
Term Project Introduction
Analysis Approaches
Scope Definition
Problem Analysis
Requirements Analysis
Logical Design
Design Analysis
CH 6 Homework
Term Project
• Quandrax Computers Dunn, Chapter 8, 9,
page 620-622
• Deliverables
– Intermediate and Final Phase
– Structured Analysis and Design Models
– Working Prototype
Approaches to Analysis
• REA Ontology
– System > Value Chain > Process > Task
• Model-Driven Analysis
– Structured, Information Engineering, Object Oriented
• Accelerated Analysis
– Prototyping, Rapid Application Development
• Requirements Discovery
– Fact-finding, Joint Requirements Discovery
• Business Process Redesign
– Technology, TQM, CPI
• Agile Methods
– Application of numerous different methods
Scope Definition
• Identify baseline problems and opportunities
– PIECES Framework
• Negotiate baseline scope
– System boundaries
• Assess baseline project worthiness
– Initial cost/benefit analysis
• Develop baseline schedule and budget
– Statement of work, project schedule, resource
assignments, problem statements
• Communicate the project plan
– System owners and stakeholders
Problem Analysis
• Understand problem domain
– REA Ontology, project charter
• Analyze costs and opportunities
– Extend cost/benefit to cause and effect
• Analyze business processes
– Review ‘as-is’, consider best practice, BPR
• Establish system improvement objectives
– Specify objectives, consider constraints
• Update/refine project plan
• Communicate findings and recommendations
Requirements Analysis
• Identify and express system requirements
– Functional vs. non-functional
• Priortize system requirements
– Mandatory vs. desirable
• Update or refine project plan
• Communicate the requirements statement
Logical Design
• Structure functional requirements
– Data and process models
• Prototype functional requirements
– Alternative strategy
• Validate functional requirements
– User feedback, structured walk-throughs
• Define acceptance test cases
– Create with users to test system
Design Analysis
• Identify candidate solutions
– Packaged solution, developed solution
• Analyze candidate solutions
– Feasibility issues defined
• Compare candidate solutions
– Feasibility assessment
• Update the project plan
• Recommend a system solution
Feasibilty Dimensions
• Technical
– Assess technology available, experience with
• Operational
– Functional issues, efficiencies, change
• Economic
– Cost/benefit, present value concepts
• Schedule
– Feasibility of delivery dates, timing of delivery dates
• Legal
– Software licenses, federal and state issues
• Convenient way to represent multiple items
against a dimension of interest
– Problem statement (Figure 5-8)
• Statement of problem, opportunity, directive vs.
variety of dimensions
– Candidate systems (Figure 5-19)
• Compares characteristics with vendor/build options
Homework Chapter 6 Whitten
• Problems and Exercises
– 11