houSton 2015 State Employee Charitable Campaign LoCaL EmpLoyEE CommittEE

2 0 1 5 S tate Emp lo ye e C h a r it a b le C a m paign
s ervin g t h e c a mp a ig n a re a o f
h ou st on
L o c a l Employee Commit t ee
D av id G o d w in (C h a ir)
T ex as D ep artm e n t o f S t a t e He a lt h S e rvic e s
Da vo n d ra B ro w n
R ichmond S ta t e S u p p o rt e d L ivin g C e n t e r
J. D a vid F a irb a n k s
Univers ity o f Ho u st o n – D o w n t o w n
K e f f u s F a lls
Hous ton Com mu n it y C o lle g e – No rt h e a st
Ma rio L o p e z
Comp troller o f P u b lic A c c o u n t s – No rt h
your support of the SECC is voluntary
If you feel you are being coerced to donate money at any time during this campaign, please submit a written complaint to:
Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, P.O. Box 13528, Capitol Station, Austin TX 78711-3528.
State Employee
table of contents
general information about the SECC............................................................2
Charitable Campaign
the benefits of payroll deduction.................................................................4
is the only statutorily authorized
2014 leadership givers..............................................................................6
workplace campaign for state
explanation of each charitable listing’s content........................................... 11
agency and higher education
employees throughout Texas.
what will my gift provide (giving guide)........................................................4
a case for leadership giving........................................................................5
2014 SECC award winners....................................................................... 11
how to give to another region in Texas........................................................ 11
statewide charitable organizations
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only,
are listed in the local section of the directory.
ABC – America’s Best Charities................................................................. 12
In 2014, the SECC marked its
Adopt-A-Beach....................................................................................... 16
21st year by raising more than
Assistance to Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking ................................. 17
$9.031 million
EarthShare of Texas................................................................................. 18
for charitable organizations
Global Impact......................................................................................... 19
throughout the Lone Star state.
Neighbor To Nation................................................................................. 21
America’s Charities................................................................................. 16
Community Health Charities Texas............................................................. 17
Fund for Veterans’ Assistance................................................................... 19
Local Independent Charities of Texas......................................................... 20
Save Texas History.................................................................................. 22
Texas Match the Promise Foundation......................................................... 22
Texas State History Museum..................................................................... 22
Fo r m o re info r mati o n a b o u t th e SECC:
local charitable organizations .......................... 23
index ............................................................................................. 27
what is the SECC?
Thanks to legislation that created the State Employee Charitable Campaign in 1993, employees of
state agencies, junior and community colleges, and universities throughout Texas enjoy the benefit of
giving to many of their favorite charities through an annual workplace giving campaign which
features the convenience of payroll deduction.
donations exceeded $9.031 million
for charitable organizations in 2014.
It’s not hard to see why
employees of the Friendship
State have responded so
enthusiastically to the SECC:
•• It’s an easy, effective
and cost-efficient way
to give to charities.
•• Our contributions help
improve the quality of life
for people in communities
locally, across the country
and around the world.
•• The campaign supports
a wide variety of vital
health and human services.
•• All charities in the
campaign must meet
strict eligibility criteria.
how does it work?
Each fall, we get the opportunity to learn about the charities in the SECC,
choose which ones we want to help, and then fill out a pledge form to indicate
how much we wish to donate to which groups. We can make a one-time gift by
cash or check. Or, even better, our gift can be deducted from each paycheck
beginning at the first of next year.
The campaign runs from September through October. During this time period,
you can expect to attend an informational meeting or be approached by a coworker with information and a pledge form. The directory you’re now holding
provides information on all the charities in the campaign — a great resource
not only for helping you make your choices, but also for finding help if you
need it yourself.
what charities are involved?
One of the great benefits of the SECC is the wide variety of charities and
causes represented — there’s something for everyone. They range from small
local organizations to large and well-known national and international groups.
Those charities that wish to participate must meet stringent legal requirements,
and then be scrutinized by teams of state employees to ensure:
• They are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and
registered with the Secretary of State.
• They are audited (or reviewed) annually by an accountant in accordance
with generally-accepted auditing standards.
• They provide direct or indirect health and human services.
• They spend no more than 25 percent of funds raised on administration.
s 3
who governs and runs the SECC?
Committees of state employees govern the SECC at two levels — statewide and
locally. They ensure the campaign is conducted fairly and equitably under a strict
set of guidelines that give donors confidence in both the charities that benefit and
the methods used to solicit.
At the state level, a committee of state employees called the State Policy Committee
(SPC) provides governance and oversight. Three members are appointed by the
Governor and three each by the Lieutenant Governor and the Comptroller of Public
Accounts. They are responsible for a campaign plan, a budget and ensuring the
eligibility of statewide organizations. The SPC also hires a State Campaign Manager
to administer the campaign.
At the local level, Local Employee Committees (LECs) provide similar oversight.
The SPC appoints the LEC chair, which then recruits a local committee of up to 10
members. They hire a local campaign manager to administer the campaign locally.
how are funds distributed?
should I give?
•• To help those who are less
fortunate through no fault of
their own.
•• To support a favorite cause or
charity on a regular basis.
•• It’s the right thing to do.
•• It will make you feel great.
•• It’s tax deductible.
Contributions made by state agency employees are distributed by the State
Comptroller to participating federations, who then send the funds along to their
members. Each university distributes funds to federations through its own payroll
system. At the local level, the Local Campaign Managers distribute the funds the
same way.
But because it is almost impossible to account for donations lost through such
things as an employee leaving or transferring, a percentage method is used to
distribute funds. At the end of each year’s campaign, the percent of funds pledged
to each charity is calculated. Each charity then receives that percentage of what
is eventually collected. Undesignated pledges are shared with all participating
charities using the same percentage.
Each charity also pays its share of the cost of running the campaign (printed
materials, etc.) based on the same percentage.
how much should I give?
How much to give is totally up to you; your personal generosity is no one’s business
but your own and remains confidential. Still, many of us like to have some idea
of what is appropriate to consider as a gift.
First … you might consider participating as a leadership giver — one of
the many people who like to do a little more by donating at the leadership
giving levels described later.
Second … you might consider one of the standards used in campaigns
like this throughout the nation — giving one hour’s pay per month, usually
calculated as .006 of your annual salary.
Third … give what you feel is appropriate for you and your budget — any
gift, no matter how large or small, can make all the difference in the world
to the charities in this campaign.
with a low
of less than
10% statewide
more of your contribution
gets to the charities
you select than in
almost any similar
fundraising activity.
what will my gift provide?
Pa y r o l l d e d u c t i o n of fe r s
a special opportunity to do
more and feel it less.
•• It helps to minimize
of payroll deduction
costs while maximizing
your contribution.
•• You can manage your
stress/conflict management.
provides vital cancer survivorship information and support to 80 cancer survivors.
provides one day of food and shelter for a homeless person.
provides prescription glasses for five people in a Third World country.
covers the cost of planting 100 tree saplings.
provides meals for a homebound senior citizen for two weeks.
start and that you can
end them at any time.
•• It saves time and takes
little effort.
PER MONTH for one year:
provides 12 students with an interactive CD on college-age depression and suicide.
covers the registration fee for one patient or family member to attend the National
own philanthropy — you
know when deductions
PER MONTH for one year:
provides three days of parenting classes that teach effective discipline and
Organization for Rare Disorders Patient/Family Conference.
provides adaptive aids for personal care to make life easier for ALS patients.
will provide equipment and supplies for five people to spend a morning cleaning
a beach or river bank.
provides teaching materials for 30 at-risk students for one school year.
PER MONTH for one year:
enables three elementary school classes to tour a natural area.
provides physical therapy exercise sessions for patients with Multiple Sclerosis
and Muscular Dystrophy.
will help a family in crisis with their monthly utility or grocery bills.
provides 233 meals for hungry babies.
will pay for preserving and distributing 120,000+ servings of nutritious produce.
provides one mammogram for an uninsured woman.
will help to pay the cost of testing for early signs of kidney disease for a
low-income patient.
PER MONTH for one year:
provides a full year of groceries for a homebound AIDS patient.
provides food for one guide dog in advanced training.
covers the cost of training material and instruction for self-examinations for
breast cancer and for awareness materials for prostate cancer.
supports training in an environmental career for a person with a disability.
provides scholarship assistance for inner city children to attend a nature camp
in the Hill Country.
best of all …
by donating a specific amount
from each paycheck, you can make
a much more significant impact on
causes you wish to help.
PER MONTH for one year:
provides 26 students with assistance in math and science.
provides 11 days of food and shelter for a homeless person.
ensures safety from cholera for 50 people.
funds a volunteer on-line at a national AIDS treatment hotline for one week.
provides two high schools with science curriculum materials about proper handling
of chemicals found in the home.
s 5
a case for leadership giving
At the core of every worthwhile endeavor are those whose caring and personal leadership establish a powerful example for others.
Leadership giving provides such an opportunity for those wishing to maximize the impact of their charitable gift through the
State Employee Charitable Campaign in 2015.
An SECC leadership gift will provide far-reaching opportunities for your favorite charitable organizations, enabling them
to address a wider range of health and human service issues due to your increased generosity.
If you choose to give $1,000 or more, please indicate the appropriate giving level on your pledge form and complete the
acknowledgement section; if you choose to be acknowledged, your name will be provided to the recipient charities and listed
in next year’s directory. Acknowledged givers will also receive a token of appreciation for their gift.
$83.34 per month (only $2.74 per day) …
a leadership gift of $1,000 can provide:
Four days of child care in an accredited facility …
32 meals for the elderly …
104 days of parenting classes, teaching effective discipline and conflict management …
48 students receiving assistance in math and sciences …
48 days of a support group for teens having experienced
violence or sexual abuse …
and 20 days of food and shelter for a homeless person …
and 28 days of mentoring for at-risk youth …
and 40 acres of land for wildlife habitat or public open space
that provides both recreation and cleaner air …
and 50 children receiving bicycle helmets and cycling instruction
to prevent accidents and encourage environmentally-friendly methods
of transportation …
and crisis intervention services to 65 at-risk women and children in violent family situations …
and art, music or dance therapy for two people with disabilities for an entire semester!
supp o r t yo ur state employee
charitable campaign
2014 SECC leadership givers
(as reported at time of printing, of those agreeing to be recognized)
Lone Star Circle … $10,000 or more
Capi t al A r e a ............................... Chris Connealy
D e n t on ......................................... Dr. Sarah McIntire
D F W Me t r ople x ............................ Steven McKnight
Daniel Podolsky
Anonymous (1)
G al vest o n ................................... Anonymous (1)
G r e at e r W est Texa s .................... Dr. Suzanne Graham
Kent Hance
h o u s t o n ....................................... Anonymous (1)
Alamo Circle … $5,000 to $9,999
G R EATER WES T T EXAS (c on t .)
Michael Hooten
Robert Urban
Brian Weis
Joel Sugg
Charles Seifert
Sheri Talley
Anonymous (1)
Dr. Paul Leung
Karan L. Watson
Deborah G. Wright
Anonymous (1)
Randy Bomer
Susan Broniarczyk
Carolyn Heinrich
Mark Moore
Kathryn Perkins
Christine Plonsky
Susan Smith Dorsey
Robert Wilson
Anonymous (6)
Ronald Barker
Gordon Green
Michael Jessen
John Warner
Anonymous (5)
Anonymous (2)
Angela Dickerson
Jerry Grimes
Dr. David McCartney
Anonymous (1)
Dr. Lois L. Bready
Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Scarano
Dr. William L. Henrich
Dr. Anthony J. Infante
Bonnie C. Longley
Dr. Bettie Sue S. Masters
Dr. Thomas C. Mayes
Dr. Naveen K. Mittal
Dr. Ronald M. Stewart
Anonymous (2)
s 7
Bluebonnet Circle … $2,500 to $4,999
Coa sta l bend
Sharon Burnett
Horace Fairlamb, Ph.D.
Viridiana Solano
Patricia Spaniol-Mathews, Ph.D.
John Berry
James Burkhalter
Jane Colmer-Hamood
Robert Duncan
Michelle Ensminger
Abdul Hamood
R. Hampton
Fred Hartmeister
Dr. Scott Julian
Dr. Jerome Koch
Debra Laverie
Dr. Arne Ledet
Dr. Fiona Prabhu
Robert Ricketts
Dr. Bettina Schmitz
Phillip Sizer
Cloyce Stetson
Michelle Tarbox
Thomas Tenner
Simon Williams
Dr. Edward Yeomans
Anonymous (5)
Anonymous (1)
Jeffrey D. Hart
Shirley A. Lenamond
Mark I. Ojah
Deborah A. Siegele
Cindy L. Wall
Robert C. Webb
Anonymous (19)
Drs. Patricia & Don Edwards
Dr. Carine Feyten
Mary Saunders
Dr. Ann Staton
Dr. Linda Stromberg
Lawrence Abraham
Paul Ballard
Michael Becker
Douglas Bolin
Sallie Christian-Carnal
Karen Collins
Karen Cook
Richard Crawford
Rainbow Di Benedetto
Mariano Diaz-Miranda
Janet Ellzey
Wesley Gipson
Lino Graglia
Brian Guthrie
D. Hirst
Jennifer Hopens
Regina Hughes
Ross Jennings
Bryan Jones
Larry Laine
Dorothy Lambdin
Mark Lambert
Sanford Levinson
Michael Malner
Christine Marcin
Madeline Maxwell
Julia Meade
David Platt
Karen Puckett
Vijaya Ramachandran
Margaret Roll
Amy Ronnfeldt
Dan Sachnowitz
Arthur Schwab
Corina Scoggins
Laura Starks
Eulon Taylor
Barney Timmins
Anonymous (23)
Amanda Billings
Christi Carter
Terry Ekeland
Valorie Frederico
Thomas Froehlich
Leah Hurley
Bruce Meyer
Joan Schiller
Angela Shoup
Diana Tomchick
Anonymous (7)
Cora Meyer
Malynda Cappelle
Dr. Jesus Diaz
Bradley P. Fuhrman
Juan Gonzalez
Stanley Allen
Marvin Cohen
Janice Contreras
Perry Fulcher
Dr. Thomas Kimbrough
David Marshall
Walter Meyer
Benny Raimer
Carol Richardson
Gwyn Richardson
Angela Shepherd
Colleen Silva
Barbara Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Courtney Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. David Walker
Dwight Wolf
Anonymous (10)
Michelle Barton
James Beeson
Carole Bohnert
Bradley Hoge
Elizabeth Jones
Angela Young
Anonymous (7)
Jonathan Bell
Sylvia Garces-Hobbs
Anonymous (1)
Dr. C. M. Agrawal
Dr. Theodore V. Arevalo
Lee A. Carlisle
Dr. S. T. Deahl Li
Ginny L. Gomez-Leon
Dr. Kevin P. Grant
Dr. Luci K. Leykum
Dr. Michael J. Lichtenstein
Dr. Glen A. Medellin
Maria Molinar-Ruiz
Dr. Susan L. Mooberry
Francis A. Norman, Ed.D.
Dr. Steven R. Pliszka
Dr. Ricardo Romo
Robert Wolaver
Anonymous (1)
Yellow Rose Circle … $1,000 to $2,499
Abraham Al-Ahmad
Traci Baker
Robert Blanchard
Deborah Casida
James Clem
Patrick Coggins
Cara Crowley
Kristina Drumheller
Michael Galbreaith
Joseph Grange
Toni Gray
Mike Henderson
Debra Jackson
Bradley Jones
Marianne Jones
Timothy Lite
Maria Lopez
Russell Lowery-Hart
Alexa Maples
Aimee Martin
Colleen McCall
Bruce Moseley
Donald Nicholson
J. Patrick O’Brien
Bonnie Pendleton
Leslie Priest
Jason Pruitt
James Rauscher
Mark Rowh
Max Seymour
David Simmons
Christine Skinner
Martin Smith
Quentin Smith
Frances Stoddard
James Stoll
Andrea Watson
Guy Wilkins
Rodney Young
Joni E. Baker
William H. Bassichis
David Bergbreiter
Carol D. Binzer
William A. Brown
Nancy G. Burford
Karen L. Butler-Purry
Pierce E. Cantrell, Jr.
Mary N. Cearley
Dennis L. Christiansen
Gail P. Clement
Richard G. Cole
Betty J. Crain
Lorraine A Eden
Sarah R. Edwards
William J. Faber
Edward Fry
Francois P. Gabbai
Carl A. Gagliardi
Juan E. Garza
Lindsey A. Garza
Rostislav Grigorchuk
Eric R. Hyman
Rex E. Janne
Paul W. Johnson
John E. Killough
Henderson Lawson
Michael T. Longnecker
Walter R. Magnussen
Robert B. McGeachin
Gretchen R. Miller
Paula B. Moses
Larry Napper
Donald G. Naugle
Joseph P. Pettibon, II
Blake D. Petty
William M. Pride
M.E. Rister
Harvey Scott
John Sharp
Janet U. Smalley
Joerg M. Steiner
William J. Taylor
Mark E. Troy
Richard W. Woodman
Karen L. Wooley
Penny & Rodney Zent
Anonymous (54)
Christopher Adams
Susan Alexander
Denise Alvarez
Cynthia Aranda
Lane Arnold
LaNell Aston
Phillip Auth
Teresa Baker
Johnnie Baldwin
Mark Barber
Douglas Barnett
Kathy Bartsch
Sally Baulch
Ashley Baum
Carolyn Beck
Donna Bellinghausen
John Berkely
Tricia Berry
Jesse Blackburn
David Bogdanski
Charles Booker
Connie Booker
Georgina Bouton
Bernard Bozzelli
Joseph Brattain
Janet Bray
Monica Brewer
Christopher Brownson
Charles Bryant
Gary Bryant
John Burns
Janice Buttron
David Carter
Rodger Caspers
Christina Cavalli
Perla Cavazos
Brian Chamberlin
Eugene Chapa
Marva Clack
Patricia Clubb
Philip Cochran
Allen Hah
Patricia Hamm
Gary Hamrick
Shannon Hanney
James Harkins
Carol Harper
Mark Harrison
Roderick Hart
John Hasenbein
Christopher Hayden
Mary Hayhoe
Brenda Helgren
Tracy Henderson
Veda Hickman
Daniel McNamara
Sara Merritt
Deena Mersky
Soon Merz
Michael Midgley
Lillian Mills
Genoveva Minjares
John Mondrik
Lee Moore
Greg Mt. Joy
Mary Mulvaney
Debra Munoz
Brooks Myers
Michelle Nall
Steven Collins
Anne Cook
David Cook
Katherine Cook
Norma Cortez
Neil Crump
Melissa Curtis
Susanna Cutrone
Karol Davidson
Ralph Davis
Jesus De La Teja
Michael Debow
Barry Dersh
Randy Diehl
Douglas Dierking
David Dixon
Mildred Dodson
Robert Elder
Minerva Epps
Dean Ferguson
Kathey Ferland
Linda Fernandez
Melissa Ferrell
Diana Figueroa
Michelle Fiorentini
Kenneth Flamm
Gavra Flood
Mitcheal Fontenot
Barbara Forssell
Stephen Fouchek
Brian Francis
Gordon Franzen
Carol Fredericks
Lynda Frost
Mary Garcia
Lorenzo Garza
Sandra Germenis
Andrew Gershoff
Janette Gibreal
Gail Giebink
Joni Goan
Richard Goldsmith
Carolyn Gonzales
Patricia Gore
Thomas Gouris
David Griffith
Melissa Hield
Andrew Hodson
Randy Hopmann
M. Howard
Curtis Howe
Robert Hutchings
Costel Ionescu
Timothy Irvine
Vishwanath Iyer
Eric James
Rhonda Jefferson
Jeffrey Johanns
Jane Johnson
Gary Johnstone
Diane Juul
Christian Kelleher
Christopher King
Jonathan King
David Kinsey
Kelly Kirkland
Sandra Kissman
Melissa Kleihege
Mary Knight
Tracy Kuhn Lash
William Kuntz
Brittany Lee
Kevin Lemon
Kenneth Levine
Kerri Lewis
Kelly Linder
Joseph Linn
John Locklear
Wade Lorber
David Lydic
Mary Maddox
Raul Madrid
Gregory Magness
Linda Marin
Arthur Markman
John McCalpin
Victoria McCammon
Daniel McClellan
Stan McClellan
F. McCown
Shayne McGuirre
Patricia McLain
Karen Nelson
Carol Nemir
Tonya Netzley
Martha Newman
James Noffke
Ruby Ockletree
Patricia Ohlendorf
Douglas Oldmixon
Jose Ortiz
Michael O’Toole
Patricia Otto
Michael Owen
Debra Owens
Gage Paine
Thomas Pangle
Jana Pankratz
Deri Parker
Patrick Patterson
Stephen Paxman
Rex Peebles
James Peppers
Jonathan Percy
Maria Person
Deborah Peterson
Cassandra Pignato
Cristie Purple
Terrie Purser
David Pyle
Beverly Rabenberg
Cheryl Rachel
Brian Raygon
Laura Reardon
Marianne Reat
Leonard Reese
Martha Reesing
Margaret Reid
Lizzette Reynolds
Tim Reynolds
Richard Rhodes
Lawrence Richardson
Nancy Riley
Jill Robbins
Jean Robinson
Janene Roch
Craig Rochette
Jed Rogers
Elvia Rosales
Jennifer Rothbauer
Smita Ruzicka
Carol Sablan
Jayme Sadlier
Ralph Salinas
John Salsman
Jane Sarosdy
Leslie Saucedo
Blake Sawyer
Stephen Schneider
Barney Schulz
Suzanne Schwartz
John Serrano
Jo Shea
Matthew Shetrone
Amy Smith
Douglas Smith
Mark Smith
Pamela Smith
Penny Smith
Patsy Spaw
Patricia Steinwedell
Alexa Stuifbergen
David Sullivan
Ahmed Tewfik
Teresa Thomas
Mario Valdez
Katherine VarnerJackson
Karen Verser
Anita Villarreal
Gregory Vincent
Timothy Walter
William Warnick
Tina Washington
Catherine Watts
Damiel Weaver
Lyal Wedemeyer
Marie Welsch
Edmund Wermund
Allan Whitaker
Stephen White
Richard Wilcox
Scott Willrich
Paul Woodruff
Yvette Yarbrough
Mary Young
Anonymous (165)
Donald Albrecht
Armando Bosquez
Jamie Cross
Myron Dirks
Richard Hartwig, Ph.D.
Timothy Hatch
Terisa Riley
Paula Sales-Evans
Nora Tamez
s 9
Phillippe Tissot, Ph.D.
Bradley Walker
Anonymous (8)
Mario Barrientos
Dr. Robert LeGrand
Alejandro Ochoa
Jamie Rainey
Dr. Mark Sonntag
William E. Williams
Nancy Woods
Dr. Danielle Annamalai
Dr. Jack Becker
Dr. Kyle Biggerstaff
Dr. Vernon Clark
Coby Condrey
Dr. Mary Curtis
Hank Dickenson
Michelle Elliott
Tracy Everbach
David Franklin
Lisa Goodwin
Keri Heskett
Dr. Linda Holloway
Dr. Joan Hubbard
Lorie Ingram
Dr. Jean Keller
Dr. Barbara Lerner
Tracy Lindsay
Claudia Lynch
Dr. Jennifer Martin
Kathryn McCauley
Dr. Brenda McCoy
Dr. Constance Menard
Dr. Bettye Myers
Rhianon Price
Dr. Pushkala Raman
Dr. David Rylander
Dr. Claire Sahlin
Nora Sierra
Dr. Marcia Staff
Linda Wallace
Dr. Marilyn Wiley
Anonymous (14)
Ibtisam Al-Hashimi
Alice Atchison
Paula Austell
Steven Baker
Claire Bambrough
Nancy Basnett
William Behrendt
Joanett Blackburn
Zarina Blankenbaker
Jacque Borel
Michael Bostic
Bonnie Bratcher
Paula Bratt
Timothy Bray
Maria Bui
Teresa Bush
CT Cadenhead
Luis Camacho
Vonice Champ
Thom Chesney
Jackie Clark
Dwight Clasby
Yolanda Columbus
Mark Curtis-Thames
Karen Cuttill
Mary Darin
Sharon Davis
Erin Dougherty
Linda Kay
Douning Olivo
Kellie Ekeland
Arturo Elizondo Jr.
Ruben Esquivel
George Fair
Suzanne Farmer
Elva Flores
John Foxworthy
Deborah Friedman
Nicholas Gans
Donald Gatzke
Marc Gelinas
Franklin Geyer
Barbara Gray
Patrice Griffith
Jonathan Haight
John Hall
John Hansen
Laura Hartmann
Vernon Hawkins
Rashaunda Henderson
Paula Hernandez
Susan Hernandez
Barbara Hollis
Lorraine Hood-Jack
Anthony Huggins
Gina Niemann
Michael Norgard
J. Wesley Norred Jr.
Aria Nosratinia
James Ovens
Steven Park
Shanon Patrick
Clint Peinhardt
Julie Perez
Monica Powell
Preston Pulliams
Curtis Pullman
Jesus Quiroga Jr.
Claudia Quittner
Srinivasan Raghunathan
Ram Rao
Joan Reisch
Debra Richardson
Gretchen Riehl
Susan Riley
Kellie Rodgers
Susan Rogers
Kerry & Karla Romine
Jennifer Rose
Michael Roth
Cynthia Rutherford
Reena Schellenberg
Katherine Schutt
Ladan Scott
Michael Serber
Jeffery Sires
Linda Skidmore
Christa Slejko
Gloria Smith
Timothy Sonnier
Emily Spence-Almaguer
Kathryn Stecke
Sunita Stewart
Timothy Strawderman
Waymon Hyde
Linda Hynan
Robin Jacoby
Karen Jarrell
Robin Jarrett
Rashard Johnson
Randall Jones
Dorothea Junt
David Karp
Charles Kettlewell
Rebecca Knickel
Dieter Lehnorrt
Selma Lister
Oscar Lopez
Mala Mahendroo
Rafael Martin
Angus McColl
Becky McCulley
Terence McDaniel
Monita McGhee
Tamara McGregor
Diane McNulty
Melinda Mendoza-Ellis
Patricia Monfrey
Bert Moore
Charles Morris
Maria Morse
Willie Neal
Juli Stubbs
Rise Talbot
Philip Thomas
Shirley Thompson
Martha Timberlake
Jennifer Trevino
John Trickel
Andrew Tubbs
Kendra Vaglienti
Norma Vanlandingham
Alice Beena Varnan
Jane Venza
Deborah Vigeland
Roy Vu
Moses Walker
Athol Ware
Cheryl Wattley
Patricia Webb
Joyce Williams
Larry Wilson
Valla Wilson
Jennifer Wimbish
Angela Wishon
Stephanie Woods
Anonymous (95)
Jesse Acosta
Charlotte Allen
William Belt
Kirk Calhoun
Michele Campbell
Diedra Clark
David Griffin
Steven Idell
James Mathews
Jeffery Mathews
Bola & Patti Olusola
Vivek Pandey
Sean Schultz
Mickey Slimp
Michael Williams
Anonymous (5)
Leslie Arms
Dr. Elmus G. Beale
Dr. Noemi BrunnerReynolds
Josefina Carmona
Howard Daudistel
Jose De La Rosa
Florence Dick
Loretta Dillon
Gary Edens
Vladik Kreinovich
Eric J. Lopez
Robert Moss
Dr. Robert Nachtmann
Dr. Diana Natalicio
David Novick
Richard Schoephoerster
Michael R. Smith
Dr. Mary Spalding
Robert Stull
Jack Vaughn
Craig E. Westman
Anonymous (8)
Eric Achord
Jack Alperin
Judith Aronson
Celia Bailey-Ochoa
David Callender
Shannon Clark
Martin Colman
David Connaughton
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Conti
Patricia Davis
Melissa Eitzen
Stephanie Everling
Jean Freeman
Richard Goodgame
Sandra Hatch
Wayne Johnson
Linda Lacy
James Mahon
Douglas Matthews
Cathy McLean
Patrick Michaelski
Patricia Mitrovich
Patricia Nami
David Niesel
Anna O’Connell
Lori Richardson
John Riley
Peter Santschi
Robert Skaggs
Julia Solis
Kathleen Tiernan
Rebecca Trout
Dawn White
Patience Wieland
Courtney Williams
Elizabeth Yoes
Anonymous (69)
David Abercia
Trey Albus
Per Andersen
Janette Anderson
Dr. Katherine Austin
Melanie Barnes
Darrell Bateman
Matthew Beene
Gary Bell
Kelly Bennett
Steven Berk
Kristen Bigbee
Jodene Billingsley
Dr. Paul Bjerk
Michael Blanton
Barbara Bowley
Larry Brady
Martha Brown
Roberta Brown
Bryan Carson
Elmo Cavin
James Clopton
Claudia Cogliser
Courtney Conner
Amy Cook
Kirsten Cook
Hilary Cosby
Michael Crowder
Dr. John Culberson
Cynthia Davis
Dr. Lora Deahl
Thomas Deason
Dr. Llewellyn Densmore
Mark Domansky
Theresa Drewell
Sean Duggan
Robert Duncan
Dr. Margaret Elbow
Gary Elbow
Jacqualene Ellis
Dr. Stefan Estreicher
Dr. Michael Evans
Bobby Flores
Ruth Gard
Dr. William Gardner
Camille Gilliam
Michael Glass
Celine Godard-Codding
Julie Gollihugh
Victor Gonzales
Lisa Green
Michele Hamilton
Penny Harkey
Dr. Kitty Harris
John Haynes
Thomas Heisey
Ericka Hendrix
Dr. Judith Henry
Ryan Henry
Doug Hensley
Grace Hernandez
Vicki Hicks
Sue Holland-Daia
Linda Hoover
John Howe
Michael Hudson
Velma Huffman
Dr. William Jackson
Dr. Randall Jeter
Dr. Eileen Johnson
Linda Jones
Melinda Jones
Erin Justyna
Dr. Deena Katz
Randall Kelly
Scott Key
Alicia Knight
Justin Lane
Michael Lara
Dena Lauderdale
Gail Lawrence
Sheri Lewis
Cathy Limon
Dr. Neal Logan
Catherine Lovett
Greg Lovett
Quepha Lynn
Jonathan Marks
Felicia Martin
John Masselli
Dr. Wanda Masten
Susan Matchett
Mike McAnally
Robby McCasland
Robert McDonald
Victor Mellinger
Dr. Jennifer Mitchell
Tedd Mitchell
George Morales
Michele Moskos
Amy Murphy
Charles Myles
Tibor Nagy
Lance Nail
Marvin Nellis
Dr. Volker Neugebauer
Karen Noles
H Norville
Dr. John Opperman
Alyson Outenreath
Malini Parameswaran
Dr. Sharran Parkinson
Elizabeth Peck
Billy Philips
Yellow Rose Circle … $1,000 to $2,499 (continued)
G r e a t e r wes t
texas - cont.
Kyle Phillips
Jane Piercy
Tonya Pinkerton
Darcy Pollock
Margaret Price
Edward Quitevis
Cynthia Raehl
Dr. Roger Ragain
Janie Ramirez
Kay Rhodes
Lori Rice-Spearman
Kristopher Richardson
Linda Ricks
Dale Ridley
Elizabeth Rogahn
Rial Rolfe
John Russell
Michael Ryan
John Sanders
Walter Schaller
Erin Schambureck
Barbara Schlueter
Brandt Schneider
Sam Segran
Chip Shaw
Dr. Sindee Simon
Noel Sloan
Dr. Milton Smith
Bruce Sonnenberg
David Spears
Jennifer Spurrier
Jill Stangl
Dr. Robert Stewart
Kathryn Suchy
Lauren Sullivan
Dr. Marcus Tanner
Carolyn Taraban
Angela Taylor
Suzzanne Tenorio
Kimberly Turner
Gary Ventolini
Dr. Eleanor Vonende
Eula Walbrick
Donna Walker
Ronny Wall
John Wasnick
Dr. Marshall Watson
Mark Webb
Jon Weidanz
Victoria West
Andrea Westbrook
James White
Dr. Bruce Whittlesey
Dr. Joseph Young
Anonymous (34)
Fernando Aguilar Jr.
Ken Black
Ginny Bowman
Randall Boykin
Patrick Browning
Anna Casillas
Rebecca Castigan
Wanda Clemons
Annette Culberson
Denise Dailey
Grace Davila
Diane Edmondson
Sarah Fishman-Boyd
Jill Fleishman
William Flores
Dan Fontaine
Joseph Forster
Carol Frankmann
Texas AM Fundraiser
Elisa Furlan
Robert Gagel
Brenda Garner
Harry Gilbert
Yvette Haas
Stanley Hamilton
Robert Jarrett
Faye Johnson
Robin Kornblum
Leon Leach
Sherri Magnus
Debora Maha
Patricia Martin
Kimberley Monroe
William Monroe
Carlos Moreno
Janet Mullings
Edward Ness
Brenda Nichols
Hope Norhtrup
Jodi Ogden
Ted Pate
Tim Peglow
Lucille Pointer
Roy Riascos-Castaneda
Martha Riley
Raymond Sawaya
Tania Secrest
Emily Sedlock
Venkat Selvamanicram
Naim Sharif
Pradeep Sharma
Clark Sitton
Mary Smith
Janina Sodus
Susan Stoeckle
Connie Stolte
Ann Sutton
Katrin Takenaka
Ivo Tremont
Francesco Versace
Steven Waguespack
Randal Weber
Cynthia Worley
Benjamin Yee
Mamoun Younes
Pamela Younes
Anonymous (35)
Deborah L. Blackwell
Jeffrey M. Brown
Juan J. Castillo
Leebrian E. Gaskins
Higinio Ibarra
Ray M. Keck
John M. Maxstadt
Luciano Ramon
Fructoso San Miguel, III
Carolyn Schmies
Mary T. Trevino
Jodie M. Valls
Anonymous (4)
Jeffrey Dobbins
Terry Patton
Suzanne Redder
Zahida Syed
James Smith
Betty Stewart
David Tucker
Anonymous (5)
Edelmira Balderas
Maria L. Banda
Martin V. Baylor
Robin A. Bell
Enriqueta Cortez
Norma De Leon
Stella E. Garcia
Marta L. Garza
Fernando Garza III
Joseph Haley
Ricardo Herrera
Irmo D. Marini
Jesus Martinez
Fidel E. Mendoza
Stephen Morrison
David A. Ramirez
Caitlin E. Schiller
William R. Taliancich
Raul Trevino
Thomas Whelan VII
Michael J. Wilson
Anonymous (2)
Dr. Hanna E. Abboud
Dr. Christine A. Andre
Dr. John J. Andrews
Timothy D. Barker
Dr. Irene G.
Dr. Eileen T. Breslin
Dr. Robin L. Brey
Barry L. Bridges
Dr. John H. Calhoon
Dr. Janie L.
Ricardo Castaneda
Dr. Robert A. Clark
Rene B. Colunga
Dr. Deborah L. Conway
Dr. Fred G. Corley
Elizabeth A. Crabb
Wendy W. Crabbe
Dr. George E. Crawford
Sue E. Cunningham
Daniel T. Dearmond
Mary G. Delay
Marc F. Deschaine
Armando T. Diaz
Anibal R. Diogenes
Dr. Guillermo A.
Dougherty Jr.
Terri Driver
Dr. Brian J. Eastridge
James G. Flournoy
Dale M. Flowers
Dr. Alan Frazer
Melissa J. Frei-Jones
Julie C. Garcia
Martha M. Garison
James R. Garrison
Dr. Alice K. Gong
Wanda L. Guntz
Ruyan Guo
Dr. Michelle L. Habash
Dr. Glenn A. Halff
Susan E. Hallmark
Dr. Rosemary Hickey
Theresa M. Hill
Ann M. Huddleston
Dr. Carlos R. Jaen
Ismail Jatoi
Jerome P. Keating
Gayle Knight
Dr. Anne-Marie R.
Nancy M. Larson
Edward B. League
Gerard E. Long
Kent Lord
Philip T. Loverde
Tisha Lunsford
Dr. Barbara A. MacNeill
Kristy T. MacPhail
Dr. Mary A.
Francisco Marcos-Marin
Andrea M. Marks
Donald D. McGeary
Robert M. McKinley
Dr. Jeffrey J. Meffert
Bryan P. Menn
Betty Merchant
Andrew D. Meyer
Jaclyn B. Mitchell
James B. Moroney
Deborah H. Morrill
Anita L. Moss
Dr. Deborah L. Mueller
Dr. Mary E. Neenan
Dr. Bruce J. Nicholson
Dr. Mark J. Nijland
Dr. Rene L. Olvera
Dr. Catherine Ortega
Sheri Ortiz
Dr. Pamela M. Otto
Miguel A. Pabon
Cliff A. Paredes
Dr. Robert W. Parker
Deirdre A. Pattillo
William F. Pierpont
Marshall K. Pitman
Lori Pounds
Dr. Basil A. Pruitt
Barbara J. Quillin
Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez
Elizabeth L. Rendon
Frannie M. Rettig
Eduardo Reyes
John F. Reynolds
Lori A. Riley
Dr. Charles A.
Rockwood Jr.
Dr. Charles G.
Dr. Carlos A. Rosende
Vikki F. Ross
Dr. Thomas A. Rozanski
Dr. Edward Y. Sako
Dr. Kevin C. Schindler
Dr. Steven R. Seidner
Joseph Shafer
Nancy A. Shaw
Dr. David C. Shelledy
Lottie R. Sims
Dr. Kenneth R. Sirinek
Barbara G. Smith
Dr. Mark K. Sparkman
Dr. Ian M. Thompson
Rajia C. Tobia
Oralia V. Torres
Barbara Turner
Dr. Kent R. Van Sickle
Dr. Manjeri A.
Holly L. Verhasselt
Dr. Victoria A. Vickers
Dr. Nicolas E. Walsh
Dr. William K.
Dr. David S. Weiss
Dr. Janet F. Williams
Kirstin M. Wilsey
Charles J. Wilson
Martha Wood
Dr. Pamela R. Wood
Anonymous (39)
Vickie Barrow
J.W. Clark
Deidre Cornelius
Lee Courtney
Stacey Edmonson
Nancy Gajan
Norma Gray
Laci Hooker
Sharon Howell
Claudette Mack
Cheryl Reader
Dorotheia Roberts
Michael Upshaw
Joshua Chandler
Carliss Hyde
Tamu Steptoe
Anonymous (9)
2014 SECC award winners
St a t e Age n c y h o n o r ees
G re a t e s t P a r t ic ip a t io n
5,001 or more employees:
Largest Per Cap it a G if t
5,001 or more employees:
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services ..........25%
1,001 to 5,000 employees:
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services......$36.12
1,001 to 5,000 employees:
Comptroller of Public Accounts .......................................27%
401 to 1,000 employees:
Comptroller of Public Accounts...................................$76.02
401 to 1,000 employees:
General Land Office .......................................................98%
201 to 400 employees:
Teacher Retirement System......................................$218.85
201 to 400 employees:
Higher Education Coordinating Board ..............................58%
51 to 200 employees:
Higher Education Coordinating Board........................$133.33
51 to 200 employees:
Board of Nursing ...........................................................96%
50 or fewer employees:
Office of Court Administration...................................$262.31
50 or fewer employees:
Office of Capital Writs, Board of Professional
Geoscientists, Commisson on Jail Standards,
Board of Chiropractic Examiners....................................100%
Office of Capital Writs..............................................$266.00
H i g h e r Ed u c a t io n h o n o r ees
G re a t es t P a r t ic ip a t io n
2,001 or more employees:
Largest Per Cap it a Gif t
2,001 or more employees:
Dallas County Community College District ........................49%
751 to 2,000 employees:
Texas Tech University ...............................................$106.40
751 to 2,000 employees:
Texas Woman’s University ...............................................55%
201 to 750 employees:
Texas Woman’s University ...........................................$90.69
201 to 750 employees:
Amarillo College ............................................................22%
200 or fewer employees:
Amarillo College ........................................................$76.35
200 or fewer employees:
Howard College .............................................................97%
Howard College ......................................................$113.07
explanation of each charitable listing’s content
1. Contributors may obtain more specific information about the participating charities, their programs, and finances by calling the
individual organization.
2. Every approved charity (in this campaign area) for this year’s SECC is listed in this directory with the following information:
charity code
website address
(if applicable) and
phone number
104001 123 Charity, Inc.
charity name
www.abc.org 512-555-5501 — This is an example. ABC Charity provides services to
people in need of food, clothing and shelter. 10.62%
annual fundraising and
description of services
administrative costs as a
percent of total income
how to give to another region in Texas
To designate your contribution to another region in Texas, please contact the appropriate local campaign area. Contact
information can be found in “How To Give > To Another Region in Texas” on the SECC website: WWW.SECCTEXAS.ORG.
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
085091 American Humane Association
085230 Baptist Children’s Home Ministries
www.americanhumane.org 866-242-1877 … Protecting
millions of children and animals from abuse, neglect and
abandonment for 135 years. We lead understanding of the
human-animal bond. The abuse must stop! 21.12%
www.bchm.net 800-830-2246 … Abused, neglected
and abandoned children. Expectant mothers with no
healthcare. Troubled teens and families. Help us to
change their lives. Give them a future. 0.61%
independentcharities.org 800-477-0733 … Feeding the
hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the children.
And healing the sick. America’s finest independent
charities. Working with you to share- the American way.
085271 American Indian College Fund
085231 Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s
085056 Adoptable Children (North American Council)
085331 American Sexual Health Association
ABC – America’s Best Charities
[ charitable group code: 08 ]
085000 ABC – America’s Best Charities
www.nacac.org 651-644-3036 … More than 101,000
foster children need adoptive families. Your donation helps
find loving parents for these children, support adoptive
families, and raise adoption awareness. 14.74%
085268 Adoption Exchange
www.adoptex.org 800-451-5246 … Over 100,000
children in foster care yearn for the stability and love of
a permanent adoptive family. Help us find families for
waiting children! 17.46%
085155 Adoptions by Cradle of Hope
www.cradlehope.org 301-587-4400 … Help an abandoned
child! We provide adoption services and support to
children who need permanent, loving families. Every dollar
saves children’s lives and provides love! 18.86%
085301 Aid For Starving Children
www.aidforstarvingchildren.org 800-514-3499 … One
child dying of hunger every twelve seconds- over 7,000 a
day- must stop! Make a difference. Your actions can help
save a child! 2.78%
085356 Alopecia Areata Foundation National
www.naaf.org 415-472-3780 … Provides major research
funding, patient educational materials and support
for alopecia areata - a mystifying autoimmune disease
affecting all ages, causing one’s hair to fall out. 11.13%
085330 Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
www.alzfdn.org 866-232-8484 … Alzheimer’s disease
pulls at a family’s heartstrings and pursestrings. AFA
provides education and support services nationally and
locally for people with dementia and their caregivers.
085194 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation
www.AlzheimersPrevention.org 888-908-5766 … Help
fight Alzheimer’s disease and find a cure through research
and prevention! Committed to ensuring peak mental
performance and optimum brain function throughout our
lives. 4.70%
085113 Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Fisher Center
www.ALZinfo.org 800-ALZ-INFO … Unique research
into cause, care and cure of Alzheimer’s by Nobel Prize
winner. Donate to change lives. Bring a cure to 5.4 million
Americans. 8.69%
085004 America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc.
www.VetDogs.org 866-838-3647 … Trains and places
guide, service, hearing and PTSD dogs. Transforming lives
of disabled veterans, active service members and first
responders to live once again with self-reliance. 24.01%
085175 American Association for Cancer Research
www.aacr.org 866-423-3965 … We fund ground-breaking
scientific cancer research that saves lives. By contributing,
you can help speed up the pace of scientific discovery,
and fight cancer. 9.98%
085005 American Freedom Foundation, Inc.
www.americanfreedomfoundation.org 615-330-9394 …
Creates awareness and builds support for the service,
sacrifice and needs of our veterans, military service
members and families through partnerships with military
focused organizations. 13.71%
www.collegefund.org 303-426-8900 … Native Americans
account for only 1% of college students. Help us change
this statistic through scholarships/program support. Let’s
re-imagine what’s possible for our students. 24.66%
www.ashasexualhealth.org 919-361-8400 … Working to
raise awareness about sexual health and prevent sexually
transmitted diseases through public education and patient
support programs. 19.08%
085302 Amigos de las Americas
www.amigoslink.org 800-231-7796 … The world
needs multi-cultural leaders! Since 1965, AMIGOS has
transformed the lives of 25,000 youth through leadership
training, international development and cross-cultural
immersion. 13.05%
085007 Animal Slaughter & Child Starvation Stop Here!
www.awfw.org 202-495-1348 … We fight atrocities against
people and animals by helping poor, hungry families feed
themselves while saving innocent animals from mutilation,
severe confinement, and horrific slaughter. 3.26%
085332 Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and OCD Education
and Research Foundation
www.adaa.org 240-485-1001 … Anxiety disorders,
depression, OCD, and PTSD, are real, serious, and
treatable. We champion research for a cure and offer
educational resources to millions suffering silently. 11.28%
085009 Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association STAR
www.asmbastarfoundation.com 800-251-8434 … We
provide support for combat wounded service members,
aid to military families, scholarships for veterans and
dependents. Needs are great and growing daily. Please
help! 15.79%
085131 Asian Children’s Rescue & Relief Fund
www.AsianChildrensAssist.org 866-523-3133 … Saving
Asian abandoned, orphaned, destitute, and handicapped
children by providing hope and opportunity. Reaching
their full potential through basic care, corrective surgery,
therapy, and training. 23.67%
085158 Autism Intervention and Treatment Research -Organization for Autism Research
www.researchautism.org 866-366-9710 … Parents of
children with autism never stop seeking answers. We’re
here to provide those answers by funding research that
provides practical information on lifelong care. 18.3%
085142 Autism Society of America
www.autism-society.org 800-3-AUTISM … 1 in 68 children
diagnosed with autism--that’s nearly 50,000 new families
just this year. Help us provide support to those living with
autism today. 17.85%
085011 Autoimmune Diseases Association
www.believeintomorrow.org 800-933-5470 … Provides a
warm “home away from home” for families in the midst of
a medical crisis so their critically ill children may focus on
healing. 5.42%
085116 Best Buddies for Children and Adults with
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
www.bestbuddies.org 800-89-BUDDY … Children with
intellectual disabilities often experience loneliness and
isolation. Change their futures by matching them with
volunteers and creating extraordinary friendships (Best
Buddies) for life! 17.63%
085042 Bethany Christian Services
www.bethany.org 800-238-4269 … Bethany, a global
leader in adoption and social services, is about kids in
families! Finding families for children in need; keeping
families in need together. 14.00%
085333 Big Cat Rescue Corp
www.bigcatrescue.org 813-920-4130 … Tigers confined
to circus wagons. Lions bred for photos then to be shot
in cages. Lynx farmed for their fur. Help us save big cats.
085013 Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.
www.birthdefects.org 407-895-0802 … Hundreds of
thousands of children are suffering. Missing limbs,
damaged hearts, facial deformities, spina bifida, autism.
We’re a lifeline for families struggling with birth defects.
085252 Black Charities for Children, Families,
www.blackcharities.net 202-722-5050 … Life is difficult
now for Black children, families and communities
worldwide. Help us provide relief efforts, program
initiatives, funding and services to bridge the divide.
085304 Boone and Crockett Club
www.boone-crockett.org 406-542-1888 … Upholding
Theodore Roosevelt’s vision, we’re protecting our nation’s
most valuable resource - its wildlife. We’ve been promoting
fair-chase in hunting, outdoor ethics and conservation
since 1888. 21.17%
085357 Born Free USA: Keep Wildlife in the Wild
www.bornfreeusa.org 800-348-7387 … Barbarically
trapped furbearers, wild animals caged for entertainment,
endangered species fighting extinction. They count on us
to end these cruelties. Can we count on you? 12.49%
085358 Brain Injury Association of America
www.BIAUSA.org 703-761-0750 … Brain injury happens
anytime, to anyone, anywhere. We provide help, hope and
healing for millions of Americans who live brain injury.
www.aarda.org 888-856-9433 … Autoimmunity causes
Lupus, Arthritis, Celiac, MS, Fibromyalgia, Graves’,
Thyroiditis and 100+ other diseases. Through research
and patient services, our work eases the suffering they
inflict. 7.25%
085002 Brain Tumor Association, American (ABTA)
085229 Baptist Charities of America
085214 Breast Cancer African American, Sisters Network
www.baptistcharities.net 888-545-4222 … Disabled
children and adults dependent on others for daily care.
Help us provide them advocacy, educational access,
rehabilitation and the chance to live productive lives.
www.abta.org 800-886-2282 … Advancing the
understanding and treatment of brain tumors with the
goals of improving, extending, and saving the lives of those
impacted by brain tumor diagnoses. 24.52%
www.sistersnetworkinc.org 866-781-1808 … Speaking
with one voice, we save lives by empowering women
through support, education, financial assistance and
promoting early detection through free mammography and
ultrasound screenings. 12.48%
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only, are listed in the local section of the directory.
085215 C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation
085196 Child Find of America
085060 Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS)
www.castforkids.org 425-251-3202 … Remember
catching your first fish? Give that exhilarating feeling to
a disabled or disadvantaged child with our extraordinary
program of outdoor recreational, educational sport fishing.
www.childfindofamerica.org 800-I-AM-LOST … Child
kidnapping prevention and location specialists, helping
children and devastated parents through free investigation,
mediation and publicity. Your gift could bring a missing
child home. 8.37%
www.nationalcops.org 573-346-4911 … Grief support
and resources for surviving families and co-workers of
law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty; law
enforcement trauma training; public education. 8.29%
085306 Cancer Coalition, The National
085307 Child Rescue International
www.nationalcancercoalition.org 919-821-2301 … Help us
defeat cancer and chronic disease worldwide. We provide
cancer medicines free to needy patients and aid cancer
research. Your support saves lives. 3.13%
www.mwb.org 800-245-9191 … Children abandoned,
orphaned, hungry, lost and lonely, living in bleak
institutions need hope and love. Your support helps us
save and change their lives! 11.18%
www.publicland.org 866-985-9636 … Fighting to keep
America’s Public Lands in public hands. Preventing
unstable, unsound timber cutting, grazing and mineral/oil
production. This land is your land! 18.24%
085216 Cancer Curing Society
085198 Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation
www.gerson.org 888-443-7766 … Healing with nature.
We help thousands recover from so-called “incurable”
diseases by teaching a proven, powerful natural treatment
to patients, medical professionals and caregivers. 21.6%
www.childhoodbraintumor.org 877-217-4166 … Where
would you turn if your child had a critical brain tumor?
We’re determined to find a cure and offer hope to parents
facing heartbreak. 11.15%
085360 Cancer Research America - NFCR
085336 Children Awaiting Parents
www.NFCR.org 800-321-CURE … If you agree that worldclass, cutting-edge research is the key to more effective
cancer treatments, prevention, and detection - join us now
- save lives! 24.74%
www.ChildrenAwaitingParents.org 888-835-8802
… Dedicated to finding loving, adoptive homes for
abandoned, abused and neglected children who languish
in the foster care system. Many have emotional/mental/
physical disabilities. 23.91%
085170 Cancer Research and Assistance - VHL
www.vhl.org 800-767-4845 … The cure for cancer is in
our genes. Help cure VHL and other forms of cancer.
085213 Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon Walter Winchell Foundation
www.damonrunyon.org 877-7CANCER … To accelerate
breakthroughs, we provide today’s best young scientists
with funding to pursue innovative cancer research. 100%
of your donation funds cancer research. 12.09%
085176 Canine Assistants
www.canineassistants.org 800-771-7221 … Teaching
great dogs for special people. Invest in freedom by
providing service dogs to children and adults with
disabilities. Thank you! 8.81%
085029 Canine Companions for Independence
www.cci.org 800-572-BARK (2275) … A cold nose and a
warm heart! Our companion dogs provide independence,
assistance and friendship that transforms the lives of
children and adults with disabilities. 20.59%
085104 Canines for Disabled Kids
www.caninesforkids.org 978-422-5299 … Autism silences
a child’s laugh. Disability halts a child’s life. These
specially trained service dogs liberate children, promote
independence and social awareness, and help families.
085014 CASA - Court Appointed Advocates for Abused
www.casaforchildren.org 800-628-3233 … Every child
deserves a safe, permanent home. Support CASA
advocates nationwide who are providing abused and
neglected children with hope for a better future. 18.59%
085253 Catholic Relief Services - USCCB
www.crs.org 888-277-7575 … Rushes food, clothing,
shelter, water and comfort to God’s most vulnerable
children effectively and efficiently in times of disaster and
provides the means to self-sufficiency. 7.17%
085018 Catholics For The Poor and Needy Worldwide
www.catholicvolunteernetwork.org 800-543-5046 …
Where faith and service meet! We support full-time
Christian volunteers and mission programs responding to
the challenges of communities/individuals in need across
the globe. 5.27%
085335 Celiac Central, National Foundation for Celiac
www.CeliacCentral.org 215-325-1306 … Help save
millions of lives, billions of dollars. Celiac disease can
lead to malnourishment, cancer, infertility, osteoporosis,
other life-threatening diseases. 83% of sufferers remain
undiagnosed. 5.99%
085362 Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation
www.fallenpatriots.org 866-917-2373 … College
scholarships to children of U.S. service members killed
in combat or training, making the ultimate sacrifice for
freedom. We care for those left behind. 19.89%
085272 Children of the Night
www.childrenofthenight.org 800-551-1300 … Rescues
America’s children from the ravages of prostitution.
Providing shelter, hope and new-beginnings. With your
support, we can save more. Our children deserve a
fighting-chance! 14.13%
085273 Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation
www.ChildrensCancerRecovery.org 800-238-6479 …
Creating smiles and inspiring hope for kids with cancer
and their families by providing financial assistance,
camp scholarships, toys, games and funding for cancer
research. 16.16%
085274 Children’s Hospital & Research Center
www.chofoundation.org 800-841-4642 … You can help
save a child’s life. Donations help sick kids with advanced
medical treatment and find new cures for childhood
cancer and other diseases. 14.19%
085275 Children’s Hunger Fund
085161 Conservation and Protection of Public Lands
085178 Correctional Peace Officers Foundation
www.cpof.org 800-800-2763 … Nonprofit charity for
Correctional Officers and their families, by providing lineof-duty death benefit, and catastrophic assistance in cases
of accident or illness. 19.31%
085031 Cure Alzheimer’s Fund
www.curealz.org 781-237-3800 … Research is the only
path to progress. We’re funding breakthrough, aggressive
research to prevent, slow, reverse and ultimately find a
cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. 11.35%
085365 Deaf Children’s Literacy Project
www.cuedspeech.org 800-459-3529 … Most deaf children
are behind in English language and literacy. Reading
opens the door to their future. Give them the power of
English to succeed. 3.50%
085366 Delta Research and Educational Foundation
www.deltafoundation.net 202-347-1337 … Promotes
research which identifies solutions to issues affecting
African American women and their communities through
funding and support of charitable programs of Delta Sigma
Theta. 16.53%
085025 Diabetes Action Research and Education
www.diabetes-action.org 202-333-4520 … Funding
innovative, promising research to prevent, treat and cure
diabetes. 100% of your workplace contributions used
for diabetes research and programs. We can conquer
diabetes! 3.07%
085367 Direct Relief
www.directrelief.org 800-676-1638 … Providing essential
medical resources to the most vulnerable communities in
the U.S. and worldwide, improving health and transforming
lives. 0.91%
085038 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable
Service Trust
www.childrenshungerfund.org 800-708-7589 … Feeding
the hungry at home and abroad. Food, clothing and
medicines aid children in impoverished countries and in
America’s inner-cities. 2.56%
www.cst.dav.org 859-441-7300 … Empowering Veterans
To Lead High-Quality Lives With Dignity...Prosthetics
Research and Devices for Amputees; Traumatic Brain
Injury Therapy; Guide/Assistance Dogs; Comfort for
Survivors. 2.29%
085033 Children’s Medical Ministries
085368 Disabled Children’s Fund
www.childmed.org 301-261-3211 … Compassionate
healthcare volunteers providing free wheelchairs,
rehabilitation equipment, medical clinics, healthcare
instruction, dental services, food and clothing to children
in despair. Active in disaster relief. 0.60%
www.disabled-child.org 301-261-3211 … Providing poor,
disabled children worldwide with corrective surgery, free
distribution of specialty wheelchairs, walkers, crutches,
rehabilitation equipment and therapy. Serving war and
disaster victims worldwide. 0.37%
085179 Children’s Organ Transplant Association
085369 Dogs Deserve Better Inc.
www.cota.org 800-366-2682 … COTA gives hope to
children and young adults who need a life-saving organ
transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family
support. 13.77%
www.dogsdeservebetter.org 757-357-9292 … Rescue
dogs living chained by the neck, often without food and
water. Transforming Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels to Good
Newz Rehab Center for Chained Dogs. 3.16%
085028 Christian Care International-Food and Medicine
for People In Need
085068 Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans (NEADS)
www.skycross.org 210-661-6808 … Serve those in need.
Help us provide nonperishable food and medical supplies
to over 30,000 very poor in 45 locations on the TexasMexico border. 3.17%
www.neads.org 978-422-9064 … Independence and
companionship for wounded warriors, autistic children, the
deaf and disabled by providing custom-trained assistance
dogs. Help provide these much needed service dogs!
085364 Cleft Palate Foundation
085337 Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.
www.cleftline.org 800-24-CLEFT … A newborn baby
struggles to feed. A one-year-old can’t speak his first
word. A sixth-grader is bullied. Please help these children!
www.dogsforthedeaf.org 800-990-3647 … Rescued and
bred dogs are professionally trained to assist people with
deafness, hearing loss and other disabilities. Dogs provide
safety, companionship, self-confidence and independence.
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
085309 Domestic Violence Hotline, National
085310 Giving Children Hope
085226 Hope for the Hungry
www.thehotline.org 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) … Too many
people are prisoners of violence in their own homes - too
terrified to seek help. We’re helping them escape the
violence safely. 20.46%
www.gchope.org 866-392-HOPE … Rescuing children,
providing lifesaving medicines and emergency food to
orphanages, clinics, shelters, and disaster centers serving
homeless children in America, and poorest-of-the-poor
around the world. 0.45%
www.hopeforthehungry.org 254-939-0124 … On average,
21,000 children die daily from disease and malnutrition.
Help us “Share the Bread of Life” to save innocent,
struggling children worldwide. 15.64%
085040 Gluten Intolerance Group of North America
www.gluten.net 253-833-6655 … Eating gluten causes
long-term life-threatening health hazards. Monitoring food
supply is critical. Help educate and audit food companies.
Consumers can then live gluten-free safely. 4.50%
www.hopeforthewarriors.org 877-246-7349 … Restore
self, family and hope! Our programs support employment
and education, clinical health and wellness, sports and
recreation, build community and military relations and
more. 16.55%
www.eodwarriorfoundation.org 540-554-4550 …
Supporting families and EOD Warriors who were injured
or died while serving our country, conducting their duties
to disarm deadly explosive ordnance and terrorist devices
085256 Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation
085045 Hospice Foundation for End-of-Life Care
www.gdatf.org 877-643-3123 … Help and hope to patients
with Graves’ disease and other thyroid-related disorders.
We provide phone/online support, educational events, and
local support groups. 9.16%
www.foundationeolc.org 877-800-2951 … Providing
the medical, social and spiritual support necessary to
transform dying into the final act of living well. Help us
advance quality of care. 4.14%
085279 Equine Land Conservation Resource
085374 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
085046 Hospice Foundation of America
www.elcr.org 859-455-8383 … No Land, No Horse. We
lose 6,000 acres of open land every day. Help Equine
Land Conservation Resource save the lands our horses
need. 23.47%
www.GuideDog.org 800-548-4337 … Using innovative
training methods, trains guide and service dogs to restore
independence and mobility, empowering people with
disabilities to live a life without boundaries. 16.45%
085039 FACES: The National Craniofacial Association
085290 Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
www.hospicefoundation.org 800-854-3402 … Supporting
individuals through Life-Ending illness and assisting
families /caregivers with grief and loss. We emphasize
hospice and palliative care while providing public and
professional education. 9.91%
www.faces-cranio.org 800-3-FACES-3 … Children
with craniofacial disfigurements require specialized
reconstructive surgeries. We take care of these children
and their families while treatment is received. Rebuilding
faces, rebuilding futures. 16.86%
www.guidedogs.com 800-295-4050 … Providing safety,
independence and companionship to the blind and visually
impaired by partnering them with exceptional guide dogs
throughout their lifetime. 16.68%
085235 Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute
www.guidedogsofamerica.org 800-459-4843 … Freedom,
independence, confidence, security. Guide dogs are
companion heroes to people in need. We provide blind
individuals with a guide dog free of charge. 22.9%
085370 Educate the Children
www.etc-nepal.org 607-272-1176 … Empower women
and children to overcome poverty, illiteracy and hunger.
Scholarships, school repair, adult literacy, and microcredit
loans. Women and children of Nepal need you. 24.26%
085371 EOD Warrior Foundation
www.fvsai.org 858-527-1860 ext. 4031 … Sexual Assault,
Domestic Violence, Child Maltreatment, Elder Abuse,
Human Trafficking and Trauma: Problems affecting us
all. Take action to help us reduce interpersonal violence.
085076 Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)
www.farmusa.org 888-FARM-USA … Combating animal
cruelty, environmental devastation, and global hunger
through the promotion of healthy, plant-based solutions.
Your support creates a kinder, more compassionate world
for all. 12.67%
085327 Fisher House Foundation
www.fisherhouse.org 888-294-8560 … We build and
donate Fisher Houses at military/VA medical centers,
support existing houses, help military families in need and
award Scholarships for Military Children. 4.04%
085372 Food, Medicine and Clothing for the Poor
www.foodmedicineclothing.org 800-792-5129 … Helping
indigents in need. With love and compassion, we deliver
food, medicine, clothing and supplies to those affected by
famine, war, poverty, or natural disaster. 0.24%
085062 Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types,
www.firstskinfoundation.org 215-997-9400 … Disfiguring,
painful, extremely dry, cracked, thick, scaling skin.
Patients endure emotional/psychological harm and
physical challenges. FIRST provides emotional support,
medical and educational resources. 11.55%
085164 FRAXA Research Foundation
www.fraxa.org 978-462-1866 … We aim to cure Fragile X,
the foremost known cause of autism, by funding medical
research and helping affected families get the best
treatment. 12.58%
085348 Free to Breathe
www.freetobreathe.org 608-833-7905 … Lung cancer
advocacy organization. Dedicated to doubling survival by
2022. Our mission is to ensure surviving lung cancer is the
expectation, not the exception. 23.31%
085373 Fund for Animals, The
www.fundforanimals.org 866-482-3708 … Lifesaving
animal sanctuaries and wildlife rehabilitation centers
caring for a variety of species--from tigers to turtles--Help
give thousands of animals a second chance. 9.41%
085311 Guide Dogs of America
085312 Habitat for Humanity International
www.habitat.org 800-422-4828 … Sweat equity. Christian
housing ministry working to end poverty by partnering
with families in need to build affordable homes, stabilize
neighborhoods, and preserve communities. 16.79%
085222 HawkWatch International
www.hawkwatch.org 801-484-6808 … Raptors are an
indicator species. HawkWatch International ensures they
survive and thrive to maintain an environment that sustains
all forms of life and habitat. 18.05%
085041 Help the Children
www.helpthechildren.org 888-818-4483 … Help us
alleviate childhood hunger and suffering! We provide food,
clothing, medicine, and medical care to needy children in
the U.S. and around the world. 0.56%
085181 Herbal Medicine Institute
www.herbalgram.org 800-373-7105 … We are passionate
about helping people live healthier lives through the
responsible use of herbs and medicinal plants. Providing
reliable, scientific information about herbal medicine.
085035 Hispanic Scholarship Fund
www.hsf.net 877-HSF-INFO … The Hispanic Scholarship
Fund is the nation’s leading provider of scholarships and
services designed to give Latino students access to college
through scholarships and programs. 6.61%
085338 Holt International Children’s Services
www.holtinternational.org 888-355-4658 … We help
struggling families care for their children, and unite
orphaned and abandoned children with adoptive families.
Because every child deserves a loving, secure home.
085258 Homes For Our Troops
www.hfotusa.org 508-823-3300 … We build specially
adapted, handicap-accessible homes for severely injured
veterans across the country. The homes are provided at no
cost to the veterans. 10.64%
085047 Hope For The Warriors
085313 Humane Farm Animal Care
www.certifiedhumane.org 703-435-3883 … Dairy cows
confined in tie stalls, crated pigs can’t root or move,
chickens stuffed in cages. Fight cruelty in raising and
handling of animals. 4.24%
085375 Humane Society of the United States
www.humanesociety.org 866-720-2676 … Ending abuse
of all animals: puppy mills, animal fighting, animals in
laboratories, factory farming abuses, horse slaughter,
wildlife threats… Help us end animal cruelty. 19.43%
085376 In God We Trust Foundation, Inc.
www.ingodwetrustfoundation.com 386-677-6864 … Food
assistance to deserving veterans and active duty military;
Christian guidance and support to youth and teenagers
coping with challenges of parent’s military service. 8.94%
085123 India Partners
www.indiapartners.org 877-874-6342 … Partnering with
indigenous Christian non-profits in India to alleviate poverty
and injustice through economic development, health care,
disaster relief, education, and sponsorship programs.
085280 Institute for Creation Research
www.icr.org 800-337-0375 … Stand for the Truth! Science
strongly supports the Bible’s authority and accuracy.
Scientific research, educational programs, and media
presentations equip Christians to defend their Faith.
085377 K.I.D.S./Fashion Delivers, Inc.
www.donateproduct.com 212-279-5493 … Providing
new clothes, books, toys, and household items to in-need
children and individuals, disaster victims, and military
families. Your support brings smiles to their faces. 0.56%
085182 Kidney Cancer Research and Education
www.kidneycancer.org 800-850-9132 … We strive for a
world without kidney cancer. Help us fund breakthrough
research, educate patients and health professionals and
advocate for patients. 5.45%
085126 Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation
651-229-7131 … Leukemia can be cured! We live that
dream by supporting research where it has the most
impact - on patients in clinical settings. 5.04%
085378 Live Laugh Love Give, Inc.
www.livelaughlove.com 386-677-6864 … Empowering
children and families against dependency. Animal
assistance, sanctuaries, and wildlife preservation.
Education grants to better the world. 1.68%
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only, are listed in the local section of the directory.
085379 Lung Cancer Alliance
085095 National Children’s Advocacy Center
085260 Semper Fi Fund
www.lungcanceralliance.org 800-298-2436 … Saving
lives and advancing research through patient support,
education and advocacy. We work tirelessly to improve
outcomes, eliminate stigma and secure public health
research dollars. 9.25%
www.nationalcac.org 256-533-5437 … Not every kid
has a happy childhood. Let’s change that! Supporting
intervention/treatment programs for sexually abused
children, abuse prevention education for families and
professionals. 16.81%
www.SemperFiFund.org 760-725-3680 … Help us serve
injured and critically ill post-9/11 service members,
veterans, and families recover and transition to home and
communities. Ratings A+ Four Star. 6.16%
085341 Lymphoma Foundation of America
085382 Operation Compassion
www.lymphomahelp.org 800-385-1060- … Providing
compassionate patient/family support services, and
funding research to cure lymphoma. Nurse-counseling.
Referrals to specialists. Financial assistance. All services
free. 1.2% overhead rate. 1.17%
www.operationcompassion.org 423-728-3932 … Help
us distribute life sustaining food and supplies to hungry,
starving children; single parents struggling to survive;
widows living in poverty; homelessness created by
disasters. 0.42%
www.nfed.org 618-566-2020 … Provides dentures,
support, and hope to children left toothless from the rare
disorder Ectodermal Dysplasia. Funds research to find
improved treatment options and cures. 19.45%
085125 Lymphoma Research Foundation
085055 Operation Homefront
lymphoma.org 800-235-6848 … Funding innovative
research; providing information and services to Hodgkin
and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients/caregivers. Our
mission: eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by
this disease. 20.75%
www.operationhomefront.net 800-722-6098 … Be a caring
Patriot! Support our military families - help us provide
emergency financial assistance and morale programs to
military families and Wounded Warriors. 5.00%
085343 Marine Corps -- Law Enforcement Foundation
085383 Parkinson’s Research - The Michael J. Fox
Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
www.mc-lef.org 877-606-1775 … Scholarships awarded
to children of active duty Marines and Federal Law
Enforcement. Possible assistance for children of Marines
for medical expenses not covered by insurance. 1.60%
www.michaeljfox.org 800-708-7644 … One urgent goal:
Eliminate Parkinson’s disease in our lifetime. 89 cents of
every dollar spent goes to research, leading to $450 million
granted since 2000. 9.17%
085344 Marine Corps League Foundation Inc.
085349 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United
States, Inc.
www.mclfoundation.org 800-625-1775 … We provide
scholarships, youth programs, disaster relief and
humanitarian aid to Marine Corps families in need. We also
provide Veterans facilities assistance. 9.51%
085345 Matthew 25: Ministries
www.m25m.org 513-793-6256 … Helping the poorest
of the poor. Providing disaster relief, food, clothing and
education materials. Meeting the most basic needs of
severely suffering people. 0.59%
085239 Methodist Mission Home
www.provplace.org 800-842-5433 … Connecting babies
and children needing homes with loving families through
adoption; helping young people with disabilities learn life
and vocational skills to reach independence. 22.97%
085380 Mexican American Legal Defense and
Educational Fund
www.maldef.org 213-629-2512 … MALDEF fights for the
civil rights of Latinos living in our country. Please help
remove the unfair obstacles and provide all Latinos with a
voice. 16.52%
085049 Military Child Education Coalition
www.militarychild.org 254-953-1923 … Four million
military connected children navigate the challenges
of deployments, transition and family separation. Your
donation supports the children of those who serve us all.
085129 Military Officers Association of America
Scholarship Fund
www.moaa.org/scholarshipfund 800-234-6622 … 100%
of all CFC donations provide interest-free loans or grants
to children from military families (all seven services, officer
and enlisted) pursuing a college education. 2.53%
085346 Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
www.mhopus.org 818-762-4328 … Keep music alive for
thousands of students! We donate musical instruments
to underserved schools and kids, to inspire creativity,
expression and joy through music. 17.60%
085381 Multiple Sclerosis, Can Do
www.mscando.org 800-367-3101 … I AM. I CAN. I
WILL!™ Your donation transforms, empowers and provides
families living with Multiple Sclerosis to be more than their
MS. 18.89%
085108 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
www.missingkids.org 800-THE-LOST … Providing
assistance to law enforcement and families to help find
missing children and prevent child sexual exploitation and
victimization. 7.96%
www.curethekids.org 828-418-0825 … Funds medical
research for childhood brain tumors. Offers free patient
family support services, funds scholarships for survivors,
provides advocacy for cause. 19.33%
085224 PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of
www.peta.org 757-622-PETA … Fight cruelty. Save
lives! Your gift makes a kinder world for animals through
undercover investigations, rescues, humane education,
spay/neuter, and high-profile advocacy campaigns.
085203 PKD Foundation
www.pkdcure.org 800-753-2873 … Accelerating
treatments to patients with polycystic kidney disease.
We’re dedicated to finding a cure for this common genetic
disease that leads to kidney failure/ death. 18.61%
085058 Public Employees for Environmental
www.peer.org 202-265-7337 … Protect whistleblowers
and wildlife from government mistreatment. Mistakes don’t
get corrected when they go undetected. PEER ensures that
your voice is heard. 5.52%
085206 Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)
www.rainn.org 202-544-3064 … Runs National Sexual
Assault Hotline; largest anti-rape org. Free, 24-7 services
help 150,000 people/year. Programs prevent rape, help
victims, bring rapists to justice. 7.95%
085328 Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation
www.rls.org 512-366-9109 … WED Foundation provides
education and support to millions of people with WillisEkbom disease/RLS, and funds research toward a cure for
this neurologic disease. 16.21%
085225 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
www.rmef.org 406-523-4500 … Ensures future of elk,
other wildlife and our hunting heritage by conserving,
restoring, and enhancing natural habitats through land
purchases, conservation easements, education and
research. 9.55%
085322 Seeing Eye, Inc.
www.SeeingEye.org 973-539-4425 … Enhancing lives
by bringing independence, dignity and self-confidence to
blind people through our Seeing Eye dogs. These dogs
bring mobility, safety and self-sufficiency to thousands.
085352 Skin and Dental Dysfunction Foundation
085190 Skin Cancer Foundation
www.skincancer.org 212-725-5176 ext. 114 … Skin
cancer, the world’s most common cancer, is occurring at
epidemic levels. Your support enables us to continue our
public education programs and ground-breaking research.
085384 Soldiers’ Angels
www.soldiersangels.org 210-629-0020 … Adaptive laptops
for wounded warriors, VA assistance for veterans, baby
showers for wives of deployed troops. We provide comfort
to America’s military and their families. 17.56%
085207 Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc.
www.guidedogs.org 800-944-3647 … Paws for
Independence and Paws for Patriots programs provide
guide dogs for visually impaired individuals and veterans,
and veteran service dogs for veterans with PTSD. 12.27%
085191 Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)
www.snapus.org 800-762-7762 … Homeless cats and
dogs wander every neighborhood - destined for suffering
or euthanasia. Please help us reduce the overpopulation
of unwanted animals through sterilization and education.
085385 Special Forces Charitable Trust
www.specialforcescharitabletrust.org 860-767-1510 … We
provide meaningful financial support and services to the
entire Special Forces Community and their families that
sustain active-duty, National Guard, and veteran soldier.
085112 Special Olympics, Inc.
www.specialolympics.org 800-380-3071 … Providing
year-round sports training and competition for people with
intellectual disabilities. Empowering individuals to improve
physical fitness, motor-skills, build self-confidence, selfimage and make lifelong friendships. 22.47%
085111 Special Operations Warrior Foundation
www.specialops.org 813-805-9400 … Provide scholarship
grants and counseling to children of special operations
who die in the line of duty. Provide financial assistance to
wounded special operations personnel. 4.94%
085284 Spinal Cord Injury Network International
www.spinalcordinjury.org 800-548-2673 … Auto
accidents, falls and sports injuries. We assist injured
individuals and their families reach the best possible care
and live life fully and productively. 9.03%
085065 Spondylitis Association of America
www.spondylitis.org 800-777-8189 … A crippling form of
spinal arthritis that strikes young people. We’re alone in
our sole commitment to research, programs, and support
of the spondylitis community. 17.7%
085386 Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
www.save.org 952-946-7998 … Suicide is preventable,
but often the warning signs go unnoticed. Through public
awareness we can reach and treat those in trouble before
it’s too late. 14.82%
085012 Sunshine Kids Foundation
www.sunshinekids.org 800-594-5756 … Provides positive
group activities for children with cancer, so they may
once again do what kids are meant to do … have fun and
celebrate life! 13.87%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
085264 Support Our Troops
www.SupportOurTroops.Org 877-879-8882 … Don’t
abandon America’s troops! They Support Us, Let’s Support
Them! Help Support Our Troops provide tons of morale
and well-being to troops and families worldwide! 1.17%
085208 Transplants, The National Foundation for
statewide charities
America’s Charities
[ charitable group code: 02 ]
020400 America’s Charities
020470 Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home
www.boystown.org 800-217-3700 … We save children
from abuse, care for kids with behavioral disorders, and
teach parents new skills to strengthen their families.
www.charities.org 800-458-9505 … Working to build
strong communities. Addressing needs of children,
families, communities through member programs, by
helping employers and employees support our member
charities’ programs. 5.56%
024510 Feed the Children
www.transplants.org 800-489-3863 … Lifesaving organ
and tissue transplants, medication, and medical care
are possible with our fundraising expertise, grants and
advocacy. Help us give the gift of life! 13.86%
085353 Travis Manion Foundation
020416 Amnesty International USA
020901 Fellowship of Christian Athletes
www.travismanion.org 215-348-9080 … Travis Manion
Foundation engages with veterans and survivors at all
stages of their journey and empowers them with unique
opportunities to meet their goals. 19.26%
085008 Vegan Outreach
www.veganoutreach.org 916-752-1583 … Saving farmed
animals a lifetime of misery by persuading students to go
veg on hundreds of college campuses every year. 10.33%
085387 Veteran Tickets Foundation
www.VetTix.org 888-241-1550 … Supporting our Military,
Veterans and their Families with entertainment, lasting
memories and reintegration opportunities by providing
tickets to sporting events, concerts, and family activities.
085324 Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation
www.vfwfoundation.org 816-968-1128 … Help VFW
Foundation support US troops! Education scholarships,
military family financial assistance, phone connections
home, VA claims assistance and patriotic community
service programs. All free. 16.14%
085355 Victims of Crime, National Center for
www.victimsofcrime.org 202-467-8700 … Helps crime
victims rebuild their lives. Operates victim helpline,
advocates for victims’ rights, raises public awareness.
Priorities include sexual assault, child trafficking, stalking,
civil justice. 7.01%
085210 Wildlife Conservation Fund of America
www.trailblazeradventure.org 888-930-4868 … To protect
and advance outdoor sports through public education by
introducing youth and their families to an active outdoor
lifestyle through the Trailblazer Adventure Program.
085288 Wounded Warrior Emergency Support Fund
www.airwarriorcourage.org/ 301-588-3283 … Honor our
Wounded Warriors! We provide rehab services at three
Military Medical Centers, and starter IRS 529 College
Savings Plans for dependents of aircrews KIA. 1.94%
085388 Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation
wwiaf.org 813-938-1390 … Serves our nation’s combat
wounded Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class
outdoor sporting activities to recognize their sacrifice,
encourage their independence, and promote their healing.
[ charitable group code: 50 ]
500000 Adopt-A-Beach – Texas General Land Office
www.texasadoptabeach.org 877-TXCOAST … Texas GLO’s
Adopt-A-Beach program is an all-volunteer effort dedicated
to preserving and protecting Texas beaches through
education and annual beach cleanups. 0.00%
www.amnestyusa.org 800-AMNESTY … Global grassroots
organization, impartial and non-political, whose
membership takes collective action to stop abuses of
human rights. 3 million members. Nobel Peace Prize
recipient. 18.71%
024596 Animal Trustees of Austin
www.animaltrustees.org 512-371-1965 … Low-cost
veterinary care, including wellness services, spay/neuter
and specialty surgeries, dental cleaning, and treatment for
heartworm disease. 13.32%
022734 Boy Scouts of America
www.scouting.org 972-580-2000 … One of the nation’s
most prominent values-based youth development
organizations. Programs for building character, training in
the responsibilities of citizenship and developing personal
fitness. 17.11%
024552 Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas
www.bcrc.org 512-524-2470 … Through effective patient
navigation by breast cancer survivors, the BCRC provides
support, information and resources to all those affected by
breast cancer at no cost. 23.52%
024561 Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
(Prevent Cancer Foundation)
www.preventcancer.org 800-227-2732 … Your donation
funds cancer prevention research; educates people about
how they can prevent cancer and detect it early; and
supports community cancer prevention programs. 20.78%
024502 Caring for Children Foundation of Texas, Inc.
www.carevan.org 800-258-5437 … Operates the Care
Van Program which provides immunizations to medically
uninsured and underserved Texas children and offer other
health-related services for Texas families. 0.00%
020401 Catholics United for Life
www.catholicsunitedforlife.org 800-764-8444 … Pro-life
Catholic organization dedicated to defending human life
from the moment of conception. Activities include youth
conference, defense of religious liberties, and education.
024590 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
www.cmnhospitals.org 801-214-7400 … Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s
hospitals across North America. Donations support
research and training, purchase equipment and pay for
uncompensated care. 12.08%
020409 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation
www.diabeteswellness.net 866-293-3155 … Our goal is
to fund scientific research into treatments and cure of
diabetes. Conducts screenings, education programs to
save lives from blindness, kidney failure, amputations.
024537 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc.
www.diabetesresearch.org 800-321-3437 … Committed
to curing children and adults now living with diabetes
and leads the world in bringing promising treatments to
patients as quickly as possible. 23.78%
024553 Dress for Success Worldwide
www.dressforsuccess.org 212-532-1922 … Dress for
Success is an international non-profit organization that
promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged
women through suiting, career development, and
employment retention programs. 4.88%
www.feedthechildren.org 800-627-4556 … One of the
world’s leading anti-hunger organizations, bringing together
caring individuals to provide food, water, education, and
job training in 50 states and 18 countries. 10.20%
www.fca.org 800-289-0909 … Empowering and equipping
coaches and athletes with encouragement, resources and
training to influence and impact the world for Jesus Christ
for over 60 years. 16.37%
020402 Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc.
www.foodallergy.org 703-691-3179 … To improve the
quality of life and the health of individuals with food
allergies, and to provide them hope through the promise of
new treatments. 21.45%
020459 Give Kids The World
www.gktw.org 800-995-5437 … A 70-acre, nonprofit
resort in Central Florida that provides week-long, cost-free
vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and
their families. 7.98%
024542 Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, The
www.holeinthewallgang.org 203-772-0522 … Founded by
Paul Newman, a non-profit summer camp and year-round
center providing free services to children with lifethreatening illnesses. 20.18%
024546 LIVESTRONG Foundation, The
www.livestrong.org 877-236-8820 … The LIVESTRONG
Foundation provides free, life-changing services and
programs to improve the quality of life for anyone affected
by cancer. 17.63%
020426 Make-A-Wish Foundation of America
www.wish.org 800-722-9474 … We grant the wishes
of children with life-threatening medical conditions to
enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.
024547 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
www.naacpldf.org 800-221-7822 … Fights for equality,
access to education, employment, health care, housing,
environmental justice, voting rights, criminal justice.
Provides scholarships, African-American undergraduates
and law students. 14.70%
020431 NAACP Special Contribution Fund
www.naacp.org 877-622-2798 … Protecting and
advancing civil rights by eliminating disparities in:
education, criminal justice, economic opportunity, health
care, housing, environmental justice, legal redress and
emergency relief. 7.34%
020435 National Black Child Development Institute
www.nbcdi.org 800-556-2234 … Works to improve and
advance the quality of life for Black children and their
families through advocacy, education and other outreach
programs. 8.60%
024556 National Down Syndrome Society
www.ndss.org 800-221-4602 … Strives to be the national
advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people
with Down syndrome, focusing on public policy and public
awareness. 24.55%
024539 National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
www.rarediseases.org 800-999-6673 … Provides
understandable information on rare diseases; peer
networking; community resource referrals; patient
medication assistance programs; research; advocacy for
over 30 million people with rare disorders. 18.84%
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only, are listed in the local section of the directory.
024559 National Trust for Historic Preservation in the
United States
www.PreservationNation.org 800-944-NTHP … The
National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately-funded
nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic
places. www.PreservationNation.org 13.09%
020403 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
www.ocrf.org 800-873-9569 … Your gift funds public
education and cutting-edge research on more effective
identification and new treatments as we strive to find a
cure for ovarian cancer. 12.71%
020433 PetSmart Charities, Inc.
www.PetSmartCharities.org 800-423-PETS … We are the
leading funder of animal welfare programs by providing
funding to animal welfare organizations for spay/neuter,
adoption, emergency relief and training nationwide. 7.72%
020477 Population Connection
www.populationconnection.org 800-767-1956 … We are
the national grassroots organization working to stabilize
global population to protect our environment, empower
women, and improve everyone’s quality of life. 12.17%
020465 Ronald McDonald House Charities
www.rmhc.org 630-623-7048 … A global network of local
Chapters and programs to provide resources to families to
improve the health and well-being of children. 9.08%
020404 Thurgood Marshall College Fund
www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org 202-507-4851 … TMCF
provides scholarships, capacity building and programmatic
support to students attending public Historic Black
Colleges and Universities. 11.90%
024593 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance
www.tsalliance.org 800-225-6872 … The TS Alliance
supports tuberous sclerosis research, maintains a national
family support network, and promotes public awareness
and the education of medical and allied professionals.
024508 VSA arts of Texas
www.vsatx.org 866-489-8412 … Services enrich the
quality of life for children and adults with disabilities
through arts education and access to music, drama,
dance, visual and literary arts. 16.04%
Assistance to Domestic Victims
of Human Trafficking – HHSC
[ charitable group code: 58 ]
580000 Assistance to Domestic Victims of Human
Trafficking – HHSC
512-206-5172 … Assistance to Domestic Victims of
Human Trafficking raises funds to establish a grant
program for organizations to provide social service
assistance to U.S. victims. 0.00%
Community Health
Charities Texas
[ charitable group code: 05 ]
050000 Community Health Charities Texas
www.healthcharities.org 800-654-0845 … Partnering with
America’s most trusted health charities to deliver credible
health information, community-focused volunteer activities,
and efficient charitable giving to employees throughout
Texas. 2.34%
050062 Ability Connection Texas (ACT)
www.abilityconnectiontexas.org 214-351-2500 …
Advancing the independence of children and adults
with all types of disabilities through education, therapy,
housing, day habilitation, assistive technology and other
community-based services. 13.73%
050064 Alliance for a Healthier Generation
050097 Easter Seals Central Texas
www.healthiergeneration.org 88-KID-HLTH … Reduce
the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids
nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. 15.43%
www.easterseals.com/centraltx 512-615-6800 …
Offers services to people with disabilities including:
early childhood intervention, comprehensive outpatient
rehabilitation, paid job training and more; serving more
than 8,500 people each year. 10.77%
050002 Alzheimer’s Association
www.alz.org 800-272-3900 … Enhance care and provide
support to persons and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s
and other dementias and educate Texans about
Alzheimer’s disease while promoting brain health. 24.59%
050004 American Cancer Society
www.cancer.org 512-919-1800 … Research to cure
cancer; services to patients and their families; education
to prevent cancer. The largest voluntary health agency
fighting cancer in your area. 17.43%
050005 American Diabetes Association
www.diabetes.org 972-392-1181 … The association’s
mission is to prevent and cure diabetes, and to improve
the lives of all people affected by diabetes through
research, information and advocacy. 15.41%
050007 American Heart Association
www.heart.org 800-242-8721 … Building healthier lives,
free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. 20.48%
050041 American Liver Foundation
www.liverfoundation.org 866-953-1800 … Providing
resources for those affected by liver disease - facilitate,
advocate and promote education, support and research for
the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease. 4.41%
050010 Arthritis Foundation South Central Region
www.arthritis.org 214-826-4361 … Leads efforts to find a
cure and end the pain of arthritis for more than 3.5 million
Texans. 23.66%
050094 Autism Speaks
www.autismspeaks.org 609-228-7335 … We fund
biomedical research into the causes, prevention,
treatments and cure for autism spectrum disorders;
increase awareness and advocate for the needs of affected
families. 13.05%
050053 Cancer Research Institute
www.cancerresearch.org 800-992-2623 … Supports and
coordinates scientific and clinical research that will lead
to the immunological control and eventual cure of cancer.
050095 Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas
www.cbcst.org 210-736-4847 … The center’s grief
support programs help grieving children develop healthy
coping skills while restoring a sense of normalcy with peers
and surviving family members. 24.25%
050096 Children’s Heart Foundation - Texas Chapter, The
www.childrensheartfoundation.org 214-566-5186 …
Funds the most promising research to advance the
diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital heart
defects, the most common and deadly birth defect in
Texas. 15.59%
050051 City of Hope
www.cityofhope.org 626-218-6347 … Internationally
recognized biomedical research, treatment and
educational institution, where physicians/scientists are
dedicated to the prevention and cure of cancer, diabetes,
HIV/AIDS and other diseases. 10.21%
050012 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, North
Texas Chapter
www.ccfa.org 972-386-0607 … To cure Crohn’s disease
and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of
children and adults affected by these diseases. 20.43%
050013 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Lone Star Chapter
www.cff.org 210-829-7267 … Supports innovative
research to control and cure cystic fibrosis. Provides
specialized medical care through a nationwide network
of centers; offers pharmacy and other patient services.
050033 Epilepsy Foundation of Central & South Texas
www.efcst.org 210-653-5353 … Epilepsy support services
for Texas residents. Services: Epilepsy clinics; medication
assistance; Kids camps; retreats; support groups;
employment training; information and referral; professional
and public education. 11.46%
050098 Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), The
www.amfar.org 800-392-6327 … Supports innovative
AIDS research; educates patients, doctors and the public
about HIV treatment/prevention; works to protect the rights
of all people affected by HIV/AIDS. 24.45%
050050 Huntington’s Disease Society of America, Texas
www.hdsa.org 212-242-1968 … HDSA is dedicated to
improving the lives of people with Huntington’s disease
and their families through, support of research, providing
information and resources and education. 9.25%
050015 JDRF International
www.jdrf.org 212-785-9500 … JDRF is the leading global
organization funding type1 diabetes (T1D) research.
JDRF’s vision is to create a world without T1D. 19.24%
050016 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The
www.lls.org 210-998-5400 … Find a cure for leukemia,
lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma and improve
the quality of life for patients and their families. 18.80%
050017 Lupus Foundation of America Texas
www.lupuslonestar.org 866-205-2369 … Dedicated to
improving the life for all people affected by lupus through
research, education, support and advocacy. 23.88%
050018 March of Dimes Foundation, Texas Chapter
www.marchofdimes.org/texas 972-669-3463 … The
March of Dimes helps moms have full-term pregnancies
and healthy babies by providing information, research and
community outreach programs, education and advocacy.
050019 Mental Health America of Texas
www.mhatexas.org 512-454-3706 … Our programs
provide trainings to prevent suicide, mental illness and
substance abuse through advocacy and education; reduce
stigma; promote early childhood development with family
support. 8.66%
050020 Muscular Dystrophy Association
www.mda.org 972-669-3892 … Fighting neuromuscular
disease through worldwide research; providing
comprehensive healthcare services and support to MDA
families nationwide; and rallying communities through
advocacy, fundraising and local engagement. 23.66%
050042 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas
www.namitexas.org 512-693-2000 … A grassroots
organization dedicated to improving the quality of the lives
of persons living with mental illness and their families
by providing support, advocacy, and education services.
050021 National Kidney Foundation
www.kidney.org 877-543-6397 … With nationwide
programming, we provide professional/patient education,
community health screenings and scientific research
to help the 26 million Americans with kidney disease.
050022 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Texas
www.MSTexas.org 713-394-2900 … Providing programs
and services for people touched by multiple sclerosis.
These include financial assistance, education, information,
wellness programs, research, support groups and
counseling. 22.90%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
050054 National Psoriasis Foundation
035523 Beyond Pesticides
035549 Endangered Species Media Project
www.psoriasis.org 800-723-9166 … To drive efforts to
cure psoriatic disease and improve the lives of those
affected. 18.80%
www.beyondpesticides.org 800-473-3689 … Prevents
pesticide poisoning of our environment, homes,
workplaces, schools, food and water through a practical
information clearinghouse on toxic hazards and nonchemical pest control. 4.54%
www.vanishingwildlife.com 713-520-1985 … Promotes
greater understanding of how the quality of human life
is enhanced by preservation of wilderness and wildlife.
Provides hands-on conservation activities for youth.
035558 BikeTexas Education Fund
035594 Environmental and Energy Study Institute
www.biketexas.org 512-476-RIDE … Encourages
increased participation in the healthful and
environmentally responsible activity of bicycling by
educating children and adults in bicycle traffic safety and
active transportation benefits. 10.85%
www.eesi.org 800-473-3689 … Renewable energy. Energy
efficiency. Green jobs. Green buildings. Sustainable
transportation and communities. Addressing climate
change. Bringing constituencies together to find innovative
policy solutions. Join us! 19.51%
035605 Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
035550 Environmental Defense Fund, Texas Office
www.bpraptorcenter.org 469-964-9696 … Experience
based, integrated environmental education heightens
understanding of raptors’ vital roles maintaining healthy
ecosystems and as indicators of human impact. 23.05%
www.edf.org 512-691-3425 … Guided by science, we
design practical, long-term strategies to protect wildlife
and natural resources, and safeguard clean air, water and
human health. 12.28%
035545 Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems
035507 Environmental Law Institute
www.cmpbs.org 512-928-4786 … Sustainable building
demonstrations, public policy initiatives and educational
activities protect human health and the environment
through integrating materials, energy, water and waste
systems. Established 1975. 7.50%
www.eli.org 800-473-3689 … Environmental law that
works for you: community-based education plus research
on national problems equals solutions to protect people
and nature. Independent and non-partisan. 21.60%
035592 Children’s Environmental Health Institute
www.bigbendfriends.org 512-529-1149 … Our mission is
to support, promote, and raise funds for Big Bend National
Park in partnership with the National Park Service. 19.32%
050061 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
www.pancan.org 310-725-0025 … A national network
of people dedicated to advancing research, supporting
patients and creating hope for those affected by pancreatic
cancer. 18.23%
050024 Prevent Blindness Texas
www.preventblindnesstexas.org 888-98-SIGHT … Prevent
Blindness Texas is a nonprofit, voluntary health agency
working through research, professional and public
education, and direct screening programs to help eliminate
preventable blindness. 15.43%
050027 Sickle Cell Association Marc Thomas Foundation
www.sicklecell.org 512-458-9767 … Education,
awareness, support and assistance to families suffering
from sickle cell disease including week-long summer free
children’s camp, support groups, financial assistance,
resources and more. 12.71%
050028 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
www.stjude.org 972-594-8080 … Researches and treats
deadly childhood diseases - primarily cancer. Families
never billed by St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or
food. Discoveries freely shared worldwide. 19.51%
050056 Susan G. Komen Texas
www.komen.org 972-855-1600 … Your gift supports
our promise to save lives and end breast cancer through
ground-breaking research and impactful community
outreach. 21.04%
050040 Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
www.tsrhc.org 214-559-5000 … Leading pediatric hospital
specializing in orthopedic conditions and neurological
disorders. Has provided exceptional care to over 235,000
children regardless of any family’s ability to pay. 7.77%
EarthShare of Texas
[ charitable group code: 03 ]
035500 EarthShare of Texas
www.earthshare-texas.org 800-GREENTX … One gift
supports the work of all participating charities, listed below,
who work to protect natural resources and public health
and quality of life. 5.37%
035519 African Wildlife Foundation
www.awf.org 888-4-WILDLIFE … Protects imperiled
species — lions,gorillas, rhinos, elephants, zebras —
through habitat conservation, science, wildlife protection,
leadership training and community business development
for more than 50 years. 13.28%
035502 American Rivers
www.AmericanRivers.org 877-4-RIVERS … Working to
protect and restore healthy, natural rivers for the benefit of
people and wildlife; ensuring clean drinking water, natural
flood protection, and recreational enjoyment. 23.87%
035544 Audubon Foundation of Texas
www.audubonfoundationtexas.org 512-426-6033
… Audubon Foundation - Making Texas better by
encouraging conservation through education, citizen
involvement, programs for birds, wildlife and habitats.
Supports Audubon Texas, Audubon chapters, sanctuaries
statewide. 11.65%
035581 Bat Conservation International
www.batcon.org 800-473-3689 … Worldwide authority on
bats committed to their protection through direct habitat
conservation, research and education; facilitating win-win
solutions that help both bats and people. 19.20%
www.cehi.org 512-657-7405 … Providing education about
how children are vulnerable to environmental toxins that
increase their risk for childhood diseases such as asthma,
cancer, behavioral disorders and autism. 3.83%
035569 Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Education Fund
www.cechouston.org 713-524-4232 … The CEC, a
coalition of about 100 environmental groups, fosters
dialogue, education, and collaboration on environmental
issues in the Houston/Gulf Coast region. 23.60%
035538 Clean Water Fund of Texas
www.cleanwaterfund.org 512-474-2046 … Neighborhood
based action and education programs bringing people,
businesses and government together for solutions that
protect water and health, prevent pollution and conserve
resources. 15.83%
035609 Coastal Bend Bays Foundation
www.baysfoundation.org 361-882-3439 … Dedicated
to the conservation of freshwater and coastal natural
resources for now and the future through consensus,
facilitation, communication, advocacy, research and
education. 11.94%
035540 Conservation Fund, The
www.conservationfund.org 800-473-3689 … The nation’s
most efficient and effective conservation organization protecting working landscapes, wildlife habitat, historic
and recreation sites – with 96% of funds going directly to
mission. 2.51%
035531 Conservation International Foundation
www.conservation.org 800-429-5660 … Using a
strong foundation of science, partnerships and field
demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly and
sustainably care for nature for humanity’s enduring wellbeing. 22.20%
035504 Defenders of Wildlife
www.Defenders.org 800-473-3689 … Working since
1947 to save America’s endangered animals and their
threatened habitats for future generations through public
education, citizen advocacy, and scientific research.
035548 Ecology Action of Texas
www.ecology-action.org 512-322-0000 … Central Texas’
landfill diversion and resource recovery leader, providing
community-based recycling services, educational
programming, responsible policy development, and
environmental services consultation. 14.85%
035582 Friends of Big Bend National Park
035599 Galveston Bay Foundation
www.galvbay.org 281-332-3381 … To preserve, protect
and enhance the natural resources of Galveston Bay for
present users and posterity through programs in advocacy,
conservation, education and research. 14.77%
035603 Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance
www.aquiferalliance.org 210-320-6294 … Uniting citizens
across Central and South Texas in advocacy to protect
our groundwater, watersheds, flora and fauna, history and
culture of the Texas Hill Country. 21.39%
035601 Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust
www.gbrtrust.org 830-660-3486 / 800-413-4130 … To
preserve the natural heritage of the Guadalupe watershed,
by protecting open landscapes, working farms and
ranches, and wildlife habitat through conservation and
education. 20.58%
035596 Hill Country Conservancy
www.hillcountryconservancy.org 512-328-2481 … Hill
Country Conservancy works daily to preserve the natural
areas and rural heritage of Central Texas for people to
enjoy for generations to come. 13.14%
035610 Houston Advanced Research Center
www.harcresearch.org 281-364-6000 … HARC provides
independent analysis on air, energy and water issues. We
are focused on building a sustainable future that helps
people thrive and nature flourish. 19.24%
035586 Katy Prairie Conservancy
www.katyprairie.org 713-523-6135 … The Katy Prairie
Conservancy protects wildlife and plant communities of
the Katy Prairie through conservation of open spaces, with
nearly 20,000 acres protected to date. 3.45%
035589 National Parks Conservation Association
www.npca.org 800-NAT-PARK … Preserves national
parks from the Grand Canyon to Gettysburg; protects
endangered wildlife and cultural sites; promotes
new parks; defends against pollution, inappropriate
development and overcrowding. 24.09%
035522 National Wildlife Federation – South Central
Regional Center
www.nwf.org/Southcentral 512-476-9805 … Works to
protect the land, water, and wildlife of Texas, and to
connect people of all ages with nature. 19.93%
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only, are listed in the local section of the directory.
035512 Natural Resources Defense Council
035553 Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation
www.nrdc.org 800-473-3689 … Defends embattled
wilderness, rivers, clean air, coasts and wildlife across
America and around the globe. Saved Baja’s whales,
Canada’s Spirit bears, and California’s sequoias. 15.20%
www.tpwf.org 214-720-1478 … Partners with Texas Parks
and Wildlife to protect Texas’ unique natural and cultural
resources and to provide outdoor recreation opportunities.
www.americares.org 800-486-4357 … Restores health
and saves lives by delivering donated medicines, medical
supplies and humanitarian aid to people in need around
the world and here at home. 1.90%
035513 Nature Conservancy of Texas, The
035572 Texas Solar Energy Society
040302 Amref Health Africa
nature.org 512-271-4453 … The Nature Conservancy Protecting the lands and waters on which all life depends.
www.txses.org 512-751-1873 … Educates citizens on the
value of energy efficiency and clean, renewable, waterwise solar energy through solar tours, Solar Car Kits for
Kids, and events. 16.07%
www.amrefusa.org 212-768-2440 … Our mission is to
improve the health of people in Africa by partnering with
and empowering communities, and strengthening health
systems. 9.98%
www.peregrinefund.org 800-377-3716 … Protects eagles,
condors, falcons, and other endangered birds through
research, breeding, and conservation programs. Helps
preserve rainforests. Educates children and adults about
nature and science. 17.00%
035570 Wildflower Donor Inc.
www.wildflower.org 512-232-0121 … To support the
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and its mission to
conserve, restore and create healthy landscapes through
research, education and demonstration programs. 11.82%
www.care.org 800-521-2273 … Began in 1945 delivering
CARE Packages to war-torn Europe. Today, CARE delivers
lasting solutions to poverty in 87 countries by empowering
girls and women. 11.86%
035535 Pesticide Action Network North America
035580 Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
040324 ChildFund International
www.panna.org 800-473-3689 … Working to eliminate
hazardous pesticides by linking consumer, labor, health,
environment and agriculture groups internationally to
advance safer, ecologically sound pest control alternatives.
www.wildlife-rescue.org 830-336-2725 … We rescue,
rehabilitate, and release orphaned and injured native
wildlife; provide sanctuary to unreleasable animals and
conduct environmental education programs. 14.06%
www.childfund.org 800-776-6767 … Helping deprived,
excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to
become young adults and leaders who bring lasting and
positive change in their communities. 19.29%
035555 Public Citizen
035568 World Wildlife Fund
040310 Church World Service
www.worldwildlife.org 800-960-0993 … Multinational
conservation organization working worldwide to combat
climate change, save endangered animals, protect wild
habitats, and transform market forces to act in harmony
with nature. 18.71%
www.cwsglobal.org 800-297-1516 … Works with partners
to eradicate hunger and poverty and promote peace and
justice among the world’s most vulnerable people. 14.07%
035577 Peregrine Fund, The
www.citizen.org/texas 512-477-1155 … Celebrating
30 years in Texas, Public Citizen works for a healthy
environment and workplace, clean and safe energy, safe
products, corporate and government accountability.
035514 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
www.railstotrails.org 800-473-3689 … Converts thousands
of miles of unused railroad corridors into public trails
for walking, bicycling, hiking, skating, horseback riding,
skiing, wildlife habitats and nature appreciation. 23.78%
035543 Rainforest Alliance
www.rainforest-alliance.org 800-473-3689 … Works to
conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by
transforming land-use practices, business practices and
consumer behavior. 9.22%
Fund for Veterans’ Assistance
[ charitable group code: 54 ]
540000 Fund for Veterans’ Assistance
www.tvc.texas.gov 512-463-1157 … Your donation
supports grants to local organizations that focus on
improving the lives of Texas Veterans and their families.
035539 Sierra Club Foundation, Texas Chapter, The
www.tscf.org 800-216-2100 … Works to preserve
wilderness and protect environmental quality worldwide
through a powerful combination of education, scientific
research and publishing. 11.13%
035556 State of Texas Alliance for Recycling
www.recyclingstar.org 512-828-6409 … Promotes waste
minimization, recycling, material reuse and environmental
awareness through public policy, professional development
and education to conserve natural resources within a
sustainable economic framework. 21.11%
035588 Surfrider Foundation
www.surfrider.org 800-743-7873 … Protects and
preserves the world’s oceans, waves and beaches through
a powerful activist network. Activities include: water quality
monitoring, environmental education and grassroots
activism. 15.64%
035608 Sustainable Food Center
www.sustainablefoodcenter.org 512-236-0074 … Our
mission: to cultivate a healthy community by strengthening
the local food system and improving access to nutritious ,
affordable food. 10.21%
035578 Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund
www.texasenvironment.org/fund 512-326-5658 …
Promotes environmental protection and government
accountability. Conducts authoritative research and public
education campaigns to protect human health. Advocates
producer take-back recycling of toxic household products.
www.doctorswithoutborders.org 888-392-0392 …
An independent international medical humanitarian
organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected
by armed conflict, epidemics and natural disasters in more
than 70 countries. 12.34%
www.echonet.org 239-543-3246 … Fights world hunger
by using science and technology to develop agricultural
solutions to aid farmers in developing countries. 13.24%
040311 FINCA International
Global Impact
035597 San Marcos River Foundation
www.sanmarcosriver.org 512-353-4628 … To preserve
public access to the San Marcos River and protect the
flow, natural beauty and purity of the river, its watershed
and estuaries forever. 2.97%
040336 Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans
Frontières USA
[ charitable group code: 04 ]
www.finca.org 202-682-1510 … Provides financial
services to the world’s lowest-income entrepreneurs
so they can create jobs, build assets and improve their
standard of living. 22.67%
040300 Global Impact
040314 Freedom from Hunger
www.charity.org 800-836-4620 … Supports respected
and effective international charities to address critical
humanitarian issues throughout the world, such as disaster
response, human trafficking, education, malaria, water and
hunger. 11.64%
www.freedomfromhunger.org 800-708-2555 … Combines
microfinance, education and health protection services to
help poor families in the developing world improve their
incomes, safeguard their health and achieve food security.
040301 Accion International
040342 Health Volunteers Overseas
www.accion.org 800-931-9951 … Building a financially
inclusive world, with access to economic opportunity
for all, by giving people the financial tools they need to
improve their lives. 19.38%
www.hvousa.org 202-296-0928 … Trains, mentors and
provides critical professional support to more than 3000
healthcare providers who care for the neediest populations
in over 25 countries. 6.70%
040316 Helen Keller International
www.africare.org 202-462-3614 … Develops self-help
programs in Africa to increase food production, develop
clean water resources, manage the environment,
strengthen health care and deliver emergency assistance.
www.hki.org 877-535-5374 … Saves the sight and lives
of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged; combats the
causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition.
040305 American Jewish World Service
www.iefusa.org 240-290-0263 … A global leader in
sustainability programming changing how eye care
is delivered in the developing world through training,
technical assistance, and investments in capacity building.
www.ajws.org 800-889-7146 … Inspired by Jewish
commitment to justice, AJWS works to realize human
rights and end poverty in the developing world. 10.10%
040371 American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)
www.anera.org 202-266-9700 … Advances the well-being
of people in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Jordan.
040313 American Refugee Committee
www.arcrelief.org 800-875-7060 … International relief
and development agency empowering people impacted by
conflict and disaster to recover and rebuild their lives with
dignity. 9.55%
040318 International Eye Foundation
040348 International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
www.iocc.org 877-803-4622 … Provides humanitarian/
development assistance to people in U.S., Africa, Asia,
Europe and the Middle East who have been devastated by
man-made and natural disasters. 6.40%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
040351 International Relief Teams
040329 UNICEF, U.S. Fund for
470065 Arrow Child & Family Ministries
www.irteams.org 619-284-7979 … Assists victims of
disaster, poverty, and neglect worldwide, providing
immediate relief and long-term programs including
medical training, surgical and clinical outreach, and health
promotion. 1.31%
www.unicefusa.org 800-367-5437 … We believe in a world
where ZERO children die from causes we can prevent. Join
us, and we can get there. 11.00%
www.arrow.org 281-210-1500 … Provides foster care,
adoptions, and other services for children rescued from
abuse and neglect. Operates a comprehensive care facility
for victims of child sex trafficking. 11.84%
040319 International Rescue Committee
www.rescue.org 855-973-7283 … Our commitment to
freedom, human dignity, and self-reliance is reflected
in well-planned global emergency relief, rehabilitation
assistance, resettlement services, and advocacy for
refugees. 8.26%
040335 Lutheran World Relief
www.lwr.org 800-597-5972 … Affirming God’s love for
all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around
the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering.
040376 MAP International
www.map.org 800-225-8550 … A global health
organization that partners with people living in conditions
of poverty to save lives and develop healthier families and
communities. 0.72%
040365 Mercy Corps
www.mercycorps.org 800-292-3355 … Saves and
improves lives in the world’s toughest places. Alleviating
suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build
secure, productive and just communities. 16.56%
040317 Opportunity International
www.opportunity.org 800-793-9455 … We collaborate with
local partners worldwide to provide microfinance services
allowing poor entrepreneurs to develop steady income,
provide for families and create jobs for neighbors. 7.57%
040373 Pan American Development Foundation
www.padf.org 202-458-3969 … Empowers disadvantaged
people in Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve
economic and social progress, strengthen civil society, and
prepare for and respond to disasters. 7.71%
040372 PCI-Media Impact
www.mediaimpact.org 212-687-3366 … Media Impact’s
unique approach to communications combines the
principles of Entertainment-Education with the reach of
mass media to mobilize individual, community creating
positive change. 19.87%
040378 Plan International USA
www.planusa.org 800-556-7918 … Part of a global
organization that works with communities in 50 developing
countries to end the cycle of poverty for children. 23.72%
040325 Project HOPE
www.projecthope.org 800-544-4673 … Provides
sustainable improvements in health around the globe
through education and humanitarian assistance with
more than 92 percent of revenues dedicated to programs.
040350 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
www.rotary.org 866-976-8279 … Our mission is to
advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through
the improvement of health, the support of education and
the alleviation of poverty. 8.84%
040338 Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO)
www.sawso.org 800-725-2769 … Create a world where
people live in safe and sustainable communities in which
differences are respected and basic needs are met. 6.57%
040326 Save the Children
www.savethechildren.org 800-728-3843 … Our Mission
is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats
children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in
their lives. 8.97%
www.technoserve.org 800-999-6757 … We work with
enterprising people in the developing world to build
competitive farms, businesses and industries. 12.54%
040328 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
www.uusc.org 800-766-5236 … We defend human rights
and civil liberties, promoting environmental and economic
justice with grassroots partners worldwide, while engaging
our members to serve as citizen-activists. 11.80%
040352 United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
www.umcor.org 800-554-8583 … To alleviate human
suffering. We provide practical, proactive support to
the most vulnerable survivors of chronic or temporary
emergencies due to natural or civil causes. 4.96%
040366 United Seamen’s Service
www.unitedseamensservice.org 201-369-1100 …
Provides overseas health and welfare services to the
American Merchant Marine, seafarers of allied nations,
US Government, military & civilian personnel & persons
engaged in maritime industry. 19.10%
040375 Water For People
www.waterforpeople.org 720-488-4590 … An international
organization that supports the development of sustainable
drinking water resources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene
education programs in developing countries. 19.30%
040331 World Relief
www.worldrelief.org 800-535-5433 … Provides emergency
relief and community-based solutions to alleviate poverty
in 18 countries and provides assistance to refugees in the
United States. 15.94%
040356 World Renew
www.worldrenew.net 800-552-7972 … Fighting poverty,
hunger and injustice through partnerships and locally
originated community development programs; responding
to disasters with emergency supplies and reconstruction of
homes and livelihoods. 13.90%
040377 World Vision
www.worldvision.org 800-859-5437 … Relief and
development organization helping children worldwide
by tackling causes of poverty and developing access to
clean water, food, health care, education and economic
opportunity. 16.98%
Local Independent
Charities of Texas
[ charitable group code: 47 ]
470000 Local Independent Charities of Texas
www.lictx.org 800-876-5342 … We share your gift among
local independent charitable organizations helping
children, the poor, the ill, the disabled, the elderly and
others in need. 2.03%
470092 ACLU Foundation of Texas, Inc.
www.aclutx.org 888-653-6498 … American Civil Liberties
Foundation of Texas defends and protects the individual
rights and liberties guaranteed to every person by the
Constitution of the United States. 16.49%
470046 Animal Defense League of Texas
www.adltexas.org 210-655-1481 … True no-kill shelter;
homeless, abused and neglected dogs/cats receive
medical services (including urgent care), shelter, love
while searching for homes. Public spay/neuter services.
470024 Arc of Texas, The
www.thearcoftexas.org 512-454-6694 … Creating
opportunities for people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities to participate in their
communities and make choices that affect their lives in a
positive manner. 7.57%
470066 Bereavement and Grief Camp for Children Camp Agape
www.campagapetexas.org 830-385-8916 … Christianbased program aiding children in their grief process.
Provide group therapy activities that include art, music and
play therapies to cope with their loss. 20.67%
470067 Buckner Retirement Services
www.bucknerretirement.org 800-381-4551 … Striving to
enhance the quality of life for elders and their families by
promoting an active, healthy lifestyle while maintaining
their independence and dignity. 6.99%
470068 Burke Center for Youth
www.theburkecenter.org 512-858-4258 … The Burke
Center For Youth provides residential treatment and foster
care to children who are abused and neglected. The
Agency began in 1973. 15.23%
www.cancare.org 713-461-0028 … CanCare’s primary
goal is to provide free, one-on-one emotional support
to cancer patients and their families for as long as they
desire. 24.24%
470063 Center for Public Policy Priorities
www.cppp.org 512-320-0222 … CPPP is an independent
public policy organization that uses data and analysis to
advocate for solutions enabling all Texans to reach their
full potential. 7.33%
470070 Children At Heart Foundation
www.childrenatheartfoundation.org 512-255-3668 …
Supporting Children At Heart Ministries, which delivers
residential, counseling and community outreach services
that offer hope and a promising future for children, youth
and families. 18.21%
470071 Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas
www.cactx.org 800-255-2574 … Seeking justice and
recovery for abused children by providing critical medical
and mental health services and supporting coordinated
investigation and prosecution of the crime. 5.44%
470072 Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Central
www.supportdellchildrens.org 512-324-0170 … Help
children obtain world-class medical care at Dell Children’s
Medical Center - close to home and regardless of a family’s
ability to pay. 21.18%
470073 Covenant House Texas
www.covenanthousetx.org 713-523-2231 … Homeless
and abandoned youth, with no where to go.
CHT asks you to please help us continue to provide free
food, shelter and medical care. 20.10%
470074 Foster’s Home For Children
www.fostershome.org 254-968-2143 … Residential and
child-placing services for children who have been the
victim of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Tutoring
and counseling are provided. 10.84%
470075 Helping Hand Home for Children
www.helpinghandhome.org 512-459-3353 … Providing
therapy, education, enrichment and a nurturing home to
children who have suffered severe abuse and neglect.
Giving children hope through healing since 1893. 16.66%
470042 Helping Restore Ability
www.helpingrestoreability.org 817-469-1977 … Children
on ventilators, adults with spinal cord injuries, seniors with
dementia - these are the people we keep safe and prevent
hospitalization and nursing home placement. 3.00%
Charitable organizations belonging to a statewide federation, which provide local services only, are listed in the local section of the directory.
470076 Lutheran Social Services of the South
470083 Special Olympics Texas
www.lsss.org 800-938-5777 … Offering help, healing,
and hope to empower others to end cycles of abuse. Help
us continue to provide valuable services to those in need.
www.sotx.org 800-876-5646 … In 2014, 53,000
intellectually disabled athletes experienced the joy,
friendships, and life skills gained by participating in our
year-round sports training programs and competitions.
470077 Methodist Children’s Home
www.mch.org 800-853-1272 … Equipping at-risk children
with the emotional and educational skills needed to
overcome abuse, neglect and crisis. Offering hope through
a nurturing, Christian community. 13.74%
470078 Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin
www.milkbank.org 877-813-6455 … The Mothers’ Milk
Bank saves babies’ lives by providing prescribed donor
human milk. Help this fragile population of premature and
ill infants grow and thrive. 9.97%
470039 Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast
www.ppgulfcoast.org 713-831-6519 … PPGC provides
family planning services, reproductive healthcare and
sexuality education to more than 70,000 women, men, and
teens each year at our ten clinic locations. 15.32%
470079 Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc.
www.ppgreatertx.org 855-314-0799 … We are healthcare
with heart, educators on a mission and champions of
the uninsured improving lives by providing affordable,
comprehensive healthcare and health education. 10.08%
470054 Planned Parenthood San Antonio
www.pptrust.org 210-736-2244 … We help women, men
and their families build better lives by providing affordable
cancer screening and treatment, birth control, Pap and
breast exams, STD prevention. 3.24%
470056 Planned Parenthood South Texas Surgical Center
www.plannedparenthood.org/ppshs 210-736-2244 … We
ensure the right of women to mange their reproductive
health through compassionate, non-judgmental services
ranging from birth control to abortion care. 1.97%
470080 Prevent Child Abuse Texas
www.preventchildabusetexas.org 800-CHILDREN … We
believe no child should suffer the horrors of abuse. Help
us stop this violence and bring hope and safety to Texas’
children. 19.78%
470062 Project MEND
www.projectmend.org 210-223-6363 … Believing
mobility and independence are basic human rights, we
empower individuals to become active members of their
communities through the reuse of medical equipment.
470081 Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Antonio
470084 St. Jude’s Ranch for Children Texas Region
www.stjudesranch.org 830-885-7494 … Children left in
despair from abuse, neglect, abandonment. We transform
lives through healing and empowerment in safe, nurturing
environments. With help, new chances, choices, hope.
www.starryonline.org 512-388-8290 … Providing free
counseling to children and their families, as well as
emergency shelter and foster care for abused, neglected,
runaway and homeless children and youth. 0.56%
470035 Tarrant Area Food Bank
www.tafb.org 817-332-9177 … Hunger hurts. With your
help, the Food Bank converts each dollar donated into
five meals for our hungry neighbors: kids, seniors and the
working poor. 3.45%
470086 Texans Can!
www.texanscan.org 214-944-1955 … We provide the
highest quality education for ALL students, especially those
who struggled in a traditional high school setting. Help us
graduate thinkers! 24.69%
470087 Texans Care for Children Inc.
482007 American Family Association
www.afa.net 800-326-4543 … Educates and motivates
Christians through radio, video, internet and print to act
on issues affecting families. Examples: media indecency,
pornography, abortion, entertainment, education, and
parenting. 9.81%
483142 Association of Christian Schools International
www.acsi.org 866-401-4801 … Empowering Christian
schools and educators worldwide to provide Christ
centered schooling, Pre-K through College, to effectively
prepare students for life through transformed thinking and
living. 16.22%
483151 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
www.billygraham.org 877-247-2426 … Spreads the
message of God’s love through domestic and international
ministry projects delivered in person, as well as via print,
television, radio and the Internet. 14.14%
482012 Blessings International
482100 Breast Cancer Charities of America
www.taasa.org 512-474-7190 … TAASA is the voice of
sexual assault survivors in Texas. We provide education,
outreach and assistance to victims of assault and abuse.
470088 Texas Baptist Children’s Home
www.tbch.org 512-255-3682 … Providing a haven of
hope for children and families in crisis through campus
residential programs and community-based outreach/
prevention programs. 0.44%
470089 Texas CASA
www.texascasa.org 877-TX4-CASA … Supports CASA
volunteers and programs helping abused/neglected foster
children replace their despair with hope through advocacy
and locating safe, permanent homes. 5.20%
470090 Texas Department of Public Safety Foundation
www.theRose.org 281-484-4708 … Provides breast
cancer screenings, diagnostics, and patient navigation into
treatment for all women regardless of their ability to pay.
www.texasdpsfoundation.org 210-320-1006 … Supports
the Texas Department of Public Safety to strengthen
Department services and performance, recognize
employee valor and sacrifice, and provide scholarships to
employees and families. 17.80%
www.swkey.org 512-462-2181 … We provide quality
education, safe shelter and alternatives to incarceration
for thousands of youth each day, while helping families
become economically self-sufficient. 12.75%
www.neighbortonation.org 877-841-6839 … People in
deed serving people in need, in our local communities,
throughout America and the world. Providing lifesustaining assistance and hope for the future. 3.46%
470037 Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
470033 Rose, The
470082 Southwest Key Programs, Inc.
482000 Neighbor To Nation
www.blessing.org 877-250-8101 … Transforming lives
globally by providing pharmaceuticals, vitamins and
medical supplies urgently needed to treat the poor and
victims of endemic medical problems, diseases, or
disasters. 8.21%
470017 Texas Council on Family Violence
www.servicedogs.org 512-858-1495 … We turn homeless
dogs into heroes! We adopt shelter dogs and train them to
assist deaf or mobility-challenged people free of charge.
Since 1988. 8.38%
Neighbor To Nation
[ charitable group code: 48 ]
www.txchildren.org 512-473-2274 … We are dedicated
to giving every Texan a good start to life. Through policy
changes, we work to ensure children are healthy, secure
and thriving. 21.93%
www.ronaldmcdonaldhouse-sa.org 210-614-2554 …
Seriously ill children need their families during long and
strenuous treatments. We make this possible through our
home away from home providing lodging and support.
470045 Service Dogs, Inc.
www.tcfv.org 512-794-1133 … A family’s strength is
weakened by violence occurring in the one place that
should be the safest--home. Help us help victims of
domestic violence. 19.95%
470043 Texas Homeless Network
www.thn.org 512-482-8270 … 29,738 Texans identified
as homeless during a physical count in January 2013.
12,090 didn’t have shelter. Everyone deserves a home.
Let’s end homelessness. 8.60%
470091 Write-Way Prison Ministries
www.writewaypm.org 888-672-9508 … Providing free
Bible correspondence courses to inmates, redirecting
focus to God and family, ultimately reducing recidivism,
establishing a foundation for meaningful living and
sustained hope. 17.71%
www.thebreastcancercharities.org 936-231-8460 …
Helps breast cancer patients through the physical,
emotional, financial and spiritual hardships of diagnosis
and treatment. “Help Now Fund” pays past-due rents and
utilities. 13.38%
482018 Breast Cancer Research Foundation
www.bcrfcure.org 866-346-3228 … Accelerate innovative
research to save lives: 1 in 8 US women will be diagnosed
with breast cancer. Help us achieve prevention and a cure.
482024 Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund
www.thenccs.org 800-532-6459 … Give children with
cancer a chance for a brighter future! Your support
will provide vital financial assistance and educational
resources for children battling cancer. 14.00%
482027 Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency Relief
www.WER-US.org 888-484-4543 … Relieving human
suffering from poverty, persecution and natural disaster
by providing food, medical care and safe water to help
children and families survive and recover. 2.17%
482028 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund
www.chrf.org 888-781-1585 … Saving children’s lives!
Sharing God’s love by providing hot meals, disease-free
water, healthcare, medicines, food-growing technology,
and Christian education to suffering children worldwide.
482074 Christian Legal Society
www.clsnet.org 703-642-1070 … To defend religious
freedom and the sanctity of life, provide legal assistance to
the poor, and promote conflict resolution through biblical
counseling, mediation and arbitration. 14.48%
482080 Christian Military Fellowship
www.cmfhq.org 800-798-7875 … Ministering to America’s
military and their families worldwide empowering them
in their Christian faith, advancing Bible studies, linkups,
mentoring, fellowship, resources, personal contact and
encouragement. 6.85%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
482030 Christian Relief Fund
482081 Mission Aviation Fellowship
482090 V Foundation, The
www.christianrelieffund.org 800-858-4038 … Fighting
hunger and poverty internationally by providing food,
medicine, educational support, Christian disaster relief and
humanitarian aid to children and families in developing
countries. 7.81%
www.maf.org 800-359-7623 … Christian, humanitarian
organization using aviation, communications, and
education technologies to bring the Gospel, medical care,
and other life-sustaining services to isolated areas of the
world. 21.17%
www.jimmyv.org 800-454-6698 … A charitable
organization dedicated to saving lives by raising money to
fund cancer research and awareness projects. 10.06%
482036 Focus on the Family
483146 National Brain Tumor Society
www.FocusOnTheFamily.com 800-232-6459 … Christian
organization dedicated to helping families thrive by
providing faith-based resources, multimedia outreaches
and counseling services that address numerous marriage,
parenting and life needs. 15.82%
www.braintumor.org 866-455-3214 … Fiercely committed
to finding better treatments, and ultimately a cure, for
patients and families by funding research and participating
in public policy initiatives. 19.56%
483144 Foundation Fighting Blindness
www.nationaldayofprayer.org 800-444-8828 … The
mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to
mobilize prayer in America and encourage personal
repentance and righteousness in the culture. 18.09%
www.blindness.org 800-682-5555 … Funds research to
discover treatments and cures for retinal diseases that
cause blindness such as retinitis pigmentosa, macular
degeneration, and other related retinal diseases. 22.92%
482022 Gateway for Cancer Research
www.gatewaycr.org 888-221-2873 … 1,500 people die
from cancer each day in the U.S. 99 cents of every dollar
received directly funds human clinical trials for today’s
cancer patients. 0.08%
483145 Glaucoma Research Foundation
www.glaucoma.org 800-826-6693 … Prevent vision
loss from glaucoma by investing in innovative research,
education, and support with the ultimate goal of finding a
cure. 9.09%
482087 Home School Foundation
www.homeschoolfoundation.org 540-338-8688 …
Financial assistance and curriculum relief to struggling
home school families. We invest in widows, single parents,
special needs children, and military families. Give.
Volunteer. Pray. 4.18%
482115 Keep a Child Alive
www.keepachildalive.org 646-762-8200 … We are
dedicated to providing life-saving HIV treatment, care,
nutrition, support services and love to children and families
affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. 11.05%
482084 Leukemia Research Foundation
www.allbloodcancers.org 888-558-5385 … Funds
research to find a cure for leukemia and other blood
cancers and provides emotional, educational and financial
support to patients and their families. 22.05%
482155 National Day of Prayer Task Force
482085 Navigators, The
www.navsmilitary.org 800-955-4422 … Provides a spiritual
presence on military bases alongside chaplains, and brings
hope to military personnel and their families through
meaningful relationships with Jesus Christ. 19.03%
482057 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc.
www.ncmi.org 800-214-4999 … Challenged by faith to
end poverty. Promotes long-term solutions to poverty
through training, gifts-in-kind, economic and community
development; also responds to disasters. 9.86%
482056 Officers’ Christian Fellowship
www.ocfusa.org 800-424-1984 … OCF serves by uniting
Christian military leaders in biblical fellowship, equipping
and encouraging them as they operate at the intersection
of faith and profession. 16.72%
482160 Operation Blessing International Relief and
Development Corp.
www.ob.org 800-730-2537 … Dedicated to alleviating
human need and suffering throughout the world through
hunger relief, clean water, medical aid, disaster relief and
community development programs since 1978. 0.90%
482086 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
www.oif.org 301-947-0083 … OI causes brittle bones that
break easily. Coughing can fracture ribs; falling can break
a leg. Help provide answers for families, research for a
cure. 23.48%
482062 Samaritan’s Purse
482068 Voice of the Martyrs, The
www.persecution.com 877-337-0458 … Serving over 4
million persecuted Christians in 64 nations by empowering,
equipping, rebuilding and encouraging, bringing Christ’s
hope through Bibles, medicines, shelter, training and aid.
482072 World Concern - A Division of CRISTA Ministries
www.worldconcern.org 800-755-5022 … Provides
microloans to women, care to orphans, and education,
agricultural training and disaster response services to
hurting people around the world. 14.86%
Save Texas History
[ charitable group code: 51 ]
510000 Save Texas History - Texas General Land Office
www.savetexashistory.org 800-998-4GLO … Texas GLO’s
Save Texas History program is a public/private partnership
to raise funds for the conservation and restoration of
historic Texas maps and documents. 0.00%
Texas Match the Promise
[ charitable group code: 55 ]
550000 Texas Match the Promise Foundation
www.everychanceeverytexan.org/funding/match 512463-4863 … Provides matching scholarships to qualified
participants in state’s prepaid tuition and college savings
plans. Foundation is 501(c)(3) charitable organization;
contributions are tax deductible. 0.00%
Texas State History Museum
[ charitable group code: 06 ]
060000 Texas State History Museum (Donations)
www.lcif.org 630-571-5466 … Supports Lions Clubs in
208 countries in addressing the various needs of their
communities through grant programs including sight,
youth, health and disaster relief projects. 16.38%
www.samaritanspurse.org 800-528-1980 … Christian relief
agency, led by Franklin Graham, providing food, medicine,
clothing, shelter, and other emergency assistance to
victims of war, poverty, disease, and natural disasters.
www.thestoryoftexas.com 512-936-4602 … Donations
support the exhibition and education programs designed to
present the continually unfolding story of Texas to Texans
of today and the generations to come. 18.00%
482120 Mercy Ships
482170 Society of St. Andrew, The
www.mercyships.org 800-772-7447 … Delivers free
world-class healthcare to some of the world’s poorest
nations while training local surgeons and medical workers,
increasing developing African nations’ healthcare capacity.
www.endhunger.org 800-333-4597 … America’s premier
food rescue and distribution ministry dedicated to gleaning
America’s fields to feed America’s hungry. We provide
nutritious food to people in need. 3.28%
www.thestoryoftexas.com 512-936-4602 … For
memberships of $175 and higher only. Membership
application must accompany pledge form. For instructions
and additional forms for purchasing a membership, visit
our website. 18.00%
482050 Mexican Medical
www.ulf.org 800-728-5483 … Serves individuals and
families affected by leukodystrophy by exchanging
information and promoting progress on research, treatment
and prevention. 20.16%
482046 Lions Clubs International Foundation
www.mexicanmedical.com 619-463-4777 … Providing
hope for the poor--sharing God’s love through medical,
dental, and surgical care, and community health programs
utilizing Christian medical teams and other volunteers.
060001 Texas State History Museum (Memberships)
482065 United Leukodystrophy Foundation
supp o r t yo ur state employee
charitable campaign
local charities
… 2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n Community Health
Charities Texas
[ charitable group code: 05 ]
053001 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Texas Gulf Coast
473038 Child Advocates of Fort Bend
473058 Ronald McDonald House of Galveston
www.cafb.org 281-341-9955 … Broken, bruised,
abandoned, hopeless. Children being abused and
neglected every day in our own neighborhoods. Help
save these child victims from falling through the cracks.
www.rmhg.org 409-762-8770 … We provide inexpensive
safe cheerful accommodation for families with children
receiving medical treatment at area hospitals. We embrace
families with Love, Hope and emotional support. 21.86%
473040 Child Advocates, Inc.
www.cff.org 713-621-0006 … Supports innovative
research to control and cure cystic fibrosis. Provides
specialized medical care through a nationwide network
of centers; offers pharmacy and other patient services.
www.childadvocates.org 713-529-1396 … Our volunteers
stand up for an abused child’s right to be safe, to be
healthy and to exit foster care as quickly as possible.
053060 Epilepsy Foundation of Texas
www.ccschouston.com 713-961-3993 … Meeting the
vital needs of Houston neighbors in crisis. Inner-city
churches united, serving the poor, hungry and disabled
while respecting religious, ethnic, and cultural differences.
www.eftx.org 713-789-6295 … Epilepsy support
services for Texas residents. Services: epilepsy clinics,
medication assistance, kids camps, retreats, support
groups, employment, training, information and referral;
professional and public education. 10.03%
053003 Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure
www.komen-houston.org 713-783-9188 … Imagine
life without breast cancer. We can make it a reality by
racing for the cures and funding life-saving research and
community health programs. 15.44%
053004 Lupus Foundation of America, Texas Gulf Coast
www.lupustexas.org 713-529-0126 … Our organization is
dedicated to supporting the lupus community in the Texas
Gulf Region. Programs include outreach and awareness,
education, direct patient services and research. 13.12%
053055 National Multiple Sclerosis Society
www.MSTexas.org 713-394-2900 … Providing programs
and services for people touched by multiple sclerosis.
These include financial assistance, education, information,
wellness programs, research, support groups and
counseling. 22.91%
EarthShare of Texas
[ charitable group code: 03 ]
034054 Buffalo Bayou Partnership
www.buffalobayou.org 713-752-0314 … Revitalizing and
transforming Buffalo Bayou, Houston’s most significant
natural resource. We protect land for future parks and
trails, coordinate capital projects and sponsor wide-ranging
events. 1.29%
034051 SPARK School Park Program
www.sparkpark.org 832-393-0911 … Helps public
schools in the Houston-Harris County area develop their
playgrounds into community parks. 15.16%
473042 Christian Community Service Center
473044 Communities in Schools Houston
www.cishouston.org 713-654-1515 … Programs don’t
change people, relationships do! CIS keeps kids in
school, whatever it takes. Help us guide students towards
graduation and achievement in life. 16.11%
www.gracewood.org 713-988-9757 … Rescuing single
mothers and their children across Greater Houston
through transitional housing and wraparound services
that prevent homelessness, poverty and other barriers to
success. 5.33%
473048 Harris County Hospital District Foundation
www.hchdfoundation.org 716-566-6409 … We provide
support of Harris Health System programs in preventive
and specialized clinics and inpatient hospital care to the
un-insured residents of Harris County. 10.86%
473034 Heritage Society
www.heritagesociety.org 713-655-1912 … Houston’s
cultural history resounds with themes of determination,
courage, and individualism. Help us preserve our
community’s diverse history and bring Houston’s past
alive! 21.09%
473015 Houston Hospice
www.houstonhospice.org 713-467-7423 … Everyone
deserves compassionate end-of-life care, regardless of
their ability to pay. Help us provide quality hospice care to
people of all ages. 13.48%
473002 Houston SPCA
www.houstonspca.org 713-869-SPCA … Orphaned,
abused and neglected animals deserve a second chance.
Help us give these innocent victims a second chance at
life! 17.73%
473050 Junior Achievement of Brazoria County
Local Independent
Charities of Texas
[ charitable group code: 47 ]
473001 Arc of Greater Houston
www.aogh.org 713-957-1600 … Family support,
resources, programs for children and adults with
intellectual and developmental disabilities: respite, camps,
support groups, social and leisure, educational advocacy
for students. 17.84%
473036 Boys and Girls Country of Houston
www.boysandgirlscountry.org 281-351-4976 … We are
home and family to children once neglected, abused, and
abandoned by their families. We love, nurture, and raise
them into healthy, successful adults. 21.52%
www.ja-brazoriacounty.org 979-549-0800 … Educates
youth in financial literacy, basic economics, and work
readiness insuring their quality of life by making them a
self-supporting member of society. 10.06%
473052 Northwest Assistance Ministries
www.namonline.org 281-885-4555 … Neighbors helping
Neighbors; provides food, Meals on Wheels, domestic
abuse and homeless services, shelter/energy assistance,
children’s clinic, senior center, adult education and job
development. 11.13%
473054 Palmer Drug Abuse Program - Houston
www.pdaphouston.org 281-589-4602 … Youth substance
abuse is one of the most serious public health and safety
issues affecting families and our society today. Help us
protect our youth! 23.96%
473056 PTSD Foundation of America
www.ptsdusa.org 832-912-4429 … Our mission is to
provide veterans and their families healing from the
unseen wounds of war and a renewed sense of hope.
473032 S.H.A.P.E. Community Center
www.shape.org 713-521-0629 … Family strengthening
and empowerment programs focusing comprehensively
on education, culture, parenting, youth development,
counseling, prevention, intervention, and elder
intergenerational services for the Greater Houston Area.
473033 Sight Into Sound
www.sightintosound.org 713-622-2767 … We provide
three primary services: Custom Reading, Radio
Programming and Descriptive Services to individuals
who are blind, physically challenged or have learning
differences. 14.12%
473060 Small Steps Nurturing Center
www.ssnc.org 713-236-0330 … Provides an early
childhood education program that fosters the social,
emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual growth of
economically at-risk children and their families. 15.03%
473062 Writers in the Schools
www.witshouston.org 713-523-3877 … Our professional
writers provide creative writing instruction to at-risk
students, improving writing, confidence, test scores, and
creativity. Help offer this life-changing opportunity. 14.24%
Montgomery County
United Way
[ charitable group code: 33 ]
337000 Montgomery County United Way
www.mcuw.org 888-844-6289 … Assist county residents
with health and human service issues by raising funds
for local programs; providing information and referral.
Community volunteers determine distribution of funds.
337030 Angel Reach
www.angelreach.org 281-787-9044 … Providing youth
from foster care backgrounds with living essentials,
life skills, education/career counseling, and individual
mentoring that collectively enable them to become
productive adults. 4.75%
337005 Bridgewood Farms
www.bridgewoodfarms.oeg 936-856-6460 … Residential
and day services for individuals with intellectual
disabilities. Programs provided; continuing education,
horticulture, ceramics, respite, health, physical education,
job training and Special Olympics. 7.47%
337010 Friendship Center, The
www.tfc-seniorservices.org 936-756-5828 … The
Friendship Center - providing senior adult services
in Montgomery County including Meals on Wheels,
Congregate Dining, and Transportation. 5.30%
337011 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
www.gssjc.org 800-392-4340 … Girl Scouting is the
premier leadership development organization where girls
discover themselves, connect with others, and take action
to make the world a better place. 13.98%
337031 Inspiration Ranch
www.pciranch.org 281-719-9322 … Panther Creek
Inspiration Ranch provides specialized equine therapy and
activities for children and adults with physical, mental and
emotional challenges. 15.44%
337026 Literacy Volunteers of America - Montgomery
www.lvamc.org 888-878-9400 … LVAMC: Engage,
educate, and empower our community to fight poverty and
improve the quality of life through adult literacy (ESL, ABE,
GED Preparation, Tutor Training). 9.18%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
337020 Montgomery County Emergency Assistance
www.mcea-tx.org 936-539-1096 … Montgomery County
Emergency Assistance (MCEA) provides temporary
financial assistance and support services to local families
experiencing an unexpected crisis with housing, utilities,
food, clothing, etc. 23.67%
339005 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
local charities
339057 Sunshine Center, Inc.
www.catholiccharities.org 409-948-0405 … Guided by
God’s love, Catholic Charities helps people in southeast
Texas by providing caring, compassionate services and
advocating for social justice. 7.78%
www.sunshinecenterinc.org 409-763-5029 … Providing
services to adults with developmental disabilities
and support programs for their families to enhance
independence, community responsibility, self-esteem and
dignity. Since 1953. 13.03%
337009 Montgomery County Youth Services
339052 Children’s Center, Inc., The
339058 Teen Health Center
www.youthmc.org 800-654-6319 … Montgomery County
Youth Services provides crisis counseling and prevention
programs for school age youth; emergency shelter for
youth 10-17 and street outreach services. 18.56%
www.thechildrenscenterinc.org 409-765-4363 … Serving
a diverse population, providing a quality continuum of
caring that facilitates independent living opportunities for
homeless children, youth, and families. 1.72%
www.teenhealthinc.org 409-938-7250 … School based
health clinics providing free primary, preventative physical
and mental health care to children ages zero to 21, who
live in Galveston County. 15.24%
337024 New Danville
339043 Family Service Center of Galveston County
www.newdanville.org 877-777-2440 … New Danville,
a community for elderly and disabled adults, provides
socialization, physical exercise, nutrition counseling,
education, job training, rental housing, and other life
enriching opportunities. 20.13%
www.fsc-galveston.org 888-267-4994 … Family Service
Center provides mental health counseling, prevention,
and education services to individuals of all ages and their
families regardless of their ability to pay. 7.25%
337028 Salvation Army Conroe Corps
339006 Galveston County Food Bank - Gleanings From
the Harvest
www.salvationarmyhouston.org/conroe 936-760-2440
… Services include community center; emergency and
transitional shelters, subsidized senior housing, family
assistance and counseling, seasonal and disaster relief,
Boys and Girls Clubs, spiritual guidance. 13.67%
www.galvestoncountyfoodbank.org 409-744-4384 …
Providing access to nutritional food for low income,
underserved residents of Galveston County; distributing
approximately 600,00 pounds of food monthly; reaching
20,000 people in need. 3.01%
337025 Tri-County Services
339023 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
www.tricountyservices.org 936-521-6100 … Provides
quality services for individuals with mental illness,
substance abuse, disorders and intellectual/developmental
disabilities to enhance the quality of life in our community.
www.gssjc.org 800-392-4340 … Girl Scouting is the
premier leadership development organization where girls
discover themselves, connect with others, and take action
to make the world a better place. 13.98%
339061 Gulf Coast Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Inc.
United Way
Galveston County Mainland
[ charitable group code: 33 ]
339000 United Way Galveston County Mainland
www.uwgcm.org 409-948-4211 … Connects those who
can help with those who need help in order to improve
the education, health, and financial stability of Galveston
County’s mainland communities. 8.33%
339001 ADA Women’s Center
www.adawomenscenter.org 409-763-516 … Providing
licensed residential substance abuse treatment for women
living in coastal Texas. Women return to their families,
communities, employers with skills for living in society.
339050 Advocacy Center for Children of Galveston
www.galvestonac.org 409-741-6000 … Advocacy Center
coordinates all the agencies involved in the investigation,
prosecution and treatment of child victims of abuse and
advocates for the child’s best interest. 21.26%
339041 Arc of the Gulf Coast
www.arcgulfcoast.org 281-388--1161 … Advocating
for educational services; training for parents; recreation
for clients; assistance with emergency living expenses;
maintain website; distribute newsletters; referrals to other
agencies. 9.56%
339051 Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol, Inc.
www.bacoda.com 800-510-3111 … Providing
comprehensive drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention/
intervention services. Offering screenings, referral, support
services, and education. Many services are free. Serving
Texas Gulf Coast communities. 14.63%
339004 Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
www.bacbsa.org 409-744-5206 … Youth program instilling
life values and leadership development for boys first
through eighth grades and co-ed youth in grades nine
through twelve. 5.73%
www.mentorsgc.oeg 409-763-4638 … Provides youth
from single parent homes with positive adult role models
for encouragement, friendship, social skills development,
and academic achievement through one-to-one mentoring.
339065 Independence Village, The
www.indepence-village.org 409-935-4335 … Providing
safe affordable residential assisted living for adults with
developmental or physical disabilities. It is a happy
home fostering independent lifestyles and community
involvement. 15.36%
339007 InterFaith Caring Ministries
www.icmtx.org 281-332-3881 … Assisting individuals and
families facing crisis with basic needs: food, emergency
rent or utility assistance, childcare and health care costs,
children’s programs and senior services. 10.73%
339047 M. I. Lewis Social Service Center
www.milewisctro.org 281-534-2043 … Providing
emergency assistance with rent, utilities, food, school
supplies, clothing vouchers, Thanksgiving baskets, Food
Fairs, Senior Food Delivery, referrals to other agencies for
additional assistance. 5.18%
339009 NAMI Gulf Coast
www.namigulfcoast.org 888-554-2264 … Providing
support, education and service advocacy for families and
individuals affected by mental illness in Brazoria and
Galveston counties. 9.45%
339056 Resource and Crisis Center of Galveston County
www.rccgc.org 888-919-7233 … Promoting the safety
and well being of victims of domestic violence and sexual
assault through shelter, therapy, and legal services.
339070 Salvation Army of Galveston County, The
www.salvationarmytexas.org 409-763-1691 … The
Salvation Army provides daily mass feedings and overnight
shelter, transitional housing, assistance for food and
clothing, and financial assistance for rent and utilities.
339022 Special Friends
281-482-3991 … The organization goal is to provide
recreational, social and therapeutic programs to the
handicapped regardless of age, sex, ethnic origin, religious
belief or economic status. 6.96%
United Way
of Brazoria County
[ charitable group code: 33 ]
336000 United Way of Brazoria County
www.uwbc.org 800-971-6677 … As the community impact
leader for Brazoria County, UWBC uses contributions to
help strengthen families, promote self-sufficiency, help
people including children an senior citizens. 16.95%
336008 ActionS, Inc. of Brazoria County
979-849-6132 … ActionS provides Congregate Meals,
Transportation, Home Delivered Meals, and Socialization
for Seniors of Brazoria County. 14.25%
336011 Arc of the Gulf Coast
www.arcgulfcoast.org 281-388-1611 … Supporting
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
in their quest for self-determination, ensuring they have
meaningful lives in the communities where they live.
336003 Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
www.bacbsa.org 409-744-5206 … Youth program
instilling life values and leadership development for boys
first through eighth grades and coed youth in grades nine
through twelve. 5.73%
336004 Boys & Girls Club of Brazoria County
www.bgcbc.com 979-373-9668 … Programs focus on:
Character and Leadership Development, Health and Life
Skills, Art, Sports and Recreation, and Education/Career
Development. Serving 2500+ students in Brazoria County.
336007 Brazos Place
www.brazosplace.org 979-233-3826 … Residential and
outpatient treatment facility for adults, 18 years+, who
express a desire to begin the process of recovery from
addiction to alcohol or drugs. 13.05%
336010 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
www.gssjc.org 713-292-0300 … Girl Scouting is the
premier leadership development organization where girls
discover themselves, connect with others, and take action
to make the world a better place. 13.98%
336031 Lone Star Legal Aid
www.lonestarlegal.org 800-244-5492 … Free civil legal
help for low-income Texans, including: health care,
housing, domestic violence, food stamps, social security,
education, employment, consumer, civil rights, disaster
relief. 18.25%
336033 NAMI Gulf Coast
www.namigulfcoast.org 888-554-2264 … Providing
support, education and service advocacy for families and
individuals affected by mental illness in Brazoria and
Galveston counties. 9.45%
336019 Southwest SIDS Research Initiative
www.swsids.org 800-245-7437 … The Southwest SIDS
Research Institute exists to end unexpected infant
mortality (death) through education, support, medical
services and research. 14.70%
local charities
… 2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n United Way
of Greater Houston
[ charitable group code: 33 ]
333000 United Way of Greater Houston
www.unitedwayhouston.org 713-685-2300 … We help
children and families build a stable and lasting foundation,
help individuals rebuild their lives and help seniors live
with dignity and support. 12.04%
339068 Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc
www.avda-tx.org 713-224-9911 … AVDA’s mission is to
end family violence by advocating for victims, promoting
accountability for abusers and fostering a community
response to abuse. 10.11%
333020 American Red Cross
www.redcross.org 866-526-8300 … Provides
compassionate care, here at home and around the
world through Disaster Preparedness and Recovery,
Transportation Services, Services to the Armed Forces and
Volunteer Services. 23.13%
333670 AVANCE - Houston
www.avancehouston.org 713-812-0033 … AVANCE
provides Fatherhood, Healthy Marriage, Head Start, Early
Head Start, Adult Education annually serving 6,200 low
income individuals “cradle to college,” emphasizing two
generations. 10.70%
333600 Avondale House
www.avondalehouse.org 713-993-9544 … Provides
education, residential, and day habilitation services
to children and adults with autism, focusing on their
development of communication, socialization and
independent living skills. 11.34%
333847 Bay Area Rehabilitation Center
www.bayarearehab.org 800-250-2246 … Outpatient
therapy and vocational services provided for those adults
and children in need of medical rehabilitation services and
job assistance in an accessible environment. 14.16%
333840 Bay Area Turning Point, Inc.
www.bayareaturningpoint.com 281-338-7600 …
Comprehensive services include 24 hour hotline,
intervention, emergency and transitional shelter.
Prevention; advocacy; recovery services to survivors of
domestic and sexual violence and violence prevention.
333080 Bridge Over Troubled Waters, The
www.tbotw.org 713-472-0753 … Emergency and
transitional shelter, long-term housing, 24-hour hotline,
non-resident support services, support groups, and victim
advocacy to victims of domestic/sexual violence. 8.56%
333520 Career and Recovery Resources, Inc.
www.careerandrecovery.org 713-754-7000 … Serving
individuals including veterans and individuals with barriers
with Job Readiness Workshops, placement assistance,
career counseling, outpatient substance abuse treatment
through Alternative and Employment Services. 22.47%
333090 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
www.catholiccharities.org/ 800-482-3611 … Catholic
Charities serves 80.000 with 15 programs in nurturing
and caring for children, supporting immigrants/refugees,
promoting independence and dignity, and strengthening
families. 7.78%
333849 Chinese Community Center
www.ccchouston.org 713-271-6100 … CCC helps
over 10,000 diverse families each year with childcare,
youth development, workforce and money management
training, and senior support services to strengthen family
functioning. 9.91%
333690 Colorado Valley Transit, Inc.
333851 Legacy Community Health Services, Inc.
www.gotransit.org 800-548-1068 … Providing
transportation access to doctors, hospitals, senior centers,
employment, shopping, and etc.; supporting their basic
needs to live longer and more fulfilling lives independently.
www.legacycommunityhealth.org 832-548-5000 … Legacy
provides low or no cost health, social, educational, family
planning, behavioral health and supportive services to
indigent, uninsured, and underinsured adults, youth, and
children. 23.33%
339069 Community Family Centers
333340 Lighthouse of Houston, The
www.communityfamilycenters.org 713-923-2316 …
Providing a safety net through community-based, bilingual,
social and educational interconnected services to lowincome families in Houston’s East End for nearly 35,000
people yearly. 3.15%
www.houstonlighthouse.org 713-527-9561 … Vocational
evaluation, work adjustment, career training, volunteers,
therapeutic recreation, vision rehab, information/referral,
diabetes education, outpatient rehab, adult day care,
orientation/mobility, technology training unit. 18.37%
333150 DePelchin Children’s Center
333370 Mental Health America of Greater Houston
www.depelchin.org 888-730-2335 … Providing mental
health, foster care and adoption services for 30,000
children and adolescents and their families in greater
Houston; foster care in other Texas Counties 15.52%
www.mhahouston.org 713-523-8963 … MHA Houston
enhances the mental health of the community and
improves the lives of those with mental illnesses through
education, outreach, and advocacy. 20.82%
333300 Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of
339072 Montgomery County Women’s Center
www.erjcchouston.org 713-729-3200 … Provides
childcare, after school care, youth development, summer
day camps and recreation for special needs groups; senior
services including meals on wheels, transportation and
trips. 19.60%
333160 Family Services of Greater Houston
www.familyservices.org 713-861-4849 … Family Houston
provides counseling, parent education, life skills classes,
marriage education, case management, car loans,
employment readiness, veterans services, and substance
abuse prevention services. 9.30%
333700 FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center
www.familytimeccc.org 281-446-2615 … Restore the
physical, mental and emotional health of victims of abuse
through counseling, crisis intervention, emergency shelter,
legal advocacy, case management, and 24-hour helpline.
333180 Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc.
www.fortbendwomenscenter.org 281-344-5750 …
Services for domestic violence and sexual assault clients
include 24 hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter and
counseling. We also offer community education and
outreach. 14.58%
333200 Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels
www.fortbendseniors.org 800 643-9654 … Fort
Bend Seniors is committed to helping seniors remain
independent by enhancing their quality of life
through services and resources, nutritious meals and
transportation. 19.24%
333210 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
www.gssjc.org 800-392-4340 … Girl Scouting is the
premier leadership development organization where girls
discover themselves, connect with others, and take action
to make the world a better place. 13.98%
333750 Good Neighbor Healthcare Center
www.gnhc.org 713-529-3597 … Providing primary health
and dental care to low income families. 17.13%
333250 Houston Area Women’s Center
www.hawc.org 800-799-7233 … Providing survivors of
domestic and sexual violence with emergency shelter and
support services for recovery and help building healthier
lives for themselves and their family. 18.28%
333460 Innovative Alternatives, Inc.
www.innovativealternatives.org 832-864-6000 … Non
profit professional organization serving our community
through mediation, counseling, and training since 1989.
We find solutions to life’s most difficult people problems.
333310 Jewish Family Service
www.jfshouston.org 713-667-9336 … Provides individuals,
families, seniors, disabled with counseling, employment
services. Hospital, hospice visitation. Domestic violence
prevention. Most programs are available to anyone in
need. 12.01%
www.mcwctx.org 936-441-4044 … Providing transitional
housing, shelter, crisis intervention, legal, and support
services to victims/survivors of family violence, sexual
assault, stalking, and abuse in our community. 19.39%
333710 Montrose Counseling Center, Inc.
www.montrosecenter.org 800-699-0504 … Serving LGBT
and HIV+ communities, providing professional individual
and group therapy; outpatient addiction treatment;
violence survivor support; case management; youth/senior
services; education and outreach. 7.91%
333650 Multicultural Education and Counseling Through
the Arts (MECA)
www.meca-houston.org 713-802-9370 … MECA is a
community based cultural center committed to the healthy
development of underserved youth and adults through
cultural programming academic excellence and support
services. 20.43%
333400 Salvation Army Greater Houston Area, The
www.salvationarmyhouston.org 713-752-0677 … The
Salvation Army Houston serves the community by
embracing the sick and lonely, caring for the poor and
providing compassionate emergency response during
disaster. 13.67%
333853 Sam Houston Council, Boy Scouts of America
www.samhoustonbsa.org 713-659-8111 … Leading youth
to lifelong values, service and achievement. 2.21%
333420 Santa Maria Hostel, Inc.
www.santamariahostel.org 713-691-0900 … Provides
substance abuse treatment, mental health services,
transitional housing and supportive services, including
case management, educational/vocational services, life
skills, and recovery support for women. 9.70%
333854 SEARCH Homeless Services
www.searchhomeless.org 713-739-7752 … SEARCH
Homeless Services helps people move from the streets,
into jobs, and safe, stable housing. Our ultimate goal is for
our clients to become sufficient. 13.77%
333450 Spaulding for Children
www.spauldingforchildren.org 1-800-460-6298 …
Providing children in need of a loving home with the joy of
having one. Programs include no-fee adoption, foster care,
and post adoption services. 7.69%
334185 Star of Hope Mission
www.sohmission.org 713-440-5300 … Agency serves
homeless individuals and families. Positive life changes are
encouraged through programs focusing on spiritual growth,
education, employment, life management, and substance
abuse recovery. 15.70%
333820 Target Hunger
www.targethunger.org 713-226-4953 … System of
food pantries, community gardens, and self-sufficiency
programs - works to alleviate hunger and its root causes of
Houston’s inner city. 4.08%
2 0 1 5 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
local charities
333560 Wesley Community Center
334013 Eye Care for Kids Foundation
334035 Southeast Texas Food Bank
www.wesleyhousehouston.org 713-223-8131 … Wesley
Community Center is a social service agency that ministers
to the needs of individuals and families by helping people
help themselves and each other. 14.59%
www.eyecareforkids.org 713-728-5437 … Provides free
eye exams and glasses to 3,000 low-income, uninsured
children in Greater Houston. Conducts vision screening for
30,000+ children in area schools and events. 24.57%
www.setxfoodbank.org 409-839-8777 … Distributes
wholesome food to low-income or disaster affected
residents in eight counties through approximately 130
member agencies to improve public access to adequate
nutrition. 5.31%
333570 Women’s Home, The
334172 Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
www.thewomenshome.org 713-521-3150 … The Women’s
Home provides housing and individually tailored support
services to help prevent and end homelessness in the
Houston area. 17.81%
www.westrengthenfamilies.org 409-833-2668 … Combats
family breakdown, domestic violence, and child abuse with
counseling, preventative education, and domestic violence
shelter and support services. 10.54%
Local Unaffiliated Charities
[ charitable group code: 33 ]
334030 100 Club, The
www.the100club.org 713-952-0100 … 62 year old
non-profit providing financial aid to dependents of Peace
Officers & Firefighters killed in the line of duty in 31
counties surrounding Houston. 24.19%
334001 Access Care of Coastal Texas (ACCT)
www.supportacct.org 800-755-0440 … Access Care
of Coastal Texas (ACCT) - Providing education, testing,
care and support services for HIV-Infected residents of
Galveston, Brazoria, and Matagorda counties. 10.58%
334024 Bay Area Habitat for Humanity
www.bahfh.org 281-337-3590 … Bringing together people
from diverse backgrounds to build or repair homes; giving
hope to working families and greater cohesion to the local
community. 16.56%
334135 Bering Omega Community Services
www.beringomega.org 713-341-3777 … Nurturing the
well-being, and meeting the physical, emotional and
spiritual needs of persons affected by HIV/AIDS through
compassionate health care and social services. 15.36%
334072 Brentwood Community Foundation
www.brentwoodfoundation.org 713-852-1452 … Provides
transitional housing, rent and utility payments, food
toiletries, and transportation for HIV positive clients.
Scholarships for college students; and education and
social service programs. 1.73%
334011 Camp For All Foundation
www.campforall.org 713-686-5666 … Camp For All - a
barrier free camp working in partnership with other nonprofits to enrich the lives of over 10,000 children and
adults with special needs per year. 19.44%
334002 Casa de Esperanza de los Niños, Inc.
www.casahope.org 713-529-0639 … A safe place for
young children in crisis due to abuse, neglect or HIV/AIDS,
providing residential care and coordinating medical and
psychological services. 10.02%
334005 Children’s Assessment Center Foundation, The
www.cachouston.org 713-986-3300 … Providing a
professional, compassionate and coordinated approach
to the treatment of sexually abused children and their
families and serving as an advocate for all children. 3.84%
334015 CHRISTUS Foundation for HealthCare
www.christusfoundation.org 7136523100 … Provides
healthcare and health education to the most vulnerable
in the community with special emphasis on the elderly,
children, and the poor. 21.00%
334141 Citizens for Animal Protection
www.cap4pets.org 281-497-0591 … Citizens for Animal
Protection is committed to sheltering, rescuing and placing
animals in loving homes, relieving animal suffering, and
providing humane education to the community. 19.76%
334171 Compassionate Touch, Inc
www.compassionatetouch.org 713-524-1974 … Providing
short term emergency funding with lodging, meals,
parking, groceries, rent, utilities and travel expenses to
patients or their caregivers through hospital social services
department. 1.31%
334006 Galveston Island Humane Society
334163 Texas Center for the Missing
www.centerforthemissing.org 713-559-0235 … TCM is
Houston’s Amber Alert provider; offers child abduction/
cyber enticement prevention programs; and provides
search and rescue resources to law enforcement. 12.34%
www.galvestonhumane.org 409-740-1919 … Sheltering
abandoned and neglected pets while providing animal
healthcare. Promoting the adoption of pets. Pet population
control and pet fostering. Pet therapy for local hospitals.
334190 Texas Defender Service
334186 H.E.A.R.T. Program, The
334179 Three Rivers Council, Boy Scouts of America
www.heartprogram.org 713-692-4278 … Promoting
structured independence to adults with developmental
disabilities. Known for Houston’s H.E.A.R.T. Program
teaching trainees to work in the community through
vending and concessions. 12.78%
www.3riversbsa.org 409-842-5240 … To instill values in
young people and prepare them to make ethical choices
over their lifetime in achieving their full potential 13.36%
334023 Houston Food Bank
www.houstonfoodbank.org 713-223-3700 … Feeds
800,000 people annually, distributing food through 600
hunger relief agencies in 18 southeast Texas Counties.
Offering nutrition and education for children, seniors, and
families. 3.96%
334192 Houston Habitat for Humanity
www.houstonhabitat.org 713-671-9993 … Transform
lives by building affordable homes and communities for
hard-working families who contribute “sweat equity” and
purchase homes with no interest mortgage. 6.31%
334018 Houston Humane Society
www.houstonhumane.org 713-433-6421 … Nonprofit
animal shelter dedicated to eliminating cruelty, neglect,
and the overpopulation of animals. Offers adoptions,
education, cruelty investigations and low cost spay/neuter
clinic. 11.25%
334074 Kids’ Meals, Inc
www.kidsmealshouston.org 713-695-5437 … We are
ending hunger among children by delivering 2,200
nutritious meals, daily to the doors of pre-school children,
free of cost, year round. 16.96%
334050 Nutrition & Services for Seniors
www.seniormeals.org 409-892-4455 … Provide over
429,000 noon meals and transportation to seniors and
disabled clients. Services are aimed at increasing a
person’s independence and reducing isolation. 4.57%
334174 Rape & Suicide Crisis of Southeast Texas, Inc.
www.rapesuicidebeaumont.org 409-832-6530 … Rape &
Suicide Crisis of Southeast Texas provides information and
assistance to individuals and families of sexual assault/
other crime victims, general crisis/suicide prevention.
334175 SIRE, Inc.
www.sire-htec.org 281-356-7588 … SIRE Therapeutic
Horsemanship provides strength, confidence, and
independence for 290 clients a year at 3 accredited
Houston-area locations. 20.11%
334169 Society of St. Vincent de Paul
www.svdphouston.org 713-741-8234 … The Society of St.
Vincent de Paul offers person to person service to the poor
including food, clothing, furniture, rent, utility, medical and
emergency assistance. 5.29%
334176 South East Texas Council on Alcohol & Drug
www.setcada.org 409-842-2408 … Unity Treatment
Center Residential and Right Choice Outpatient Treatment
in Beaumont and Orange providing critical substance
abuse treatment services since 1958 in Southeast Texas
www.texasdefender.org 713-222-7788 … Works for a
more fair and just criminal justice system. We represent
clients, we train others, we advocate smart policies, we
fight wrongful convictions. 7.94%
334187 TWRC Wildlife Center
www.twrcwildlifecenter.org 716-468-8972 … An
emergency care facility for Texas wildlife; community
educational programming and training focused on wildlife
and the environment for adults and children. 18.03%
334069 United Negro College Fund, Inc
www.uncf.org 713-942-8623 … Nation’s largest and
most successful higher education assistance organization;
provides financial support to 37 member colleges;
manages over 400 scholarships; national advocate for
minority education. 12.34%
334037 United Way of Baytown Area
www.unitedwayBGACC.org 281-424-5922 … United Way
of Greater Baytown Area & Chambers County develops,
promotes and supports solutions to meet targeted
community needs of East Harris and Chambers Counties.
334045 United Way of Beaumont and North Jefferson
www.uwbmt.org 409-835-4575 … Uniting the
community’s resources of donors, volunteers and
organizations to improve quality of life in Southeast Texas
by focusing on Education, Income Stability & Health.
334183 University of Texas Health Science Center at
www.utexasfoundation.org 512-473-8985 … Most
comprehensive UT System institution with schools of
medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, biomedical
sciences and bioinformatics dedicated to education,
discovery, treatment and prevention. 2.99%
334104 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
www.utexasfoundation.org 512-473-8985 … Supports one
of the world’s premiere comprehensive cancer centers
dedicated to the highest quality multidisciplinary patient
care, medical and scientific research, cancer education
and prevention. 2.99%
334031 UTMB Good Neighbor Program
512-473-8985 … The Good Neighbor Program provides
assistance to inpatients and outpatients receiving care at
UTMB hospitals and any of the 80 clinics in Southeast
Texas. 2.99%
334188 Young Audiences of Houston / Houston Arts
www.yahouston.org 713-520-9267 … Young Audiences
of Houston offers arts-in-education programming in all
disciplines of the arts tailored for youth in school and
community settings. 6.34%
statewide charities
… 2 0 1 2 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n 2 7
334030 100 Club, The.............................................26
085142 Autism Society of America............................12
334002 Casa de Esperanza de los Niños, Inc..............26
085000 ABC – America’s Best Charities.....................12
050094 Autism Speaks.............................................17
339005 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
050062 Ability Connection Texas (ACT)......................17
085011 Autoimmune Diseases Association.................12
334001 Access Care of Coastal Texas (ACCT)..............26
333670 AVANCE - Houston.......................................25
040301 Accion International.....................................19
333600 Avondale House...........................................25
470092 ACLU Foundation of Texas, Inc......................20
085229 Baptist Charities of America..........................12
085253 Catholic Relief Services - USCCB..................13
336008 ActionS, Inc. of Brazoria County....................24
085230 Baptist Children’s Home Ministries................12
085018 Catholics For The Poor and Needy Worldwide.. 13
339001 ADA Women’s Center....................................24
035581 Bat Conservation International.......................18
020401 Catholics United for Life...............................16
500000 Adopt-A-Beach – Texas General Land Office....16
339051 Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol, Inc.......24
085335 Celiac Central, National Foundation for
085056 Adoptable Children (North American Council).12
339004 Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America.......24
085268 Adoption Exchange......................................12
336003 Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America.......24
085155 Adoptions by Cradle of Hope.........................12
334024 Bay Area Habitat for Humanity......................26
339050 Advocacy Center for Children of Galveston
333847 Bay Area Rehabilitation Center......................25
470063 Center for Public Policy Priorities..................20
333840 Bay Area Turning Point, Inc...........................25
473038 Child Advocates of Fort Bend........................23
085231 Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s
473040 Child Advocates, Inc....................................23
035519 African Wildlife Foundation...........................18
085301 Aid For Starving Children..............................12
470066 Bereavement and Grief Camp for Children -
333090 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
Celiac Awareness.........................................13
035545 Center for Maximum Potential Building
085196 Child Find of America...................................13
085307 Child Rescue International............................13
339068 Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc............25
Camp Agape................................................20
040324 ChildFund International................................19
050064 Alliance for a Healthier Generation................17
334135 Bering Omega Community Services................26
085198 Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation................13
085356 Alopecia Areata Foundation National..............12
085116 Best Buddies for Children and Adults with
470070 Children At Heart Foundation........................20
050002 Alzheimer’s Association................................17
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities....12
085336 Children Awaiting Parents.............................13
085330 Alzheimer’s Foundation of America................12
085042 Bethany Christian Services............................12
085362 Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation...........13
085194 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention
035523 Beyond Pesticides........................................18
085272 Children of the Night....................................13
085333 Big Cat Rescue Corp....................................12
470071 Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas.............20
035558 BikeTexas Education Fund............................18
334005 Children’s Assessment Center Foundation,
085113 Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Fisher
483151 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association............21
020400 America’s Charities......................................16
085013 Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc..........12
085004 America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps,
085252 Black Charities for Children, Families,
050095 Children’s Bereavement Center of
South Texas.................................................17
482024 Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund................21
085175 American Association for Cancer Research.....12
035605 Blackland Prairie Raptor Center.....................18
085273 Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation..........13
050004 American Cancer Society..............................17
482012 Blessings International.................................21
339052 Children’s Center, Inc., The...........................24
050005 American Diabetes Association......................17
085304 Boone and Crockett Club..............................12
035592 Children’s Environmental Health Institute.......18
482007 American Family Association.........................21
085357 Born Free USA: Keep Wildlife in the Wild.......12
482027 Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency
085005 American Freedom Foundation, Inc...............12
022734 Boy Scouts of America..................................16
050007 American Heart Association..........................17
336004 Boys & Girls Club of Brazoria County..............24
085091 American Humane Association......................12
473036 Boys and Girls Country of Houston.................23
085271 American Indian College Fund.......................12
085358 Brain Injury Association of America...............12
040305 American Jewish World Service.....................19
085002 Brain Tumor Association, American (ABTA).....12
050041 American Liver Foundation...........................17
336007 Brazos Place................................................24
085275 Children’s Hunger Fund................................13
040371 American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA).....19
085214 Breast Cancer African American, Sisters
482028 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund.......................21
050096 Children’s Heart Foundation - Texas Chapter,
085274 Children’s Hospital & Research Center
333020 American Red Cross.....................................25
Network Inc.................................................12
040313 American Refugee Committee.......................19
482100 Breast Cancer Charities of America................21
Central Texas...............................................20
035502 American Rivers...........................................18
482018 Breast Cancer Research Foundation...............21
085033 Children’s Medical Ministries........................13
085331 American Sexual Health Association..............12
024552 Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas........16
024590 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.............16
334072 Brentwood Community Foundation.................26
085179 Children’s Organ Transplant Association.........13
085302 Amigos de las Americas................................12
333080 Bridge Over Troubled Waters, The..................25
333849 Chinese Community Center...........................25
020416 Amnesty International USA...........................16
337005 Bridgewood Farms........................................23
085028 Christian Care International-Food and
040302 Amref Health Africa.....................................19
470067 Buckner Retirement Services........................20
Medicine for People In Need.........................13
337030 Angel Reach................................................23
034054 Buffalo Bayou Partnership............................23
473042 Christian Community Service Center..............23
470046 Animal Defense League of Texas....................20
470068 Burke Center for Youth.................................20
482074 Christian Legal Society.................................21
085007 Animal Slaughter & Child Starvation Stop
085215 C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation.........................13
482080 Christian Military Fellowship.........................21
470072 Children’s Medical Center Foundation of
334011 Camp For All Foundation..............................26
482030 Christian Relief Fund...................................22
024596 Animal Trustees of Austin.............................16
334015 CHRISTUS Foundation for HealthCare...........26
085332 Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and OCD Education
085306 Cancer Coalition, The National......................13
040310 Church World Service...................................19
and Research Foundation.............................12
085216 Cancer Curing Society..................................13
334141 Citizens for Animal Protection.......................26
473001 Arc of Greater Houston.................................23
085360 Cancer Research America - NFCR..................13
035569 Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Education
470024 Arc of Texas, The.........................................20
085170 Cancer Research and Assistance - VHL..........13
339041 Arc of the Gulf Coast....................................24
024561 Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
336011 Arc of the Gulf Coast....................................24
085009 Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association
(Prevent Cancer Foundation).........................16
085213 Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon -
050051 City of Hope................................................17
035538 Clean Water Fund of Texas............................18
085364 Cleft Palate Foundation................................13
STAR Foundation.........................................12
Walter Winchell Foundation...........................13
035609 Coastal Bend Bays Foundation......................18
470065 Arrow Child & Family Ministries.....................20
050053 Cancer Research Institute.............................17
333690 Colorado Valley Transit, Inc...........................25
050010 Arthritis Foundation South Central Region......17
085176 Canine Assistants.........................................13
473044 Communities in Schools Houston..................23
085131 Asian Children’s Rescue & Relief Fund...........12
085029 Canine Companions for Independence............13
339069 Community Family Centers...........................25
580000 Assistance to Domestic Victims of Human
085104 Canines for Disabled Kids.............................13
050000 Community Health Charities Texas.................17
Trafficking – HHSC.......................................17
334171 Compassionate Touch, Inc............................26
483142 Association of Christian Schools International.21
333520 Career and Recovery Resources, Inc...............25
085060 Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS)......13
035544 Audubon Foundation of Texas........................18
024502 Caring for Children Foundation of Texas, Inc...16
085161 Conservation and Protection of Public Lands..13
085158 Autism Intervention and Treatment Research --
085014 CASA - Court Appointed Advocates for Abused
035540 Conservation Fund, The................................18
Organization for Autism Research..................12
035531 Conservation International Foundation...........18
2 0 1 2 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n …
statewide charities
085178 Correctional Peace Officers Foundation..........13
040314 Freedom from Hunger...................................19
470073 Covenant House Texas..................................20
035582 Friends of Big Bend National Park.................18
050012 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, North
337010 Friendship Center, The.................................23
040351 International Relief Teams............................20
040348 International Orthodox Christian Charities
Texas Chapter..............................................17
085373 Fund for Animals, The..................................14
040319 International Rescue Committee....................20
085031 Cure Alzheimer’s Fund..................................13
540000 Fund for Veterans’ Assistance........................19
050015 JDRF International.......................................17
050013 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Lone Star
035599 Galveston Bay Foundation.............................18
333310 Jewish Family Service...................................25
339006 Galveston County Food Bank - Gleanings
473050 Junior Achievement of Brazoria County...........23
From the Harvest.........................................24
085377 K.I.D.S./Fashion Delivers, Inc........................14
334006 Galveston Island Humane Society..................26
035586 Katy Prairie Conservancy...............................18
085365 Deaf Children’s Literacy Project.....................13
482022 Gateway for Cancer Research........................22
482115 Keep a Child Alive........................................22
035504 Defenders of Wildlife....................................18
337011 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council.................23
085182 Kidney Cancer Research and Education
085366 Delta Research and Educational Foundation...13
339023 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council.................24
333150 DePelchin Children’s Center..........................25
336010 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council.................24
334074 Kids’ Meals, Inc...........................................26
085025 Diabetes Action Research and Education
053001 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Texas Gulf Coast
333210 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council.................25
333851 Legacy Community Health Services, Inc.........25
020459 Give Kids The World.....................................16
050016 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The..............17
020409 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation...16
085310 Giving Children Hope...................................14
085126 Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation.........14
024537 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc... 16
483145 Glaucoma Research Foundation.....................22
482084 Leukemia Research Foundation.....................22
085367 Direct Relief................................................13
040300 Global Impact..............................................19
333340 Lighthouse of Houston, The..........................25
085038 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable
085040 Gluten Intolerance Group of North America....14
482046 Lions Clubs International Foundation.............22
Service Trust................................................13
333750 Good Neighbor Healthcare Center..................25
337026 Literacy Volunteers of America - Montgomery
085368 Disabled Children’s Fund..............................13
040336 Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans
085256 Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation.........14
085378 Live Laugh Love Give, Inc.............................14
Frontières USA............................................19
035603 Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance...................18
024546 LIVESTRONG Foundation, The......................16
085369 Dogs Deserve Better Inc................................13
035601 Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust.......................18
470000 Local Independent Charities of Texas.............20
085068 Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans
085374 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind...............14
336031 Lone Star Legal Aid......................................24
085290 Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc........................14
085379 Lung Cancer Alliance...................................15
085337 Dogs for the Deaf, Inc..................................13
085311 Guide Dogs of America.................................14
050017 Lupus Foundation of America Texas...............17
085309 Domestic Violence Hotline, National..............14
339061 Gulf Coast Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Inc......24
053004 Lupus Foundation of America, Texas Gulf
024553 Dress for Success Worldwide.........................16
334186 H.E.A.R.T. Program, The...............................26
Coast Chapter..............................................23
035500 EarthShare of Texas......................................18
085312 Habitat for Humanity International................14
470076 Lutheran Social Services of the South............21
050097 Easter Seals Central Texas............................17
473048 Harris County Hospital District Foundation.....23
040335 Lutheran World Relief...................................20
085222 HawkWatch International..............................14
085341 Lymphoma Foundation of America.................15
035548 Ecology Action of Texas................................18
040342 Health Volunteers Overseas...........................19
085125 Lymphoma Research Foundation...................15
085370 Educate the Children....................................14
040316 Helen Keller International.............................19
339047 M. I. Lewis Social Service Center...................24
035549 Endangered Species Media Project................18
085041 Help the Children.........................................14
020426 Make-A-Wish Foundation of America..............16
035594 Environmental and Energy Study Institute......18
470075 Helping Hand Home for Children...................20
040376 MAP International........................................20
035550 Environmental Defense Fund, Texas Office.....18
470042 Helping Restore Ability.................................20
050018 March of Dimes Foundation, Texas Chapter....17
035507 Environmental Law Institute..........................18
085181 Herbal Medicine Institute.............................14
085343 Marine Corps -- Law Enforcement Foundation.15
085371 EOD Warrior Foundation...............................14
473034 Heritage Society..........................................23
085344 Marine Corps League Foundation Inc.............15
050033 Epilepsy Foundation of Central & South
035596 Hill Country Conservancy..............................18
085345 Matthew 25: Ministries.................................15
085035 Hispanic Scholarship Fund...........................14
333370 Mental Health America of Greater Houston.....25
053060 Epilepsy Foundation of Texas........................23
024542 Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, The...................16
050019 Mental Health America of Texas....................17
085279 Equine Land Conservation Resource..............14
085338 Holt International Children’s Services.............14
040365 Mercy Corps................................................20
333300 Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community
482087 Home School Foundation..............................22
482120 Mercy Ships................................................22
Center of Houston........................................25
085258 Homes For Our Troops..................................14
470077 Methodist Children’s Home...........................21
334013 Eye Care for Kids Foundation........................26
085226 Hope for the Hungry.....................................14
085239 Methodist Mission Home..............................15
085039 FACES: The National Craniofacial Association.14
085047 Hope For The Warriors..................................14
085380 Mexican American Legal Defense and
339043 Family Service Center of Galveston County.....24
085045 Hospice Foundation for End-of-Life Care........14
Educational Fund.........................................15
333160 Family Services of Greater Houston................25
085046 Hospice Foundation of America.....................14
482050 Mexican Medical..........................................22
334172 Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.........26
035610 Houston Advanced Research Center...............18
085049 Military Child Education Coalition..................15
085235 Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute..14
053003 Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the
085129 Military Officers Association of America
333700 FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center........25
Scholarship Fund.........................................15
085076 Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM).........14
333250 Houston Area Women’s Center.......................25
482081 Mission Aviation Fellowship..........................22
020470 Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home.......................16
334023 Houston Food Bank......................................26
337020 Montgomery County Emergency Assistance.....24
024510 Feed the Children........................................16
334192 Houston Habitat for Humanity.......................26
337000 Montgomery County United Way....................23
020901 Fellowship of Christian Athletes.....................16
473015 Houston Hospice..........................................23
339072 Montgomery County Women’s Center..............25
040311 FINCA International.....................................19
334018 Houston Humane Society..............................26
337009 Montgomery County Youth Services................24
085327 Fisher House Foundation..............................14
473002 Houston SPCA.............................................23
333710 Montrose Counseling Center, Inc...................25
482036 Focus on the Family.....................................22
085313 Humane Farm Animal Care...........................14
470078 Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin........................21
020402 Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc.........16
085375 Humane Society of the United States.............14
085346 Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation......................15
085372 Food, Medicine and Clothing for the Poor.......14
050050 Huntington’s Disease Society of America,
333650 Multicultural Education and Counseling
333180 Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc...........25
Through the Arts (MECA)..............................25
333200 Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels...............25
085376 In God We Trust Foundation, Inc...................14
085381 Multiple Sclerosis, Can Do............................15
470074 Foster’s Home For Children...........................20
339065 Independence Village, The............................24
050020 Muscular Dystrophy Association.....................17
483144 Foundation Fighting Blindness......................22
085123 India Partners..............................................14
024547 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund..16
050098 Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), The..17
333460 Innovative Alternatives, Inc...........................25
020431 NAACP Special Contribution Fund.................16
085062 Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin
337031 Inspiration Ranch........................................23
339009 NAMI Gulf Coast..........................................24
Types, Inc...................................................14
085280 Institute for Creation Research......................14
336033 NAMI Gulf Coast..........................................24
085164 FRAXA Research Foundation.........................14
339007 InterFaith Caring Ministries...........................24
050042 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
085348 Free to Breathe............................................14
040318 International Eye Foundation.........................19
statewide charities
020435 National Black Child Development Institute....16
483146 National Brain Tumor Society........................22
085108 National Center for Missing & Exploited
… 2 0 1 2 S t a t e E m p l o y ee C h a r i t a ble C a m p a i g n 2 9
339056Resource and Crisis Center of Galveston
339058 Teen Health Center......................................24
470086 Texans Can!.................................................21
085328Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation..............15
470087 Texans Care for Children Inc..........................21
085225Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation....................15
470037 Texas Association Against Sexual Assault........21
085095 National Children’s Advocacy Center..............15
020465Ronald McDonald House Charities.................17
470088 Texas Baptist Children’s Home......................21
482155 National Day of Prayer Task Force..................22
470081Ronald McDonald House Charities of San
035578 Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund.....19
024556 National Down Syndrome Society..................16
470089 Texas CASA.................................................21
050021 National Kidney Foundation..........................17
473058Ronald McDonald House of Galveston............23
334163 Texas Center for the Missing..........................26
053055 National Multiple Sclerosis Society................23
470033Rose, The....................................................21
470017 Texas Council on Family Violence...................21
050022 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Texas.......17
040350Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.......20
334190 Texas Defender Service.................................26
024539 National Organization for Rare Disorders
473032 S.H.A.P.E. Community Center.......................23
470090 Texas Department of Public Safety
337028 Salvation Army Conroe Corps.........................24
035589 National Parks Conservation Association.........18
333400 Salvation Army Greater Houston Area, The......25
470043 Texas Homeless Network...............................21
050054 National Psoriasis Foundation.......................18
339070 Salvation Army of Galveston County, The........24
550000 Texas Match the Promise Foundation.............22
024559 National Trust for Historic Preservation in the
040338 Salvation Army World Service Office
035553 Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation..............19
United States..............................................17
035522 National Wildlife Federation – South Central
333853 Sam Houston Council, Boy Scouts
050040 Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children........18
035572 Texas Solar Energy Society............................19
Regional Center...........................................18
of America..................................................25
060000 Texas State History Museum (Donations)........22
035512 Natural Resources Defense Council................19
482062 Samaritan’s Purse........................................22
060001 Texas State History Museum (Memberships)...22
035513 Nature Conservancy of Texas, The..................19
035597 San Marcos River Foundation........................19
334179 Three Rivers Council, Boy Scouts of America..26
482085 Navigators, The............................................22
333420 Santa Maria Hostel, Inc................................25
020404 Thurgood Marshall College Fund....................17
482057 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc.........22
510000 Save Texas History - Texas General Land
085208 Transplants, The National Foundation for.......16
482000 Neighbor To Nation......................................21
085353 Travis Manion Foundation.............................16
337024 New Danville...............................................24
040326 Save the Children.........................................20
337025 Tri-County Services.......................................24
473052 Northwest Assistance Ministries....................23
333854 SEARCH Homeless Services..........................25
024593 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance...........................17
334050 Nutrition & Services for Seniors.....................26
085322 Seeing Eye, Inc............................................15
334187 TWRC Wildlife Center...................................26
482056 Officers’ Christian Fellowship........................22
085260 Semper Fi Fund...........................................15
040329 UNICEF, U.S. Fund for.................................20
482160 Operation Blessing International Relief and
470045 Service Dogs, Inc.........................................21
040328 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.......20
050027 Sickle Cell Association Marc Thomas
482065 United Leukodystrophy Foundation................22
Development Corp........................................22
085382 Operation Compassion..................................15
085055 Operation Homefront....................................15
035539 Sierra Club Foundation, Texas Chapter, The....19
040317 Opportunity International..............................20
473033 Sight Into Sound..........................................23
334069 United Negro College Fund, Inc.....................26
482086 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation..............22
334175 SIRE, Inc....................................................26
040366 United Seamen’s Service..............................20
020403 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund......................17
085352 Skin and Dental Dysfunction Foundation........15
339000 United Way Galveston County Mainland..........24
473054 Palmer Drug Abuse Program - Houston...........23
085190 Skin Cancer Foundation................................15
334037 United Way of Baytown Area.........................26
040373 Pan American Development Foundation.........20
473060 Small Steps Nurturing Center........................23
334045 United Way of Beaumont and North Jefferson
050061 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.................18
482170 Society of St. Andrew, The............................22
085383 Parkinson’s Research - The Michael J. Fox
334169 Society of St. Vincent de Paul.......................26
336000 United Way of Brazoria County......................24
085384 Soldiers’ Angels...........................................15
333000 United Way of Greater Houston......................25
334176 South East Texas Council on Alcohol & Drug
334183 University of Texas Health Science Center at
Foundation for Parkinson’s Research..............15
040372 PCI-Media Impact........................................20
085349 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the
040352 United Methodist Committee on Relief
United States, Inc........................................15
334035 Southeast Texas Food Bank...........................26
035577 Peregrine Fund, The.....................................19
085207 Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc.......................15
035535 Pesticide Action Network North America........19
470082 Southwest Key Programs, Inc........................21
334031 UTMB Good Neighbor Program......................26
085224 PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of
334104 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
336019 Southwest SIDS Research Initiative...............24
482090 V Foundation, The........................................22
034051 SPARK School Park Program.........................23
085008 Vegan Outreach............................................16
020433 PetSmart Charities, Inc................................17
333450 Spaulding for Children..................................25
085387 Veteran Tickets Foundation...........................16
085203 PKD Foundation..........................................15
085191 Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)........15
085324 Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation..............16
040378 Plan International USA.................................20
085385 Special Forces Charitable Trust.....................15
085355 Victims of Crime, National Center for.............16
470039 Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.....................21
339022 Special Friends............................................24
482068 Voice of the Martyrs, The..............................22
470079 Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc.......21
470083 Special Olympics Texas................................21
024508 VSA arts of Texas.........................................17
470054 Planned Parenthood San Antonio...................21
085112 Special Olympics, Inc...................................15
040375 Water For People..........................................20
470056 Planned Parenthood South Texas Surgical
085111 Special Operations Warrior Foundation...........15
333560 Wesley Community Center.............................26
085284 Spinal Cord Injury Network International........15
035570 Wildflower Donor Inc....................................19
020477 Population Connection..................................17
085065 Spondylitis Association of America................15
085210 Wildlife Conservation Fund of America...........16
050024 Prevent Blindness Texas...............................18
050028 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital............18
035580 Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation................19
470080 Prevent Child Abuse Texas............................21
470084 St. Jude’s Ranch for Children Texas Region....21
333570 Women’s Home, The.....................................26
040325 Project HOPE..............................................20
334185 Star of Hope Mission....................................25
482072 World Concern - A Division of CRISTA
470062 Project MEND..............................................21
473056 PTSD Foundation of America........................23
035556 State of Texas Alliance for Recycling..............19
040331 World Relief................................................20
035555 Public Citizen..............................................19
085386 Suicide Awareness Voices of Education..........15
040356 World Renew...............................................20
085058 Public Employees for Environmental
339057 Sunshine Center, Inc....................................24
040377 World Vision................................................20
085012 Sunshine Kids Foundation............................15
035568 World Wildlife Fund......................................19
035514Rails-to-Trails Conservancy............................19
085264 Support Our Troops......................................16
085288 Wounded Warrior Emergency Support Fund....16
035543Rainforest Alliance.......................................19
035588 Surfrider Foundation....................................19
085388 Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation.........16
334174Rape & Suicide Crisis of Southeast Texas,
050056 Susan G. Komen Texas.................................18
473062 Writers in the Schools...................................23
035608 Sustainable Food Center...............................19
470091 Write-Way Prison Ministries...........................21
333820 Target Hunger..............................................25
334188 Young Audiences of Houston / Houston Arts
085206Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network
470035 Tarrant Area Food Bank................................21