Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol.11, pp.517-523 Aggregation of Unequal-sized (August 2008) and Oppositely JSCE Charged Colloidal Particles in a Shear Flow 勇断流 中におけ る異径 ・異符号帯電 コロイ ド粒子の凝集 Motoyoshi Kobayashi* 小林幹佳 * Member of JSCE, Dr. (Agr. Sci.), Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University (Ueda 3-18-8, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550, Japan) Understanding the rateof aggregationof colloidalparticlesis veryimportantto considerthetransportof substancesin waterenvironments. Theoreticalinvestigations on aggregation kineticshavebeenpexfonnedbyusingtrajectoryanalyses to elucidatethe influenceof electrochemical and hydrodynamicinteractionson aggregation.So far, however,this analysishas not been fullyappliedto the aggregationbetweenunequal-sizedparticleswith oppositesign of surface electricchargein a shear flow. In this study, the rate of shear hetemaggregation between oppositelycharged and unequal-sizedparticleswas evaluatedby using the trajectoryanalysis.The calculatedresultsindicatethat the rate of heteroaggregation increaseswithdecreasingsaltconcentrationand thatthe effectof attractiveelectricdoublelayer force is more significantat highershearrates.Atlowsaltconcentrations, in addition,thepresentevaluationrevealsthatlarger valuesof scaledcaptureefficiencywerefound not for thehomoaggegationbetweenequal-sizedparticlesbut for the hetemaggregation betweenunequal-sizedparticles.The calculationalso suggestsan experimentalplan,that is, pure heteroaggregation withoutelectricdoublelayereffectcan be obtainedbyusingthebinarymixtureof oppositelycharged and unequal-sized particlesin 1-10mMaqueoussolutions. KeyWords:coagulation, flocculation,captureefficiency, trajectoryanalysis Smoluchowski4,9,10), who 1. Introduction derived a theoretical equation describing the number of colliding spheres with a radius of R1 toward a sphere with a radius R2 per unit time JSmol: Colloidal particles such as clay minerals and natural organic matter are ubiquitous in water environment These particles play an essential role in the fate and transport of substances sorbed with the particles1-4). One of typical natures of colloidal particles is their aggregation, coagulation, or flocculation. Through aggregation, the size of transport unit increases. And then, increased particle size enhances the sedimentation rate of particles and causes drastic changes of particle transport. Therefore, understanding aggregation process is of vital importance for controlling and predicting transport properties of substances in hydro-environments. Flocculation is also (1) where G is velocitygradientof flow and N1 is the number concentrationof particleswitha radius R1. The Smoluchowski expressionneglectsall the interactionsactingbetweencolliding particles. In reality, however, various electrochemicaland hydrodynamicinteractionsact betweencollidingparticlesand thus alterthe collidingtrajectorybetweenparticles.As a result, an introductionof correctionfactorcalledcaptureor aggregation efficiencya is needed to modifythe expressionof aggregation rate J4,10-18): important in water purification4,5).For these reasons, many experimental and theoretical works on aggregation or (2) flocculationhave been carried out5-8). In order The rate of aggregation is a key to understand the whole aggregation process. Physicochemical and hydrodynamic analysis conditions of colloidal suspensions affect the aggregation rate of colloidal particles4,7). A theoretical treatment on the aggregation colliding kinetics in a simple shear flow was started by ―517― solve as to has evaluate been trajectory spheres equations under physicochemical interaction the used11-16). is usually capture In efficiency ƒ¿, doing describing this the the influence of interactions 11-16,19). given by the sum a trajectory analysis, relative one hydrodynamic The has movement as to of well physicochemical of electric double layer (EDL) and forces the van is der Waals referred to Verwey-Overbeek dependent the solved flow of in the a rapid aggregation, presence given of only sign of where the and vdW de EDL in force the capture is a shear colliding Their equation and capture the potential. is and Ven the force; correlation force, force surface evaluated EDL surface the and EDL Van charged suspendedparticlesin a shear flow has never been studied.In the naturalwater,aggregationof colloidalparticles of the two spheres ƒ¿11 repulsive by a simple The medium. (R1=R2=R) same sum at particle's equations of be expressed The Derjaguin-Landau suspension trajectory presence have cannot the potential equal-sized the spheres of forces. force4,20,21). the electrostatic salt concentration efficiency as (DLVO) on Mason12) (vdW) results except absent for In the efficiency ƒ¿11,0 is by (3) with a dimensionless parameter proceedsthroughthe collisionbetweenunequal-sizedparticles and/or aggregates3,6,7) under the influenceof flow fields, and both positivelyand negativelycharged particlesexist28,29). In addition,heteroaggregation of small colloidalparticles,which are thecauseof turbidity,withoppositelychargedlargeparticles, whichhavelargesedimentation velocity,can be used to increase the rate of solid-liquidseparation(Fig. 1). Therefore,to study the shear aggregationbetween unequal-sizedand oppositely chargedparticlesis usefulfromscientificand engineeringpoints of view,becauseit givesbetterknowledgeon aggregationto us. In this context,this paper describes the results of trajectory analysis for the evaluation of capture efficiency of heteroaggregation with attractiveEDL force in a simple shear flow. (4) where ƒÊ dynamic constant viscosity reflecting of the magnitude medium, A12 of vdW the Hamaker force, c1=0.79, 0.87, Mixing and 0.95 the rate for R=2, of shear heteroaggregation Lawler5) written 0.5 ƒÊm. Later, aggregation between obtained for the shear 1, and were unequal-sized correlation equations heteroaggregation trajectory analyses performed spheres13-15). of the capture in the absence for the Han and defined small and large particles force ƒ¿12,0 as where ƒÉ=R2/R1 are charged efficiency of EDL Heteroaggregation (5) d oppositely on constants (R1>R2) is the ratio depending on of particle a dimensionless radius, in flow fields a, b, c, and parameter HA by (6) Both Eqs. (4) and (6) asses the relative importance of van der Fig.1 Large settling Rapid solid-liquid Schematic Waals attractive force to hydrodynamic force. Experimental application; studies on aggregation in flow fields have been carried out for separation. velocity illustration separation of heteroaggregation heteroaggregates enhance and its solid-liquid the homoaggregation of equal-sized spheres with repulsive EDL or without EDL force10,12,17,18,22). These investigations have 2. Method qualitatively supported the validity of the prediction by trajectory analyses. Recently, the effects of attractive EDL force acting between positively charged and negatively (oppositely) charged particles on aggregation and deposition have been tested4,23-27). Previous researches studying the effect of attractive EDL on the aggregation rate by Brownian diffusion23,24) and the deposition kinetics in porous media4,25)reported that decreasing salt concentration enhance the rates of particle deposition and unequal-sized and oppositely ―518― to evaluate is given Consider shown sphere sphere in a simple in Fig. Evaluation trajectory spheres, and potential ƒÕ2, capture efficiency ƒ¿ from trajectory below. two potential rectangular aggregation. As far as the author knows, however, the rate of heteroaggregation between A method analysis 2, the of capture with shear relative coordinates equations 2 1 with a flow a radius radius with position of R2 efficiency a the can and a surface a surface a shear rate sphere 2 is given (x, y, z) or by spherical describing R1 and of G. coordinates be done relative by As by (r, ƒÆ,ƒÓ). solving motion of is expressed by the sum of Fvdw and Fel. The vdW force is described by13,14) (16) for p<1 and (17) for Fig.2Coordinatesfor trajectoryanalysis. 1•…p, where Hamaker aggregatingspheres.The relativemotion of collidingsphereis governedby the followingtrajectoryequations13,34): p=2ƒÎh/ƒÉL The h distance constant, using p the London EDL force as KC1 and NaC1 between particles' surfaces, A12 distance defined by dimensionless wave in a simple is given length ƒÉL (typically salt solution 100nm). of 1:1 electrolyte such by4,21) (18) (7) with (19) (8) (9) where t time,r*=r/R1 dimensionless centers,t*=Gt distance dimensionless time, between A, B, where kB the and C interaction functions4,19) that depend ratio ƒÉ=R2/R1 (R1>R2). At the large on r* and separation particles, the functions A, B, and permittivity, C are shown NA the The measure of length. the particles are oppositely are written in one (i) and expressions, and h*=r*-ƒÉ-1 between not 0.513,14). is surfaces. was shown here, are available referred part of as EDL the different sat EDL sign, the For expressions force that stopped Eqs with layer (EDL) respectively. force The the (7)-(9) hydrodynamic were numerically Calculations (x*=x/R1, when In the above dimensionless were started z*=z/R1). Each the position separation, by Wang14) are separation, mean that spheres of sphere 2 resulted The of or (iii) y*=10. 2 is captured case on and was boundary (i) r*-ƒÉ-1<ƒÂ*=ƒÂ/R1, (ii) ƒÓ>ƒÎ/2, sphere work, ƒÂ=0. 1nm shape fates; used of the no by the to avoid The sphere other aggregation where ƒÂ hand, numerical cross-section calculating trajectories der Waals are introduced electrochemical (vdW) In the divergence. y*=-20 can starting points be found by xc*(z*) in Eq. force trial points (x*, distance (Fig. 2). All calculations started from the boundary result in aggregation. From the shape in the present and (7) known at from interpolated adopted force is, indicates happens. capture cases 1, that equations ƒÉ , separation intermediate three 2 is separated from van is is, cross-section, the capture efficiency a was evaluated study. attractive a around decreasing that trajectories and trial that the capture The to regarded with metho30). occurs. present for (ii) z*) within approximate is thus 1/Kis (18) have interactions, aggregation The 0.2, and diffuse Eq. colliding of the following is the minimum (15) =0.1, M as follows13,14): (14) Similar in hydrodynamic (13) for ƒÉ=1. of charged. to calculate y*=y/R1=-20 calculation functions e concentration concentration length increases from by the Runge-Kutta from length the and ƒÕ2 physicochemical solved 1/Kis and surfaces and hand, relative permittivity, number Cs salt Debye of It is clear when ƒÕ1 In order (12) other and of The thickness attractive (11) the the number dimension Debye concentration. on dielectric n=1000NACs Avogadro's colloidal distances, length, ƒÃr. •@ as13,14 (10) small temperature, distance as very Debye vacuum charge, (=mol/L). At reciprocal absolute the salt, between T are elementary radius constant, the particles' dielectric hydrodynamic Boltzmann electric as Fvdw as DLVO the following equation13,34): double and Fel, (20) force ―519― of In this study, compute function force part and above Evaluated force EDL ƒÑ=KR1, in applied the ratio to as a of the vdW of the EDL the relative order to are plotted the ratio , and of was results CA (or HA), forces •@ diffuse to thickness make the results meaningful. Results 3.1. described a parameters8,11,12); to hydrodynamic universal 3. procedure efficiency of dimensionless the vdW of the capture and Discussion Capture Efficiency without Electric Double Layer Force Values of equal-sized (EDL) capture particles force ƒ¿11,0 CA in Fig. by Eq. Eq. (3) obtained 4 are seen by this This by van evaluated from the agreement Hamaker between constant 10-21 J for that experimental useful fields. the the evaluation in be probably previous 1•~10-21 due adjacent are the 3•~10-21 present Fig.4 Capture efficiency of heteroaggregation without EDL force: Symbols and lines are evaluated to obtain of j and the figure •~ describes is found to be kinetics lower than to in that the by concluded values that A12 of A12 in the experiment roughness or by this work and by Eq. (5), respectively 1 The aggregation which EDL values comparable reduction surface efficiency without with A12 are studies10,22), J. The to of of work. in order analysis (5). evaluated reasonably trajectory they flow respectively. analysis values predictions, suggested to be made by Eq. calculations. experiment, 1.4ƒÊm, the for While theoretical 3.2. and were of capture plotting, assumed capture particles by the present compared the and trajectory behavior, practically should A12 are the previous a shear are In in 4 are drawn dat18) in theory R=1ƒÊm demonstrates flow symbols, as lines. by calculations with without work symbols of ƒ¿11,0 and ƒ¿12,0 experimental by fit The values (R1=R2=R) shown best the for this unequal-sized in Fig. of homoaggregation EDL force. layer is drawn The study the calculation 5, previous denoted this agreement confirms calculations curves good homoaggregation the by Mason12). efficiency quantity by in the figure and force ƒ¿12,0. graphs, show double the dimensionless between of HA. The work force, Ven values electrical line Fig.3 Capture between are calculations The de EDL values In Fig. of respectively. without three As against triangles of heteroaggregation calculated for and homoaggregation without are plotted (5), efficiency for calculated 3. Circles and Fig. efficiency accumulation is of salt to surface22). Capture Efficiency Electric In Double Figs. 6 in Layer and 7, the Presence of Attractive Force values of capture efficiency between Fig.5 unequal-sized of radius spheres ratio ƒÉ. shear rates these figures, Values of flow, the are plotted were capture against ƒÑKR1 of HA, reflecting written in Figs. efficiency the 6 and with for four relative effect 7, respectively. attractive Capture EDL ƒ¿12 (R1=R2=R) without (symbols) are by that see the effect without of EDL EDL ƒ¿12,0. force By using this homoaggregation EDL force. compared with Experiments calculations In (Lines). is To 1 expression, respectively. we can of of and normalized efficiency values clearly. ―520― are obtain assumed better fits, for A12 R=1 ( 10-21J) and 1.4 ƒÊm, =3 retardation force, prevents with and the van effectively and of the radius from ,0 against means more The prevention force is more between is clear (Fig. particles in the 3). The and calculation attractive EDL retardation force the trend that the concentration) attractive for significant for i.e., for in Figs. reduction for the smaller ƒÉ. ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12 heteroaggregation. retardation of unequal-sized particles32). 4). Increasing 6 of aggregation the hydrodynamic heteroaggregation of equal-sized of ƒ¿12,0 (Fig. found enhances smaller ƒÉ, by are sharper is obtained EDL of aggregation that on ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12,0 figures This range is also and indicated magnitude of heteroaggregation unequal-sized attractive ratio ƒÉ effectively than by the of effect force colliding the hydrodynamic the r(salt that rate spheres efficiency This Waals overcomes 7. It is clear This Capture der away gains ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12,0. Effects Fig.6 pushes aggregation31,32). only force which spheres attractive EDL captured particles force and by compared with the system decreasing r increases the number of with therefore raises the capture efficiency EDL force. where only the van der Waals force works. Fig.7 Capture efficiency between EDL of unequal-sized heteroaggregation spheres with attractive Fig.8 force. Capture efficiency between These figures decreasing ƒÑ, tendency namely, is similar deposition 1/K the range and increased range capture of disappears; the physicochemical are not By is, Decreasing particles At and of higher der Waals the value of with HA by EDL become force. large. becomes the increase of case, length enhance in the effect with EDL of force dominant the in aggregation force. Fig. 7, we capture rates, result In this EDL aggregation force spheres EDL force. The the Debye force the forces. 6 with of from force (ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12,0 are found shear rate unequal-sized attractive heteroaggregation of particle of attractive thus with concentration. of EDL higher ƒÑ, by attractive Fig. the of EDL magnitude the normalized values for and ,0 increases the kinetics as deduced interaction raised comparing HA on higher and van on the presence the magnitude rates. salt studies media4,25) colliding aggregation rates decreasing salt concentrations, The rates with diffusion23,24)in lower that ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12 to previous in porous Brownian At demonstrate of see the influence efficiency ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12,0. for lower the increases values same radius the of shear That is, Fig.9 of HA, that ratio ƒÉ. Capture between hydrodynamic attractive ―521― efficiency of unequal-sized EDL force. heteroaggregation spheres with Figures 8 and 9 examine the ), ie., the magnitude on ƒ¿12/ƒ¿12 ,0. 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