AbstractID: 8614 Title: A Computer Program for Nuclear Medicine Room Shielding Calculations As part of the process of designing a new clinical building that will house a large Nuclear Medicine department including PET, a computer program was written in the Java programming language to streamline the determination of the radiation shielding requirements in the department. The program takes as input a JPEG-formatted image of the floor plan or elevation and calibrates its dimensions. The user specifies radioactive point sources by nuclide, location, average activity, and the fraction of the work week that they are present. The program calculates the exposure field over the entire area of the image, with and without shielding. Shielding barriers are specified as straight line segments composed of a thickness of lead or concrete. Zones having specific exposure limits may be specified. Color-coded displays of the exposure field are displayed. The parameters of a particular pixel in the exposure field image, including unshielded and shielded exposures, the most restrictive constraint imposed by the exposure limitation zones, and a table of the contributions to the exposure at that point by each source can be viewed. Tables of the sources, shielding and exposure zones may be saved for incorporation into the documentation of the design. With this tool, a preliminary estimate of the required shielding for a project takes only an hour. One can then modify shielding components and source characteristics to interactively refine the estimate. Performing these estimates by hand consumes more time and may not yield so thorough an analysis of the exposure field.