Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol.11, pp.389-398 Modeling of Microstructural (August 2008) Evolution Variation JSCE to Simulate of Kaolin Undrained Shear Strength Clay N.H. Minh *,M. Oda**,K. Suzuki*** and L.C. Kurukulasuriya**** * Doctoralstudent , Dept of Civil & Environ.Eng., SaitamaUniversity(255 Shimo-okubo,Sakura-ku,Saitama338-8570) **Professor, Dept of Civil& Environ.Eng., SaitamaUniversity(255 Shimo-okubo,Sakura-ku,Saitama338-8570) *** Assoc. Professor,Dept.of Civil& Environ.Eng., SaitamaUniversity(255 Shimo-okubo,Sakura-ku,Saitama338-8570) **** SeniorLecturer , Dept of CivilEng. UniversityofPeradeniya (Peradeniya,20400, Sri Lanka) The microstructure described deformation. angle ƒÆ on constitutive classical plasticity shear strength of an evolution variation Kaolin is, in general, and Carillo1), The undrained the inclination study of soils by Casagrande shear modeling, of Kaolin rule The effects shear tensor. strength soils, with quantity of inherent the "inherent" responses changes the fabric tensor of microstructure and induced that in plane Words: inherent anisotropy, induced anisotropy, 1.Introduction experiments fabric tensor, can for which was soils is commmonlyclassified into two categories, i.e., inherent and soils one-dimensionally inducedanisotropies (Casagrande and Carillo1)). The formeris such concerned with the anisotropy developed during the sedimentation consolidated process under gravity, while the latter is mainly concerned with the anisotropy arising from the evolution of microstructure associated interesting observation? yet presented. with plastic deformation after sedimentation. From a micro-structural subsequent point of view, however, both are formed by preferred orientation of constituent elements, such as particles, voids, and contact surfaces such (Oda4)). Furthermore, SatakeandOdaet al.6)haveshownthatthe et al.9)), the preferred terms deformation which changes of plays these quantity anisotropy soils. a dominant considerably For the elements called the fabric responses example, the on be tensor. quantified undrained analyses the inclination by The structural in both the strength role in stability depending can shear strength cu, of soil foundations, angle ƒÆ of ―389― all soils condition. However, might know, the be were How on of natural 1). Importantly, one-dimensionally can no valid initial closely and each tests (Fig. the a relation Duncan patterns, triaxial in the field though such soils. different in undrained As far as we study we explain this explanation has microstructure related on the modeling microstructure which with ƒÆ, approximately modeling even that to Kazama3); to the and its formation of patterns. of a constant plotted the three (normal Seee7),8); for different consolidated a similar plane and importance that found evolution In a previous strength showed exist different consolidation Duncan be different individually under anisotropy, and plastic example, differences strength It is of particular Seed8), been the (e.g., microstructure of the soil skeleton becomes anisotropy. Anisotropy in yields well consolidated shear against their faces perpendicular to the direction of consolidation so that the anisotropy the in terms simulate of normally axis) Studieson the microstructure of clays (e.g., Kazama3); Kurukulasuriya2)). Kurukulasuriya2)) haveshownthatplatyclayminerals tendto align between cu and ƒÆ a tensorial can undrained direction consolidation introducing into of undrained are considered model on In the present is incorporated anisotropies strain plastic depending plane. on the variation the proposed loading of greatly senses and clay by Kurukulasuriya2). Key orientation strength to the consolidation called It is shown and "induced" for both for example, respect the effects observed in both anisotropic of clayey a tensorial fabric yield direction to simulate clay. of the of undrained strength of the loading framework anisotropic which of Kaolin fabric leads is bilinear tensor. clay relationship microstructural to for Kaolin is (Minh account clay. shear successfully Cu and ƒÆ extended in of inherent of undrained simulate between anisotropy into the modeling increase sufficient anisotropy is taken However, to a monotonic not in Fig. 2 by Kurukulasuriya2) of of inherent as the being In this study, such that the the effects of both inherent and induced anisotropies can be taken into The sample was next placed in a plane strain test apparatus and account with the introduction of an evolution rule of the fabric tensor consolidatedunder an isotropicconfiningpressurepo. After isotropi during the shearing process as well as its stationary values at the initial consolidation,the sample was sheared under the undrained plane and ultimate conditions. The simulated results using the proposed strain condition to determine the undrained shear strength (= constitutive model agree well with the experimental Kurukulasuriya2) for normally consolidated Kaolin clay. Furthermore, maximum shear stressesat failure).Thereare two points worthnoting here. 1) Experimental evidence suggests that the anisotropic the microstructuredeveloped during the K0-consolidation process is study provides micromechanics an approach research to field with connect data by results conventional from continuu preserved,to a certain extent,throughout the isotropicconsolidation. 2) The isotropic consolidationexcludesthe effectsof the anisotropic initial stress condition on the variation of undrained shear strength modeling. (seeDuncanandSeed).Accordingly, theundrained shearstrength anisotropy, if microstructure Figure between Fig. 1 loading direction and consolidation plane (ƒÆ•‹) can clay 2 describes Kaolin clay strain testing similar Angle it exists, of Kaolin as the variation a function with The values. 3. Constitutive Modeling 3.1 Fabric Tensor and from the anisotropic duringK0-consolidation. undrained inclination undrained a minimum OCR(=150/p0) develop of the of the condition. manner only developed shear angle ƒÆ shear for the strength around ƒÆ=30•‹, the Evolution strength plane varies in a irrespective of Fabric of of the Tensor Variations of strength using UU tests Particles (Duncan andSeed8)) in soils consequently by particles. so that considering major seldom produced non-spherical platy are the the In the case microstructures the spatial planes. spherical The fabric tensor shape, anisotropy preferred orientation of Kaolin minerals, can distribution in conveniently of unit Fij can be given of these particles are defined by be vectors is n normal to their as: (1) where ƒ¶ 1,2,3) function such oriented within satisfy E(n Fii being soils is Strain order anisotropy Tests to of clay, equal experiments, of Kaolin analyze in detail we frequently the refer undrained to a series shear Kaolin clay, a By the that symmetry vertical (i= E(n) rate is a of unit definition, trace of E(n) the fabric the microsbucture axis parallel direction). of to That is, the natural clay fabric tensor was prepared under a K0-consolidation of 150 kPa. After parallelepiped strain from samples the material used process K0-consolidation (5•~10•~12.5 such that cm) the angles ƒÆ to the consolidation plane, the it is isotropic consolidation the microscopic and on the horizontal direction. observations of sand including This the plane assumption is on the microstructure of of Eq. (1) can further by Oda4). be simplified. If this is the case, the Let xƒ¿ (ƒ¿=1,2,3) be coordinate system such that x1 is the consolidation direction, in the with x2 and x3 are on the plane perpendicular to x1. Since the a axes is axially (horizontal) with symmetric the major with principal axis a symmetry of fabric axis tensor parallel to Fƒ¿ƒÀ.(Note strain the subscripts ƒ¿ and ƒÀ refer to the principle axes xƒ¿ (ƒ¿=1,2,3), were whereas at different vertical was for plane sample the the tests that made whereas by Kazame microstructure pressure on strength of plane the material to with x1, it agrees inclined (or anisotropic direction, perpendicular Clay by Kurukulasuriya2). vertical were us assume with direction to sphere, ni n, and to the angle dƒ¶. leading to 1. Let is and tests of a unit vector corresponds solid )dƒ¶=1, microstructure a local out completed, E(n)dƒ¶ a small consolidation consistent maximum that axial-symmetric consolidation carried to a surface Variations of undrained shear strength ofKaolin clay(Kurukulasuriya2)) In equal of a unit normal vectors tensor 2. Plane angle density must Fig. 2 is a solid are Xi-components the subscripts i and j in Eq. (1) refer to global coordination plane. axes ―390― Xi, (i=1,2,3) defined later.) In this case, F11, F22 = F33 are the principal values. Let ƒÁ be a ratio ofF11 to F22 (=F33), then we apparent have: (2) anisotropy stress-induced isotropic where ƒÁ is hereinafter the trace of the referred fabric tensor to as the degree is equal to of anisotropy. 1, we have the Since expression: their vary must be also between aforementioned If the microstructure is isotropic, 1 with the following isotropic the degree of anisotropy ƒÁ is set to fabric soil properties the mechanical the hand, critical parameter at the initial fabric extremes and tensor could be to be soil or be calculated ultimate plastic at any conditions other detemined rule of the fabric at step n could M The value. tensor evolution tensor mechanical so as the two state". other the e.g. quantified these stress On on ƒÆ of the fabric initial requires model, depending The states (3) nature. in this modulus, by the anisotropic anisotropy in properties following caused tensor. For state in using the example, the as follows: tensor: (5) (4) where F inoij, dFkij are the initial fabrictensor and the increment of fabrictensorat step k,respectively.It is noted that in Eq. (5),all the components of the newly updated fabrictensor F with =1 the trace from Oda1), the of itself the definition increment Principal axes xƒ¿(ƒ¿=1,2,3) and Xi(i=1,2,3) of the fabric axes of the global value tensor coordination coordination X2 is parallel plane to the vertical (Fig. 3). In compression defined and system the plane, direction is definition principal of ƒÆ components is axis (3) and parallel between such simulations, to X2. In the global x1 of the fabric to that in Fig. equivalent of Eqs. is introduced numerical always angle tensor axes (4) were with xƒ¿ of the fabric respect the If only the effects fabric tensor process. is addition, ƒÆ In this case, since The conditions are the same, conditions measured with different anisotropy, values anisotropy be the fabric its value (see the distribution during the shearing process. the invariant of a certain normals. saturated Based on this tensor, including value for the observation, of the fabric the initial the fabric Minh into account, out the at the initial be calculated condition from the and be defined in terms of•@ . The valu of•@ at ultimate condition, (•@) ult, and consequently, (Fij) ult could be calculated from the measured stress values state. et al9). for Applying the calculation the testing obtain the from two condition, data procedure of Kaolin degree which consequently, clay described by Minh by Kurukulasuriya2), of anisotropy rult=1.06 at the we ultimate Consequently, then could be used to calculate (F ij)ult (•@)ult=0.01132. Details on the calculation of the stress rult are described tensor at the later in this paper. On the other hand, the fabric for induced beginning of the shearing process, (Fij)ini, which which reflects the the effects of the inherent anisotropy of Kaolin clay, could with the by conducting the simulation of the K0-consolidation it is necessary to Note that the induced anisotropy phenomenon. stress-induced and experiments the evolution of the contact normals described at the shearing and ultimate et al.9)). However, anisotropy could is process. relation For on simplicity, a tentative however, basis; i.e., we assume here the following (•@)ini=0.8(•@)ult. This is Ohta and equivalent to the assumption that when K0-consolidation Nishihara10), for example, it is rule of the tensor. through tensor could of the loading increments. different with the stress-induced deviatoric for if necessary, changes its value in accordance define an equation to formularize state conditions, be determined application limitation to the of the could, of the contact normals, of materials, represents any that represents microstructure second (where this that respect components are taken constant at the ultimate of ƒÆ is the a on is that also with transformation of inherent to which assumed ultimate axis X1 (Note 1.) Note axes Xi, (i=1,2,3) the coordinate assumed tensor,dsij exists to to depend that major horizontal tensor. calculated tensor. to the global using tensor), of the contact could be calculated there (where JF2D concentration critical principal is found stress Furthermore, of Fii in Eq . (1). According normals deviatoric the condition and X1 and X3 are on the horizontal following as the inclination the major Xi(i=1,2,3) tensor of the contact of of.•@ to maintain system the fabric A global in order of the fabric the concentration sij=ƒÐ'ij-pƒÂij). Fig. 3 FL un are normalized anisotropy as: "an •\ 391•\ is completed, as the end the microstructural result of the the shearing of normals fabric anisotropy evolution, ƒÁ process. is related to Since dsij, dFij, can is given by consequently the rult=1.048, reaches concentration beformulated of in the and 1.06 at the the 3.2 Modified following In order form: Tobita12) (6) where k is a constant of proportionality expressed as: shows (7) tensor dSij. It is reasonable when As to think the compressive the minimum the result, k should of ƒÆ=•‹ deformation than fabric axes three change of Fij and particles to occur located is likely is applied parallel to the direction normal at the current be that principal of the contact That at least the following large loading at ƒµ=90•‹. the major that concentration maximum case between an increasing is, the fabric in the Based case on function change of ƒÆ=90•‹ the above of ƒµ occurs with faster in the early consideration, of a of show force areas More importantly, another a constant parameter decreasing ƒµ. values of serving to control With as how the introduction (Fij) and a scaling facctor, rapidly k of Eqs. (6) and (Fij)ult' the and lowers evolution b to deal each with planes of the fabric the beginning completely Oda11) behavior. Kaolin that based on In this study, clay. and test Since Eq. microscopic we have for Kaolin clay an alternative modeling solution. tensor prediction phenomenon, conventional plasticity and clear of Kaolin we accept This ultimate observation no However, good the Eq. (7) were it is an attempt evolution (7) Eq. (6) and uncertainties. of fabric until condition is fabric of to apply clay, the direct case As it is turn for Kaolin could constitutive models. are actually is then enlarged application of Eq. conventional involve is integration some to seek for acting of hollow which are enclosed by defined areas and then as through such stress ƒÐƒ¿ƒÀ a over stress To the over can be are associated with summed that in of can through which stress that the equal to 3 reflect the the applied The modified Tƒ¿ƒÀacting on 4b). The modified that the xƒ¿-planes integration must the xƒ¿-surfaces. the be clarified such (ƒ¿=1,2,3) (Fig. with the xƒ¿- to obtain will the assembly. condition stress Cƒ¿ (Cƒ¿=acƒ¿)is the imaginary Cƒ¿ (ƒ¿=1,2,3) by that the unit area enlarged areas satisfied associated For reasons that Cƒ¿ transmitted than (plastic stress. areas areas groups. think soils, rather contact contact two to of granular proportionally Note of modified the following many through particles to conditions surfaces of the contact for to these reasonable The contact are surfaces be transferred of conventional enlarged equal the stress of the This leads to relations: clay variation not be actually leads of Kaolin simulated to (9) clay. using (b) (a) Fig. 4 (a) Orthogonal to the and cube 4a referred are parallel of according cƒ¿ (ƒ¿=1,2,3). introduced contact tensor in order hereinafter, centers rolling on the xƒ¿-planes areas distribution on the may the of Figure out later, the application strength otherwise, for Ty in terms hatched belonging behavior that C1+C2+C3=3). stress material results The it appears unit plane. of three evidence experimental in this shear same area, would and to the contact are so small surface forces particles the plastic cƒ¿ (ƒ¿=1,2,3) (i.e., introduced granular the this assumption change of undrained firstly tensor ƒÐij of a unit planes at contacts are projected anisotropic be noted microstructural (6) the defined. It should by of the in the definition summation from tensor. of particles, to these respect orthogonal later, tensor tensor of which respectively, sliding with with contact as the stress stress unit directions Accordingly, the xƒ¿-planes is an its value (8) as well groups occurs Particles is having fabric outside, between forces. defined where ƒ¿ the applied contact order (8) planes materials, sets of xƒ¿-planes. contact function: two and of granular a modified the normal xƒ¿ of inside deformation) assume the microstructure the conventional orthogonal axes Any in the stage we three state. for Fij and to as the xƒ¿-plane, principal is the angle to account and Oda11) introduced the fabric where ƒµ Stress contact planes on a unit plane cutting and modified through stress a particle assembly tensor, Tƒ¿ƒÀ, acting •\ 392•\ (b) conventional on enlarged contact stress tensor, ƒÐƒ¿ƒÀ, surfaces Equation =1 (9) is given with ,2,3) of the microstructure. we can easily generalize respect to Referring Eq. (9) the principal to the global axes xƒ¿ (ƒ¿ (14) axes Xi (i=1,2,3), as: where q=•@ is proportional to the second (10) invariant where C-1ik is the inverse tensor of Cik and satisfies of deviatoric C-1ikCkJ=„qiJ, where „qij is Kronecker's delta. Based considerations, relation between Oda11) the tensors derived the following Cij and Fij for a spherical sij(=„qij-p„qij) is the mean effective stress, „qij=„qij-uw„qij on is the effective statistical tensor the p=(1/3)„qij„qij relation stress proportional and assembly: change end Kaolin clay consistsof platy particles.For simplicity,however,we adoptthis relationas the first step of the presentapproachand observe the results.Equation(10) is then rewrittenas: tensor, ƒÉ indices, representing (11) stress swelling the effect of clay, K correspond D of the ratio stress e0 and p0 are the void of consolidation, respectively. behaviors, all of the stress calculated from the modified Eq. (14) and respectively, can then and coefficient on mean the volume pressure to account at the for anisotropic by their tensor Tij compression dilatancy increment ratio are replaced stress to the the In order terms be rewritten is equivalences The yielding as function as: (12) The scalar 1/3 is chosen such that the modified stress (15) tensor where should reduce isotropic to the conventional with the isotropic stress tensor tensor „qijc so long and conventional of Eq. stress (4). Note, are not symmetric, which means the characteristics of the Consserat tensors furthermore, that resulting from Tij•‚Tji and „qij•‚„qji. p, the stress tensor of which is related to the q are the equivalences in temis of modified that This i.e., q=•@ is proportional to the second stress tensor Sij(=T'ij-p„qij), leads to the nonsymmetTy spinning and Eq. (12) invariant continuum, p0, as the soil is stress; the modified of of deviatoric modified of of the unit cells =(1/3)T'ij„qij is the mean effective effective modified modified p stress, and (grain)of the materials(seeSchaeffer13). In the presentstudy, however,we considerthe case of symmetricstress tensors.Thus, the T'ij=Tij-uw„qij stresstensorscalculatedbyEq. (12) are symmetrizedas follows: is the stress tensor. Moreover, similar to the definition by Schofield and Wroth15, the critical T'ij=Tij-uw„qij state (13) line can be also given in terms ofthe modified stress as: (16) 3.3 Failure Modified Criterion Stress and Yield Function in terms of the where present Tensor M approach, anisotropic The modified granular soils, surfaces and of particles rather for function Sekiguchi14) the effects behavior stress should be of an of the condition, yield function Wroth15). In this original Cam-clay anisotropic of the case, initial and the in terms stress in the Sekiguchi original Ohta stress yield such take condition on the of isotropic coincides model (Schofield formulation given critical fabric we principal axes calculated and soils. The present a fabric axis of anisotropy that ikTkj the Fƒ¿ƒÀ with for to be degree respect to the tensor Fij is r and the inclination the conventional (Eq. (12)). Hence, stress even of to the Referring the fabric the criterions is said (called earlier, of anisotropy X1. Note by „qij=3F approach (i.e., xa(a=1,2,3)). that tensors, and failure r tensor as discussed of the degree Note stress yielding a parameter can determine x1 and parameter. modified for any Using Xi(i=1,2,3), in terms between isotropic sense. state angle tensorƒÆ is if the modified and stress into account function Sekiguchi of the a yield Ohta for the global Yield in terms that could Cam-clay and tensor. for „qij. case major function using in this anisotropy), of sliding modified soils can be applied proposed general of the modified formulated which for contact the yield substituting Tij function that, the as a result it is assumed However, the Ohta to words, conventional by a yield materials. defined Here, generalized introduces be the idea referring In other are usually tensor „qij. on of soils occur the soils based defined at contacts. than stress can be behaviors isotropic conventional introduced should criterion tensor, functions was plastic the failure stress the stress because rolling and stress is the depending plastic Tij is identical, the on ƒÆ. As a result, a failure line in (q,p) with function of the inclination and constant in the initial of tensor the parameter - space, modified conventional is not angle ƒÆ. stress stress M(=q/p), constant This space but which rather is true even (q,p,). tensor „qij differs represents is given though Similarly, as a M we is could the obtain yield function can be given as: yielding ―393― the same condition. result for the analysis The same yielding of the stress point in terms points satisfying of Tij could give different equivalent . As the yielding result, experimental this observation differently as being stress points modeling by sheared in terms of „qij depending approach could Kurukulasuriye2) at different that inclination onƒÆ simulate samples assumed behave Since updated Equations the plasticity normality written theory, we incremental analysis. at the end of each yield function conventional rule use which particular angles ƒÆ. The 3.4 Constitutive to be constant, plays a dominant it in the present pole study. in the The normality tensor, of parameter df=0 of proportionality. along with the Using and ƒÉ normality the consistency rule, we constitutive a function but also of the fabric not tensor. rule (Eq. (17)), axes plastic strain increment dƒÃpij are of of the stress axes of ƒÐij and Fij. tensor tensor but rather That is not guaranteed are only manner. only of the If such a yield the principal not coaxial with pointed is, the depend coaxiality in the present out that on both the principal in the classical model. noncoaxiality plasticity Gutierrez is one et al.17), for of the most is a derive aspects evidence supports condition (e.g., of granular soils. the noncoaxiality Lin and In fact, for recent clays Prashant18). experimental sheared The in undrained modification of the the conventional following is now with the normality those condition can (15) Fij linear along fundamental scalar of in a piecewise is used example, increment tensor components step of Eq. stress The loading function model strain a rule is (17) dƒÃpij is the plastic during classical as: where means •ÝFij/•ÝƒÐmn=0, the relationship: plasticity theory of the term•Ýf/•ÝƒÐij, an isotropic elastic in Eq. (20) also means Nij•‚Nji. which constitutive matrix leads to non-symmetry defined However, withii as: (22) (18) The product Aijof Cei jkl and Nkbas calculated as below, retains its symmetry, which means Aij=Aji: where Nij=•Ýf/•ÝƒÐij,Cepijkl and Ceijkl are the elastoplastic (23) and elastic matrixes, respectively and, ƒÃpv,ƒÃpij,ƒÃij, are the plastic where K and G in Eqs. modulus, volumetric strain, plastic strain, and total strain tensors. Here, as the defined hardening parameter in this model with the hardening (19) Desai and function the symmetric calculation for the derivation Siriwardanen. f in the present derivative of Eq. (18) of Note, model however, is given of •Ýf/•ÝƒÐij in can be found Eq. that in terms (18) elsewhere since of modified must be the (e.g., yield stress calculated Tij, conventional 4. Effects bulk into Eq. (18), and shear results in a matrix Cepijkl. Thus, all subsequent Strength of as those in the case of the theory. Induced Anisotropy on the Undrained Shear Anisotropy of Model Parameters as follows: (20) how by which model to determine addition, stress, can also be written are the elastic Eq. (23) can be kept the same plasticity 4.1 Determination constitutive Eq. (12), •ÝTij/•ÝƒÐmn, constitutive procedures The method From and (23) rule as: Details (22) Substituting p0 final acts respectively. to determine is critical. the parameters ƒÉ, in order to define we newly introduce degree of anisotropy the parameters Barka and Ohta19) involved discussed K and D appearing the critical state in the present in terms study two in the in detail in Eq. 14. In of the modified parameters which as: are the (21) The constitutiveequation for anisotropicsoils is now completed state parameter value of rult, we with the inclusionof the fabrictensor. Theeffect ofthe microstructure initial condition) on yieldingbehavior appears explicitlyin the terms of F-1ij in Eq. previous and (21). Note that in the calculationof Eq. (21), the fabric tensor Fij is •\ 394•\ M M in could part of the paper. referring (q,p) also using at ultimate -stmss obtain the space. rini (the simple Here, condition we to the experimental data the critical Furthermore, degree relationship focus rult and from of anisotropy described on the determination of normally the at the in the of rult consolidated Kaolinclay.Let us choosea modifiedstresspoint (q,p) located value of ruly can conesponding onthecriticalstateline,namely,q/p=M. Assumingfurtherthat T11,T22and T33(=T11)are the principalstresseswith a maximum values be determined are determined of MtƒÆ at the intersection to ƒÆ=30•‹and ƒÆ=90•‹in as Fig. M=0.935 and rut= at ƒÆ=30•‹and ƒÆ=90•‹were of the two lines 5. Consequently, 1.06. specially (The chosen their two values to determine principalvalueequalto T22, we canexpressthecriticalparameterM as: rult and M because the effects of the modified stress on the ultimate (24) If the minimum stress T33(=T11)is set to unity,the modifiedstress tensor TFij on the critical state line can be written in terms of M parameter increase in this with 90•‹. The in Fig. (25) It is of particular representative importance for many to know conventional to various given in terms of rult,and ƒÆ, the stress „qFij TFij can calculated changing and the value the as qF/pF entire set of data the relation of TFij (Eq. determined using using M among and ƒÆ=90•‹ are the fabric at failure we of qF and can rult, M and On one q and hand, data by data can obtain be noted values, the corresponding to M) are separately values case of (rult, (ruly, M) uniquely point anisotropy using is set of (rult, different a straight M, M) of Kaolin clay.). the measured stress obtained by is used which defined these yield two the irrespective lines represent same different value of ƒÆ, its value of values of volume A=(1-K/ƒÉ)) change, is a parameter as shown index, which related by the last equation is equal to 51.2% to the ineversible of Eq. (26), for Kaolin to fit the data and the Since clay. and PL the Generally In combinations MtƒÆ. a ƒÆ of for clay might simplicity, be anisoiropic Young's based on in the elastic modulus E and the assumption the response. Poisson of isotropy, M of is corresponding •\ 395•\ 1 for normally consolidated Kaolin However, ratio v were as summarized M). on using in this study. for combinations =90•‹. These line of (26) Table Any deformation r is calculated 0•‹to 30•‹ effects according to the method suggested by Iizuka and Ohta19),as follows: determined points the to at ƒÆ=30•‹ in Fig. 5 for ƒÆ=30•‹and ƒÆ=90•‹. of ƒÆ=30•‹and ƒÆ=90•‹, of method firm only Other parameters used in the yield function were calculated of ƒÆ by Kurukulastwiya2). speaking, each on the plastic since with ƒÆ is 30•‹to MtƒÆ=90•‹, respectively. MtƒÆ=30•‹and MtƒÆ plotted degree is due increase from Fig.5 Parameter determination (Kurukulasuriya2) plasticity (rult, that strength later, an of ƒÆ an where (rult,M) described range is then obtain experimentally determined as MtƒÆ =30•‹and we M we be selected shear be et al,9)). Such limited MtƒÆ must By of the choice for any of undrained that various „qFij, failure. also in the anisotropy It should Minh only 2, as will microstructural (see characteristics to is independent can decrease to the is angle ƒÆ. Note conducted calculated tensor Tij observed phenomenological failure inclination of M experimentally denoted =30•‹and •@ƒÆ=90•‹, M p at failure values previously M is corresponding obtain pF at for a given experimental two the values at equation „qFij=3FikTFkj. in Eq. (25), (rult,M,M) using Hereinafter, the of Eq. (25) for any set of rult and ƒÆ. In this way, (25)). the From sets of rult and ƒÆ. Since corresponding calculated that of the stress stresses „qFij corresponding be that lead increasing ƒÆ experimentally as: model clay. Table 1 Input parameters for numerical modeling in Fig. 6 Flow chart ofthe program used for numerical modeling of undrained shear strength anisotropy 4.2 Modeling Results Undrained Shear on the Effects Strength of Induced Anisotropy on the that the values (Fij)ult Based on calculate (18) the plasticity numerically so as we samples could incorporation obtain a program the the fabric plasticity and strain undrained and theory, code was of the constitutive the stress under of conventional theory, the integration sheared equation behaviors Figure the undrained 6 shows numerical a flow analysis increments. The implemented such shear chart was stress target strength of the carried out requirement that in Eq. With tensors anisotropy main by of steps means assumption fabric the of Kaolin of the was Ciejki and at the current solved modified to obtain stress was 6, namely, and A tensor stress corresponding calculated twice strain matrix point, Note, yielding condition however, that conventional stress constitutive modeling. M and was then (Fij)uly of Eq. (15) the in the failure same Here, at the and was The running Cepijkl, and to check satisfied condition manner M beginning was was loop of the first throughout the simulation process. based on the in Eq. (2). On the other step, (Fij)F, may hand, the not be transverse depends on both the initial fabric tensor the stress path, which controls the term dsij the in Eq. (6). As the result, (Fij)F should not be the same as (Fij)ult however, according to the checked from rule in Eq. (8), the second deviatoric invariant (•@ )ult,calculated of (Fij)F not exceed the value of other words, at the ultimate approach calculation It should (Fij)ult. of In components of the second fabric deviatoric condition tensors invariants need of the not fabric be uniquely are uniquely defined tensor, the defined but as being equal value step (•@ )ult irrespective of the stress path leading to failure. state. in terms the horn whether at the current as the common computed data Eq. (18) increments. in a complete was experimental anisotropy value rule necessarily Figure of 7 shows of undrained of clay, which from Minh shear also the strength experimental anisotropy includes et al.9) for and simulated of normally the simulated comparison. result It is results consolidated of inherent shown of the Kaolin anisotropy in Fig. 7 that the and modeling used and Cepijkl were and then stress the matrixes the at the last loading Its evolution to the i, dƒÃ33=0. the elastoplastic modified the to calculate (Fij)in strain their Fig. define clay. program. plane from of transverse anisotropic. will first calculated also program of controlling undrained dƒÃ11+dƒÃ=0 medrix ruly, which the into of the written are calculated evolution The elastic rini and to of the soil condition. modified the main written (Fij)ini is to simulate of Anisotropy increase be noted with ―396― the of inherent of undrained experimental anisotropy shear data could strength for ƒÆ only with ƒÆ ranging simulate a monotonic and, hence, from 0•‹to fail to agree 30•‹.The modeling of induced anisotropy, on the other hand, could capture well the full range of undrained shear strength anisotropic behavior of (a,b)=(6.5•~10-6,17.0) Kaolin clay observed by Kurukulasuriya2). from plane strain stress-strain strength The constitutive well as Figure 9, 9, there and simulation exists results move along leads to stress values of a=6.5•~10-6 parameters changes and in Eq. (8). With very rapidly we could b=17.0 the following for the parameter within obtain the evolution b is set as much 60•‹•…ƒÕ•…90•‹, so that the path develops direction X2 (see stage of initial if ƒÆ a typical fabric principal axis the rotated so quickly the case undrained until that shear . Initially, k induced the axis In other to the (90-ƒÆ) us consider model path can be produced axis since the strength the shear quickly soil parallel case of major sample equals (induced) present is 90•‹so that dilatancy This stage continuum doing because it is the induced for in the case theoretical tensor the fabric looks that constitutive model of this concentrated microstructural with a the study at the on setting up a evolution. In rather simple and original Cam clay the drastically improved of ƒÆ=90•‹. the stress-strain curves Experimental values curves calculated defined numerically using •\ 397•\ pore shear becomes gaining pressure strength in terms higher leads of the induced dominant is closely paths related in the undrained obtained of excess values anisotropy at ƒÆ=0•‹ pore from to slower in this stress values deformation water in Eq. (8) less and modeling different ƒÆ(•‹) the plastic anisotropy As ƒÆ effects In Fig. 8, the stress-strain of a more the like set irrespective by employing for the framework stress characteristics the scope first Cam unique similar observation undrained different ƒÆ(•‹) data of is of excess with one is firstly start stiffness as a merit of X2. As a fabric Since and modeling to the model. with Experimental study attempt in beyond approach an well-established Fig. 9 Fig. 8 the higher deformation can be improved relationship which with if the original only experimental of the is, however, modeling so, hand, then paths to the axis X2 (not the axis in the case of ƒÆ=0 (•‹is strength framework. X1. The in the direction x1 of the explains complicated changes for the same on the other stress process, the as, for example, prediction in the case simulated with data as well as the can be considered in the simulation The paths in comparison is consistent model is applied value. in an early the This in Fig. 8 and experimental of shearing strengths and regarding For example, and as simulated results the values. characteristic constitutive clay the sample, ƒÆ axis x1 of the principal global to X2 words, This compression microstructure the major parallel it becomes of ƒÆ=90•‹. it reaches equals hence 0•‹ to 30•‹. Let develops principal X1 at the beginning). to is to to the X2 axis. Accordingly, ƒÕ anisotropy major that ƒÕ is parallel dsij parallel least, is within parallel induced result, at example of quickly 3). Note tensor compressed the Fig. deformation significantly =0•‹as very of ƒÆ=30•‹. strain the experimental the of the stress line in the beginning shear higher are discrepancies the experimental The of ƒÆ=30•‹. failure with between 9 clay. case smaller and simulated tendency higher the shows there different in Fig. 8. This of the ƒÆ anisotropy a vertical the proposed as 17.0, with significant observed hand, for the shifting Fig. 9, both Experimental and simulated results on the undrained other Kaolin with compared Although similar curves shear strength anisotropy of NC Kaolin clay studies, the obtained and ƒÆ=90•‹possess predicts as of the experimental Fig. of ƒÆ=0•‹in parametric however, paths. the results consolidated of ƒÆ=0•‹ stiffness, on stress with in comparison model, initial the magnitude By conducting stiffness smaller stress-strain of normally in the cases and experimental Fig. 7 tests curves shear results. are compared evolution on the range. condition, could water 30•‹to to the development the higher be mainly pressure 90•‹, the plastic to development. evolution of the fabric the rule tensor, deformation Consequently, due the hence effects of induced anisotropy controlling from 30•‹to with ƒÆ, on the shear factor. is "inherent" and and Carillo1). and the now become tendency increases relationship that, the with ƒÆ monotonically between the critical present Remarks senses direction the framework the microstructure introduction induced respect process as ultimate conditions. well The by are strength the classical results of the of is to fabric values numerical plane. ƒÆ In theory can be taken stationary angle plasticity clay. 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