\DOC CHOOSE_THEN \TYPE {CHOOSE_THEN : thm_tactical} \SYNOPSIS Applies a tactic generated from the body of existentially quantified theorem. \KEYWORDS theorem-tactic, existential. \DESCRIBE When applied to a theorem-tactic {ttac}, an existentially quantified theorem {A' |- ?x. t}, and a goal, {CHOOSE_THEN} applies the tactic {ttac (t[x'/x] |- t[x'/x])} to the goal, where {x'} is a variant of {x} chosen not to be free in the assumption list of the goal. Thus if: { A ?- s1 ========= ttac (t[x'/x] |- t[x'/x]) B ?- s2 } then { A ?- s1 ========== CHOOSE_THEN ttac (A' |- ?x. t) B ?- s2 } This is invalid unless {A'} is a subset of {A}. \FAILURE Fails unless the given theorem is existentially quantified, or if the resulting tactic fails when applied to the goal. \EXAMPLE This theorem-tactical and its relatives are very useful for using existentially quantified theorems. For example one might use the inbuilt theorem { LESS_ADD_1 = |- !m n. n < m ==> (?p. m = n + (p + 1)) } to help solve the goal { ?- x < y ==> 0 < y * y } by starting with the following tactic { DISCH_THEN (CHOOSE_THEN SUBST1_TAC o MATCH_MP LESS_ADD_1) } which reduces the goal to { ?- 0 < ((x + (p + 1)) * (x + (p + 1))) } which can then be finished off quite easily, by, for example: { REWRITE_TAC[ADD_ASSOC, SYM (SPEC_ALL ADD1), MULT_CLAUSES, ADD_CLAUSES, LESS_0] } \SEEALSO Tactic.CHOOSE_TAC, Thm_cont.X_CHOOSE_THEN. \ENDDOC