27 PET and SPECT Imaging in Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders

PET in Atypical
PET and SPECT Imaging in Atypical Parkinsonian
Alexander Gerhard and David J. Brooks
In this chapter we discuss the roles of positron emission tomography (PET) and (single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT) in the diagnosis and pathological understanding of atypical parkinsonian disorders. We will concentrate on multiple system atrophy (MSA), progressive
supranuclear palsy (PSP), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD), but also consider dementia with
Lewy bodies (DLB).
PET and SPECT are both imaging modalities using radioactively labeled tracers to image receptor
binding, metabolic pathways or blood flow in the brain. PET relies on short-lived 11C- and 18F-based
tracers prepared on site with the aid of a cyclotron and its resolution is usually better (~4–5 mm) than
that of conventional SPECT cameras (~7–8 mm) but SPECT is cheaper and more widely available as
it uses 123I- and 99mTc-based tracers with longer half-lives that can be produced centrally.
Some PET and SPECT tracers in routine use and the parameters that they measure when used in
the investigation of atypical parkinsonian disorders are listed in Table 1.
These relatively noninvasive techniques are unique in their ability to monitor the function of biological pathways in vivo. This is especially true for PET as positron-emitting radiotracers can usually
be prepared without altering the chemical properties of the molecule—carbon and hydrogen atoms
are ubiquitous in organic molecules and can be substituted by the positron emitting isotopes 11C and
18F—for a review, see ref. 1.
PET and SPECT biomarkers allow us to image variations in receptor binding, activity of metabolic pathways, and perfusion in typical and atypical parkinsonian disorders and so characterize and
diagnose these disorders. These imaging techniques are also well suited for longitudinal measurements.
A general caveat when defining the functional imaging characteristics of parkinsonian disorders is
the fact that these disorders can be classified with a degree of certainty during life only based on
consensus clinical criteria. It is well known that this clinical diagnosis may subsequently prove erroneous when compared retrospectively with autopsy findings (see Chapter 4).
The pathology of each disorder will briefly be described to the extent that is necessary to understand
the principle of the PET and SPECT techniques with reference to the relevant chapters in this book.
From: Current Clinical Neurology: Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders
Edited by: I. Litvan © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Gerhard and Brooks
Table 1
Commonly Used PET and SPECT Tracers With the Receptors/Processes They Label In Vivo
H215O—blood flow
[18F]dopa—marker of the ability (of the putamen and caudate) to decarboxylate exogenous levodopa
and store the resultant dopamine
[11C]SCH23390—D1-type receptor binding
[11C]raclopride and [11C]methylspiperone—D2-type receptor binding
[11C]diprenorphine—nonselective opioid binding
[11C] PK11195—marker of microglial activation
[11C]NM4PA and 11C-physostigmine acetylcholinesterase levels
[123I]β-CIT and [123I]FP-CIT—dopamine transporter density
[123I]IBZM and [123I]epidipride—D2 receptors
MSA is a sporadic neurodegenerative disease characterized by a progressive akinetic-rigid syndrome, cerebellar dysfunction, and autonomic insufficiency (2). Typical histopathological changes
consist of neuronal loss in the nigrostriatal and olivopontocerebellar pathways with α-synuclein positive, argyrophilic staining, glial cytoplasmic inclusions (3) associated with reactive astrocytes, and
activated microglia (4).
PET and SPECT have been used to assess the following aspects of the underlying pathology:
metabolic changes, dopaminergic dysfunction, opioid dysfunction, and microglial activation.
In this chapter we use the terminology recommended by the most recent consensus statement (2)
designating patients as MSA-P if parkinsonian features predominate and MSA-C if cerebellar features predominate. The consensus criteria have only been stringently applied in more recent papers;
previously the less well-defined terms striatonigral degeneration (SND) and sporadic
olivopontocerebellar atrophy (sOPCA) have been used to describe these forms of MSA.
Metabolic Changes
PET measures regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRGlc), reflecting primarily the
function of nerve terminal synaptic vesicles. The metabolic rate in a given region, therefore, reflects
the activity of afferent projections to and interneurons in a region rather than that of its efferent
projections. It is currently not possible to decide whether increases in rCMRGlc detected with PET
represent excitatory or inhibitory activity (5).
A number of 18FDG PET studies have investigated the changes in rCMRGlc in MSA. In patients
with the parkinsonian type of MSA, decreases of rCMRGlc in the lentiform nuclei and brainstem
have been described (6–9). This contrasts with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) where lentiform
glucose metabolism is normal or slightly elevated (10,11). On the basis of these reports 18FDG PET
seems to be able to discriminate 80–100% of MSA-P and idiopathic PD cases by comparing striatal
rCMRGglc (Fig. 1).
MSA patients with cerebellar features show decreases in cerebellar rCMRGglc (8,12), in some
cases even without obvious cerebellar atrophy on MRI (13). Glucose hypometabolism in frontal
regions (6)—possibly owing to the degeneration of fiber systems connecting the cortex and basal
ganglia—is apparent in more advanced patients but usually absent in early cases (12,14).
PET in Atypical
Fig. 1. Integrated images of 18FDG uptake of (A) a healthy control person (B) a patient with probable MSAP coregistered to the individual MRI (horizontal section); 18FDG uptake is markedly reduced in the caudate and
putamen of the MSA patient.
Dopaminergic Dysfunction
[18F]-dopa is the most commonly used PET radiotracer for the study of striatal dopaminergic
nerve terminal function in parkinsonism. [18F]-dopa PET measures the rate of decarboxylation of
[18F]fluorodopa to [18F]fluorodopamine by the enzyme dopa-decarboxylase and its subsequent storage in the striatal dopaminergic nerve terminals (presynaptic marker) (15). [11C]nomifensine is a
marker of striatal monaminergic reuptake sites. Widely used presynaptic SPECT markers that bind to
the striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) are the tropane derivatives [123I]β-CIT and [123I]FP-CIT.
The postsynaptic dopaminergic system has been studied with [11C]SCH23390 (a PET D1 receptor
ligand) and [11C]raclopride and [123I]IBZM (PET and SPECT D2 receptor ligands, respectively).
In patients with MSA-P, the function of both the pre- and postsynaptic dopamine system is impaired.
Mean putaminal uptake of [18F]-dopa , [11C]nomifensine, and [123I]β-CIT are reduced to ~50% of normal values (16–18) and individual levels of putaminal [18F]-dopa uptake correlate with locomotor
function (Fig. 2) (16,19).
Pathological studies suggest that the substantia nigra is more uniformly affected in MSA than in
PD where ventrolateral areas are targeted (20,21). A number of studies using markers of presynaptic
dopaminergic function have reported similar putamen reductions in MSA-P and PD but a greater
reduction of uptake in the caudate nucleus in the former, a “relative sparing of caudate function”
being observed in PD (9,16,18). Other groups have not replicated this greater involvement of caudate
dopaminergic function in MSA compared with PD and reported that caudate [18F]-dopa Ki values are
of limited value for discriminating between these disorders (11,19).
Using formal discriminant analysis, Burn and coworkers were able to distinguish MSA-P from PD
correctly in about 70% of cases with 18F-dopa PET (22), suggesting it is a less sensitive tool than
FDG PET for the differential diagnosis of these disorders.
Studies on postsynaptic D2 receptor binding with [11C]raclopride PET have found varying degrees
of overlap between normals, PD, and MSA patients. Brooks and colleagues found a lesser decline of
striatal [11C]raclopride binding in L-dopa-resistant striatonigral degeneration than in chronically Ldopa-treated PD patients (23). In other studies, patients with probable MSA-P have been more readily
Gerhard and Brooks
Fig. 2. Parametric Ki maps of [18F]-dopa PET scans of (A) a healthy control person (B) a patient with
probable MSA-P coregistered to the individual MRI (horizontal section) showing almost completely reduced
Ki values in the caudate and putamen of the MSA patient.
discriminated from PD patients and normal controls showing reduced striatal (19) or putaminal (11)
D2 binding. MSA putaminal D2 binding correlated with locomotor scores in one study (19).
Similar results have been obtained with the D2 receptor marker [123I]IBZM and SPECT, which
correctly distinguished five out of seven patients with probable MSA from normals and PD patients
on the basis of their decreased striatal D2-binding potential (24). IBZM SPECT correctly predicts the
response to dopaminergic medication in 70% of parkinsonian patients, those subjects having normal
striatal IBZM uptake usually showing a good response. On follow up after 24–56 mo, the diagnosis
of MSA-P and PD remained unaltered in the majority of these subjects (25,26).
[123I]β-CIT SPECT is a marker of dopamine transporter function and sensitively visualizes the
presynaptic dopaminergic lesion in MSA-P patients, revealing a mean 50% reduction in striatal binding. However, a similar reduction is seen in PD and so [123I]β-CIT SPECT is of limited value for
distinguishing these disorders (27). As expected, the differentiation of the disorders improves markedly when [123I]β-CIT SPECT is combined with the marker of D2 receptors [123I]iodobenzfuran
SPECT (24).
Opioid Dysfunction
Striatal projections to the external pallidum contain the opioid peptide enkephalin whereas those
to the internal pallidum express dynorphin. The basal ganglia are rich in µ, κ, and δ opioid receptor
[11C]diprenorphine is a nonspecific opioid antagonist that binds with similar affinity to all three
receptor subtypes. From autopsy studies it is known that metenkephalin levels in the striatum are
reduced in MSA-P whereas they are preserved in PD (28). Burn and colleagues were able to demonstrate in a small series that putaminal uptake of [11C]diprenorphine was reduced in 50% of MSA-P
patients but normal in nondyskinetic PD patients (29).
PET in Atypical
Fig. 3. Binding potential map for a patient with probable MSA-P (B) coregistered to the individual MRI.
Increased [11C]47-PK11195 binding can be seen in the putamen and pallidum (indicated by the arrow). The
color scale is callibrated for binding potential values from 0 to 1. White indicates values >1. Extracerebral
binding has been masked. (A) Illustrates the typical distribution of binding in a 59-yr-old healthy volunteer in
transverse view (BP map coregistered to the MRI).
Microglial Activation
In MSA, microglial activation has been described as part of the neuropathological process (4).
Microglia constitute 20% of glial cells and are ontogenetically related to cells of mononuclearphagocyte lineage. They respond to brain injury by swelling and expressing cytokines and other
immunologically relevant molecules and have been used as an early marker of active brain disease
(30). The mitochondria of activated microglia express peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites
(PBBSs). PK11195 [1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxamide]
is a selective ligand for PBBSs (31) and, when labeled with [11C], can be used as a PET tracer. In
lesions without invading blood-borne cells, activated microglia are the primary source of PBBS
expression (32).
In five patients with probable MSA, we were recently able to detect increased [11C]-PK11195
signal in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, caudate, putamen, pallidum, thalamus, pons, and substantia nigra (Fig. 3) (33).
This pattern accords well with the known neuropathological distribution of microglial activation
in MSA and provides information about the location of active disease. [11C]-PK11195 PET seems to
be a valuable tool to characterize the inflammatory component of the pathological process in MSA.
Metabolic Studies
Neuropathological criteria for PSP include the accumulation of intraneuronal globose neurofibrillary tangles in and often atrophy of the following structures: pallidum and subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra, pontine tegmentum, oculomotor and pontine nuclei, striatum, and prefrontal and
precentral cortices (34). These pathological findings have been reflected by changes in function
observed in a number of PET and SPECT studies using 18FDG or blood flow markers (35–41). The
studies reported ~25% decreases of regional cerebral metabolism in the frontal cortex, striatum, and
Gerhard and Brooks
Two more recent studies localized the metabolic changes in PSP using SPM (statistical parametric
mapping) (42), which explores focal changes in brain metabolism without having to make a priori
hypotheses. This confirmed the earlier studies using region of interest analysis but highlighted the
involvement of the frontal eye fields in premotor cortex (43,44).
The decreases in frontal metabolism (hypofrontality) may reflect primary frontal cortical pathology but are more likely to arise because of pallidal degeneration since internal pallidal neurons project
via the ventrolateral thalamus to premotor and prefrontal areas (45).
Dopaminergic System
In PSP the nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections are uniformly affected and caudate and putamen
dopamine content is equivalently reduced to 10–25 % of normal levels (46,47).
The uniform degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections is reflected by findings from
PET and SPECT studies of the presynaptic dopaminergic system in PSP. The first [18F]dopa PET
study in PSP found a decrease in striatal dopamine formation and storage that correlated with disease
severity but was unable to clearly separate caudate and putamen signals owing to the low 1.5-cm
resolution of the PET camera (36). Using higher-resolution cameras it became possible to show that,
in contrast to PD, the Ki values in the PSP group were uniformly reduced in putamen and caudate to
~40% of normal values (48). Applying discriminant analysis the differential involvement of the caudate [18F]dopa uptake has allowed 90% of clinically probable PSP patients to be seperated from PD
(22). A similar difference in the degree of caudate involvement between PSP and PD was found using
the PET dopamine transporter marker [11C]-WIN 35,428 (49). Another interesting application of
[18F]dopa PET has been the demonstration of reduced striatal [18F]dopa uptake in 5 out of 15 asymptomatic members of a PSP kindred; one of these subjects developed clinical PSP 2 yr after the scan,
thus indicating that [18F]dopa PET has the ability to detect familial PSP preclinically (43).
[123I]β-CIT and FP-CIT SPECT have also been used in PSP to demonstrate presynaptic degeneration of dopamine terminals. Although it has been possible to demonstrate the “relative caudate sparing” in PD compared to PSP, especially in relatively early cases (50,51), other groups have found
these approaches of limited value in discriminating PSP from PD (27).
D2 receptor binding in PSP patients has been examined as early as 1986 using the D2 antagonist
[76Br]bromospiperone (52). A mean fall of 24% in equilibrium striatum/cerebellar uptake ratios was
observed, but 50% of their PSP cases had striatal D2 binding within the normal range.
Brooks and colleagues studied nine PSP patients with [11C]raclopride PET (53); the PSP group
showed 24% and 9% significant reductions of tracer caudate and putamen:cerebellar uptake ratios,
and again only 50% of patients had individually reduced uptake ratios. In a larger series of 32 patients
with probable PSP, 20 of these subjects showed reduced basal ganglia/frontal cortex [123I-IBZM
signal ratios, indicating a reduction of D2 receptors in approx two-thirds of PSP patients (54). A
smaller number of patients with probable PSP (n = 6) were scanned with the D2 marker
[123I]iodobenzfuran (IBF SPECT); 8% and 21% reductions of binding potential in the posterior putamen and caudate were found, which failed to reach statistical significance (24).
These PET and SPECT findings of moderate reductions of striatal D2 receptor binding in PSP are
in agreement with neuropatholgical findings reporting ~30% reductions in D2 density in the caudate
and putamen of these patients (55).
Cholinergic, Opioid, and Benzodiazepine Binding
Burn and colleagues examined striatal opioid binding in PSP (29). [11C]diprenorphine binding
was reduced in all six PSP patients. Interestingly, caudate and putamen were equally affected, whereas
in MSA-P patients caudate binding remained normal.
When using N-methyl-4-[11C]piperidyl and PET to measure acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity
in 12 patients with PSP, Shinotoh and coworkers found a prominent reduction (–38%) of thalamic
PET in Atypical
AChE activity whereas the cortical activity was only slightly reduced (56). Using 11C-physostigmine
PET, Pappata and colleagues have also reported reduced striatal AChE levels in PSP, which correlated with disability (57).
A recent autoradiographic study in PSP (58) found degeneration of striatal cholinergic and dopaminergic terminals, whereas central benzodiazepine receptor binding remained unaffected. Since basal
ganglia cholinergic terminals seem to degenerate in a selective manner in PSP, striatal VAChT (acetylcholine vesicular transporter) reduction may provide a unique neurochemical imaging marker for
distinction of PSP from other types of basal ganglia neurodegeneration.
PET and [11C]flumazenil (FMZ), a nonselective central benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, can
be used to examine the density of benzodiazepine/GABAA receptors. Since probably all cortical
neurons express GABAA receptors, the density of these receptors provides a measure of the integrity
of intrinsic cerebral cortical neurons. In a group of 12 PSP patients, a slight reduction of
[11C]flumazenil was detected in the anterior cingulate gyrus but no other abnormalities were found (59).
Although it is known from autoradiographic postmortem studies that benzodiazepine binding is
reduced in the pallidum and preserved in the striatum of PSP patients (58), the low expression of
these receptors in the pallidum and proximity of the putamen probably make current functional imaging techniques too insensitive to detect these changes (60).
Metabolic Studies
In CBD there is a characteristic asymmetrical distribution of swollen ubiquitin- and tau-positive
achromatic neurons in the posterior frontal, inferior parietal, and superior temporal cortical areas as
well as in the thalamus, striatum, and substantia nigra (61).
Over the last 12 yr a number of groups have examined regional cerebral oxygen metabolism
(rCMRO2) (62) and rCMRGlc (63–66) in patients with clinically probable CBD. All these studies,
which examined between five and eight patients each, found strikingly asymmetrical reductions in
resting levels of brain function, with the hypometabolism being most evident in the brain hemisphere
contralateral to the more affected limbs. Particularly targeted were the posterior frontal, inferior
parietal, and superior temporal regions along with thalamus and striatum. Whereas these studies
used a region of interest approach, Hosaka and colleagues recently performed a voxel-based comparison of rCMRGlc with statistical parametric mapping and essentially found a similar pattern of
hypometabolism in their group of CBD patients (44).
The pattern of decreased metabolic activity in frontal and parietal cortex and basal ganglia has also
been shown with SPECT and the perfusion marker 99Technetiumhexamethylpropylenamine (HMPAO)
(67). These changes were not only found in the hemisphere contralateral to the more affected body side
but also ipsilaterally suggesting that the disease process is bilateral even at a stage when the clinical
manifestations are unilateral.
Dopaminergic System
In CBD the substantia nigra is uniformly involved, which results in similar levels of dopamine
loss in both caudate and putamen (68).
Sawle and coworkers (62) found striatal 18F-6-fluorodopa uptake was reduced in an asymmetric
pattern, caudate and putamen being similarly involved in all six cases examined with the reduction
being most pronounced contralateral to the clinically more affected limbs. Uptake into mesial frontal
cortex was also halved, indicating that not only the nigrostratal but also the mesofrontal dopaminergic projections are impaired in this condition.
A subsequent report using [18F]dopa PET confirmed Sawle’s findings (65), whereas Laureys and
colleagues noted relatively minor caudate involvement in their early CBD cases (69).
Gerhard and Brooks
Fig. 4. Integrated images of 18FDG uptake of (A) a healthy control person (B) a patient with dementia with
Lewy bodies co-registered to the individual MRI (horizontal section); 18FDG uptake is markedly reduced in the
occipital lobe of the DLB patient.
Investigation of D2 receptor density with [123I]IBZM and SPECT suggests a reduction in the striatum of CBD patients but has been restricted to a single case so far (70).
Metabolic Studies
DLB has not been examined as extensively with PET and SPECT as other atypical parkinsonian
disorders. Albin and colleagues have reported the 18FDG PET findings of six demented individuals
with pathologically verified diffuse Lewy body disease (71), three of whom had had pure DLB and
three combined DLB and Alzheimer’s disease (DLB-AD) pathology. These patients showed hypometabolism in association cortices with relative sparing of subcortical structures and primary
somatomotor cortex, a pattern reported previously in AD. The main difference in comparison to
patients with AD was the more pronounced hypometabolism in the occipital association cortex and
primary visual cortex, indicating the presence of diffuse cortical abnormalities in DLB and suggesting that FDG-PET may possibly be useful in discriminating DLB from AD antemortem (Fig. 4).
This finding has been confirmed in larger series of 13 patients with DLB and 53 patients with AD
(72). Similar differences in brain perfusion patterns between DLB and AD have been found using
99mTechnetium labeled perfusion markers and SPECT (73).
A direct metabolic comparison of patients with PD and DLB has not been performed to date to our
knowledge; since occipital decreases in occipital metabolic activity has been described in PD (74) as
well, it would be very interesting to determine whether occipital hypometabolism discriminates not
only between DLB and AD but also between DLB and PD.
Dopaminergic System
The presynaptic system has been characterized in DLB using both PET and SPECT. Using
[18F]dopa PET, Hu and colleagues (75) described a reduction of striatal dopamine uptake in 6 patients
with DLB whereas the values in the 10 AD patients were not significantly different from normal.
PET in Atypical
Table 2
Synopsis of the Characteristic PET and SPECT Findings in Different Parkinsonian Disorders
Imaging Modality
and Measured Parameter
FDG-PET (glucose
metabolism in afferent
projections and
decreased in
decreased in
lentiform nucleus striatum, thalamus,
and frontal regions and frontal areas
decreased in
decreased in
striatum, thalamus,
occipital cortex
inferior parietal,
and posterior frontal
cortex; often
normal or
elevated in
F-dopa-PET (presynaptic reduced in
reduced in putamen reduced in
reduced in
dopa metabolism)
putamen ± caudate and caudate
caudate and putamen caudate and
reduced in
putamen ±
Raclopride-PET and
(postsynaptic putaminal
D2 receptor density)
normal or raised
reduced in
striatum of
low or normal
Diprenorphine PET
reduced in
(opioid receptor density) putamen
low or normal
reduced in caudate
and putamen
low in striatum
Walker and coworkers have recently evaluated the integrity of the the nigrostriatal metabolism
using the presynaptic marker 123 I-labeled 2 • -carbomethoxy-3 • -(4-iodophenyl)-N-(3fluoropropyl)nortropane (FP-CIT), and SPECT in 27 patients with DLB, 17 with AD, 19 drug-naive
PD patients, and 16 controls. There was a good seperation of the DLB and PD patients from AD
patients and normals on the basis of the reduced striatal uptake ratios in these two groups whereas it
was not possible to distinguish DLB and PD patients (76). As the DLB cases were all rigid, however,
and the AD cases were not, the FP-CIT SPECT may simply have been discriminating the parkinsonism rather than the type of dementia.
A general problem when examining parkinsonian disorders remains the fact that clinical criteria
only allows one to diagnose these disorders with limited certainty. Only a few PET or SPECT series
have later been compared with neuropathology, but clearly this is necessary to determine how sensitive and specific imaging modalities are when used for the purposes of differential diagnosis. Nevertheless, PET has been shown to be helpful in distinguishing around 80% of atypical parkinsonian
disorders from idiopathic PD and, to a lesser extent, from each other by demonstrating different
degrees and patterns of metabolic and dopaminergic impairment.
Table 2 gives a synopsis of the characteristic PET and SPECT findings in different parkinsonian
Since PET and SPECT have the unique ability to measure physiological and pathological parameters of brain metabolism and receptors, they are invaluable research tools given that they are relatively noninvasive and allow longitudinal examinations. The possibility of longitudinal measurements
has been explored in atypical PD in only one β-CIT SPECT study so far (77), demonstrating a more
rapid degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in atypical parkinsonian disorders than
in idiopathic PD.
Gerhard and Brooks
For example, we are currently undertaking a longitudinal study comparing findings with serial
[11C]47-PK11195 and 18F-dopa PET in MSA and PD hoping to clarify the still largely hypothetical
role of “neuroinflammatory” glial responses in neurodegenerative diseases. PET studies like this
have the potential to elucidate the neuropathological processes in atypical parkinsonian disorders and
will hopefully ultimately lead to better treatment options.
• PET and SPECT are unique imaging tools that allow to investigate physiological and pathological aspects
of Parkinsonian disorders in vivo and longitudinally.
• Especially FDG PET is helpful in distinguishing atypical Parkinsonian disorders from idiopathic PD and
from each other.
• Future research should be aimed at correlating different imaging modalities to each other and where possible to postmortem findings.
• The use of new PET markers for microglial activation and amyloid deposits for “in vivo pathology” will
aid the development and evaluation of new therapies (e.g., of minocyline in MSA to suppress microglial
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