HOT WHEELS MANAGEMENT MISSION The purpose of this document is to ensure that all members of the Group are aware and understand our governing Management Procedures and their application in the work place. We have a mission to design, develop and provide services and products for a broad range of customers which includes other business units of HOT WHEELS. We want these services and products to be consistently of high quality, and we expect them to meet the full needs and expectations of our customers. To meet our mission, we must all ensure that documentation, material, product and services delivered to satisfy our clients are in accordance with our mission and the supporting management policies. Application of Management Policy Our Management Policies are the basis for the Quality Management System (QMS). This QMS is described in our Management Policy Manual, and is supported by Standard Procedures (SPs), Work Instructions (WIs) and other instructions and directions. Collectively, these procedural instructions are given to enable all of us to plan, perform, verify and improve our daily work. Please ensure that you understand your responsibility for the quality of the work that you must carry out safely without any adverse effect on the environment, and how this is recorded and demonstrated to the satisfaction of our customers. Quality Manager Technology Group HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group OPERATING CENTRES: Headquarters and Projects HOT WHEELS (*) Projects\Operations\Programmes Test & Calibration Centres Overseas HOT WHEELS (Deutschland) GmbH 6/21/2016 4:01 PM Page 2 of 16 Issue 1 HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 3 of 16 Issue 1 TECHNOLOGY GROUP QUALITY POLICY HOT WHEELS’s mission is to design, develop and provide services and products for our customers, including other business units of HOT WHEELS. Services and products of consistent high quality are provided to meet the expectations and needs of our customers. These services and products will be provided safely without any undesirable impact on the environment. In the promotion of HOT WHEELS’s mission, our people use a Quality Management System that complies with International Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994. Use of this system provides a supportive Total Quality Management environment that enable our people to better serve their customers. By using documented procedures and willingly taking part in our continuous improvement efforts, our people are responsible collectively for the quality of our products and services. In support, managers exercise the authority delegated to them to resolve quality issues affecting their operations. HOT WHEELS places great emphasis on developing and upholding good customer relations. Our people are empowered to ensure customer expectations of the products and services provided are consistent with our mission and the supporting Quality Management System. Group General Manager 29 February 1996 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 4 of 16 Issue 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION RELATED POLICY, PROCEDURE MANUALS AND PLANS Note: These are separate documents AT.01 Technology Group Management Policy Manual NN HOT WHEELS Administration and Authorities Manual QMA 17.01 The Quality Management Audit 01. 02.. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 01 02 03 01 01 02 01 01 02 03 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 STANDARD PROCEDURES Management Review ...................................................................................................4 Organisation for Managing Quality ............................................................................2 Delegation of Authority ...............................................................................................6 Quality Management System .......................................................................................6 Contract Review ..........................................................................................................6 Tendering.....................................................................................................................12 Service Design Control ................................................................................................8 Control and Issue of Documents ..................................................................................12 Preparation & Improvement of SPs and WIs ...............................................................13 Control of Forms .........................................................................................................4 Control of Purchases ....................................................................................................5 Control of Subcontractors and Suppliers .....................................................................6 Control of Customer Furnished Material and Equipment ............................................2 Control of Correspondence and Files ..........................................................................5 Process Work Flow Diagram ......................................................................................3 Final Audits-Deliverables ............................................................................................4 Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment ............................................................3 Status Identification .....................................................................................................5 Control of Nonconforming Products ...........................................................................6 Corrective and Preventive Action ................................................................................8 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery ..........................................5 Control/Retention of Quality Records .........................................................................4 Internal Quality Audits ................................................................................................8 Training .......................................................................................................................9 Induction Training .......................................................................................................8 Customer Surveys ........................................................................................................7 Statistical Quality Management ...................................................................................3 FORMS REGISTER Form No. CL A001 CL A002 CL A003 CL A004 F A001 F A002 F A003 F A004 F A005 F A006 Title Payroll Checklist. Counselling and Disciplinary Process Check List Employee Induction Checklist Employee Separation Checklist Employee Application Form EEO Telephone. Reference Check Form Bank Account Details Increment/Probation Report Application for Overtime 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Form No. F A007 F A008 F A009 F A010 F A011 F A012 F A013 F A014 F N0001A F N0001B F N0002 F N0003A F N0003B F N0004 F N0005A F N0005B F N0006 F N0007 F N0008 F N0009 F N0010 F N0014 F N0015 F N0016 F N0017 F N0018 F N0019 F-N0020 F S0301 F S0401 F S0501A F S0501B F S0801 F S1201A F S1201B F S1401 f s1501 F S1701 F S1801A F S1801C F S1801D F S1801E F S1802A F S1802B CL S1901A CL S1901B Page 5 of 16 Issue 1 Title Application for Emergency Leave Employee Change of Details Payroll Adjustment RDO Substitution Employee Pay Query Cessation of Employment Application for Leave Network Access Authorisation Attendance Record Attendance Record Travel Authorisation Expense Reimbursement Expense Reimbursement Chain of Custody Mastercard Authorisation & Coding Summary Mastercard Authorisation & Coding Summary Employee Commencement Details Application For Leave Invoice Header Sheet Record of Counselling/Disciplinary Interview Record of Counselling/Disciplinary Review Cheque Requisition/Cash Advance Petty Cash Summary Petty Cash Voucher Job Costing Structure Job Closure Form Faulty Computer Report Record of Conversation Tender/Contract Review for Major Projects Service Design Review or Validation Document Improvement Proposal (DIP) Document Change Notice - (DCN) Issue & Amendment Correspondence Registration Form Stamp Issue Register Authorisation Signatures Corrective/Preventive Action Request Safety Manual Handling Checklist Internal Audit Report Form Record of Training Application For Training Training Attendance List Evaluation of Training Employee Induction Checklist Safety Induction Checklist Customer Survey Checklist Performance Checklist 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 1. Page 6 of 16 Issue 1 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY - SP 01.01, SP 01.02, SP 01.03 Management responsibility calls for: . (a) A quality policy statement from the Top Executive. (b) An organisation structure to manage and verify quality. (c) At regular intervals, those with an interest in the quality system should have a formal review of the adequacy of the system. Objective evidence is: 2. The Quality Policy Statement. The appointment of a “Management Representative” (Quality Manager). Job descriptions. That personnel have been assigned to cross-check, verification, or inspection duties. These people may have many other responsibilities as well. That management review is formal and recorded and covers both past activities and future requirements. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - SP 02.01 The intent of the quality management system is to ensure the needs and expectations of the customer are satisfied. This is effectively achieved by developing and implementing a company wide documented system for management. Actions required to satisfy the intent are: Maintain a documented quality system. Prepare Quality Plans in accordance with specified requirements. Ensure effective implementation of the above documented system. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 3. Page 7 of 16 Issue 1 CONTRACT REVIEW - SP 03.01, SP 03.02 The spirit of intent behind Contract Review is that before we: (a) submit a tender or quotation, or, (b) accept a contract or order, we assess the tender or contract requirements so we know we can supply our customer's needs and expectations (requirements) in full, on time. Objective evidence is: 4. Procedures and plans that show how review is achieved. SP 03.01 and SP 03.02 Documented communications with the customer showing that the customer's requirements are adequately understood. (Bid File(s)) Completed checklists showing that the supply of requirements has been assessed and has the appropriate authority. (Form FS0301) Documents in the form of minutes of meetings, order placement forms, registers of tenders & quotations submitted and of contracts received that show signatures of authorised personnel and/or dates as appropriate. Documents which show that the contract or order received has been compared with any quotations supplied and which also show that differences noted have been documented and action taken to resolve them. DESIGN CONTROL - SP 04.01 A suitable Design Control system ensures that planning, design, review, verification and validation activities for each design are focused to satisfy the customer and organisational requirements. Actions needed to satisfy this intent are: Maintain procedures for the control, verification and validation of the design. Plan and identify the responsibility for each design activity. Update the plan as the design evolves. Assign qualified personnel, adequately resourced, to design verification activities. Identify technical and support interfaces. Identify, review and document the design process. Express the design in terms of requirements with analysis. Assign competent personnel to document the verification that the design meets the design input. Maintain procedures for the review and approval of design changes and modifications. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 8 of 16 Issue 1 Objective evidence is: Design procedures and plans that show for the design the input, output, review, verification and validation processes. (SP 04.01 and FS 0401) Documents that show assumptions made during design development, review, approval of changes and modifications. (Design File(s)) 5. DOCUMENT CONTROL - SP 05.01, SP 05.02, SP 05.03 A suitable Document Control system ensures that documents that are critical to final product (service) quality are: (a) Reviewed and approved by appropriate personnel. (b) Distributed so their ongoing whereabouts are known. It also ensures that modifications to these documents are also reviewed and approved and superseded documents are withdrawn or appropriately marked for purpose. Objective evidence is: Documents requiring control have been stipulated eg quality manual, procedures, work instructions and associated forms, audit reports, training records, inspection and test records, nonconformances, purchasing data, delivery paperwork, customer's purchase orders, drawings, formulae, specifications, inspection and test criteria etc. That the distribution of quality system documentation is strictly controlled. Distribution lists and Document Registers at the nominated distribution points. That there are no obsolete copies of controlled documentation (including forms) in circulation. That there are no unauthorised copies of procedures and work instructions in use. A common habit is to photocopy a page and stick it on a wall. These documents are not in control. The method of approval or authorisation is stipulated in SP 05.01. That no unauthorised changes to documents have been performed. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 6. Page 9 of 16 Issue 1 PURCHASING - SP 06.01, SP 06.02, JAS-ANZ/Approved Supplier Registers By controlling our purchasing (or buying from suppliers- sometimes known as a Vendor) we know that our purchase order clearly describes what we want and that we have placed the order on a supplier who we have evaluated and approved as somebody from who we wish to buy. Objective evidence is: That an approved suppliers register is maintained. Approval of a supplier is by: (a) Inspection of goods on receipt (b) Acceptable past performance (c) An audit by us on our supplier (d) An audit by someone else on our supplier 7. That a method of approval for each supplier has been nominated and that the approval status of each supplier has been reviewed at the nominated intervals. Purchase orders for supplies that put risk to or form part of a “deliverable” are only placed on approved suppliers. Purchase orders contain sufficiently clear and unambiguous information to ensure that the supplier delivers exactly what was required. That information on the purchase order contains quantity, type, style, grade, colour, part no., or other precise identification. (Purchase Orders) The specification of applicable drawing numbers, testing requirements, specifications, approval requirements, quality and approved supplier requirements, etc are entered on purchase orders. That Purchase Orders are approved by authorised personnel before their release. PURCHASER SUPPLIED PRODUCT - SP 07.01 If a customer gives us documented data, a part, raw material, or sub assembly which he/she wants incorporated into his/her final product, we must have systems to ensure our customer's property is not damaged or lost (this is extended to include customer furnished information or data (intellectual property). Objective evidence is: That the procedure (SP 07.01) identifying the customer property (including information) is applied. That there are records of inspection of customer supplied product on receipt to establish that the article has been received in good condition at our premises. Where applicable, written correspondence that the customer has been notified of damaged or lost articles. Project/Product Files/Asset Register 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 8. Page 10 of 16 Issue 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY - SP 08.01 This service component is satisfied by identifying and tracking incoming and outgoing data. eg. As applicable, the registration and filing of incoming and outgoing correspondence (includes facsimiles). Objective Evidence is: 9. Evidence of compliance to SP 08.01. (Correspondence and File Registers) Determine what traceability requirements are specified (either customer, statutory, or internal) of incoming and outgoing correspondence, facsimiles and files. (Files) PROCESS CONTROL - SP 09.01 The intent behind Process Control is that we should supply enough information and supervision to our employees, not only to deliver a service (or manufacture a product) correctly, but to ensure they know they have done it correctly and that this is recorded. Objective evidence is: Adequate information in the form of standard procedures, work instructions, drawings, manufacturer's instructions and manuals, standards and statutory regulations etc., has been provided to those performing the work. (This information should give instruction on the use of resources, skills, forms, and information on acceptance criteria). Some processes cannot be adequately or economically inspected by us or the customer. These are called special processes. Special processes require a tighter level of control. Evidence is: - Work Instructions exist for the special processes and appropriate records are maintained. - Personnel are trained and prequalified (if necessary). - Inspection, measuring, and test equipment used in-process is calibrated. - Service delivery notices and their validation. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 10. Page 11 of 16 Issue 1 INSPECTION AND TESTING - SP 10.01 We must have confidence that: (a) the materials we receive from our suppliers are as ordered and conform to any specification supplied. (b) appropriate inspection and testing takes place for in-process and through the service delivery cycle. (c) the service or product is right before it gets to the customer. Inspection and Testing is divided into three parts - Receiving, In-Process and Final. Objective is: 11. Records to indicate that goods received from suppliers have been inspected on receipt to ensure that they are as ordered or are as per supplied specification. ie. Signed delivery docket. That In-process inspection requirements comprising inspection points, procedures, standards of workmanship and test and inspection equipment, and some form of documentation of the results have been specified and are maintained or exist. Records of satisfactory completion of in-process inspection Release or authorisation of the final product (includes a Service being delivered) should be by authorised personnel who have the authority to do so. ie. SP 10.01, job description, or some kind of "authority to sign" register. INSPECTION MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT - SP 11.01 We need to have confidence that the equipments used to measure and test has the capability of measuring and testing what they are supposed to, and that they are accurate enough for the purpose. Equipment which does not conform must be isolated from use and calibrated before being used again. We must assure ourselves that the standards we use to calibrate the equipment are in fact standards. Objective evidence is: Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment documentation. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 12 of 16 Issue 1 Evidence of calibration. Applicable calibration intervals should be documented on the equipment record card and calibration schedule. Procedures developed for calibration of the equipment. These procedures should be controlled documents. Records that show the calibration carried out, ie. the actual results obtained. The measuring and test equipment records need to be traceable to the equipment. This may be in the form of in-house equipment identification numbers or “manufacturers'' serial numbers. Note: Measuring and test equipment includes test hardware, jigs, fixtures, templates, go/no go gauges etc and test software. 12. INSPECTION AND TEST STATUS - SP 12.01, FS 1201 The ongoing status of inspection/testing/verification of a product/service should be identified in some way. Objective evidence is: Work procedures nominate the method of indicating the inspection, test or verification status through physical marking of the product eg tags, label, marking, physical segregation, or stamps etc.. That personnel responsible for final releases of satisfactory product (including service) are identified in either job descriptions, authority to sign registers, or in the procedures/work instructions. 13. CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCT - SP 13.01 We need to segregate faulty product so it cannot be used in other products, sold, or delivered to the customer. We also need to document a problem so we have a history and can fix the recurring ones. Possible objective evidence is: That the problem has been documented and that the system cause is being determined (CAR). ie. Evidence that corrective action has been taken to fix the problem. That the person with the delegated authority to decide how to dispose of the faulty product has taken appropriate action as defined in SP 13.01. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 13 of 16 Issue 1 That where contractually required, problem resolution has been discussed with the customer. (Applicable Records) 14. CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTION - SP 14.01, FS 1401 As problems are uncovered or foreseen, either in the product or system, some action has to be taken to prevent the problem from happening again or occurring at all. Problems in the product or system will be uncovered by a number of methods. For example, faulty product/service problems, warranty returns, customer complaints, results of internal and external audits, analysis of work processes and operations, and other forms of quality records. Problems may be one-offs or recurring. Only you can determine if the problem was serious enough to warrant action to stop it happening again. There is a balance between cost of taking corrective action and cost of producing and delivering a faulty product or service. Objective evidence that corrective action has been taken is: 15. That once the real cause (root cause) has been found, corrective or preventive action to prevent a recurrence of the problem has been determined and documented. (FS 1401) That the person responsible for quality has followed up to determine that the action taken was satisfactory, was effective, and taken in a timely manner. (FS 1401) That an action register is established to record the corrective or preventive action, and that it has been completed properly. CAR Register (ARIS) HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGING, PRESERVATION AND DELIVERY SP 15.01 We need to have systems, procedures, areas and equipment suitable to ensure that raw materials, work in progress and finished goods are handled, stored, packaged, preserved and delivered in such a manner to prevent damage and deterioration. Delivery systems should include "on-time" requirements. Objective evidence is: That in accordance with SP 15.01, staff ensure that damage and deterioration are minimised and that safety is maximised. (PQP, QPs etc) That Quality Plans take into account possible damage, deterioration, safety and statutory requirements (eg flammable liquids storage requirements). That safe and secure storage areas, stock rooms, or storage areas are established. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 16. Page 14 of 16 Issue 1 That where necessary, appropriate paperwork accompanies movement to and from the storage areas. That the condition of stock in storage has been assessed at appropriate intervals. That Packaging and Preservation procedures take into account identification requirements, damage (both storage and transport), deterioration, environmental factors, safety and statutory requirements. That “Product and Service Delivery” is designed to deliver the product on time and ensure that quality has not deteriorated (been preserved) since the final inspection, test or verification. Validate that actual delivery times are as per customer requirements as given at the time of taking the order. QUALITY RECORDS - SP 16.01 Throughout the quality system, records are generated to show that quality conforms to planned requirements. What records have to be kept, where to keep them, how long to keep them for, and who is responsible for disposal. Objective evidence is: 17. That retention times for all records are established on a record-by-record basis. That the retention times nominate which record should be retained for how long and who is responsible for its disposal. That where necessary, the method of archiving or disposal has been specified. Determine whether specific contract requirements exceed internal retention requirements and that these requirements have been included in the retention times nominated. That Quality records have been identified to the product or service involved. Note: Loose unidentified pieces of paper do not fulfil this category. INTERNAL (QUALITY) AUDITS - SP 17.01, FS 17.01, FS 1401 There is no use in having a system which is impractical or not followed. The assurance in quality assurance comes from regular auditing of the procedures to determine “practicality” and “compliance”. Objective evidence is: Audits have been: 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group Page 15 of 16 Issue 1 (a) Planned and scheduled. AUDIT SCHEDULE (b) Carried out by trained personnel independent of the process or activity being audited. Areas of noncompliance have been determined and corrective action taken on deficiencies found during the audit. FS 14.01 The results of the audit have been documented in some form of report and shown to the auditee and agreed to by the responsible manager. FS 1701 The documented results of the audit are analysed for trends and subjected to management review. MRM Minutes . 18.01 TRAINING - SP 18.01, FS 1801A, FS 1801B, FS 1801C, FS 1801E, SP 18.02, FS 1802A, FS 1802B We need to provide confidence to ourselves and our customers that personnel doing the job are: (a) Capable of doing the job. (b) Trained to do the job. Objective evidence is: 19. Records of education and training for all employees in personnel records. Training requirements are included in the training procedure. SP 18.01. That the level of education and experience of a potential employee is established during the initial “Application for Employment”. This application should form part of the training records. SP 18.02, FS 1802A, FS 1802B SERVICING - SP 19.01 The intent of the Servicing element is to ensure that after delivery (post-contract) support is supplied to assure the needs and expectations of the customer. This includes use of trained personnel, providing post delivery support, provision of applicable spares, provision or supply of documented instructions and appropriate after sales service. The actions and documentation that are needed to satisfy the intent are: Identify the scope of servicing to be provided ie. as contracted and / or as agreed. 6/21/2016 4:01 PM HOT WHEELS Limited - Technology Group 20. Page 16 of 16 Issue 1 Identify and document the means of receiving or determining a request for servicing. Define the servicing that includes the technical and backup support to be provided. Provide for support by suitably qualified and experienced personnel. Maintain records of customer surveys, complaints and other post delivery information and the means of recording any servicing work provided. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES - SP 20.01 Where statistics are used (ie the analysis of data from a small sample taken from a batch) to enhance process control and/or decide final product quality, the way this is to be done needs to be written down. ie. Decide if statistical techniques are applicable or an acceptable option and select what methods are to be used. Note: Statistical techniques can be applied to market analysis, design reviews, reliability results etc. and other areas of application Objective evidence is: That appropriate records of the statistical methods used (eg charts, test results) are taken and that these are reviewed by authorised personnel and decisions are recorded. Training Hint! - To respond to an auditor The initial answer to every question an auditor might ask about ISO 9001 is that: “It is in the manual”. Then respond by using the following steps. 1. Locate a copy of the Standard Procedures; 2. Look up the subject of the audit question asked in the applicable procedure (use the index); 3. Locate the Applicabilities and Responsibilities and determine if or how it applies to you; 4. Locate the Record listing at the end of the procedure and determine where the record the auditor needs to see might be located; 5. Locate the Record, and 6. Show the applicable record to the auditor. “Remember to listen carefully to the question being asked and having thought through what record you can show (as seen at step 5) then only answer the question asked.” 6/21/2016 4:01 PM