vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Research Background 2 1.3 Problem Statements 3 1.4 Research Objectives 4 1.5 Scope of the Study 4 1.6 Significance of Findings 4 1.7 Research Methodology 5 1.8 Thesis Organization 6 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Definitions and Notations 8 2.3 Conjugacy Classes of a Finite Group 10 2.4 Conjugacy Class Sizes of a Finite Group 12 viii 2.5 Graphs Related to Conjugacy Classes 14 2.6 The Classification of 2-Generator 2-Groups of Class Two 16 2.7 Groups, Algorithms and Programming (GAP) Software 18 2.8 Conclusion 18 3 GAP CODING 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Groups of Type 1 19 3.3 Groups of Type 2 23 3.4 Groups of Type 3 25 3.5 Results Using GAP 27 3.6 Conclusion 27 4 CONJUGACY CLASSES OF 2-GENERATOR 2-GROUPS OF CLASS TWO 31 4.1 Introduction 31 4.2 Preliminary Results 31 4.3 The Computation of the Conjugacy Classes 39 4.4 Conclusion 46 5 CONJUGACY CLASS SIZES OF 2-GENERATOR 2GROUPS OF CLASS TWO 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Preliminary Results 47 5.3 Conjugacy Class Sizes 52 5.4 Conclusion 56 6 GRAPH RELATED TO CONJUGACY CLASS SIZES OF 2-GENERATOR 2-GROUPS OF CLASS TWO 57 6.1 Introduction 57 6.2 Definitions and Notations 57 6.3 Preliminary Results 60 6.4 On Graph ΓG For Some Finite 2-Groups 62 6.5 Conclusion 66 ix 7 CONCLUSION 68 7.1 Summary of the Research 68 7.2 Suggestion for Future Research 69 7.2.1 Commuting Conjugacy Class Graph of a Group 70 7.2.2 Preliminary Results 70 REFERENCES Appendices A - B 75 79 - 109 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE The lower bounds and the exact number of conjugacy classes for a p-group of nilpotency class two with |G| = pp 3.1 PAGE 13 The order of the group G, |G| , the order of the center of group G, |Z (G)| , the order of the derived subgroup G, |G0 | and the number of the conjugacy classes of G, clG for Type 1 up to order 4096 3.2 28 The order of the group G, |G| , the order of the center of group G, |Z (G)| , the order of the derived subgroup G, |G0 | and the number of the conjugacy classes of G, clG for Type 2 up to order 4096 3.3 29 The order of the group G, |G| , the order of the center of group G, |Z (G)| , the order of the derived subgroup G, |G0 | and the number of the conjugacy classes of G, clG for Type 3 up to order 4096 30 5.1 Cayley Table of D4 49 5.2 Character Table of D4 51 7.1 The completeness, connectivity, diameter, chromatic number and probability of commuting conjugacy classes of 2-generator 2-groups of class two 73 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 The directed graph 14 2.2 The undirected graph 14 6.1 The graph related to conjugacy classes of D4 61 xii LIST OF SYMBOLS 1 − Identity element hai − Cyclic subgroup generated by a Cn − Cyclic group of order n C(a) − Centralizer of a in G cl(a) − Conjugacy class of a clG − Number of conjugacy classes Dn − Dihedral group of order 2n d(ΓG ) − Diameter of a graph G d(x, y) − Distance between x and y in a graph G E(ΓG ) − Edge set of a graph G |G| − Order of the group G G0 − Commutator subgroup of G |G : H| − Index of the subgroup H in the group G G/H − Factor group G×H − Direct product of G and H GoH − Semidirect product of G and H G∼ =H − G is isomorphic to H H≤G − H is a subgroup of G H /G − H is a normal subgroup of G Ker α − Kernel of the homomorphism α N − Set of natural numbers n(ΓG ) − Number of connected components of G P (G) − Commutativity degree Qn − Quaternion group of order 2n V (ΓG ) − Vertex set of a graph G ω (ΓG ) − Clique number of a graph G |x| − Order of the element x xiii [x, y] − The commutator of x and y hX| Ri − χ (ΓG ) − Chromatic number of a graph G Z Groups presented by generators X and relators R − Set of integers Z/nZ − Integers modulo n Z (G) − Center of the group G ΓG − Graph related to conjugacy classes of a group G γG − Graph related to commuting conjugacy classes of a group G