\DOC \TYPE {SELECT_ELIM_TAC : tactic} \SYNOPSIS Eliminates a Hilbert-choice ("selection") term from the goal. \KEYWORDS tactic, Hilbert-choice, select. \DESCRIBE {SELECT_ELIM_TAC} searches the goal it is applied to for terms involving the Hilbert-choice operator, of the form {@x. ...}. If such a term is found, then the tactic will produce a new goal, where the choice term has disappeared. The resulting goal will require the proof of the non-emptiness of the choice term's predicate, and that any possible choice of value from that predicate will satisfy the original goal. Thus, {SELECT_ELIM_TAC} can be seen as a higher-order match against the theorem { |- !P Q. (?x. P x) /\ (!x. P x ==> Q x) ==> Q ($@ P) } where the new goal is the antecedent of the implication. (This theorem is {SELECT_ELIM_THM}, from theory {bool}.) \EXAMPLE When applied to this goal, { - SELECT_ELIM_TAC ([], ``(@x. x < 4) < 5``); > val it = ([([], ``(?x. x < 4) /\ !x. x < 4 ==> x < 5``)], fn) : (term list * term) list * (thm list -> thm) } the resulting goal requires the proof of the existence of a number less than 4, and also that any such number is also less than 5. \FAILURE Fails if there are no choice terms in the goal. \COMMENTS If the choice-term's predicate is everywhere false, goals involving such terms will be true only if the choice of term makes no difference at all. Such situations can be handled with the use of {SPEC_TAC}. Note also that the choice of select term to eliminate is made in an unspecified manner. \SEEALSO Drule.SELECT_ELIM, Drule.SELECT_INTRO, Drule.SELECT_RULE, Tactic.SPEC_TAC. \ENDDOC