Valuing and Empowering Veterans in Today’s Work Force 2 Completing the Next Mission As a Christian and a veteran, you are an invaluable asset to the nation! Answering the Nation’s Call Again 120601-F-ZD629-012 • • • • • • • • • • • Scientists Business Professionals Government Leaders Teachers Pastors Doctors Lawyers Writers Skilled Tradesmen Musicians Mentors and Role Models 4 Special Operations Truths 5 Christian Leaders • “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep” (John 10:11 NKJV). – Servant Leadership • “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 KJV). • Unwavering dedication to one another 6 Your Mission • To be the leader that Christ created you to be for your family, your church, your community, and your profession. – God placed a passion for military service upon your heart – You are less than 1% of the nation 7 No One Stands Alone • If your hurting say so! – Speak out and reach out – Untreated wounds can’t heal properly – Help is available • Talking through issues helps the brain heal – Fellow Christians are here to help, not judge 8 The 360ᵒ Perimeter Faith Fellow Veterans Family Fellow Christians 9 WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE YOU! • Trust in the Lord • Stay in the fight • There is no shame in seeking help – Spiritual – Physical – Mental – Mentorship 10 Why You are Valuable to the Nation • Hiring the right people is critical to any organization (the foundation) • People are the most important asset – PEOPLE support the mission statement – PEOPLE support the organization’s vision – PEOPLE produce, sell, and distribute the product • You have intangible character traits business and government yearn for 11 Critical Path to Success STRATEGY VISION MISSION HIRING (THE FOUNDATION) 12 Foundation • He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. (Luke 6:48 KJV) 13 Why You are Valuable to the Nation • Employee turnover costs 20% of the first year’s salary on average • Companies spend 85% of the Human Resource budget on training and only 15% on hiring (Joe Stimac of 2013/01/moneyoutthewindow.jpeg 14 Focus on Your Intangible Qualities • • • • • • • • Moral Ethical Self-disciplined Self-motivated Problem-solver Critical thinker Execute from intent with minimal guidance Stress Management 15 Focus on Your Intangible Qualities • • • • • • You require minimal supervision You understand consequences Concern for others Loyalty to the employer Loyalty to coworkers Dedicated to the mission 16 What You Bring to the Organization Legal, Moral, and Ethical Decisions at 300 to 400 Miles per Hour 17 What You Bring to the Organization Responsibility, Safety, Risk Management, Contingency Planning 18 What You Bring to the Organization 2005-08/Hi-Res/050824-F-6655M-283.jpg paratroopers_82nd_airborne_hd-wallpaper-1653343.jpg Self-discipline, Determination, Leadership, Teamwork, Decision-making , Courage, and Conviction 19 How to Interview • Use scenarios to highlight your talent • Discuss actual experiences not hypothetical situations – Past performance indicates future performance • IQ and behavioral dynamics are a critical component of any job! – What are you interested in? 20 Work Within Your Skills and Desires • • • • Can you do the job? Will you do the job? Do you want to do the job? Professionals want to work with professionals Stimac, J, 21 Find the Job Within Your Skills and Desires 22 God’s Plan P A S S I O N God Given Talents 23 When Organizations Don’t Hire People Like You Inability to flatten the organization Innovation is stifled Inefficient and Ineffective Leadership is consumed with problem employees • The organization’s vision will never materialize • Unable to fully implement the strategy • • • • 24 Why is Special Operations Successful? • Comprised of the right personnel – Legal, moral, ethical character – Focused on the same goal: • The good of the nation • Veterans are focused on the good of the nation 25 Why is Liberty Successful? • Because of God • Personnel of legal, moral, ethical character; Devout Christians guided by God’s principles • Focused on the same goal – To Glorify God in all that we do 26 You Are A Disciple • Focus on Him, do not worry about what others think • Lead others to the Lord through passion, word, and deed • Be the example for others to follow • Serve others • Hold each other accountable • Glorify Him in all that you do 27 Why Organizations Should Choose You 28 Make Your Next Career Your Mission! “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 KJV). Critical Links for Success • Office of Military Affairs: • Student Veterans Group: • VetSuccess on Campus Counselor: • Career Center: • LU Network Account: r/index.cfm?PID=23795 30 Thank You for Your Service! © Will Gunzelman September 5, 2015 31 Questions? 32