Matakuliah : F0184/Audit atas Kecurangan Tahun : 2007 Fraud Risk Assesment Pertemuan XX Learning Outcomes • Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi metodemetode dalam melakukan analisa berbasis resiko • Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui dan melakukan pengendalian kecurangan berbasis resiko 3 Bina Nusantara Outline Materi • • • • • Understand the risk Fraud Risk Factors Internal Controls and Fraud Proofing Environment for Fraud Risk Detection and Enforcement Risk Management Checklist 4 Bina Nusantara High Fraud – Low Fraud Environment • Tight accounting and audit controls • Thorough screening of applicants for employment • Close supervision and monitoring of employee performance and behavior • Explicit rules against theft, financial statement fraud, embezzlement, sabotage, and information piracy Bina Nusantara A Comparison of The Environments and Cultures of Organizations With High and Low Fraud Potential Variable High Fraud Potential Low Fraud Potential Management style Autocratic Participative Management orientation Low trust Power-driven High trust Achievement-driven Distribution of authority Centralized, reserved by top management Decentralized, dispersed to delegated Planning Centralized Short range Decentralized Long range Performance Measured quantitatively Measured both short-term basis qualitatively and on a basis Bina Nusantara 6 Variable High Fraud Potential Low Fraud Potential Business focus Profit-focused Customer-focused Management strategy Management by crisis Management by objective Reporting Reporting by routine Reporting by exception Policies and rules Rigid and inflexible, strongly Reasonable, fairly enforced Primary management Capital assets Human, then capital and assets Reward system - Punitive - Penurious - Politically administered Generous Reinforcing Fairly administered 7 Bina Nusantara Variable High Fraud Potential Low Fraud Potential Feedback on Critical Negative Positive Stroking Interaction mode Issues and personal skirted or repressed Issues and personal confronted and Mainly monetary Recognition, promotion, responsibility, choice plus money Payoffs for good Business ethics Ambivalent, rides the Clearly defined and followed Internal relationships Highly competitive, Friendly, competitive, Values and beliefs Economic, political, self- Social, spiritual, group8 Bina Nusantara Variable High Fraud Potential Low Fraud Potential Success formula Works harder Works smarter Human resources Burnout Not enough promotional for all the talent Low turnover Job satisfaction High turnover Grievances Company loyalty Low High Major financial concern Cash-flow shortage Opportunities for new Growth pattern Sporadic Consistent Relationship with competitor Hostile Professional 9 Bina Nusantara Variable High Fraud Low Fraud Potential Innovativeness Copy cat, reactive Leader, proactive CEO characteristics Braggart, selfinsensitive to people, insecure, gambler, tight-fisted, numbersmaterialistic, profitvain, bombastic, emotional, partial Professional; paced; respected by secure risk-taker; generous with and money; peopleand market oriented; helper; self-confident; composed; calm; fair; and know who he or she is, and she is going 10 Bina Nusantara Variable High Fraud Potential Low Fraud Potential Management structure, controls Bureaucratic Regimented Inflexible Imposed controls Many-tiered structure, Everything is documented rule Collegial Systematic Open to change Self-controlled Flat structure, horizontal Documentation is adequate burdensome, and some afforded Internal communication Formal, written, stiff, ambiguous Informal, oral, clear, friendly, candid Peer relationships Hostile, aggressive, Cooperative, friendly, 11 Bina Nusantara Internal Control The limit of risk that we would like to accept will inline with the level of internal control that we should implement!! Internal control is one of the major agenda if we would like to discuss about “fraud proofing” since fraud proofing is want to reduce the risk into our acceptable level that we already define at the beginning. Bina Nusantara Basic Controls A B C Bina Nusantara • Physical Access • Job Descriptions • Accounting Reconciliation and Analysis Supervision Fraud Awareness Approval and Review Double Check and Redoing Bina Nusantara Audit Internal Audit Bina Nusantara External Audit