Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol.11, pp.399-410 Laboratory Model Test and Numerical (August 2008) Analysis JSCE of Bearing Capacity of Rigid Strip Footing on Slope LiangLU*,Katsuhilco ARAI**,ZongjianWANG*and RyujiNishiyama*** *Nonmember , Doctoral Program, University of Fukui(Bunkyo 3-9-1,Fukui910-8507) **Fellow , Dr.Eng.,Prof,Dept.ofArchitecture andCivilEng.,University of Fukui ***Nonmember , M. Eng.,Kozo-sekkeiCo., LTD This paper focuses on the estimation of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on slope by performing a number of laboratory model tests and the numerical analysis. The laboratory model tests, including unreinforced and reinforced subsoil, are carried out using three types of subsoil. A numerical procedure is proposed which is based on a smeared shear band approach and a modified initial stress method, employing Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion with a simple plastic flow rule. The proposed procedure is capable of estimating not only the bearing capacity for natural subsoil, but also under complex conditions, for example, reinforced subsoil considering stiffness and deformation of materials. In most cases, a fairly good agreement is obtained between the experimental and analytical results. Key Words: bearing capacity, slip surface, shear band, laboratory model test, slope 1. Introduction of many researches, the accurate description of localization phenomenon in soils is still open to question. For instance, the When constructingstructureson slope,engineersmust solve complicated bearing capacity problem. Some analytical methodsare availablefor estimatingthe bearingcapacityon slope. The most fundamentalapproach is to apply the limit equilibrium method or the circular slip surface method consideringthe bearing capacityproblemas a slope stability bifurcation problem.The limitequilibriummethodrepresentskinematical conditionsonlyby usingthe mechanicallyacceptableshapeof a slip surface,and evaluatesthe materialpropertiesonlyby its final strength.It does not allow consideringthe stiffnessand deformationof materials,which seemto play an importantrole for evaluating earth reinforcementmethod, and which may affectthe globalcollapsemode. Due to these defects, some methods are proposed, for instance, finite element method, and limit analysis method which is foundedon the upperand lower boundtheorems in to the peripheral plasticity.Many researchesindicatethat classicalfiniteelement method does not necessarilyprovide a reasonablecollapse mechanism1),2). Subjectedto Mohr-Coulombmaterial,the limit analysishas not completelyovercomethe difficultythat the limittheoremscannotbe provenwithoutthe normalityrule in Narita8) applied the limit equilibrium analysis using log-spiral plasticity,and that the normalityrule may not hold for the material,although it is known that the analysis provides a suitablesolutionin most casesdespiteof the difficulty.In spite performed the model tests of strip footing on slope under •\ 399•\ analysis that tries to simulate actual localized deformation seems to give a promising view, while the analysis may not give reasonable solutions for complicated boundary value problems such as bearing capacity3),4). This may be because in bearing capacity problems it is not easy to duplicate the rotation of principal stresses from the below part of footing region. Adaptive finite element method appears to require a lot of numerical efforts and to contain a certain numerical difficulty in some cases5),6). In recent decades, a number of analytical methods and experiments are performed to the bearing capacity problems on slope. Kusakabe et al.7)carried out the model tests considering various factors affecting bearing capacity on slope and presented a practical solution based on the upper bound approach. They compared the solution with the results by circular slip surface method, slip surface and concluded lower bound that the approach, analysis etc. somewhat overestimates the bearing capacity. Shields et al.9) carried out large-scale experiments on loaded slopes of sand and compared the results with some computational results. Sugano" various loading conditions and compared the result with the bearing capacity on level ground. Kimura et al.11)performed the unit:mm unit: mm (a) saturatedclay Fig. 1 Soil container (b) mountainsandA and B Fig. 2 Distribution of earth pressure sensor centrifuge model tests and showed a good agreement with the results of other's tests on a prototype scale. Yoo) and Mostafa13) practiced the laboratory model tests and FE analysis Case 1 for estimating the bearing capacity on slope reinforced by geotextile, the and ascertained the accordance between Case 1 experimental and analytical results. Their main concern is the suitable distribution and properties of geotextile to establish Case 2 Case 2 maximum reinforcing effect rather than the simulation of ultimate bearing capacity behavior. In this paper, laboratory model tests are carried out to evaluate the actual behavior of soil and collapse mode of soil stratum on slope under footing pressure, and to study practical evaluation of the bearing capacity. Then, we propose Case 3 Case 3 a numerical procedure which is based on a smeared shear band approach14) and a modified numerical procedure initial stress method15 16). The assumes Mohr-Coulomb Fig. 3 Layout of geotextile for three cases yield criterion with a simple non-associated plastic flow rule and attempts to Table 1 Material properties provide an appropriate bearing capacity which is supported by an explicit collapse mechanism represented by stress yield condition. The calculated results by the proposed procedure are compared with those obtained from the laboratory model tests, to examine the numerical characteristics and applicability of the proposed procedure. 2. Laboratory Model Test 2.1 Test Equipment Fig. 1 shows the steel soil container used in the laboratory model test, which is 700mm wide, 100mm thick and 550mm high. One of the lateral sides has a composite glass plate with grids of 5cm size so that the deformation of subsoil can be observed obviously. Earth pressure sensors are installed in the subsoil as shown in Fig. 2, to measure the vertical earth pressure. Two dial gauges are used to measure the average settlement of loading plate. Many markers are settled on the side wall of soil container to observe the deformation of subsoil. Considering the friction between soil stratum and soil container, we use a thin rubber membrane smeared with a thin layer of silicon •\ 400•\ Table2 Particlesizedistribution(%) grease on pressure the surface is applied using loading on base of loading Cylinder. of condition sidewalls to a rigid a Bellofram undersurface of A soil plate sand plate, container. with 150mm paper so that Loading in width is glued it may footing pressure (kPa) onto simulate the rough friction. (a) saturated clay 2.2 Soil Materials Model two tests types are canied of and properties weight used and particle v: Poisson's is given tests settlement for in Table shear the for types three of sandy as (b) mountian and A B which tests, c E is back-calculated model test. of reinforcement cases c,ƒÓ soil are sand in the effect plate, modulus, ƒÁ: 2. In the model test. and parameters of loading mountain observed discussing performed Two clay soil E: Young's A and a direct the B: width ratio. sand by footing also where for saturated 1 lists parameters, mountain obtained the model are and called are Table strength size distribution and ƒÓ from sand. of geotextile, : Mohr-Coulomb unit out respectively mountain shown The material in Fig. 3, where (c) mountian sand B Case 1 is for reinforcement subsoil two the natural material, with one layers. by sorts geotextile geotextiles dotted sand, 2.3 Test Procedure Case of lines are is applied, the that Fig.4 Footingpressure-settlement relationship(experiment) with case is also in Table 1, two non-woven the no reinforced each shown and saturated E is determined is 3 is for for 3. As there for Case geotextile to where which 2 and in Fig. corresponding mountain in of geotextile placement illustrated of while layer The subsoil woven clay by a tensile and the test (a) saturated clay (footing pressure 39kPa) Foundation material subsoil as shown is thoroughly is made in Table remoulded greater than 17.6%, silt of 77.6% the respectively 1. For the at water liquid limit, and content which clay of three saturated of types clay, of 65% is The slurry considerably composed 15.3%. of soil clay of clay sand slurry, of earth (b) mountian sand A (footing pressure 137kPa) pressure sensors, prescribed layer height of loading gauge plate which plane consolidation for After all setting a little reaches has one day the 49kPa. In tenns of distinguished from mountain that way of step the mountain sand Fig. 3 (b). As earth pressure is put to above-mentioned sensors and two the types or consolidated which the status soil as for on and the then final is the of gauges. 3 (a), soil a used is put the each put (c) mountain sand B (footing pressure 147kPa) is Fig. 5 Verticalearthpressuredistribution(experiment) pressure consolidated consolidation. sand, clay, until is on for to thickness in Fig. steps that, plate the loads load density saturated and the stable shown placed necessary The geotextile, of primary by the the width to ensure than Under until the completion same are Note it is container. and so on, in tum. geotextile, the soil gauges by and container or of higher consolidated geotextile of soil setting horizontal height matters, of height 420mm procedure geotextile sandy pressure. overall height of are put soil are Different is 370mm, as shown of saturated clay, into mountain in the sand •\ 401•\ in turn. The consolidationof mountainsand A is performedby four stepwiseloadsof 9.8kPa,19.6kPa,29.4kPaand 34.3kPa, in which each loadingstep is kept constantfor 3 minutes for well consolidationof subsoil.For mountainsandB the loading stagesof consolidationof subsoilare 24.5kPa,49kPa,73.5kPa and 98kPa.The firstthreestagesare kept for 2 minutesand the final is kept constantfor 5 minutes.After the subsoilhas been consolidated,the portionof subsoilnear one edge is removed fromthe subsoiland a modelslopeis carefullyformed. The loadingtestsof saturatedclay are performedby putting the loadingpressureat an incrementof 4.9kPa to the loading plate until the subsoilreachesfailure,while mountainsand A withthe incrementof loadingpressureof 9.8kPaand mountain sandB with49kParespectively.Becausethe soilcannotdeform immediately,each loadingpressurestage is stipulatedto keep constantfor 5 minutes.The settlementof loadingplate, earth pressureof soil layerand tensionof geotextileare measuredat the intervalof one minuteuntil the next loadingpressurestage. Photographsare taken4 minutesaftera new loadingpressureis applied,in orderto recordthe movementsof the displacement markers. From these photographs, the magnitude of displacementsinthe slopeis obtained. 2.4Test Results The observedfootingpressure-settlementrelationshipsare givenin Fig.4 for thethreetypesof subsoil.As seeninFig.4(a), the relationshipsbecome remarkablynon-linearat a certain footingpressureand may reach the bearingcapacitywith this turning point while tests are continueduntil large settlement takes place.The resultsof saturatedclayin Fig. 4 (a) showthat the earthreinforcementtends eitherto restrictthe settlementof subsoil or to improve the bearing capacity.Comparedwith Case 1 of naturalsubsoil,in which the subsoilcollapseswhen footing pressure reaches 44kPa, Case 2 with one layer of geotextileor Case 3 withtwo layersof geotextilehas a higher failure load of 49kPa or 54kPa respectively.Because the placementof geotextilein Case 2 is much deeper than the regionof collapsemode in Case 1 as shownlaterin Fig. 16(a), the geotextile little improves bearing capacity.While the geotextileof upper layer in Case 3 largelyimprovesbearing capacity,for its placementrestrictsthe formationof collapse mode.Fig. 4 (b) showsthe experimentalresultsfor mountain sand A. Concerningmountainsand B shownin Fig.4 (c), the settlementis restrainedby geotextile,while no clear collapse point is observed. It is difficultto evaluatequantitativelythe effectof geotextileon bearingcapacityfor mountainsandA and B. Thesephenomenawill be discussedlater in the numerical analysisof testresults.Fig.5 showsthe monitoredverticalearth pressures and illustratesthe comparisonamong three cases definedabove.The figureshowsthat the earthpressureon the centerlineof loadingplate increasesevidentlyin any instances and decreasesto zeroon the sideof slope.For the saturatedclay, near the left side of soil containerthe earthpressure in three casesare almostthe same,exceptthe regionbelow geotextile. However,for mountainsand A and B, the earth pressurenear lateralsidewallhave a littlechange.The detaileddiscussionis made laterinthe numericalanalysis. •\ 402•\ 3. Numerical Procedure 3.1 Outline The proposedprocedurecan be used to estimatethe bearing capacity directlyby a developmentof collapse mode. The conditionsto get such a collapsemode are as follows: 1) Assumean activewedge below footing,2) Treatthe yielding mass as a stratifiedmaterialresultingfrom the smeared shear band approach,and 3) Performrigorouslythe nonlinearFE analysisbased on the modified initial stress method17).The proposed procedure employs a simple constitutivemodel whichrequiresa smallnumberof materialparameters,so that it may be appliedto practicaldesignwork. 3.2 YieldCriterion To relate the proposedprocedureto conventionalstability analysis, Mohr-Coulomband Coulomb yield criteria are employedrespectivelyto plane strain soil mass and friction interfacebetween structureand soil. For the frictioninterface we employthe thin layerfiniteelementas shownin Fig.618). Mohr-Coulomb: (1) (2) where, ƒÐx, ƒÐy and shear and ƒÑxy: stress stresses 3.3 Constitutive (1) illustrates strain rule relationship to or plastic as shown for coulomb Coulomb the relationship vector interface and ƒÐt and ƒÑst: normal in Fig. 6. Relationship Stress-strain Subjected in friction components, {yst}. potential We interface, between employ Qc defined shear a simple interface Fig. stress 7 schematically vector non-associated {ƒÑst} and flow as19) (3) where g: a hypotheticalparameterwhich is not cited actually, because Qc is used only by its differentialform.For the thin layerelement,as shown in Fig.6,the elasto-plasticstress-strain relationshipis givenas15) (4) where•@ (a) shear band Fig. 6 Coordinates in interface element where {ƒÂƒÐ} and increments (see stress-strain matrix component of [Dep]. (2) Stress-strain When that Fig. we 8 (a). meaning our main In 7), [Dep] to this paper, surface concern the most of shear band size a shear of a slip is to and [D]: elasto-plastic elasto-plastic coordinate s-t for Mohr-Coulomb a finite observe employ and referred relationship shearing often {ƒÂƒÃep} : stress Fig. Fig. 7 Stress-strain relationship the of soil band term occurred get fundamental element, expression strain and here, elastic and it is well surface band in the yield a practical Fig. 8 Shear band formation dij: material or slip shear (b) stratified material design known as shown is used as element Fig. 9 Direction of shear band the Since procedure, of inclination (a) two slip surfaces (b) direction of slip surface in an element in we of angle as (5) Pietiuszczaket al.14)proposed the smeared shear band approachwhich evaluatedthe averagestress-strainresponseof solidand shearband Whenthe thicknessof shearband exceeds a certainthickness,the yieldplanestrainelementbecomesclose to the stratified or cross-anisotropic aterial, as shown in Fig. 8 (b). Modifiedthis smeared shear band approach and combined a plastic stress-strainrelationshipwith a simple plastic flow rule as shown in Fig. 7 for Mohr-Coulombsoil mass,to get a collapsemodeanalogousto Fig. 10,the proposed procedureassumesthe yieldsoil elementas a stratifiedelement and considersits elasto-plasticmatrix[Dep]to be equalto that as givenby Eq. (4). (3) Selectionof shearband Generallya set of two shearbands or slip surfacesA-A' and B-B' are possible for a finite soil element accordingto the principalstress state as shown in Fig. 9 (a). Considcringthe formationof activewedge, we assume the shear band B-B' definedin Fig. 9 (a) within the activewedge in Fig. 10, and assumethe shearband A-A' outsideof the activewedgeas seen in Fig. 10. The directionof A-A' or B-B' line in Fig. 9 (a) is generallydeterminedas (seeFig.9 (b)) Fig. and ƒÆ: Note angle that stress ƒÑst along of the compressive above, yield surface after also happens to when applying Such a tensile stress stress along stress is positive A-A' line from here in Fig. vertical and axis. that 9 (a) and shear positive state is assumed The linear yielding. make the the shear relationship finite a constraint along with stress-strain produces respect side the relationship in value Fig. this to ƒÐt, which 7 problem. exceedingly To avoid in Fig. along decrease to a boundary elements20). right to move stress ƒÑst sometimes for some to move State a stress movement introduce state principal of Loading stated stress of slip surface line. 3.4 Definition we major is negative B-B' As 10 Isolation high confusion, compels a 7. (7) Eq. (7) means that normal stress perpendicularto the slip surfacenever decreases.The finite element,in which stresses violateEq. (7), is calledtensileelementhereafter. :A-A' line : B-B' line 3.5 Modified Initial Stress Method (6) The original initial stress method is based on an iterative where 13:inclinationangle of shearband from horizontalaxis, •\ 403•\ procedure. From mathematical viewpoint it is a special application of applying constitutive does even not by finds procedure. directly Fig. , yield of determined shear loading not necessarily the stress because stress vector the mode state {ƒÐI} state strain strain {ƒÃep}. {ƒÐA}, and a collapse initial {ƒÐ0}, total the stress use 0 is (a) it throughout other methods as shown in s-t coordinate Yield determine principal Fig. 11 Modified initial stress method iterative of et al 16). To (a) initial stressmethod (b) initial stress method at a loading stage method, equilibrium stress major stages, provide initial Nayak yield stress of plastic 10, difficulties stress without actual initial are in Fig. These elasto-plastic by band, using succeeding Firstly {ƒÃe}, and isolated by the are as piecewise initial stresses stress {ƒÐE}, virtual strain {ƒÐA} is direction defines results displacement material. initial the system, as illustrated a modified {ƒÐA}, actual stress {ƒÃ}, elastic stratified the 11 (a) stress {ƒÐB}, elastic stress the introducing and the nonlinearity mode with subdivision stress treats the collapse assuming avoided which create numerical element of method When together the finite distributions method. method above, by the This though are stress described affected observe& linear, Newton-Raphson initial model unreasonable often the modified original considerably and the the in Fig. saturated clay (ƒÓ=0) do 10. is (8) Referring to Eq. (4), component dij component of elastic matrix components. This means interface and in [Dep] is the except the [D] same as the third row (b) both in application the Fig. the of Eq. mechanical 11 (b), method yield the numerical of initial the stress stage, and ƒÐt0 in Eq. (8) strain (8) reduces loading is given both ƒÐs0 plane meaning in which present that state the has basic elements. effort to yield in the A (ƒÓ=15.9•‹) clarifies Referring attained equation sand The and stresses. mountain vanish to state initial at stress as (c) mountain Fig. sand B (ƒÓ=27.76•‹) 12 FE meshing (9) where, {ƒÐE}={ƒÐ}n-1+[D] for calculating [K]: area global constraint 184 {r}i: residual, components stiffness of the element, {ƒÃe} in Eq. (9) The [B] strain matrix, and nodal {ƒÐf}: load suffixes and Fig. given from [B]i: increment i and j denote 11 is calculated matrix displacements, vector, element Aj: number. as [D]-1({ƒÐA}-{ƒÐ}n-1). ƒÐ by Eq. (7) is represented as (10) Fig. where {ƒÐA}={ƒÐA}i element has element yielded (10) linear are possible simultaneous to or {ƒÐC}={ƒÐ}in-1 yielded at the present at the preceding equations directly equations. with solve For respectively loading stage. respect Eqs. instance, (9) stage Since both to unknown and (10) Eq. (9) for when the n or when the Eqs. (9) {ƒÐst0}, as finite a set element with respect 13 Verification to unknown of shape {ƒÐst0}j given of active wedge as and it is (11) of i •\ 404•\ where||3 denotes solving Eqs. numbers both additional an of loading stage by {ƒÐE} and elements in which {ƒÐE} elements in which elements, calculate preceding stress (10). 6) state. find the an determined at 5). When elastic including procedure found 7) Based variables on use to total and tensile neither new yield results results and {GE} and (a) saturated clay direction Eqs. (9) and elements by {ƒÂf} and {ƒÐst0} elements, and tensile elements. nor the inclination yield tensile at 6) yield and or tensile the tensile the band both yield yield final For tensile of new finite and solving new the 3) shear and by {ƒÐB}, settlements, 4. Numerical find yield finding the yield from {ƒÐast0} by analysis the until (7). a {ƒÂf}, {ƒÐA}, calculate and {ƒÐst0} subjected elements state Concerning (6). 5) Determine Again, Find {ƒÐA} both stress ƒÆ, during increment criterion, Eq. finite 1) Performing load yield violate stress 4) performing this the following yield steps as follows. as the firstmethodangle a is given by Eq. (5), regardingthe verticalfootingpressureas the majorprinciplestress.However, for practicaldesign, the minimumbearing capacitymust be When constant the the numerical 11 (b). 2) violate yield Thus actual {ƒÂƒÃ}in Fig. principal determine using etc. the determining The stresses vector, assume and ƒÐt0. are summarized analysis by Eq. of must for elements. calculate angle ƒÀ we is required tensile of the major component (10), unknown ƒÑst0 and elastic third and iteration elements typical the (9) Repeat (b) mountain element calculate sand A is necessary so on. discussions 4.1 Preparations The numerical laboratory sub-soils plate procedure model used is elastic in our modeled 12 beam modulus set between G is given The material considering meshing in which the footing elements provides much solutions To requires our a to 12, principle peripheral observed angle ƒ¿ we solutions global assume is region. mode, shape also al.7) the of the active wedge assumed the Eq. wedge wedge duplicate part the (5). active These specified of for as shown footing wedge. researches (b) mountain sand A in rotation below For of to researches wedge by into procedure the developing active taken stresses solutions. experimental active conventional proposed active to below employs with of (a) saturated clay When procedure initial the subsoil. 1. are not the conventional Many the than stresses shear of proposed isotropic difficult from actually similar with the it stresses et give in which Table capacity its and as shown E and in the initial collapse because using Fig. 14 Effect of shape of active wedge loading by elements given bearing or (c) mountain sand B three A=0.012m2 subsoil, stresses, anisotropic A lot of analyses Kusakabe initial Thus get by to the of represented area and are lower consideration. comparing footing as E/2(1+u) in which and cross Interface parameters anisotropic is applied FE E=2.1•~107kPa, 6, are above shows of inertia I=1.44•~10-7m4. in Fig. validity proposed Fig. analyses, by modulus moment Fig. tests. the have footing. (c) mountain example, determined by may the Eq. (5). In our verify Fig.15 Footingpressure-settlement relationship (Case 1,analysis) analysis, •\ sand B 405•\ e=0, e=1.5cm, h 1/3h qu2=35.89kPa qu1=39.521kPa (a) saturated clay e=0, (a) saturated clay (q=49kPa) h e=1.5cm, qu1=85.76kPa 1/3h 2=75.96kPaqu (b) mountain sand A e=0, e=0, h 1/3h (b) mountain sand A (q=137kPa) qu2=93.21kPa qu1=115.4kPa (c) mountain sand B (q=147kPa) (c) mountain sand B Fig. 16Yieldregion(Case1,analysis) 49kPa) Fig. 17Majorprinciplestressfield(Case1,analysis) (a) saturated clay (q= (b) mountain sand A (q=137kPa) (b) mountain sand A (b) mountian sand A (c) mountain sand B (q=147kPa) (c) mountain sand B (c) mountain sand B (a) saturated clay (a) saturated clay Fig. 19Footingpressure-settlement relationship Fig.20 Footingpressure-settlement relationship Fig. 18Displacementfield (Case2, analysis) (Case 1,analysis) (Case3, analysis) height of active wedge as denoted in Fig. 13. selected by changing the shape of active wedge to ensure th is Because the proposed procedure cannot perfectly duplicate conservative. In our analysis, as the second method the shape of the strain localization behavior, it cannot produce an infinite active wedge is assumed to depend on variation of its height and eccentricity. Fig. 13 gives the patterns of active wedge plastic shear flow of subsoil. It determines the bearing capacity by the stress condition of soil mass. Because of the assumption assumed in our analysis. Based on the FE meshing shown in of the smeared shear band for yield element, it may create an Fig. 12 with some changes for shape of active wedge in Fig. 13, estimated collapse mode by the distribution of yield element. the proposed As an example, Fig. 16 shows the yield region given by the bearing capacity given procedure by the proposed procedure provides the relationship between It demonstrates that the calculated results are affected by the proposed procedure, where a solid line in some finite elements represents the direction of shear band or slip surface, and that variation of active wedge e these elements have yielded. Since the shear band means the represents the eccentricity of active wedge and h denotes the slip surface in each yield element, the line connected by shear footing pressure and settlement for Case 1 as shown in Fig. 14. in a certain extent, in which •\ 406•\ band is thoughtto correspondto a continuous slipsurface.It can be seenfromthe figurethat the yield elementsconnectto form a collapse mode when currentfootingpressurereaches the denotative value. This means that the bearing capacityis determinedas the value when a global collapse mode is created initially.In Fig. 16, qu1representsthe bearing capacitywhen the activewedgeis deteimined by Eq. (5) and qu2is the minimumsolutionof variousshapesof activewedge. In this paper, we will calculatethe bearingcapacityfor all shapes of activewedgeas shown in Fig. 13, and then selectthe minimumsolutionas the bearingcapacity. e=1.5cm, 1/3h e=0, 1/3h qu2=36.6kPa qu2=69.51kPa (a) saturated clay (a) saturated clay e=1.5cm. 1/3h 1/3h qu2=111.5kPa (b) mountain sand A (b) mountain sand A e=0, 1/3h e=0, 2/3H qu2=165.72kPa qu2=284.82kPa (c) mountian sand B 4.2 Case 1 (natural subsoil) e=1.5cm, qu2=80.86kPa (c) mountian sand B Fig.21Yieldregion(Case2, analysis) Fig.22Yieldregion(Case3, analysis) (1) Saturatedclay The solutionscalculatedby the proposed procedureare comparedwith the results of experimentsas shown in Fig. 15 (a), where the bearingcapacityqu1and qu2are defined aboveand whereanalyses1and 2 correspond to qu1and qu2respectively.Fig. 15 contains also the upper bound solutionpresentedby Kusakabeet al.7)Fig. 16 (a) showsthe yield region or collapsemode by the proposed procedurecorrespondingto the value of qu1 and qu2.The collapsemode is supportedby the principalstressfiled shownin Fig. 17 (a) and the displacementfield shown in Fig. 18(a)which appearmechanicallyreasonable. Note thatFigs. 17and 18showtheresultonly for qu2.As shownin Fig. 15(a), the proposed (a)Case1 (b)Case2 (c)Case3 Fig.23 Collapsemodeby shearstraindistribution(experiment) proceduredoes not providea clear turningpoint of settlement butgivesthe bearingcapacitycloseto thatof experimentby the way as statedbefore.The reasonwhy the experimentalresultis slightlylargerthan the analyticalvaluesmay be attributedtothe influenceof side frictionbetween subsoiland container.The proposedprocedureoverestimatesthe bearingcapacityonly for the saturatedclay thanthe solutionby Kusakabeet al. (2) Mountainsand For two typesof mountainsand,the propertiesare given in Table 1. As shown in Figs. 15 (b) and (c) correspondingto mountainsand A and B respectively,the bearingcapacityqu1 and qu2are defined in the same way as stated before,which dependon the collapsemode representedby the yieldregionas shown in Figs. 16 (b) and (c). The collapsemode is supported by the principalstressfieldshowninFigs.17(b) and(c) and the displacementfield shown in Figs. 18 (b) and (c). As seen in •\ (a)Case2 (b)Case3 Fig. 24 Displacementfieldin reinforcedsubsoil(analysis) 407•\ Figs. 15 (b) and (c), the determinedbearing capacity is in good accordance with experimentalresult and that by Kusakabeet al. Differentfrom the saturatedclay,the mountain sand does not form an explicittiming point of settlementbothin analysisand experiment. (3) Discussions The collapsemode providedby the proposed procedureis createdby consideringthe weight of subsoil, stiffness of footing and subsoil, frictionbetweenfootingand subsoil,and stress concentrationat the edge of rigid footing,most of which are ignored in the limit equilibrium approaches.The yieldregion in Fig. 16tendsto distributemore deeplybelow footingthan that assumedin the conventionallimit equilibrium analysis.This is because the verticalpressure must reach lower subsoil due to the vertical equilibriumcondition,and becausethe pressure makes lower subsoilyield. From Fig. 18, we observe little deformationof lower subsoil. Fig. 16 shows that the collapse mode corresponding to qu1 is close to that by Kusakabeet al.Thisis becausethe activewedge for qu1given by Eq. (5) is the same as that assumed by Kusakabe et al. However, the collapsemode for qu2is shallowerthan that for (a)Case1 (b)Case2 (c)Case3 Fig.25 Displacementfield(experiment) saturated clay (q=39kPa) mountian sandA (q=78kPa) mountian sandB (q=147kPa) (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 qu1.This is because the correspondingactive wedgeto qu2is shallowerthan that of quiso that the obtainedglobalcollapsemode shrinksalong with such an activewedgeas shownin Fig. 16. The laboratorymodel tests cannotprovidethe yieldregion as stated above, but it visualizesa tendencyof collapsemode representedby the shearstraindistributionwhich is calculated from the monitoreddisplacementof subsoil.Fig.23 showsthe observed collapse mode represented by the shear strain distribution.As shown in Fig. 23 (a) the large shear strain distributealongthe collapsemode showninFig. 16.Fig.25 (a) shows the monitoreddisplacementfor Case 1, which gives similartendencywith the calculateddisplacementfieldshown in Fig. 18. Fig. 26 (a) comparesthe verticalearth pressures calculatedby the proposedprocedurewiththatmonitoredinthe model tests. For upper subsoilthe calculatedearth pressureis (3) Case 3 Fie. 26 Vertical earth pressure distribution saturatedclay (q=39kPa) saturatedclay (q=39kPa) mountain sandA (q=137kPa) mountain sand A (q=137kPa) mountain sandB (q=196kPa) mountain sandB (q=196kPa) generallyin good agreementwith monitoredresults.For lower subsoil,the calculatedearthpressureis a littlehigher than the monitoredone becausethe foundationsubsoilis assumedto be elasto-plastic continuuminthe numericalanalysis. (a) Case 2 4.3 Case 2 and Case 3 (reinforcedsubsoil) (1) Saturatedclay (b) Case 3 Fig. 27 Distribution of tensile force of geotextile •\ 408•\ Figs. 19 (a) and 20 (a) illustratethe reinforcementeffecton the bearingcapacityin Case2 or Case3 comparingwithCase 1 (naturalsubsoil).FE meshingand soilparametersare the same as those in Case 1 exceptthe geotextileis placedas shownin Fig. 3. The propertiesare given in Table 1. As shown in Fig. 19(a) for the saturatedclay the reinforcementhas no large improvementin Case 2. 1) The place of geotextilecannot restrict the development of collapse mode as shown in Fig. 21 (a), namely,the collapsemode is createdin the upper subsoil than the location of geotextile.2) The stiffness of non-wovengeotextileused is not high.However,in Case 3 we can observelargerimprovementon bearingcapacitythan Case 2 because the geotextile placed on the upper subsoil can effectivelyrestrictthe collapsemode as shown in Fig. 22 (a). Similar to the experimentalresults, the proposed procedure evaluatesnot onlythe reinforcingeffectof geotextileonbearing capacitybutalsothe restrictionof settlementof foundation. (2) Mountainsand Figs. 19(b), (c) and Figs.20 (b),(c) showthatthe geotextile can improvethe bearingcapacitygreatlyfor each of mountain sand, which agrees well with the experiment. This improvementis more evidentin Case 3 than in Case2. Sucha result can be explainedby the collapsemode as shown in Figs.21 (b), (c) and Figs.22 (b) and (c). The collapsemode is observedto be restrictedto a narrow limit and to restrainthe unconstrainedplasticflowby geotextileespeciallyby the upper geotextile.It is alsonoticeablein thesefiguresthatthe geotextile of two layersrestrictthe developmentof collapsemode to a greatextent The figuresshow the reductionof settlementafter failureof foundationfor any casebesidesthe improvementof bearingcapacity.Withthe increasein stiffness,the controlsof geotextileon settlementbecome clear. This tendency agrees qualitativelywiththeexperiments. (3) Discussions In all casesthe bearingcapacityin reinforcedsubsoilis larger than that in natural subsoil,because the collapsemode is restricted by geotextile especially in Case 3. As seen in Figs.21 and 22, the yieldelementsare mainlyconcentratedon the region upper the geotextile.As the experimentalresult, Figs.23 (b) and (c) providethe yield regionrepresentedby the shear strain in Case 2 and 3. Comparedwith that in natural subsoil on the same footing pressure, the shear strain in reinforcedsubsoildecreasesevidentlyfor the restrainedeffect of geotextile.The shearstrainzonesin Case 2 are concentrated onthe regionupperthe geotextile,and the largestshearstrainis producedat the regionbelow the loadingplate.The trend that the shearstrainin Case3 extendswidely,resemblesthe collapse mode createdby the yield elementsshown in Fig.22. Fig. 24 shows the displacementfield for these two cases. Compared with Case 1 (Fig. 18), the vertical displacementdistinctly •\ 409•\ decreasesdue to geotextileexcept for the saturatedclay.The reason why the verticaldisplacementof saturatedclay has no the distinct tendency for reinforced subsoil is due to two aspects:1) Differentloadingpressureis appliedto each case, while for mountainsand the same footingpressureis given.2) Non-woven geotextileused for the saturatedclay has little effectfor restrainingthe verticaldisplacement.The horizontal displacementsin Case 2 or Case 3 decrease evidentlyin all cases, particularlybelow the geotextile.This means that the geotextile mainly restricts horizontal displacement. The monitoredverticaland lateraldisplacementsin Fig.25 have a fairly good agreementwith the calculatedthose, under the footingbaseand on the edgeof slopein mostcases.Figs.26 (b) and (c) showthe verticalearthpressuresin Case 2 and Case 3. In Case 2 the calculatedresults agree fairly well with the experimentalresults.In Case 3 the monitoredearthpressureat centerline is considerablylarger than the calculated one especially for the mountain sand, because the subsoil is particulatemedia which induces the concentrationof stress. Fig. 27 shows the distributionof tensile force acting on geotextile.Thereis a littledifferencebetweenthe calculatedand monitoredresults for mountain sand. This is because the stiffnessof geotextileis estimatedfrom the assumptionthat the stress-strainrelationshipis linearelastic.For the saturatedclay, the largedifferencebetweenthem is attributedto the difficulty to evaluatethe stiffnessof non-wovengeotextile. 5. Conclusions This paper performed the laboratory model tests for simulatingthe bearingcapacityof rigid stripfootingon slope and proposeda numericalprocedurefor estimatingthe bearing capacityconsideringstiffnessof materialand collapsepattern. 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