OFFICE COLLABORATION SYSTEM AZIMAH ISHAK A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Information Technology - Management) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems Universiti Teknologi Malaysia OCTOBER 2005 PSZ19:16(Pind.1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS◆ JUDUL : SESI PENGAJIAN : . Saya (HURUF BESAR) Mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut :1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan ( 9 ) SULIT TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap : Nama Penyelia Tarikh : CATATAN : Tarikh : * ** ◆ Potong yang tidak berkenaan Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) “We hereby declare that we have read this thesis and in our opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Information Technology - Management)”. Signature : ……………………………….……… Name of Supervisor 1 : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Sahibuddin Date : Signature : ……………………………….……… Name of Supervisor 2 : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harihodin Selamat Date : Contoh pengesahan Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah/Fakulti/Agensi Kerjasama BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _______________________ dengan _______________________ Disahkan oleh: Tandatangan : ......................................................... Nama : ......................................................... Jawatan : ......................................................... Tarikh : .......................... (Cop rasmi) * Jika penyediaan tesis/projek melibatkan kerjasama. BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam : ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Nama Penyelia Lain (jika ada) : ................................................................. ................................................................. Disahkan oleh Penolong Pendaftar di SPS: Tandatangan : ................................................................. Nama : ................................................................. Tarikh : ........................ ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled “OFFICE COLLABORATION SYSTEM” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any degree. Signature : ..................................... Name : Azimah Ishak Date : 26 October 2005 iii DEDICATION Dedicated to my beloved sister and family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to extend her grateful appreciation to all those who have contributed directly and indirectly to the preparation of this thesis. Specially the author wishes to extend her thanks to Associate Professor Dr. Shamsul Sahibuddin and Associate Professor Dr. Harihodin Selamat, Project Supervisors, for their advice, guidance and encouragement throughout the preparation of this thesis. Special thanks to the reviews, assessments and comments from the Panel of Assessors, which are significant in contributing toward the betterment of the thesis. Finally, the author expresses her sincere thanks to her family members and friends for the encouragement, inspiration and patience which they provided at every step during this course of studies. Special thanks also to the employees and management of HAPM IT who took their time and troubles to answer my questionnaires. v ABSTRACT In today’s competitive market, having fast access to accurate information can be crucial for the business. Office Collaboration System enables of sharing and disseminating up-to-date information which it is a web-based application that facilitates collaboration. Office Collaboration System could store information and be securely accessed from anywhere, anytime, anyplace to improve communication between employees in various remote sites. The study aims to bring about the changes, development and better improvement to the organizational through the effective use of computer technology in terms of information management to provide value and service to the client. Office Collaboration System is built upon the JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets technologies. JavaServer Pages allows Web and application designers and developers to create information-rich and dynamic Web pages. Key components of Office Collaboration System are Interactive & Collaborative Communication, Knowledge Assets & Document, Content Management and Workflow Automation. Testing is a crucial part of any system development and implementation. It is to ensure that all components of the system are reliable and robust, and the system delivered matches the user's requirements. The Change Management is to be implemented continuously at the organizational to support the new system environment which likely to have radical change from the current system environment. With the new system environment, new procedures and work culture requires an extensive training to be incorporated. vi ABSTRAK Di dalam pesaingan pasaran semasa ini, mempunyai maklumat yang dapat dicapai dengan segera dan tepat adalah amat bermakna untuk sesuatu bisnes. Sistem Kolaborasi Pejabat membenarkan perkongsian dan penyebaran maklumat yang dikemaskini, dimana ianyanya adalah aplikasi yang berdasarkan web yang memudahkan kolaborasi. Sistem Kolaborasi Pejabat dapat menyimpan maklumat dan mampu dicapai dengan selamat dari mana-mana tempat dan lokasi dan setiap masa, untuk memperbaiki komunikasi di antara kakitangan di pelbagai lokasi. Ianya bertujuan menuju kearah suatu pembaharuan, pembangunan dan membawa kepada suatu perubahan kepada organisasi melalui penggunaan teknologi komputer yang efektif di dalam pengurusan informasi supaya dapat memberi nilai tambah dan perkhidmatan kepada klien. Sistem Kolaborasi Pejabat ini dibina dengan menggunakan JavaServer Pages (JSP) dan teknologi Java Servlets. JavaServer Pages membenarkan Web dan pereka aplikasi serta pembangun aplikasi mencipta informasi yang bermakna dan penggunaan Web yang dinamik. Komponen utama di dalam Sistem Kolaborasi Pejabat ini adalah terdiri dari Interaksi dan Komunikasi yang Kolaboratif, Aset Pengetahuan dan Dokumen, Pengurusan Kandungan dan Automasi Aliran Kerja. Pengujian sistem adalah merupakan perkara yang amat mustahak bagi setiap pembangunan sistem dan implementasi. Ini memastikan supaya setiap komponen sistem memenuhi kehendak pengguna. Organisasi perlu melaksanakan Perubahan Pengurusan yang berterusan supaya ianya dapat memberi sokongan terhadap persekitaran sistem yang baru, di mana ianya memerlukan perubahan yang radikal dari keadaan sistem manual sekarang ini. Dengan persekitaran sistem yang baru, ianya memerlukan prosedur baru dan budaya kerja yang memerlukan latihan yang intensif. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION STATEMENT ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv TITLE PAGE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of The Problem 2 1.3 Statement of The Problem 2 1.4 Project Objectives 3 1.5 Project Scope 3 1.6 Importance of Project 4 1.7 Chapter Summary 5 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Project Management 6 2.3 Knowledge Resources 7 2.3.1 8 Knowledge Resources Architecture 2.4 Collaboration 9 2.5 Computer Supported Cooperative Work 9 2.5.1 CSCW Dimension 10 2.5.2 Goals of CSCW 10 Satisfying CSCW Goals 2.6 2.7 3 11 Current/Existing System 12 2.6.1 Stanhope and Bovis Lend Lease 12 2.6.2 Davis Controls 16 2.6.3 Odyssey Collaboration System 18 2.6.4 19 Perfection Bakeries, Inc Chapter Summary 21 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 22 3.2 Project Methodology 22 3.2.1 Research Proposal 23 3.2.2 Current System Analysis 24 3.3 Model Current System 24 3.3.1 System Development 26 3.3.2 Report Writing 27 3.3.3 OCS System Development Process In 27 Detail 3.3.4 OCS Requirement Analysis 27 3.3.5 Detailed Design 28 3.4 Project Schedule 29 3.5 Chapter Summary 29 ix 4 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Introduction 30 4.2 Organizational Analysis 30 4.2.1 Organizational Structure 31 4.2.2 Functions 31 4.2.3 Core Business 32 4.2.4 Existing IS/IT Systems 32 4.2.5 33 Problem Statement In The Organizational Context 4.3 Current Business Process and Data Model 33 4.3.1 34 Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram 4.4 User Requirements 35 4.5 OCS Requirement Analysis and Design 37 4.5.1 OCS Requirement Analysis Phase 37 Actor Identification 37 Use-case Diagram Modeling 37 4.6 Interaction Diagram Modeling 40 Class Design 41 Physical Design 41 4.6.1 Database Design 42 4.6.2 Interface Chart 44 User Interface Chart 4.6.3 Detailed Modules/Features 44 47 OCS Key Components 48 Features 49 4.6.4 System Architecture OCS Architecture 54 55 4.7 Hardware and Software Requirement 56 4.8 Test Plan 57 4.9 Chapter Summary 58 x 5 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Coding Approach 59 5.2.1 JSP Technology in the J2EE Platform 60 5.2.2 Benefits for Developers 60 5.2.3 JSP Technology and Java Servlets 61 5.2.3 Login Module 62 Test Result/System Evaluation 63 5.3.1 Testing Types 63 Test Level 64 5.4.1 System Testing 64 5.4.2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 65 5.5 OCS Usability Testing 65 5.6 OCS Functionality Testing 68 5.7 User Manual for Administration 71 5.7.1 Installation Procedure 71 5.7.2 Testing OCS Installation 72 5.7.3 Logging In For The First Time 73 5.7.4 Changing Password 74 5.7.5 Editing My Profile 74 5.7.6 Creating First User 75 5.3 5.4 Grouping Users 75 Creating A User Group 75 Add A User 76 5.7.7 Managing the System Edit System Setup 5.7.8 Composing News 6 78 78 79 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1 Introduction 80 6.2 Roll-out Strategy 80 6.3 Change Management Plan 81 6.3.1 Change Management Scope 81 xi 6.4 7 6.3.2 Change Management Objectives 82 6.3.3 Change Management Strategies 82 6.3.4 Communication Plan 82 6.3.5 Learning Plan 83 Training 83 On-the-Job Training 83 Transfer of Technology Plan 84 Training and Coaching 84 Business Continuity Plan 84 6.4.1 Business Continuity Planning Process 85 6.4.2 Disaster Recovery 87 6.5 Expected Organizational Benefits 88 6.6. Chapter Summary 89 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction 90 7.2 Achievements 90 7.3 Constraints and Challenges 91 7.4 Lesson Learned 92 7.5 Recommendations 93 7.6 Conclusion 93 REFERENCES APPENDICES A - E 94 96 - 146 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 4.1 User access Privilege 35 4.2 Description of the Use Case Diagram for consultant 38 4.3 Database – Description of Tables 41 5.1 Login codes 62 5.2 Rating scale for usability questionnaire 65 5.3 Average mean value of usability criteria for OCS 67 5.4 User Acceptance Test Documents 68 5.5 Test User Role for System Administrator 70 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 2.1 Knowledge Resources Architecture 8 2.2 Benefits of Collaboration 14 3.1 Project Methodology 23 4.2 OOS Organizational Strategy 31 4.3 Current Manual Process Diagram 33 4.4 Entity-Relationship Diagram for the current process 34 4.5 Use Case Diagram of Office Collaboration System 38 4.6 Use Case Diagram for consultant 39 4.7 Sequence Diagram for login use-case 40 4.8 Class Diagram for login 41 4.9 Overall hierarchy of homepage user interface of OCS 45 4.10 Key Component of Office Collaboration System 48 4.11 Features of OCS 48 4.12 Components and Features of the OCS 49 4.13 Interactive and Collaboration Communication 50 4.14 Knowledge Assets and Document 51 4.15 Content Management 52 4.16 Workflow Automation 54 4.17 OCS Architecture 55 5.1 Login Interface 62 5.2 Average mean score of usability criteria for OCS 67 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASP - Active Server Pages ACOA - Adaptive Course of Action ACLs - Access Control Lists ACOA - Adaptive Course of Action API - Application Program Interface ASP - Active Server Pages BCP - Business Continuity Plan CSCW - Computer-Supported Cooperative Work DBMS - Database Management System ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram HTML - Hypertext Markup Language IT - Information Technology IIS - Internet Information Services JSP - JavaServer Pages JSTL - JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library OCS - Office Collaboration System OOSE - Object-Oriented Software Engineering SQL - Structured Query Language SRS - Software Requirement Specification UK - United Kingdom UAT - User Acceptance Testing UIT - User Interface Testing UML - Unified Modeling Language WYSIWIS - What You See Is What I See 95QVS - 95 Queen Victoria Street xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A Questionnaires B Screen Design C User Manual D Entity-Relationship Diagram E Project Schedule 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Poor collaboration can often hamper efforts to follow-up on leads and close new business deals impeding revenue growth. With the interactive and collaborative communication tools information can be rapidly and effectively deployed to a dispersed group of employees, partners, clients and customers, eliminating the traditional communication barriers, while bringing about extensive cost savings along with increased sales. Organizational collaboration is the internal sharing of information and knowledge among employees within an organization. It encourages an environment of learning and innovation, turning internal knowledge into operational excellence. As Internet technology extends to the wireless world, staying competitive in the business market now means that employees must have access to data wherever and whenever they need it. The capability to stay current on company issues will not only boost employee productivity, but also enhance customer satisfaction. 2 1.2 Background of the problem This study is to be developed as there is no system in the HAPM IT Sdn Bhd (HAPM IT) in managing the daily operations. HAPM IT wanted a web-based solution to address HAPM IT’s office and remote site communication needs and equip its employees who are constantly on the move with the minimal tool to be able to communicate and access key corporate information. Its facilitates information dissemination, provides up-to-date information and saves costs in areas such as printing and the distribution of paper-based information. For HAPM IT, generally, the current system is still being carried out manually and consumes a great deal of time and effort to get things done. Due to many problems and lack of efficiency in providing information, especially by traditional and manual methods, there is a need to develop a computerized system to increase the efficiency of information management of the organization. With its headquarters and KL Office in Kuala Lumpur HAPM IT operates out of four remote on-site locations around Putrajaya, Batang Berjuntai, Kuching and Bintulu. 1.3 Statement of Problem Scattered resources can often lead to redundant work, reducing productivity of employees and creating multiple versions of work. All documentation is done manually. The document are kept physically, even sometimes when we want the document, the document is missing. Verbally communications sometimes might lead to miscommunications and not everybody will get the exact message. Document is everywhere, whereby the document is not kept at one place. For instance, some of the document or files are stored in the individual’s personal computer or laptop. 3 OCS will be able to get immediate access to important or content at a click of our mouse from a single location. User at the different location can be easily access to any document or files from their location such as at project site-office or out-station. 1.4 Project Objectives a) To study how to improve communication business processes and collaboration among users in an organization. It is also replace manual paperwork with electronic filing and documentation b) To design and develop a system which can promote or facilitate information exchange and document control in collaborative environment. c) To develop a web-based application for HAPM IT that facilitates communication among users in the organization both in LAN and Internet environment that allows information and knowledge sharing. d) To formulate organizational strategies for the implementation of the system. 1.5 Project Scope a) This system shall be used by the Management, employees, consultants, freelance consultants and clients of HAPM IT. b) The study evolves research on literature background regarding the web-based application. c) The system is based on web-based application and built in the Windows environment. The proposed model will be implemented using JSP and Servlet 4 technologies, SQL DBMS on Windows platform. This application shall be accessed either with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (and above) or Netscape Communicator 4.5 (and above) from anywhere and at anytime. 1.6 Importance of Project a) Available Access Anytime Anywhere OCS will be able to get immediate access to important or content at a click of our mouse from a single location. User at the different location can be easily access to any document or files from their location such as at project site-office or out-station. b) Information and Knowledge sharing This study will allows information and knowledge sharing through an internet browser, regardless of location and time zones, enabling real-time dissemination and sharing of information for critical decision-making. It enriches communication and collaboration among employees via its threaded discussion and forums. It facilitates information dissemination, provides up-to-date information and saves costs in areas such as printing and the distribution of paper-based information. c) Enhanced Collaboration and Communication Acting as the gateway to information and communication throughout the organization this study has facilitated and simplified the process of integrating and accessing disparate business information and documents, and improved how employees manage and shared. 5 d) Increased Productivity This study will boosts employees’ productivity by saving their time in locating information and resources. 1.7 Chapter Summary This report is mainly divided into seven chapters. Chapter One is the introduction to give an overall view of what this study is all about. This includes the background of the problem, the statement of the problem, the objective and scope of the study, and the importance of project. Literature review is one of the important methods that could contribute a lot of ideas to develop and designing a computerized system. Journal, articles, books and Internet are the sources of this literature study. The information collected from literature review range from the basic of system development, concept, method techniques and current trends of development, in which all of these can be used as references and sources for new innovative ideas for developing the proposed system. Chapter Three, discusses the methodology of the research that will be used to develop the proposed system while Chapter Four presents and discuss about the analysis and design of the current and to-be-system. Based on the analysis the architecture of the proposed system is constructed. Chapter Five provides detail of the design implementation and testing, while Chapter Six discuss about the organizational strategy. Finally, Chapter Seven presents the discussion and conclusion on the overall system development. 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on the literature review on the topic of this study. The aim of this literature review is to acquire a greater understanding of the collaboration system that have been implemented and are already in used. A detail and comprehensive understanding on the topic of the research would help to ensure that the project would be on the correct path towards realizing the research objective. 2.2 Project Management A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique purpose. Project normally involve several people performing interrelated activities, and the main sponsor for the project is often interested in the effective use of resources to complete the project in an efficient and timely manner. The project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements. Project managers must not only strive to meet specific scope, time, cost and quality goals of projects, they must also facilitate the entire process to meet the needs and expectations of the people involve in or affected by project activities. Key elements 7 of the Project Management Framework include the project stakeholders, project management knowledge areas, and project management tools and techniques. Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities and include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, and even opponents to the project. People’s needs and expectations are important in the beginning and throughout the life of a project. 2.3 Knowledge Resources Knowledge is a body of understanding and skills that is constructed by people. Knowledge is increased through interaction with information (typically from other people). Knowledge Resources is a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organizational objectives by making best use of knowledge. It involves the design, review and implementation of both social and technological processes to improve the application of knowledge, in the collective interest of stakeholders. Knowledge Resources the ability to find and translate experience, instinct and values into knowledge that is documented and delivered throughout the organization, which becomes then the basis for action. This approach leads to the key elements of knowledge resources: people, content and technology. Applehans et al stress that technology is only an “enabler” providing the technical infrastructure whereas only people create knowledge. 8 People Content Technology Figure 2.1: Knowledge Resources Architecture 2.3.1 Knowledge Resources Architecture Technology: Knowledge Resources technology solutions provide functionality to support knowledge-sharing, collaboration, workflow and documentmanagement across the enterprise and beyond into the extended enterprise. These tools typically provide a secure central space where employees, customers, partners and suppliers can exchange information, share knowledge and guide each other and the organization to better decisions. The most popular form of Knowledge Resources technology enablement is the knowledge-portal on the corporate intranet (and extranets where customers, partners or suppliers are involved). Processes: These include standard processes for knowledge-contribution, content management (accepting content, maintaining quality, keeping content current, deleting or archiving content that is obsolete), retrieval, membership on communities of practice, implementation-projects based on knowledge-reuse, methodology and standard formats to document best-practices and case studies. It is important for processes to be as clear and simple as possible and well-understood by employees across the organization. 9 People: The biggest challenge in Knowledge Resources is to ensure participation by employees (and other members of the extended organization) in the knowledge sharing, collaboration and re-use to achieve business results. In many organizations, this requires changing traditional mindsets and organizational culture from "knowledge-hoarding" to "knowledge-sharing" and creating an atmosphere of trust. A key to success in Knowledge Resources is to provide people visibility, recognition and credit as "experts" in their respective areas of specialization - while leveraging their expertise for business success. 2.4 Collaboration Collaboration can mean "people working together," or "people sharing information”. The collaboration facility such as the forums, message board should enables the creation of a shared team workspace and provides a channel for communication. It should allows users who may be anywhere, in different countries and time-zones to collaborate and work together to get projects going. 2.5 Computer Supported Cooperative Work Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is the study of how people work together using computer technology. Typical applications include email, awareness and notification systems, video conferencing, chat systems, multi-player games, and real-time shared applications (such as collaborative writing or drawing). 10 2.5.1 CSCW Dimensions There are two dimensions that make up the CSCW domain: a) Time x Real Time - This is when communication occurs at the same time. x Asynchronous Time - This is when communication occurs at different times. b) Place x Same Place - This is where people meet in the same room. x Different Place - This is where a meeting occurs where the participants are in geographically distributed locations. Currently, there is a trend to use computers for communication. Email and the advent of the internet is sparking a new and recent explosion in the use of the computer. Johansen (1984) stated that systems will be regarded primarily for communication, not computation. Perhaps we are in the primary stages of a paradigm shift, where the background of culture and tradition which guides the way people use computers is changing. 2.5.2 Goals of CSCW The goal of CSCW is to discover ways of using computer technology to further enhance the group work process through support in the time and place dimensions. The focus of the CSCW goal is the social interaction of people, and not the technology itself. 11 Satisfying CSCW Goals The following notions and technologies help to satisfy CSCW goals: a) WYSIWIS (What You See Is What I See) This stands for What You See Is What I See. It is analogous to two people each at their own homes watching the same television show at the same time. Computer technology extends this concept and allows people to interact and communicate in a WYSIWIS environment. b) Integration across different tasks Integrating components of different tasks reduces the walls between components of different applications and makes it seem like one large flexible tool. c) Personal Secretary This is a process that sits in the background performing "secretary-like" services for you. For example, the personal secretary would do things like stop unnecessary interruptions while allowing important ones to reach you. The personal secretary would also perform "while you were out" duties taking messages for you. d) Time Management Groupware products that give you group calendar diaries and group project schedules help managers as well as subordinates better manage their time. e) Multimedia CSCW can take advantage of the graphics and sound capabilities to provide more natural and life-like interfaces from which to collaborate with others. f) End User Program This is concerned with making the system more personalizable to individual users. The Groupware tool should be flexible enough so that it is user friendly to change or modify the tool to suit the user's needs. Also, the user should be able to change the tool depending on what type of collaboration they are engaged in. Several 12 other technologies and concepts contribute to satisfying CSCW goals. One of the more recent tools is Virtual Reality technology which comes closest to making people who are in geographically distributed locations feel like they are in the same place. 2.6 Current / Existing System The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the system that is carrying out. The literature review should provide the context for the research by looking at the existing system has already been done in the research area. 2.6.1 Stanhope and Bovis Lend Lease Asite Collaboration was voted as "Top added Stanhope and Bovis Lend Lease made measured savings of £231K on the landmark £20m 95 Queen Victoria Street, EC4, project using collaboration software provided by Asite. The key contributors to the savings were: more efficient processes for the review of drawings and easier data storage and retrieval. The collaboration tool was voted as the top "value-added" initiative that should be transferred to the next project. Background Work was completed on the 95 Queen Victoria Street in December 2002. It is a striking, contemporary building, developed by Legal and General in the heart of the City of London. The building is a virtual island: with roads straddling either side of the plot and the circle and district line running along one side. The project used a best practice partnering approach, involving trade contractors at an early stage of the construction process. The trade contractors were able to easily review and comment on designs using the project collaboration tool, resulting in fewer changes needed 13 further into the project. Legal and General Property Limited was the client for the 95 Queen Victoria Street project, Stanhope was the developer and Bovis Lend Lease the contractor. Legal and General Property Ltd, part of Legal and General Investment Management, are experienced central London property investors and developers with over £600m invested in the city. Other current major projects include St Giles Court, WC2, Fortress House, Saville Row, W1 and the Bucklersbury Complex, EC4. Stanhope plc is a private company specialising in commercial and mixed use developments within central London and the South East. The Stanhope team has been involved in some of the most notable developments in London over the last 20 years. Bovis Lend Lease ranks among the world's leading project and construction management companies, supporting the needs of communities, governments, commerce and industry on a local national and multinational level. With over 7500 employees in 93 offices worldwide, the company is constantly seeking to improve management technique and practices that enhance client returns. Stanhope and Bovis Lend Lease chose Asite to deliver web-based collaboration software, primarily to improve communications. Other key objectives were to achieve: a) Reduced project risk through productivity gains and improved communications b) Provide everyone with access to the latest information c) Improve the speed of access to project drawings and documents d) Provide remote access to the content e) Reduce environmental impact by decreasing the amount of paper used 14 The Solution The solution enabled authorised members of the Stanhope project team to view, share and review project information simply by logging onto The tool was managed by Asite and customised to Stanhope's requirements and specific project processes. 57 companies were set up to use the collaboration tool, including clients, tenants, design teams and over 40 trade contractors in both the UK and Europe. In total there were 331 users and approximately half of these users received training. The project team used the collaboration tool to manage all types of project information, from drawings through to invoices - a total of over 6000 documents. All drawings, produced in both AutoCAD and Microstation have been published to the collaboration tool by both design teams and trade contractors. Figure 2.2: Benefits of Collaboration The Benefits Savings through use of the project collaboration tool were measured and in total, came to £231K. These were attributed to the following benefits: 15 a) Easier data storage and retrieval (44% cost savings) - This was one of the key benefits of using Asite Collaboration. As well as saving time finding documents, it minimises the amount of rework needed and enables individuals to obtain access to information to the level of detail which they need. b) Process efficiency savings (30% cost savings) - For example, drawing approval times were reduced from an average of 20 days per drawing (Oct 2001 March/April 2002) to 9.2 days (May to July 2002) per drawing. c) Reduction in re-work and errors - It is clear which is the latest document which reduces the risk of errors and re-work that is needed. d) Other cost savings - Costs of paper postage and couriers are also reduced. Martin Long, Project Director, estimates that on a project the size of the Queen Victoria Street project, £15,000 might be spent on courier costs. Although the exact amount of paper was not formally benchmarked, "instead of finding hundreds of filing cabinets in the site office, we would be lucky to find 10 of them!" e) Reduced project risk - Tim Varley, Associate Director, Legal and General Property, views Asite Collaboration as good "insurance". By improving communications, it reduces time and, therefore, the risk of project over-run, which on a complex project, such as 95 Queen Victoria Street (95QVS) would be extremely costly. "The use of the collaboration tool made it quicker and easier for the team to review and approve information. This was particularly important with a team that was based throughout the UK and Europe." Martin Long, Project Director, Stanhope Asite Collaboration was voted as "Top added value tool to take to the next project." Reduce environmental impact by decreasing the amount of paper used. 95 Queen Victoria Street project team. 16 "There is less rework as people use the right information, first time. There is no argument as to whether a document is the latest, and the one which should be used." Paul Davey, Project Manager Bovis Lend Lease 2.6.2 Davis Controls e-Synergy unites the workplace and reveals the costs, inefficiencies and redundancies hidden by the complexities of your business. e-Synergy's Web-based collaboration platform unifies the people, processes and knowledge that matter most to your business, creating an accurate, up-to-the-moment view of your organization's personnel, finance, workflow, documents and asset information, enhancing decision-making, analysis, scenario planning, and ongoing management across your entire business. Features: a) CRM - centralize every aspect of your business around your customers and prospects. b) Document Management - constant business and knowledge retention across your organization. c) HR Management - manage your personnel with security, roles and rules based access. d) Project Management - seamlessly connect budgets, resources, documents and tasks to projects. e) Reporting - real-time reporting and analysis for informed operational decision making. f) Workflow - increase operational efficiency and replace manual, unsecured processes. g) Wireless - anywhere, anytime access via a common Web-based browser from desktops around the world. 17 Davis Controls, based in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, is a distributor, representative and licensed assembler for International Manufacturers of Instrumentation and Control Products, offering a range of products for the industrial market. Founded in 1933, Davis employs 45 people in 7 offices working with over 30 suppliers to serve thousands of customers across Canada and the United States through local sub-distributors and representatives. In an organization such as Davis Controls, seamless communication and information exchange with the entire value chain is crucial. In 2000, when the company’s sales and distribution began to excel the organization started to take another look at their internal business processes to insure they could meet competitive pressures, one of which was customer service expectations. Davis Controls was having difficulties wrapping their arms around their growth and accelerated internal processes putting a real strain on their relationships with customers, partners, suppliers and distributor. The company had kept their information in separate silos, and frequently did not have instant access to their own workplace information, leading to timely delays and poor communication. Business Issue Increased sales and distribution lead to the inability to provide a 24/7 service across time zones as well as shift changes from a multiple-office environment. Impact Lack of immediate access to critical business information and inefficiencies within the business for branch office staff and customers. Solution Exact e-Synergy provided Davis Controls with a Web-based Business Operations System for their entire organization bringing together customers, suppliers and employees onto one collaborative platform. 18 Results: a) Protected existing IT investments. b) Improved value chain communications for stronger customer relationships. c) Increased productivity with maximum cost savings throughout the organization. 2.6.3 Odyssey Collaboration System Referentia Systems, working with a coalition of Government Agencies and Prime Contractors including DISA, US PACOM, and SAIC, developed an interactive user training and support system for the Odyssey Collaboration System – part of the Defense Information Systems Agency’s “Adaptive Course of Action” (ACOA) software tools. Situation: Traditional planning processes for crisis response management require a complex and challenging sequence of carefully coordinated communications between agencies, personnel and planners. The ACOA project is intended to improve communication and collaboration between geographically dispersed parties and thus speed response time and increase efficiency in planning and execution of joint operations. The Odyssey Collaboration System employs a “virtual room” construct to provide multiple shared virtual spaces for collaborative use of military planning communications and analysis tools. Problem: Because the Odyssey system offers new and previously unavailable capabilities, its use represents a significant change in operating procedure for crisis response planners. In order to be deployed and used successfully, the Odyssey tool needs to include a built-in rapid orientation training and ongoing performance support component. 19 Solution: Referentia’s role was to create an integrated multimedia training system to be delivered with the Odyssey system. The training system is designed to help facilitate technology transition to the operational environment by providing “quick-start” orientation and training to users of the system. Referentia is also currently working on additional training modules for other ACOA components intended to provide ongoing training and performance support to users of the system. Result: In addition to helping facilitate the adoption of ACOA technology, the Referentia project has been used to highlight key ACOA concepts and benefits and content from the learning system has been reused by the Government and contractors to disseminate technical information about the ACOA program in an easy-tounderstand animated presentation format. 2.6.4 Perfection Bakeries Inc. Perfection Bakeries, Inc. is a family-owned company headquartered in Fort Wayne Indiana. It operates seven bakeries in three states producing bread and other bakery products. Perfection's many brands are distributed throughout the United States, with primary distribution in the Midwest. The company was founded in Fort Wayne in 1901, by John B. Franke, as the Wayne Biscuit Company. President John F. Popp is the grandson of the founder. Perfection Bakeries employs 1,500 people in Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky, and operates two bakeries in Coldwater, Michigan, and bakeries in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Jackson, Kalamazoo, and Saginaw, Michigan, and Sidney, Ohio. Perfection Bakeries produces baked goods including bread, buns, rolls, English muffins and donuts, and bread and muffin mixes. 20 Business Need To support the growing baked goods industry, Perfection Bakeries needed a project management tool that allows them to share critical information with clients, vendors, and team members. Perfection Bakeries had outgrown their existing method of project management, which consisted of emails and spreadsheets. Perfection Bakeries had the following requirements for a project management solution: a) Ability to post and review documents via the Internet b) Ability to track schedules appointments and to-do lists c) Ability to track project tasks and deliverables and assign them to team members d) Ability to receive email alerts as team members updated tasks e) Ability to allow employees to request vacations online f) Ability to schedule conference rooms g) Ability to have flexible reporting Above all, the interface had to be simple and intuitive to use. Solution: Pragmatic Office from Pragmatic Software Co., Inc., a web based project collaboration extranet system, allows Perfection Bakeries to share documents and enhance project communication on-line regardless of geographic location. Pragmatic Office is online collaboration software that allows teams to collaborate more effectively. It includes the ability share documents, track sales leads, clients and vendors, allows teams to hold discussions, manage project deliverables and share their calendars. Pragmatic Office is great for businesses whose teams are in different offices, providing a central place to collaborate online. “The Shared Documents feature allows us to share critical documents with vendors, clients and our team members. The nicest thing about this is that we can access this information anytime or anywhere using a web browser. Many times we go to our clients site and bring the documents up right in their office. They are 21 always amazed at how easy this is”, explains Panchanan Datta, Chief Information Officer of Perfection Bakeries. “Pragmatic Office was a perfect fit for our company. The ease of use and intuitive interface played a major role in our decision-making. Service after the sale has been impressive. We are extremely pleased with Pragmatic Software’s support team. They have been outstanding nd feature requests have been handled quickly”, adds Mr. Datta. 2.7 Chapter Summary This chapter of literature review, we would have a better understanding on the problem statement and the research topic of the project. The concept and functions of collaboration system had leads us to a better understanding in developing a collaboration system. The existing Collaboration System provides diverse capabilities and features to meet the requirements of the different organizations. The most common features incorporated in the systems are document management, content management, knowledge resources, information sharing and project management. Its features include anytime, anywhere, and any place. 22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, the research operational framework will be designed in order to be adopted as a guideline for the whole system development process. The methodology for system development will be determined and justified its selection. Subjects or data sources for this study will then be identified, followed by the instrumentation involved in the system development. 3.2 Project Methodology The project methodology for this study is illustrated in the following Figure 3.1 on next page. The detailed steps involve in the system development are further discussed under Section 3.3 Object-oriented System Development Process In Detail. In the subsequent sections, the description on how the research of the proposed system is going to be carried out will be presented. This includes the method, step or procedure to be followed in each phase and the deliverables. 23 Research Proposal Current System Analysis Literature Review Model Current System System Development Requirement Analysis Design Phase Implementation & Report Writing Figure 3.1: Project Methodology 3.2.1 Research Proposal The research proposal is the initiation phase of conducting this study. Title selection is made and the basic scope and objective of the study is being determined at this stage. Once the proposal is being approved, the subsequent processes can be carried ou,t which are current system analysis and literature review. These two processes are parallel in order to achieve optimum time usage. 24 3.2.2 Current System Analysis Firstly, before going on into detail about how the object-oriented system development is going to be carried out, an understanding on the manual process of the workflow should be carried out. This is achieved by conventional traditional method: interview, questionnaire, observation, and collect relevant documentation. A series of interview has been conducted to gain the understanding of the current manual process with few employees of HAPM IT Sdn Bhd. Based on the information gathered, the weaknesses and problem of the manual system are identified and analyzed. Possible improvement to the manual system will be identified and this forms the basis for proposing a new system, which is the system to be developed in this project. 3.3 Model Current System In order to develop a well-designed system, a systematic approach is needed. This is where we need to determine which system development methodology to use. After doing some research, the development methodology is determined to be based on Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE), a use-case driven approach methodology introduced by Jacobson et al (Jacobson et al, 1992). This methodology is referred to as a ‘use case driven methodology’, one in which use cases are involved at all stages of development. These include analysis, design, validation and testing. The lifecycle consists of gathering the requirements of the system and analysing them. At this stage, use cases are employed to help develop models which give a greater understanding of the system. They define the way that the system will function. The se models focus on the end-application rather than on how the system will be implemented. At the construction stage, the models are further developed and the full system is designed and implemented. The testing phase integrates the full system together and verifies that the correct system has been constructed. When integrating the system, use cases are integrated into the system one at a time. 25 In this study, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation will be used in accordance with OOSE to produce standard and up-to-date system documentation. The justification of OOSE over other object-oriented systems development methodology includes use-case driven approach and its traceability over the entire system development life cycle. On the whole, UML encompasses following nine diagrams as illustrated below. a) Use-Case Diagram A use-case diagram is a graph of actors a set of use cases enclosed by a system boundary, communication associations between the actors and the use cases, that generalization among the use cases. A use case is a description of a functionality that the system provides. b) Class Diagram A class diagram shows the static structure of classes in the system. The classes represent the “things” that are handled in the system. c) Object Diagram The object diagram is a variant of class diagram and uses almost identical notation. The difference between the two is that an object diagram shows a number of object instances of classes. Hence, an object diagram is an example of a class diagram that shows a possible snapshot of the system’s execution. d) State Diagram A state diagram is typically a complement to the description of a class. It shows all the possible states that objects of the class can have, and which events cause the states to change. e) Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram shows a dynamic collaboration between a numbers of objects. The diagram demonstrates a sequence of messages sent between the objects, as well as the interaction between objects, something that will happen at one specific 26 point in the execution of the system. f) Collaboration Diagram A collaboration diagram shows a dynamic collaboration, just like the sequence diagram. In addition to shows the exchange of messages, it also shows the objects and their relationships. g) Activity Diagram An activity diagram shows a sequential flow of activities. The diagram typically describes the activities performed in an operation, though it can also be used to describe other activity flows, such as a use case or an interaction. h) Component Diagram A component diagram shows the physical structure of the code in terms of code components. A component can be a source code component, a binary component, or an executable component. i) Deployment Diagram The deployment diagram shows the physical architecture of the hardware and software in the system. 3.3.1 System Development OOSE is an approach to object-oriented analysis and design that centers on understanding the ways in which a system is actually used. By organizing the analysis and design models around sequences of user interaction and actual usage scenarios, this method is able to produce system that are both more usable and more robust, adapting more easily to changing usage (Bahrami, 1999). In this project, UML is adopted in this approach as its language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the software system and its components. 27 3.3.2 Report Writing Report writing is the last part of the study which does all the writing up including the documentation of the system and user manual. This is an important phase whereby all the result and discussion will be presented and concluded in the deliverable of this phase. 3.3.3 OCS System Development Process In Detail In this section, the detail step-by-step process of system development for this project will be presented. These include the analysis phase, design phase and lastly, the implementation phase. 3.3.4 OCS Requirement Analysis The goal of the requirement analysis is to understand the domain of the problem and the system’s responsibilities by understanding how the users will use the system. The process of requirement analysis consists of the following steps: a) Identify the actors The actors for the proposed collaboration system include: employees, consultants and clients. b) Develop Use Case Diagram Use-case diagram for the proposed system is constructed based on the categories of user. This diagram will reflect what the user will do with the system and what kind of information would they provide or obtain from the system. c) Develop Analysis Object Diagram Based on the use-case diagram, objects that represent the tangible elements of the business are identified. The deliverable is an analysis object diagram that is consists of entity object, interface object and control object. 28 3.3.5 Detailed Design The goal of the design is to elevate the model developed during analysis phase into actual objects that can perform the required task. Generally, the design phase process consists of: a) Identify implementation environment To be able to adapt the design model to the actual implementation environment, the actual technical constraints that the system should be built under have to be identified. b) Develop Design Object Diagram The analysis object identified during analysis phase will be translated into design objects that fits the current implementation environment. These design objects will later be implemented in the source code. c) Develop interaction diagram The purpose of developing interaction diagram is to model how the object or classes identified communicates with each other. For each use case created during requirement analysis phase, at least a sequence diagram is develop to illustrate the interaction occur between the objects of the system. Developing the sequence diagram will also help the process of refining the design object diagram. d) Design Class Based on the interaction diagram the class design can be done, as the complete description of all external requirements of the class is known. The class design process includes defining and designing the class’s attributes and methods which can be extracted from the sequence diagram and analysis object diagram. In addition, to further design the method of the class, state-chart diagram is used to provide a simplified description that increases understanding of the class. e) Construct database design In the database design process, object-relation mapping technique is applied to map object or class identified in the class diagram. 29 3.4 Project Schedule Project schedule is a detailed plan of major project phases milestones activities tasks and the resources allocated to each task. Based on the proposed system development methodology, a project schedule is planned as shown in the Appendix E. 3.5 Chapter Summary This chapter has described the operational framework that integrates the system development methodology as a guideline to be followed for the whole study. The Object Oriented Software Engineering methodology that will be used to design and construct the proposed system. The recommended hardware and software requirements are identified based on the technical requirements of the working environment. 30 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on the current system on how HAPM IT Sdn Bhd handle and manage the OCS. First, the background of the current system scenario presented, followed by the problems identified from the existing manual process and lastly a proposal for solving the problem of the current management system is presented. This includes the components in the OCS architecture and modules available to the user. Based on the architecture, the requirement analysis and detailed design of OCS are carried out. 4.2 Organizational Analysis HAPM IT Sdn. Bhd. is one of the Malaysian company which focus on business consultation related to Information Communication and Technology (ICT). The company was founded in September 1999. 31 4.2.1 Organizational Structure Executive Chairman Software Applications Division Project Management & Consulting Division Business Development Finance & HR Figure 4.2: Organizational Structure 4.2.2 Functions HR Department is to provide administrative support for management and employees, and provide some counsel to management in appropriate personnel actions. HR activities include interpreting policy and answering employee questions or concerns regarding benefits and payroll, and also administering employee benefits and insurance. Processing new hires and terminations, maintaining employee files, tracking basic personnel data such as vacation and leave of absence and administering a salary program. It also provides basic counsel to individual managers and supervisors about performance related issues among their subordinates. Screening and reference checking employment candidates. The finance function encompasses the Controller’s Office, Payroll and Data Processing. This department handles accounts receivable accounts payable, accounting and financial reporting, treasury and cash management, debt management, and payroll. Project Management and Consulting Division provides a focused range of project management solutions. It is comprised of professionals in Networking, Database and Operations. This team provides the methodology, portfolio reporting, consulting, and mentoring for project management services. To study existing IT infrastructure and map new IT Infrastructure requirement against new applications proposed. 32 Software Applications Division supports the applications and peripheral systems. This team is comprised of Application Development and Support and Business Process Analysis. Study existing Business Applications and identify strength and weaknesses. Identify new applications or integration of applications to suit new business environment. 4.2.3 Core business HAPM-IT and its principal consultants have been exposed in various projects involving the latest utilisation of new generation of ICT and Intelligent Building Systems (IBS) technologies such as PETRONAS Twin Towers Putrajaya Telekom Headquarters University Malaysia Sarawak, Multi-Media University, Telekom Smart School, Mukah Polytechnic and PETRONAS (Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd). 4.2.4 Existing IS/IT systems For HAPM IT, generally, the current system is still being carried out manually and consumes a great deal of time and effort to get things done. The document are kept physically. The hard copy documents can be illegible and frequently have missing information or maybe unavailable at the time of user encounter. It is also costly to maintain, store and retrieve. Staff is wasting their time looking for information previously recorded. Document is everywhere, whereby the document is not kept at one place. For instance, some of the document or files are stored in the individual’s Personal Computer or laptop. Even sometimes when we want the document, the document is missing. Document version control is another issue. Employees at the different location cannot be easily access to any document or files from their location such as at project site-office or out-station. 33 4.2.5 Problem statement in the organizational context Several problems are identified from the current processes, which can be described as below: Loss of document control, document is everywhere, whereby the document is not kept at one place. Some of the document or files are stored in the individual’s PC or laptop. Scattered resources can often lead to redundant work, reducing productivity of employees and creating multiple versions of work. All documentation is done manually. The document are kept physically, even sometimes when we want the document, the document is missing. Internal communication problems whereby verbally communications sometimes might lead to miscommunications and not everybody will get the exact message. 4.3 Current Business Process and Data Model Figure 4.3 describes the current manual process whereby personnel documents are kept physically in cabinet. Paper documents are bulky, heavy, perishable and high storage cost. The proposed system will reduces the storage space and cost. Figure 4.3: Current Manual Process Diagram 34 4.3.1 Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram The Entity-relationship (ER) diagram is another valuable modeling tool. It describes the relationships between data stores. ER diagrams consist of two major components, object types and relationships. Object types, shown by a rectangular box, represent a collection of objects in the real world whose members play a role in the system being developed, can be identified uniquely and can be described by one or more facts (attributes or adjectives). Relationships, shown by diamond shaped boxes, represent a set of connections or associations between object types. Arrows are used to connect object types and relationships. client consultant Project document Figure 4.4: Entity-Relationship Diagram for the current process. Figure 4.4 shows that the Consultants in HAPM IT, would involve in many projects. Therefore a lot of files or documents need to be retrieved by them. The clients from any of the project involves would also need to retrieve all of the project information (documents). Any project would consist of client, consultants and as well as documents. 35 4.4 User Requirements Requirements gathering is the cornerstone of any software development project, to be successful. A user requirement is explained, including the terms of functional, non-functional, and design objectives. a) Functional requirements - are what we want a system to do. b) Non-functional requirements - are restrictions on the types of solutions that will meet the functional requirements. c) Design objectives - are the guides to use in selecting a solution. The following user requirements are required for OCS system: Table 4.1: User Access Privilege User Roles Administrator Functionality Operation Latest News System Administrator to manage Files Library all the modules. Bookmark Resource Manager Administrators to create groups of Task Manager users My Profile access levels. The system can User and Group further drill down to security System Setup Instant Messaging Memo Email Forums Address Book Notepad Send Notification (via email) with specified security access level by a specific user. To approve the operation which has been requested by users. 36 Table 4.1: User Access Privilege (continued) User Roles Consultant Functionality Operation Latest News Able to view edit add delete Files Library search. Bookmark Resource Manager Task Manager My Profile User and Group Instant Messaging Memo Email Forums Address Book Notepad Send Notification (via email) Client Latest News View only Files Library View only Bookmark View only User and Group View only Instant Messaging Able to use all of these modules Memo Email Forums Address Book Send Notification (via email) Notepad (collaboration) 37 4.5 OCS Requirement Analysis and Design By using an object-oriented use-case driven methodology, the requirement analysis and design of OCS are conducted. This section will present about the process and deliverables of OCS requirement analysis and design phase using Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. 4.5.1 OCS Requirement Analysis Phase The main objective of the analysis is to capture the requirements of the system and what the system must do to satisfy the users’ requirements of the system. By using the information and data-gathered through the interview with the employees of HAPM IT and some documents provided by them, the analysis process is conducted according to the use-case driven object-oriented analysis which describes the system from the users’ perspective. Actor Identification An actor is anything that interacts with the system. In the system, four types of actors have been identified, which are the consultant and client of the HAPM IT. Use-case Diagram Modeling In this section, use-case diagram for each of the module constructed. The use-cases represent how the actors will use the system to achieve their tasks, thus providing a general overview of the system functionality. The following figure shows several use-cases designed for OCS. Figure 4.5 shows the use-case diagram of OCS. 38 Manage Document «extends» Consultant Produce Document Login Client View Project Document Figure 4.5: Use-Case Diagram of Office Collaboration System 39 Login View Add Edit Delete Consultant Search Send Notification To Do Appoinments To Do Tasks To Set Events Figure 4.6: Use Case Diagram for consultant Table 4.2: Description of the Use Case Diagram for consultant User Consultant Functionality Description Login To log into the system View To view the modules Add To add the modules Edit To edit the modules Delete To delete the modules Search To search the modules Send Notification To send notification via email in the files library module To Do Appointments To Do Appointments in the calendaring scheduler module To Do Tasks To Do Tasks in the calendaring scheduler module To Set Events To set events in the calendaring scheduler module 40 Interaction Diagram Modeling Interaction diagram is about designing the use cases which were described in the requirement analysis phase. For each use case, a sequence diagram is drawn to model the interaction occur between objects participating in that use case. The interaction takes place as the objects send messages to each other. These messages are actually the method of the object. So, the main purpose of the use case design is thus to define the method of the object, so that it can be used in class design later. Top Package::Actor1 Top Package::Actor2 actor Login Interface Login validation Even logger Top Package::Actor3 :log name & password enter validation get user info log user validate send log entry user is invalid Figure 4.7: Sequence Diagram for login use-case. :user database 41 Class Design The class design involves defining attributes and methods for each class of the design object diagram. This can be done by referring to the interaction diagram developed in the previous section. Through the use case design, we have implicitly specified the class method. Hence, by taking all interaction diagrams where a class participated and extracting all the operations defined for that class, we will have a complete picture of the requirements of a class. Figure 4.8: Class Diagram for login 4.6 Physical Design Developing Physical Design will look into the databases and there many uses and how to make better use of the databases. How to use the databases for storing transactions and generate reports. 42 4.6.1 Database Design A centralized database system using relational database schema is required for the consistent management of OCS system. OCS database is consists of 62 tables which store all the data provided by its user. All data can be retrieved when user want to make modifications and updated when user commit to save the changes made. The database consists of 62 tables as shown in table 4.3. Table 4.3: Database – Description of Tables No. Table Name Table Description 1 Groups 2 GroupsACLUsers 3 GroupsACLGroups 4 Users 5 UsersLogin To manage users and groups to login into the 6 UsersGroups system 7 UsersLoginSetup 8 UsersACLUsers 9 UsersACLGroups 10 SystemSetup 11 SystemSetupMemoStorage System Administrator to manage the Setup 12 SystemSetupEmailStorage module where the basic settings for the 13 SystemSetupACLUsers system are located. 14 SystemSetupACLGroups 15 SystemProperties 16 Resource 17 ResourceToDo To manage monitor and schedule company 18 ResourceEvents resources throughout their organization 19 ResourceAppt 20 ResourceAccess 21 ResourceACLUsers 22 ResourceACLGroups To create and manage users in the group 43 Table 4.3: Database – Description of Tables (continued) No. Table Name Table Description 23 PersonalStatus 24 PersonalNews To enable users to personalize their OCS 25 PersonalMemo desktop with relevant information based on 26 PersonalHome their working style and work-related needs 27 PersonalForum 28 PersonalCalendarWeek 29 PersonalACLUsers 30 PersonalACLGroups 31 Notepad 32 News 33 NewsACLUsers To manage dynamic publishing of content 34 NewsACLGroups (News) 35 NewsProperties 36 NewsUsersAccess 37 memo 38 memoPreferences To manage all internal memos where all 39 memoFolder individual users can create and manage their 40 memoACLUsers own memo messages 41 memoACLGroups 42 Library 43 LibraryUsers The management of documents (folders and 44 LibrarySubFoldersUsers files) 45 LibrarySubFoldersGroups 46 LibrarySubFolders 47 LibraryGroups 48 LibraryFoldersUsers 49 LibraryFoldersGroups 50 LibraryFolders 51 LibraryFiles 52 LibraryACLUsers 53 LibraryACLGroups To manage users to take quick notes 44 Table 4.3: Database – Description of Tables (continued) No. Table Name 54 Forums 55 ForumsUsers To manage sharing information over the web 56 ForumsGroups through a bulletin board feature 57 ForumsSubcription 58 ForumsResponses 59 ForumsTopics 60 ForumsACLUsers 61 ForumsACLGroups 62 ForumsUsersReadUnread 4.6.2 Table Description Interface Chart User Interface Chart User interface is the intermediary between the user and OCS. The main goal of a user interface is to display and obtain needed information in an accessible and efficient manner. Basically, the user interface can be composed of text, graphic, and control objects such as button, drop-down list, list box, checkbox and radio button. The uses of these control objects enable the user to interact with the system in order to get required information. Figure 4.9 shows the OCS homepage user interfaces. 45 Figure 4.9: Overall hierarchy of homepage user interface of OCS Figure 4.9: Overall hierarchy of homepage user interface of OCS (continued) 46 Latest News The Latest News module allows dynamic publishing of content. The Latest News module allows dynamic publishing of content. This involves: a) Front Page News b) Headline News c) General News Front-page news is displayed before login to the system. Once successfully logged in, the Headline News appears. File Library The Files Library module refers to the management of documents in OCS. This library allows users to collaborate and share documents online. It is also an excellent storage area and as with all other features in OCS, the File Library is totally protected from unauthorised access. Documents can be shared only be available for those who have access to the folder only. Bookmarks The Bookmarks module allows creating, sharing and managing the URL links. For any websites out there which is of any value can be made a reference here. Shared bookmarks provide a common ground for information within the organization. My Profile My Profile module allows individual users to manage their own information. User and Group Directory The User and Group Directory module allows creating users and managing users. 47 System Setup The System Administrator usually manages the Setup module where the basic settings for the system are located. Memo The Memo module manages all internal memos where all individual users can create and manage their own memo messages. The memo feature in OCS is an excellent way to leave short messages. OCS uses the memo system extensively to communicate with the users. Email The Email module is an email client built in to enhance the use of the intranet application. The Email module is an email client that allows the user to check from multiple POP3 email accounts. It works pretty much the same way as with all other common web based email clients. 4.6.3 Detailed Modules/Features This topic contains a brief overview of the OCS features. OCS has many collaborative features such as file sharing, discussion forums and calendar and appointment management and others. 48 OCS Key Components Basically, OCS is composed from five key components, which includes Interactive and Collaborative Communication, Knowledge Assets and Document, Content Management and Workflow Automation. These components are the backbone of the functioning OCS. Figure 4.10 illustrates the components of the OCS. Figure 4.10: Key Components of Office Collaboration System COLLABORATION Email, Memo, Address Book Forums, Calendaring scheduler Instant Messaging, Notepad, Resource Management, Task Manager (To-Do Tasks, Appointments, Events) Figure 4.11: Features of the OCS 49 Interactive & Collaborative Communication user Security Level user • Instant Messaging • Memo • Email • Forums • Address Book • Notepad Knowledge Assets & Document Content Management • Files Library (Document) • Rich Text Editor (News) • DBMS Support • Centralised Database Repository • Search Engine • Bookmarks •Multiple File Attachments • Multi-level Security Individual Access user • Document Versioning Control • Multiple Content Author Workflow Automation • Reminders • Calendaring Scheduler • Task Manager • Resource Management • Content Notification (via email) Figure 4.12: Components and Features of the OCS Features a) Interactive and Collaborative Communication Poor collaboration can often hamper efforts to follow-up on leads and close new business deals, impeding revenue growth. With the interactive and collaborative communication tools, information can be rapidly and effectively deployed to a dispersed group of employees, partners and customers, eliminating the traditional communication barriers, while bringing about extensive cost savings along with increased sales. The interactive and collaborative communication features include: a) Office Memos b) E-Mailing c) Instant Messaging (Internal) d) Notepad e) Forums f) Address Book 50 The forums feature in OCS allows to easily share information over the web through a bulletin board feature. Multiple forums can be structured with folders and access level controls to allow easier administration. The Address Book module is used to store and share all business contacts or business cards information. All the contacts can be stored in a single location and retrieved in an instant. Records in the address book module can be used in the Email module as the email address book. Address Book are able to create address groups to facilitate sending of group emails and Import Address Book function from the Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express applications. OCS has a built in Instant Messenger module is similar to a chat or common messaging system. Users are able to send instant messages to other users (both online and offline) via OCS. The recipient would be able to receive and be notified of the arrival of the message instantly. Figure 4.13: Interactive and Collaboration Communication 51 b) Knowledge Assets and Document Information is only valuable when it is up to date, relevant, and usable. Scattered resources can often lead to redundant work, reducing productivity of employees and creating multiple versions of work. An effective document management system, therefore, is key to impart meaning structure, and accessibility to an organization’s knowledge bank. The knowledge assets features allow the automation of document management, replacing manual paperwork with electronic filing and documentation. Besides allowing documents and information to be updated instantaneously, OCS also enables key information to be accessed quickly and in real-time regardless of the location of employees, saving time, costs, and allowing for greater efficiency. An integral necessity to the whole system, OCS administration and security architecture enables access for individual users to be easily defined to allow or restrict information. The knowledge assets and document management features of OCS comprise: a) Files Library (Document) b) Search Engine c) Bookmarks d) Multiple File Attachments e) Database Management System Support f) Multi-Level Security Individual Access Figure 4.14: Knowledge Assets and Document 52 c) Content Management With the content management features of OCS, businesses can easily disseminate and update corporate news and policies. The user friendly, built-in web publishing tool allows even novice users without HTML programming skills to publish articles directly unto the Intranet. When creating news and articles, users can target specific individuals or groups within the Intranet system to deliver and “push” relevant information to the correct set of users. OCS’s content management features encompass: a) Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG HTML Editor) b) Centralized Database Repository c) Document Versioning Control d) New Content Notification (via email) e) Multiple Content Authors Figure 4.15: Content Management 53 d) Workflow Automation The workflow automation features of OCS enable users to collaborate in real- time with tools such as Task Manager and Group Calendaring Scheduler. These tools enable employees to schedule and assign public or personalized tasks, appointments and events to groups and individuals within the Intranet system, resulting in better organization of time and schedule. The workflow automation features of OCS empowers project teams to work across and beyond the enterprise, allowing dispersed, cross-functional teams to quickly establish collaborative workspaces, brainstorm ideas, share information, manage processes and, ultimately, meet deadlines, all in real-time. Some of the workflow automation features of OCS are as follows: a) Task Manager (To-Do Tasks, Appointments, Events) b) Reminders c) Calendaring Scheduler d) Resource Management OCS has a calendar system. It is most useful to collaborate with other users in the system. The calendar allows to schedule an appointment with others using the system, add a To-Do task to our self or our peers and schedule an event. The Resource Manager allows companies to manage, monitor and schedule company resources throughout the organization. To Dos and task assignments can now be managed, categorized, monitored and tracked using the Task Manager. The Notepad Module allows users to take quick notes and save them into their personal page as and when they need to. 54 Workflow Automation Reminders Calendaring Bookmark Scheduler Resource Management Task Manager View All View To-Do Tasks View Completed Add Events View Today Edit Add To Do Task Delete View Appointments Add Edit Delete Delete Task Figure 4.16: Workflow Automation 4.6.4 System Architecture (Physical Design) System architecture defines the physical configuration of the components that perform the functionality described in the logical architecture. To deploy the reference implementation for the system purposes, its need to configure physical resources. OCS needs client resources to show how the end user works with OCS, and server resources to respond to the end user's actions. As well as the server resources need to host at the Web site. 55 OCS Architecture The system is built upon the JavaServer Pages(JSP) and Java Servlets technologies. JavaServer Pages allows Web and application designers and developers to create information-rich and dynamic Web pages. JSP uses XML-like tags and Java code to generate page content. Core application logic resides in server-side resources such as JavaBeans or Servlets that JSP pages can use. JSP is an extension of the Java Servlet technology, which is platform-independent. JSP and Servlets require no platform-specific coding since they are Java components, thus, allowing the developer to 'Write Once, Run Anywhere. Figure 4.17 illustrates the architecture of the OCS. Database Internet Figure 4.17: OCS Architecture 56 4.7 Hardware and Software Requirements Generally, the instrumentation involves in developing the system can be divided into two types: hardware and software. The hardware instrumentation involves in this study refers to the minimum hardware requirements of developing designing and implementation of the proposed system. Basically, as the proposed system is designed to be functioning in the web environment the hardware involved can be further divide into the hardware requirement for the server and the hardware requirement for the client. Hardware and software requirements for this study are as follow: Supported Application Server and Web Server x IIS v4 or above Database x MySQL Server Supported Operating Systems x Windows 95/98 x Windows NT 4.0 (Service pack 3 or later) x Windows 2000 Required Software x Java 2 Runtime Environment (J2RE) v 1.3 or above Hardware Minimum System Specifications: x Intel Pentium III Xeon 1.0GHz (1MB L2 Cache) x 1024MB SDRAM ECC Memory x Integrated Dual Ultra2 Wide SCSI-3 Controller x 1 x 40GB SCSI HDD 57 4.8 Test Plan Testing is a crucial part of any system development and implementation. It is there to ensure that all components of the system are reliable and robust, and that the system delivered matches the user's requirements. Testing does not guarantee that a system has no errors. A comprehensive testing process will however, reduce the probability of errors occurring during system use. Also, the more comprehensive the test plan, the earlier errors are detected. Therefore, the establishment of and adherence to an extensive test process will go a long way towards ensuring the quality of the produced system. Testing Objectives Testing Plan shall supports the following objectives: a) Identify existing project information and the software components that should be tested. b) List the recommended test requirements. c) Identify the required environment, resources and provide an estimate of the test efforts. d) Recommend and describe the testing strategies to be employed. e) List the deliverable elements of the test activities. Testing Scope The testing scope for the OCS are identified as follows: a) Covers the integration and system tests on the OCS. b) Assumption that unit testing already tested by the application development team. c) Testing all requirements of the OCS as defined in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS). 58 4.9 Chapter Summary This chapter has analyzed and discussed about the current manual process of documentation in HAPM IT Sdn Bhd. Several problems have been identified and based on the analysis ,a web-based system is proposed to increase the efficiency of the current process and provide value-added service to the entire organization. It also described the OCS architecture, components and modules. Based on the architecture, the requirement analysis and detailed design of OCS are conducted. In next chapter, the implementation of OCS based on these designs will be discussed. 59 CHAPTER V DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING 5.1 Introduction Implementation involves transforming the analysis and design model of OCS into executable form. In this chapter, based on the analysis and design model, the implementation, that is the source code of OCS modules have been discussed. The testing strategies adopted in the development of OCS include input, output and usability testing. Some of these testing procedures, such as program testing and input/output testing are carried out from time to time so that any error or mistakes can be corrected earlier. 5.2 Coding Approach JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides a simplified, fast way to create dynamic web content. JSP technology enables rapid development of web-based applications that are server- and platform-independent. 60 5.2.1 JSP Technology in the J2EE Platform In Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) JSP technology has simplified the page and extension development models with the introduction of a simple expression language, tag files, and a simpler tag extension API (Application Program Interface), among other features. This makes it easier to build pages based on JSP technology. 5.2.2 Benefits for Developers a) Use JSP technology without having to learn the Java language Anyone can use JSP technology without learning how to write Java scriplets. Although scriptlets are no longer required to generate dynamic content, they are still supported to provide backward compatibility. b) Extend the JSP language Java tag library developers and designers can extend the JSP language with "simple tag handlers" which utilize a new, much simpler and cleaner, tag extension API. This spurs the growing number of pluggable, reusable tag libraries available, which in turn reduces the amount of code needed to write powerful Web applications. c) Easily write and maintain pages The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) expression language is now integrated into JSP technology and has been upgraded to support functions. The expression language can now be used instead of scriptlet expressions. 61 5.2.3 JSP Technology and Java Servlets JSP technology uses XML-like tags that encapsulate the logic that generates the content for the page. The application logic can reside in server-based resources (such as JavaBeans component architecture) that the page accesses with these tags. Any and all formatting (HTML or XML) tags are passed directly back to the response page. By separating the page logic from its design and display and supporting a reusable component-based design, JSP technology makes it faster and easier than ever to build Web-based applications. JavaServer Pages technology is an extension of the Java Servlet technology. Servlets are platform-independent, server-side modules that fit seamlessly into a Web server framework and can be used to extend the capabilities of a Web server with minimal overhead, maintenance, and support. Unlike other scripting languages, servlets involve no platform-specific consideration or modifications, they are application components that are downloaded, on demand, to the part of the system that needs them. Together, JSP technology and servlets provide an attractive alternative to other types of dynamic Web scripting or programming by offering: platform independence, enhanced performance, separation of logic from display, ease of administration, extensibility into the enterprise, and, most importantly, ease of use. Today servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications. Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Web Server, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Web and application servers, such as BEA WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, and others. 62 5.2.4 Login Module This Login submodule controls the login process of member or administrator trying to access certain restricted area of OCS services. Class Login Panel is a user interface that will display a form consists of login name and password for user to enter. This features required users to login into the system with valid ID and password. Values entered in the login panel class will send a request to UserValidator class upon being submit, which will check OCS database for matching username and password. Table 5.1 shows the code extraction of validating username and password of member. If the username and password match one the entries in the database, then the login process is successful and user are being redirected to the member panel. Table 5.1: Login codes <th align="right">Username:</th> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="j_username"></td> </tr> <tr> <th align="right">Password:</th> <td align="left"><input type="password" name="j_password"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Log In"></td> <td align="left"><input type="reset"></td> Figure 5.1: Login Interface 63 5.3 Test Result/System Evaluation The results of the Test process are the following deliverables: a) Test Logs The Test Log shall be used to record and report test results and testing status by the system owner. b) Test Evaluation Summary Report The Test Evaluation Summary organizes and presents a summary analysis of the test results and key measures of test for review and assessment. 5.3.1 Testing Types The testing types are the Functional Testing, User Interface Testing and Security and Access Control Testing. a) Functional Testing - focus on any requirements for test that can be traced directly to business functions and business rules. b) User Interface Testing (UIT) – verifies a user’s interaction with the software. The goal of UI testing is to ensure that the User Interface provides the user with the appropriate access and navigation through the functions. c) Security and Access Control Testing – focus on the application-level security and system-level security. Application-level security, including access to the data or business functions. System-level security, including logging into or remote access to the system. 64 5.4 Test Level There will generally be two levels of testing for a system. Each level will concentrate on testing particular areas of the system. The levels are: a) System Testing b) User Acceptance Testing 5.4.1 System testing System testing is testing of the system as a whole. Many types of testing cannot be performed until this level, e.g., performance testing. This is also the last level of testing performed before the system goes to the client. Therefore, the system test needs to be very comprehensive and exacting. System testing is the most formal testing process undertaken by the development team. System testing covers testing of the OCS i.e., testing the system availability and integration of Web and SQL servers. This is to ensure that the system is able to communicate between the servers to ensure that the OCS operates effectively. The administrator and users further test the system during pilot testing. Detailed testing will ensure the system's stability before installation for production usage. a) Security testing is conducted by login as user and admin to verify the features enabled of each users. b) Integration testing is conducted to verify integration between modules which has been created. The testing also verifies the modules dependability on each other. c) Component testing is conducted to verify the text fields in the interface. The users input and displayed outputs are tested to avoid any error occurrence, which ensures error free systems. 65 5.4.2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) The acceptance testing process will cover many of the areas that system testing covers. Acceptance testing is developed and performed by the users of the system. It is important because it is what they base their final acceptance of the system upon. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the system meets the users' requirements, not how well it meets the specifications. When all the testing has been accepted, the Acceptance Test form is prepared and sign by User Representative. 5.5 OCS Usability Testing For usability testing 12 users have been approached to try and test the implemented system. As there are two different types of actors for this system (consultant and system administrator), the users are requested to assume the two roles separately so that each of the functionality available for different actor can be tested. For each role, a usability or acceptance questionnaire is prepared and distributed for the users to evaluate the system. These questionnaires are included in the Appendix A. The following table shows the rating scale used in these questionnaires. Table 5.2: Rating scale for usability questionnaire Rating Very Poor Poor Moderate Good Very Good Score 1 2 3 4 5 66 Basically the questions in questionnaires are divided into few categories, which include: a) b) c) d) User interface x Overall user interface design x Multimedia contents presentation x Consistency Usability x Overall user friendliness x Ease of use x Understanding of using the system x Help function System response x Response time x Response accordingly Security x e) Security design Overall satisfaction x Guide flow for obtaining information x Overall satisfaction of using the system To further analyze the evaluation result, Table 5.3 computes the average mean value for each usability criteria in the questionnaires while the result is again plotted on a bar graph as in Figure 5.2 for graphical representation purpose. Figure 5.2 shows that system usability achieved the lowest score of 3.43 while the overall satisfaction gave the highest score of 4.37. Besides, it also shows that the average mean score of usability criteria of OCS is in the range from 3.40 to 4.40, indicating the average score for the usability testing is moderate good. 67 Table 5.3: Average mean value of usability criteria for OCS Usability Criteria Mean User interface 4.21 Usability 3.43 Usefulness 3.83 System response 4.25 Security 4.0 Overall satisfaction 4.37 Average score of Usability Testing 4.5 4.25 4.21 3.83 4 4.37 4 3.43 3.5 Rating 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 User Interface Usability Usefulness System response Security Overall satisfaction Usability Criteria Figure 5.2: Average mean score of usability criteria for OCS 68 5.6 OCS functionality Testing Functionality testing is the process of verifying whether a system meets its design and functional specifications. In the process, functionality testing can identify potential product bugs, and once those bugs are eliminated, functionality testing can verify that the fixes were successful and within the applicable standards. Table 5.4: User Acceptance Test Documents Test Case Functionalities Test Results (¥ / X) Click OCS short cut icon Able to view OCS homepage ¥ Able to login ¥ in the desktop In the User Name and Password text box enter your Windows logon Name and Password. Click OK News Able to: View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Search ¥ Able to create: Folder ¥ File ¥ b) Able to: Files Library View Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Search ¥ ¥ Remarks 69 Table 5.4: User Acceptance Test Documents (continued) Test Case Functionalities Test Results (¥ / X) . Resource Manager Able to: View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ . . Task Manager Able to: View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Search ¥ . . My Profile Able to: View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Search ¥ . . User and Group Directory Able to: View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Search ¥ Able to send message ¥ . . Instant Messaging Remarks 70 Table 5.4: User Acceptance Test Documents (continued) Test Case Functionalities Test Results Remarks (¥ / X) . . Memo Able to: Retrieve Inbox ¥ Compose ¥ Delete ¥ Create New Folder ¥ . . Email Able to: Retrieve Inbox ¥ Compose ¥ Delete ¥ Create New Folder ¥ Address Book Able to search ¥ Notepad Able to: . . . . View ¥ Add ¥ Edit ¥ Delete ¥ Table 5.5: Test User Role for System Administrator Test Case Functionalities Test Results (¥ / X) System Setup Able to: Create User ¥ Create Group ¥ Edit all modules ¥ Check roles ¥ Approve ¥ Remarks 71 5.7 User Manual for Administration The user manual is important for users’ review since they will be the ones managing the system after implementation. The manual created has to be user friendly and simple for review and system management purposes. System administrator is responsible to maintain overall operation of the system. 5.7.1 Installation procedure Minimum System Requirements Intel Pentium II 350mhz 128MB RAM 1 GB Hard Disk Space Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or above Netscape 4.5 or above Supported Operating System Windows 9x Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3 or later) Windows 2000 Before installing OCS please read the following potential problems carefully: a) Possible Conflict with existing web servers running at port 8080 during installation No Web server must be running on port 8080 at the time of installation and after. If you have an existing Web server such as Internet Information Server (IIS) running, please disable it. Need to uninstall or disable automatic startup of the existing Web server. The default installation of OCS will install Apache Tomcat, 72 which includes a Web server. b) Clean SQL Install Please uninstall any mySQL databases. OCS installation will install the mySQL database. c) SMTP and POP3 Settings In order to use the Email client module in OCS, you will need access to an SMTP and POP3 server. Please ensure that you have the settings for your POP3 email account ready. d) Java Runtime Environment OCS requires a Java 2 Runtime Environment, and the setup will install JRE 1.3. 5.7.2 Testing OCS Installation a) Launch 'MySQL' database application First double-click on the MySQL Startup shortcut and it will start MySQL, and an icon (traffic lights) will appear on the system tray at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Right click on the traffic lights icon to select 'Start Server Standalone'. 73 b) Launch 'Tomcat' Application/Web Server Next double click on the Tomcat Startup short icon on the desktop to launch Tomcat startup screen, which is our JSP/Servlet Web server. A successful startup of Tomcat will display the following message: 'OCS started - Please do not close this window'. 5.7.3 Logging In For The First Time Use the system administrator to login into the system. Use the following default information: Username: admin Password: admin. Note: You are required to change your password the first time you login. 74 5.7.4 Changing Password My Profile module allows individual users to manage personal information and change password. Right now if user logged in as admin and would like to change the password, click on My Profile. 5.7.5 Editing My Profile Click on the Edit button to make changes to your profile. The following screen shows the Edit My Profile template. 75 Note: a) Changes can be made to all the fields, EXCEPT to the ”First Name” and the “Last Name” fields. b) The password may also be changed here. Just type in the new password and verify. Save and then log off from the system. Then, log in with the new password. Clicking on the Save button located below would save any changes made to the My Profile template. Click on the Cancel button to return to the previous screen. 5.7.6 Creating First User In order to use OCS effectively, need to add users into the system. The following describes the steps required to add users into the system. Grouping Users Creating a group allows to control and manage access to the system. All users belonging to a particular group would have access to features or information allowed in the group only. Creating A User Group a) Click on User and Group Directory. 76 b) Go to the 'Group' Menu a) Click on the Add button to add a new group. Required to fill in 'Group Name'. b) Assign what you allow users in this group to do by 'checking' the appropriate check boxes. c) Click on the Add button to add the new group or the Cancel button to go back to the previous screen. To Add A User a) Click on the User button. b) Click on the Add button to add a new user. You will have to enter the following information: The required fields: First Name User’s first name. Last Name User’s surname or family name. E-Mail User’s email address. 77 Username Type in a username for the user to access to the system. Note: The username 'admin' is a system username and therefore cannot be edited, added or deleted. Password Default password assigned by the Administrator. The user may log in and change the password later on. Verify Password Type in the password again to verify. c) Select the group(s) of which the user belongs to. d) Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on 'Add' when done. Important: If you want this user to have more access rights that the group he/she belongs to, you can do the following: x Assign additional access levels here, which will “overwrite” the group access level ONLY for this user. x Put tick marks in the respective checkboxes. x Click on the Add button to save the new user or the Cancel button to return to the previous screen. Note x If the system detects the same username, the new user will not be added. 78 5.7.7 Managing the System System Setup module allows users with access to manage or view the system setup settings. Edit System Setup To edit the system setup, click on the Edit button. This will bring up the edit template. To save the changes, click on the Save button. The Cancel button will bring you back to the previous screen. 79 5.7.8 Composing News To Add News Click on the Add button to create news. a) Title (Required) Type the news title here. b) Body (Required) Type the content of the entire news here. The text area accepts both plain text and HTML codes. c) News Type (Required) Select the type of news created from the pull-down menu. The news may be Regular, Headline, or FrontPage news. Click on the Add button once the required fields are completed. A pop-up window will appear to confirm the addition. The Cancel button will bring you back to the previous screen. For a user without an “Approve” access level, news added will be located in the Approve News section awaiting approval. 80 CHAPTER VI ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1 Introduction Organizational strategy is concerned with envisioning a future for your family business, creating value in the eyes of customers, and building and sustaining a strong position in the marketplace. The first critical element of organizational strategy is Vision, Mission and Competitive Advantage, which describe the business a company is in, it is current and long term market objectives and the manner in which it differentiates itself from the competition. 6.2 Roll-out Strategy Rollout Plan is a step-by-step strategy for effectively deploying the solution to the targeted users with minimal disruption to the organization’s day-to-day activities. It should address the technical design and implementation issues associated with the new technology and incorporate the training, security, procurement, and support plans and procedures. For this project, Pilot plan has been chosen where it can release the whole system in one shot, but only to a small group of friendly users. Once it is verify that the test community survived the experience, roll the system to another group, moving up the chain until it is dare to expose the creation to the harshest critics. The 81 advantages of the pilot are lessened exposure and an extra opportunity to test the system before releasing it to the organization. 6.3 Change Management Plan Change management challenges organizations to succeed during times of great change. Learn how to successfully plan implement communicate create employee involvement and commitment and measurement systems during change. Effective change management enables strategy processes technology and people to enhance performance and spur continuous improvement in an ever-changing environment. 6.3.1 Change Management Scope The aim of the Change Management Plan is to support the implementation of the OCS. The scope of the change management includes the following: a) To ensure successful technology assimilation by the users. b) To develop Change Management skills for users to ensure success of the OCS project and help realise the Project benefits. c) To change the mindsets of users to accept the OCS. d) To communicate change and win commitment of users towards sustainable positive results. 82 6.3.2 Change Management Objectives The change management objectives is identify as follows: a) To build understanding and commitment to changes towards implementation of the system and its effective utilization. b) To align the people and behaviour to support the desired change. c) To enable continuous performance to sustain the change. 6.3.3 Change Management Strategies The key change management strategies are as follows: a) Communicate openly to the users of the OCS system. b) Help people envision how the future will be better with the OCS system. c) Understand the concerns and resistance to change. d) Develop change management activities to address concerns and overcome resistance. e) Develop change leadership to help in the implementation of OCS system. 6.3.4 Communication Plan The main aim of the Communication Plan is to facilitate the change process in OCS as follows: a) Enhance understanding of the OCS system and its benefits. b) Promote the acceptance and ownership of the change to OCS system by users c) Improve the morale during times of change by establishing an environment of cooperation and support. d) Increase the integrity and accuracy of information being transmitted within the organization internally. e) Enhance the image and the credibility of the OCS system. f) Support the implementation of OCS system. 83 6.3.5 Learning Plan The Learning Plan helps to define, organise, execute, analyse, review and evaluate its Learning purpose, Learning strategies and types of Learning with its accompanying time line to ensure that target dates are projected, monitored, reviewed and completed. Learning strategies i.e. methodologies of achieving learning at the workplace that shall be used to implement OCS system are as follows: a) Training b) On-The-Job Training c) Coaching/Mentoring d) Knowledge and Technology Transfer Training The Training helps to define, organize, execute, analyse, review and evaluate its training objectives, training strategies and types of training with its accompanying time line to ensure that target dates are projected, monitored, reviewed and completed. The Training will ensure the smooth assimilation of the system. On-the-job Training In this phase of the skills transfer program, technical personnel are given the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience on the necessary skills acquired during the above training courses and necessary guidance will be provided. Besides training, will also provide documentation as a guide to participants. The trainers will provide step by-step guidance in understanding and creating such documentation. 84 Transfer of Technology Plan The transfer of technology is an essential feature of this project. The technology to ensure that HAPM IT's technical personnel are well equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge that is required by each operation. The objectives of technology transfer are: a) To identify the current skills level of HAPM IT's technical personnel train and educate them on system application, operation and technical support, and successfully match these personnel to the appropriate area of operation. b) To establish qualified and competent staff that will be able to handle the IT operations once the system is completed. Training and coaching Change means acquiring and assimilating new skills, as well as new ways of thinking and behaving. Training and coaching (i.e. the individual support given to help everyone to change effectively and improve continuously) therefore play an important part in the process of change and eventually lead to a dynamic for selfdevelopment. 6.4 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Effective business continuity planning establishes the basis for the organization to maintain and recover business processes when operations have been disrupted unexpectedly. Business continuity planning is the process whereby the organization ensure the maintenance or recovery of operations including services to customers when confronted with adverse events such as natural disasters technological failures human error or hackers. 85 6.4.1 Business Continuity Planning Process a) Business Impact Analysis Business Impact Analysis is essentially a means of systematically assessing the potential impacts resulting from various (unavailability) events or incidents. It is common for the impacts resulting from other types of incident such as breach of loss of data integrity or confidentiality to be simultaneously explored but this need not be the case. The business impact analysis is intended to help understand the degree of potential loss and various other unwanted effects which could occur. This will cover not just direct financial loss but other issues such as reputational damage and regulatory effects. b) Risk Assessment Risk assessment is measuring two quantities of the risk, the magnitude of the potential loss, and the probability that the loss will occur. The uncertainty inherent in risk assessment means that risk assessors cannot precisely describe the risk. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what, in the work, could cause harm to people, hardware, software and others. It is legally required to assess the risks in the workplace. c) Risk Management Risk Management involves constant evaluation, planning, and action. Risk management is helpful in answering questions such as whether failing to upgrade the file-and-print server will affect the ability of users to do their jobs properly whether implementation of the latest intrusion-detection technology will reduce the likelihood of someone breaking into the e-mail server and whether a firewall is necessary to protect the Web server or if simple router ACLs (access control lists) will suffice. 86 Risk management should be an ongoing activity that includes phases for assessing risk implementing controls promoting awareness and monitoring effectiveness. In general, risk management involves risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and administration. The objectives of risk management: d) x Reduce risk exposure that potentially could cost the enterprise. x Provide an information base for informed decisions. x Furnish a comprehensive yet flexible framework for planning. Other Policies Standards and Processes In addition to documenting BCPs, other policies standards and practices should address continuity and availability considerations. These include Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) change control and data synchronization. Evaluating business continuity needs during the SDLC process allows for advance preparation when an organisation is acquiring or developing a new system. Evaluating business continuity requirements during the SDLC stages facilitates the development of a more robust system that will permit easier continuation of business in the event of a disruption. During the development and acquisition of new systems SDLC standards and project plans should address at a minimum issues such as: x Business unit requirements for resumption and recovery alternatives x Information on back-up and storage x Hardware and software requirements at recovery locations x BCP and documentation maintenance x Disaster recovery testing and x Staffing and facilities. 87 e) Risk Monitoring Risk monitoring is the final step in business continuity planning. It should ensure that the organisation's BCP is viable through: x Testing the BCP at least annually x Subjecting the BCP to independent audit and review x Updating the BCP based upon changes to personnel and the internal and external environments. Risk monitoring ensures a BCP is viable through testing independent review and periodic updating. The development of testing strategies requires a business decision regarding the level and frequency of testing needed to ensure recovery objectives can be achieved during a business interruption or disaster. The frequency and complexity of testing is based on the risks to the organisation. Management should ensure recovery testing is conducted at least annually or more frequently depending on the operating environment and criticality of the applications and business functions. Management should evaluate the risks and merits of various types of testing and develop strategies based on identified resumption and recovery needs. 6.4.2 Disaster Recovery The following categories identifies the disaster areas: a) Local site disasters - are events that occur in the branch itself (e.g. system failure and local database crash) b) Site disasters - are events which occur for the branch (e.g. Network outage, fire and power outage) c) Area disasters - are events which occur for the main data center. 88 The centers will have preventive measures for on-site recovery procedures to help avoid having routine problems escalate into a disaster. (e.g. regular backups). The center will have backup procedures and restoring operations scheduled as recommended below: a) Hourly scheduled backups of database log files b) Daily backups of databases and logs In the unfortunate event of the database crashes and failures, the backup copy will be used to restore data and then synchronize with the main data center. 6.5 Expected Organizational Benefits OCS is expected to play a vital role and given its potential to increase cooperation coordination contribution and communication among and across of many actors in the organizational. It is expected that OCS will provide the following benefits to the organizational. a) Central point of access to information documents and applications Improve efficiency for the organization, plus a clear focal point within the organization for approved documents. The use history and version control helps to reduce time and effort spent or managing documents b) Personalised presentation of documents information and applications Users no longer have to search for the documents they need as the personalization organizes and presents the documents they need. Ideal for contact centres where finding the right information or document quickly is important. c) Collaboration Employees are able to collaborate with their colleagues even if they are on a remote site. This results in greater control and efficiencies. 89 d) Providing 24x7 access to information and reducing the response time for Requests for Information Change Orders and specifications clarification. e) Improvising record keeping and documentation Project Management Reduction in rework and errors For instance it is clear which is latest document which reduces the risk or errors re-work that is needed. Reduced in project risk By improving communication it reduces time. Document Management Easier data storage By storing all documents in one central repository. Process efficiency savings For example drawing approval times were reduced Cost savings Cost of paper postage and courier are also reduced. Knowledge Resources Knowledge information sharing Collaboration Allows us to share critical documents with clients and team members 6.6 Chapter Summary This chapter has presented some discussion on organizational strategy. The discussions are focused on Roll-out Strategy, Change Management Plan, Business Continuity Plan and Expected Organizational Benefit. 90 CHAPTER VII DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction In this chapter the overall discussion and conclusion of the study will be presented. This includes the achievements, constraints and challenges of OCS and finally, some recommendations for future research are also included. 7.2 Achievements The project objectives aim at developing an Office Collaboration System a web-based application that facilitates collaboration. The accomplishment of this project highly depends on the project objectives that have been mentioned in Chapter 1 as follows: a) To study how to improve communication, business processes and collaboration among users in an organization. It is also replace manual paperwork with electronic filing and documentation b) To develop a system which to promote or facilitate information exchange and document control in collaborative environment. 91 c) To develop a web-based application for HAPM IT, that facilitates communication among users in the organization both in LAN and Internet environment that allows information and knowledge sharing. All of the objectives have been achieved when the system is able to improve communication within the organization by sharing and disseminating up-to-date information with a web-based application that facilitates collaboration and immediate information at the fingertips anytime, anywhere. Easy and rapid access to best practices, resources and information. 7.3 Constraints and Challenges There always exists the possibility of constraints and challenges in a software development project. The following are the constraints and challenges to the project: a) b) Human problem x Requirements related questions pending client response x Late approvals and acceptance by the user x User requested Requirement changes and Design changes Technical problem Laptop breakdown for instance the screen deemed and the laptop frequently hanged caused by virus. c) Time constraint whereby there are only a short time available to finish the project. 92 7.4 Lessons learned There are some lessons the author’s can learn in developing the OCS system as follows: a) Communicate with user often It is easy to ask the user any question that comes to mind. It is faster and easier to get a sense of the user’s requirements. b) Find out what need to do The software exists to meet the user's needs. If user needs change, the author need to know to adjust the development and the software. The best way to do this is to talk directly to the user. Capture this knowledge in user tests, and run these tests often to measure the progress. Having a good test suite and running it often will give a good progress report. c) Without a clear description of the software requirements not only does the author not know when to complete the task, the author also cannot possibly know that she has not completed it. d) Opportunities to improve the architecture knowledge (hardware and software) of the system as well as the Java technology. e) Time management is very important in order to meet the project date line. 93 7.5 Recommendations The OCS system would be more effective and efficient if there were improvements made. Some recommendations to improve the OCS system are as follows: a) To add function of mobile support (mobile functionality) which can transfer information to mobile and palm devices and enables direct access via WAP. It is an advantage to extend the services to the mobile computing devices to access the Office Collaboration System in the future. b) To alert the message “same as old password” when the same password is entered at the first time login. c) To have a summary of resources management whereby able to show whether the resources are available or not. d) Able to sort the folders in the files library module. e) Able to view all of the schedule of the project team, in order for the project manager to make or set an occasion or meetings. 7.6 Conclusion As a conclusion the proposed OCS has fulfilled the objectives of the study. This includes increasing the efficiency of the current information management system. Finally, it is recommended that the study could be continued further as recommended earlier in order to realize the potential of the system offered that could bring benefit to the organization. REFERENCES Baecker, R.M. (Ed.) 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