Evangelism What? What does Evangelism mean?

What does Evangelism mean?
-Evangelism literally means “good news,” so to evangelize means to bring “good news”
-2 Corinthians 5:20—We are ambassadors for God. We represent him and tell about him
to the rest of the world.
What should I say to someone?
-Think “What was said to me that made me want to become a Christian?” or
“What is the good news that people need to hear?”
Share with them simple truths:
-They are valuable to God.
-God provides a way out of our sin.
-He wants a new relationship with us.
-Jesus’ death makes this possible.
Who is supposed to evangelize?
All people who know about the good news
men and women shared the good news of the resurrection of Jesus with others
Who should I evangelize to?
Any person, but especially those who are seeking truth or are in great need.
Paul shared with many people but did not worry about the results
-Some rejected, some needed more time, and some believed!
-At all times, when the Lord provides opportunities to share with others.
-Places you already go in your daily routine: gas station, grocery store, sporting events, etc.
-Other places outside of our comfort zone.
-We are commanded to make disciples and share the good news.
-Out of the overflow of our own joy from our own salvation.
-To stay in contact with unbelievers and those who are skeptical of Christianity.
Some Options:
-Let it arise naturally through conversations, then say what you believe.
-Share with strangers briefly about what God has done for them.
-Share your testimony
1) what your life was like before Christ
2) how you came to know Christ and
3) how your life has changed since knowing Christ.