1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2013 1 Summary Table Pct of Tax Units (%) 2,3 Cash Income Percentile Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All All Tax Units (thousands) With Gains or Qualified Dividends Pay Tax on Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Gains and Dividends for 4 Recepients ($) Average Tax Paid on Gains and Dividends by Those Paying Tax5 ($) Share of Total Federal Tax on Gains and Dividends Average Federal Tax Rate of Those Paying Tax on Long‐Term Gains and Dividends5 On Gains and 6 Dividends On All Income 7 43,362 37,681 32,699 27,208 24,067 166,272 3.6 8.1 13.2 23.9 50.1 16.8 0.1 0.9 6.2 13.6 46.0 10.3 1,390 1,839 2,886 4,595 50,310 23,739 507 98 229 528 8,387 5,541 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.1 97.4 100.0 15.2 6.2 8.1 9.1 15.7 15.4 19.9 8.2 13.1 18.4 27.7 26.7 12,130 5,919 4,805 1,213 124 37.7 51.8 69.9 87.8 95.2 32.3 48.9 67.3 84.4 91.7 6,966 11,993 31,160 407,095 2,420,483 754 1,508 4,922 67,952 406,199 3.1 4.6 16.7 73.0 48.6 10.8 12.9 15.7 16.2 16.3 21.6 23.2 25.8 32.0 35.0 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2). * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current policy baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equal number of people, not tax units. The breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $17,909 40% $37,090; 60% $64,531; 80% $111,344; 90% $160,377; 95% $227,314; 99% $592,985; 99.9% $2,682,143. (4) Average among tax units with long‐term positive gains and qualified dividends. (5) Average among tax units with positive tax paid on long‐term positive gains and qualified dividends. (6) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends. (7) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy 1 Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2013 Detail Table Cash Income Percentile 2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Rate Average Tax Average Gains On Gains and On All Income or Dividend On Gains and On All Income 5 ($) ($) Dividends ($) Dividends 4 (%) (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income 4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) 47 337 2,027 3,713 11,064 17,201 0.1 0.9 6.2 13.6 46.0 10.3 13,258 31,905 54,113 88,334 375,075 267,345 3,325 1,565 2,817 5,773 53,456 36,019 507 98 229 528 8,387 5,541 2,635 2,622 7,100 16,265 104,014 71,321 15.2 6.2 8.1 9.1 15.7 15.4 19.9 8.2 13.1 18.4 27.7 26.7 ‐4.6 ‐0.3 ‐0.5 ‐0.7 ‐3.0 ‐2.7 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.1 97.4 100.0 0.0 0.1 1.2 4.9 93.8 100.0 3,913 2,895 3,232 1,024 114 32.3 48.9 67.3 84.4 91.7 138,675 195,380 347,324 1,874,341 8,140,375 7,000 11,730 31,312 418,899 2,495,171 754 1,508 4,922 67,952 406,199 29,954 45,343 89,481 317,247 2,845,953 10.8 12.9 15.7 16.2 16.3 21.6 23.2 25.8 32.0 35.0 ‐0.7 ‐1.0 ‐1.9 ‐5.1 ‐7.1 3.1 4.6 16.7 73.0 48.6 9.6 10.7 23.6 50.0 26.5 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends 1 by Cash Income Percentile, 2013 Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 2,3 Average Dividend Percent of Total Percent of Total Units 43,362 37,681 32,699 27,208 24,067 166,272 26.1 22.7 19.7 16.4 14.5 100.0 0.8 1.9 5.2 10.4 24.0 6.9 2,867 2,813 3,674 6,169 81,530 43,790 0.9 1.8 3.3 6.4 17.9 5.1 ‐7,426 ‐7,093 ‐6,688 ‐7,135 ‐13,145 ‐10,475 3.3 7.5 11.5 21.1 45.5 15.0 850 1,291 1,662 2,168 12,432 6,417 3.6 8.1 13.2 23.9 50.1 16.8 1,390 1,839 2,886 4,595 50,310 23,739 12,130 5,919 4,805 1,213 124 7.3 3.6 2.9 0.7 0.1 16.9 25.1 34.1 49.9 65.8 9,401 16,785 44,611 584,706 2,942,579 12.0 17.8 29.0 34.6 29.1 ‐7,049 ‐8,117 ‐12,910 ‐47,686 ‐209,944 33.9 46.1 64.4 82.4 90.4 3,059 4,341 10,230 79,924 405,464 37.7 51.8 69.9 87.8 95.2 6,966 11,993 31,160 407,095 2,420,483 Average Gains Percent of Total Units Average Loss Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2). * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current policy baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equal number of people, not tax units. The breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $17,909 40% $37,090; 60% $64,531; 80% $111,344; 90% $160,377; 95% $227,314; 99% $592,985; 99.9% $2,682,143. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends. (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Detail Table Cash Income Percentile2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains 5 On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income 4 ($) Dividends ($) ($) (%) Dividends (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) 39 182 943 3,238 12,788 17,201 0.1 0.5 2.9 10.6 41.7 10.3 14,247 31,401 47,897 79,193 335,558 267,345 3,045 1,822 2,144 3,959 47,231 36,019 704 300 103 288 7,364 5,541 1,678 2,408 4,555 12,506 92,378 71,321 23.1 16.4 4.8 7.3 15.6 15.4 11.8 7.7 9.5 15.8 27.5 26.7 ‐5.3 ‐1.0 ‐0.2 ‐0.4 ‐2.9 ‐2.7 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 98.8 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 3.3 96.3 100.0 4,285 3,452 3,841 1,211 135 27.8 44.8 63.1 82.6 91.4 123,378 171,745 305,841 1,647,750 7,160,679 5,528 9,732 26,099 368,759 2,186,792 559 1,168 3,980 59,843 355,875 26,083 39,588 78,269 522,247 2,495,040 10.1 12.0 15.3 16.2 16.3 21.1 23.1 25.6 31.7 34.8 ‐0.6 ‐0.9 ‐1.7 ‐5.0 ‐7.1 2.5 4.2 16.0 76.0 50.5 9.1 11.1 24.5 51.5 27.5 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 36,065 34,713 33,034 30,538 30,666 166,272 21.7 20.9 19.9 18.4 18.4 100.0 0.7 1.4 3.8 8.4 22.1 6.9 3,006 3,149 3,521 4,836 70,489 43,790 1.0 1.2 3.0 5.3 15.7 5.1 ‐7,887 ‐7,191 ‐6,848 ‐6,468 ‐12,659 ‐10,475 2.8 5.5 10.8 17.9 41.6 15.0 907 1,021 1,285 1,657 11,221 6,417 3.1 6.1 12.2 20.2 46.0 16.8 1,521 1,632 2,232 3,476 44,077 23,739 15,414 7,701 6,085 1,466 148 9.3 4.6 3.7 0.9 0.1 14.6 23.6 32.7 49.5 65.2 7,719 12,830 36,224 503,419 2,585,770 9.9 16.0 26.0 33.4 29.3 ‐7,073 ‐7,487 ‐12,131 ‐44,749 ‐192,819 29.8 43.0 60.4 80.1 89.3 718 1,778 5,349 73,014 326,984 33.3 47.8 66.0 86.1 94.5 5,538 10,059 26,027 357,732 2,128,728 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2) * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current polic baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Detail Table ‐ Single Tax Units Cash Income Percentile2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income5 ($) Dividends ($) ($) Dividends4 (%) (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) 24 54 415 1,302 3,470 5,268 0.1 0.3 2.6 11.1 36.1 6.5 11,314 20,122 37,342 58,141 215,665 159,589 2,273 2,407 1,603 3,606 36,139 24,863 212 142 54 331 5,503 3,713 1,951 2,719 3,335 9,666 59,216 41,692 9.3 5.9 3.4 9.2 15.2 14.9 17.2 13.5 8.9 16.6 27.5 26.1 ‐2.2 ‐0.8 ‐0.2 ‐0.7 ‐3.4 ‐3.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.2 97.6 100.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 5.7 93.5 100.0 1,274 919 988 288 30 24.9 39.4 55.2 79.0 90.4 84,084 119,601 212,312 1,114,384 5,109,267 5,692 11,024 25,844 285,904 1,658,567 718 1,327 3,651 46,283 270,704 18,951 29,084 53,868 351,380 1,784,424 12.6 12.0 14.1 16.2 16.3 22.5 24.3 25.4 31.5 34.9 ‐1.1 ‐1.4 ‐2.3 ‐5.7 ‐7.5 4.7 6.2 18.4 68.3 41.8 11.0 12.2 24.2 46.2 24.5 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 23,198 19,587 15,802 11,719 9,604 80,622 28.8 24.3 19.6 14.5 11.9 100.0 0.7 1.4 3.3 7.2 20.2 4.7 2,018 2,538 2,492 3,458 47,217 25,715 1.0 1.1 2.7 3.8 12.1 3.3 ‐5,680 ‐6,958 ‐5,936 ‐6,227 ‐11,738 ‐8,959 3.1 6.8 11.5 15.2 35.5 11.4 776 972 1,416 2,299 11,406 5,179 3.3 7.3 12.3 16.8 39.3 12.5 1,151 1,405 1,986 3,555 34,491 14,409 5,116 2,332 1,790 365 33 6.3 2.9 2.2 0.5 0.0 13.0 22.7 31.5 48.6 62.7 6,468 11,218 30,668 360,386 1,945,469 7.8 12.8 19.2 32.0 29.4 ‐7,464 ‐7,155 ‐11,029 ‐40,143 ‐158,291 24.9 38.7 53.5 75.1 83.9 3,374 5,725 10,258 71,519 350,422 27.8 42.7 59.0 82.6 91.8 6,041 11,146 25,699 276,883 1,648,823 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2) * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current polic baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Detail Table ‐ Married Tax Units Filing Jointly Cash Income Percentile2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income5 ($) Dividends ($) ($) Dividends4 (%) (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) * 79 447 1,729 8,851 11,122 * 1.2 3.8 11.2 45.9 19.2 * 38,407 57,056 95,080 381,127 320,609 * 2,055 2,644 4,286 50,240 40,789 * 522 146 266 7,890 6,333 * 2,520 5,318 14,281 104,484 85,608 * 25.4 5.5 6.2 15.7 15.5 * 6.6 9.3 15.0 27.4 26.7 * ‐1.4 ‐0.3 ‐0.3 ‐2.8 ‐2.6 * 0.1 0.1 0.7 99.1 100.0 * 0.0 0.2 2.6 97.1 100.0 2,826 2,427 2,722 876 98 30.8 48.1 67.8 84.0 92.0 141,945 192,249 341,757 1,798,658 7,679,682 5,397 9,114 26,004 384,232 2,300,758 484 1,095 4,070 62,491 374,758 29,304 43,675 87,544 568,224 2,668,911 9.0 12.0 15.7 16.3 16.3 20.6 22.7 25.6 31.6 34.8 ‐0.4 ‐0.7 ‐1.6 ‐4.8 ‐7.0 1.9 3.8 15.7 77.7 52.0 8.7 11.1 25.0 52.3 27.4 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 4,398 6,664 11,624 15,415 19,298 57,802 7.6 11.5 20.1 26.7 33.4 100.0 1.6 2.4 5.4 10.2 23.9 12.3 5,719 4,391 4,423 5,617 77,537 52,567 2.1 2.6 4.3 6.9 18.0 9.3 ‐12,443 ‐7,717 ‐7,604 ‐6,614 ‐12,796 ‐11,160 4.8 6.3 13.4 21.9 46.0 25.2 1,415 1,086 1,186 1,372 11,072 7,295 5.7 7.5 15.8 24.8 50.8 28.3 2,835 2,293 2,526 3,508 46,565 29,318 9,190 5,048 4,018 1,042 106 15.9 8.7 7.0 1.8 0.2 16.4 24.5 33.8 50.0 66.2 8,026 13,164 38,156 533,868 2,707,174 11.4 17.7 29.4 33.9 29.3 ‐7,072 ‐7,622 ‐12,487 ‐43,817 ‐185,722 33.9 45.7 64.7 82.3 91.8 2,062 3,568 8,309 72,350 370,014 38.0 51.0 70.3 87.6 95.9 5,297 9,518 26,001 372,583 2,223,157 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2) * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current polic baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Detail Table ‐ Head of Household Tax Units Cash Income Percentile2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income5 ($) Dividends ($) ($) Dividends4 (%) (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) * 48 75 155 302 587 * 0.6 1.5 5.6 23.9 2.3 * 32,720 51,349 83,480 290,553 180,978 * 811 2,234 3,822 44,408 24,255 * 118 131 218 6,628 3,497 * 1,912 6,510 16,141 80,923 46,867 * 14.5 5.9 5.7 14.9 14.4 * 5.8 12.7 19.3 27.9 25.9 * ‐0.4 ‐0.3 ‐0.3 ‐3.1 ‐2.5 * 0.3 0.5 1.6 97.5 100.0 * 0.3 1.8 9.1 88.8 100.0 127 71 79 26 * 15.6 30.9 42.4 77.2 * 121,302 169,344 286,988 1,466,617 * 7,553 13,773 27,295 361,988 * 673 1,608 3,993 57,735 * 28,307 40,427 72,562 476,401 * 8.9 11.7 14.6 15.9 * 23.3 23.9 25.3 32.5 * ‐0.7 ‐1.2 ‐1.8 ‐5.5 * 4.1 5.6 15.3 72.5 * 13.0 10.4 20.7 44.6 * Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 1 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 8,232 8,034 4,869 2,769 1,263 25,256 32.6 31.8 19.3 11.0 5.0 100.0 0.2 0.4 1.8 4.4 12.0 1.7 2,065 2,441 2,971 4,817 76,429 30,467 0.3 0.3 1.2 2.9 10.5 1.3 ‐11,735 ‐6,398 ‐6,595 ‐5,903 ‐9,784 ‐8,391 1.0 1.8 3.8 9.1 22.8 3.8 750 1,176 896 1,145 7,287 2,926 1.1 2.0 4.4 10.8 26.1 4.4 1,098 1,541 1,996 2,933 41,538 14,020 814 230 186 33 3 3.2 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.0 7.3 15.0 23.2 44.0 57.2 13,848 24,950 40,575 555,740 3,078,325 6.8 13.0 19.2 34.4 29.5 ‐4,699 ‐7,203 ‐9,343 ‐42,295 ‐150,392 15.9 27.8 38.3 69.2 79.7 1,805 2,769 6,072 54,178 263,438 18.1 32.4 44.2 78.8 87.1 7,200 13,930 26,582 358,080 2,262,537 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2) * Insufficient data (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current polic baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy 1 Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 Detail Table ‐ Tax Units with Children Cash Income Percentile 2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income5 4 ($) ($) Dividends ($) (%) Dividends (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) 14 112 202 728 3,834 4,898 0.1 1.0 2.0 7.3 45.9 9.9 19,379 37,495 61,984 118,910 408,493 340,865 4,310 1,515 4,158 4,431 44,282 35,585 1,732 433 266 278 7,016 5,564 559 2,204 8,394 23,559 116,132 94,834 40.2 28.6 6.4 6.3 15.8 15.6 2.9 5.9 13.5 19.8 28.4 27.8 ‐8.4 ‐1.2 ‐0.5 ‐0.3 ‐2.3 ‐2.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.7 98.7 100.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 3.7 95.9 100.0 1,459 987 1,063 325 33 33.2 49.8 66.9 85.0 93.5 160,987 225,369 406,082 2,082,989 9,378,884 4,356 8,177 24,167 398,858 2,694,177 499 1,080 3,934 64,365 439,747 36,199 54,564 110,184 681,190 3,336,978 11.4 13.2 16.3 16.1 16.3 22.5 24.2 27.1 32.7 35.6 ‐0.4 ‐0.6 ‐1.3 ‐4.4 ‐6.8 2.7 3.9 15.4 76.8 53.0 11.4 11.6 25.2 47.7 23.6 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends 1 by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 10,088 10,789 10,009 9,950 8,349 49,418 20.4 21.8 20.3 20.1 16.9 100.0 0.5 0.9 3.4 7.6 21.4 6.2 5,002 4,358 4,641 5,515 81,557 50,178 0.6 0.9 2.5 5.7 19.2 5.3 ‐13,036 ‐6,936 ‐7,464 ‐6,637 ‐12,396 ‐10,815 1.2 2.2 7.9 17.3 44.4 13.4 866 745 806 1,045 7,748 4,782 1.5 2.7 9.3 19.4 48.9 15.1 2,393 2,043 2,403 3,078 42,696 24,859 4,396 1,981 1,589 382 35 8.9 4.0 3.2 0.8 0.1 14.2 24.9 30.8 45.9 64.7 9,000 13,523 41,577 643,759 3,459,811 12.4 20.9 31.1 37.9 29.7 ‐6,270 ‐7,786 ‐13,011 ‐46,604 ‐240,237 33.1 46.8 63.7 81.5 89.5 1,239 2,391 6,211 59,075 334,593 36.6 52.9 68.8 87.0 94.6 4,625 8,477 24,400 394,762 2,682,330 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2). * Insufficient data Note: Tax units with children are those claiming an exemption for children at home or away from home. (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current policy baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends. (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare). 1‐Sep‐11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS http://www.taxpolicycenter.org Table T11‐0334 Taxes on Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends Baseline: Current Policy 1 Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 Detail Table ‐ Elderly Tax Units Cash Income Percentile 2,3 Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Number (thousands) Pct of All Units (%) Average Income ($) Tax Units with Tax On Positive Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends Average Tax Average Tax Rate Average Gains On Gains and or Dividend On Gains and On All Income On All Income5 ($) Dividends ($) ($) Dividends4 (%) (%) Percent Change in After‐Tax Income4 (%) Share of Tax on Gains and Dividends (%) Share of Total Tax Burden (%) * 14 594 1,858 4,122 6,589 * 0.1 7.1 29.0 59.6 17.8 * 26,118 46,119 69,616 289,037 204,692 * 2,380 1,345 3,962 57,344 37,122 * 539 70 341 8,745 5,575 * 2,494 2,822 7,831 72,956 48,115 * 22.7 5.2 8.6 15.3 15.0 * 9.5 6.1 11.2 25.2 23.5 * ‐2.2 ‐0.2 ‐0.5 ‐3.9 ‐3.4 * 0.0 0.1 1.7 98.1 100.0 * 0.0 0.5 4.6 94.9 100.0 1,485 1,103 1,159 374 42 46.8 62.9 74.5 87.6 96.2 107,221 153,161 273,016 1,460,712 6,359,400 7,985 15,510 41,610 425,271 2,256,175 775 1,807 6,125 68,942 362,682 17,591 29,552 62,959 451,574 2,166,463 9.7 11.6 14.7 16.2 16.1 16.4 19.3 23.1 30.9 34.1 ‐0.9 ‐1.4 ‐2.8 ‐6.4 ‐8.0 3.1 5.4 19.3 70.2 41.6 8.2 10.3 23.0 53.3 28.8 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Baseline Distribution of Long‐Term Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends 1 by Cash Income Percentile Adjusted for Family Size, 2013 Tax Units 3 Cash Income Percentile Number (thousands) Lowest Quintile Second Quintile Middle Quintile Fourth Quintile Top Quintile All Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Gains Tax Units With Net Long‐Term Capital Losses Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Units Tax Units With Qualified Dividends Tax Units With Long‐Term Gains or Qualified Dividends 2,3 Percent of Total Average Gains Average Loss Percent of Total Units Average Dividend Percent of Total Units Average Gains or Dividend 5,988 9,396 8,334 6,402 6,913 37,068 16.2 25.3 22.5 17.3 18.6 100.0 0.1 1.3 6.6 17.9 35.9 11.7 4,063 2,126 2,429 4,756 68,059 40,838 0.5 1.3 5.8 10.8 21.3 7.6 ‐7,573 ‐5,136 ‐6,208 ‐6,226 ‐14,014 ‐10,387 2.7 10.8 22.7 35.1 60.0 25.5 774 1,074 1,529 2,362 18,021 8,891 2.8 11.4 24.6 39.6 66.0 28.1 955 1,265 2,061 4,241 53,436 25,055 3,175 1,753 1,557 427 44 8.6 4.7 4.2 1.2 0.1 28.0 36.9 44.7 58.8 72.4 8,516 15,868 44,965 476,451 2,326,344 16.1 22.9 27.8 29.1 24.3 ‐8,622 ‐7,841 ‐14,761 ‐53,468 ‐277,308 50.2 61.3 71.8 83.7 91.8 4,276 8,104 16,811 112,818 540,641 56.3 66.7 78.1 90.4 96.8 8,046 16,215 41,191 414,583 2,252,404 Addendum 80‐90 90‐95 95‐99 Top 1 Percent Top 0.1 Percent Source: Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center Microsimulation Model (version 0411‐2). * Insufficient data Note: Elderly tax units are those with either head or spouse (if filing jointly) age 65 or older. (1) Calendar year. Baseline is current policy with no tax on long‐term positive capital gains or qualified dividends that would be eligible for the lower rates. Proposal is current policy. For a description of TPC's current law and current policy baselines, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/T11‐0270 (2) Tax units with negative cash income are excluded from the lowest income class but are included in the totals. For a description of cash income, see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/TaxModel/income.cfm (3) Includes both filing and non‐filing units but excludes those that are dependents of other tax units. The cash income percentile classes used in this table are based on the income distribution for the entire population and contain an equa number of people, not tax units. The incomes used are adjusted for family size by dividing by the square root of the number of people in the tax unit. The resulting percentile breaks are (in 2011 dollars): 20% $12,690; 40% $24,714; 60% $41,203; 80% $67,700; 90% $97,816; 95% $138,772; 99% $358,601; 99.9% $1,621,178. (4) Average federal tax on long‐term positive capital gains and qualifed dividends as a percentage of positive long‐term gains and qualified dividends. (5) Average federal tax (includes individual and corporate income tax as well as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare) as a percentage of average cash income. (6) After‐tax income is cash income less: individual income tax net of refundable credits; corporate income tax; and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare).