Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program Each year, thousands of small scale landscape restoration projects are installed in Maryland. Local Governments use landscape based restoration projects to meet their pollution reduction targets. Stormwater Rebate programs alone install hundreds annually. Non profits and homeowners install projects to retrofit residential and community properties. Funders invest heavily in landscape restoration. Developers are required to use Environmental Site Design on all new and re-development projects. What are small scale landscape restoration practices? • • • • • Rain Barrels and Cisterns Rain Gardens and Bio Swales Conservation Landscaping with Native Plants Tree Plantings (Buffers and Reforestation) Maintenance, including Turf and Invasive Management Each year, many projects FAIL because they were not designed, installed or maintained properly. A 2012 study in the Severn River Watershed concluded that 48% of rain gardens surveyed were failing to provide any water quality protection at all. Can you find the rain garden? A community amenity or a candidate for the mower? If we want Green Infrastructure to succeed, we need an army of Landscape Professionals to create and maintain Functional and Aesthetic projects. As a consumer, how do you know which contractors have the skills and knowledge to produce results? As a contractor, how do you differentiate yourself from everyone else who says they know how to build a rain garden? Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification will provide a standardized evaluation of the skills and knowledge of landscape contractors and a reliable marketing tool for qualified professionals. Why CBLP Certification? • The number of small scale landscape restoration practices needed to meet nutrient and sediment reduction goals is increasing. • Anticipated benefits are not being realized because many are improperly designed, built or maintained. • Local governments, non-profits and property owners need qualified professionals to implement practices. • Landscape Professionals need a centralized method to gain and market skills. Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) Individual certification for Landscape Professionals • Certification travels with the professional, increasing marketability to employers and customers. • At least one CBLP Certified Professional should be on site at all times as a project is being constructed/maintained to ensure compliance with principles. Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) Focus is “small scale” landscape restoration practices: • • • • • Rain Barrels and Cisterns Rain Gardens and Bio Swales Conservation Landscaping with Native Plants Tree Plantings (Buffers and Reforestation) Maintenance, including Turf and Invasive Management Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) Three Tracks: • Design • Installation • Maintenance, including Turf and Invasive Management Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) CBLP Certification will: • Align with the State Stormwater Manual to ensure pollution credit compliance. • Be developed in collaboration with leaders who have been training landscape professionals. • Nest within existing trade certifications. Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) Certification will require: • Application • Demonstrated experience • An exam with hands on component For most Landscape Professionals, preparatory training will be required to pass the certification exam. Preparatory trainings may be offered by community colleges and non-profit organizations. Benefits of CBLP to Consumers and Local Governments • Protects stormwater infrastructure investments. • Assists local governments meet sediment and nutrient reduction goals. • Supports local government efforts to train landscape contractors. Benefits of CBLP for Landscape Professionals • Increases marketability for landscape professionals. • Elevates the earning potential and competitive edge of landscape firms by raising the skill level of employees. • Reduces the number of different trainings that contractors must attend to be qualified for jobs. • Acts as a catalyst to steer the profession towards conservation landscape practices to benefit the Bay and the bio-diversity of the region. Supporting the landscaping community ...transforming the Chesapeake Bay Founded in 2003, CCLC now has over 300 professionals representing the Conservation Landscaping Field. CCLC Board of Directors is composed of representatives from: Local Government Stormwater Programs Non profit organizations Landscape Professionals State and Federal Agencies Regional Presence The long term goal of the Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council is to advance conservation landscaping practices that have significant ecological benefits for communities throughout the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland Sea Grant Extension Watershed Protection & Restoration Program Part of the the University of Maryland Extension Program and the University of Maryland Sea Grant College Partner in the Watershed Assistance Collaborative Team of 5 “on the ground” watershed restoration specialists Services provided to local and county governments and community partners include: • capacity building • grants assistance • project implementation assistance • outreach and education efforts Partner Roles • CCLC and UMD Sea Grant Extension will lead a consortium of organizations who set certification standards, screen applications, prepare and proctor certification exam, and maintain a certification database. We invite all of you to review the certification standards. • Community colleges and other partners offer preparatory training. • Local governments and non profits preferentially use CBLPs for projects. • Trade organizations and non profit watershed groups promote certification. Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program (CBLP) Timeline 2013 Recruit Funding, Engage Partners, Hire Certification Coordinator. 2014-2015 Develop certification structure and exam, develop training curriculum. Pilot Certification Training in 2 Maryland Counties. 2016 Expand certification to other Bay jurisdictions. Once developed, CBLP will be financially self sustaining. Become a CBLP Partner Local Governments • Consider preferential contracting with CBLPs for design, installation and maintenance of stormwater projects – for both pubic projects and for stormwater rebate programs. • Consider preferentially contracting with CBLPs for maintenance of all public property (schools, parks, office parks). • Have your staff certified (I & P, P & Z, DPW). • Consider becoming one of the two counties in Maryland to pilot this certification. Become a CBLP Partner Watershed Organizations • If appropriate, consider offering preparatory training or help to administer field components of the certification exam. • Consider preferential contracting with CBLPs. • Promote CBLP among your members. Become a CBLP Partner Community Colleges • Offer complementary courses to prepare professionals for the CBLP exam. Trade Organizations • CBLP will nest within your existing trade certifications. • Promote CBLP among your members. Become a CBLP Partner Landscape Companies • Review certification process to ensure accessibility to all Landscape Professionals. • Hire CBLPs to increase your company’s marketability and opportunities to bid on projects. • Promote certification among your existing staff. • Certify your staff. • Use CBLP to promote conservation landscaping practices to customers. Become a CBLP Partner Funders Consider adopting CBLP Certification as a key strategy to ensure pollution reduction throughout the Bay Watershed. Become a CBLP Partner Submit a letter of support for our upcoming grant proposal to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Send letters to: Jenny Guillaume by May 25th Questions?