The Transfer Academy FIRST YEAR STUDENT– COMMITMENT Rio Hondo College Transfer Academy will support student success in transferring to a four-year university. Students will take responsibility for their own learning and maintain excellent citizenship and attendance in all their classes. They will be an active learner, be prepared for all classes with all assigned work completed, take notes and be an active participant in all activities. All students will maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA to remain in good standing with the Transfer Academy. Counseling Requirement Student will meet with the Transfer Counselor at least 2 times per semester Students agree to meet with the Transfer Counselor prior to dropping any class Students will take the mandatory Transfer Academy Counseling 101 class Required Activities (Fall 2015) Transfer Academy pre-orientation (July 27-29) Transfer Academy University Trip (at least one) Transfer Academy University Rep Visit (at least one) Transfer Academy Workshops (TBD) I understand that according to the above guidelines, my participation in the Transfer Academy is subject to review every term. Failure to meet the above guidelines may result in my dismissal from the program. If I decided to “opt-out” of the program for whatever reason, I will complete an exit interview. _________________ Student Name (print) _____________________ RHC Student ID # _______________________ Signature and Date _________________ Personal Email _____________________ Home or Cell Phone # _______________________ High School/ Grad Year Start Rio….Go Anywhere! For information visit the Transfer Center (SS 250) Yicel Paez • (562) 463-4619 ••