CONCRETE LIBRARY OF JSCE NO. 33, JUNE 1999 STUDY ON CORROSION MONITORING OF REINFORCING STEEL BARS IN 36-YEAR-OLD ACTUAL CONCRETE STRUCTURES (Translation from Proceeding of JCI, Vol.20, No.1, 1998) Masaru YOKOTA To evaluate the on-site corrosion rate of steel reinforcement in actual concrete structures, a new portable corrosion rate meter based using an AC impedance technique has been developed. Corrosion diagnosis using this new instrument is carried out on 36-year-old actual concrete structures canstihuring an open channel in a coastal district. Concrete walls from the tidal zone to the splash zone were tested for half-cell potential, corrosion rate ( polarization resistance ), concrete cover, chloride penetration into concrete, and other factors. The corrosion penetration depth in reinforcing steel bars is estimated from the product of corrosion rate and corrosion period, which could be determined by the diffusion rate of chloride ions. Penetration depth values estimated from the corrosion monitoring results correlate well with those measured from gravimetric weight loss. On the other hand, no correlation was found between penetration depth and half-cell potential in the concrete. These resulls demonstrate that the newly developed corrosion monitoring system can successfully measure the on-site corrosion rate of steel bars in concrete structures. Keywords .' RC structures, corrosion monitoring, polarization resistance, corrosion rate, ac impedance, chloride ions Masaru Yokota is a senior researcher in the Department of Civil Engineering at Shikoku Research Institute Inc., Takamatsu, Japan. He obtained his Dr.Eng. from Tokushima University in 1995. His research interests relate to the corrosion monitoring of reinforcing steel in concrete and the rehabilitation of structures. He is a member of the JSCE. —155 "- 1 . INTRODUCTION Recently, the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures resulting from the corrosion of reinforcing steel bars due to penetration by chloride ions has become a serious problem. In order to estimate the service life of concrete structures and to select an appropriate repair interval that will prolong service life, the development of a field corrosion monitoring technique is of great practical interest. In this work, a corrosion monitoring method using AC impedance has been investigated for the evaluation of on-site corrosion rate of steel bars and estimation of the service life of concrete structures. In this paper, the new corrosion rate meter is described and the results actual concrete structures in a coast district are presented. of its application 2 . CORROSION RATE METER On-site corrosion rate measurements were carried out using a new portable corrosion rate meter (see Fig.l) developed by Shikoku Research Institute Inc.. This device has the following features: Ö Operates on an AC impedance principle. It has a reinforcing bar connection, a reference electrode, and an auxiliary electrode. A small sinusoidal voltage is applied, and the amplitude of the sinusoidal current response and the phase difference between the two signals are measured. à" To allow rapid measurement, the apparent polarization resistance, Ret', obtained from the AC impedance measurements at two frequencies is used, as shown inFig.2[1]. Ahighfrequencyof 10-1 Hz and a low frequency of10 mHzare used. © To define the area of reinforcing steel being polarized during measurement, the double counter electrodemethod isused [2] , as h: Fig. l New portable corrosion 1 0H z Z = Ret' x A ^x -real lOm H 5 (Q) Re a2 =CL2-KRL-RH)2 cos 6 =(RL-RH)/a cos & =a/Rc' (1) cos2 e =(RL-RH)/RC' A=7idX4/2=27id 1 /RC -(RL-RH)/{CL2+(RL-RH)2} RC =1.9RC' (2) where A is the steel area being measured, and isequaltothe surface area of the top 4cm of the reinforcingsteel and d isthe diameter of the steel. (RH.O) Fig.2 -156 (RH+ RC',O) Newly developed method of estimating polarization resistance from AC impedance measurements - system N e w m e th od (tw o freq Ru oe n= c1 ie.9 Rs)r 10 H/ "" ' l Oji J!L Rc * The true polarization resistance, Ret, is determined from eq.(l): Ret monitoring C o nv e n tio n s m e th o d (m u ltip le fre q ue n c ie s) shown in Fig.3. âÂÒ«²¢ to Note WE : Working elctrode R E : Reference electrode CCE : Central counter electrode GCE : Guard counter electrode R E:Ag/AgCI CCE : Stainless diameter GCE : Stainless diameter steel and steel and ring with a 4.0cm outside a 0.8cm inside diameter ring with a 10.4cm outside a 4.5cm inside diameter Device Double-counter electrode C CE GCE il lI K ' "f *,'rrM - E lectrolyte te aUfl tBro Uiiiuiiiiuliiniliiy C loth I I C u rrent distribution WE mm m Steel bar £T ^ A Fig.3 Principle rea measured Concrete of AC impedance measurement using a double-counter à" The corrosion current Geary equation (3).: Icorr=B of chloroethylene density ( the corrosion X(1/Ret) rate ), Icorr, is estimated electrode by the Stern and (3) where B is a constant ( =0.026V ). According to Faraday's law, the corrosion current density, Icorr, can be converted into a penetration rate from eq.(4). In the following text, the corrosion rate is expressed as the penetration rate ( mm/year ). Penetrationrate= 3 . OUTLINE ll.6 xiO3 X Icorr (4) OF EXPERIMENT 6 , 800 Corrosion measurements were carried out on the steel bars in 36-year-old actual concrete structures - the concrete walls of an open channel, as shown in Fig.4, located in a coastal district on the Seto Inland Sea at Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture. Two separate areas were chosen for corrosion monitoring. Area 1 and Area2were 80m and 100mfromthe shore, respectively. There was no evidence of surface cracking. Vertical reinforcement consisting of 19 mm diameter round bars and horizontal reinforcement consisting of 13 mm diameter round bars are arranged at intervals of 30cm and 25~30cm, respectively. The total test surface of Region for corrosion monitoring ; Coringpoint for concrete sample (chloride content) Cross section oftested of an open channel 757 - concrete walls A rea 1 and Area 2 was approximately 1m. Concrete walls from the tidal zone to splash zone were tested for (a) half-cell potential and corrosion rate ( polarization resistance ) estimated from AC impedance measurements using the new portable corrosion diagnosis system, (b) chloride concentration in the concrete, (c) thickness of concrete cover, (d) quantity of corrosion and mean penetration depth from the gravimetric weight loss of steel. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 5 shows the potential, the corrosion rate estimated thickness of cover measured in Area 1 and 2. Steelb a r -> -1 8 9 0 .0 0 4 0 <* 1 9 - 154 0 .0 0 4 9 T T S, t e e l b a r 0- .01 60 34 2 ,4 1 3 (0 .9 ) - 1 84 0 .0 0 6 3 1 = 5 - 24 3 0 .0 0 2 9 & - 2 94 0 .0 0 4 4 (2 .2 5 ) &= * S te o- .0 1 70 0 3 7 '?'. +H 4.H -7 .W5 0.L rl m (3 .1 ) - 2 2 0 .0 0 3 4 a (1 .6 5 ) ie - 22 7 . 0 .0 0 7 7 t s te e l b a r - 8 9 0 .0 0 3 7 (2 .0 ) (4 .9 ) <J> 1 3 - 20 5 0 .0 0 3 6 - 204 0 .0 0 0 9 - 2 35 0 .0 0 5 0 (3 .0 ) - 35 7 - 30 2 0 .0 0 5 0 0 .0 1 0 8 - 2 58 0 .0 0 5 7 - 8 2 0 0 00 8 - 240 0 .0 0 0 5 (7 .4 5 ) - 39 5 - 32 3 0 .0 0 5 8 0 .0 0 4 2 (6 .1 5 ) a │ S3 - 3 0 7 0 .0 0 3 5 - 21 9 0 .0 0 0 6 (5 .9 ) 0- .0 2 50 32 4 ' '. H + .W3 .9.L 6 2 - 3 70 0 .0 0 4 5 (3 .5 5 ) - 27 1 0 .0 0 4 5 =」 - 28 6 0 .0 0 2 8 - 27 0 0 00 52 0 .0 0 0 9 (5 .4 ) - 2 29 0 .0 0 0 6 (6 .1 5 ) - 230 0 .0 0 1 5 - 20 1 0 .0 0 1 0 - 22 2 0 .0 0 0 6 (8 .4 ) - 24 5 0 .0 0 2 5 ( 7 .0 (6 .5 5 ) -2 19 0 .0 0 0 7 (6 .9 5 ) - 26 2 0 .0 0 2 3 - 2 13 0 .0 0 1 2 - 22 3 0 .0 0 1 0 (9 .4 5 ) - 23 1 0 .0 0 1 5 (7 .7 ) v s A g /A g C l) C o r r o s io n r a te ( m m /y e a r ) 0 .0 0 1 2 C o n c r e te c o v e r (c m ) [Area1 Half-cell concrete -2 2 3 0 .0 0 0 6 - 2 31 0 .0 0 1 3 (5 .2 ) (9 .1 ) P o t e n t ia l ( m V m ( 7 .7 ) 7 .0 ) 3= > Fig.5 - 2 14 0 .0 0 1 3 - 23 3 0 .0 0 0 8 (5 .7 5 ) ( 5 .0 ) - 2 62 0 .0 0 3 9 (3 .7 ) & =* (5 .3 5 ) (7 3) tin t4 .1 M 5 & =* resistance, aM n ed a ps ou la rinriza g p tio o inn t re fo sista r p o nte ce n tia l - 17 7 0 .0 0 5 7 (2 .8 ) - 1 91 0 .0 0 3 8 from polarization - 24 3 0 .0 0 1 5 (1 0 .9 ) ] [Area2] potential, corrosion rate, and cover measured in Areas 1 and 2 -158 - and the 4 .1 Amount of corrosion ( mean penetration depth ) Figure 6 shows the distribution of mean penetration depth measured from the gravimetric weight loss of samples from two vertical reinforcing steel bars removed from part of Area 1. Corrosion was found over the whole of the steel bars except below H.W.L.-0.15m on the right bar. The mean penetration depth in the left bar reached a peak ofO.llmm at the height ofH.W.L.+O 15m The peak in the right bar was 0.026mm at the height ofH.W.L.+0.3m. On the other hand, no corrosion wasfound on the steel bars in Area 2. 0 .0 0 .0 -Left bar (Area 1 ) à"Right bar( Area 1 ) No corrosion in Area 2 Reinforcing steel bar : <l> 19 --O Leftbar(Area1) à" Rightbar(Area1) ---D- - Leftbar(Area2) --à"»-- Rightbar(Area2) 1 0.5 Siu 2 Reinforcing steel bar : 0 19 \R ll.0 VH.H.W.L. «*-< O « <u bi.s I 4> ^ 2.0 C5 2 .5 0.0 0.1 0.2 100 Meanpenetration depth 200 300 400 500 Half - cell potential Ecorr ( -mV vs Ag/AgCl ) measured, Dm (mm) Fig.6 Vertical distribution of measured mean penetration depth of a reinforcing steel bar Fig.7 potential Vertical distribution along a reinforcing of half-cell steel bar 4 .2 Half-celt potential Figure 7 shows the vertical distribution of half-cell potential along a steel bar. The potential distribution for Area 1 indicated sections with a high corrosion risk. The potential valuetended to fall with increasing penetration depth, as showninFig.6. Inparticular, the potentials obtained from the left bar were more negative than the ones from the right bar, becoming a minimum value (-400mVvs Ag/AgCl ) at SU O L eft b ar ( A rea 1 ) R igh t b ar ( A rea 1 ) D L eft & R igh tb ars ( A rea 2 ) 'Z? à"a S < §£ Icf 0 .1 1H3 <u S a. u A S T M - C 8 76 h ss 22 ^ s a p pro x. 5 0 % u n c e rta in 0% > 90 % P ro b a b ility of c o rro s io n u 90 30 A S T MD - C876 H.W.L. However, the potential distributions for Area 2 did not show the same tendency. Figure 8 shows the relationship between half-cell potential and measured mean penetration depth for the reinforcing steel. 0 .2 fi * o 00 > o Jサ 0 n 0 .0 100 Half- Fig.8 -159 200 cell potential, 300 Relationship between half-cell and measured meanpenetration reinforcing steel bar - 400 (- mVvsAg/AgCI 500 ) potential depth ofa 4 ) i .3 Corrosion rate estimated from AC impedance measurements (polarization resistance) Figure 9 shows the vertical distribution of corrosion rate estimated from AC 0 .2 O L eft b ar ( A rea I ) impedance measurements along a steel R ig h tb ar ( A rea 1 ) bar. Figure 10 shows the relationship D L eft & R ig ht b ars ( A re a 2 between estimated corrosion rate and 5 S measured meanpenetration depth for the = E reinforcing steel. The corrosion rates │ o E o c o rro d in g 0 .1 forArea 1 and Area2 ranged from o w . 0.0013 0.0005 to 0.0108 to 0.0015 a na 4 > aj a , u s8a lg」 mm/year and from mm/year, respectively. It appears that corrosion rates for Area 1 tend to be much higher than those for Area 2. The corrosion rates for noncorroded parts in Area 1 and 2 did not exceed 0.0015mm/year. From these results, it is indicated that the corrosion rate is superior to the half-cell potential as an index of steel corrosion. no n - c o rro din g 0 .0 0 1 5 0 .0 0.000 0.002 Corrosion 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 rate, V ( mm/year) Fig. 10 Relationship between estimated corrosion rate and measured meanpenetration depth ofa reinforcing steel bar 0 .0 0 .0 -O Leftbar(Area1) -à" Rightbar(Area1) à"D- -Leftbar(Area2) à"à" - -Rightbar(Area2) Reinforcing o o o - o% I steel bar : 19 O Leftbar(Area1) à" Rightbar(Area1) ---D-- Leftbar(Area2) à" -à"à" -- Rightbar(Area2) 0.5 Reinforcing steel bar : <p 19 w V H.H.W.L V H.H.W.L §1.0 1 .5 n> C 2-° « 2 .5 0.005 Corrosion rate, V (mm/year) 0 .010 0 .4 Thickness of concrete 10 Concrete cover (cm) Fig. 9 Vertical distributions of corrosion rate estimated by AC impedance method along a reinforcing steel bar 4 5 Fig.ll Vertical distribution of concrete cover along a reinforcing steel bar cover The vertical distribution of concrete cover thickness along a steel bar is shown in Fig.ll. With increasing distance from the crest of the wall, the cover over the left and right bars in Area 1 increases from 1.5 to 5.0cm and from 1.5 to 7.0cm, respectively. On the other hand the cover depth values for Area 2, ranging from 5 to 8cm, were larger than the ones for Area 1. -160 - 4 .5 Chloride content in concrete walls The distribution of total chloride content in concrete walls from the tidal zone to the splash zone (see Fig.4), for Area 1 and 2 is shown in Fig.12, which illustrates the results for core samples from upper, middle, and lower parts of the wall. Chloride contents were measured by a potential difference titration method using a chloride - selective electrode, and are expressed in terms ofCl" content (%) by weight of concrete. Both Area 1 and 2 showsame penetration of chlorides from the external environment. Comparing the chloride content of the upper, middle, and lower parts of the walls, it is apparent that the chloride penetration increases toward the bottom of the wall, due to the influence ofseawater. In the middle, at H.W.L.,the chloride content of the concrete at the depth of 7.0cm from concrete surface for Area 1 and of4.5cm for Area 2 respectively exceeds 0.1%, which is a critical value of chloride content for the generation of corrosion by chloride. Comparing the chloride content and cover, it is seen that the chloride content around the reinforcing steel in Area 1 exceeds 0. 1% and, on the other hand, in Area 2 it remains less than 0. 1%. These results agree with the observed corrosion, as shown in Fig.6. 4 .6 Possibility of corrosion monitoring depth of reinforcing The penetration corrosion Best. rate, v, and the corrosion = v X t£ steel period, u .u K 3 <u *<IL> O .5 o CMu -L -M -U -L --M --U R ;0 * >> JS ^ 0 s一 *サ c o> 5 0 o o <u a 5 0 C3 -C 0 .4 a D r w i d D D D D .3 .2 ¥^x * 」 .1 * : o n 0 2 4 6 8 a iz 10 a 12 14 Distance from concrete surface (cm) Fig. 1 2 Distribution of chloride content in concrete walls from tidal zone to splash zone bars was estimated tc, for Area 1. from the product of the (5) The usual deterioration process of concrete structures is as illustrated in Fig.13. Therefore, the corrosion ti measurements using the new through steel reinforcement corrosion period, tc, is expressed by eq. (6). (6) where tm is the present age (36 years ) and tj is the incubation between construction and the beginning of corrosion by chlorides. by the diffusion calculation given below. The penetration of chlorides according to Pick's diffusion =D a サ fl where v is the corrosion rate obtained from AC impedance instrument and tcis the corrosion period. ac at ow er ( A rea 1 ) idd le ( A rea 1 ) p p er ( A re a 1 ) ow er (A re a 2 ) id d le (A re a 2 ) p pe r ( A rea 2 ) into theory, a concrete is considered the diffusion of chloride zc (7) 5x2 -161 - period, which is the time This tj can be calculated a diffusion phenomenon and, ions is expressed by eq.(7). Generation of cracks along reinforcing steel IE à"a £ S2 2«à"> «£S s *£ ^à"« Note: ti : Incubation period (year) tp : Propagation period = Da/v (year) tn : Lifetime or time before repair = ti + tp (year) Ccr : Critical value of chloride content for generation of corrosion (% by wt. of concrete) Da : Critical value of penetration depth for generation of cracks along reinforcing steel (mm) v : Corrosion rate (mm/year) tm : Present age at monitoring (year) tin - *i : Corrosion period (year) B S u it ll Fig. 13 Deterioration process of concrete corrosion of steel reinforcement structures by the chloride-injured Assuming that the rate of chloride penetration from the external concrete is constant, the solution ofeq.(7) is indicated in eq.(8). t c x,t = c'+w. TtD exDl [ ll -. X 4Dt \ environment into the I à"à"!l-erf| D7 1 (8) V2VDt where Cx,t is the chloride ( Cl" ) concentration at distance x from the surface at time t, C' is the initial chloride concentration within the concrete, W is the amount of chloride penetration from the external environment into the concrete, erfis the error function, and D is the apparent coefficient of diffusion of chloride ions in concrete. First, eq.(8), using the the method of least squares and values ofC', W, and D at the 0 .0 -Left bar ( Area 1 ) -Right bar ( Area 1 ) measurement points were obtained by approximate calculations using the measurements of chloride content in the concrete wall, as shown in Fig.12. Consequently, C', D, and W were found to be in 0.008%, 2 .4X l(Ty NaCl), 1.6~2.9X %/cm2-s(0.44- 10'8 cm2/s, -2.4 and t à"*à"! 2 0.43 a V H.H.W.L §1.0 g/m2/month respectively. Second, assuming that the reinforcing steel bars become active at a chloride level of 0.1% by weight of concrete, the incubation period, t;, at each of the measurement points was calculated from these values ofC', D, and W and eq.(8). Andthecorrosionperiod was obtained by subtracting the incubation period from the present age, as shown in eq.(6). Figure 14 shows the calculated vertical distribution of corrosion period. It was confirmed that initial corrosion began at H.W.L. ±O c=tm-ti tm : Present time tj : Incubation period 4» to H.W.L.+0.15m. 1 .5 O) fi 2-0 es 2 .5 0 Fig.14 -752 - 10 20 30 Corrosion period tc (year) Vertical distribution of corrosion period along a reinforcing steel bar Last, assuming that the corrosion rate was constant during the corrosion period, the penetration depth values obtained by corrosion monitoring were estimated from the product of v (see Fig.9) and tc (see Fig.14). These results are shown by line graphs in Fig.15 and Fig.16. The penetration depth values measured from gravimetric weight loss are illustrated by the bar graphs, which are the same as the data in Fig.6. This proves that the penetration depth values estimated from corrosion monitoring results correlate well with those measured obtained gravimetric weight loss. Thus the newly developed corrosion rate meter is able to successfully monitor the corrosion of reinfoicing bars in actual structures. Values measured from gravimetric weight loss, Dn Values estimated from corrosion monitoring, Dcst D L tw/i est= VMc, eft bar Right bar Right bar tc= tm- t, V : Corrosion rate by AG impedance measurements tc : Duration of corrosion tm : Present time t: : Incubation period 0.1 0 .0 0 .2 Penetration depth Fig.15 ( mm) Comparison of amount of corrosion, penetration depth, measured values from gravimetric weight loss, and estimated values from corrosion monitoring ¥J.」- O L eft b ar ( A rea 1 ) JS wSa , I O RL igh eft tb barar( (A A rea rea1 1) ) o og ^-s S 1ォ a 」 o .1 o cvC . "8i. <5 I5? a aォs CO i t * . ォ fi O ft nn 0 .0 0.1 0.2 Penetration depth estimated, 0 .3 Dest. (mm) Fig. 16 Relationship between penetration depth measured from gravimetric weight loss and that estimated from corrosion monitoring -163 - 5 . CONCLUSION Using a newly developed corrosion rate meter, a field investigation concrete structures. The results obtained are as follows.: was carried out on real à" The reinforcement corrosion rate meter provides valuable information on the development of steel corrosion where no external damage is visible. à"Corrosion rates estimated by the new device are superior to the half-cell potentials as an index of corrosion. à" The new technique enables the detection of steel corrosion ( Corrosion rate value, Icorr, > 0.0015mm/year). à" The product chloride results corrosion penetration depth of reinforcing steel bars was estimated from the of corrosion rate and the corrosion period, as determined from the diffusion rate of ions. Penetration depth values estimated in this way from corrosion monitoring correlate well with those measured by a gravimetric weight loss method. 6. ACKNOWLEGMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr. T. Yamagami and Mr. H. Kohno for their help with this study. 7. 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