Foreign Student Guidelines

Foreign Student Guidelines
This memo has been provided to you as a reminder of the rules and regulations of the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Failure to follow these rules could result in dismissal
and loss of student status. Designated School Officials (DSO’s) in the Office of International Student
Services are required to enforce these regulations. Please read this carefully prior to enrolling.
Records of International Students at Liberty University are maintained on the Student and Exchange
Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and reported to the USCIS. To abide by USCIS regulations and
Liberty University policies while an international student, you must do the following:
1. Passport: Keep your Passport valid at all times. To renew an expired passport, you must return to
your home country or visit the nearest embassy of your home country.
2. Form I-20: You must have a valid, non-expired Form I-20 at all times to maintain your student
status with the CIS. Students are usually admitted for “Duration of Status,” (“D\S” is stamped on
your I-94 card in your passport.) This status is valid for as long as you are a full-time student until
the “Complete Studies” date on item five of your I-20.
3. Extension of Stay: If you find that you must extend your stay at Liberty beyond the date specified
by item five on your Form I-20, you must submit an Application for Program Extension to the
Designated School Official 30 days before the expected completion date. (Extension of stay will
only be approved by the DSO for academic or medical reasons that were unforeseen and not
under the control of the student.) Failure to do this will put you out of status with USCIS.
4. Transfer to Another School: If you desire to transfer to another school, including attending another
school following graduation from Liberty University, you must submit a “Transfer Request Form” to
the Liberty University Office of International Student Services before or immediately after you are
admitted to another school.
5. Local Address: If you move or live off campus, you must notify the Office of International Student
Services within 10 days of an address change as LU is required to inform USCIS. Unmarried
students under 21 must receive permission prior to moving off campus.
6. Travel Outside the U.S.: When you leave the United States for a temporary absence, you should
take with you your passport, I-94 card, and I-20 form signed on the third page by a Designated
School Official. The signature on the third page is valid for one year while you are a student, but
only for six months if you are Canadian or are on Optional Practical Training (OPT). You always
need a valid Student (F-1) Visa to re-enter the United States. If your visa has expired, you should
include a visit to the U.S. Consulate in your travel plans.
7. Full-time Enrollment: You must be enrolled full time each fall and spring semester. This means
enrolling in at least 12 hours per semester for undergraduates, nine hours per semester for
graduate or seminary students and six hours per “term” for D.Min. or Ph.D. program students. You
must have permission in advance from the Office of International Student Services to drop below
full-time status for any reason. Failure to do so will cause you to fall out of USCIS status.
1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA 24502-2269
Phone (800) 543-5317, Fax (434) 522-0430
8. Add/drop period in a semester. You may not drop below full time even after the add/drop period
in a semester. You are not required to be enrolled during the summer term. You may enroll for
less than full time during your final semester in a degree program only after completing a request
form and receiving approval from the DSO prior to the beginning of your final semester.
9. Distance Learning Courses: Only one Liberty University Online class may be counted toward your
full-time load during the fall and spring semesters. However, once your full-time load requirement
is met for a given semester, you may take as many online courses as you wish.
10. Off-campus Employment: Work authorization is granted only by the USCIS and is required to work
off campus. Authorization will show on the third page of the I-20. You may not apply for offcampus work authorization during your first year at Liberty on F-1 status.
11. On-Campus Employment: You may not work on or off campus for more than a total of 18 hours
per week during the fall and spring semesters. You may work unlimited hours during the summer
months and whenever school is not in session (e.g. Christmas break, fall break).
12. Dependents Taking Classes: Your dependents (spouse, children) in F-2 Status may not enroll at
Liberty University full time. They must apply for a status change to F-1 to be a full-time student at
13. Dependent Employment: Spouses and children in F-2 status may not be employed unless the
spouse has work authorization from the USCIS.
14. Income Taxes: If you work in the U.S. you must complete all required income tax forms for both
federal and state reporting of your income after the end of each year.
15. Social Security Number: The Social Security Office will only issue you a number if you have a job
offer. Students working on campus will need to see Liberty’s Human Resources office for a letter
verifying a job offer. Students with USCIS authorization to work off campus will need to see their
employer’s Human Resources office for a support letter.
16. Health Insurance: You must have major medical health insurance coverage in the amount of at
least $100,000 for yourself and all family members living with you in the U.S. Insurance must
include provisions for medical evacuation and repatriation in the event of death. You must pay for
at least an entire semester at a time and maintain coverage during the summer months if you
remain in the U.S.
Liberty University is required by law to notify the USCIS when a student has failed to maintain status,
has violated immigration laws in any way, has changed status, or is no longer attending school.
Liberty may refuse admission to students who have not met USCIS requirements for F-l status.
Last name
STUDENT ID#______________________
1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA 24502-2269
Phone (800) 543-5317, Fax (434) 522-0430