Environmental Biology of Fishes 67: 349–357, 2003. © 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Hydrometric and meteorological factors affecting the seaward migration of silver eels (Anguilla anguilla, L.) in the lower River Shannon Paula Cullen & T. Kieran McCarthy Zoology Department, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI, Galway), Galway, Ireland (e-mail: pauline.cullen@nuigalway.ie) Received 1 August 2002 Accepted 15 April 2003 Key words: spawning migration, environmental influence Synopsis European eels, Anguilla anguilla, L., are captured in coghill nets at three commercial weirs on the Irish River Shannon during their autumn/winter seaward migration. The variations in daily silver eel catches were analysed in relation to environmental conditions, especially hydrometric and meteorological factors. Three multivariate environmental axes were distinguished with which daily eel catches could be correlated. The relative importance of various hydrometric, meteorological and temporal (seasonality, lunar phase) factors was identified, showing how hydrological and meteorological factors generally obscure the underlying lunar periodicity of the silver eel migrations at Killaloe. Introduction The nocturnal, downstream, seaward, migration of the European silver eel, Anguilla anguilla, L., usually begins in the latter half of the year (Deelder 1970, Tesch 1977). Investigations have often been made on the effect of various environmental factors on silver eels. Among the best documented of these is the influence of the lunar cycle on silver eel runs with the highest catches of silver eels usually occurring during the last quarter of the lunar cycle (Deelder 1954, 1970, Tesch 1977). However, the effect of the moon does not appear to be the same everywhere. In the Upper Rhine peaks tended to occur before the moon’s last quarter, whereas in Dutch inland waters the peaks occurred after the last quarter (Deelder 1954). A series of experiments on captive eels showed that they exhibited the greatest tendency to escape during the last quarter of the lunar cycle (Boetius 1967). Because the experiments took place in darkness at all times, it was concluded that the migratory behaviour of eels was independent of light, daylight or moonlight. Indeed Deelder (1970) also stated that runs will still occur if the moon is obscured by cloud, and that eels may have an internal rhythm related to the lunar cycle, which operates independent of the presence or absence of moonlight. River discharge, temperature, wind speed and direction, and the occurrence of atmospheric depression generated microseisms have also been investigated in relation to the patterns observed in silver eel migrations (Deelder 1954, Vøllestad et al. 1986). The tendency of silver eels to migrate in one direction, and in large numbers makes them relatively easy to trap, by creating a barrier to their migration (Moriarty 1988). In the case of the River Shannon, the largest river system in Ireland, a number of weirs operate commercially on this principle. As part of an overall study on the biology and management of eels in the River Shannon system (McCarthy et al. 1994 a,b, McCarthy & Cullen 2000 a,b), studies on the migratory behaviour of silver eels captured at the Killaloe eel weir were carried out during the 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 silver eel fishing seasons. The variations in daily catches for both of 350 these years were analysed in relation to a series of environmental factors including water flow, air and water temperature, wind speed and direction, mean sea level (msl) pressure and lunar phase. Records for the daily catches obtained during the fishing seasons from 1981–1982 to 1991–1992 were obtained and similarly analysed. This study investigated the environmental factors which affect the migratory patterns of silver eels in the lower River Shannon, at the Killaloe eel weir in particular. Understanding the factors that influence rates of silver eel migration is important in respect of two objectives of Shannon eel fishery management: (a) the optimisation of the commercial eel weir operations; and (b) the facilitation of downstream eel migration in a regulated river system utilised for hydroelectric power generation. Study area The River Shannon (Figure 1) is the longest river in Ireland, with a total main channel length of 359 km and drains a total catchment area of about 14 000 km2 . In the mid 1920s, the river was regulated to generate hydroelectric power. This involved the construction of the Parteen Regulating Weir, which directs the main body of the river, via a headrace canal, to the power station at Ardnacrusha (mean annual discharge: 176 m3 s−1 ; summer mean: 99 m3 s−1 ; winter mean: 274 m3 s−1 ; maximum: 400 m3 s−1 ) while still allowing a statutory 10 m3 s−1 down the original river channel. However, at times it is necessary to ‘spill’ volumes of water in excess of the usual 10 m3 s−1 at the Parteen weir to alleviate flooding or high lake levels up river. During the period 1981–1994 the highest rate of spillage recorded was in 1990 with an average of 350 m3 s−1 between 26 January and 9 February. The Killaloe eel weir is located 11 km upstream of the Ardnacrusha power station, about 3 km upstream of the regulating weir (Cullen & McCarthy 2001). The silver eel fishing season at this location usually starts in August or September and ends in February or March. To determine the start of the fishing season the manager of the weir would set one or two nets as indicators, when he feels that discharge and other conditions are favourable to silver eel migration. He would then gauge the catches made in these nets to assess when to start fishing for the season. Once fishing has started it generally continues until February or March, or until catches cease. Materials and methods Silver eels caught at the Killaloe eel weir are boxed manually, weighed and frozen for export at a nearby processing station, on a daily basis. Monitoring of this operation made it possible to obtain exact records on the daily catches of eels for both the 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 fishing seasons. However, such exact records of daily weights were not available for the catches of the 1981–1982 to 1991–1992 fishing seasons. For these years the fishery manager’s records of daily catch were used. These records are an estimate of the daily catches, made by the fishery manager, and based on the volume of eels captured (T. O’Brien pers comm.). Spearman correlation analyses showed that the estimated catch weights for both the 1992– 1993 and 1993–1994 fishing seasons were significantly correlated (p ≤ 0.001) to the exact catch weights obtained from the processing station observations, with no overall difference between the observed and estimated values (paired samples t-test, p > 0.05). It was thus decided that the estimated catch weights from the previous years were a valid record of the daily catches. Data on flow through Killaloe and the volume of water passed down the original river channel (used as a measure for flooding/high water levels in Lough Derg) were obtained from Ardnacrusha power station. Records of meteorological data were obtained from the Irish Meteorological Office. The factors included in all analyses were: lunar phase, air and water temperatures, flow at Killaloe, spillage rates at the Parteen Weir, wind speed and direction and atmospheric pressure. Because of the complex nature of the interrelationships among all the environmental variables and in order to obtain an integrated overview for the full 1981–1994 period a principal components analysis (PCA) was carried out using SPSS for Windows (version 10) for all years combined. PCA was chosen as the main analytical method because it is a useful statistical method for summarising information from many variables in reduced multivariate space, based on the covariance or correlation among the variables. Results The patterns of capture of silver eels at Killaloe in 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 were similar, although the 1992–1993 season, which started in early September, began almost a month earlier than that in 1993–1994. 351 Figure 1. Maps of (a) Ireland with the Shannon catchment area highlighted, (b) the River Shannon system and (c) the lower River Shannon area showing the location of the Killaloe eel weir. 352 Figure 2. Daily catches of silver eels made at the Killaloe silver eel weir during the 1992/1993 (top) and 1993/1994 (bottom) fishing seasons in relation to river discharge rates at that point. Also indicated is the lunar ‘dark’ i.e. the period during the lunar cycle from the start of the last lunar quarter to the start of the 1st lunar quarter. The main run of eels started about 70 days into the fishing season, in both years (Figure 2), with approximately 85% of the season total catch (26.9 t in 1992–1993 and 21.7 t in 1993–1994) captured within the first month after the start of the run. However, when the data on daily catches for prior seasons was examined greater between year variations were noted. Figure 3 shows the pattern of daily catches for the 1981–1982, 1986–1987 and 1991–1992 fishing seasons, where more than one run was observed. In both the 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 the start of the main eel run coincided with an almost doubling of the mean daily discharge through Killaloe (Figure 2). Similarly, increases in catches occurred at the start of periods of spillage at the Parteen regulating weir in both years. Peak catches for each season were also recorded directly following high winds (stormy conditions). In 1992–1993 high catches, relative to the runs at the period they were recorded, of 1099 kg on 31 November 1992 and 106 kg on 21 January 1993 353 Figure 3. Daily catches of silver eels made at the Killaloe silver eel weir during the 1981/1982 (top) 1986/1987 (middle) and 1991/1992 (bottom) fishing seasons in relation to river discharge rates. Also indicated is the lunar ‘dark’ i.e. the period during the lunar cycle from the start of the last lunar quarter to the start of the 1st lunar quarter. occurred following high winds of 18.88 and 22.96 knots, respectively. Similarly, the exceptional catch of 4121 kg on 9 December 1993 occurred following high winds, measuring 24.54 knots, on 8 December 1993. Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between wind direction and the catch at Killaloe for 1992–1993 and 1993–1994. As can be seen, in both years the majority of the eels were captured when the wind was from a westerly direction. The relationship between the daily catch and the lunar cycle is illustrated in Figure 5. In 1992–1993 the largest portion of the catch was made during the full moon period of the lunar cycle. In 354 Figure 4. Graphs illustrating the relationship between wind direction and the catches of silver eels made at the Killaloe eel weir during the 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 fishing seasons. In each case the radius of each wedge represents the % of the overall catch made. Figure 5. Graphs illustrating the relationship between lunar phase and the catches of silver eels made at the Killaloe eel weir during the 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 fishing seasons. In each case the radius of each wedge represents the % of the overall catch made. 1993–1994 the largest portion was recorded during the last lunar quarter. Because the overall relationship between environmental variables and catch appeared complex, a PCA analysis was carried out to summarise the information from all the variables in a reduced multivariate space. In Figure 6(a) and (b) the factor loadings for each of the environmental variables included in the 355 the PCA factors in determining the silver eel catches at Killaloe. Discussion Figure 6. Ordination plots of (a) factor 2 vs factor 1 and (b) factor 3 vs factor 2: results of a PCA analysis carried out on the environmental data for the 1981/1982–1993/1994 fishing seasons. analysis are plotted for the three main factors identified by the PCA. As can be seen in Figure 6(a), high flow associated with low air and water temperatures are the main environmental variables associated with factor 1 (which accounted for 29.4% of the variance). High wind speed (indicative of stormy conditions) and low air pressure were identified as the environmental variables that were associated with the second factor (which accounted for 20.8% of the variance). The third factor, as illustrated in Figure 6(b), related to lunar phase and accounted for a further 12.5% of the variance in the overall data set. Low scores were assigned to the dark phase of the lunar cycle, starting with the last quarter, with the brighter, full moon, phase being coded for by higher values. The relationship of variations in daily silver eel catches to the three PCA axes was investigated by means of correlation analyses. Daily catch was shown to be positively correlated with factor 1 (rS = 0.148, p ≤ 0.001) and factor 2 (rS = 0.186, p ≤ 0.001) and inversely correlated with the third PCA factor (rS = −0.106, p ≤ 0.001). These correlations highlighted the importance of the environmental variables that were most associated with each of The effect of variations in river discharge on the run of eels is well documented (Deelder 1954, Tesch 1977, Vøllestad et al. 1986). An increase in water flow tends to encourage eels to migrate, water discharge seeming to be the key environmental variable determining the migration speeds of European eels (Vøllestad et al. 1986). Studies on the Dutch polders, where water levels remains steady, showed that eel migrations increased in relation to increased flows in the polder canals, suggesting that water flow rather than water level is the key factor (Deelder 1954). Similar studies carried out on migrating silver shortfin eel, Anguilla australis, and New Zealand longfin eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii, in New Zealand by Todd (1981) found that heavy rainfall resulting in increased stream flow was commonly associated with the largest runs of silver eels. In association with discharge rates, water temperature is also thought to influence the migration of silver eels. Vøllestad et al. (1986) found that low water temperatures in conjunction with high increases in discharge increased the rate of descent of eels in early seasons. The range of temperatures over which most silver eels were found to descend the Swedish River Imsa was 9–12◦ C, with the maximum descent of eels occurring at 9◦ C. Their findings indicated that temperature may control the timing of the transformation of yellow eels to migrating silver eels and the start of their descent. It was also suggested that low summer temperatures led to an early start of the run on the Imsa. Similarly migration of silver eels in the Elbe was delayed by prolonged warm weather, suggesting that certain minimum temperatures are necessary to initiate migration (Tesch 1977). The converse was found in Poland (Sweirzowski unpublished data) where an increase in temperature, in conjunction with a rise in the water level, initiated the run. A temperature drop stopped or limited the run, with a subsequent temperature rise bringing about an intensification in the migration. Although no sharp increases or decreases in water temperature occurred in conjunction with silver eel runs at Killaloe, most of the main runs occurred when the water temperature reached and dropped below 10◦ C.The fishing season tended to start earlier in years that had cold summers, e.g. 1985 and 1986. The correlation between PCA factor 1 and catch would 356 indicate that in the case of the Killaloe eel weir, catches of eels generally increase as air and water temperatures drop, and flow conditions increase. Wind speed and direction are known to influence the silver eel migration in many locations, especially in open water, (Deelder 1970). Frost (1950) observed that southerly winds blow across Lough Neagh, causing water to be pushed in the direction of the mouth of the River Bann. This stimulates the silver eels to move in that direction and hence good catches are made on the Bann. On Lake Windermere the converse holds true (Sinha and Jones 1975). In the case of eels in the River Shannon Moriarty (1990) concluded that the effect of northerly winds was noticeable especially in conjunction with high flows. Using the Killaloe daily eel catch data it was possible to show correlations between catch and both the wind speed and direction for some of the years analysed. In 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 data the highest percentage of the catch could be attributed to nights on which there were westerly winds. These westerlies, often north westerlies, occurred on many of the nights on which the peak catches occurred. For example, the peak catch for the 1993–1994 season was recorded on the morning of 9 December 1993 following stormy weather, associated with high winds. Overall the influence of high wind speeds on silver eel catches at Killaloe was demonstrated by the correlation between PCA factor 2 and catch levels. Although the aforementioned correlation between catch and PCA factor 2 also indicated that catch levels increased in relation to low pressure levels, atmospheric pressure itself is generally not thought to greatly influence silver eel runs. However, the occurrence of depression generated microseisms may do so. Deelder (1954) found that the intensity of the migration of silver eels in Holland rose sharply under weather conditions which were associated with the passage of depressions over the English channel and North Sea. These depressions in turn generated microseisms, and it was found that those with a period of about three seconds preceded increases in the silver eel catches. Unlike many smaller European river systems where the migratory patterns of silver eels can be linked to one or two environmental factors, the overall effect of environmental variables on the run of silver eels at the Killaloe eel weir is complex. Interrelationships occur between many of the environmental variables which influence the catch. However, despite these complexities, it was possible to show, by means of PCA analyses, the influence of all the environmental variables included in the analysis on the catches of silver eels at the Killaloe eel weir. Although initial analyses appeared to highlight the importance of flow in determining silver eel runs at this location, the PCA demonstrated the influence of many other environmental factors, including an obscured lunar periodicity to the silver eel migrations. With a decline in the panmictic population of the European eel recorded since the 1980s there is an increased importance for understanding of the dynamics of migratory silver eel populations, on both local and Europe-wide bases (Feunteun 2002). The present study has highlighted the need for not only local but also long-term monitoring of eel migratory patterns. The determinants of daily silver eel catches, or sizes of migratory populations, include natural environmental variables as well as the regulation of flow for power generation. Like many large river systems the Shannon catchment is an extensive and complex network of lakes, which leads to a prolonged accumulation of eels in the lower reaches. As a result, the final phase of the riverine migration of the eels from this system is influenced by both environmental conditions and the impact the seasonal variation in electricity demand can have on flow conditions. Acknowledgements This project was carried out as part of the River Shannon Eel Management Programme 1992–1994, initiated and funded by Electricity Supply Board (ESB) Fisheries and Conservation. The assistance of the staff of the Salmara eel fishery at Killaloe, especially Mr. T. O’Brien, is gratefully acknowledged. Mr. Alan Shaw, ESB Ardnacrusha, provided hydrometric data for the Shannon system. References Boetius, J. 1967. 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