Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol.11, pp.615-623 Effectiveness of wooden (August 2008) bond H. PARAJULI*, beams JSCE in dry stone J. KIYONO**, masonry houses Y. ONO*** * Ph. D. student,Dept of Urban Management,Kyoto University,Japan (Nishikyouku, Katsura,Kyoto,615-8540) ** AssociateProfessor, Dept.of Urban Management,Kyoto University,Japan (Nishikyouku, Katsura,Kyoto,615-8540) *** AssistantProfessor , Dept.of Urban Management,Kyoto University,Japan (Nishikyouku, Katsura,Kyoto,615-8540) Stone masonry houses are the most common type of constructionin the Alpine Himalayan Belt across Pakistan, India and Nepal.However,the seismicresistanceof these houses is highlyquestionableif constructedwithout any form of lateralsupport In this paper,the effectivenessof wooden bond beams as a retrofitsolutionhas been examined.Dry stone masonryhouses have been modeledby finiteelement methodconsideringstonesas linearsolid and interfacesasjoint elements.Thejoints are allowed to open and slide satisfyingthe Mohr-Coulombcriteria.To calibratethe values used in the numericalmodelingan experiment using a small scale wall made of wooden blocks was shaken in small custommade table.The correspondingparameterswhich showed good agreement with experimentalresultswere taken as inputs for the non linear dynamicanalyses of various model houses.The results showedthat wooden bond beams can be an effectivetechniquefor upgradinglow strengthmasonryhomes in low seismicityregions Key Words:Masonry,bond beam,joint element,dynamicanalysis 1.Introduction If built correctly,they perform well under vertical loads. However, due to distinctdirectionalpropertiesof stonewith its irregularshapes, Stone has long been used as a building material for the it is difficultto make stone walls strong against lateral loads. Lateral construction of houses due to its availabilityand durability in the Alpine Himalalyan Belt (Pakistan, India, Nepal etc.) Large strength depends upon friction between the stones and a very low cohesive strength of mortar if it is med. Thus, these homes have settlementsof stone masonrybuildingsconstructedwith limeor earth sustainedheavy damages in historicearthquakesand have been the mortar and even without mortar can be found in the area. Stone walls are built by stackingstonesover stonesnormally in two leaves. primarycause of fatalities.Usually,dry walls consistof two leavesof stoneswith totalwidth of approximately45 cm. The leaves havevery Verticaljoints are avoided as far as possible by placing various sized weak bonding and interconnectivityand can become unstableeven in minor earthquakes. One possible methods of upgrading the wall could be to cncouragcthe use of wooden elementsas used Hatil1)in stones alternately.Corner stones are chisel dressed and mid span stones are hammer dressed. In cases where long stones are not availableto breakthe verticaljoints,wooden pieces are used.Roofing material may vary depending on location and can be corrugated galvanizediron sheet,slate or thick rammed earth laid over wooden Turkey and Bhatar2)in Pakistan.Spenceand Coburn') foundwooden elements to be effective in mitigating against failure in their experimental investigations.Cao and Watanabe') analyzed brick joists and battons. One type of the dry stone masonryconstructions using wood as bond beam called Hatill)in Turkey and Bhatar2)in Pakistan (Fig.1) consists of single storey random rubble masonry masonry buildings by finite element methods consideringbricks as with horizontalwood beams at specific intervals.Similar city stone masonry houses fairly chisel dressed but without bond beams, are before and after retrofittingby timber frame and they were found to solid elements and mortars as viscoelasticjoint elements providing opening and sliding phenomenon. The buildings were analyzed be an effectiveway of preventingfailure. found in westernNepal also.Houses are generallyone to two storeys and may have multiple rooms added at different stages of their history. Storey height is typically2m and houses have small doors Wood bond beams have been found to be effective in resisting earthquake induced forces,hence these are known as seismic bands. and windows and can therefore be dark inside even in day time. People me firewood to cook their meals, and stone built homes are have yet to be investigated.There have only been a few studies highly fire resistantand durable against environmentaldegradation. Locally trained masons can build these houses easily and materials are locallyavailable makingthese types of constructioneconomical. ―615― However,the extents to whichthey contributeto preventingfailures testing with small dry walls examining these constructions4,5). Here, an attempt has been made to evaluate the performances of these homes in earthquakes.Two typical types of homes (one and two rooms) with and without applied wooden bond beams are modeled the laminar nature of a materialwhich is confinedby a narrow zone consideringstones as elasticelementsand interfacesbetween stones such as an old fault surfaceor joint in rocks. An isoparametricjoint as inelasticjoint elements. Subsequently,three dimensionaldynamic analyses were carded out by applying various seismic accelerations elementin two and threedimensionwas introduced9)to representthe interfacebetweenshell and solidelements.The stiffnessmatrix of the obtained from past earthquakesand the results are discussed in the joint element was formulated considering interface as separate isoparametricelementwith zero thickness.The non linearbehaviours concludingpart of this paper. of joints were characterizedby slip and separationtaking place at the joint plane. Separation of joints was considered when it became tensile.Recently,this concept has also been used in modeling bric masonryt10)-12) simulatetime dependentslidingand separationalong mortar joints. Three dimensional finite element models were formulatedby consideringthe relativedisplacementsbetweenthe top and the bottom of base elements and the constitutiverelationship, based on material properties containingshear and normal stiffness which can be found from stressdisplacementcurves of the mortar. A Fig.1 Contemporary Bhatar construction, brick masonrywall was analyzedin staticand dynamicloadings and Tarand-NWFP-Pakistan2) was foundto be capableof predictingappropriateresponses12). 2. Numerical Modeling There have also been experimental investigationsdone in dry Even small masonryhouses are made of thousands of pieces of stones and have joints at least three times that number. Thesejoints are weak and are foundto deformfirst under any kind of loadingand govern the overall behaviour and failure mechanism of these structures. A large numbers of factors such as interior voids, irregularshapedunits,varying propertiesof stoneto stone, qualityof workmanshipcontributeto making the behaviourof these walls very complex. Computational approaches to investigatethe strength of joint cut sawn stone masonry walls subjected to in plane and combined loadings) and similarsmall walls have been investigated analyticallyin monotonic and reversed cyclic loadings5)considering multi-surfaceinterfacemodel13). From the literaturereview,we found that most researchershave followedthe idea of modelingthe units as solid elementsand interfacesas zero thicknessjoint elements.Thus, the same approach consideringstones as solid elements and their interfacesas joint elementshas been employedhere. masonry have been conductedby various methods, ranging from simplified methods to highly sophisticated method which uses interfaceor joint elementto define the possible failure3,6-13). Analyses using distinctelement method (DEM) which is also consideredas a simplified micro method, model the wall as an assembly of small blocks and interfaces.The contact forces and displacementsat the interfaces of stressed assembly of blocks are found through evaluation of equations obtained from Newton's law of motion which defines the movement of the blocks. There have been two recent pieces of work using DEM in examining the behavior of buildings: Papantonopoulos et al.6)investigated the efficiency of DEM to predict earthquake response .of classical monuments by comparing the numericalresults with experimentaldata. Alexandris et al.7)investigated collapse mechanisms of non-engineeredstone masonry houses subjected to severe earthquake excitations using distinctelement method. Two and three dimensionalanalysesof two types of buildings were studied. They concluded that two dimensionalanalyseswere unableto simulaterealisticresponses.The Fig.2 Formulationof solid andjoint elements out of plane failure of the long wall was found to be the dominant mode of the failuremechanismin stonemasonry. Generally,stone walls consistof a large numbersof irregularsize stones, and modeling each individualstone and their interfacesin On the other hand, various investigators have utilized finite element method (FEM) which uses elastic and inelasticinterfaces their as-built condition would be impossible. Thus a simplified numericalmodel has been developedmaking an equivalentgroupof between units called discontinuitiesas having propertiesof sliding eight node elastic solid elements for stones and eight node joint and separations8-13). Zienkiewiczet al.8)proposeda joint element for elementsfor their interfacesas shown in Fig. 2. In the Fig., x, y and z •\ 616•\ are global of this axes and ƒÄ, ƒÅ and ƒÄ are local dynamic analysis is to solve axes. the The ultimate widely known modulusof elasticityof stoneand has been used in this study. objective equation of In order to get the damping matrix (equation6), the mass and motion: stiffnessproportionalto Rayleighdamping hasbeen used. (1) (6) where, [M], [C], [K], are mass, damping and stiffness matrices,{u} where, a and 33are coefficientsselectedto control the damping ratios ,{u} and {u},are acceleration, velocity and displacement responsesrespectivelyand {ug} is input ground acceleration. of the lowest and highestmodes expectedto contributesignificantly to the response. The stiffness matrix for the system is obtained by assembling Unfortunately,there is a sever lack of data availableon damping individualsolid and joint element matrices.The formulationof the stiffnessmatrix for solid elements is referencedin Chandrapatlaand parameters in linear solid mechanics problems, and even less informationis availableon damping in non linear dynamic analysis. Belgundu14).The displacement of joint elements depends on the Tzamtzis and Asteris12)did dynamic analysisof brick masonry wall relativemovementsof the top and bottomsolid elements(Fig.2), and the correspondingstiffnessmatrix for zero thicknessjoint elements by using quite high damping coefficients and found that the numerical simulation was matching with experimentalresults. At can be formulated8)-10) as shown in equation2. multiple modes of vibrations, damping ratios change with natural frequencies because (2) of different mass participation factors at different modes11).For the problem under consideration the coefficients a and 13 have been taken as 0.0555 and 0.0105 respectivelyso as to maintaininitialvalue of damping 11)16) 6% and maximum value 10% consideringdry masonry constructionsare (3) highly deformable. 3. Constitutive Relationship where, ksx direction, material and ksy ksn shear stiffness property matrix Jacobian Normal and and series of two other representing matrices, shear vertical are components along [k] and ƒÄ stiffness springs, the joint y direction of joint, and ƒÅ are (shear [N] are one which and and local calculated normal [J] are along x stiffness) shape of by to the regarding the stone following The joint is characterizedas fully elastic, perfectly plastic and incapable of taking any tensile forces. The idealized constitutive function, relationshipshown in Fig. 3 has been used to denotethe sliding and coordinates. representing leads stiffness the wall unit as a and the formule. openingof joint. Separationoccurswhen the normal strain is greater than zero and since the joint cannot take any tensile stress and both act in the normal direction,the shearstiffnesshas also been set to zero. Contact occurs when normal strain is less than zero, and normal forces are assumed to be restored corresponding to the normal (4) stiffnessof thejoint. Slidingoccurs when the shear at joints exceeds the value givenby the Mohr-Coulombyieldcriterion(equation7). (5) where Is, is normal stiffnessof joint, ksis shear stiffnessof joint, h is height of unit (averageheight of stoneunit),Ewall is Young's modulus of elasticityof wall, Eunft is Young's modulus of elasticityof unit and is taken equal to 15,500N/mm2,and u is Poisson's ratio (assumed equal to 0.2). The modulus of elasticityis dependenton many factors such as type of stone,workmanship,void insidethe wall etc. A wide range of values have been proposed in literature15) varying from 200-1000 N/mm2.In situ tests were carriedout in Faial Island, Azores166, and the modulus of elasticityof random rubble stone masonrywall was found to be 200N/mm2. This value corresponds to 13% of the ―617― elementswas made. Using the above mentionedparameters and an accelerationtime history (Fig. 5) obtained from a previous shaking test, a dynamic analysis was carried out. The displacements obtained from the experiment (Fig.6) and numericalsimulations(Fig. 7) were plotted. A comparisonof displacementsmeasured alongheight of the model wall has been plotted as shown in Fig. 8. Due to the inconsistent friction between elements and possibly human error, this is consideredinevitable.However, the average displacementsobtained in the experimentof the two edges are in good agreementwith the numerical result. The numerical simulation gives 3.4 cm displacementat the top and the average (left edge and right edge) displacementof the experimentalwall was also 3.5 cm. Fig. 3 Constitutiverelationshipsforjoints in normal (top) and shear (bottom) (7) where, Ty is yield mortar less shear joint), an stress, is c is cohesion normal stress (equal and tan to zero being is coefficient of fiction. 4. Calibration Stiffness of brick Fig. 4 Wood block wall (0.40mx0.08mx0.26m) of parameters parameters masonry, thicknesses, represent the strength it is calculated mortar thickness from and the modulus In the case of dry stone masonry there stones, stiffness of therefore depending small the upon the way experiment Wooden were (0.40mx0.08mx0.26m) was shook final and KN/m3) assuming the structure as 0.3. were modulus masonry highly (a=0.0555, ƒÀ=0.0105) fiction was simply raising the base was noted ultimate been and goal taken Purpose measured gradually. average focusing of parameters itself. considering the Finally, was 4.47 KN/m2 5 unit The system and Rayleigh and is similar The coefficient flat base of analysis a blocks is finite as values house, for stone to see element solid to move was thus found the model and 0.3. of the In discontinuous affects the overall systems, behaviour response. of individual However, measured element residual Our deformation at the end of the test is consistent with numerical have result though positions of individual elements are not consistent. That is because of different frictional values among the elements. houses. suitability interfaces of and angle parameters masonry Fig. 6 deformed wood wall after experiment damping over started 6 chy wall a block LSM at the base of wall KN/m3, equations same the block acceleration and the assumed. appropriateness wooden sensor of wood of the the Fig. 5 Measured wall were the a The acceleration (kn=2883430 deformable of tangent calibration dry by putting When is to analyze this, as 8100000 using 13% therefore coefficients taken stiffness was infinity in Fig. 4. The wall a handle. 18) was calculated houses, a of an acceleration The of wall is a discontinuous, stone and The unit weight of elasticity ratio ks=1201430 pieces using by means the two to to investigate as shown table zero blocks. into was measured. the modulus Poisson's to dry on a small was measured displacement KN/m3, cut wall of bricks10). between be In order was constructed manually at the base can with wooden In the case between of elasticity is no material joint of thinking. was done blocks of the joint. the relationship of wall as joint •\ 618•\ But in numerical employed analysis, same for all elements. Though friction coefficient movement was of individual elements and energy dissipation at each time step have effects in overall response, it is not practical for big models which may Table 1, Peak accelerations have thousands of elements like stone masonry house which are dealing here. So, the deformations of individual elements have not been measured at each time step. Table 2, Various models Fig. 7 Simulated displacement of wooden wall Fig. 8 Comparisonof displacements 5. Analysis of masonry houses Two typicaltypes of single storeyhouses,one with a single room with an internalsize 4.05mx3.15mand the other with two moms of Fig. 9 Single room house with wood bond beam equal internal sizes of 3.15mx3.60mand both with wall thickness 0.45mwere modeled.The roof load dependson what type of roofing is used. Approximate calculations suggest a roof load equal to 1.5KN/m2which represents a thin slate roof, would be a good average considering roofs could also be made of thicker slate, conugated galvanized iron (C.G.I) sheets or thick rammed earth. Both houses were analyzedtwice with and without applying wood bond beamsand subjectedto differentground motions.At first,static analyses were run considering self weight and roof loads. The stressesand strainsobtainedfrom staticanalyses were used as initial values for dynamic analyses. In dynamic analyses,roof loads were converted into masses by dividing accelerationdue to gravity and allocated as lumped masses at the top nodes of walls. Material properties for wooden bond beams and coefficientof friction were taken same as used in calibrationanalysis.Peak accelerationsof the Fig. 10 Two room house with wood bond beam Four different models with varying sizes of elements, numbers of rooms and material used were prepared: 1. Model 1 is single storey, one room house with a lintel three components of the time histories for the Kobe earthquake of beam over the opening. 1995and the 1940El Centro earthquakeare given in Table 1. have the same properties The aim of thisanalysisis to see whetherthese houses can sustain large deformations.Therefore, solid elements have been assumed linear and the focus is in the non linear deformationat joints. The propertiesof the solid andjoint elementsare shown in Table 2. •\ 619•\ 2. Model The lintel beam is assumed to of as the stone. 2 is similar to model 1 but has horizontal wood bond beams at 0.52m interval. 3. Model 3 is single storey, two room house with lintel beam above opening. 4. Model 4 is the same as model 3 but has wood bond beams added at 0.52m intervals. The details of the numbers of elements, sizes etc. are shown in Table 2. The model houses are shown in Fig. 9 and 10 in which the pink colored continuous elements representthe wood bond beams and the blue elementsare stone elementsand verticaland horizontal linesarejoints. 6. Discussion Fig. 14 Stresses in model 1 El Centro earthquake The four models for the two houses describedabove were analyzed using various ground motionsand their deformationsand stressesare plottedin Figs. 11-22.Initially,model 2 was analyzedusing the Kobe earthquake time history. The acceleration was too high for the masonry building and the house produced large deformations(Figs. 11 and 12)within 8 secs. The reason why displacementswere much largeralongthe x directionas comparedto the y directionwas due to the largeaccelerationsinthat direction(Table 1). Fig. 15 Deformations Fig. 11 Deformations in model 2 in El Centro earthquake of model 2 house in Kobe earthquake Fig. 16 Stresses in model 2 in El Centro earthquake In all of the analyses, program Fig. 12, Stresses in model 2 house in Kobe earthquake automatically when deformation stopped exceeded 30 cm, the due to the large deformations. The limit 30cm is arbitrarily assumed value. It can be less or more. Even if it is not assigned runs to final step. It can simulate beyond the program this limit also, however, nonlinear computation iterations also as the displacement increase and time. The stone masonry cracks are formed and become residual deformations. Average it directly houses unserviceable increase the elongates the are very weak and even in few centimeters length of random rubble stone used in masonry house is less than 20cm. If residual deformation exceeds 30cm, most of the stones are dislocated from its original position and the house is no more usable. Our aim is not to look whole collapse process. If we are looking for effectiveness deformation of such houses under seismic than the few centimeters. Fig. 13, Deformations in model 1 in El Centro earthquake •\ 620•\ of wood bond beam, the loadings should be less The stresses in all Figs. are in ton/m2and displacementsare in meters.Model 1 does not have any seismicband and is weaker than model 2, thus it will be meaningless to analyze using the input motionsof the Kobe earthquake.Therefore,model 1 was analyzedin El Centro earthquake. The deformationsand stressesare shown in Figs. 13-14.It sustained large deformationsquickly.In Fig. 13, we can see deformationswere higher in the back wall than in the front. This is because rigid lintel beams were placed over the openings, which did not deform and strengthenedthe walls and eventually,the house failed due to the separationof the weaker wall. In model 2, which was analyzedwith the El Centro ground motion,the structure was found to performwell as shown in Figs. 15-16.In order to test Fig. 20 Stresses in model 3 in El Centro earthquake the performance limit, model 2 was analyzed again with an amplificationof 2 of the El Centro ground motion; this deformed with largedisplacements(Figs. 17-18).Subsequently,the responseof the two room house as represented by model 3 was analyzed subjectedto the El Centro earthquakeground motion. Fig. 21, Deformations Fig. 17, Deformations in model 4 in El Centro earthquake in model 2 in 200% El Centro earthquake Fig. 22, Stressesin model 4 in El Centroearthquake To examine the response of a two-room house, model 3 was analyzed using the El Centro earthquakemotion. Like in model 1, model 3 also sustained large deformations and failed due to separation of the back wall (Figs. 19-20). Model 4 building was Fig. 18 Stresses in model 2 in 200% El Centro earthquake analyzedusing the same input motion and was foundto performwell (Figs. 21-22) like model 2. In conclusion,both model 2 and model 4 houses which had been strengthened by wood bond beam deformed less than 6mm and showed good performance under earthquakeloading. Stone blocks considered in the numerical analysis consist of equivalent block of many different sized stones. If the stone sizes vary each other, moduli of elasticityof walls also vary. It directly affects the value of stiffness constants. As irregular sized stones Fig. 19 Deformations increase,wall becomes weaker and springconstantsare less than that in model 3 in El Centro earthquake •\ 621•\ of regular sized stonewall.However,blocks shouldbe as small as the wood bond beams modeled here assume rigid connectionsat their averagesize of stone in the wall. In these simulations,the wall was edges, where elements are linear and have negligible deformation divided making the length and breadth of the element equal to the which in tum confinesthe wall and the stone elements.Forcesat the width of the wall and the height equal to nearly half of the length. Width of wall has been taken as the referencefor size of elements.In joints develop where there are relativedisplacements.Wood beams break verticaljoints, hold the comers effectivelyand join the two wythes which are responsiblefor diagonalcracks, separationof wall order to see size effect, the elementswere further subdividedand analyzed. The differences of deformations are negligible but computationtime increasedby far. However, even a small house consists of thousand of units; and each unit will possess different and formingverticalcracks at comers and splittingof wall into two folds respectively. A single wood beam connects many stone elementsand is thereforeresponsiblefor controllingthe deformation propertiesand shapesand therefore show differentbehaviour.In this regardthis model may be still too generic.If the elementsare again further dividedinto small elements, computationtime would be too of manyjoints. long and is therefore governed by the level of accuracy required. are 3 possibleexplanationsfor this: Thus, size of elements considering the width of wall can give reasonableresponse. Displacementsgeneratedby models 2 and 4 were low. There 1. Firstly,there are no precise and predeterminedvalues of permissible displacements or drift for these types of houses to define a credible failure mechanism. Very small tensile forces could lead to collapse of these We analyzedfour models from two typicaltypes of houses under various ground motions. If a stronger earthquakesuch as the Kobe earthquakeis expected,wooden bond beam alone would not be able structuresbecause of bulging, which is the prominent failure mode of double-leaved stone masonry walls. There is no bonding between the elementsand although to resist the collapse of these houses. Under slightly lower acceleration levels, such as when the houses experienced an accelerationlevel twice that of the El Centro event,the houses still the presence of a wood beam could reduce the sustained very large deformations and failed. In the El Centro to the wood beam could still fail due to tensile forces at thejoints. deformationsubstantially,the rest of the wall not attached earthquake,the peak accelerationwas about 0.31g and testing under this input ground motion,the houses without wooden bond beams still failed,but houses constructedwith the additionalwooden beam 2. Secondly,this may be due to the methodof modeling.In a real wall,there are many stoneblocks between the two did not. beams but in this model there are only two blocks along vertical direction. Therefore, each block would be in The main possible failure mechanismfor stone masonry houses contact with the wooden beam, either at the top or the are skin splitting,vertical cracking at comers, separation of wall, underside. The faces of the joint in contact with wood would deform less.Thus, the model may underestimate wedge shape failure and diagonal cracking. If we looked at the figureswe can find most of them in this study also. In Figs. 11-12, houses failedin shearand swept to collapse.Kobe 1995 earthquake's deformation as only one joint is free to move in the numericalanalysiswhich is not true in the case of a real acceleration is so high that LSM house can not resist. In usual wall. If the houses are modeled with thousands of practice,lintelbeams (Figs.13-14, 19-20)are often providedover the openings even in unreinforced LSM houses. Lintel beam is not elementsandjoints the computationtime is very long. provided at back side wall and it is the weakest one. Thus comer cracking starts at the junction of two walls leading to large deformation.This may be reasonable as more than forty percent houses had damaged in El Centro earthquake. In Figs. 17-18, two 3. Lastly,in this analysissolid elementshave been assumed linear and only largedeformationsat interfaceshave been examined.Non linear deformationin solid elementscan be significant in small deformations when the wall is confinedby the wood bond beam. times amplified El Centro 1940 was given, comer and diagonal crackshave formed near openings leadingto collapse,which is quite naturalsince area around openings are the weakest zones. Both one analyzing this type of dry stone masonry house in detail. Using and two roomed wooden beam reinforced houses (Figs. 15-16, 21-22) performed well under El Centro 1940 earthquake.The key similar method, few studies3),10) have been done in brick masonry. They are bonded by cement sand mortar and dry stone masonry point here is that the coefficientof frictionwas taken as 0.3 and the houses are quitedifferentfrom brick masonry.This method has been peak accelerationwas 0.31g. Theoretically,slidingshouldnot occur until 0.3gthereforethe question arisesas to why model 1 failed since it had equal friction.One possible explanationis that the house in implementedin Pakistan2)as disastermitigationmeasure,but nobody has investigated dry stone houses analytically,numerically and model 1 experiencedtension first,which the caused separationand there was nothing between the stones to control the tensionleading ultimatelyto failure,eventhough it still had spare shearcapacity.The ―622― To the authors' best knowledge; this was the first attempt at experimentally.Does it resist any earthquakes? How much peak accelerationcan be resistedwhen wood bond beams are used? These questions have been addressed here, following the numerical methods that can be found in open literatures.However,the problem which we dealt is totally new and investigation presented here is novel. 7. Conclusion The behaviors of two types of dry stone masonry houses various ground motions analyses. were investigated From these analyses, houses strengthened be an effective technique motions similar deformation wood bond beams would not be such as Kobe 1995. However, it can in confining the walls under smaller ground to the El Centro earthquake of 1940. The small obtained from the analyses shows that sufficient cracks could develop however, detailed dynamic it was clear that dry stone masonry by applying able to resist strong earthquakes through under and make the houses inhabitable after earthquakes; the wood bond beams would prevent complete collapses of the dry stone masonry houses which would ensure life safety in low intensity earthquakes technique Thus, this could be an appropriate in low seismicity zones along the Alpine Himalayan where these houses are common earthquakes are expected. the only most vernacular economical upgrading Belt and frequent but low acceleration Since wood can be locally available, it is solution for upgrading these kinds of houses. 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