Crop Growth and Phenology – Species Variability Crop Growth and Development and Environment Species Variability 9 Effects of multiple environmental factor effects on crop growth and phenology across many important crop species. 9 Can we use environmental productivity index concept across the species to quantify the responses and to develop functional relationships? K. Raja Reddy Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS Crop Area, Million ha Production, Million Mt. Productivity, Mt. ha-1 224 161 159 97 57 45 37 31 30 28 690 823 685 231 158 65 36 66 58 20 3.0 5.1 4.3 2.4 2.8 1.5 0.96 2.1 1.9 0.73 Wheat Maize/corn Rice Soybeans Barley Sorghum Millets Seedcotton Rapeseed Beans, dry Environmental and Cultural Factors Influencing Crop Phenology ¾ Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (indirect) ¾ Solar Radiation (indirect) ¾ Photoperiod (direct on flowering, no effect on modern cotton cultivars) ¾ Temperature (direct) ¾ Water (indirect) ¾ Wind (indirect) ¾ Nutrients (N, P and K) (direct & indirect) ¾ Growth Regulators (PIX) (indirect) Rice Production Statistics Rice – Some Crop Statistics 200 0 India 25 0 China 8% Deep-water 50 25 Indonesia 12% Rainfed upland • 50 Bangladesh • 75 Vietnam 27% Rainfed lowland 100 75 Thailand • 125 100 Myanmar 53% Irrigated flooded-paddy 125 Brazil • 150 Philippines • 2004 stats are: Area = 151 Million ha, production = 606 Million Mt, and average yield = 4.02 t ha-1. 175 150 Japan Provides the dietary needs of 1.6 billion with another 400 million rely on rice for one-quarter or one-half of their diet. 200 Area Production Year 2004 USA • Rice production area, Mha 175 Rice production, MMt Crop Growth and Development and Environment Major Crops – Global Statistics - 2008 1 Rice Production Statistics Rice Production Statistics 35 35 8 Year 2004, Area = 151.3 Mha, Production = 605.8 MMt World 2004 average = 3.97 t ha-1 30 Area Production 15 5 Indonesia, r2 = 93, 77 kg yr1 4 World, r = 0.98, 53 kg yr 3 India, r = 0.92, 42 kg yr 1 Myanmar India 0 China 0 Indonesia 2 Vietnam 5 Bangladesh 5 Thailand 10 Philippines 2 2 10 2 -1 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Rice Phenology and Temperature – cv IR 30 700 12 A) Sowing to Panicle Emergence, d REPRODUCTIVE 10 Phyllochron Interval d leaf-1 1 -1 Thailand, r = 0.82, 21 kg yr Phenology – Species Variability – Rice 8 6 VEGETATIVE 4 2 B) 85 Days to 50 % Panicle Appearance -1 -1 6 Rice yield, t ha-1 20 15 Rice production, % 20 Brazil 2 Japan, r = 0.51, 32 kg yr 2 25 USA USA, r2 = 0.90, 70 kg yr-1 7 China, r = 96, 102 kg yr 25 Japan Rice production area, % 30 80 75 IR 36 600 500 400 Carreon 300 200 100 70 0 65 60 20 0 25 30 35 40 TEMPERATURE, °C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Temperature, C S.K. Leong and C.K.Ong. 1983. J. Expt. Bot. 34: 1551-1561. Phenology – Species Variability – Rice Phenology and Temperature –Photoperiod Corn or Maize, Zea mays L. Corn is the 3rd most important food crops globally in terms of energy and protein (FAO, 2004). Area: 147 Million ha Total production: 721 Million Mt Average yield: 4.93 t ha-1 2 Corn or Maize, Zea mays L. Corn or Maize, Zea mays L. Area Production 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 45 50 Year 2004, Area = 147.02 Mha, Production = 721.4 MMt 40 45 40 Area Production 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Corn or Maize, Zea mays L. Nigeria South Africa Indonesia Argentina India Romania France Brazil Mexico USA China Nigeria 0 South Africa Indonesia Romania Argentina India France Mexico USA Brazil 50 China 50 0 50 300 Corn production area, % Year 2004, Area = 147 Mha, production = 721 MMt World average = 4.93 t ha-1 Maize production, MMt Maize production area, Mha 300 350 Corn production, % 350 Phenology – Species Variability 12 10 2 Maize yield, t ha-1 France, r = 0.88, 138 kg yr 2 -1 USA, r = 0.84, 114 kg yr -1 8 2 Argentina, r = 0.87, 99 kg yr 2 -1 China, r = 0.96, 100 kg yr 6 Phenology – Leaf Appearance Rates (Phyllochrons); Maize or Corn. • Notice the base temperature which is much different than that of cotton. • The rate of development is also linear across a wide range of temperatures. -1 World, r2 = 0.95, 62 kg yr-1 4 2 Brazil, r = 0.83, 47 kg yr 2 -1 India, r2 = 0.79, 24 kg yr-1 2 -1 Nigeria, r = 0.29, 10 kg yr 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Phenology – Species Variability Corn Growth – UV-B Radiation – Species Variability 1.0 • 0.8 • Notice the base temperature which is much different than that of cotton, but similar to maize leaf appearance rates. The rate of development is also linear across a wide range of temperatures (10 to 30°C). UV-B Indices Phenology and Silking to Maturity: Maize or Corn 0.6 0.4 Stem extension leaf area expansion Leaf development Biomass 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 -2 -1 UV-B radiation, kJ m d 3 Sorghum – Cultivar Differences Phenology – Species Variability Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Phenology – Panicle Initiation. Sorghum is the 4th most important food crops globally in terms of energy and protein (FAO, 2004). 2004 stats are: Area: 43.1 Million ha Total production: 57.8 Million Mt Average yield: 1.3 t ha-1 United States = 2.64 Mha, 4.4 t ha-1, 11 MMt India = 9.4 Mha, 0.8 t ha-1, 7.53 MMt Nigeria = 7.1 Mha, 1.13 t ha-1, 8.03 MMt China = 0.57 Mha, 4.1 t ha-1, 2.34 MMt Mexico = 1.91 Mha, 3.35 t ha-1, 6.4 MMt Sudan = 6.0 Mha, 4.33 t ha-1, 2.6 MMt • Notice the base temperature which is almost similar to corn. • The rate of development can be described by a bilinear model. Sorghum – Vegetative Growth and Development 18 80 12 40 6 Internode length (cm) 0 C 20 4.0 15 3.0 10 2.0 5 1.0 0.0 36/26 40/30 44/34 32/22 36/26 40/30 44/34 Air te mperature (°C) (daytime maximum/nighttime minimum) 40 12 20 6 0 0 D 20 0.3 15 0.2 10 0.1 5 0.0 0 40/30 44/34 32/22 36/26 40/30 Air te mpe rature (°C) (daytime maximum/nighttime minimum) 44/34 -1 700 µ mol CO 2 mol -1 350 µ mol CO 2 mol A 30 A 32/22°C 700 µ mol CO 2 mol -1 350 µ mol CO 2 mol -1 1500 20 1000 -1 500 0 100 B 75 50 25 Seed size -1 (mg seed ) C 0.4 2000 Individual seed weight (mg seed ) 18 Pollen production -1 (no. anther ) 24 In-vitro pollen germination (%) 30 Sorghum – Reproductive Growth and Development Pollen viability (%) B Seed dry weight -1 (g plant ) -1 36/26 D 32/22 60 32/22 -1 Plant height (cm) 24 0 700 µmol CO 2 mol -1 350 µmol CO 2 mol 80 30 120 Sorghum – Vegetative and Reproductive Growth and Development A B 0 The rate of development can be described by a bilinear models. Also, notice the genotypic variability. Total dry weight -1 (g plant ) • Notice the base temperature which is almost similar to corn. Harvest index • -1 700 µmol CO 2 mol -1 350 µmol CO 2 mol A 160 Stem diameter (cm) Phenology – Leaf development. Nodes (no. plant ) Sorghum – Phenology – Cultivar Differences 0 100 C 10 0 30 B 36/26°C 20 10 0 30 C 40/30°C 75 20 50 25 0 10 32/22 36/26 40/30 44/34 Air temperature (°C) (daytime max imum/nighttime minimum) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time after tagging (d) 4 Wheat – Production Trends Wheat – Some Crop Statistics 100 100 Wheat – Production Trends Pakistan France Wheat – Production Trends 20 20 10 15 15 8 10 10 5 5 0 0 Year 2004, Area = 215.8 Mha, Production = 627.1 MMt Year 2004 Wheat production, MMt 0 Turkey 0 Ukraine 20 Canada 20 Australia 40 Germany Average yield = 2.84 t ha-1. 40 USA Production = 633 Million Mt 60 Russian Fed. Area = 217 Million ha 80 60 India • 2004 stats are: Area Production 80 China • Provides 20% of the energy and 25% of the protein requirements of over 6 billion population. N.a.N. Wheat production area, Mha Year 2004, Area = 215.8 Mha, Production = 627.1 MMt Wheat yield, t ha-1 Wheat production, % Wheat production area, % Area Production 2 6 2 Kazakhstan Pakistan Argentina Turkey Ukraine Canada Australia France Germany USA Russian Fed. India China -1 China, r = 0.97, 87 kg yr 4 USA, r2 = 0.81, 26 kg yr-1 World, r2 = 0.97, 42 kg yr-1 2 -1 India, r = 0.97, 50 kg yr 2 N.a.N. -1 Germany, r = 0.94, 111 kg yr 2 -1 France, r = 0.93, 114 kg yr 0 1955 Australia, r2 = 0.40, 18 kg yr-1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Wheat and Phenology Temperature Effects on Flowering to maturity Soybean Production Statistics Soybean the most important protein and oilseed crop globally (FAO, 2004). Area: 91.4 Million ha Total production: 204.4 Million Mt Average yield: 2.23 t ha-1 5 Soybean Production Statistics Soybean Production Statistics Soybean Production Statistics 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Italy 20 15 Bolivia 25 20 Indonesia 0 30 25 Canada Italy Indonesia Bolivia Canada Paraguay India China USA 0 Brazil 20 Argentina 20 35 30 Paraguay 40 40 35 India 40 40 China 60 45 Area Production Argentina 60 50 Year 2004 USA 80 Soybean production area, % 80 45 Soybean production, MMt Soybean production area, Mha 50 Area Production Soybean production, % 100 Year 2004, Area = 91.44 Mha, Production = 204.3 MMt Brazil 100 Temperature and CO2 Effects on Soybean Developmental Rates 5 4 26/19 4.2 Final node number, no. plant-1 10.3 2 -1 31/24 3.3 11.5 2 -1 36/29 3.2 12.0 26/19 3.9 11.2 31/24 2.7 11.4 36/29 2.6 12.1 2 Soybean yield, t ha -1 Italy, r = 0.81, 47 kg yr CO2, ppm Temp. °C Plastochron interval, d leaf-1 -1 300 3 USA, r2 = 0.81, 26 kg yr-1 Brazil, r 2 = 0.95, 36 kg yr -1 World, r = 0.95, 26 kg yr 2 China, r = 0.92, 26 kg yr 2 India, r = 0.58, 14 kg yr 1 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 -1 2010 Year Crop Growth and Development - Environment 600 Rangeland grass – Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) Response to temperature - Soybean biomass and seed yield Biomass / seed yield (g/plant) 40 4-week old cotton Biomass seedlings 35 CO2 = 700 ppm • C4 photosynthetic pathway 30 • Clump forming perennial grass 25 • Grows 3 to 6 feet tall but occasionally up to 9 feet. 20 • Lower stems are a purplish or bluish color 15 • Leaves are 1/2 inch wide and up to 20 inches long. • Arrangement of the flowers in three dense elongate clusters is the reason for the common name of turkey-foot grass. • Grows best in moist well drained soil in full sun and is a major component of the tallgrass prairie. Seed yield 10 5 0 28/18 32/22 36/26 40/30 44/34 48/38 Day/night temperature, °C 6 Rangeland grass – Big Bluestem, A. girardii Reproductive Response – Panicle initiation Rangeland grass – Big Bluestem, A. girardii Growth and Developmental Responses 0.016 3.0 y = 0.0056 + 0.0002781X; R2 = 0.99 for T = <26°C -1 -1 0.014 0.012 2.0 1.5 77 88 -1 0.010 96 99 0.008 15 20 1.0 -1 360 µL L 0.5 2 2 y = -3.672+0.523x+-0.011x ; R = 0.96 -1 760 µL L 2 2 y = -2.118+0.396x+-0.009x ; R = 0.92 0.0 85 Leaf addition rate (no. d ) Panicle initiation rate, 1/d y = 0.0207 - 0.00030009X; R2 = 0.97 for T = >26°C [CO2] * T *** [CO2] x T NS 2.5 Stem elongation rate (cm d ) -1 360 µL L -1 700 µL L 25 30 35 40 [CO2] * T *** [CO2] x T * 0.30 0.25 360 µL L-1 0.20 2 2 y = -0.130+0.027x+-0.001x ; R = 0.94 720 µL L-1 2 2 y = -0.057+0.013x+-0.001x ; R = 0.92 Temperature, °C 0.15 15 20 25 30 35 40 o Temperature ( C) Rangeland grass – Big Bluestem, A. girardii Rangeland grass – Big Bluestem, A. girardii Growth and Developmental Responses 30 Tillers Leaf 2 2 360 µL L-1; y = 30.004-2.425x-0.059x ; R = 0.98 2 2 760 µL L-1; y = 12.957-0.871x+0.027x ; R = 0.92 20 -1 360 µL L ; y = -3.752-0.427x; R2 = 0.97 760 µL L-1; y = -7.881-0.677x; R2 = 0.87 20 200 10 5 5 0 0 Tillers with panicles 4 Nodes with panicles -1 2 2 360 mL L ; y = -34.595+3.425x-0.065x ; R = 0.98 -1 2 2 720 mL L ; y = -29.201+2.974x-0.058x ; R = 0.96 10 [CO2] * T *** [CO2] x T NS 8 Dry weight (g plant-1) Number (plant-1) 0 12 NS [CO2] T *** [CO2] x T NS 15 10 1 5 0 Panicle -1 360 µL L ; y = -7.227+0.754x-0.014x2; R2 = 0.97 760 µL L-1; y = -4.538+0.514-0.009x2; R2 = 0.94 3 20 -1 360 µL L ; y = -87.732+8.004x-0.149x2; R2 = 0.94 -1 760 µL L ; y = -75.556+6.902x-0.129x2; R2 = 0.93 NS [CO2] T *** [CO2] x T NS 15 0 10 15 15 20 25 30 Temperature, °C 35 40 25 30 35 40 Temperature ( C) 0.28 720 µL L-1 -1 360 µL L 0.26 0 20 25 30 35 40 0.24 o Root 360 µL L-1; y = -26.37+2.886x-0.053x2; R2 = 0.91 -1 760 µL L ; y = -3.143+1.452x-0.032x2; R2 = 0.92 15 [CO2] T [CO2] x T - 10 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 5 0 20 o 10 5 50 -1 360 µL L ; y = -59.272+7.245x-0.134x2; R2 = 0.95 760 µL L-1; y = -21.178+4.796x-0.093x2; R2 = 0.94 0 Panicles NS [CO2] T *** [CO2] x T NS 100 30 Temperature ( C) 0 20 -1 2 2 760 µL L ; y = -483.020+50.557x-1.052x ; R = 0.98 150 40 15 1 2 25 NS [CO2] T *** [CO2] x T NS 50 -1 360 µL L ; y = -378.860+42.571x-0.898x2; R2 = 0.84 NS [CO2] T *** NS [CO2] x T 2 6 4 60 -1 760 µL L ; y = -25.561+3.759x-0.082x2; R2 = 0.95 20 [CO2] ** T *** [CO2] x T NS 2 14 360 µL L-1; y = -22.788+3.158x-0.065x2; R2 = 0.91 Stem -1 2 2 360 µL L ; y = -4.331+0.576x-0.011x ; R = 0.96 -1 2 2 720 µL L ; y = -5.4296+0.673x-0.014x ; R = 0.90 3 Total weight response [CO2] *** T *** [CO2] x T ** Total biomass (g plant-1) [CO2] ** T ** NS [CO2] x T 10 Seeds (no. panicle-1) 15 15 Seed weight, g 25 Seed number and weight response 25 0.12 0.10 15 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 20 25 30 35 Temperature, °C Temperature (oC) Chickpea is a cool-season crop grown substantially in South and West Asia, the Mediterranean region, and South and Central America. Chickpea - Cicer arietinum L. Production and distribution • Chickpea is a cool season food legume crop grown on >10 million ha in 45 countries of the world. • Chickpea is either the first or the second most important, rainfed, cool season food legume, grown mainly by small farmers in the semi-arid tropics (SAT) and West Asia and North Africa (WANA) regions. • The crop is also grown in southern and eastern Africa (particularly important in Ethiopia), Europe, the Americas and, more recently, Australia. • World production is 7 million tones. • International trade in chickpeas has increased over the years. 7 Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Sowing to First Flower Chickpea Cultivars Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Sowing to 50% Emergence Chickpea Cultivars Roberts et al., 1980. Expt. Agric.16:343-360. Roberts et al., 1980. Expt. Agric.16:343-360. 100 Days from Sowing to First Flower Days to 50% Emergence 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 Chaffa - Early = 10.1 - 0.26*X, R2=0.79 G 130 - Late = 11.3 - 0.30*X, R2=0.87 Rabat - Mid-late = 13.5 - 0.33*x, R2=0.61 15 20 25 30 Chafa-Early = 61-1.3*X, r2 =0.44 G 130 - Late = 102-1.9*X, r2 = 0.14 2 Rabat - mid-late = 86-1.1*X, r = 0.08 80 60 40 20 10 35 15 Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - First Flower to Maturity Chickpea Cultivars Roberts et al., 1980. Expt. Agric.16:343-360. 30 35 Roberts et al., 1980. Expt. Agric.16:343-360. 200 Crop Duration (sowing to maturity), d Days from First Flower to Maturity 25 Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Sowing to Maturity Chickpea Cultivars 150 Chaffa-Early = 203 - 5.8*X, r2 = 0.69 G 130 - Late = 167 - 4.7*X, r2 = 0.77 2 Rabat - Mid-late = 173-4.8X, r = 0.63 125 100 75 50 25 10 20 Average Air emperature, °C Average Air emperature, C 15 20 25 30 35 2 Chaffa - Early = 264 - 7.1*X, r = 0.72 2 G 130 - Late = 270 - 6.6*X, r = 0.64 2 Rabat - mid-late = 261 - 5.9*X, r = 0.64 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 10 15 20 Average Air Temperature, °C Groundnut or Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Groundnut, an important cash crop, is an annual legume. Its seeds are a rich source of edible oil (43-55%) and protein (2528%). About two thirds of world production is crushed for oil and the remaining one third is consumed as food. Its cake is used as feed or for making other food products and haulms provide quality fodder. 25 30 35 Average Air Temperature, °C Groundnut or Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) 1 2 3 7 4 WC 1 Mali 2 Niger 3 Nigeria 5 6 SEA 3 Kenya 4 Malawi 5 Zimbabwe Asia 7 India Semi-arid tropic The semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa (WC = western and central Africa; SEA = southern and eastern Africa (Source: http://www. 8 Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Groundnut (Peanut, cv. Robut 33-1) Distribution: Groundnut originated in the southern Bolivia/north west Argentina region in south America and is presently cultivated in 108 countries of the world. 0.4 Leaf appearance Important groundnut producing countries are China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam in Asia; Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Zaire, Chad, Uganda, Cote d'Ivory, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mozambique, and Cameroon in Africa; Argentina and Brazil in South America and USA and Mexico in North America. Rate of Development 0.3 Asia with 63.4% area produces 71.7% of world groundnut production followed by Africa with 31.3% area and 18.6% production, and North-Central America with 3.7% area and 7.5% production. 0.2 Branching 0.1 Flowering Pegging Podding 0.0 -0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Temperature, C S.K. Leong and C.K.Ong. 1983. J. Expt. Bot. 34: 1551-1561. Temperature – Pollen Germination Phenology - Species Variability Temperature - Groundnut (Peanut, cv. Robut 33-1) Susceptible Moderate Tolerant 80 ICGV 92116 ICGV 92118 55-437 % Event Equation CGDD Leaf appearnce = 0.018*T - 0.183, r2 =0.79, Branching = 0.0097*T - 0.0924, r2 =0.89, Flowering = 0.00186*T - 0.0201, r2 =0.96, 2 Pegging = 0.00149*T - 0.0158, r =0.90, 2 Podding = 0.00139*T - 0.0158, r =0.98, 56 103 538 669 720 Tbase 10.0 9.5 10.8 10.6 11.4 Pollen germination (%) 70 Tb Topt Tmax 40 13.8 26.5 38.5 51.5 11.7 30.6 40.7 70.3 11.9 31.9 45.2 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Temperature (°C) Effect of temperature on percentage pollen germination of susceptible (Topt < mean-LSD), moderately tolerant (Topt = ±mean) and tolerant (Topt > mean+LSD) genotypes. Symbols are observed values and lines are fitted values. S.K. Leong and C.K.Ong. 1983. J. Expt. Bot. 34: 1551-1561. Temperature – Pollen Tube Growth ICGV 92116 ICGV 92116 55-437 % 16 Topt Tmax 1280 16.0 36.4 45.5 1080 15.3 30.5 37.7 1410 14.5 37.6 45.1 14 12 Pollen tube length (102 m m) Tb Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata belong to the family Fabaceae. Cowpeas were originally native to Asia and are now an important forage and cover crop in the southern United States. The seeds, usually called black-eyed peas or black-eyed beans, are cooked and eaten. 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Temperature (°C) 9 Phenology – Species Variability – Cowpea Lines Phenology – Species Variability Sowing to Flowering Horticultural Crops Phenology – Species Variability – Crops and weeds Phenology – Species Variability Phenology – Species Variability Phenology and Seed Germination: • The minimum or the base temperature, heat sum (s) or the growing degree days (GDD) from that base temperature for a number of horticultural crops. Species Maize Sorghum Pearl millet Wheat Barley Rice Soybean Sunflower Cowpeas Sugar beet Velvet leaf Pigweed Banana Tmin or Tbase, °C 8 8 12 0 1 5 7 9 16 2 8 10 8 GDD per leaf tip 39 48 26 99 75 90 54 29 30 30 24 12 196 EPI Concept and Plant Growth and Development One way to quantify the effects of environmental factors on plant growth and development is to use the EPI concept similar to the one that we used in cotton as model crop. EPI-phenology = Temperature (potential) * Nutrient Index (C, N, P, K) * Water index * PPF Index * PGR Index etc., EPI-growth = Temperature (potential) * Nutrient Index (C, N, P, K)* Water index * PPF Index * PGR Index etc., Once the potential is defined and quantified, then we can use EPI concept to decrease that potential to account for the effects of multiple environmental factors on given process such growth or development of any plant/crop species as in cotton crop. 10 EPI Concept and Plant Growth and Development ¾ Environmental productivity index concept, if applied, works across species and locations. ¾ EPI also allows one to interpret and to understand stresses in the field situations. ¾ If we know the factor that is limiting most at any point of time during the growing season, then, we can make appropriate management decisions to correct that limitation. ¾ EPI concept is the way to quantify the effects of multiple environmental factors on plant growth and development (photosynthesis, phenology, and growth) and thus productivity of any species or crop. 11