Solid electrolytes for battery applications – a theoretical perspective a Natalie Holzwarth and Nicholas Lepley Yaojun Du (previously) Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA • Introduction and motivation for solid electrolytes • What can computation do for this project? • Specific examples – LiPON, thio phosphates, other solid electrolytes • Suggestions for collaboration between theory and experiment a Supported by NSF grants DMR-0427055, 0705239, and 1150501; WFU’s DEAC computer cluster. CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 1 Materials components of a Li ion battery Li + − + Cathode Electrolyte Anode − e V = IR I CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 2 Solid vs liquid electrolytes in Li ion batteries Solid electrolytes Disadvantages Advantages 1. Excellent chemical and physical stability. 2. Perform well as thin film (≈ 1µ). 3. Li+ conduction only (excludes electrons). 1. Thin film geometry provides poor contact area for high capacity electrodes. 2. Subject to interface stress if electrodes change size during charge and discharge cycles. 3. Relatively low conductivity per unit area. Liquid electrolytes Advantages Disadvantages 1. Excellent contact area with high capacity electrodes. 2. Can accomodate size changes of electrodes during charge and discharge cycles. 3. Relatively high conductivity per unit area. 1. Relatively poor physical and chemical stability. 2. Relies on the formation of “solid electrolyte interface” (SEI) layer. 3. May have both Li+ and electron conduction. CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 3 Current solid state usage Ref: Presentation by Prof. Kevin S. Jones, Department of Materials Science, and Engineering, University of Florida • < 1% of the battery business is invested in all solid state batteries at the present time. • Several companies are involved in all solids state battery development: Cymbet, Excellatron, Front Edge, Infinite Power, Sakti3, Seeo, Toyota/AIST, Planar Energy. • Micro battery applications are in production; larger applications are perhaps possible?? CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 4 Example: R “NanoEnergy is a miniature power source designed for highly space limited micro devices such as smart card, portable sensors, and RFID tag. ” CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 5 Another example: CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 6 Conductivity profiles of electrolytes Ref: N. Kamaya et al Nature Materials 10 682-686 (2011) CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 7 Comments on Nature Materials article Ref: N. Kamaya et al Nature Materials 10 682-686 (2011) • Li10 GeP2 S12 ; crystal structure determined by X-ray and neutron diffraction • Measured the highest lithium ion conductivity ever measured for a solid: σ = 0.012 S/m at room temperature and σ = 0.001 S/m at -20o F. (Exceeding performance of organic liquid electrolytes.) • Comment by Christian Masquelier: “The results of Kamaya et al demonstrate how continuous investment into energy storage systems – such as the 30-year-long effort that Japanese authorities and companies in particular have made in lithium-ion technology – can lead to significant breakthroughs arising from previously disregarded chemistries.” CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 8 How can computer modeling help? • Given a class of materials, can find optimal structures and estimate their heats of formation. ⇒ Can predict new materials • For each stable structure, can estimate phonon spectra. • Using Nudged Elastic Band approximation (NEB), can estimate activation energy for ion mobility. Combined experiment and computer modeling • Validation and refinement of materials prediction and analysis • Provide a framework for understanding ion migration mechanisms CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 9 Computational methods – (brief summary) Em from “Nudged elastic band”a estimate of minimal energy path: Quantities derived from min{Ra } E({Ra }): • Stable and meta-stable structures • Lattice lattice vibration modes and frequencies (ν) • Heats of formation (∆H) Em • Migration energies (Em ) • Energies for interstitial-vacancy pair formation (Ef ) a Jónsson et al in Classical and Quantum Dynam- ics in Condensed Phase Simulations, edited by Berne et al (World Scientific, 1998), p. 385; Henkelman et al, J. Chem. Phys. 113 9901, 9978 (2000). CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 10 LiPON family of materials – Lix POy Nz CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 11 Li3 PO4 7 7 1 43 5 2 6 8 2c 3 5 2 4 2c 6 1 2a 2b a γ-Li3 PO4 2b β-Li3 PO4 CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 12 Li3 PO4 (different view) c a b γ-Li3 PO4 β-Li3 PO4 CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 13 Raman spectra – Experiment & Calculation Exp. A Exp. B Exp. C Exp. D LDA LDA (PAW) (PAW) LDA LDA (USPP) (USPP) GGA GGA (USPP) (USPP) 200 400 600 -1 ν (cm ) 800 1000 200 400 γ-Li3 PO4 600 -1 ν (cm ) 800 1000 β-Li3 PO4 Exp A: Room temp.: B. N. Mavrin et al, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 96, 53 (2003) Exp B: Room temp. & Exp C: Liquid N2 temp.: F. Harbach et al, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 66 237 (1974) Exp D: Liquid N2 temp.: L. Popović et al, J. Raman Spec. 34 77 (2003) CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 14 Some heats of formation Material Li2 O Li2 O2 β-Li3 PO4 γ-Li3 PO4 LiPO3 Li4 P2 O6 Li4 P2 O7 Li7 P3 O11 α-Li3 N γ-Li3 N s1 -Li2 PO2 N s2 -Li2 PO2 N Li5 P2 O6 N Li8 P3 O10 N LiNO3 h-P2 O5 α-P3 N5 Structure F m3̄m (#225) P 63 /mmc (#194) P mn21 (#31) P nma (#62) P 2/c (#13) P 3̄1m (#162) P 1̄ (#2) P 1̄ (#2) P 6/mmm (#191) F m3̄m (#225) P bcm (#57) Aem2 (#39) P 1̄ (#2) P 1̄ (#2) R3̄c (# 167) R3c (#161) C2/c (#15) ∆H (eV per formula unit) (USPP) (EXP) -6.18 -6.20 -6.54 -6.57 -21.41 -21.38 -21.72 -12.85 -30.03 -34.26 -55.32 -1.64 -1.71 -1.19 -12.48 -12.51 -33.49 -54.85 -5.49 -5.01 -15.54 -15.53 -3.24 -3.32 CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 15 Phosphate chain materials: LiPO3 plus N LiPO3 in P 2/c structure; 100 atom unit cell s1 -Li2 PO2 N in P bcm structure; 24 atom unit cell Chain direction perpendicular to plane of diagram Chain direction perpendicular to plane of diagram 2a c−a 2b Ball colors: • a+c =Li, =P, • •=O. 2c Ball colors: •=Li, •=P, •=O, •=N. Single chain view Single chain view b c−a CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 16 Two forms of Li2 PO2 N a a b b c s1 -Li2 PO2 N c s2 -Li2 PO2 N Possible exothermic reaction pathways: 1 5 P2 O5 + 15 P3 N5 + Li2 O → Li2 PO2 N + 2.5 eV. Li2 O2 + 15 P3 N5 + 25 P → Li2 PO2 N + 5.3 eV. LiNO3 + Li + P → Li2 PO2 N + 12 O2 + 7.0 eV. CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 17 Summary of measured and calculated conductivity parameters in Lix POy Nz materials exp Measured activation energies EA compared with calculated migration energies cal cal for vacancy (Em (vac.)) and interstitial (Em (int.)) mechanisms and vacancy-interstitial formation energies (Efcal ). All energies are given in eV. Form exp EA γ-Li3 PO4 single crystala 1.23, 1.14 Li2.88 PO3.73 N0.14 poly cryst. 0.97 Li3.3 PO3.9 N0.17 amorphous 0.56 Li1.35 PO2.99 N0.13 amorphous 0.60 LiPO3 poly cryst. 1.4 LiPO3 amorphous 0.76-1.2 s1 -Li2 PO2 N single crystal LiPN2 poly cryst. 0.6 Li7 PN4 poly cryst. 0.5 Material cal (vac.) Em cal (int.) Em Efcal 0.7, 0.7 0.4, 0.3 1.7 1.3, 1.1 0.6, 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.1-1.2 0.5, 0.6 1.7 1.3-1.5 0.4 2.5 1.7 CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 cal EA 18 Conductivity profiles of electrolytes Ref: N. Kamaya et al Nature Materials 10 682-686 (2011) CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 19 LiPON and LiS2 -P2 S5 conductivities CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 20 Structure of Li7 P3 S11 2c 4b 2a CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 21 Structure of Li7 P3 S11 – another view CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 22 Some heats of formation Material Li2 S Li2 S2 β-Li3 PS4 γ-Li3 PS4 Li4 P2 S6 Li4 P2 S7 Li7 P3 S11 Li7 P3 S∗11 SO3 Li2 SO4 Structure F m3̄m (#225) P 63 /mmc (#194) P mn21 (#31) P nma (#62) P 3̄1m (#162) P 1̄ (#2) P 1̄ (#2) P 1̄ (#2) P na21 (#33) P 21 /a (#14) ∆H (eV per formula unit) (USPP) (EXP) -4.29 -4.57 -4.09 -8.36 -8.17 -12.41 -11.58 -20.00 -19.93 -4.83 -4.71 -14.74 -14.89 Some decomposition reactions Reaction Li7 P3 S11 → Li3 PS4 + Li4 P2 S7 Li7 P3 S11 → Li3 PS4 + Li4 P2 S6 + S Li7 P3 S∗11 → Li3 PS4 + Li4 P2 S7 Li7 P3 O11 → Li3 PO4 + Li4 P2 O7 Li8 P3 O10 N → Li3 PO4 + Li5 P2 O6 N ∆H (eV) 0.06 -0.69 -0.01 -0.35 -0.06 CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 23 Some energy path diagrams for Li vacancy migration Epath (eV) 0.4 Along c axis 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 Epath (eV) 0.4 2 5 6 3 1 2 7 4 3 1 3 4 Along a axis 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 4 1 2c 1 3 2 6 5 2 Epath (eV) 0.4 1 5 4 6 0.3 0.2 0.1 7 7 Along b axis 0 4 3 3 1 4b 2a CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 24 Possible structure of Li8 P3 O10 N a CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 25 Possibilities for collaboration • Experimental verification (or otherwise) of the predicted Li2 PO2 N structure • Iterative refinement of other LiPON and LiPS materials • Investigation of new materials such as the supersuper ionic conductor Li10 GeP2 S12 . General comments • From “theory” perspective – there is a need to know the range of predictive power of “first-principles” calculations • From the renewal energy perspective – there is an incentive to make progress on solid state electrolytes • From the prospective of possible projects – there seem to be many possibilities CEES-RER – Sept. 30, 2011 26