Note: Course content may be changed, term to term, without notice. The information below is provided as a guide for course selection and is not binding in any form, and should not be used to purchase course materials. COURSE SYLLABUS BUSI 603 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is directed toward preparing those considering starting or acquiring a business. Indepth studies of the entrepreneurial requirements for success and the methods of entering a business are covered. Students will analyze actual cases of entrepreneurship and will prepare detailed business feasibility studies and plans for launching businesses of their own. RATIONALE This course provides students with the information necessary to experience the social and economic benefits by helping to prepare them for the responsibilities of entrepreneurship. I. PREREQUISITES None II. REQUIRED RESOURCE PURCHASES Click on the following link to view the required resource for the term in which you are registered: III. IV. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR LEARNING A. Computer B. Internet access (broadband recommended) C. Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office is available at a special discount to Liberty University students.) MEASURABLE LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: A. Appraise the various environments of entrepreneurship. B. Discuss strategy and structure of the business plan. C. Organize and develop a new venture business plan. D. Craft an entrepreneurial marketing strategy. E. V. Explain how to determine the appropriate organizational design, funding issues and how to build a founding team as they relate to entrepreneurial enterprises. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS A. Textbook readings, devotionals, and videos BUSI 603 Syllabus B. Course Requirements Checklist As the first activity in this course, please read the syllabus and Student Expectations. After reading the syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will then complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1. C. Group Discussion Board forums (7) Students will participate in 7 small group discussion board forums. Both parts of the forum (original thread and two replies) must be submitted by the published deadline in order for students to earn credit for either part of the assignment. In Modules/Weeks 1 – 7, students will post in a thread the results of their research regarding an assigned topic regarding a business plan. This thread will need to include at least 3 academic references to support the plan. This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned module/week. A separate page will be utilized for each business plan section. In Modules/Weeks 1 – 7, students will reply to 2 classmates threads in which they will submit an analysis of the business plans of those group members. These replies will be a minimum of 250 words each and include at least 2 original academic references. This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module/week. D. Business Plan Part I & II Students will present an original detailed business plan in two parts. Each part of the business plan will be 13 – 15 pages of content (not including appendices, reference pages, cover page or table of contents). The first part of the business plan will include: Cover page, Table of Contents, The Business Concept, Founding or Management Teams, Industry/Market Analysis, Product/Service Development Plan, Operations Plan, Organization Plan, Bibliography, and Appendices. This must be written in APA format and is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6. The second part of the business plan will include: Cover page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Marketing Plan, Financial Plan, Growth Plan, Contingency Plan and Harvest Strategy, Timeline to Launch, Bibliography, and Appendices. This must be written in APA format and is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8. E. Reflection Journals (3) Students will watch 3 interviews with Christian entrepreneurs and read the devotionals. A list of reflective questions to be considered can be found in the directions for the assignment. This is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Modules/Weeks 3, 5 & 7. F. Quizzes (4) Four quizzes will be taken covering the textbook reading. The quizzes will be multiple-choice and true/false. Quizzes will be open-book, however students must work on their own and not use any supplementary material. Quizzes must be Page 2 of 3 BUSI 603 Syllabus completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Modules/Weeks 2, 4 & 6, and by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8. VI. COURSE GRADING AND POLICIES A. Points Course Requirement Checklist Group Discussion Board Forums Business Plan Part I & II Business Plan Part 1 Business Plan Part 11 Reflection Journals Quizzes B. (7 at 60 pts ea) 10 420 (3 at 10 pts ea) (4 at 50 pts ea) Total 150 200 30 200 1010 Scale A = 940–1010 A- = 920–939 B+ = 900–919 B = 860–899 B- = 840–859 C+ = 820–839 C = 780–819 C- = 760–779 F = 759 and below C. Grading Policies The grading in this course is based upon authentic assessment, which dictates the score for each assignment be based upon the rubrics provided. Grades will be based on the students meeting the requirements of the assignment: the written goals and objectives of the assignment and overall quality in terms of APA, grammar, spelling, writing mechanics, etc. Partial and late assignments will not be accepted. D. Disability Assistance Students with a documented disability may contact Liberty University Online’s Office of Disability Academic Support (ODAS) at to make arrangements for academic accommodations. Further information can be found at Page 3 of 3 COURSE SCHEDULE BUSI 603 Textbook: Allen, Launching New Ventures (2012). WEEK/ MODULE READING & STUDY 1 Allen: chs. 1–2 1 presentation Course Requirements Checklist Class Introductions Group Discussion Board Forum 1 10 0 60 2 Allen: chs. 3–4 Group Discussion Board Forum 2 Quiz 1 60 50 3 Allen: chs. 5–6 1 presentation 1 reflection devotional Group Discussion Board Forum 3 Reflection Journal 1 60 10 4 Allen: chs. 7–9 Group Discussion Board Forum 4 Quiz 2 60 50 5 Allen: chs. 10–11 1 presentation 1 reflection devotional Group Discussion Board Forum 5 Reflection Journal 2 60 10 6 Allen: chs. 12–13 Group Discussion Board Forum 6 Business Plan – Part I Quiz 3 60 150 50 7 Allen: chs. 14–15 1 presentation 1 reflection devotional Group Discussion Board Forum 7 Reflection Journal 3 60 10 8 Allen: chs. 16–18 Business Plan – Part II Quiz 4 200 50 TOTAL 1010 ASSIGNMENTS POINTS NOTE: Each course week begins on Monday morning at 12:00 a.m. (ET) and ends on Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. (ET). The final week ends at 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday.