Environmental Plant Physiology Objectives Environmental Plant Physiology Summary • The objectives of this course are to learn plant responses to abiotic stresses, particularly plant growth and development, and to learn modeling methodologies on how to integrate those plant processes under multiple stress conditions. • At the end, the students are expected to: K. Raja Reddy Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 9 understand individual as well as interactive abiotic stress effects on photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development and finally yield. 9 understand on how to develop methodologies to integrate multiple stress factor effects on various plant/canopy processes. Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Past, Present and Future World Population 14 Trends That Shape Our Future Population in Billions 12 World Population 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Year Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Present and Future World Population Trends Global Major Foods – Per Capita Consumption 3000 56% Vegetables = 3.21 lb/year 400 2,367 2000 1,941 1,628 1500 450 2000 2050 120% 1,520 1,437 1,301 -5% 42% 39% 1,087 1000 885 728 778 668 549 500 457 326 Consumtion, lb/person Population, millions 2500 10% 50% 350 Selected fruits = 1.95 lb/year 300 250 Meat and Poultry = 0.65 lb/year 200 150 Flour and Cereals = 2.70 lb/year 0 Asia China Oceania (less China and India) India Africa North Europe Latin America America 100 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year 1 Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Global Major Foods – Meat and Poultry Production Maize - Production and Yield – Selected Counties 12000 Meat and Poultry Production Relative Trends Meat and Poultry Production 10000 350 P= 67%, and A= 46% Yield Production USA: 156% @ 114 kg yr-1 China: 335% @ 100 kg yr-1 USA: 226% @ 3.90 MMt yr-1 China: 631% @ 2.77 MMt yr-1 Brazil: 364% @ 0.73 MMt yr-1 Brazil: 157% @ 47 kg yr-1 300 10 150 100 50 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year 250 1961 to 2007: Million t Poultry = 9 and 87 Meat = 71 and 286 8 Poultry 7 6 5 8000 USA USA 200 6000 150 China 4000 China 100 4 Brazil Meat 3 2000 Brazil 50 2 1 0 1960 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 0 2010 2010 Year Year Year Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Rice - Production and Yield – Selected Counties Management Practices 8000 250 Production -1 China: 232% @ 2.98 MMt yr -1 India: 339% @ 2.15 MMt yr Yield -1 -1 6000 Indonesia: 132% @ 1.12 MMt yr 150 Indonesia India 100 3000 50 India Indonesia 2000 0 1000 P= 60%, and A= 55% 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 Year 1980 1990 2000 Soil organic carbon (%) China 1970 Sanborn Field: Central Missouri 3.5 China 0 1960 4 Morrow plots: East-central Illinois 200 5000 4000 Fertility management Crop rotations 4.0 -1 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2010 Year Soil organic carbon (%) Indonesia: 156% @ 77 kg yr -1 India: 90% @ 42 kg yr Rice production, MMt 7000 China: 205% @ 102 kg yr Maize production, MMt 200 9 Maize yield, kg ha-1 Meat and Poultry production trends,1961 = 1 Poultry Meat 250 Rice yield, kg ha-1 Corn-oats-hay rotation Corn-oats (1885-1953), Corn-soybeans (1954-1988) Continuous corn Estimated to 4% in 1888 Wagner, (1989) 3 2 1 Wheat, 6 Tons Manure/year Corn, 6 Tons Manure/year Continuous Wheat Continuous Corn 0 1880 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Reicosky et al. 2000 1900 1920 1940 Year 1960 Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Trends, Signs and Signatures from the Earth Cropland area, Irrigation and Salinization Population, cereal yield, arable and irrigated area, N use 5 Year 2000 Cropland area Irrigated area Salinized area ----------------------------- Mha -------------------------------China 124.0 54.4 (22%) 7-8 (14%) India 161.8 54.8 (31%) 10-30 (50%) USA 177.0 22.4 (13%) 4.5 -6 (15%) USSR 204.1 19.9 (2%) 2.5-4.5 (21%) World 1364.2 271.7 (21%) 62-82 (37%) Percent change since 1985 Relative valuses (1961=1) Meat and Poultry production, million t 300 4 3 1980 5 Cereal yield Arable land area Irrigated land area Population Fertilizer use 4 2000 values are: Cereal yield = 2.25 Arable area = 1.09 Irrigated area = 1.98 Population = 1.97 Fertilizer use = 4.33 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year 2 Routes to Greater Food Production Feeding 10 Billion Mouths We must develop the capacity to feed 10 billion people within in the next 40 to 50 years. • The average world current cereal yield is about 3 tons per ha for about 6 billion people. • We need about 4 tons per ha for 8 billion (33 % more than the current), and 5 tons per ha for 10 billion (67 % more than the current). Here comes the greatest challenge of our time, The Global Climate Change • Increase in the area of land under cultivation. • Increase in the number of crops per hectare per year (mostly practiced in tropics, requires access to irrigation, high input use, short season cultivars, and others such as labor, pest and disease control may be a problem). • Displacement of lower yielding crops by higher yielding ones (done since the dawn of domestication). • Efficiency of crop production in terms of: Per unit of land area (yield per ha) Per unit of time Per unit of inputs such as fertilizers, water and labor etc. Environmental Stresses and Plant Growing Conditions Environmental and Cultural Factors Limiting Potential Yields Area of Total World Land Surface Subject to Environmental Limitations of Various Types Limitation ¾ Atmospheric carbon dioxide ¾ Solar radiation ¾ Temperature (extremes) ¾ Water (irrigation and rainfall) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K, and other nutrients) ¾ Others, Ultra-violet radiation, ozone etc., ¾ Growth regulators (such as PIX) Area of world soil subject to limitation (%) Drought 27.9 Shallow soil 24.2 Mineral excess or deficiency 22.5 Flooding 12.2 Miscellaneous 3.1 None 10.1 Total 100 Temperature 14.8 (over laps with other stresses) 3 Environmental Plant Physiology Chapter 1 • Atmospheric carbon dioxide Environmental Plant Physiology Chapter 2 • Solar radiation • Temperature (Including extremes) Photosynthesis and the environment • Water • The Environmental productivity Index (EPI) concept. • Wind • Nutrients • The photosynthesis - Species variability. • Other factors such as ozone • Photosynthesis and aging process. • Plant growth regulators • Respiration. • The facilities and tools Environmental Plant Physiology Chapter 3 Crop growth and development • Phenology • Growth of various organs and whole plants. • The concept of environmental productivity index in quantifying crop growth and development in response to the environment. Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators Environmental Plant Physiology Chapter 4 Scaling of processes from leaves to whole plant, canopies or ecosystems. Chapter 5 Special topics include: • Remote sensing and environmental plant physiology. Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators 4 Global Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Trends over the last two centuries 400 CO2 Concentration, ppm 375 350 325 300 275 250 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 Year A Hierarchy of Plant Responses to CO2 Atmospheric CO2 ? ? Stomatal Resistance Photosynthesis Transpiration Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield Photorespiration ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators Carbon Availability Tissue Temperature Tissue Water Potential Growth and Development Yield Radiation and Plant Life 2500 7 360 µL L-1 Solar Radiation 6 5 Maize, DAE 37 2000 4 1500 3 2 1000 1 500 0 PPFD, µmol m-2 s-1 Carbon Exchange Rate, mg CO2 m-2 s-1 Net Photosynthesis and Available Light Intensity -1 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time of the Day (Central Standard Time) 5 Leaf and canopy development and aging process Photosynthesis and Solar Radiation Species variability Leaf Am – Amaranthus Au – Aubergine 5-day 12-day 2-day Ba – Barley Canopies Emerging leaf 8-day Emergence Be – Bean Squaring Bg – Bermudagrass Ca – Cabbage Ch – Chrysanthimum Co – Cotton Flowering Cu – Cucumber Pe – Pepper About to abscise Ro – Rose Ry – Ryegrass Mature crop So – Sobean To - Tomato Solar Radiation and Dry Matter Production Effects of Multiple Environmental Factors on Crop Growth and Developmental Aspects • Introduced Environmental Productivity Index (EPI) concept. • Photosynthesis • Crop Phenology or Development • Crop Growth • Reproductive Biology Canopy Photosynthesis - Growing Season Canopy Photosynthesis - Growing Season Accounting for environmental factors using EPI concept Accounting for environmental factors using EPI concept 200 -2 Photosynthesis, g CO2 m d Inc oming Sola r 150 100 50 0 If the crop ca n intercept a ll the ra dia tion -1 -1 -2 Photosynthesis, g CO2 m d 200 If the crop ca n intercept a ll the ra dia tion Interc ep ted Sola r -50 Inc oming Sola r 150 100 50 0 Interc ep ted Sola r -50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Days after Emergence 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Days after Emergence 140 160 6 Canopy Photosynthesis - Growing Season Accounting for environmental factors using EPI concept 200 If the crop ca n inte rcept a ll the ra dia tion -1 Inc oming Sola r 150 Variable 100 Amount, MJ Total Incoming Radiation 2842 Intercepted Radiation 1551 Percent Intercepted 55 50 Incoming Solar Intercepted Solar (Potential) Potential * UV-B Potential * UV-B * T Potential * UV-B * T * LW P Potential * UV-B * T * LW P * N Potential * UV-B * T * LW P * N * K 0 -50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Days after Emergence 140 160 Photosynthesis – EPI Concept Accounting for Individual factors Variable Photosynthesis – EPI Concept Accounting for Multiple Factors Amount, g CO2 m-2 season-1 Amount, g CO2 m-2 season-1 Variable Incoming R 19644 Incoming R 19644 Intercepted R 11441 (100%) Intercepted R 11441 (100%) Int. R * UV-B 10448 (9%) Int. R* UV-B 10230 (9%) Int. R.* T 10139 (11%) Int. R* UV-B*T Actual amount 9153 (20%) Int. R.* W 9783 (14%) Int. R* UV-B*T*W 7551 (34%) Int. R.* N 8986 (21%) Int. R*UV-B*T*W*N 6292 (55%) Int. R*UV-B*T*W* K 4576 (60%) Int. R * K 10841 (5%) Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield Long-Term Average Temperatures 40 35 ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators Temperature, °C -2 Photosynthesis, g CO2 m d Radiation Totals for the 1992 Growing season Mississippi State – North Farm Phoenix, AZ 30 25 Maros, Indonesia 20 15 10 Stoneville, MS 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day of the Year 7 Temperature Conditions - Diurnal Trends Mississippi State, MS - 1995 40 Temperature, °C 35 30 19 Aug. 1995 25 20 15 2 May, 1995 10 23 Sep. 1995 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours (CST) Environment Factors Temperature: ¾ Strongly Affects: -- Phenology -- Vegetative growth, LAI, LAD -- Fruit Growth and Retention -- Respiration -- Water-loss and Water-Use ¾ Moderately Affects: -- Photosynthesis on a canopy basis High-temperature Injury Heat-blasted Cotton Flowers and Squares – Arizona Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield Heat-blasted Cotton Squares California’s San Joaquin Valley ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators 8 Water Water plays essential roles in plants as a: ¾ Constituent ¾ Solvent ¾ Reactant in various chemical processes ¾ Maintenance of turgidity The physiological importance of water is reflected in its ecological importance. The distribution plants over the earth’s surface is controlled by the availability of the water (amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation) where ever temperature permits growth. Role of water in cotton Environment Factors Sensitivity to water deficit Leaf GR LAI Water Deficits: Stem GR Cell expansion Vegetative yield height Root GR Water deficit Mesophyll Resistance Canopy Rate of photosynthesis Photosynthesis Stomatal Resistance Seasonal transpiration Rate of Transpiration Cell division & differentiation bolls Rate of squaring Node production Economic shedding yield ¾ Strongly affects: -- Vegetative growth, LAI, LAD -- Fruit Growth and Retention -- Water-loss and Water-Use -- Photosynthesis ¾ Moderately affects certain phenological events: -- Phenology (leaf development) Boll GR Sequence of events Environment – Wind and Hail Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators 9 Environment - Nitrogen Photosynthesis - Variability Among Species Response to Leaf Nitrogen 3 Sorghum Cotton Sunflower 2 Rice Soybean 1 Environmental Productivity Idices for Nitrogen Photosynthesis, mg CO2 m-2 s -1 1.2 Maize 1.0 0.8 Stem Growth Photosynthesis 0.6 Leaf Development 0.4 0.2 Leaf Growth 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 1.00 1.25 Leaf Nitrogen, g m-2 Environment - Nitrogen Parameter 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Leaf Nitrogen, g m-2 leaf area Environment - Nitrogen Percent Reduction from the Optimum (2.5 g N/m-2 or 4.5%) Leaf N, g m-2 Photosynthesis Stem growth Leaf growth Leaf Development 2.5 100 100 100 100 2.0 12 14 18 12 1.5 53 60 >99 68 1.2 76 -- -- -- Environment Factors Environment - Nutrients Potassium - Cotton Growth and Development Environmental Productivity Indices ¾ Strongly Affects: -- Leaf growth, LAI, LAD -- Fruit Retention ¾ Moderately Affects: -- Photosynthesis -- Stem growth 1.6 Environmental Productivity Indices for Growth and Development Fertilizers Deficits - Potassium: 1.4 Stem Elongation 1.2 Photosynthesis 1.0 0.8 0.6 Leaf Initiation Rates 0.4 Leaf Growth 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Leaf Potassium, % 10 Environment Factors Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield Ultraviolet-B Radiation: ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators ¾ Strongly Affects: -- Photosynthesis -- Stem growth ¾ Moderately Affects: -- Leaf growth -- Leaf aging ¾ No Effects: -- Phenology Effects of Radiation on Plant Life Solar Radiation and Plant Life For plants, radiation is: Spectral Region Wavelength nm % Photo- Effects synthe- Photo Photo Thermal sis morpho- destrugenetic ctive Ultraviolet 290-380 0-4 IS Slight S IS PAR 380-710 21-46 S S Slight S Infrared 750-4000 50-79 IS S IS S Longwave 4000-100000 IS IS IS S ¾ A source of energy (photoenergetic effect). ¾ Stimulus for development (photocybernetic effect). ¾ Stress factor (photodestructive effect). IS = Insignificant, S = Significant Ultraviolet Radiation Why are we concerned with UV now? • UVC: <280), UVB: 280-320, and UVA: 320-400. • UVA is not absorbed by ozone. • UVB is mostly absorbed by ozone, although some reaches the Earth. • UVC is completely absorbed by ozone and normal oxygen. 11 Satellite Based Ozone levels - 2001 USDA – UV Radiation Monitoring Program Satellite Based UV Radiation levels - 2001 UV-B Radiation – Growth EPI Factors for various growth Processes 7 30 First fruit position 6 25 Emergence to squaring 4 20 3 2 Duration (d) First fruit position on mainstem Squaring to flowering 5 15 1 0 10 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 UV-B treatment (kJ m-2 d-1) UV-B Radiation – Phenology UV-B Radiation – Cotton Growth EPI Factors for various Developmental Processes EPI Factors for various growth Processes 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 UV-B index UV-B index 1.2 Node addition 2 2 y = -0.0003x + 0.0014x + 0.9997 R = 0.4619 0.6 0.6 Leaf are a e xpansion 2 2 0.4 y = -0.0015x + 0.0102x + 0.9914 R = 0.8136 0.4 0.2 Ste m e longation 2 2 y = -0.0023x + 0.0105x + 0.9926 R = 0.9331 0.2 Leaves retained = -0.0013x 2 + 0.008x + 1 Bolls retained = -0.0015x 2 + 0.0026x + 1 Total Boll No. = -0.0023x 2 - 0.0086x + 1 Canopy Phs = -0.0018x 2 - 0.0043x + 0.9802 R2 = 0.9139 Total DW = -0.0024x 2 + 0.0021x + 0.9856 R2 = 0.9146 0.0 0.0 -4 0 4 8 12 UV-B treatments (kJ m-2 d-1) 16 20 -4 0 4 8 12 -2 UV-B treatments (kJ m 16 20 -1 d ) 12 Environmental limiting crop growth, development and yield Environment Factors Growth Regulators - Mepiquat Chloride (PIX): ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾ Solar Radiation ¾ Temperature ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind ¾ Nutrients (N, P, K) ¾ Ozone, UV-B etc., ¾ Growth Regulators ¾ Moderately Affects: -- Leaf, stem and branch growth and LAI ¾ Slightly Affects: -- Photosynthesis Mepiquat Chloride (PIX) - Growth EPI Factors 1.2 Environmental Plant Physiology and Remote Sensing PIX and EPI Indices 1.0 Leaf growth 0.8 Photosynthesis 0.6 0.4 Stem growth 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 • Special topics ¾ Remote sensing 9 Introduction to remote sensing 9 Interrelationships between stress physiology, crop growth condition and remote sensing signatures. Mepiquat Chloride, mg g-1 dry weight Flow Diagram of GOSSYM Cotton Crop Simulation Model Technology Fusion and Delivery System GOSSYM DATES CLYMAT TMPSOL SOIL FERT RAIN PIX FRTLIZ RUNOFF Crop Models GIS GRAFLO ET CHEM PREP UPTAKE CAPFLO PNET NITRIF GROWTH ABSCISE PLTMAP PMAP COTPLT FREQ RUTGRO NITRO RIMPED Related database MATAL OUTPUT 13 Environmental Plant Physiology and Crop Modeling • Modeling forces the organization of known information and concepts. • Although we may not know enough to develop a comprehensive model that includes all aspects of the farm or crop production system, modeling some meaningful portions of the system provides clarity. • For a model to correctly predict plant responses to physical conditions, the concepts and the response functions must be appropriately assembled. Environmental Plant Physiology Summary and Conclusions • To study the effects of environmental factors on growth, development and other processes, we need: 9 Controlled environmental facilities with realistic environmental conditions including solar radiation. 9 Breakdown whole systems into sub-systems and study the influence of environmental factors on those subsystems. 9 Develop some concepts such as EPI to quantify the effects of multiple environmental factors on subsystems. 9 Integrate sub-systems into coherent whole plant/field/ecosystem system-level models/tools. Environmental Plant Physiology, Crop Modeling, and Technology Integration for Decision Support System • Critical environment-genotype relations should be incorporated into the model. • When a crop model is based on appropriate concepts and processes it will have the predictive capability in new environments, and can be used either alone or with other emerging newer technologies to disseminate useful production information. • Also, crop models should be integrated with other related technologies for technology integration and delivery. Environmental Plant Physiology Summary and Conclusions • Validated/integrated system simulation models will be useful: 9 To test hypothesis. 9 To understand multiple environmental effects or interactions. 9 For resources management at the filed-level. 9 For resource management to assist policy decisions. 9 As an educational tool to understand the effects of environment/management effects on crop functioning. 9 For impact assessment of climate change on cop production systems across regions and nations. “You cannot build peace on empty stomachs.” John Boyd Orr Nobel Peace Laureate First FAO Director General “You can’t eat the potential yield, but need to raise the actual by combating the stresses” Norman E. Borlaug Nobel Peace Laureate 14