must take out a loan for $1,120,000 in the first quarter and $1,220,000 in the second quarter. HomeAlive LLC seeks to maximize its total asset turnover. While it is a good idea to have some capital reserved for emergencies, large sums of cash that is not being used to generate more revenue is being wasted. In year 2 and 3 HomeAlive LLC’s bank account gets larger. This cash will be used to launch other products such as devices that may be coupled with HomeAlive LLC starter kit. This cash will also be used to expand and increase production. See Appendix for a quarterly Cash Flow Statements, Figures 54 -58. Figure 42. Statement of Cash Flows 78 16.7.3 Break-even analysis The fundamental question to answer when proposing a business is how much product needs to be made, assuming it all sells, in order to cover the fixed and variable costs. This is the point where the finances are netted to zero. This is called break-even analysis. HomeAlive LLC has two products it sells. The starter kit is sold for $125 and comes with an offsite server rental fee included. If a homeowner wants to own the server one may be purchased for $175. This server comes with the software downloaded onto it. HomeAlive LLC uses a model that predicts 25% of customers who buy a starter kit will also buy a server. Using this information HomeAlive LLC needs to sell 18,021 starter kits and 4505 servers in the first year, 18,745 starter kits and 4,686 servers in the second year, and 17365 starter kits and 4341 servers in the third year. For details see Figure 52 - 58 in the Appendix. 16.7.4 Ratio Analysis HomeAlive LLC uses the following four ratios (quarterly gross margin, profit margin, asset turnover, and debt to asset ratio) to measure the health, growth, and asset management of the company. See the Appendix for a sheet containing quarterly ratios, Figure 43. Also see Appendix for an explanation of how each of these ratios are calculated, Figure 59 - 60. Figure 43. Ratio Analysis. The gross and profit margins are low in the first quarter of each year. This is because revenues are down after the holiday season. They improve in the second quarter with predicted increase revenue. In the third quarter many people are on vacation and revenue is down again. Finally in the fourth quarter these margins are high. Revenues increase with the holiday season boosting these margins. 79 The total asset turnover is very poor until revenues start coming in the third quarter. This ratio is best in the early second year. The third year could improve by reinvesting the cash asset into other products as mentioned earlier. The debt to asset ratio is the worst at the beginning. Startup costs are not covered by revenues until the third quarter. It takes well into the second year before the debt of startup is paid off. Unit Price The material costs can be found in Figures 47 and 48 in the Appendix. Figure 44 shows the sell price for a starter kit and server. The cost of goods sold and operating costs for the first three years can be found in Figure 52 in the Appendix. The fixed and variable cost can be found in Figures 49 in the Appendix. For further information on the pricing see the business report downloadable from the team website. Figure 44. Revenue Sheet – If Everything Produced In a Year Is Sold In That Year Loan or Investment Proposal Funds Requested HomeAlive LLC will not seek to use any money from its leadership. This will allow for decisions to be made without the effect of personal agendas. HomeAlive LLC will need some capital to start. Thus, a loan for $1,120,000 will be taken out and $1,220,000 in the second quarter. Purpose & Uses of Funds These loans will pay for all of the cost of the operations. This includes fixed and variable costs, equipment, etc. Repayment or "Cash Out" Schedule In the event of HomeAlive LLC is splitting, assuming the loans have already been paid back, HomeAlive LLC can easily dissolve its assets. This is because cash will be the biggest asset. HomeAlive LLC has very little equipment or facilities that it owns. The strategy would be to pay off any outstanding debts and split the remaining assets with the employees based on rank in the company. 80 17 Conclusion 17.1 Future Tasks Over the course of this project many features were thought of and even considered, but ultimately did not make it into the scope of the project for various reasons such as the complexity of designing them, the time required to implement them, or the cost of implementing them. The features may have been out of the project scope but are still worth mentioning as a means of articulating the level of thought put into this project and also as future tasks for any group wanting to further this project. 17.1.1 User Interface The user interface has endless major and minor future tasks. The HomeAlive user interface provided good functionality and performance, but further improvements are needed. More graphing displays could be added to plot thermostat history data and outlet voltage. In the case of additional devices such as coffee maker and washing machine, the graphing history of their usage could be displayed in the user interface. HomeAlive did not create applications for specific operating systems because they are out of the scope and not universal. Certain features can be maximized if applications are used as the user interface. One of the example is the setting/customization of the themes and additional devices. However, in terms of functionality and performance, website is sufficient. One of the most fascinating update for the user interface is the customizable modes. This feature will allow a particular user to set his/her favorite settings for a specific device. This feature involves updating the server to allow more database variables. Some examples are setting of room temperature and setting of the coffee maker. Another related improvement for the customizable mode is to allow scheduling for all of the devices including outlet adapter. This allows the outlet to automatically turn off and on at certain times of the day. Again, the server needs to comprehend this new scheduling feature. Table 35 shows the summary of the future and finished work of user interface. 81 Table 35. User Interface Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Graph of thermostat history Yes No Graph of outlet history Yes Yes Graph of additional devices No No Applications for user interface No No Customizable modes No No Outlet Scheduling Yes No Sends input forms Yes Yes Hides unselected features Yes Yes Receives database data Yes Yes Follows the original theme view Yes Yes Alerts user for changes Yes Yes Accessible worldwide Yes Yes 17.1.2 Server The server could be improved to provide a more advanced messaging algorithms. This improved algorithm allows the server to choose which commands should be sent before others. In other words, the priority queuing system will help each household to function efficiently. It would utilized the strengths of MySQL database. Second, the server can implement the multithreading/multiprocessing method for the database manager. This will allow the server to operate faster depending on the server’s processing speed. With the technological update in the computing world, the server could have twice to three times faster every year. In order to fully implement the multithreading method, a more suitable programming language can be used. HomeAlive decided to use PHP as their programming language. Java and Python can be used in the future. 82 Third, the database could be improved to accommodate the changes in the user interface. Some future improvements listed for user interface are scheduling and customizable mode. These features require more tables in the database as well as more processing strength as the network traffic will increase by two fold per device. Table 36 shows the summary of the future and finished work of server. Table 36. Server Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Advanced messaging algorithms No No Multithreading/multiprocessing No No Add scheduling database table Yes No Handle status request from User Interface Yes Yes Handle status request from the Gateway Yes Yes Handle request to register commands in the database Yes Yes Handle request to register status of the devices in the database Yes Yes Host an AMQP server Yes Yes Host a database Yes Yes Database structure Yes Yes Message Integrity Yes Yes Send message to the gateway Yes Yes Receive message from the gateway Yes Yes 17.1.3 Gateway The gateway needs future improvements if the number of devices increase. There is a low chance that the gateway is unable to handle more devices. In the case that more devices means worst gateway performance, a future improvement has to be implemented. Table 37 shows the summary of the future and finished work of gateway. 83 Table 37. Gateway Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Improve gateway performance if devices are added No No Converts messages from AMQP to DigiMesh Yes Yes Converts messages from DigiMesh to AMQP Yes Yes Receives and sends DigiMesh messages Yes Yes Receives and sends AMQP messages Yes Yes Does not alter or confuse messages Yes Yes 17.1.4 Devices The devices that can be added into the system are endless. The increase in number of electronic appliances makes HomeAlive opportunity to expand bigger. Coffee maker and lighting system are the main consideration when HomeAlive decided on their scope. These devices are considered as essential devices because most users will use them almost every day. Furthermore, robot vacuum, lawnmower, washing machine, and mp3 player are other devices that could be added in the future. Table 38 shows the summary of the future and finished work of devices. Table 38. Devices Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Implement a coffee maker No No Implement a lighting system Yes No Implement additional devices No No Implement a thermostat Yes Yes Implement an outlet adapter Yes Yes Thermostat The improvement for thermostat involves a flawless manual button reading. The long pressing of buttons in the thermostat are not recorded in the system. This improvement will provide a better system synchronization in the future. In addition, the thermostat could provide the data of the current room temperature. The gateway, server, and user interface can then accommodate this new variable to allow user to see almost all the data that they need. Furthermore, the casing of the thermostat and the processing unit can be improved in the future. Table 39 shows the summary of the future and finished work of thermostat device. 84 Table 39. Thermostat Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Gives current room temperature No No Physical Button Pressing Yes Yes Electrical Button Pressing Yes Yes Remember previous settings & calibration Yes Yes Bidirectional Communication Yes Yes Wireless Communication (DigiMesh) Yes Yes Safe to use Yes Yes Outlet Adapter The outlet adapter will need more calibration in the future to provide a more accurate voltage and current reading. This will allow the user to compare their monthly electricity bill with their outlet history record. Additionally, the outlet adapter should have its own display of power usage and switch. This will give two options for the user: control from the home manager or directly control the outlet. The outlet will need a safer casing in the future as well as smaller circuit board design. Table 40 shows the summary of the future and finished work of outlet adapter. Table 40. Outlet Adapter Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Conduct more calibration Yes No Displays the power usage and switch No No Smaller circuit design No No Measure Power (VA) Yes Yes Turn On & Off Yes Yes Remember previous settings & calibration Yes Yes Bidirectional Communication Yes Yes Wireless Communication (DigiMesh) Yes Yes Safe to use Yes Yes Dimensions Yes Yes 17.1.5 System Level HomeAlive did not focus on adding extra layer of security in their user interface, server, and gateway. This will certainly improve the hacker resiliency as well as robustness of the overall system. In 85 the future, more powerful server and gateway will allow for devices on the market to be integrated into HomeAlive system. An integration of more devices including coffee makers, electronic door locks, garage doors, lighting system, and others are favorable compared to adding the number of same devices. After further testing of these new devices, HomeAlive could improve by allowing new devices to be “synced” to the system with ease. This pairing system are popular and favorable compared to predefined device connection. Table 41 shows the summary of the future and finished work of system level. Table 41. System Level Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Increase security layer No No Handles more devices than 4 No No Easy pairing system No No Allows remote control of prototype devices Yes Yes Allows multiple distinct devices Yes Yes Allows multiple distinct households Yes Yes Scalable to multiple distinct user interfaces Yes Yes Scalable to 256 devices per household Yes Yes Scalable to numerous households Yes Yes 17.1.6 System Testing The improvements for the system testing involves more number of houses. Before increasing the number of prototype household, HomeAlive needs to improve their server, gateway, and devices. This improvement will give more efficient replication as well as better performance and features. The cost of will also decrease which mostly depend on the PCB design. Table 42 shows the summary of the future work of system testing. Table 42. System Testing Tasks Task Inside Scope Task Applied Increase number of house prototype No No 17.2 Summary 17.2.1 Lessons Learned Throughout the HomeAlive project, the team members learned numerous valuable lessons related to both technical details and team-oriented project details. The most notable of these are summarized in Table 43 below. 86 Table 43. Lessons Learned Summary Lesson Order spare parts Leave schedule space for mistakes Multithreading in Java UI development Backend database design Communicate purposefully Recognize external schedule factors PCB fabrication challenges Team responsibility Predict shipping delays Description It is important to order spare parts in case anything critical breaks. It is important to plan for unexpected delays when setting up a preliminary schedule – also ensure that the schedule is reevaluated frequently. Java multithreading using the synchronization keyword is one of the simplest ways to implement thread-safe programs. Developing a user interface is challenging and incorporeal. Its requirements depend to some extent on different users, and there are numerous open-source tools for UI construction. Having a carefully constructed database format increases the reliability and scalability of the system that it is a part of. Ensuring that each team member receives all information that they require to efficiently perform their tasks is critical to the success of a project. Planning for external schedule interferences like known holidays or periods of team member busyness is important to building a realistic schedule. Moving from a fully functional breadboard circuit design to a PCB is often much more difficult than simply etching and populating the PCB. Debugging PCBs is difficult. Working on a team where each member can be relied upon to complete their tasks on time and in a quality manner helps to define a good project and encourages a great result. It is important to be aware of shipping delays when determining when to order new parts, otherwise stagnant periods of waiting for shipments could occur. Type Project Project Technical Technical Technical Team Project Technical Team Project 17.2.2 Project Status The HomeAlive project has been successfully completed as of 5/13/2015. This includes submission of all deliverables to the project faculty advisor as well as participation in all of the project speeches, demonstrations, and events. The HomeAlive team was able to successfully implement their prototype home automation system including four devices, two gateways, the server, and a user interface. These interacted primarily as expected with a few minor bugs remaining. The project will not be continued in a definite way; however, personal experimentation with home automation systems by the team members based on this project is expected. 87 18 Appendices Figure 45. Thermostat Device PCB Layout Figure 46. Outlet Adapter PCB Layout 88 Table 44. Whole System Testing Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Processing Speed & Signal Delays Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass End-to-End Delay Single (up) Whole System Yes Maybe Timing End-to-End Delay Flood (up) Whole System Yes No Timing End-to-End Delay Single (down) Whole System Yes Yes Timing End-to-End Delay Flood (down) Whole System Yes No Timing Gateway Unexpected Shutdown Recovery Whole System Yes Maybe Unexpected Shutdown Server Unexpected Shutdown Recovery Whole System Yes No Thermostat Unexpected Shutdown Recovery Whole System Yes Outlet Adapter Unexpected Shutdown Recovery Whole System Knowledgeable User Testing (All) Unknowledgeable User Testing (All) Test Conditions Test Measured Value Does the whole system work fast enough for single messages? (d->ui) Normal Time from device sent to UI received Does the whole system work fast enough for many messages? (d->ui) Flood, rest normal Time from device sent to UI received Does the whole system work fast enough for single messages? (ui->d) Normal Time from UI sent to device received Does the whole system work fast enough for many messages? (ui->d) Flood, rest normal Time from UI sent to device received Unexpected Use-case Can the system recover from an unexpected shutdown of the gateway? Unexpected restart, rest normal Unexpected Shutdown Unexpected Use-case Can the system recover from an unexpected shutdown of the server? Unexpected restart, rest normal Maybe Unexpected Shutdown Unexpected Use-case Can the system recover from an unexpected shutdown of the thermostat? Unexpected restart, rest normal Yes No Unexpected Shutdown Unexpected Use-case Can the system recover from an unexpected shutdown of the adapter? Unexpected restart, rest normal Whole System Yes Maybe Robustness User Testing Have knowledgeable users evaluated the system experience? Normal Some sort of survey with scales of 1-10? Whole System Yes No Robustness User Testing Have unknowledgeable users evaluated the system experience? Normal Some sort of survey with scales of 1-10? Processing Speed & Signal Delays Processing Speed & Signal Delays Processing Speed & Signal Delays Test Description Time until operation resumes, number of missed/corrupted messages Time until operation resumes, number of missed/corrupted messages Time until operation resumes, number of missed/corrupted messages Time until operation resumes, number of missed/corrupted messages 89 Table 45. User Interface Testing Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Description Test Type I Test Type II Can the UI continue to operate effectively during a received message flood? Test Conditions Test Measured Value Flood, rest normal Number of messages/time before operation stopped or disturbed Long times, rest normal Time until operation stopped or disturbed Normal Intangible… UI Message Flood User Interface Yes No Robustness Possible Use-case UI Continuous Running User Interface Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case UI Hacker Resilience User Interface No No Security Custom Security Knowledgeable User Testing (UI) User Interface Yes Maybe Robustness User Testing Have knowledgeable users evaluated the UI experience? Normal Some sort of survey with scales of 1-10? Unknowledgeable User Testing (UI) User Interface Yes No Robustness User Testing Have unknowledgeable users evaluated the UI experience? Normal Some sort of survey with scales of 1-10? Can the UI continue to operate effectively after long periods of run time? How hard would it be to 'hack' the system via the userinterface? 90 Table 46. Server Testing Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Description Test Conditions Test Measured Value Server Processing Speed (up) Server Yes Maybe Timing Processing Speed Does the server process gateway messages at an acceptable rate? Normal Time from received to processed Server Processing Speed (down) Server Yes Yes Timing Processing Speed Does the server process UI messages at an acceptable rate? Normal Time from received to processed Test Name Server Message Flood Server Yes Maybe Robustness Possible Use-case Server Bad Message Discard Server No No Robustness Unexpected Use-case Server Continuous Running Server Yes Maybe Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Server Internet Connection Strength Server Maybe Yes Robustness Unexpected Use-case Server Hacker Resilience Server No No Security Custom Security Can the server continue to operate effectively during a received message flood? Can the server continue to operate effectively after receiving a bad message? Can the server continue to operate effectively after long periods of run time? What is the server internet connection speed? How hard would it be to 'hack' the system via the server's internet connection? Flood, rest normal Bad message, rest normal Long times, rest normal Normal Normal Number of messages/time before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected Time until operation stopped or disturbed Connection speed (kbits/s ?) Intangible… 91 Table 47. Gateway Testing Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Description Test Conditions Test Measured Value Gateway Processing Speed (up) Gateway Yes Yes Timing Processing Speed Does the gateway process device messages at an acceptable rate? Normal Time from received to resent Gateway Processing Speed (down) Gateway Yes Yes Timing Processing Speed Does the gateway process server messages at an acceptable rate? Normal Time from received to resent Does the gateway work in conditions of extreme heat? Hot, rest normal Test Name Gateway Extreme Heat Resilience Gateway No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Gateway Extreme Cool Resilience Gateway No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the gateway work in conditions of extreme cold? Cold, rest normal Gateway Room Temp Operation Gateway Yes Yes Ambient Expected Use-case Does the gateway work in conditions of typical heat? Normal Gateway Water Resistance Gateway Maybe No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the gateway work if it gets wet? Wet, rest normal Gateway Heat Dissipation Gateway Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Does the gateway dissipate heat fast enough to run forever without overheating? Long times, rest normal Gateway Message Flood Gateway Yes Yes Robustness Possible Use-case Can the gateway continue to operate effectively during a received message flood? Flood, rest normal Gateway Bad Message Discard Gateway No No Robustness Unexpected Use-case Can the gateway continue to operate effectively after receiving a bad message? Bad message, rest normal Temperature max before operation stopped or disturbed Temperature min before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected Amount of water before operation stopped or disturbed Equilibrium temperature reached for 'busy' and 'idle' periods Number of messages/time before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected 92 Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Gateway Continuous Running Gateway Yes Maybe Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Gateway Internet Connection Strength Gateway Maybe Yes Robustness Unexpected Use-case Gateway Hacker Resilience Gateway No No Security Custom Security Physical Strength Does the gateway's casing adequately protect its circuitry? Test Description Can the gateway continue to operate effectively after long periods of run time? What is the gateway internet connection speed? How hard would it be to 'hack' the system via the gateway's internet connection? Gateway Casing Strength Gateway Maybe No Physical Strength Gateway SW Unit Tests Gateway No No Software Unit Tests Has the gateway SW passed thorough unit tests? Gateway SW Module Tests Gateway Maybe Maybe Software Module Tests Has the gateway SW passed module-level tests? Test Conditions Long times, rest normal Normal Normal Typical impact, rest normal All possible cases All normal and likely invalid cases Test Measured Value Time until operation stopped or disturbed Connection speed (kbits/s ?) Intangible… Force of impact before operation stopped or disturbed SW-defined tests pass rate % SW-defined tests pass rate % 93 Table 48. Devices Testing Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Thermostat Extreme Heat Resilience Thermostat No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the thermostat work in conditions of extreme heat? Hot, rest normal Thermostat Extreme Cool Resilience Thermostat No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the thermostat work in conditions of extreme cold? Cold, rest normal Thermostat Room Temp Operation Thermostat Yes Yes Ambient Expected Use-case Does the thermostat work in conditions of typical heat? Normal Thermostat Water Resistance Thermostat No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the thermostat work if it gets wet? Wet, rest normal Thermostat Heat Dissipation Thermostat Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Does the thermostat dissipate heat fast enough to run forever without overheating? Long times, rest normal Thermostat Arduino Battery Life Thermostat Yes No Power Usage Expected Use-case Is the thermostat's Arduino battery life sufficient? Normal Thermostat Arduino Spike Resilience Thermostat Maybe No Power Usage Unexpected Use-case Do power spikes destroy the thermostat's control circuit? Power spike, rest normal Thermostat Message Flood Thermostat Yes Maybe Robustness Possible Use-case Can the thermostat continue to operate effectively during a received message flood? Flood, rest normal Thermostat Bad Message Discard Thermostat No No Robustness Unexpected Use-case Thermostat Continuous Running Thermostat Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Thermostat Casing Strength Thermostat Maybe No Physical Strength Physical Strength Test Description Can the thermostat continue to operate effectively after receiving a bad message? Can the thermostat continue to operate effectively after long periods of run time? Does the thermostat's casing adequately protect its circuitry? Test Conditions Test Measured Value Temperature max before operation stopped or disturbed Temperature min before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected Amount of water before operation stopped or disturbed Equilibrium temperature reached for 'busy' and 'idle' periods Time from full charge to battery death Continued operation as expected or fuse blown Number of messages/time before operation stopped or disturbed Bad message, rest normal Continued operation as expected Long times, rest normal Time until operation stopped or disturbed Typical impact, rest normal Force of impact before operation stopped or disturbed 94 Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Thermostat SW Unit Tests Thermostat No No Software Unit Tests Has the thermostat SW passed thorough unit tests? Thermostat SW Module Tests Thermostat Maybe Maybe Software Module Tests Has the thermostat SW passed module-level tests? Test Description Test Conditions All possible cases All normal and likely invalid cases Thermostat Yes Maybe Robustness User Testing Does the system allow manual button presses on the thermostat and handle them without getting out of sync? Outlet Adapter No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the adapter work in conditions of extreme heat? Hot, rest normal Outlet Adapter No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the adapter work in conditions of extreme cold? Cold, rest normal Outlet Adapter Yes Yes Ambient Expected Use-case Does the adapter work in conditions of typical heat? Normal Outlet Adapter Water Resistance Outlet Adapter No No Ambient Unexpected Use-case Does the adapter work if it gets wet? Wet, rest normal Outlet Adapter Heat Dissipation Outlet Adapter Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Does the adapter dissipate heat fast enough to run forever without overheating? Long times, rest normal Outlet Adapter Spike Resilience Outlet Adapter Yes No Power Usage Unexpected Use-case Do power spikes destroy the adapter? Power spike, rest normal Outlet Adapter Message Flood Outlet Adapter Yes No Robustness Possible Use-case Can the adapter continue to operate effectively during a received message flood? Flood, rest normal Outlet Adapter bad Message Discard Outlet Adapter No No Robustness Unexpected Use-case Can the adapter continue to operate effectively after receiving a bad message? Bad message, rest normal Thermostat Manual Read Syncing Outlet Adapter Extreme Heat Resilience Outlet Adapter Extreme Cool Resilience Outlet Adapter Room Temp Operation Normal Test Measured Value SW-defined tests pass rate % SW-defined tests pass rate % Continued operation as expected Temperature max before operation stopped or disturbed Temperature min before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected Amount of water before operation stopped or disturbed Equilibrium temperature reached for 'busy' and 'idle' periods Continued operation as expected or fuse blown Number of messages/time before operation stopped or disturbed Continued operation as expected 95 Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II Test Name Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Outlet Adapter Continuous Running Outlet Adapter Yes No Continuous -Running Expected Use-case Outlet Adapter Measurement Accuracy (typical) Outlet Adapter Yes Maybe Accuracy Expected Use-case Outlet Adapter Measurement Accuracy (atypical) Outlet Adapter Accuracy Unexpected Use-case Outlet Adapter Rapid Toggling Outlet Adapter Yes No Robustness Possible Use-case Outlet Adapter Casing Strength Outlet Adapter Maybe No Physical Strength Physical Strength Outlet Adapter SW Unit Tests Outlet Adapter No No Software Unit Tests Outlet Adapter Module Tests Outlet Adapter Maybe No Software Module Tests Yes No Test Conditions Test Measured Value Long times, rest normal Time until operation stopped or disturbed Normal Difference between measured wattage and actual wattage Does the adapter accurately measure power in the unexpected range? Higher/lower wattage plugged in, rest normal Difference between measured wattage and actual wattage Does rapidly plugging and unplugging the adapter destroy it? Plugged/unplu gged rapidly, rest normal Test Description Can the adapter continue to operate effectively after long periods of run time? Does the adapter accurately measure power in the expected range? Does the adapter's casing adequately protect its circuitry? Has the adapter SW passed thorough unit tests? Has the adapter SW passed module-level tests? Typical impact, rest normal All possible cases All normal and likely invalid cases Time between plug and unplug before operation stopped or disturbed (fuse blown) Force of impact before operation stopped or disturbed SW-defined tests pass rate % SW-defined tests pass rate % 96 Table 49. Interface Testing Component Under Test Prototype Should Pass Prototype Has Already Passed Informally Test Type I Test Type II UI Multiple Identical Logins Link UI/Server Yes No Robustness Possible Usecase UI Multiple Separate Logins Link UI/Server Yes No Accuracy Expected Usecase Maybe Yes Security Yes No Range Yes No Range Yes No Range Yes Maybe Range Yes No Range Test Name AMQP Hacker Resilience Test Description Built-in Security Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Accuracy Can the system handle multiple logins of the same household on separate different devices? Can the system handle multiple logins of the different households on different devices? How hard would it be to 'hack' the system via the AMQP clients? What are the XBee Pro chips range? Do the XBee Pro chips have an acceptable range? What are the XBee Std chips range? Do the XBee Std chips have an acceptable range? Do the XBee Pro chips work in noisy environments? Test Conditions Test Measured Value Normal Continued operation as expected or feedback message Normal Continued operation as expected Normal Intangible… XBee Pro Noise Resilience Link Server/Gateway Link Device/Gateway Link Device/Gateway Link Device/Gateway Link Device/Gateway Link Device/Gateway XBee Pro Interference Resilience Link Device/Gateway Yes No Range Signal Accuracy Do the XBee Pro chips work in dampened environments? XBee Std Noise Resilience Link Device/Gateway Yes No Range Signal Accuracy Do the XBee Std chips work in noisy environments? XBee Std Interference Resilience Link Device/Gateway Yes No Range Signal Accuracy Do the XBee Std chips work in dampened environments? XBee Mesh Range Effect Link Device/Gateway Yes Yes Range Signal Strength How much extra range does the XBee mesh network give as compared to a nonmesh network? Normal Difference in distance of consistent, accurate messages with and without XBee Encryption Effectiveness Link Device/Gateway Yes Yes Security Built-in Security Does the XBee encryption stop communication to nodes without the encryption key? Normal Ability of node without key to communicate XBee Hacker Resilience Link Device/Gateway Maybe Yes Security Built-in Security How hard would it be to 'hack' the system via the XBee network? Normal Intangible… XBee Range Open Pro XBee Range Typical Pro XBee Range Open Std XBee Range Typical Std Open Field Normal Open Field Normal Noisy, rest normal Dampened environment, rest normal Noisy, rest normal Dampened environment, rest normal Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages Distance of consistent, accurate messages 97 Figure 47. Break-Even Analysis 98 Figure 48. Material Costs Sheet 99 Figure 49. Material Costs Sheet (cont.) Figure 50. Fixed & Variable Costs Sheet Break-Downs with Totals 100 Figure 51. Fixed Cost of Goods Sold 101 Figure 52. Variable Cost of Goods Sold Figure 53. Variable Cost of Operation 102 Figure 54. Variable Cost of Operation (cont.) 103 Figure 55. Fixed Cost of Operation. 104 Figure 56. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 1 Figure 57. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 2. 105 Figure 58. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Year 3 Figure 59. Cash Flow Statement (Quarterly) Revenue Explanation. 106 Figure 60. Ratio Analysis Calculation Year 1 & 2 107 Figure 61. Ratio Analysis Calculation Year 3 108 Figure 62. HomeAlive Prototype Devices Figure 63. HomeAlive Prototype Thermostat Figure 64. HomeAlive Prototype Outlet Adapter 109 19 References & Bibliography [1] “ XBee Pro Module - Series 1 - 60mW with Wire Antenna - XBP24-AWI-001”, Adafruit, [online] 2014, (Accessed: 8 November, 2014). [2] “USB WiFi (802.11b/g/n) Module with Antenna for Raspberry Pi”, Adafruit, [online] 2014, (Accessed: 8 November, 2014). [3] “VideoSecu 12V DC 500mA Regulated CCTV Camera Power Supply UL Listed Switching 100V240V AC to DC 2.1mm x 5.5mm Plug Power Adapter MCQ”, Amazon, [online] 2014, from (Accessed: 8 November, 2014). 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