CONTRACT AGREEMENT  Off­Campus Marriage 

Off­Campus Marriage CONTRACT AGREEMENT Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________ ID#:________________________ Semester of Application: ___________________________ Age: _________________________________________ Student’s Local Phone Number:______________________________ Cell:__________________________________ Student’s LU Email Address: ________________________________ Name of future spouse: _______________________________________________________________________ Is your future spouse a student at Liberty University? : Yes No Once permission has been granted to live off campus, information regarding your local residence and phone number must be reported through ASIST within seven (7) days of the beginning of the semester or within seven (7) days after being approved to move off campus. Failure to respond will result in a $100.00 fine. Students living off campus for any reason are responsible for all University policies contained in The Liberty Way and the Off­Campus Living Handbook. If for some reason I DO NOT get married on the date specified above, I understand that I will be required to move back on campus until I meet the qualifications for off­campus living set forth by the University. I, , will be getting married on (Full Name) , therefore making me ineligible to live on (Wedding Date) campus for the semester beginning in ____________ of 20______. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: _______________________________ Date Logged: ________________________________________________