\DOC DISCH_TAC \TYPE {DISCH_TAC : tactic} \SYNOPSIS Moves the antecedent of an implicative goal into the assumptions. \KEYWORDS tactic, undischarge, antecedent, implication. \DESCRIBE { A ?- u ==> v ============== DISCH_TAC A u {u} ?- v } Note that {DISCH_TAC} treats {~u} as {u ==> F}, so will also work when applied to a goal with a negated conclusion. \FAILURE {DISCH_TAC} will fail for goals which are not implications or negations. \USES Solving goals of the form {u ==> v} by rewriting {v} with {u}, although the use of {DISCH_THEN} is usually more elegant in such cases. \COMMENTS If the antecedent already appears in the assumptions, it will be duplicated. \SEEALSO Thm.DISCH, Drule.DISCH_ALL, Thm_cont.DISCH_THEN, Tactic.FILTER_DISCH_TAC, Thm_cont.FILTER_DISCH_THEN, Drule.NEG_DISCH, Tactic.STRIP_TAC, Drule.UNDISCH, Drule.UNDISCH_ALL, Tactic.UNDISCH_TAC. \ENDDOC