\DOC Absyn \TYPE {Absyn : term quotation -> Absyn.absyn} \SYNOPSIS Implements the first phase of term parsing; the removal of special syntax. \KEYWORDS Parsing \LIBRARY Parse \DESCRIBE {Absyn} takes a quotation and parses it into an abstract syntax tree of type {absyn}, using the current term and type grammars. This phase of parsing is unconcerned with types, and will happily parse meaningless expressions that are syntactically valid. \EXAMPLE {Absyn} will parse the expression {`let x = e1 in e2`} into { APP(APP(IDENT "LET", LAM(VIDENT "x", IDENT "e2")), IDENT "e1") } The record syntax {`rec.fld1`} is converted into something of the form { APP(IDENT "....fld1", IDENT "rec") } where the dots will actually be equal to the value of {GrammarSpecials.recsel_special} (a string). \FAILURE Fails if the quotation has a syntax error. \USES {Absyn} is not often used, but may be handy for implementing some weird and wonderful concrete syntax that surpasses the functionality of the HOL parser. \SEEALSO Parse.Term, Parse.term_grammar. \ENDDOC