Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience A signature of a thermodynamic phase transition in jammed granular packings: growing correlations in force space This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 19/07/2011 at 22:23 Please note that terms and conditions apply. J ournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment LETTER M Mailman and B Chakraborty Martin Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454, USA E-mail: mailmm@brandeis.edu and bulbul@brandeis.edu Received 9 May 2011 Accepted 25 June 2011 Published 19 July 2011 Online at stacks.iop.org/JSTAT/2011/L07002 doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 Abstract. An outstanding question in the physics of jammed packings concerns the nature of the correlations that arise near the unjamming transition. In this work, we study unjamming in an assembly of frictionless grains that are hard but not infinitely rigid. We demonstrate that a static correlation function, which probes sensitivity to boundary conditions, exhibits a diverging correlation length as the packing is decompressed. An analytical expression for the length scale divergence is obtained from a scaling relation of the entropy, and shown to have logarithmic corrections to mean-field results. Keywords: granular matter, disordered systems (theory), structural correlations (theory), jamming and packing c 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA 1742-5468/11/L07002+10$33.00 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 A signature of a thermodynamic phase transition in jammed granular packings: growing correlations in force space Growing correlations in jammed granular packings Contents 2 2. The model 3 3. A PTS measure of correlations 4 4. Sampling boundary-constrained MSS-FNE 5 5. Length scales and scaling 5 6. The origin of the length scale 6 7. The relationship of the PTS length with the isostaticity length 8 8. Conclusions 8 Acknowledgments 9 References 9 1. Introduction In dry granular materials, resistance to shear arises only as a consequence of compression, and such solids lose their rigidity as they are decompressed to the point of zero pressure. Experiments in granular systems have shown that this unjamming transition is accompanied by large fluctuations of stress [1, 2]. In equilibrium systems, large fluctuations commonly occur in the vicinity of critical points. It has been argued that for frictionless grains, a critical point (Point J) [3] controls unjamming [4]. Experiments in colloids, foams and emulsions have analyzed the emergence of elasticity at the critical volume fraction associated with Point J [5]–[7]. Real granular materials have friction, and their properties are usually protocol dependent [8]; however, experiments on isotropically compressed 2D granular packings show features associated with Point J [2]. In this letter, we provide evidence for growing correlations and a phase transition which survives in the thermodynamic limit as Point J is approached from the jammed side in packings of frictionless grains. There has been evidence of a growing length scale associated with unjamming of frictionless grains at Point J from measurements of vibrational spectra [9, 10] and from the response to a point force [11]. The existence of such a length scale has been deduced from arguments based on balancing bulk degrees of freedom and surface constraints [10, 12]. Use of two-point correlation functions has, however, failed to detect a growing correlation length above Point J [13]–[16], whereas a growing length scale is observed [17, 18] on approaching Point J from below. These observations raise the question of what type of correlations, if any, are responsible for the growing length scale that has been observed and argued to exist. Studies of glassy systems where static two-point correlations fail to detect a growing length scale have inspired the definition of a static, point-to-set (PTS) correlation function that probes the growing influence of the boundary [19], and hence is a true indicator of a second-order thermodynamic phase transition. If growing correlations doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 2 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 1. Introduction Growing correlations in jammed granular packings exist, they will be detected by the PTS correlation function even if they are not detected in any finite-point correlation function [19]–[22]. We analyze a model granular system in 2D to demonstrate that a PTS correlation of forces provides a robust signature of a diverging length at unjamming. We connect this divergence to the vanishing entropy of force networks. Sensitivity of force propagation in granular materials to boundary conditions has been studied and discussed extensively [10, 12]. The PTS measure provides a quantitative description of these effects. The degrees of freedom which define a mechanically stable state (MSS) of frictionless grains are the positions of grains, which define a geometry, and the contact forces. A PTS correlation function generically involves the overlap of two configurations. It is difficult to construct an overlap function for two interacting sets of variables. In the limit of hard but not infinitely rigid grains, however, there is an approximate separation between the force and geometry since in this limit there are large force fluctuations associated with infinitesimal deformations of the grains [23]. This feature has been used to construct the force network ensemble (FNE) which is a minimal model that captures the most robust features of contact force distributions, and mechanical properties of static granular packings even in frictional systems [24]. The FNE is a flat distribution of all force configurations that (a) satisfy the constraints of mechanical equilibrium on a given geometry [23], and (b) have only compressive forces. We calculate the PTS correlation at a given overcompression by constructing the FNE on an ensemble of amorphous packing geometries of frictionless disks interacting via short-range, repulsive potentials [4]. Our bidisperse system of M grains is composed of 2/3 small grains with diameter d and 1/3 with diameter 1.4d. To create an ensemble of MSS at a given compression we start by sampling an ensemble of just-touching disk packings (zero pressure), each of which has a particular packing fraction φc [25, 26]. These packings are then overcompressed by increasing the packing fraction using a force law that varies linearly with grain overlap. Starting from the φc for a particular packing, the grains are inflated uniformly until the packing fraction has increased by a fixed amount δφ and a new MSS with overlapped disks is reached in which forces are balanced on MSS has a characteristic grain.0 Each Meach α β value of the full force–moment tensor σαβ = i=1 {ij} Fij rij rij /|rij |, where {ij} denotes a sum over all contacts j of grain i, and rij is the vector associated with contact {ij}, bearing a force of magnitude Fij0 determined by the force law. The pressure of the MSS is P = Trσ̂/M. To construct the FNE on a given MSS geometry, we would solve the equations of mechanical equilibrium (ME) [23]: rij /|rij | = 0, with the additional constraint {ij} Fij that the force–moment tensor of the FNE has the value characteristic of the MSS. The resulting linear system of equations can be represented as Af = b. The matrix A has z columns and 2M + 3 rows, where z is the total number of force-bearing contacts in the MSS. There are three additional rows corresponding to the three independent elements of σ̂ in 2D. The vector f is a list of length z of contact force magnitudes Fij , which represents the ‘force network’. Each MSS has a characteristic force network f0 , which is a list of the Fij0 obtained from the compression algorithm. The vector b has 2M + 3 elements. Only doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 3 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 2. The model Growing correlations in jammed granular packings the last three elements are non-zero, and correspond to the σ̂ determined by f0 . Sampling all f with only non-negative elements and with a flat measure yields the MSS-FNE. Only non-negative force networks are sampled since grains exert only compressive forces. 3. A PTS measure of correlations By definition, a PTS correlation function at a distance r provides a measure of the correlation between a variable at a point and a set of variables at and beyond a boundary a distance r away [21]. The generic protocol [21, 22, 27] for measuring a PTS correlation function is: (i) create a reference configuration of random variables [21, 27], (ii) generate a new configuration inside a boundary, while outside of the boundary the configuration is kept ‘frozen’ at the reference configuration, and (iii) define an overlap function to measure the covariance between the old and new configurations. For example, in supercooled liquids, a length scale has been deduced by freezing an equilibrium liquid configuration outside of a cavity of radius r, allowing the liquid to re-equilibrate inside the cavity, and measuring the overlap of the new configuration with the original one around the center of the cavity [27]. To study unjamming, we use the overlap of force networks to define the PTS correlations. We choose our bounded region to be a square of linear size R (cf figure 1), and construct a boundary-constrained MSS-FNE. All lengths are measured in terms of the smaller grain diameter. The members of a boundary-constrained MSS-FNE, f(R), satisfy the conditions of ME within the square, and the additional constraints that the forces outside are fixed by the components of the MSS-specific f0 : (1) A(R)f(R) = b(f0 , R). The dimension of A(R) depends on R. The last three elements of b(f0 , R) are determined by the boundary forces f0 through σ̂. In addition, the net force on the interior grains from grains that are outside the boundary leads to inhomogeneous constraints, which contribute non-zero elements to b. For instance, for a grain i which has α unfrozen rij /|rij | = contacts and β frozen contacts, there are two ME constraints: {ij}={α} Fij 0 0 F rij /|rij | ≡ bi , where F is an element of f0 . These inhomogeneous − {ij}={β} ij doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 ij 4 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 Figure 1. (a) The contact network at low P (left) and at higher P (right). (b) Vectors f(R) within R are solutions to ME equations constrained by the forces outside being fixed to f0 . Growing correlations in jammed granular packings 4. Sampling boundary-constrained MSS-FNE We sample the f(R) by constructing a random walk in the null space of the matrix A(R). The null space basis vectors, {g }, span a space of solutions for the homogeneous = 0. All f0 (R) + cg with an arbitrary coefficient c gives a solution equation A(R)f (R) to (1). The random walk progresses by choosing a random step size c from a uniform distribution, as well as a random direction in the null space g . In addition, since every contact force in a granular packing is non-negative, the random walk is subject to reflecting boundary conditions. Random walk type algorithms were developed earlier to sample force networks [24], [30]–[32]. The approach based on the null space basis vectors [30] naturally identifies the nonlocal moves required for such a sampling, creating an efficient algorithm, especially close to unjamming where the moves can involve many contact forces. 5. Length scales and scaling For system sizes ranging from M = 30 to 900 grains, and overcompressions ranging from δφ = 10−3 to 10−1 with 40 packings at each δφ, we measured C(R). Only if the nullity of A(R) is non-zero is it possible to find solutions to (1) that are different from f0 (R), and then C(R) can be less than unity. For each MSS, singular value decomposition of A(R) identifies a unique scaled bounding box size R0 and the measured nullity becomes greater 1 We denote all such ensemble-averaged quantities by g , while the are reserved for quantities averaged over the FNE only, given a particular MSS. doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 5 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 constraints do not fully constrain the ME problem, since the sum over the β contacts can be the same for two different sets of the Fij0 [28]. Taken together with the σ̂ constraints, however, they unambiguously define the boundary ME problem. Given an A(R), for each f(R) we calculate the overlap, C(R) = fˆ0 · fˆ(R), where fˆ0 and fˆ include only contact forces on grains in the core of the bounded region, away from the boundary. The core is made up of all grains within a square of side length two grain diameters, centered on the origin. Since they share a single underlying geometry, the two force networks have the same number of elements. Due to the positivity constraint, they are never orthogonal to each other, so C(R) will always asymptote to a positive value. The magnitudes of the core for each network are divided out so that the largest value of C(R) is 1. To obtain the PTS correlation function particular to A(R), we compute C(R), the average of C(R) over all of the sampled f(R). To determine the PTS correlations in the MSS-FNE ensemble, we calculate C(R) for an A(R) at a given δφ, and then compute C(R)g by sampling the ensemble of A(R) through the compression protocol1 . The positivity constraint on the forces influences C(R)g through the statistics of both the FNE and the geometry-specific matrices A(R). The ensemble of A(R), characteristic of disks with purely repulsive interactions, is different from that of elastic networks [29]. Since unjamming of repulsive grains occurs strictly at zero pressure, we analyze our results in a fixed P g ensemble, where the subscript g is used to signify that P is averaged over all MSS at a given δφ. As shown in figure 1, the positions of grains, the contacts and the forces in an MSS depend sensitively on δφ (P g ). Growing correlations in jammed granular packings than 0. For R > R0 the correlation function decays monotonically to its asymptotic value C(L), where L is the linear size of the system. Figure 2 shows R0 for individual MSS at the largest system size (M = 900). The properties of R0 g depend on the statistics of A(R) at a given δφ, and reflect the purely repulsive character of the grains. This with ν = 0.461 ± 0.012. Measuring R0 g geometry-averaged length increases as P −ν g over the full range of M and P g , we obtain data collapse (figure 2) using the finite-size scaling form R0 g /L = g(L1/ν P g ) for ν = 0.46. There is a visible failure of the collapse outside of the interval ±0.02. The finite-size scaling collapse provides compelling evidence of a length scale that dominates as P g → 0 [33]. In the inset of figure 3, we show the measured values of C(R)g . Also, shown in the main figure is a connected correlation function, defined as 1 if C(R) is 1 and C(R) − C(R = L) otherwise, averaged over the geometries. The connected correlation functions exhibit a rapid decay to zero and a collapse for different pressures after scaling Rg by R0 g . The shape of the connected correlation functions is very similar to that predicted by the random first-order transition (RFOT) theory of glasses [19, 34]. 6. The origin of the length scale Given the nature of the PTS, the increase in R0 g indicates decreasing number of solutions to (1). Particular properties of the solution space are dependent on the MSS-FNE; however doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 6 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 Figure 2. R0 g plotted against P g for M = 900. Inset: finite-size scaling collapse of R0 g using ν = 0.461, and L ∝ M 1/2 (30 ≤ M ≤ 900, 0.001 ≤ δφ ≤ 0.1). Different colors (symbols) correspond to different δφ, with the open symbols ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 (increments of 0.01), and the filled symbols ranging from 0.001 to 0.008 (increments of 0.001). Error bars represent three standard deviations of ln[R0 g ]. Growing correlations in jammed granular packings approximating the solution space as a hypersphere of dimension D equal to the nullity of A(R) is a reasonable approximation that allows us to estimate the entropy. For D > 2, a random walk beginning at the origin is transient, and in the asymptotic limit, reaches the surface of the hypersphere. In this regime, the normalized radius of the hypersphere can be approximated by η = |f(R) − f0 (R)|/[f0 ], the distance from the initial force network to a network near the surface2 . Since each valid force network is considered to be equally likely, and the solution space is simply connected, the volume of this hypersphere estimates the number of solutions. The force networks are created by a random walk in a space of dimension D, spanned by g : f(R) = f0 (R)+c g. Therefore, |f(R)− f0 (R)| can be estimated √ √ as D[f0 ], leading to the relationship η = D. This relation defines a special class of hyperspheres whose volume can be calculated from the knowledge of the radius, which also dictates the dimension of the hypersphere. As shown in figure 4, η 2 g has a scaling 1/2 1/2 form: P g η 2(R, P )g = G(Rg P g ). At a given P g , the scaling relation thus identifies a Rg at which the solution space volume takes on a given value. In particular, at each P g there is a R0 g for which η 2g = η02 at which the volume approaches unity 1/2 1/2 (or the entropy of force networks goes to zero): P g η02 = G(R0 g P g ). At small α values of y the scaling function G(y) is fitted well by G0 e−(b/y) (figure 4); therefore, 1/α 1/2 P g G0 lnP g −1 R0 g = − . (2) ln b η0 2 2 [f ] is the average of single contact forces of f0 . doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 7 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 Figure 3. The connected correlation function (M = 900). Inset: the measured PTS correlation function, with different symbols that are the same as in figure 2 denoting different values of δφ, and hence P g . The highest pressures correspond to the curves in the inset which decay to the lowest values. Growing correlations in jammed granular packings As P → 0, the −lnP g /2 term dominates, and modifies the P 1/2 behavior. With the fitted parameters, (2) yields an apparent exponent ν = 0.46, in agreement with the one obtained from C(R)g . 7. The relationship of the PTS length with the isostaticity length For a d-dimensional, disordered elastic network with M nodes and z springs, a minimum condition for mechanical stability is z/2 ≥ ziso /2 ≡ dM [12]. For these networks, an argument comparing bulk and boundary terms [10, 12] leads to a length scale that diverges as M/(z − ziso ). Such a divergence has been detected in the response of grains to point forces [11]. Indirect evidence for a growing length scale has also been obtained from the frequency spectrum of vibrational modes in granular packings [9]. Relating the boundary versus surface argument to the nullity of A(R) predicts a quadratic form for the scaling function G(y). As seen from figure 4, the observed scaling form of G(y) is different, and this is the origin of the logarithmic correction close to Point J (2). The difference of the scaling forms of G(y) implies that, at low pressures, packings of grains behave differently from elastic networks. The difference arises from a combination of the ensemble of geometries, through A(R), and the positivity constraint on the forces. 8. Conclusions We have identified a static correlation function that exhibits a diverging length scale as the pressure goes to zero in frictionless granular packings. This PTS correlation function, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/07/L07002 8 J. Stat. Mech. (2011) L07002 Figure 4. Scaling of η̄ 2 is shown for M = 900 (the colors and symbols match α figure 2). The solid line is a fit to G(y) = G0 e−(b/y) with b = 161, α = 0.86, G0 = 3 × 104 . Growing correlations in jammed granular packings Acknowledgments This work was supported by NSF-DMR0905880, and has derived benefit from the facilities and staff of the Yale University High Performance Computing Center and NSF CNS0821132. We acknowledge useful discussions with S Franz, G Biroli, Dapeng Bi, N Menon and Corey O’Hern, and with participants at the 2010 Les Houches Winter School. BC acknowledges the Aspen Center for Physics, and the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics where some of this work was done. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Howell D, Behringer R P and Veje C, 5241 Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 5241 Majmudar T S, Sperl M, Luding S and Behringer R P, 2007 Phys. Rev. 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The positivity constraint on forces in dry granular media leads to non-trivial differences between this scaling relation and that of purely elastic networks. To date, the clearest signatures of a growing length scale related to Point J have been in measurements of dynamical heterogeneities [35]–[37], and in simulations of the response to a point force [11]. Neither length scale is directly related to a two-point correlation function. The force perturbation scale is likely related to the PTS length scale. Referring back to (1), it is clear that changes in contact forces (f(R)) can only be accommodated by changes in the contact network (A(R)) when R is less than the PTS length scale. Within such subregions where the forces are precisely determined, there has to be contact-breaking motion [11] in response to a force perturbation. 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