If you can, be first. If you can’t be
first, create a new category in which
you can be first.
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Pre-Workshop Activity
Strategic Thinking and Analysis
Your Critical Issues
How do you make sense of your brand and
the impact it has on your customers and
your business? What are the key branding
opportunities that you can capitalise on
to achieve breakthrough growth in the
marketplace? Have you differentiated yourself
against critical threats from competitors or
Your Workshop
Cranfield will assign two industry renowned
Thought Leaders to work with your senior
management team to create a defined brand
strategy, with one powerful core purpose –
to differentiate you in the marketplace. You
will engage in rigorous analysis and debate
on crucial strategic considerations including
where and how your brand should compete,
what brand capabilities you need to develop
are you following a branding plan that is
failing or underperforming? If you are about
to embark on a strategic brand review, then
Cranfield School of Management will help
you to work through the difficult issues and
develop a strategy that outperforms and
inspires customers in the marketplace.
and acquire, and crucially how to deliver
change. To help your management team
reach consensus, your Thought Leaders
will introduce proven branding tools and
techniques successfully applied in world
leading organisations. By the end of the
workshop, you will have a comprehensive,
considered and well-argued brand strategy,
supported by your management team.
Your Thought Leaders
Professor Emeritus Simon Knox has been
a consultant to a number of multinational
companies in both consumer and business
markets. Following a career marketing
international brands with Unilever Plc, Simon
joined Cranfield as a Professor of Brand
Marketing, teaching on the prestigious MBA
Programme (both Full-Time and Executive)
for over 20 years. He has published more
than 150 papers and books on strategic
marketing and branding,
is a regular speaker at
international conferences
and coaches c-suite
executives from around
the world.
Professor Paul Baines’ teaching, research
and consulting activities focus on the
areas of market segmentation, positioning
and political marketing. He is author/coauthor of more than a hundred published
articles, book chapters and books on
marketing issues. Paul’s marketing research
consultancy experience includes marketing
research and strategy development projects
for a variety of large, medium and start-up
organisations. He has worked
on communication research
projects for the UK Foreign
and Commonwealth Office,
Home Office, and Ministry
of Defence.
Making It Happen
Post-Workshop Support
Your Thought Leaders Package
Pre-Workshop Activity
As your workshop will be focussed solely around your business you will need to come
equipped with relevant supporting data, including both internal and external data. This will be
advised by your Cranfield Thought Leader. Your Cranfield Thought Leaders will supplement
these data, where possible, with suitable data available in the public domain and via academic
library database subscriptions.
Day 1 - Strategic Thinking and
Analysis: Where To Compete,
How to Differentiate
Day 2 - Making It Happen: Re-invigorating your Branding
Capabilities and Strategy
Setting the workshop agenda
Customer analysis: understanding your
customers via market segmentation
Benchmarking your current branding
capabilities and strategy
Knowing where to compete: perceptual
mapping and competitor review
Map these brand capabilities against
preferred strategy options
Deliver superior brand value across
customer segments
Team Action Planning.
Gaining an advantage: brand
differentiation and developing a clear
competitive brand strategy.
Post-Workshop Support
To ensure you deliver the plan your Thought Leaders will continue to engage with the team
through a:
4 week Progress Review workshop via WebEx to help you overcome any initial blockers
12 week Progress Review to track progress and ensure you are working through any
difficult issues
Optional on-going support.*
Fee: £20,000 + VAT - For the top management team in your organisation.
Date: To suit your business priorities.
*Additional charges may apply.
Regaining the Brand Leadership Initiative
Some organisations believe that their top management teams benefit from being removed
from their normal day-to-day environment during the workshop element of this programme.
If you wish, we can arrange to run your workshop at Cranfield School of Management.
Cranfield School of Management’s rural
setting in Bedfordshire allows you fully to
absorb yourself into this programme without
Located about halfway between London
and Birmingham, and on the outskirts of
the rapidly developing city of Milton Keynes,
Cranfield’s location and travel links could not
be better. Junctions 13 and 14 of the M1 are
five minutes away and the railway station at
Milton Keynes is 20 minutes by taxi. London
Luton airport is just 30 minutes by car and
Heathrow and Stansted within 90 minutes,
offering superb connections to and from just
about anywhere in the world.
How To Book:
Our advisers are on hand to provide you with
more information and will put you in contact
with your Thought Leaders for an initial
E: som.action@cranfield.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)1234 754570
W: www.cranfield.ac.uk/som/leaders