ELECTRICITY Our society runs on electricity. Without it, the world as we know it would be a very different place. Imagine waking up tomorrow on a planet without electricity. None of the lights in your house or apartment would turn on because they run on electricity. Your TV would not turn on because it runs on electricity. You could not charge your laptop or cell phone because they run on electricity. You could not access the internet because your modem and router depend on electrical power. You could not cook because your oven, microwave and refrigerator all run on electricity. You could not go to school because it could not operate without electric power. Similarly, you could not go to work because it could not operate without electrical power. You could not go to the grocery store, or any other business, because they all run on electricity. It would not be practical to drive your car because the stoplights run on electricity. And when the sun goes down, there would be no streetlights because they also run on electricity. After sunset, the world would go dark. The image to your right is New York City during a “blackout” in August 2003. It is a snapshot of a world without electricity (except for the car electronics, of course). In 2003, Toronto, Columbus and Detroit all experienced similar blackouts. And if you still think the preceding paragraph is over the top, draw your attention to a January 26, 2012 Reuters’ article entitled: “Spike in deaths blamed on 2003 Power Outage.” In the article, Brooke Anderson, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University, states her findings concisely: “Our results from this study indicate that power outages can immediately and severely harm human health.” You get the picture. Our lives and electricity are inseparable. But what is electricity? To answer this question, you need to understand a few basics about atoms and their structure. All matter is made up of atoms. And all atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. Neutrons have no charge. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus, or center, of an atom. The electrons spin around the nucleus. Most atoms have the same number of protons and neutrons. However, some atoms have electrons which tend to move easily to other atoms. When electrons move from atom-to-atom, a charge is created. If an atom loses an electron and ends up having more protons than electrons, it becomes positively charged. On the other hand, if an atom gains an electron and ends up with more electrons than protons, it becomes negatively charged. Charged atoms, whether positive or negative, are called “ions.” Consider the visual to your right. This is an atom of carbon. The red spheres are protons and the blue spheres are neutrons. These red and blue spheres form the nucleus of the atom. The yellow spheres are electrons. This particular atom is a positively charged ion because you will note it has more protons (there are six of them) than electrons (there are five of them). So why is all this important? It’s important because a current of electricity is created when electrons move from atomto-atom. This is the basic idea behind electricity. This is the same process that allows the electricity to “flow” through the power lines, wires and circuits that power our society. When the carbon atom above lost an electron, another atom gained that electron and that movement of electons created a current of electricity. The image to your left provides a basic illustration an electrical current (i.e. the movement of electrons from one atom to another atom.). Now that we’ve given you the scientific concept behind electricity, Questions 1-5 will move one step further and test your knowledge of slightly more advanced, yet still quite basic, concepts relating to electricity. A. ELECTRICITY BASICS Question 1. What fundamental distinction separates electricity from other energy sources discussed in our text, such as wind, water, coal, petroleum and natural gas? a. Electricity does not occur naturally and is a “synthetic” energy source b. Electricity cannot be imported, exported or traded on the open market c. Electricity is a “secondary,” as opposed to “primary,” energy source d. Electricity cannot be easily reduced to a solid or liquid state and is considered to be an “intangible” energy source Answer to Question 1: Choice c is the correct answer.1 An important background concept to consider when studying electricity is its role as a secondary energy source generated by a primary energy source. The image below illustrates this concept using wind as the primary energy source. The primary wind energy source spins the armature (a device which generates power) and the secondary energy source of electricity is created. This can also be thought of in terms of an input and output relationship; the input (a primary energy source) will always produce the same output, electricity. Another way to remember this distinction is by looking at the term for electricity produced by water, hydroelectric power. “Hydro” refers to the primary energy source, water, which is harnessed to produce electricity, the secondary energy source. 1 United Nations, Concepts and Methods in Energy Statistics, With Special Reference to Energy Accounts and Balances, New York, 1982, available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_29e.pdf Question 2. You now know that electricity is a secondary energy source. So what? Who cares? Which passage below describes one of the major benefits of electricity as a secondary energy source? a. “To get electricity from a power plant to your house, it may require that it travel through many miles of wire. . .” b. “When you turn on a light or use an electric tool, you don’t need the source of the energy in the same building. . .” c. “When electricity was first produced commercially in the late nineteenth century, however, it was far from clear that it would prevail over its competitors.” d. “In a series of experiments in 1831, [Michael Faraday] discovered that when a magnet is moved, an electric current will flow in wires near it.” Answer to Question 2: Choice b is the correct answer. Choice b describes one of electricity’s most beneficial characteristics: it can be generated thousands of miles from the source where it will ultimately be consumed. For example, look at the power plant under this text. At this plant, nuclear fission (i.e. the primary energy source) is producing electricity (i.e. the secondary energy source). And once that electricity is generated, it is delivered to you through the power lines which you also see in the image. But you don’t need (or want) that nuclear power plant in your building (or anywhere near it) to be able to utilize the electricity it produces. And that’s the beauty of electricity as a secondary energy source; it can be produced from one primary source at one central location and then be easily delivered as a secondary source across thousands of miles to millions of different end-users (this is known as the “central station” paradigm and forms the model for the United States’ electrical network). Question 3: What are the three components of the modern “central station” electrical system? a. b. c. d. e. Production, Filtration and Distribution Generation, Filtration and Distribution Production, Transmission and Recycling Generation, Transmission and Distribution Transmission, Generation and Disposal Answer to Question 3: Choice d is the correct answer.2 A centralized electric power system begins with Generation, where the primary energy source is converted to electricity. Next, the Transmission phase transports the electricity from Generation source to power lines and other similar forms of infrastructure. Finally, Distribution transforms the high-voltage energy in the Transmission process into energy fit for residential and commercial use, namely through substations, poles, wires and other localized infrastructure. The central station model has made electricity widely available and affordable for American consumers. The access to such energy in urban environments has formed the backbone for the growth of the economy and business sector. Outside of cities, 99 out of 100 rural households have access to electricity as of today. Much of this progress is due to the “cheapness” of electricity, which stems in large part from this centralized model. The figure above and to the right provides an excellent visual representation of how these three components come together in a modern electrical system. Question 4: Along with its benefits, this centralized model also comes with downsides. Consider the following passage: “Let’s face it: there’s something very attractive about having 2 See United States Occupational Health & Safety Administration, Illustrated Glossary, available at: http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/electric_power/illustrated_glossary/ energy available when you want it, while someone else has to deal with the pollution and other social costs of its generation.” What concept is the author trying to get at in the above passage? a. b. c. The concept of “internality,” meaning that all the costs of electricity production have been factored into its price and the consumer pays the true cost of electrical service The concept of an “externality,” meaning that all the costs of electricity production have not been factored into its price and the consumer pays less than the true cost of electrical service The concept of “distributed generation,” where the costs of electricity production are distributed equally throughout a society Answer to Question 4: Choice b is the correct answer.3 The author observes that centralized electricity production creates “externalities” (i.e. costs) which all of society must pay for and which are not factored into the price of electricity. These externalities are important considerations for our lawmakers as we decide the direction of future energy policy. In 2011, Paul Epstein, a researcher at Harvard Medical School’s Center for Health and Global Environment, and others published a study entitled Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal. The study notes a number of externalities which are currently not factored into the true cost of coal, such as: government subsidies; decreased property values; loss of biodiversity; and loss of infrastructure resulting from coal mining. The bar graph to your right was also taken from that study; Epstein et al. assert that the true cost of coal would be almost 400% higher if all of coal’s externalities were reflected in its cost. Question 5: By the way, which primary energy source accounted for almost half of the electricity generated in the United States in 2009? a. 3 Natural gas See Jonathan Macey, The Limits of Legal Analysis: Using Externalities to Explain Legal Opinions in Structured Finance, 84 TEX. L. REV. 75, 79 (2005) (“An externality occurs when private activities have an effect on third parties who receive no compensation for the effects generated by these private activities.”) b. c. d. e. Coal Petroleum Water None of the above Answer to Question 5: Choice b is the correct answer.4 According to the United States Energy Information Administration (“USEIA”), 44.5% of all electricity generated in the United States came from coal, with natural gas generating 23.3% of our electricity, petroleum producing 1.0% of our energy and water producing 6.8% of our energy. This is one reason why focusing on the long-term externalities of coal usage in electricity production is so important. The USEIA piechart reproduced below provides of graphic representation of these facts. B. THE COMPONENTS OF THE (CURRENT) MODERN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 4 United States Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, “Power Plant Operations Report.” Question 6: In the Generation phase, certain types of power plants operate more than others. There are “must run” plants, which usually have low operating costs, are usually fueled by a coal or nuclear source and cannot be taken online or offline quickly. There are also “peaking” plants, which have higher operating costs, are usually fueled by natural gas or diesel and can be taken online or offline relatively quickly. What is the reason for these distinctions? a. The type of fuel used to generate electricity may be more or less expensive; factoring in a fuel’s cost-effectiveness may determine which plants make the most business sense to run b. Demand for electricity is varies widely, both daily and yearly c. Power plant operators have to balance using the most cost-efficient plant with the need to make sure electricity can be taken online or offline quickly, due largely to the fact electricity cannot be stored easily d. All of the above Answer to Question 6: Choice d is the correct answer.5 Choices a and b are both true. Choice c summarizes the cost-benefit analyses which power plant operators must take into account in the real world. If the generating plant did not have a duty to the public to provide stable electricity, it would likely choose to only utilize the “must run” plants, as they are the cheapest. On the other hand, if a generating plant did not have to worry about cost, it would likely always run a “peaking” plant, as this type of plant can generate electricity in a more flexible manner, but is more expensive. These distinctions indicate a balancing between cost-efficiency and the duty to provide a stable source of electricity to the public. Image Left: A “must run” coal plant in California. Image Right: A “peaking” natural gas plant in Michigan. Question 7: In the Transmission phase, electricity is carried from its generation 5 See generally National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Solar Power and the Electric Grid, available at: http://www.nrel.gov/csp/pdfs/45653.pdf source along “high voltage” lines throughout a city, state or country. What does it mean when our text discusses the possibility of moving away from the current Transmission paradigm toward a future paradigm of “distributed generation”? a. “Distributed generation” refers to more effectively coordinating electricity production at a central power plant, thus making the current Transmission paradigm much more efficient b. “Distributed generation” refers to a system of federal and state government incentives encouraging small business to enter the utility sector, thus reducing the role of the centralized Transmission paradigm c. “Distributed generation” refers to the process of developing smaller scale power plants for more localized and “on-site” generation of power, thus reducing the role of the centralized Transmission paradigm d. “Distributed generation” refers to a progressive system of transmitting electricity to those locations which most urgently require it, thus suggesting major modifications must be made to the current Transmission paradigm Answer to Question 7: Choice c is the correct answer.6 “Distributed generation” is a foil to the current centralized Transmission paradigm. While the current paradigm takes advantage of excellent economies of scale, its need to develop infrastructure to transmit electricity over long distances has negative social and environmental consequences. In contrast, “Distributed generation” is a de-centralized Transmission model, reducing the amount of energy lost in the transmission process. The image to your right contrasts the two paradigms. Question 8: 6 Apple, Inc. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 defines “distributed generation” as “an electric power generation facility that is designed to serve retail electric consumers at or near the facility site.” Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 10958, § 917(g)(3), 119 Stat. 594, 864 (2005). was recently issued permits to begin construction of a 171-acre solar farm which will completely power a Maiden, NC data center. The center will not rely on any coal and nuclear power sources for its energy needs. The company also has similar facilities in Cork, Ireland; Elk Grove, California and Austin, Texas. These facilities are concrete examples of “distributed generation” in action: True or False? Answer to Question 8: True. The Maiden, NC data center, as well as the facilities in Ireland, California and Texas all embody the concepts fundamental to “distributed generation.” These facilities generate and transmit energy locally; the Maiden, NC data center will generate the electricity locally (i.e. through on-site photovoltaic panels) and then transmit the energy through its localized infrastructure.7 Image Right: An aerial view of Apple’s Maiden, NC data center, a facility embodying many concepts associated with distributed generation, an electricity paradigm which is quickly gaining steam. 7 See generally Suzanne Goldenburg, “Apple hopes to turn green with solar power data centre”, The Guardian, November 23, 2011, available at http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/nov/23/apple-green-solar-datacentre. Question 9: The final phase of the modern electrical system, Distribution, doesn’t seem to be much different than the second phase of that system, Transmission. How can these two phases be distinguished from one another? a. Transmission refers to the process of transferring power from Generation to high voltage lines; on the other hand, Distribution refers to the process of using transformers to reduce the voltage of transmitted energy for use in homes and businesses b. The Distribution phase encompasses functions that Transmission does not, such as billing customers, providing customer service and meter reading c. Some smaller utilities only operate a Distribution phase by purchasing “wholesale” power from other utilities. Thus, these utilities have a separate Distribution model and do not involve themselves with either Generation or Transmission d. Both a & b e. All of the above Answer to Question 9: Choice e is the correct answer.8 While “transmitting” and “distributing” energy may be semantics to some degree, the phases are distinguishable. Choice a provides the clearest example of the technical differences between Transmission and Distribution. Choice b illustrates the broader nature of the Distribution phase when compared to Transmission, with the former including many administrative tasks the latter does not. Choice c distinguishes the two phases by noting that certain utilities may engage only in Distribution. As all these answer choices illustrate the differences between Transmission and Distribution, choice e is the best answer. Image Right: In 2007, Debra Brooks and Jennifer Ryan realized they needed to improve productivity by bringing consistency and efficiency to distribution workflows at Southern California Edison, one of the United States’ largest utilities. The graph to the right is one of their preliminary logistical models showing how to do so, focusing mainly on software integration and streamlining/avoiding repetitious data entry. 8 See Edison Electric Institute, Electricity Distribution, available at: http://www.eei.org/ourissues/electricitydistribution/Pages/default.aspx C. MAJOR PLAYERS IN THE ELECTRICITY SYSTEM Question 10: The phrase “electric industry” is a broad term and does not shed much light on how the electric industry is structured. Is there a recognizable structure within the “electric industry”? Are there entities and organizations which tend to dominate the industry? a. No. There are simply too many individuals and entities within the electric industry to identify any basic structure b. Yes, the electric industry is comprised of five major entities (Investor-Owned Utilities, publicly-owned utilities, federal agencies, rural electric cooperatives and power marketers) c. Yes; federal and local governments dominate the industry, typically producing over 75% of all of the United States’ energy d. The mergers of traditional electricity companies with gas companies, energy marketers and a wide range of other businesses are redefining the once “traditional” structure of the industry e. Both b & d Answer to Question 10: Choice e is the correct answer. Choice b identifies the entities which have traditionally dominated the electric industry. Choice a is overbroad; there are recognizable entities and organizations which provide the industry with some identifiable structure. Choice c is simply wrong; in 1998, investor-owned utilities produced 68% of the United States’ electricity, with local and state utilities producing approximately 17% of the nation’s energy. Choice d is also correct, as the deregulation of the electric industry is resulting in a vast array of new and unprecedented business structures. As both choices b and d are correct, choice e is the most appropriate answer. Image Left: Duke Energy, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, serves Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina and South Carolina. It is an Investor-Owned Utility (“IOU”) with around 4 million customers and $49 billion in total assets.