\DOC deprecate_int \TYPE {intLib.deprecate_int : unit -> unit} \KEYWORDS

\DOC deprecate_int
\TYPE {intLib.deprecate_int : unit -> unit}
Makes the parser never consider integers as a numeric possibility.
Calling {deprecate_int()} causes the parser to remove all of the
standard numeric constants over the integers from consideration. In
addition to the standard operators ({+}, {-}, {*} and others), this
also affects numerals; after the call to {deprecate_int} these will
never be parsed as integers.
This function, by affecting the global grammar, also affects the
behaviour of the pretty-printer. A term that includes affected
constants will print with those constants in ``fully qualified form'',
typically as {integer$op}, and numerals will print with a trailing
{i}. (Incidentally, the parser will always read integer terms if they
are presented to it in this form.)
Never fails.
First we load the integer library, ensuring that integers and natural
numbers both are possible when we type numeric expressions:
- load "intLib";
> val it = () : unit
Then, when we type such an expression, we're warned that this is
strictly ambiguous, and a type is silently chosen for us:
- val t = ``2 + x``;
<<HOL message: more than one resolution of overloading was possible>>
> val t = ``2 + x`` : term
- type_of t;
> val it = ``:int`` : hol_type
Now we can use {deprecate_int} to stop this happening, and make sure
that we just get natural numbers:
- intLib.deprecate_int();
> val it = () : unit
- ``2 + x``;
> val it = ``2 + x`` : term
- type_of it;
> val it = ``:num`` : hol_type
The term we started out with is now printed in rather ugly fashion:
- t;
> val it = ``integer$int_add 2i x`` : term
If one wishes to simply prefer the natural numbers, say, to the
integers, and yet still retain integers as a possibility, use
{numLib.prefer_num} rather than this function. This function only
brings about a ``temporary'' effect; it does not cause the change to
be exported with the current theory.
numLib.deprecate_num, intLib.prefer_int, numLib.prefer_num.